KI :: Volume #24

#2322: Years official historian

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On the experience by lord, this various Tianwan various mysterious skills should hear Zu An to ask. “以主上的见识,这诸天万界各种神奇的技能应该有所耳闻吧”祖安问道。 This is natural,” the lord of chin evil spirit raises, looks color proudly, at once knits the brows slightly, you asked this doing “这是自然,”妖魔之主下巴一扬,面露傲然之色,旋即微微皱眉,“你问这个干什么” Now has an issue, that is I have not killed the skin manager obviously, real Demon Race some big elder also many clansmen actually know, but they were I kill the skin manager...... the Zu An look to be dignified now with one voice. “现在有个问题,那就是我明明没杀皮总管,真魔族的大长老还有很多族人其实都知道,但现在他们都异口同声是我杀了皮总管……”祖安神色凝重。 You want to say that they are unfair to you lord of some evil spirit is not impatient. “你是想说他们冤枉你”妖魔之主有些不耐烦。 No,” Zu An shakes the head, I can visit them truly to think that like this, moreover not only they, even my side these intimate maidservants, think that was I killed the skin manager, in this world had what skill, can change memory of life.” “不,”祖安摇了摇头,“我看得出来他们确实是这样认为的,而且不仅他们,连我身边那些亲近的侍女,都认为是我杀了皮总管,这世上是不是有什么技能,能改变生灵的记忆。” Simply nonsense, how in this world will have......” lord of some evil spirit is not impatient, told only half, suddenly thought of anything, immediately is silent, the complexion Yin clear change, is thinking deeply about anything obviously. “简直胡说八道,这世上怎么会有……”妖魔之主原本有些不耐烦,说到一半,忽然想到了什么,顿时沉默下去,脸色阴晴变化,显然是在思索着什么。 Sees his response, Zu An relaxes, it seems like own guess really right. 看到他的反应,祖安松了一口气,看来自己的猜测果然没错。 Separated a while, the lord of evil spirit raised the head, have a relish is sizing up Zu An: You really make me hold in high esteem, can think that unexpectedly such taking off/escaping crime gave a pretext.” 隔了一会儿,妖魔之主抬起头来,饶有兴致地打量着祖安:“你真是让我刮目相看,竟然能想到这样的脱罪借口。” Zu An replied: „It is not the excuse, but told the facts, wants to come wise on by lord, has thought was who is being up to mischief 祖安答道:“并非借口,只是实话实说,想来以主上的英明,已经想到了是谁在搞鬼吧” various Tianwan the truly kind of occupation can achieve this, moreover now in this underground city,” the lord of evil spirit, is happen to also staring at Zu An again, that skill will just revise everyone's cognition, why you can be exceptional “诸天万界确实有一类职业能做到这点,而且如今这地下城中正好也有一位,”妖魔之主顿了顿,再次盯着祖安,“只不过那种技能会修改所有人的认知,为何你偏偏能例外” In the Zu An heart jumps, actually this is also he has doubts, thinks this skill will not have an effect on the victim, therefore has not thought, now according to evil spirit Lord words, oneself should also think that theoretically the skin manager is right, don't tell me that kill because are not the true evil spirit, therefore had not been affected. 祖安心中一跳,其实这也是他疑惑的,原本以为这种技能不会对受害者起作用,所以没有多想,如今根据妖魔之主的话来看,自己理论上也应该会认为皮总管是自己杀的才对,难道因为自己并非真正的妖魔,所以没有被影响。 He responded also quickly, quickly replied: I do not know, perhaps their skills had what flaw just to make me run upon.” 他反应也快,急忙答道:“我也不知,说不定他们那技能有什么破绽刚好让我撞上了。” The lord of doubt evil spirit sized up his, has not continued to intertwine actually this issue: That possibility that you said truly exists, but cannot remove is really you killed skin Yanyang, like this, you matter of tell me today in detail, do not leave out any detail.” 妖魔之主狐疑地打量了他一番,倒是没有继续纠结这个问题:“你说的那种可能确实存在,只不过也不能排除真的是你杀了皮岩扬,这样,你将今天发生的事情跟我详细讲一遍,不要漏掉任何细节。” „Before is......” Zu An then, matter tell in full detail told him, in this period the lord of evil spirit kept asking, frequently separates a while to press for an answer on a detail repeatedly, with his special constriction, if lies definitely cannot escape his eye. “是……”祖安这才将之前发生的事一五一十告诉了他,期间妖魔之主不停发问,经常隔一会儿就一个细节反复逼问,以他那特殊的压迫感,若是说谎的话肯定逃不过他的眼睛。 But the Zu An present mentality naturally cannot by the opposite party power and influence the fear, this matter he not lie let alone. 