KI :: Volume #24

#2326: Was stranded some people to deliver the pillow

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Sees him to promise itself, Latin America is overjoyed: I and others your news.” 见他答应自己,萨拉美不禁大喜过望:“那我等你消息。” „But how I contact with you when the time comes the Zu An curious say/way. “可我到时候如何联系你”祖安好奇道。 Latin America thinks, gave his half jade pendant, in the hand took another half jade pendant to demonstrate saying: When the time comes you input essence qi to the jade pendant, me can the sensation, I be able to see you when the time comes.” 萨拉美想了想,递给了他半块玉佩,手里则拿着另半块玉佩展示道:“到时候你输入元气到玉佩里,我这边就能感知到,到时候我会来见你。” Good, waits for my news.” Zu An received the jade pendant. “好,等我消息。”祖安将玉佩收了起来。 Is quick, otherwise Uncle Mo does not know that will be suffered by anything , likely has the sorrow of life.” On the Latin America face completely worries about the color. “要快,不然莫叔不知道会受什么折磨,也很可能有性命之忧。”萨拉美脸上尽是担忧之色。 Zu An nods: I must go back to ponder how persuaded the lord of evil spirit.” 祖安点了点头:“我要回去思考一下如何劝说妖魔之主。” Latin America un: Good, this after all is not an easy matter, I did not disturb you, first went to Organization my these to prepare to rescue hand/subordinate at any time.” 萨拉美嗯了一声:“不错,这毕竟不是一件容易的事,那我不打扰你了,先去组织我那些手下随时准备营救。” Said that then said goodbye to depart, Zu An returned to after the cave mansion, the matter that will just have roughly said. 说完便告辞离去,祖安回到洞府过后,将刚刚发生的事情大致说了一遍。 This slaughtering the Lord remnants of faction are rather far-fetched, was actually easily caught.” Jiang Luofu somewhat worried, and they cooperate the shortcoming to outweigh the advantage.” “这杀戮之主的余党未免也太不靠谱了吧,竟然这么轻易就被抓到了。”姜罗敷不禁有些担忧,“和他们合作弊大于利啊。” Relax, I want to rush in the palace to rescue show that Mogard produces with the aid of them- goes to the treasure house to walk one randomly.” Zu An said with a smile. “放心,我只是想借助他们闯进宫殿救莫加德产生的骚-乱去宝库走一着。”祖安笑道。 Yun Yuqing is startled: Did not wait for the people in Latin America to help 云雨晴吃了一惊:“不等萨拉美的人帮忙了” Zu An shakes the head slightly: Will want to place some others body eventually non- wisdom, now like this good opportunity to grasp in own is more credible.” 祖安微微摇头:“将希望放在别人身上终究有些不智,如今这样的好机会还是把握在自己手里更靠谱一些。” That's true,” Yun Yuqing nods, that you thought of the transfer evil spirit the Lord means “确实如此,”云雨晴点了点头,“那你想到调走妖魔之主的办法了么” Has not thought that but in the heart has the embryonic form.” Zu An replied. “还没有想到,只不过心中已经有了雏形。”祖安答道。 Xie Daoyun sighs with emotion: Felt that we think the matter that difficult such as to ascend to heaven Big Brother Zu here is not the matter.” 谢道韫不禁感慨道:“感觉我们认为难如登天的事情在祖大哥这里都不算事情。” Zu An said with a smile slightly: Actually is a custom issue, if you thought that a matter cannot accomplish, will then find the innumerable not being able to accomplish reasons, so long as you remove the distracting thoughts, first determined this matter can accomplish, you will not ponder the situation that these cannot accomplish, how will only concentrate on accomplishing above, finding out the means nature is easier.” 祖安微微笑道:“其实是一个习惯问题,如果你觉得一件事办不到,那么就会找到无数种办不到的理由,但只要你排除杂念,首先确定了这件事能办到,你就不会去思考那些办不到的情况,只会将精力放在如何办到上面,想出办法自然容易一些。” various Nvwen said looking pensive, Jiang Luofu could not bear sized up Zu An one, thought that initially that youngster does not know experienced tempering of many blood and fire, now can foster the so unflustered mentality. 诸女闻言若有所思,姜罗敷也忍不住多打量了祖安一眼,心想当初那个少年不知道经历了多少血与火的磨砺,如今才能养成这般从容不迫的心态。 Before him, when the young male student regarded, now even more thinks that he was a charming man. 以前把他当小男生看待,现在却越发觉得他是一个充满魅力的男人了。 At this time Pei Mianman actually took up that half jade pendant faint smile: That Latin America delivers you unexpectedly half jade pendant, remaining half in his there 这时裴绵曼却拿起了那半块玉佩似笑非笑:“那个萨拉美竟然送你半块玉佩,剩下的半块是不是在他那里啊” Zu An un: Good, when me handled , the essence qi input jade pendant , her side jade pendant can the sensation, then meet first sees me.” 