KI :: Volume #24

#2325: Transaction

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„It seems like that previous generation Princess,” on the Pei Mianman face has a strange happy expression, goes quickly, made others become impatient.” “似乎是那个上一代公主,”裴绵曼脸上带着一丝古怪的笑意,“快去吧,莫让别人等急了。” On other various woman faces could not bear appear the smile, urged that he went out. 其余诸女脸上也忍不住现出了笑容,纷纷催促他出去。 If other females is so careful to Zu An, their difficult insurance is not jealousy, but this Latin America is really...... aesthetic different, they quite believe Zu An. 如果是其他女子对祖安如此上心,她们难保不会心生醋意,但这位萨拉美实在是……审美不同,她们相当相信祖安 Zu An is somewhat helpless, has to have the cave mansion, sees Tat Latin America Station in not far away, is turning away from the cave mansion, is looking at the distant place palatial palace to be lost in thought. 祖安有些无奈,只好出了洞府,看到萨拉美站在不远处,背对着洞府,正望着远处巍峨的宫殿出神。 Zu An somewhat is sigh with emotion, actually looked that the back very well looked, but is going against the dinosaur head, really somewhat is much more cautious. 祖安不禁有些感慨,其实看背影还是挺好看的,只不过顶着个恐龙脑袋,实在有些慎得慌。 Has seen Eldest Young Lady.” Zu An slightly good a ritual. “见过大小姐。”祖安微微行了一礼。 Latin America then turns head, high and low sized up his, the look moved slightly: Originally thinks that you will be responsible for the interrogation torture by the evil spirit, finally a body wound does not have.” 萨拉美这才回过头来,上下打量了他一番,眼神微动:“本来以为你会被妖魔之主抓起来审问拷打,结果身上却一点伤都没有啊。” Zu An smiles lightly: Possibly my luck is quite good.” 祖安淡淡一笑:“可能我的运气比较好吧。” That luck is really good enough,” Latin America smiles to take a look at him, „the lord of slaughtering is being subject to changing moods that becomes famous, because recently these years the front retreated in defeat again and again, the temperament was not good, you killed his male- favored, I also think that could not see you again “那运气是真够好的,”萨拉美笑眯眯打量着他,“杀戮之主是出了名的喜怒无常,最近这些年因为战线节节败退,脾气更是不好,你杀了他的男-宠,我还以为再也见不到你了呢” Zu An knits the brows slightly: Eldest Young Lady seems like in the words to have words 祖安微微皱眉:“大小姐似乎话里有话” Saraz beautiful looks at steadily to look at his eye: I can also believe you 萨拉美目不转睛望着他的眼睛:“我还可以相信你么” Eldest Young Lady what meaning in the Zu An heart moves, this Latin America is not stupid, detected that keenly is not right. 大小姐何意”祖安心中一动,这个萨拉美也不笨,这么敏锐就察觉到不对头了。 Smile restraining on Latin America face, suddenly in the hand were many a curved tool rest on his neck, asked sternly: Said, you had turned to the lord of evil spirit in secret!” 萨拉美脸上的笑容收敛,忽然手中多了一把弯刀架在了他脖子上,厉声问道:“说,你是不是已经暗中投靠了妖魔之主!” Her has the move, although quick, Zu An present cultivation base must avoid being not a difficult matter, but he still stands in finally same place, whatever that curved tool rest on own neck: Eldest Young Lady, since does not believe me, I said that two you believe” 她的出招虽快,祖安如今的修为要避开也绝非难事,只不过他最终依然站在原地,任凭那弯刀架在自己脖子上:“大小姐既然不相信我,我说两句你就会信了么” In the Latin America eye flashes through a surprised color, received the sickle: If just you did revolt afraid, now has died.” 萨拉美眼中闪过一丝惊讶之色,将弯刀收了回去:“如果刚刚你作则心虚反抗的话,现在已经死了。” Zu An smiles, did not argue: Under the many thanks Latin America blade is forgiving.” 祖安笑了笑,也不辩解:“多谢萨拉美刀下留情。” The Latin America doubt is looking at him: You have not really betrayed me 萨拉美狐疑地望着他:“你真的没有出卖我” Eldest Young Lady thinks, if makes the lord of evil spirit know that our relations he can be anything responded, I need to take this risk Zu An to reply. 大小姐想想若是让妖魔之主知道我们的关系他会是什么反应,我有必要冒这个风险么”祖安答道。 This but actually is also,” the Latin America slight nod, believes that you so will not be stupid.” “这倒也是,”萨拉美微微点头,“相信你不会这么蠢。” The Zu An secret sigh, compares the lord of evil spirit, Latin America was too tender. 祖安暗暗感叹,相比妖魔之主,萨拉美还是太嫩了些。 However, the lord of evil spirit actually wants to do, all he who now Latin America is clear, actually never eradicates this disaster. 不过话说回来,妖魔之主到底想干什么,如今萨拉美做的一切他都清清楚楚,却始终不铲除这个祸患。 Eldest Young Lady this time comes should with me not saying that this Zu An asks. 大小姐此番过来该不会就和我说这个吧”祖安问道。 