只不过祖安如今的心态自然不会被对方威势所慑,更何况这件事他并没有说谎。 After the lord of evil spirit listens, asked with emphasis time point that his each matter ended, he asked in detail, Zu An more felt relieved on the contrary, this showed the opposite party really believed the own words. 妖魔之主听完后又重点问了他各个事情结束的时间点,他问得越详细,祖安反倒越放心,这证明对方确实相信了自己的话。 Moreover that exists to revise memory of people mystically, but if knows existence of opposite party, will show a flaw, the time does not correspond. 而且那个神秘存在能修改众人的记忆,但如果知道了对方的存在,就会露出一个破绽,时间对应不上。 skin manager dies, oneself are taking the eagle to return to the cave mansion, should have many evil spirit to see along the way, the words that therefore has a mind to verify are not difficult. 皮总管死的时候,自己正乘坐飞鹰回洞府,沿途应该有不少妖魔看到过,所以有心查证的话并不难。 I who you said had known, you first go back and other news, recently cannot go out at will, waits to question momentarily.” The lord of evil spirit waves, hints him to draw back. “你说的我已经知道了,你先回去等消息吧,最近一段时间不许随意外出,随时等候问话。”妖魔之主挥了挥手,示意他退下。 Zu An notices his look to be dignified, seems not in no mood and speaks. 祖安注意到他神色凝重,似乎没有心情和自己多说话。 He somewhat is curious, don't tell me that mysterious existence makes the lord of evil spirit so dread 他不禁有些好奇,难道那个神秘存在让妖魔之主如此忌惮么 He has inquired the status and information of several opposite party in midway, pitifully the lord of rumor evil spirit is only strict, has not disclosed the least bit. 他中途打探过几次对方的身份和情报,只可惜妖魔之主口风严得很,没有透露半点。 Saw that he comes out from the main hall, before the palace , the demon causes to be startled, took the weapon to encircle him. 看到他从大殿中出来,殿前魔使吃了一惊,纷纷抽出兵器将他围了起来。 At this time in the main hall transmitted the evil spirit the Lord sound: Makes him go back, moreover withdraws half a real demon clan that side guard, remaining indeed nurtures the divine an demon clan not to escape then.” 这时大殿中传来了妖魔之主的声音:“让他回去,另外将真魔一族那边的侍卫撤回一半,剩下的确保真魔一族不逃跑即可。” Hears that vast dignified sound, Zu An thought that lord of strength this evil spirit is really intrepid. 听到那浩瀚威严的声音,祖安心想这妖魔之主实力果然强悍。 Yes!” Before the palace , the demon causes, although in the heart has doubts, actually does not dare to inquire, can only the making way path, gaze after Zu An to depart. “是!”殿前魔使虽然心中疑惑,却也不敢询问,只能让开道路,目送祖安离去。 Zu An clear various woman definitely extremely worried at this time, if oneself cannot go back promptly, is difficult to guarantee them not to make what foolish matter, therefore with lightning speed. 祖安清楚诸女此时肯定万分担心,万一自己不能及时回去,难保他们不会做出什么傻事,所以一路风驰电掣。 Runs up to the midway, in his heart moves suddenly, stopped in woods: Friend, with was so long, why not to come sees 跑到中途,他忽然心中一动,在一片树林中停了下来:“朋友,跟了这么久,何不现身一见” Finishes speaking, behind the big tree of not far away resounded an applauding sound. 话音刚落,不远处的大树后面响起了一阵鼓掌之声。 You really let my some accidents/surprises, Donal.” A form walked from the woods slowly. “你实在让我有些意外啊,多纳尔。”一个身影缓缓从树林后面走了出来。 Who you are Zu An are taking a look at the opposite party, is different from the common evil spirit, the characteristics of his body person are more obvious, if not here is the evil spirit world, he even thinks oneself bumped into a young young master. “你是谁”祖安打量着对方,和一般妖魔不同,他身上人的特征更明显,若非这里是妖魔世界,他甚至会以为自己碰上了一个年轻公子。 But the face of opposite party brings an ugly face mask, cannot see clearly his appearance. 只不过对方的脸带着一个鬼脸面具,看不清他的容貌。 Who I am unimportant, was you caused my curiosity on the contrary.” That person walked regarding Zu An, is taking a look at him up and down while mouth tsk tsk expressed admiration, Donal, a young master of real demon clan, although some abilities, what were more was becomes famous by lascivious lecherous, has not thought that everyone underestimated you.” “我是谁不重要,反倒是你引起了我的好奇。”