KI :: Volume #24

#2324: Guests

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Must make the reorganization according to the matter of reality.” Zu An thinks own this time bitter experience, thinks such words actually not that non-solution. “要根据现实发生的事做改编啊。”祖安想到自己这次的遭遇,心想这样的话倒不是那么无解。 It seems like detected that his mood, Mi Li reminded: Your do not general idea/careless, the years official historian has no way to create a matter theoretically baseless, but their abilities still virtually impossible to guard against, does not know that many powerful existences planted the tumble in this above.” 似乎是察觉到了他的情绪,芈骊提醒道:“你切莫大意,理论上岁月史官没法凭空创造一件事,但他们的能力依然让人防不胜防,不知道有多少强大的存在在这上面栽了跟斗。” This is natural, I will be careful.” If not Zu An this time has the broken law tooth of lord of slaughtering, perhaps also by pit to ditch. “这是自然,我会小心的。”祖安这次若非有杀戮之主的破法牙齿,恐怕也会被坑到沟里。 Big Sis Empress, you mentioned in world knows few of years official historian, you said the lord of evil spirit can know 皇后姐姐,你之前提到世间知道岁月史官的很少,那你说妖魔之主会不会知道” Mi Li frowns slightly: „The probability that theoretically he knows is not big, but his response seemed like knows before existence of opposite party, this somewhat was strange.” 芈骊微微蹙眉:“理论上他知道的概率不大,但之前他的反应似乎是知道对方的存在,这就有些奇怪了。” In the Zu An heart moves, listening to her tone as if very unable to have a liking for the lord of evil spirit, the thing that the lord of evil spirit does not know she actually knows, but also a natural appearance, this fully explained many issues. 祖安心中一动,听她的口气似乎挺看不上妖魔之主的,妖魔之主不知道的东西她却知道,还一副理所当然的样子,这足以说明很多问题了。 But he has not closely examined, pull several times, he is also clear opposite party a lot not to tell is in itself is good for him, the needing disciple increases the worry. 只不过他并没有追问,几次拉扯下来,他也清楚对方很多事情不告诉自己是为了他好,没必要徒增烦恼。 Replied that his issue, Mi Li went back the deep sleep again, Zu An was also clear she needs to restore by the deep sleep now, moreover as if the deep sleep can also some unlocking her memory, although does not know how she achieves, but this after all is the good deed, naturally cannot disturb. 回答完了他的问题,芈骊再次回去沉睡,祖安也清楚她如今需要靠沉睡来恢复,而且似乎沉睡也能解锁她的一些记忆,虽然不知道她是如何做到的,但这毕竟是好事,自然不能多打扰。 Then before shortly after Zu An and palace , the demon enabled to return to a real demon clan, before the palace , the demon caused to connect with here guarding, took away the most soldier, then said goodbye to depart. 接下来没多久祖安和殿前魔使回到了真魔一族,殿前魔使跟这里的看守交接了一下,带走了大半士兵,便告辞离去。 The big elder knew that a real demon clan escapes, is pleasantly surprised: Donal, how you achieve 大长老得知真魔一族逃过一劫,不禁又惊又喜:“多纳尔,你是如何做到的” Zu An shows a faint smile: On lord is also reasonable, the matter that I will have after detailed explained with him, he is wise the supernatural might to judge that I am unjust.” 祖安微微一笑:“主上也是讲道理的,我将发生的事情经过详细和他解释了一遍,他就英明神武地判断出我是冤枉的。” The big elder is also patting the thigh, some lamentation said: Said that I am unfair to you, before I even misunderstood the skin manager that is you kills, real demon clan many fellows also gave did not favor your testimony.” 大长老也拍着大腿,有些悔恨地说道:“说起来我真是对不起你啊,之前我甚至都误会是你杀的皮总管,真魔一族不少家伙也给出了很多不利于你的证词。” Big elder never mind,” the Zu An comfort said that this no wonder you, the enemy but who hides in secret is extremely sly.” “大长老不必介意,”祖安安慰道,“这怪不得你,只是暗中潜藏的敌人太过狡猾。” In the Zu An mind appears that mysterious person who wears the mask, thought the world that this will soon destroy how will have the years official historian, where he hid, how braved suddenly. 祖安脑海中浮现出那个戴着面具的神秘人,心想这个即将毁灭的世界怎么会有个岁月史官,他到底藏在哪儿,怎么突然冒了出来。 Big elder complexion slightly slow, cannot bear say: Although this matter is a misunderstanding, but on the lord did not have first in a blaze of passion to kill you, but also listened to your explanation patiently, was really thinks highly about you, I remembered on the beforehand lord not to regard as important you.” 