KI :: Volume #24

#2323: The dense fog opened

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Years official historian Zu An is startled, he has not listened completely, this is anything” “岁月史官”祖安一怔,他完全没听过,“这是什么东西” Years official historian and cultivator are the same, is a special occupation, or is some existing follower.” Mi Li answered. “岁月史官和修行者一样,是一种特殊的职业,又或者是某个存在的信徒。”芈骊解释道。 What has Zu An to pursue curiously asks. “什么存在”祖安好奇追问道。 Mi Li shakes the head slightly: indefinable, by your present cultivation base, do not hear its.” 芈骊微微摇头:“不可说,以你如今的修为,还是不要听闻其名。” Zu An rolled the eyes, he has been used to it, Mi Li always so riddle person, but he is also clear, revered name of some specially powerful existence in this world cannot be mentioned casually, once receives its induction, brought in him to shoot a look at to regard, meets scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by his present strength mostly. 祖安翻了个白眼,对此他已经习惯了,芈骊总是这般谜语人,不过他也清楚,在这世上一些特别强大的存在的名讳是不能被随便提及,一旦受到其感应,引来了其瞥视,以他现在的实力多半会灰飞烟灭 Originally also entertains suspicions to this, after all he now already quite, but the previous world offers a sacrifice to that the dance brings to exist, the matter of Fengtu Great Emperor, supported this view afterward. 本来对这点还抱有怀疑,毕竟他如今已经相当强了,可上次天地祭舞引来的那存在,还有后来酆都大帝的事情,都印证了这种说法。 As if detected that his disaffection, Mi Li hesitant one explained: For example to that what end beast that this evil spirit world brings the destruction, is actually the follower who another has powerful, both existences are almost powerful.” 似乎察觉到了他的不满,芈骊犹豫了一下解释道:“比如给这个妖魔世界带来毁灭的那个什么末日兽,其实就是另外一个强大存在的信徒,两种存在都差不多强大。” Zu An the look is dignified immediately, the evil spirit world is how powerful, casual faction several evil spirit almost make the cultivation world fall to the enemy, finally their own world for several thousand years were hit by this end beast retreat in defeat again and again, the civilization of the whole world almost destroyed completely, only has the underground city that this only saved now. 祖安顿时神色凝重,妖魔世界何其强大,随便派几个妖魔就差点让修行世界沦陷,结果他们自己的世界数千年来被这个末日兽打得节节败退,整个世界的文明几乎毁灭殆尽,如今只剩下这座仅存的地下城了。 Finally now knows the end beast that this terrifying is only some existing subordinate with the follower 结果现在才知道这恐怖的末日兽只是某种存在的手下和信徒 That exists terrifyingly this/should 那位存在该多恐怖 That that the years official historian believes in exists also has the similar strength, in this world so many odd expert. 岁月史官信奉的那位存在也有着差不多的实力,这世上这么多离谱的强者么。 Zu An sighs with emotion: I thought works as earth Sovereign is also good suddenly in the cultivation world, does not need to do with these fearful existences.” 祖安感慨道:“我忽然觉得在修行世界当个土皇帝也挺好的,不必和这些可怕的存在打交道。” Hiding cannot hide,” the Mi Li look looked at Zu An one complex, „that this end beast believes in exists is your enemy, one day he will find you finally.” “躲是躲不过去的,”芈骊神色复杂地看了看祖安一眼,“这个末日兽信奉的那位存在是你的敌人,终有一日他会找到你。” Zu An: „” 祖安:“” He spoke thoughtlessly a saying, has not expected Mi Li to blow out like this big melon. 他原本只是随口一说,万万没料到芈骊爆出了这样的大瓜。 Others wanted the hemp: My what ability and virtue, can exist to treat as enemy like this 他人都要麻了:“我何德何能,能被这样存在当做敌人” That has the end beast hand/subordinate...... is not right, in the evil spirit world of end beast easily destruction has much existence that he is stronger. 