那人围绕着祖安走了起来,一边上下打量着他一边嘴里称奇,“多纳尔,真魔一族的公子,虽然有些本领,但更多的是以贪花好色出名,没想到大家都低估了你。” Zu An has not replied, but is the secret alert, the strength of this fellow he cannot feel unexpectedly, is difficult to be inadequate also with lord of same expert of evil spirit, this is how possible 祖安没有答话,而是暗暗戒备,这个家伙的实力他竟然感受不到,难不成也是和妖魔之主一样的强者,这怎么可能 Does not need is so vigilant to me, my trip comes not to come with you to fight, on the contrary I am very curious to you, why your memory meeting has not received surprised that influence in that mask person tone cannot stop. “不必对我这么警惕,我此行来不是来和你打架的,相反我对你十分好奇,为何你的记忆会没有受到影响”那面具人语气中止不住的惊讶。 Zu An: Originally all these are you are being up to mischief!” 祖安:“原来这一切是你在搞鬼!” Now except for him and being in charge in the office of evil spirit, only then that exists to know that mystically revised the memory matter. 如今除了他和妖魔之主外,只有那个神秘存在知道修改记忆的事情了。 Feeling strength is ordinary, is difficult to be inadequate is your body has what special magical treasure that mask person to think aloud, is not right, by your skill, can obtain what fierce magical treasure, don't said is you, even under the lord of evil spirit has not guarded, has no way to avoid by me being affected. Entire evil spirit world, perhaps only then the lord of past slaughtering......” “感觉实力一般,难不成是你身上有什么特殊法宝么”那面具人自言自语道,“可不对啊,以你的本事,能得到什么厉害的法宝,莫说是你,就算是妖魔之主没有防备之下,也没法避免被我影响。整个妖魔世界,或许只有当年的杀戮之主……” At this point he smiled, obviously thought that this guess is somewhat absurd, how this fellow is at present possible and lord of past slaughtering has the relations. 说到这里他不禁笑了起来,显然觉得这个猜测有些荒谬,眼前这家伙怎么可能和当年的杀戮之主扯上关系。 The having no interest listener intends, in the Zu An heart moves, the lord of slaughtering, is difficult to be inadequate...... 说者无心听者有意,祖安心中一动,杀戮之主,难不成…… He thinks finally why only then not affected reason, after that was the lord of slaughtering offered a sacrifice to mystically to have elimination that the dance summon came the only remaining things by the world initially- just like the blade common tooth! 他终于想到了为何只有自己不受影响的原因,那就是当初杀戮之主被天地祭舞召唤而来的神秘存在消灭后唯一剩下的东西-犹如刀一般的牙齿! That tooth has ability that eradicates ten thousand laws, seems like a divine object that the lord of slaughtering obtained long ago, the sacrifice will build up the own tooth. 那牙齿有破除万法的能力,似乎是杀戮之主早年得到的一个神物,将之祭炼成了自己的牙齿。 Therefore at that time can by various principle influences, that tooth in my body, not be made me avoid being affected by it now. 所以当时能不受各种法则影响,如今那牙齿在我身上,无意间让我避免了被之影响。 That mask person also wants to say anything again, suddenly looks at the sky: It seems like today does not have the time and you chatted, next time bye.” 那面具人还想再说什么,忽然望了望天空:“看来今天没时间和你多聊了,下次再见。” During the speeches has vanished does not see. 说话间已然消失不见。 Almost is simultaneously, before two palaces , the demon enabled to fly: On lord makes us escort you to go back.” 几乎是同时,两个殿前魔使飞了过来:“主上让我们护送你回去。” Zu An thought that the lord of evil spirit also responded, for fear that oneself had to eliminate a potential informant by that mystically. 祖安心想妖魔之主也反应了过来,生怕自己被那神秘存在灭口吧。 On gone back road, Zu An cannot bear inquire on the quiet: Master Empress, Master Empress 回去的路上,祖安忍不住悄悄询问道:“皇后师父,皇后师父” Has the matter to remember me the Mi Li red beautiful figure to appear in side each time, stretches oneself lazy, revealed the graceful beautiful curve. “每次都有事才会想起我”芈骊红色的倩影出现在旁边,慵懒地伸了个懒腰,露出了曼妙婀娜的曲线。 She with the Zu An binding soul body condition, only if she deliberately comes, only then a Zu An person can see her. 她是与祖安绑定地灵魂体状态,除非她刻意现身,只有祖安一人能看到她。 Just that wear mask fellow you saw, he can revise everyone's memory unexpectedly, was really extremely terrifying.” Zu An has a lingering fear. “刚刚那个戴面具的家伙你看到了没,他竟然能修改所有人的记忆,实在是太过恐怖了些。”祖安心有余悸。 „The fellow, should be the years official historian.” Mi Li spoke thoughtlessly to reply, that tone as if thought that he somewhat made much ado about nothing. “那家伙啊,应该是岁月史官。”芈骊随口答道,那语气仿佛觉得他有些大惊小怪。
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