祖安嗯了一声:“不错,等我这边搞定了过后,将元气输入玉佩中,她那边的玉佩就能感知到,然后会第一时间来见我。” To be cautious, since took carry back the arrange/cloth around this jade pendant will get down layer upon layer the sound-insulated law from now on, so as to avoid that Latin America got up to what tricks on this jade pendant. 为了小心起见,自从拿回来过后就在这玉佩周围布下了层层隔音之法,免得那萨拉美在这玉佩上做什么手脚。 How to listen to the presenting a gift faith token between young lovers to be likely ordinary.” The Pei Mianman face meaning on teasing is even more strong. “怎么听着像小情侣之间的定情信物一般。”裴绵曼脸上的戏谑之意越发浓厚。 Others also nods in abundance, obviously felt gives this thing is not the common relations. 其余人等也纷纷点头,显然觉得送这东西的不是一般关系。 Solon poem cannot bear said low voice: That Eldest Young Lady will be uninteresting about Big Brother Zu.” 索伦诗忍不住小声说道:“那位大小姐不会对祖大哥有意思吧。” Zu An hears word breathes obstructs, in the mind appeared Latin America that face, hit to tremble: You want to be many, she is only in order to the earliest possible time obtains the news to rescue Mogard.” 祖安闻言呼吸一窒,脑海中浮现出了萨拉美那张脸庞,不禁打了个寒颤:“你们想多了,她只是为了能第一时间得到消息解救莫加德而已。” At once before , jade slip and medicinal herb obtained took: These are the formation knowledge, pharmacopoeias as well as some special medicinal herbs that from Latin America there obtains, studies while this opportunity properly.” 旋即将之前得到的玉简和药材拿了出来:“这些是从萨拉美那里得到的阵法知识、药典以及一些特殊的药材,趁这个机会好好学习一下吧。” Xie Daoyun and Ji Xiaoxi great happiness, formation jade slip in the hand, is unable to put down pharmacopoeia jade slip, they just need these now, had the knowledge of these systems, their following things are twice the result with half the effort. 谢道韫纪小希不由大喜,一个将阵法玉简拿在手中,一个将药典玉简爱不释手,她们如今正需要这些,有了这些系统的知识,她们接下来的事情事半功倍。 Although several other people do not excel at formation and technique of medical poison, but also thinks that can study a point is, hopes that later can help. 其他几人虽然并不擅长阵法和医毒之术,但也想能学一点是一点,希望之后能帮上忙。 Zu An has taken formation jade slip, when is planning to study, suddenly before outside transmitted the palace, sound that the demon causes: Donal, just received the message on lord, passes on you to go to the palace.” 祖安拿过阵法玉简,正打算学习之际,忽然外面又传来了殿前魔使的声音:“多纳尔,刚收到主上的消息,传你去宫殿。” various Nvwen said the complexion changes, each and everyone worried that looks at Zu An. 诸女闻言不禁脸色微变,一个个担忧地看着祖安 Ah Zu, you just came back from the palace, finally makes you go back quickly, is the beforehand investigation has what issue Pei Mianman to grab the hand of Zu An anxiously, for fear that he leaves himself side. 阿祖,你刚从宫殿回来,结果这么快又让你回去,是不是之前的调查有什么问题”裴绵曼紧张地抓着祖安的手,生怕他离开自己身边。 Good, now so asks you to come hurriedly, certainly where has problems, perhaps in my opinion this time cannot go again, the previous luck is good, including is coming again one time, the luck is not perhaps good.” Jiang Luofu looks the worried look similarly. “不错,如今这般急匆匆找你来,一定是哪里出了什么问题,依我看这次恐怕不能再去了,上次运气好,连着再来一次,运气恐怕就没那么好了。”姜罗敷同样面露忧色。 Zu An thought deeply about the moment, comforts the people: Relax, this time should the issue not be big, if is really the evil spirit mainly apprehends me, before that palace , the demon will make so impolite.” 祖安思索了片刻,安慰众人:“放心,这次应该问题不大,如果真是妖魔之主要捉拿我,那殿前魔使就不会如此客气。” The people are startled, before the antecourt of recollection , the demon causes rampant domineering, felt that he said indeed really has several points of truth. 众人一怔,回忆之前殿前魔使的嚣张跋扈,感觉他说的确实有几分道理。 Admires Ah Zu to be at variance with the average man secretly seriously, this moment can also detect this detail keenly. 不禁暗暗佩服阿祖当真异于常人,这种关头还能敏锐察觉到这点细节。 Happen to I also need to transfer to a new job the lord of evil spirit, this time sees his time happen to carries out this matter.” Zu An makes various females not need to be worried, studies these formation and pharmacopoeias while this time, this sets out to walk outward. “正好我也需要调开妖魔之主,这次见他的时候正好落实这件事。”祖安让诸女不必担心,趁这个时间研究那些阵法与药典,这才起身往外走去。 The leadership that the demon under the palace causes returns to the palace quickly again, the lord of evil spirit sits above the stage, is teasing three strange bird. 