那位存在手下的末日兽……不对,末日兽轻易毁灭的妖魔世界里都有不少比他强的存在。 He hears this saying to have an elephant to work as the absurd feeling of entire life archenemy the ant. 他听到这话不禁有一种大象把蚂蚁当生平大敌的荒谬感。 You do not need to care, because you now are too small and weak, that exists not to pay attention to you in a short time.” Saw his sky collapsed the expression, the Mi Li lip angle raised a happy expression slightly. “你也不必太在意,就因为你现在太弱小,那位存在短时间内还注意不到你。”看到他一副天塌了的表情,芈骊唇角不禁扬起了一丝微微的笑意。 Your this comfort might as well does not comfort.” Zu An hears very depressed. “你这安慰还不如不安慰了。”祖安听得十分郁闷。 „It is not you have closely examined the related matter, complained that my a lot did not tell you, now told you this response Mi Li rolled the eyes, sneered again and again. “不是你一直追问相关事情,又埋怨我很多事情不告诉你么,现在告诉你了你又这幅反应”芈骊翻了个白眼,冷笑连连。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” He quickly compensates to say with a smile: „Before originally is me, did not understand that pains of Master Empress, I was wrong.” 他急忙赔笑道:“原来是我之前不理解皇后师父的一片苦心,我错了。” Before nearby that several palaces , the demon causes to look askance, this fellow how to air in various there strange facial expressions 一旁的那几个殿前魔使纷纷侧目,这家伙怎么对着空气在那里各种古怪的神情 Also no wonder, on suspicion of killing the skin manager, just almost exterminated the clan by the lord on, was unavoidably somewhat frightened acts like a madman. 也难怪,涉嫌杀害皮总管,刚刚差点被主上灭族,被吓得难免有些疯疯癫癫。 Zu An knows that they cannot see Mi Li, is disinclined to explain, continues to inquire Mi Li said: Big Sis Empress, that existed to me was too remote, first said the matter of recent years official historian.” 祖安知道他们看不到芈骊,也懒得去解释,继续询问芈骊道:“皇后姐姐,那位存在离我太遥远了,还是先说说最近的岁月史官的事吧。” In the Mi Li eye flashes through color of the admiring greatly, he hears such sad news suddenly, actually adjusted the mentality quickly, had not been affected, these years tempering really made him have heart of the expert. 芈骊眼中闪过一丝激赏之色,他骤闻此等噩耗,却很快调整了心态,并没有被影响到,这些年的磨炼果然让他有了一颗强者之心。 So-called years official historian, is the personnel of record years history book.” Mi Li replied. “所谓岁月史官,就是记录岁月史书的人员。”芈骊答道。 Years history book Zu An somewhat is faintly familiar-sounding, on the previous life Internet has seen this word actually. “岁月史书”祖安隐隐有些耳熟,前世互联网上倒是见到过这个词。 Years history book does not calculate a candidly book, some people said that it has the contour of writing books, actually in various Tianwan, everywhere.” Mi Li answered. “岁月史书并不算一本真正的书,有人说它有着书的外形,却在诸天万界,无处不在。”芈骊解释道。 In the Zu An eye flashes through vacant, what kind of book can be ubiquitous in various Tianwan 祖安眼中闪过一丝茫然,怎样的书能在诸天万界无处不在 That around also has the years history book now 那岂不是如今自己周围也有岁月史书 He looks right and left, but where can see existence of what book 他左看右看,可哪里能看到什么书的存在 don't says the present, even in the cultivation world, he was running the world authority, cannot feel existence of what book. 莫说现在,就算是之前在修行世界,他掌管着世界权柄,都感受不到什么书的存在。 As the name suggests, in this book records various history of various Tianwan, once starts to write successfully, besides few existences, everyone will treat as the true history these things.” Mi Li replied. “顾名思义,这本书上记载着诸天万界的各种历史,一旦落笔成功,除了极少数存在之外,所有人都会把那些事情当做真正的历史。”芈骊答道。 