KI :: Volume #24

#2327: Correlation in space mystery

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Leaving the palace an lord of brow wrinkle evil spirit. “出宫”妖魔之主眉头一皱。 Zu An explained: If on lord in palace, I no matter tries to find what solution, seems unlikely successfully to help Latin America rescue Mogard, even if really rescued, Latin America and Mogard will definitely still suspect that this was on the lord puts them to walk intentionally, then suspected my body.” 祖安解释道:“若是主上在宫中,我不管想什么办法,似乎都不太可能成功帮助萨拉美救出莫加德,就算真的救出去了,萨拉美和莫加德肯定也会怀疑这是主上故意放他们走的,进而怀疑到我身上。” On the time lord but who if they save Mogard is not in the palace exactly, I helped Latin America successfully rescue Mogard to be fair.” “但如果他们救莫加德的时候主上恰好不在宫中,我助萨拉美成功救出莫加德就合情合理了。” The lord of evil spirit cracks into a smile: Good, you think completely, you actually thought when I should leave 妖魔之主咧嘴一笑:“不错,你倒是想得周全,那你觉得我该什么时候离开” Zu An thinks saying: The day after tomorrow evening how 祖安想了想道:“后日晚上如何” Lord of slight nod evil spirit: Good, this is not too late, is insufficient too to cause Latin America to suspect quickly, then on the day after tomorrow evening.” 妖魔之主微微点头:“不错,这样不算太晚,也不至于太快引起萨拉美怀疑,那就后日晚上。” On the many thanks lord helps.” Zu An is probing asking, does not know that on after the lord arranges me to win Latin America, how to do 多谢主上成全。”祖安又试探着问道,“不知主上安排我取信萨拉美一方后怎么做” Before has said that helps them the lord of slaughtering rescue, as for the following matter, I will inform when the time comes your.” The lord of evil spirit said lightly. “之前已经说过了,助他们将杀戮之主救出来,至于后面的事情,到时候我会通知你的。”妖魔之主淡淡说道。 Yes!” “是!” In the Zu An heart even more has doubts, but actually cannot reveal. 祖安心中越发疑惑,只不过却不能表露出来。 Returns to a cave mansion of real demon clan, various woman relaxes: Ah Zu really divine strategy, safe return.” 回到真魔一族的洞府中,诸女纷纷松了一口气:“阿祖果然神机妙算,平安归来。” Lucky, I have not clarified what idea that the lord of evil spirit has now, this makes me have a sense of discomfort faintly.” On the Zu An face does not have the least bit arrogance. “侥幸罢了,我现在还没弄清妖魔之主到底打的什么主意,这让我隐隐有一种不安之感。”祖安脸上却没有半点得意之情。 The Yun Yuqing doubts said: Now by advocating peace of Latin America evil spirit trusts you, the coordination with each other is easier to complete each other task, is not the good deed 云雨晴疑惑道:“如今妖魔之主和萨拉美两边都信任你,互相配合更容易完成彼此的任务,不是好事么” Zu An shakes the head slightly: This is only the temporary false appearance, if not know that the lord of evil spirit is planning anything, once finally he starts, perhaps the situation was difficult to recall.” 祖安微微摇头:“这只是暂时的假象而已,若是不知道妖魔之主到底在谋划什么,最后一旦他发动,恐怕形势就再难挽回了。” The Pei Mianman consolation said: Ah Zu you also leave extremely worry, now the information is insufficient, does not check this is also nothing unusual, let alone now you are really Young Master Demon Race status, the enemy in master eye of evil spirit definitely are the lord of slaughtering, Latin America and even, then day beast and so on, how also to place in the eye this instead to make you safer you.” 裴绵曼劝慰道:“阿祖你也别太过忧心,现在信息不足,查不到这个也不足为奇,更何况如今你是真魔族公子的身份,妖魔之主眼中的敌人肯定是杀戮之主,萨拉美乃至那末日兽之类的,又岂会把你放在眼中这样反而让你更加安全。” Jiang Luofu also said: Good, your ten thousand live the technique of change extremely to be really mysterious, even the people of our these being intimate with will unable to see the flaw, how the lord of evil spirit will recently extremely visit you to be tense, needs to relax appropriately, do not stretch the string that tightly.” 