KI :: Volume #24

#2320: Absolutely terrified

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Skin manager died Zu An to stare, this was how possible.” “皮总管死了”祖安一愣,“这怎么可能。” Fact is so, you run, you are a real demon clan final hope, you cannot have the matter.” The big elder urged anxiously. “事实就是如此,你快跑吧,你是真魔一族最后的希望,你不能出事情。”大长老焦急地催促道。 Zu An somewhat thinks otherwise: Without is so serious, the skin manager is not I kills, had a conflict with him at most, the lord of evil spirit was angry again is also insufficient to kill me.” 祖安有些不以为然:“没这么严重吧,皮总管又不是我杀的,顶多和他产生了一点冲突,妖魔之主再生气也不至于要杀我吧。” Hears his words, the expression of big elder immediately becomes especially strange, he deeply looked at Zu An one: Skin manager is not you kills 听到他的话,大长老的表情顿时变得格外古怪,他深深地看了祖安一眼:“皮总管不就是你杀的么” A Zu An brow wrinkle: Big elder you said anything 祖安眉头一皱:“大长老你说什么呢” The big elder looked to nearby Jiang Luofu and Ji Xiaoxi: Before I and you discussed the matter in the secret room, finally knew that the skin manager sexually harassed your maidservant in medicine Tian spot, you were burning with anger to overtake, both sides said a word to have the conflict, he first killed these guards who sexually harassed two girls, then killed his side that frog personal servant.” 大长老望向了一旁的姜罗敷纪小希:“之前我和你在密室商讨事情,结果得知皮总管在药田处调戏你的侍女,你怒火中烧赶了过去,双方言语有了冲突,他先杀死了调戏两位姑娘的那些侍卫,然后又杀了他身边那个蛤蟆跟班。” These I know that taught his afterward, I did not put him to depart Zu An only under your dissuading to feel somewhat bewilderedly. “这些我知道啊,后来教训了他一顿,不是在你的劝阻下我放他离去了么”祖安只觉得有些莫名其妙。 The big elder starts to speak but hesitates several times, finally said: At that time you truly put him to depart, when the skin manager leaves put the aggressive statement, said that will report the evil spirit to mainly treat your crime, meets belt/bring many expert to cope with you, when the time comes will be in front of your to play with your two maidservants......” 大长老好几次欲言又止,最终还是说道:“当时你确实放他离去了,但皮总管离开时放了狠话,说回去会禀告妖魔之主治你的罪,会带更多高手来对付你,到时候会当着你的面玩弄你的两个侍女……” Hears here, various woman looks the scowl immediately, this skin manager is really excessive. 听到这里,诸女顿时面露怒容,这个皮总管实在是过分。 The words of big elder continue to resound: You heard at that time angrily, said that makes him tell tales the following retaliation with it, might as well shuts off the danger as early as possible in the seed, therefore pursued, puts to death the skin main pipes and these guards all, at that time......” 大长老的话继续响起:“你当时听得大为愤怒,说与其让他搬弄是非后面报复,还不如趁早将危险扼杀在萌芽之中,于是追了上去,将皮总管和那些侍卫尽数诛杀,当时……” You wait/etc!” Zu An quickly interrupted his words, front matter truly so, but behind I have not gone to chase down him, I came back directly.” “你等等!”祖安急忙打断了他的话,“前面的事情确实如此,但后面我没有去追杀他啊,我直接回来了。” In his heart even raised a anxiety, was deliberately considering is the big elder designs itself intentionally, wants to force itself to help him handle anything. 他心中甚至升起了一丝疑虑,寻思着是不是大长老故意设计自己,想逼迫自己帮他做什么事情。 But this method was too rather shoddy a point. 只不过这手段未免太拙劣了一点吧。 The big elder sighs, the look is looking at him complex: Donal, here also does not have the bystander, why you said these words of covering up before me again.” 大长老叹了一口气,神色复杂地望着他:“多纳尔,这里又没有外人,你何必在我面前再说这些遮掩之言。” Saw him to say decent, Zu An even more felt bewildered: I have not truly killed the skin manager, the big elder said like this is what intent 见他说得像模像样的,祖安越发觉得莫名其妙:“我确实没有杀皮总管,大长老这样说是何意” The big elder extended finger to refer to nearby Jiang Luofu and Ji Xiaoxi: You thought that I deceive you, your person will not always deceive you, or you ask them 大长老伸手指了指旁边的姜罗敷纪小希:“你觉得我骗你,那你身边的人总不会骗你吧,要不你问问她们” Zu An stares, looks directly to two females, thought why I also asked them, how they possibly followed you to say. 祖安一愣,直接看向两女,心想我又何必问她们,她们怎么可能顺着你说。 Who knows that the next second of Jiang Luofu look said complex: Master, truly was you killed the skin manager.” 