很快在殿前魔使的带领下再次回到宫中,妖魔之主坐在高台之上,逗弄着身旁的三头怪鸟 See on lord!” Zu An good a ritual. “参见主上!”祖安行了一礼。 Knows why I summon you to come back the lord of evil spirit to ask quickly. “知道我为何这么快召你回来么”妖魔之主问道。 Does not know, but also please on Lord show.” Zu An several short distances observe, is weighing take action to handle the opposite party suddenly directly, but determine the chance of success to be minimal several times. “不知,还请主上示下。”祖安几番近距离观察下来,都在衡量突然出手能不能直接搞定对方,只不过几次都判定成功机会微乎其微。 Solely is the lord of evil spirit but actually, although opposite party strength, but by having to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, has an opportunity, but his side also has powerful three strange bird, both put together, oneself did not have the opportunity definitely. 单单是妖魔之主倒也罢了,对方实力虽然比自己强,但以有心算无心,不是没有一点机会,但他身旁还有个强大的三头怪鸟,两者加在一起,自己就决计没有机会了。 Said that this evil spirit advocates peace his pet is always together seriously. 说起来这个妖魔之主和他的宠物当真是形影不离啊。 Some time ago my subordinate caught Mogard, said that in the past he and I with the palace were feudal officials, was only ignorant of current affairs pitifully, is not willing to pledge allegiance to the destiny, throughout with me for enemy.” Recapture past, the lord of evil spirit cannot help but sneered again and again. “不久前我的手下抓到了莫加德,说起来当年他与我同殿为臣,只可惜不识时务,不肯归顺天命,始终与我为敌。”回忆往昔,妖魔之主不由得冷笑连连。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” He was deliberately considering that the opposite party and said these are what intention. 他在寻思对方和自己说这些到底是何用意。 At this time the lord of evil spirit then said: Right, before the palace , the demon causes to check the subordinates in Latin America to assemble in the secret, wants to come is plans to rescue Mogard.” 这时妖魔之主接着说道:“对了,殿前魔使查到萨拉美的手下正在秘密集结,想来是打算营救莫加德了。” Good, Latin America truly worries very much, might as well take advantage of this opportunity catching the whole lot in a dragnet!” Zu An proposed, he was very clear, the leadership will only listen to the true trusted subordinate's suggestion, guarded to the person's of not trust suggestion especially, the association/will thinks subconsciously the opposite party this act had certainly the issue, cannot listen his. “不错,萨拉美确实很着急,不如趁这个机会将之一网打尽!”祖安提议道,他很清楚,领导只会听真正的亲信的建议,对不信任之人的建议是格外防备的,总会下意识认为对方此举一定有问题,绝不能听他的。 Sure enough, the lord of evil spirit sneers saying: Who said that I must catch the whole lot in a dragnet them 果不其然,妖魔之主冷笑道:“谁说我要将他们一网打尽了” But such once in a thousand years good opportunity......” “可这样千载难逢的好机会……” Zu An had not said that was broken by the opposite party: My this time summoned you to come for and you said that this matter, you found the way to assist Latin America to rescue Mogard.” 祖安还没说完便被对方打断:“我这次召你过来就是为了和你说这件事的,你想办法相助萨拉美救出莫加德。” Zu An is startled: Why this is 祖安吃了一惊:“这是为何” I want to stress Latin America and his party really am easy as pie, reason that did not begin, naturally has my intention, this you do not need multibarreled,” the lord of evil spirit then said, you assist her to rescue Mogard, can win its trust taking this opportunity thoroughly.” “我想抓萨拉美一行实在是易如反掌,之所以一直不动手,自然有我的用意,这你就不必多管了,”妖魔之主接着说道,“你协助她将莫加德救出来,想必能借这个机会彻底得到其信任。” In the Zu An brain the fast thinking, the lord of evil spirit goes through the complications greatly, obviously wants to obtain anything from Latin America, but this going down in the world Eldest Young Lady also has anything to be worth scheming 祖安脑中快速思索,妖魔之主这么大费周折,显然想从萨拉美一方得到什么东西,只不过她这种落魄的大小姐还有什么值得图谋的么 What's wrong, having issue sees him to be silent, the lord of evil spirit is somewhat discontented. “怎么,有问题”见他沉默不语,妖魔之主有些不满。 How I am thinking help one another to be able not to cause the suspicion of Latin America,” Zu An did intentionally to think deeply about the moment saying that asked on the lord to leave the palace with great courage some time.” “我是在思索如何相助才能不引起萨拉美的怀疑,”祖安故作思索了片刻说道,“斗胆请主上出宫一段时间。”
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