KI :: Volume #24

#2321: Sets at the deathtrap then to live

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The big elder heard that the word complexion changes, he has heard the voice of opposite party. 大长老闻言脸色一变,他已经听出了对方的声音。 The people go out looked, discovered outside is standing before some time ago had just come to here that palace , the demon causes. 众人出门一看,发现外面站着的正是不久前刚来过这里的那个殿前魔使。 But this and past was different, besides him, in addition nine demons made the dispersion stand in various places. 只不过这次和以往不同,除了他之外,另外还有九个魔使分散站在各处。 The aura fluctuation of each body is as good as the strength of big elder. 每个身上的气息波动都不亚于大长老的实力。 Besides them, some surroundings also large numbers of guards, before all are, side skin manager that higher guard. 除了他们之外,周围还有大批侍卫,全都是之前皮总管身边的那种高等侍卫。 The distant place was big pile of shooter drawing a bow nockings aimed at the direction of cave entrance. 远处更是一大堆射手张弓搭箭对准了洞口的方向。 A big elder heart sank the valley, this strength has destroyed completely an entire real demon clan sufficiently. 大长老一颗心沉到了谷底,这股力量已经足以灭掉整个真魔一族了。 The lord of never expected that evil spirit is so vigorous and resolute, sent so many expert to come unexpectedly in a flash, but also came such rapidness. 没想到妖魔之主如此雷厉风行,竟然一瞬间派了这么多高手过来,还来得如此之快。 What despairs, even if spelled to go all-out from these expert to escape, will only bring in lord of faction many expert evil spirit to come, even he will arrive personally. 更绝望的是,就算拼尽全力从这些高手手下逃了出去,只会引来妖魔之主派更多的高手过来,甚至他会亲自降临。 Donal, you massacre the skin manager, but also kills on the lord blatantly own health/guard, before may acknowledge guilt palace , the demon causes to look straight ahead Zu An to drink to ask. “多纳尔,你残杀皮总管,还公然杀害主上亲卫,可认罪”殿前魔使直视祖安喝问道。 Surroundings these guards reveal the color of indignation, just killed has is their colleagues, in the past they were play to various clans completely imposing, various clans served them cautiously. 周围那些侍卫纷纷露出愤慨之色,刚刚被杀的有很多是他们同僚,以往他们到各族都是耍尽威风,各族都小心翼翼伺候他们。 Now Donal dares to protect take action, if this wind opens, from now on various clans will follow the example, how they will also mix 如今多纳尔竟敢对亲卫出手,若是此风一开,今后各族有样学样,他们还怎么混 The big elder quickly said: This matter has the misunderstanding, actually at that time......” 大长老急忙说道:“这件事有误会,其实当时……” Be quiet! I asked before you palace , the demon causes to look angrily at the big elder. “住嘴!我问你了么”殿前魔使怒视着大长老。 The big elder body trembles, has to draw back in the future one step, in the heart, although has the anger, actually does not dare to display. 大长老身子一颤,只好往后退了一步,心中虽有怒意,却不敢表现出来。 At this time in his mind is completely ended, ended, a real demon clan was complete sound. 此时他脑海里尽是“完了,完了,真魔一族全完了”的声音。 At this time Zu An replied: I have not killed the skin manager, naturally did not acknowledge guilt.” 这时祖安答道:“我没有杀皮总管,当然不认罪。” Before the palace , the demon makes in the eye flash through to mock: This matter is well-known, but also tries to quibble to have what significance here 殿前魔使眼中闪过一丝讥诮:“此事已经众人皆知,还在这里试图狡辩有何意义” Significance that good that you said that has not truly quibbled, I kill to peel off the manager, to complete another important matter.” Zu An said solemnly. “你说的不错,确实没有狡辩的意义,我之所以杀掉皮总管,是为了完成另一件大事。”祖安沉声道 Now Pei Mianman and the others thinks that was the homicide the skin manager, intertwined this not to have the significance again. 如今连裴绵曼等人都认为是他杀了皮总管,再纠结这个没有意义。 Might as well acknowledged, this can also temporarily Paralysis to that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 还不如承认下来,这样也可以暂时麻痹到那个幕后黑手。 „Before what important matter palace , the demon causes to ask curiously. “什么大事”殿前魔使好奇问道。 This is the top-secret duty that on the lord assigns, I can only say with the lord on.” Zu An replied. “此乃主上交代的绝密任务,我只能跟主上说。”祖安答道。 Before the palace , the demon makes the complexion change, serves on the lord side, he naturally is dangerously clear the secret, knows secret that should not know, he to refusing stubbornly far. 殿前魔使脸色一变,侍奉在主上身边,他当然清楚秘密有多危险,知道了不该知道的秘密,他就离死不远了。 