谁知道下一秒姜罗敷神色复杂地说道:“主人,确实是你杀了皮总管。” Ji Xiaoxi teardrops also rustle straight, at the same time wipes a tears sideband the weeping voice saying: Blames me, if not for I must go to pick the medicine , the following matter.” 纪小希的泪珠也簌簌直下,一边抹着眼泪一边带着哭腔道:“都怪我,若不是我要去出去采药,也不会发生后面的事情。” Pei Mianman hugs to comfort in the bosom her: How this matter can blame you, is that skin manager has to take the say/way.” 裴绵曼将她抱在怀中安慰起来:“这件事又怎么能怪你呢,是那皮总管自己已有取死之道。” The Zu An look is startled, quickly puts out a hand to hold the hand of Jiang Luofu and Ji Xiaoxi, the complexion is gloomy. 祖安神色一怔,急忙伸手抓住姜罗敷纪小希的手,脸色阴沉无比。 Ji Xiaoxi complexion one red, suddenly poured cannot attend to crying, thought that was in front of so many Big Sister, Big Brother Zu is holding my hand to be good to feel ashamed. 纪小希脸色一红,一时间倒也顾不得哭了,心想当着这么多姐姐的面,祖哥哥牵着我的手好羞人。 Well, wait/etc, he is grasping is little- hand that aunt, don't tell me...... 咦,等等,他怎么也握着小-姨的手,难道…… Although this time Jiang Luofu the surface is tranquil, but a heart has jumped crazily. 此时的姜罗敷虽然表面平静,但一颗心早已狂跳不已。 Two people few this flesh being on intimate terms time, she somewhat is suddenly absent-minded. 两人很少有这种肌肤相亲的时候,她一时间有些恍惚。 But notices several other female's strange visions quickly, responded immediately, quickly wants to pull out the hand, may be in front of big elder, thinks suddenly the present status is young master’s female- slave, cannot stop doing directly, has the trembling sound said: You...... you how 只不过很快注意到其他几女古怪的眼光,立马反应过来,急忙想将手抽了出来,可当着大长老的面,又忽然想到了自己如今的身份是公子的女-奴,又不能直接抽手,只好颤声道:“你……你怎么了” Zu An deeply frowned, he was worried two females were bitten the heart demon spider and so on existence control, will therefore talk nonsense with the big elder a moment ago together. 祖安眉头紧锁,原本他担心两女是被噬心魔蛛之类的存在控制,所以刚才会跟大长老一起胡说。 May inspect conditions in two human body is not unusual. 可检查了两人体内的状况并无异常。 That issue came, why they must talk nonsense, but also frames by planting stolen goods on oneself such charge with the big elder together. 那问题就来了,她们为何要胡说,还跟大长老一起栽赃自己这样的罪名。 No matter Ji Xiaoxi is also good, Jiang Luofu, he believes that the opposite party will not harm himself to be right. 不管是纪小希也好,姜罗敷也罢,他都相信对方绝不会害自己才对。 At this time the Xie Daoyun consolation said: Young master, now is not the puzzled opposite party should killing time, since has killed, we should think how then should deal is.” 这时谢道韫劝慰道:“公子,现在不是纠结对方该不该杀的时候,既然已经杀了,我们该想想接下来该如何应对才是。” The big elder hears the secret nod, thinking Donal is really the good method, these females are dead set on to him actually. 大长老听得暗暗点头,心想多纳尔真是好手段,这些女子倒是对他都死心塌地的。 Zu An is actually the whole body shakes at this time, subsequently looked to other various woman, on the face completely may not the color of believing: don't tell me you also thought that was I killed skin manager 祖安此时却是浑身一震,继而望向了其他诸女,脸上尽是不可置信之色:“难道你们也觉得是我杀了皮总管” Various female slight bows: Just you did not come back to say this matter with us 诸女微微点头:“刚刚你不是回来跟我们说了这事么” various woman look at each other in blank dismay, the expression completely worries about the color. 诸女面面相觑,表情尽是担忧之色。 First was worried to kill the serious results of skin manager, secondly thought that present Zu An somewhat is really strange, can it be that by what evil spirit body possession 一来担心杀了皮总管的严重后果,二来觉得如今的祖安实在有些古怪,莫不是被什么妖魔夺舍 Now the weather somewhat is obviously burning hot, Zu An behind actually braved cold air at this time, in the direct impact the forehead. 如今天气明明有些炎热,祖安此时背后却冒起一股凉气,直冲上了脑门。 This anything situation 这什么情况 Jiang Luofu and Ji Xiaoxi said like this, why other various woman are also with one voice 姜罗敷纪小希这样说也就罢了,为何其他诸女也是异口同声 Has flash that he even somewhat vacillated, felt are oneself this period of time is too tired, memory had the confusion. 有那么一瞬间,他甚至都有些动摇了,觉得自己是不是这段时间太累,以至于记忆出现了混乱。 