姜罗敷也说道:“不错,你的万生变化之术实在太过神奇,连我们这些亲近之人都看不出破绽,妖魔之主又岂会看得出来你最近太过紧张了,需要适当放松一下,别将弦绷得那么紧。” Hope so.” Zu An also thought that the recent whole person is highly tense, if has stayed this condition, consumed the painstaking care spirit very much, the time grows instead made the thought easier slowly. “希望如此吧。”祖安也觉得最近整个人都是高度紧张的,如果一直保持这种状态,很耗费心血精神,时间长了反而让思维更容易迟钝。 Ji Xiaoxi volunteered to say at this time: Big Brother Zu, I give you according to the head.” 纪小希这时自告奋勇道:“祖哥哥,我给你按按头吧。” Was saying she had arrived at Zu An behind, slender jade finger rubbed between his two temples gently, she is small Divine Physician, is skilled in the technique of treatment, now cares about Zu An, naturally is 12 place investment. 说着她已经来到了祖安的身后,纤纤玉指轻轻在他两鬓间揉了起来,她本来就是个小神医,精通治疗之术,如今又十分关心祖安,当然是十二分地投入。 On finger exuded the white light, Zu An thought slightly immediately two cool dispersed in the brain gradually, whole person weary also obtained the obvious alleviation. 手指上泛起了微微白光,祖安顿时觉得两股清凉之意在脑中渐渐散开,整个人的疲倦也得到了明显的缓解。 Yun Yuqing sees this, thought that I must find an opportunity to make Xiaoxi teach me secretly, later also gives Ah Zu to press in secret like this. 云雨晴看到这一幕,心想我得偷偷找个机会让小希教我一下,以后私底下也这样给阿祖按。 Pei Mianman is the complexion slightly red, thought that if only then two people, oneself can make Ah Zu lie down in bosom, he most liked being such pressed by me. 裴绵曼则是脸色微红,心想若只有两个人的话,自己可以让阿祖躺在胸前,他最喜欢被我那样按了。 But now also only then Xiaoxi and he is more intimate does not seem towering, really makes people somewhat agitated. 可如今也只有小希和他亲密些不会显得突兀,真是让人有些烦躁啊。 Her vision fell bosom of Ji Xiaoxi ordinary compared with oneself, this felt better slightly. 她的目光落到了纪小希比起自己来说平平无奇胸前,这才稍稍好受了些。 However at once is own this thought feels ashamed...... 不过旋即又为自己的这种念头感到羞耻…… Xie Daoyun envied looked at Ji Xiaoxi one, between she and Big Brother Zu shared hardships obviously much, even kissed also kissed, may always think that separated an unexplained thing, instead was very difficult to look like Xiaoxi and he is together is so natural. 谢道韫羡慕地看了纪小希一眼,她和祖大哥之间明明共患难了不少,甚至亲也亲了,可总觉得隔了一层说不清道不明的东西,反而很难像小希和他相处地这么自然。 Solon poem these days had set level the mentality, these girls and Big Brother Zu relates significantly, relatively speaking oneself are only a slightly familiar friend, she sighs slightly, then the thoughts first return to the subject: Big Brother Zu, is to inform the Latin America time 索伦诗这些日子早已放平了心态,这些姑娘都和祖大哥关系匪浅,相比而言自己只是个稍微熟悉的朋友而已,她微微叹了一口气,然后心思首先回到正题:“祖大哥,是不是要通知萨拉美时间” „It is not anxious, told her me to handle the lord of evil spirit quickly, she will definitely suspect that let her and other days.” The Zu An look is tranquil. “不急,这么快告诉她我搞定了妖魔之主,她肯定会怀疑的,让她等两天。”祖安神色平静。 He opens the eye quickly, inquired the people: Before these jade slip you studied how 他很快睁开眼睛,询问众人:“之前那些玉简你们学的怎么样” Pei Mianman is somewhat depressed: Like reading the heavenly book is ordinary, contained on the say/way with Xiaoxi can understand.” 裴绵曼有些郁闷道:“像看天书一般,也就道韫和小希看得懂了。” Jiang Luofu somewhat is also depressed at this time, she usually bragged is well-read, but the formation knowledge of this world record is extremely abstruse, she really looked that does not understand greatly, as for pharmacopoeia and so on, because is not familiar with various types of medicinal herbs, looked also looked white/in vain. 