Therefore he does not dare to ask again, waves directly: Good, I lead you to go back to see on the lord, catches him.” 于是他不敢再问,直接一挥手:“好,我带你回去见主上,把他抓起来。” Quick had the guard to go forward him to tie up, simultaneously put out blood red short to sew magical artifact to insert, in his whole body various places wanted above the hole, keeping his cultivation base from displaying. 很快有侍卫上前将他绑了起来,同时拿出血红的短钉法器插在了他全身各处要穴之上,让他一身修为无法发挥出来。 Pei Mianman and the others want to go forward to rescue, was actually prevented by Zu An in secret. 裴绵曼等人原本想上前相救,却被祖安暗中阻止。 Now truly can instead at the fighting, but is sudden, one's own side has almost no preparation, but before these palaces , the demon causes actually to come prepared. 如今确实可以反抗战上一场,但事发突然,己方几乎没有什么准备,而这些殿前魔使却是有备而来。 Words that really hits, even in addition assisting of real demon clan, oneself, even if can save the life, various females actually mostly more unfortunate than fortunate. 真打起来的话,就算加上真魔一族的相助,自己就算能保住性命,诸女却多半凶多吉少。 Let alone a real demon clan not necessarily dares to revolt against the lord of evil spirit. 更何况真魔一族未必敢反抗妖魔之主。 Such being the case, might as well takes risk to try to try, in his heart has an indistinct idea, but also requires the time to try to prove and improve. 既然如此,还不如冒险试上一试,他心中有个隐约的想法,只不过还需要时间来求证与完善。 Sees him not to revolt, before the palace , the demon causes then to relax: And others took the surplus people detains for the time being here, waits to arraign momentarily!” 见他没有反抗,殿前魔使这才松了一口气:“将剩余人等拿下暂且关押在此处,随时等候提审!” Yes!” Other guards receive an order in abundance, go forward also to have various woman to detain a real demon clan. “是!”其他的侍卫纷纷领命,上前将真魔一族还有诸女关押起来。 Before that palace , the demon causes , then leads two companions to bring Zu An to fly together toward the lord of palace evil spirit, before remaining seven palaces , the demon causes , then stays here to shock a real demon clan to change not. 那殿前魔使则带着两个同伴一起带着祖安朝妖魔之主宫殿飞去,剩下的七个殿前魔使则留在这里震慑真魔一族莫要异动。 Because had not just conflicted directly, therefore many guards do not have extremely to feel embarrassed the remaining people now, but safeguards them in the respective cave mansion, cannot their going out. 因为刚刚并没有正面冲突,所以如今众多侍卫倒也没有太过为难剩下的众人,只是将他们看管在各自洞府之中,不许他们外出活动。 A real demon clan position is extraordinary, before has not waited till the host's of concrete order evil spirit, no one dares easily to begin. 真魔一族毕竟地位非凡,没有等到妖魔之主具体的命令前,谁也不敢轻易动手。 various Nvji looks at Zu An to escort away in cave entrance, looks that his form disappears in the horizon, the Ji Xiaoxi tearful eyes dances: We can also see Big Brother Zu again 诸女挤在洞口望着祖安被押走,看着他的身影消失在天边,纪小希泪眼婆娑:“我们还能再见到祖哥哥么” The entire cave mansion fell into died the common peace, various females also burst into tears silently, their clear Zu An this went perhaps is more unfortunate than fortunate, perhaps this was finally one side. 整个洞府陷入了死一般的安静,诸女同样默默流泪,她们清楚祖安此去恐怕是凶多吉少,说不定这就是最后一面了。 At this time Jiang Luofu spoke to comfort the people saying: You do not need is so discouraged, he is without a fight on own initiative, could see that he should have anything to plan.” 这时姜罗敷出言安慰众人道:“你们不必如此灰心,他是主动束手就擒的,看得出他应该有什么计划。” Pei Mianman hears word at present one bright, scratched the tear stains of corner of the eye to raise the head: Good, just we had the opportunity of resistance obviously, he has not actually fought, obviously he thought of anything, we must believe him.” 裴绵曼闻言眼前一亮,擦了擦眼角的泪痕抬起头来:“不错,刚刚我们明明有反抗的机会,他却并没有战斗,显然他是想到了什么,我们要相信他。” She looked at Jiang Luofu one grateful, just she was cares chaotically, the whole person whole body was icy cold, a brain blank piece, simply has not thought of this. 她感激地看了姜罗敷一眼,刚刚她是关心则乱,整个人浑身冰凉,大脑空白一片,根本没有想到这一层。 Solon poem bites the lip, said cautiously: Can be the Big Brother Zu worry fights we more unfortunate than fortunate, feared that implicates us therefore......” 