大长老脸色稍缓,忍不住说道:“虽然此事是个误会,但主上却没有第一时间盛怒之下杀了你,还耐心听了你的解释,实在是对你十分器重啊,我记得以前主上没这么看重你啊。” Why I do not know, possibly is on the lord also needs to keep me to help him work.” Zu An replied, thought that in the relations with Latin America made the lord of evil spirit feel mostly he also had the use value. “我也不知道为何,可能是主上还需要留着我帮他做事吧。”祖安答道,心想多半是和萨拉美之间的关系让妖魔之主觉得他还有利用价值。 You work......” big elder look to be strange, although young master can be regarded playboy, but very were also too more than playboy, the lord of evil spirit can have a liking for his anything...... “你做事……”大长老神色古怪,公子虽然算不得纨绔,但比纨绔也好不了太多,妖魔之主能看上他什么…… Wait! 等等! The big elder sized up Zu An suddenly, seeing only his appearance is handsome, the makings are natural, truly is the handsome man who a real demon clan becomes famous . Moreover the tour of this cultivation world, as if obtained informed and experienced, before the body that supple makings vanished do not see, what replaces it is a valiant special charm. 大长老忽然打量了祖安一番,只见他样貌英俊,气质潇洒,确实是真魔一族出了名的美男子,而且这次修行世界之行,似乎得到了历练,之前身上那偏阴柔的气质消失不见,取而代之的是一股英姿勃发的特殊魅力。 Now the skin manager had died, on the lord must certainly look for the substitute, but the young master lives so delicately and prettily...... 如今皮总管已经死了,主上肯定要找替代品,而公子又生得这般俊美…… Thinks that here his in the eye flashes through color of the sympathy, to Zu An good a ritual: Young master, for our real demon clan, the sacrifice was too big.” 想到这里他眼中闪过一丝同情之色,冲祖安行了一礼:“公子为了我们真魔一族,牺牲实在太大了。” Sacrifice, I sacrificed anything Zu An to be somewhat bewildered. “牺牲,我牺牲什么了”祖安有些莫名其妙。 I understand,” big elder is looking at his buttocks, reveals the color of understanding clearly, „after this matter me, no longer raises certainly, will restrain the clansman not to chew the root of the tongue randomly, the young master engraves on mind for sacrifice everyone who my clan makes.” “我懂的,”大长老望着他的屁股,露出了然之色,“此事我以后绝不再提,也会约束族人绝不乱嚼舌根,公子为我族做出的牺牲大家都铭记在心。” Said, was also serious good a ritual, this departed. 说完后又郑重行了一礼,这才离去。 The Zu An doubts are staring at him, deliberately considered oneself omitted what information, how this fellow speech quaint. 祖安疑惑地盯着他,寻思自己是不是遗漏了什么信息,怎么这家伙说话古里古怪的。 Separated a while he to understand finally: I depend!” 隔了一会儿他终于明白过来:“我靠!” A face rises instantaneously red, is really absurd, solemn big elder a mind filled with dirty thought. 一张脸瞬间涨得通红,真是岂有此理,堂堂一个大长老满脑子龌龊思想。 Ah Zu!” At this time various woman obtains the news to welcome, saw that he each and everyone will be moved to tears from now on. 阿祖!”这时诸女已经得到消息迎了出来,看到他过后一个个热泪盈眶。 Was also worried the Celestial two separate, never expected that he came back quickly safely. 原本还担心天人两隔,没想到他这么快就平安回来了。 Pei Mianman wants to jump into the Zu An bosom excitedly, finally noticed nearby Yun Yuqing also to move. 裴绵曼激动地想扑入祖安怀中,结果注意到旁边的云雨晴也动了。 Yun Yuqing noticed her movement similarly, somewhat was suddenly awkward. 云雨晴同样注意到了她的动作,一时间有些尴尬。 Pei Mianman also realized that this is not quite good, stiff there. 裴绵曼也意识到这样不太好,也僵在了那里。 In the remaining people, the Sohren princess and Zu An related to separate one, although had the admire, at this time was actually not at all others to have what extreme revealing. 剩下的人中,索伦郡主和祖安关系隔了一层,虽然心生爱慕,此时却不敢当着其他人有什么过激的表露。 Xie Daoyun similarly so, her natural disposition gentle introverted, those images and scenes, although in heart excited, is actually thinking side also has Pei Big Sister. 谢道韫同样如此,她生性文静内向,此情此景虽然心中激动,却想着旁边还有裴姐姐在。 Is more impossible as for Jiang Luofu, only has the Ji Xiaoxi thoughts to be purest, she can ignore so many, just she cried several, now knows suddenly Zu An comes back safely, in the heart surges, cannot bear again, jumped into him to cherish directly, closely grasped him, sobs: Big Brother Zu!” 至于姜罗敷就更不可能了,唯有纪小希心思最为纯粹,她顾不得那么多,刚刚她都哭了好几场了,如今骤然得知祖安平安回来,心中激荡,再也忍不住,直接扑入了他怀中,紧紧将他抱住,哽咽道:“祖哥哥!” Feels her the body that non-stop shivering, Zu An can feel her previous fear and fear, in the heart raises softly- soft sentiment, is patting her shoulder gently: I was all right, Xiaoxi do not cry.” 