Of course not,” on the Latin America face revealed one to blush the meaning however, „, since you were still trustworthy, I want to ask you to help.” “当然不是,”萨拉美脸上露出了一丝赧然之意,“既然你依然值得信任,那我想请你帮个忙。” What busy saw that she is so afraid to say a word, Zu An was clear that this busy is not perhaps good to help. “什么忙”看到她这般吞吞吐吐,祖安清楚这个忙恐怕不好帮啊。 Helps me save Uncle Mo.” Latin America long time, said hesitant finally. “帮我去救莫叔叔。”萨拉美犹豫半晌,最终还是说了。 How Mogard Zu An gawked. “莫加德怎么了”祖安一愣。 Today knows you to have an accident, I make Uncle Mo find the way to save you, finally the whereabouts exposes, before by these palaces , the demon causes to grasp, now detained in the palace.” Latin America answered fast. “今天得知你出事,我让莫叔去想办法救你,结果行踪暴露,被那些殿前魔使抓起来,如今关押在了宫殿之中。”萨拉美快速解释道。 This lie is not wise.” Zu An sneers saying that today matter of years official historian happened is really hasty, he will not believe the opposite party to obtain the news quickly, will not believe with friendship of both sides, he will make Mogard take that big risk to save itself. “这个谎言可不怎么高明。”祖安冷笑道,今天岁月史官的事情发生得实在太仓促,他不信对方会这么快得到消息,更不信以双方的交情,他会让莫加德冒那么大风险去救自己。 On Latin America face a heat: Young master is really intelligent, just I did not have the means that desperate under just now said that like that but also looks at the young master to excuse me.” 萨拉美脸上一热:“公子果然聪慧,刚刚我也是没办法了,情急之下方才那般说的,还望公子见谅。” Mogard what's the matter Zu An naturally cannot, because this minor matter raises to the plane of political principle. “莫加德到底是怎么回事”祖安自然不会因为这点小事上纲上线。 Latin America then explained: Actually said strictly, I just such said is not aimless, because the green crown lizard king and crazy king was killed before, we want the treasure house only then thinks its law in addition, the Uncle Mo trip is contacts the old friend, looked that can help you enter the treasure house to seek for these exotic materials, who knows actually before by palace , the demon causes the discovery, does not beat to be captured by the widowed enemy numerous, was closed in palace Sky Prison.” 萨拉美这才解释道:“其实严格说起来,我刚刚那样说也并非无的放矢,因为之前绿冠蜥王和狂王被杀,我们想要进宝库就只有另想它法,莫叔此行是去联络旧友,看能不能帮你进入宝库寻找那些特殊材料,谁知道却被殿前魔使发现,以寡敌众不敌被擒,被关在了宫殿天牢之中。” Zu An is really incapable of complaining, your also wants to make the lord of evil spirit instead. 祖安实在是无力吐槽,就你们这样还想造妖魔之主的反呢。 He thinks saying: Perhaps Eldest Young Lady found fault the person, my what ability and virtue, can save Mogard from the palace 他想了想说道:“大小姐恐怕找错人了,我何德何能,能从宫殿中将莫加德救出来” He even still added one in the heart, the brat is less than with the stratagem, it seems like that the treasure house must seperately try to find the solution. 他甚至还在心中加了一句,竖子不足与谋,看来进宝库要另外想办法了。 I will certainly not make you do that awkward matter, this time does not need your personally take action, will only need you to find the way to draw out the palace the lord of evil spirit, our people will then capture Sky Prison to rescue when the time comes Uncle Mo.” Latin America deeply looked at his one eyes, „the skin manager that this time he loves was killed, has not tortured to you unexpectedly, could see that he as if trusts you, I believe that you have certainly the means.” “我当然不会让你干那么为难的事,这次并不需要你亲自出手,只需要你想办法将妖魔之主引出宫殿即可,到时候我们的人会攻入天牢将莫叔救出来。”萨拉美深深地看了他一眼,“这次他宠爱的皮总管被杀,竟然都没对你用刑,看得出他似乎对你信任有加,我相信你一定有办法。” Why she actually also to let off Donal in wants the lord of evil spirit, thinks was Donal betrayed itself, but just exchanged not to look like, then thought it over the only reason is the lord of evil spirit had a liking for him. 她其实也在想为何妖魔之主会放过多纳尔,原本以为是多纳尔出卖了自己,但刚刚交流下来不太像,那么思来想去唯一的原因就是妖魔之主看上了他。 skin manager died, the lord of evil spirit needs new male inevitably- favors. 皮总管死了,妖魔之主必然需要新的男-宠。 But this Donal soft and fair skin, become famous delicate and pretty, has the appearance compared with that skin manager many, the lord of evil spirit had a liking for him obviously. 而这个多纳尔细皮嫩肉的,出了名的俊美,比那个皮总管有卖相得多,妖魔之主显然是看上了他。 When the time comes Donal displays honey trap slightly, then can make outside go to the flower the lord of evil spirit month before last, naturally considers his face, these words cannot speak frankly. 到时候多纳尔稍稍施展一下美人计,便能将妖魔之主引到外面去花前月下,当然照顾他的面子,这些话不能直说。 