But he denied this guess quickly, by his present cultivation base, almost it can be said that the photographic memory, let alone before and world will communicated, he does not know wisely many to the cognition of strength compared with before now. 只不过他很快否定了这个猜测,以他如今的修为,几乎可以说是过目不忘,更何况之前与世界意志沟通,他如今对力量的认知比之前不知道高明了多少。 The matter of such near time, he is impossible to remember incorrectly. 这么近时间发生的事情,他不可能会记错。 various woman said like this certainly has the reason! 诸女这样说一定是有原因的! His even secretly essence qi sound transmission and Pei Mianman and the others communicated, but also thinks that they have what hard thing to bring up, has to say like this. 他甚至偷偷元气传音裴绵曼等人沟通了一下,还以为她们有什么难言之隐,不得不这样说。 Who knows that the opposite party worried on the contrary strokes his forehead, was worried that his body had/left what condition. 谁知道对方反倒担忧地来抚摸他的额头,担心他身体出了什么状况。 Zu An understands finally, they did not pretend to say like that but really believes like that big elder similarly so. 祖安终于明白,她们并非假装那般说,而是真的那般认为,大长老同样如此。 Why can so 为何会如此 Why their memory and my memory are completely different 为何他们的记忆和我的记忆完全不一样 His whole body fine hair set upright, before this condition him, has not bumped into. 他浑身汗毛都竖了起来,这种状况他以前从来没有碰到过。 As if void in has not a visible enemy to gaze at his all silently. 仿佛虚空之中有一个看不见的敌人在默默注视着他的一切。 Young master, escapes quickly, family also maintaining life transmission, you pass a bit faster, henceforth conceals identity to wait for the opportunity.” The big elder was saying his hand is walking on drawing outward. “公子,快逃吧,家族还有一个保命的传送阵,你快点过去,从此隐姓埋名等待机会。”大长老说着就拉着他的手往外走去。 They Zu An referred to nearby various woman. “她们呢”祖安指了指一旁的诸女。 Big elder said solemnly: All races evade into underground already for over a thousand years, all resources are limited, now the remaining resources can transmit is quite not easy you.” 大长老沉声道:“所有种族避入地下已经上千年,所有的资源非常紧张,如今剩下的资源能将你传送走已经相当不易。” The implied meaning is very obvious, is impossible to have the resources to transmit together several other females. 言下之意很明显,不可能有资源将另外几女一起传送走。 Zu An breaks free from his hand: I do not walk.” 祖安将他的手甩开:“那我就不走了。” The big elder in great surprise, sound transmission said secretly: Several women, when you will find the ancestor to inherit in the future, among whole world many peerless beauty you could not find, why to yearn for them 大长老大惊,暗自传音道:“几个女人而已,等你将来找到先祖传承,天下间多少绝色美女你找不到,何必留恋她们” At this time Yun Yuqing also persuaded fast: Young master you walks, does not need to manage us, you are more important than us!” 这时云雨晴也快速劝说道:“公子你走吧,不必管我们,你比我们更重要!” Other various woman echo, the each and everyone eye socket with tears, said goodbye with him. 其他诸女纷纷附和,一个个眼眶含泪,和他告别。 They were clear that to the present, naturally can preserve one is, the entire cultivation world also needs Zu An, he gathers to want them is too more than importantly. 她们清楚到了如今,自然是能保住一个是一个,整个修行世界还需要祖安,他比她们合起来都要重要太多。 Although in the heart does not abandon, but at this time each and everyone not womanishly fussy. 虽然心中不舍,但此时一个个也没有婆婆妈妈。 The Zu An surface sinks like the water, he has not been thinking from the start matter. 祖安面沉如水,他压根就没想着走的事情。 First is impossible to abandon the own woman to escape alone, secondly matter extremely strange, how could he leaves now muddleheaded. 一来不可能抛弃自己的女人独自逃生,二来整件事太过诡异了,他又岂能现在稀里糊涂离开。 Seeing him is motionless throughout, the words that the big elder consoles are even more anxious: Young master, general situation for heavy, walks quickly!” 见他始终不动,大长老劝慰的话越发焦急:“公子,大局为重啊,快走啊!” During the speeches his whole body imposing manner ballooning, has planned to lead him to leave forcefully. 说话间他浑身气势鼓胀,已经打算强行带他离开了。 At this moment, outside hears one to sneer suddenly: „To walk anyone unable to get away now.” 就在这时,外面忽然传来一声冷笑:“想走现在谁都走不了了。”
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