索伦诗咬了咬嘴唇,小心翼翼地说道:“会不会是祖大哥担心战斗下来我们凶多吉少,怕连累我们所以才……” Such remarks, various female complexions change, even Jiang Luofu thought that really has the possibility, just that situation really hit, perhaps Zu An can live, but their several can have one to live to be good. 此言一出,诸女脸色微变,连姜罗敷都觉得确实有可能,刚刚那种情况真的打起来,祖安也许活得下来,但她们几个能有一个能活下来就不错了。 Pei Mianman shakes the head firmly: „, Big Brother Zu will not so get emotional, even if has scruples this, he will still only remain to accompany us dead, so will not give up resisting, he chose like this definitely is in his heart had the plan, but was under just in the glare of the public eye, he had no way to explain with us.” 裴绵曼坚定地摇头:“不会,祖大哥绝不会如此感情用事,就算顾忌这个,他也只会留下来陪我们同死,绝不会这般放弃抵抗,他这样选择绝对是他心中有了计划,只是刚刚众目睽睽之下,他没法跟我们解释。” Yun Yuqing cannot bear hold on her hand to sigh with emotion: Manman, you are really of one mind with him.” 云雨晴忍不住拉住她的手感慨道:“曼曼,你果然和他心有灵犀。” The people also nod in abundance, on the scene and Zu An is together for a long time, most understands his perhaps only then Pei Mianman, since she so said that mostly is so. 众人也纷纷点头,在场的和祖安相处最久,最了解他的恐怕只有裴绵曼了,她既然这般说那多半就是如此。 Most of them and Chu Chuyan is not so ripe, at this time looks in the Pei Mianman heart to admire secretly, her body really has the makings of big woman. 她们大多数和楚初颜并不是那么熟,此时看着裴绵曼心中暗暗佩服,她身上果然有大妇的气质。 From the beginning the females have the respective thoughts, perhaps competes the heart of envy, but shares a common hatred at this time, these have thrown one side, looking forward to the sisters fiercely is better. 一开始众女都有各自的心思,或许还有攀比妒忌之心,但此时同仇敌忾,这些早已抛到了一边,巴不得姐妹们越厉害越好。 ...... …… various woman worries simultaneously, Zu An had been detained in the palace. 诸女担忧地同时,祖安已经被押到了宫殿之中。 The lord of evil spirit sits on the high chair, three strange bird crawl before the body, his hand is touching three heads gently, is staring at Zu An sharp-eyed: 妖魔之主坐在高高的椅子上,三头怪鸟匍匐在身前,他的手轻轻抚摸着三颗脑袋,目光锐利地盯着祖安: Donal, has not thought that met quickly.” “多纳尔,没想到这么快又见面了。” Zu An smiles bitterly: Yes, I have not thought that so will be quick.” 祖安苦笑一声:“是啊,我也没想到会这么快。” „Before listening to the palace , the demon caused saying that you killed skin Yanyang are how because must hold an important matter to be possible this important matter I not to know the Lord God of color evil spirit for me coldly one. “听殿前魔使说你之所以杀皮岩扬是因为要为我办一件大事可这件大事我怎么不知道”妖魔之主神色一冷。 Before Zu An looked around several palaces , the demon causes one: „The relations that then I said are quite major, can only say with the lord on alone.” 祖安看了看一旁的几位殿前魔使一眼:“接下来我所说的关系极为重大,只能和主上单独讲。” „” The Lord God of color evil spirit somewhat ponders. “哦”妖魔之主神色有些玩味。 Before nearby palace , the demon causes quickly saying: On lord, was careful that this fellow acts out of desperation!” 一旁的殿前魔使已经急忙说道:“主上,小心这家伙狗急跳墙!” Zu An hints tying hands of present body, coldly said: „The don't tell me demon causes is also worried that I stay here to assassinate on the lord on the inadequate lord cultivation base to be unparalleled alone, when I most flourishing he will not pay attention, let alone my present condition 祖安示意自己如今身上的五花大绑,冷冷道:“难道魔使还担心我单独留在这里行刺主上不成主上修为盖世,我全盛时他都不会放在眼里,更何况我现在的状况” The lord of evil spirit laughs: Said the truth somewhat, you draw back, I must listen to Donal to have anything to tell but actually me.” 妖魔之主哈哈一笑:“说得有几分道理,你们退下吧,我倒要听听多纳尔有什么跟我说的。” Hears him to order, before several other palaces , the demon causes, although is unwilling, does not dare to say anything again, after good a ritual, draws back in abundance. 听到他下令,其他几个殿前魔使虽心有不甘,还是不敢再说什么,行了一礼后纷纷退下。 In the palace is only left over after two people, the lord of evil spirit then said: Now can say.” 待宫殿中只剩下两人过后,妖魔之主这才说道:“现在可以说了吧。” Skin manager is not I kills.” Zu An said fast. “皮总管不是我杀的。”祖安快速说道。 The lord of evil spirit is unemotional: If you want to say that this, rather disappointed me.” 妖魔之主面无表情:“如果你只是想说这个的话,未免太让我失望了。” Naturally was not......” the Zu An following words makes the evil spirit the Lord complexion instantaneously change. “当然不是……”祖安接下来的话让妖魔之主的脸色瞬间变了。
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