Zu An only thought that the look and expression of opposite party are really strange, where actually cannot find out has problems, then light snort/hum: Why I must take such big risk to help you 祖安只觉得对方的眼神和表情实在古怪,却又想不出到底是什么地方出了问题,便轻哼一声:“我为什么要冒这么大的险帮你” Latin America is the unstated criticism, by you and evil spirit Lord relations, where has what risk, naturally on the mouth said: Before we cooperated the benefit that can provide to say with you, said again, don't tell me you are resigned to for a lifetime by...... cough cough, serves the lord of evil spirit for a lifetime 萨拉美则是腹诽不已,以你和妖魔之主的关系,哪里有什么风险,当然嘴上却说道:“之前我们合作能带来的好处已经和你说过了,再说了,难道你甘心一辈子被……,一辈子侍奉妖魔之主么” Her clear Donal is the playboy who becomes famous, what he likes is various beautiful females, is not definitely willing to turn into the second skin manager, but the situation does not have the means compared with person him now, oneself give him the opportunity of getting out of misery. 她清楚多纳尔是出了名的花花公子,他喜欢的是各种美丽的女子,肯定不愿意变成第二个皮总管,只不过如今形势比人强他没有办法,自己则给他一个脱离苦海的机会。 Zu An always feels in her words to be somewhat strange: 祖安总觉得她话里有些古怪: Solely like this is insufficient.” “单单就这样不够。” Latin America clenches teeth saying: You want anything 萨拉美咬牙道:“那你想要什么” Zu An hears word is taking a look at her, fell into the thinking. 祖安闻言打量着她,陷入了思索。 Latin America covered the neckband, the subconsciousness will be drawing back drawing back in the future: You may not probably have to me improper ambition, I have the one's beloved.” 萨拉美捂着领口,下意识往后退了退:“你可不许对我有非分之想,我已经有心上人了。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” This fellow seemed like some fans to be self-confident. 这家伙似乎有些迷之自信了。 I the formation ancient book that needs you to collect, the medicinal herb ancient book, as well as some special medicinal herbs......” Zu An roughly said the names of some medicinal herbs, is Ji Xiaoxi there hear. “我需要你珍藏的阵法典籍,还有药材典籍,以及一些特殊的药草……”祖安大致说了一些药草的名字,都是纪小希那里听来的。 A medicine field of real demon clan is limited, many medicinal herb defects, Ji Xiaoxi wants to study the positive result, for example need many herbal medicines and pharmacopoeias are good. 真魔一族的药田毕竟有限,还有好多药材缺失,纪小希想要研究出名堂,比如需要更多的草药与药典才行。 Why you want these the Latin America doubts saying that as far as I know, the young master itself/Ben is formation everyone.” “你要这些干什么”萨拉美疑惑道,“据我所知,公子本就是阵法大家。” Recently I studied formation, encountered some bottlenecks, wants to accept hundred long, looked that can break through,” Zu An is prepared early, as for the herbal medicine, is my side young maidservant to this being interested.” “最近我研究阵法,碰到了一些瓶颈,想采纳百家之长,看能不能有所突破,”祖安早有准备,“至于草药,是我身边的小侍女对这个感兴趣。” Latin America smiled: Young master really shows tender affection, no wonder will flush a crown anger is the young person. Here happen to some.” 萨拉美不禁笑了:“公子果然怜香惜玉,难怪会冲冠一怒为红颜。也罢,我这里正好有一些。” At once takes out one pile of jade slip also several storage abstentions from the sleeve: Here is the formation ancient book and medicinal herb ancient book that we collect, although there is its originality, but is not necessarily able the help/gang to obtain the young master, more complete in the treasure house in palace, after me , the extended session follows pledged that finds the way to help you go.” 旋即从袖中取出一堆玉简还有几个储物戒:“这里是我们收藏的阵法典籍和药材典籍,虽有其独到之处,只不过未必能帮得到公子,更完备的在宫殿的宝库里,我后续会遵循承诺想办法帮你进去。” Multi- Young Lady Xie, I will think the means to walk the main tuning of evil spirit.” Zu An maintained composure to receive these. “多谢大小姐了,我会想办法将妖魔之主调走。”祖安不动声色将这些收了起来。 Actually from the beginning he prepared to help, these things were the unexpected harvests. 其实一开始他就准备帮忙了,这些东西都是意外的收获。 After all he is the foreign family of evil spirit world, can be called the boost almost does not have, naturally he not stupidly to and other Latin America picture pie. 毕竟他是妖魔世界的外来户,能称得上助力的几乎没有,当然他不会傻到等萨拉美画的大饼。 expert of this Latin America attacks a palace Sky Prison actually good opportunity, oneself happen to can seize the chance to go to the treasure house. 这次萨拉美一方的高手突袭宫殿天牢倒是个好机会,自己正好可以趁机去宝库。 How now the only difficult problem is walks the main tuning of evil spirit 现在唯一的难题是如何将妖魔之主调走
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