姜罗敷此时也有些郁闷,她素来自诩博览群书,只不过这个世界记载的阵法知识太过深奥,她实在看不大懂,至于药典之类的,因为不熟悉各种药材,看了也是白看。 Ji Xiaoxi said excitedly: Had these systematic pharmacopoeias, I believe once in a while, should be able to refine poisonous pill who can cope with this evil spirit.” 纪小希兴奋地说道:“有了这些系统性的药典,我相信隔一段时间后就应该能炼制出能对付此界妖魔的毒丹了。” Zu An smiled, pinched her tenderly- tender cheeks: Xiaoxi is really fierce.” 祖安不禁莞尔,捏了捏她娇-嫩的脸蛋儿:“小希真厉害。” Xie Daoyun said spookily: Actually my many places have not understood, no, should say that I have not understood, before formation knowledge that this above records and me, studies entirely different, if not my intuition told me this is a very mysterious ancient book, I suspected that was that Latin America takes intentionally false deceived your.” 谢道韫却是幽幽说道:“其实我很多地方都没看懂,不,应该说我几乎完全没看懂,这上面记载的阵法知识和我之前所学截然不同,若非我的直觉告诉我这是一种十分玄妙的典籍,我都怀疑是那个萨拉美故意拿本假的糊弄你的。” I take a look.” Zu An stares, must know that Xie Daoyun in rune formation domain attainments already quite wise, especially before taught her some «To hold the Plain Daoist scripture» in formation knowledge specially, she had the potential of pupil surpasses the teacher in this aspect. “哦我瞅瞅。”祖安一愣,要知道谢道韫符文阵法领域的造诣已经相当高明,特别是之前自己特意传授过她一些《抱朴真经》里阵法的知识,她在这方面都有青出于蓝之势了。 After all others studied this field of endeavor, he actually must divert attention each domain. 毕竟人家本来就专研此道,他却要分心各个领域。 Was saying he received that formation jade slip from the Xie Daoyun hand. 说着他从谢道韫手中接过那枚阵法玉简 He probed was using the skill system, finally saw the direct comprehension needed that a series of 0 have a scare immediately, this formation knowledge must consume so odd Rage Points unexpectedly 他试探着动用了技能系统,结果看到直接领悟所需要的那一连串0顿时吓了一大跳,这本阵法知识竟然要消耗如此离谱的愤怒值 He quickly gave up studying with the skill system directly, now the lord of evil spirit plans is not bright, Rage Points a penny saved , a penny earned some. 他急忙放弃了直接用技能系统学习,如今妖魔之主谋划未明,愤怒值能省则省一些。 If can understand by own, first learns some foundations, behind displays the skill system, consumption Rage Points can be able to reduce sharply. 若是能凭借自己的理解,先学会一些基础,后面再施展技能系统,消耗的愤怒值能应该能大幅减免。 Naturally what he is more curious is what formation content needs so many Rage Points, moreover even Xie Daoyun cannot understand. 当然他更好奇的是什么阵法内容需要这么多愤怒值,而且连谢道韫都看不懂。 divine thought searches into jade slip, the a stream of formation knowledge swamps into the mind. 神念探入玉简之中,一道道阵法知识涌入脑海中。 «Spatial variation Mystery»! 《空间变化奥秘》! One hear is space transmission class formation that they most need. 一听就是他们最需要的空间传送类阵法 Too had not in a big way anticipated, after all Latin America had said best formation ancient book in palace treasure house, what wants to come her to have when was only the past his father reigns some incomplete books that left behind. 原本没有太大期待,毕竟萨拉美说过最好的阵法典籍在宫殿宝库中,想来她能拥有的只是当年他爹在位时遗留下来的一些残本。 Who knows that looked at these contents, the Zu An look was dignified. 谁知道看完了那些内容,祖安神色却凝重起来。 Perhaps is Latin America cannot judge the quality of goods, the formation ancient book in palace treasure house cannot compare this mostly. 恐怕是萨拉美不识货,宫殿宝库里的阵法典籍多半比不上这本。 The formation idea of this above elaboration is as good unexpectedly «Holds Plain Daoist scripture» the formation level, most critically it explained space formation from other angle. 