感受到她不停颤抖的身子,祖安能感受到她此前的恐惧与害怕,心中升起一丝柔-软之情,轻轻拍着她的肩头:“我没事了,小希别哭了。” various woman in the heart has various regrets at this time respectively, but in the heart relaxes on the contrary, Xiaoxi was really cute, the temper was also good, everyone her, when the younger sister regarded, especially hugged with Zu An in the same place, as if the younger sister hugged the Elder Brother to be common, the brother and sister felt fully, will not make them produce other relates. 诸女此时心中各有各的后悔,只不过心中反倒松了一口气,小希实在是太可爱了,性子又好,大家都把她当妹妹看待,特别是和祖安抱在一起,就仿佛妹妹抱哥哥一般,兄妹感十足,不会让她们产生其他联想。 These trains of thought disappear, everyone was being flooded by the pleasant surprise of Zu An safe return, each and everyone happy holds inquiry account by the face. 这些思绪只是转瞬即逝,大家都被祖安平安归来的惊喜充斥着,一个个喜逐颜开询问事情的经过。 We to inside said again......” is important, Zu An brought back to various woman the cave mansion, then the arrange/cloth got down several to isolate formation, this spoke the long and short of the story, a lot must hide the truth from the big elder, actually does not need to hide the truth from them. “我们到里面再说……”事关重大,祖安将诸女带回了洞府之中,然后再布下了几个隔绝阵法,这才将事情来龙去脉讲了一遍,很多事情要瞒着大长老,却没必要瞒着她们。 We misunderstood you really to kill the skin manager before unexpectedly, was really should not.” Pei Mianman closely bites the lip, short of breath, a bosom flowering branch is shivering all over, the whole person rebukes oneself extremely, she did not understand why oneself can not believe sweetheart. “我们之前竟然误会你真的杀了皮总管,实在是太不应该了。”裴绵曼紧紧咬着嘴唇,呼吸急促,胸前一阵花枝乱颤,整个人极为自责,她不理解自己为何会不相信情郎 Does not need to rebuke oneself, this and you have not related , because the years official historian is causing trouble......” Zu An to explain. “不必自责,这和你没关系,是因为岁月史官在作祟……”祖安解释起来。 Years official historian various woman hears will be shocked from now on incomparably, never expected that in the world also has the so mysterious ability. “岁月史官”诸女听到过后纷纷震惊无比,没想到世上还有如此神奇的能力。 „After us, own memory is unreliable.” Jiang Luofu looks the worried look, in the eye has several to fear intent, this was too fearful, later she does not even know thing anything in own mind is real, anything is false. “那我们以后自己的记忆岂不是也不可靠了。”姜罗敷面露忧色,眼中有几丝惧意,这实在太可怕了,以后她甚至都不知道自己脑海中的东西什么是真的,什么是假的了。 „The ability of years official historian, although is very mysterious, but is not a flaw does not have.” Immediately Zu An roughly told the shortcoming of years official historian. “岁月史官的能力虽然很神奇,但也不是一点破绽都没有。”随即祖安将岁月史官的缺点大致讲述了一遍。 The people then stabilized several points slightly. 众人这才稍稍安定了几分。 „The occupation and ability that Big Brother Zu, we hear something never heard of before like this you know, in this world also has what you do not know Solon poem unable to bear say after a sigh, in the eye is completely the color of worship. 祖大哥,这样我们闻所未闻的职业与能力你都知道,这世上还有什么你不知道的么”索伦诗忍不住感叹道,眼中尽是崇拜之色。 Others also nod in abundance, even Jiang Luofu looked that also fills to admire to the Zu An look. 其他人也纷纷点头,连姜罗敷看向祖安的眼神也充满佩服。 In the past in Brightmoon City was the little man who needed to look, never expected that his form is so greatly big now. 当年在明月城还是个需要自己照拂的小男人,没想到如今他的身影却如此高大伟岸。 „The matter that I do not know may be many......” Zu An to sigh, thinks that Mi Li starting to speak but hesitating each time, Fengtu Great Emperor initially these words, behind was really the dense fog numerous. “我不知道的事情可多了……”祖安叹了一口气,想到芈骊每次的欲言又止,还有酆都大帝当初那些话,后面实在是迷雾重重。 The people are curious, but also wants to ask again, outside the cave mansion broadcasts a sound suddenly: Originally is also worried about the young master safety, finally now young master group beautiful accompanying, is really very satisfied.” 众人好奇,还想再问,洞府外忽然传来一个声音:“本来还担心公子安危,结果如今公子群美相伴,真是好不惬意。”
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