In the Zu An heart moves: This greatly prediction technique 祖安心中一动:“这岂不是大预言术” In the Mi Li eye flashes through color of the despising: Where in the final analysis what this in the comparing favorably with big prediction technique years history book records is some false history, once were seen through, their beforehand records will be attested to falsity, then this record will vanish in various Tianwan, everyone will also return to original memory, is similar to the matter that your time handles.” 芈骊眼中闪过一丝轻蔑之色:“这又哪里比得上大预言术说到底岁月史书上记载的是一些虚假的历史,一旦被人识破,他们之前的记载就会被证伪,然后这段记录就会消失在诸天万界,所有人也会回归原本的记忆,就如同你这次所做的事情。” Zu An fell into the thinking: Listened to you saying that this years history book seemed like the record all was the wrong history.” 祖安陷入了思索:“听你所说,这岁月史书似乎记载的全都是错误的历史啊。” Good, the years history book is some people to serve the own purpose, revised the true history, then lets various Tianwan exists to think that the false history happened.” Mi Li replied. “不错,岁月史书是有些人为了达到自己的目的,修改了真正的历史,然后让诸天万界的存在认为虚假的历史才是真实发生的。”芈骊答道。 These years official historians are really hateful enough, like this gets down, they are very easy to become the entire universe public enemy, had not been eradicated Zu An to think own this time bitter experience, a ghost gets mad immediately. “这些岁月史官真够可恶的,这样下来,他们岂不是很容易成为全宇宙公敌,没被铲除么”祖安想到自己这次的遭遇,顿时一阵鬼火冒。 If not the accident of sorts, has that to eradicate the mysterious teeth of ten thousand laws, perhaps oneself this time die does not know how dead. 若非机缘巧合,有那破除万法的神奇之牙,自己这次恐怕死都不知道怎么死的。 various Tianwan truly repugnant years official historian, but these fellow back existences are really powerful, in addition each years official historian is surreptitious, the done matter is virtually impossible to guard against, world rarely has can realize person who they have, moreover a few knows the person who they have, was clear these fellows Yin, is really not unless it is absolutely essential willing to annoy them, otherwise the ghost knows how they will be arranged by the years history book, no one wants to be kept thinking by these fellows frequently.” Mi Li frowns slightly, obviously thinks of these years official historian also some headaches. “诸天万界确实讨厌岁月史官,只不过那些家伙背后的存在实在强大,再加上各个岁月史官行踪诡秘,做的事更是防不胜防,世间很少有能意识到他们存在的人,另外少数知道他们存在的人,清楚这些家伙有多阴,不到万不得已实在不愿意惹他们,否则鬼知道他们会被岁月史书如何编排,谁都不想时刻被这些家伙惦记。”芈骊微微蹙眉,显然想到那些岁月史官也有些头疼。 She thinks to supplement one: Moreover these revision history are also not necessarily saving the bad thoughts, therefore all big shot also tacitly consented to their existence.” 她想了想又补充了一句:“另外这些修改历史也未必存着坏心思,所以各方大佬也就默许了他们的存在。” Revising the history also not necessarily saves bad thoughts Zu An really unable to understand that what is this. “修改历史也未必存着坏心思”祖安实在不能理解这是什么意思。 Mi Li thinks to draw an analogy: In your memory the things of some technical sides, said like this, in a particular system has the innumerable inputs, only has an output, if works as the condition of each input to be definite, that output is also definite 芈骊想了想打了个比方:“你的记忆里有些科技侧的东西,这样说吧,一个特殊系统里有无数输入,只有一个输出,如果当每个输入的条件都是确定的,那输出是不是同样是确定的” Zu An slight nod, that's true. 祖安微微点头,确实如此。 „The matter that these years official historians handle is equivalent is changing some initial conditions, looks whether to change that only output.” Mi Li said spookily. “那些岁月史官做的事情就相当于在改变一些输入条件,看能否改变那唯一的输出。”