这上面阐述的阵法理念竟然丝毫不亚于《抱朴真经》中的阵法水平,更关键的是它以另外的角度来解释了空间阵法 The common space formation theory space horizontal, is cast aside, set upright, presses down firmly, point, line, surface and other basic rune comprised, but this «Spatial variation Mystery» is pointed out most people regard a thing the path that in view of time variation obtains, but the concept, if the time artificial day after tomorrow increasing. 一般的空间阵法理论空间由横、撇、竖、捺、点、线、面等各种基本符文组成,但这本《空间变化奥秘》则是指出大多数人看待一个事物是从时间变化的角度出发得到的运动轨迹,可如果时间只是人为后天添加的概念呢。 If supposed that world does not have the time, the universe myriad things does not take the time as the standard, but observes the thing movement at other angles of view, will see another world. 若假设世间并不存在时间,宇宙万物不以时间为标准,而以其他的视角来观测事物运动,就会看到另外一个世界。 Two world are actually a body, looked that you looked from what standard and angle, each indication means are hiding the respective unique information, will naturally have the respective merit. 两种世界其实都是一体的,就看你以什么标准以及角度去看,每种表述办法都隐藏着各自独特的信息,自然也会有各自的优点。 According to «Correlation in space Mystery» said that although understood that is very abstract, but above the space transmission, has the exceptional superiority. 按照《空间变换奥秘》所说,虽然理解起来很抽象,但在空间传送上面,却有得天独厚的优势。 Zu An more looks more feels familiar, how with previous life in university study the concept of DFT somewhat resembles, takes the time as the abscissa axis, the seen movement is the time domain images of various profiles, if takes the frequency as the abscissa axis observation, the projection of the same goal is more succinct frequency range image...... 祖安越看越觉得熟悉,怎么和前世在大学里学的傅里叶变换的概念有些相像,以时间为横轴,看到的运动是各种波形的时域图像,而如果以频率为横轴观测,同一个目标的投影则是更简洁的频域图像…… How «Correlation in space Mystery» records stated another way the method of this world. 《空间变换奥秘》正是记载着如何以另一种方式表达这个世界的方法。 Although and so on ratio is previous life has studied the DFT will be inaccurate, various details and implementations are entirely different, but in the principle has the things in common...... 虽然将之类比为前世学过的傅里叶变换并不准确,各种细节与实现方法截然不同,但原理上颇有相通之处…… Had this foundation scratch coat, Zu An comprehended to be easy immediately, otherwise must understand that this was very abstract. 有了这个基础打底,祖安领悟起来顿时容易了许多,否则要理解这个还真十分抽象。 Saw that he concentrates on the facial expression that from time to time acclaimed from time to time, Xie Daoyun shocked immediately incomparably: Big Brother Zu, you really can understand 看到他时而专注时而赞叹的神情,谢道韫顿时震惊无比:“祖大哥,你真看得懂” Feels various female strange vision, Xie Daoyun immediately a complexion red, hurried say/way: I...... I am not that meaning.” 感受到诸女古怪的目光,谢道韫顿时脸色一红,急忙道:“我……我不是那个意思。” Simultaneously in heart annoying incomparable, oneself just so the excuse as if looked down upon Big Brother Zu to be common. 同时心中懊恼无比,自己刚刚这般说辞仿佛看不起祖大哥一般。 As Zu An just one read carefully, to «Spatial variation Mystery» had after an efficient cognition, the skill system prompt immediately comprehends only needs 100,000 Rage Points. 随着祖安刚刚一番仔细研读,对《空间变化奥秘》有了一个提纲挈领的认知过后,技能系统提示立即领悟只需要10万点愤怒值了。 Zu An relaxes, speaks thoughtlessly saying: Tonight you to my room, I teach you.” 祖安不禁松了一口气,随口说道:“今晚你到我房间来,我教你。” Hears his saying, various females stared in a big way the eye instantaneously. 听到他这话,诸女瞬间瞪大了眼睛。
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