芈骊幽幽地说道。 In the Zu An heart moves: don't tell me they know that what kind of result the output is they how knows that result is good is bad.” 祖安心中一动:“难道他们知道输出是怎么样的结局他们又怎知那结局是好是坏。” Mi Li shakes the head saying: This I am not clear, when you will inquire about in the future.” 芈骊摇头道:“这我就不清楚了,等你日后自己去探寻。” Zu An deeply looked at her one eyes: Master Empress, I thought that you were getting more and more mystical, you did not mention that before various Tianwan exists to know existence of years official historian few, you unexpectedly to these hidden secret show thorough familiarity with a subject.” 祖安深深看了她一眼:“皇后师父,我觉得你越来越神秘了,你之前不是提到诸天万界只有极少数存在知道岁月史官的存在,你居然对这些秘辛如数家珍。” Does not need to wrap/sets of my words,” Mi Li rolled the eyes, before „, has told you, I gradually restored some memory, naturally that also has memory not to restore, so long as can tell you, I told you as far as possible, remaining cannot tell you, you asked also uselessly.” “不必套我的话,”芈骊翻了个白眼,“之前跟你说过,我逐渐恢复了一些记忆,当然那还有更多记忆没有恢复,只要能告诉你的,我都尽量告诉你,剩下的不能告诉你,你问也没用。” Zu An shows a faint smile: I, so long as knows that Master Empress will not harm me to be good, now wants too many truly no to use.” 祖安微微一笑:“我只要知道皇后师父不会害我就行了,现在想太多确实没啥用。” Mi Li look one austere: Not do not believe anybody at will reserved, even I am still same, otherwise you will die in the future do not know how dead.” 芈骊神色一肃:“不要随意毫无保留相信任何人,就算是我也一样,不然将来你死都不知道怎么死的。” Zu An is actually the face belt/bring happy expression: If the side most intimate people are not willing to believe that turned into the loner rather to feel sorry. Also, a strength of person had its limit finally, is person many strengths is big.” 祖安却是脸带笑意:“若是连身边最亲近的人都不愿相信,那岂不是变成了孤家寡人了未免太可怜了些。再说了,一个人的力量终有其极限,还是人多力量大。” Hears dialogue that this seems to have met before, Mi Li slightly somewhat absent-minded, but sneers to say quickly: You forgot in this world to have many magecraft to pretend to be others, for example your ten thousand lived the technique of change, the years official historian can revise memory of person similarly.” 听到这似曾相识的对话,芈骊微微有些失神,不过很快冷笑道:“你忘了这世上有很多术法可以冒充别人么,比如你这万生变化之术,还有岁月史官同样能修改人的记忆。” Some truly risks, but I still like to believe person, but must sharpen vigilance momentarily.” Zu An takes advantage of opportunity to ask, for example you can tell me the years official historians to change the history to have anything to limit, like this I will be easier to see through these in the future.” “确实有些风险,但我仍然愿意相信身边的人,只是要随时擦亮眼睛。”祖安顺势问道,“比如你可以告诉我那些岁月史官改变历史有没有什么限制,这样我将来更容易识破这些。” Hears his speech, Mi Li looking pensive, the person many strengths are big, initially he was single-handedly difficult, no wonder now...... 听到他的发言,芈骊不禁若有所思,人多力量大,当初他就是独力难支,难怪如今…… Limit has certainly,” Mi Li answered, for example the years official historian was very suspicious changes a phase of history spatially, the matter that but had according to one, then made the fair revision, once otherwise was detected the flaw, the corresponding record on years history book will vanish.” “限制当然有,”芈骊解释道,“比如岁月史官很难凭空改变一段历史,而是根据一件真实发生的事情,然后做合情合理的修改,不然一旦被人察觉到破绽,岁月史书上的相应记载就会消失。”
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