KI :: Volume #24

#2319: Sending a punitive expedition

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Yes in the Jiang Luofu heart jumps, quickly touched cheeks, pretends did not care at all saying that „, possibly just bumped into one crowd of evil spirit to find fault, one fights some vitality surges.” “是么”姜罗敷心中一跳,急忙摸了摸脸蛋儿,装作毫不在意道,“哦,可能是刚刚碰上一群妖魔找茬,一场战斗下来有些气血翻腾吧。” Ji Xiaoxi could not bear shot a look at her one eyes secretly, thought that was small- aunt taught me to want unable before to lie honestly, finally now she also very can deceive people probably. 纪小希忍不住偷偷瞥了她一眼,心想小-姨以前教我要诚实不能说谎,结果现在她好像也挺会骗人的嘛。 Pei Mianman and the others do not know the circumstances of the matter, but also really had a scare, hurried inquiry what's the matter. 裴绵曼等人并不知情,还真被吓了一跳,急忙询问是怎么回事。 Ji Xiaoxi said matter that just had at this time delightedly, in the spoken language filled the respect to Zu An. 纪小希这时眉飞色舞地将刚刚发生的事情说了一遍,言语中充满了对祖安的崇拜之情。 Jiang Luofu looks is filled with emotion, Xiaoxi really became the Ah Zu little fan younger sister. 姜罗敷看得感慨万千,小希真的成了阿祖的小迷妹了。 What is lucky is she is extremely lovable, no matter the appearance character does not have the least bit aggressivity, that several women therefore have not as if dreaded Xiaoxi. 万幸的是她太过可爱,不管长相性格都没有半点攻击性,那几个女人似乎并没有因此忌惮小希 Yun Yuqing hears to be filled with righteous indignation, snort/hum: Who lets that skin manager the toad wants to eat swan meat, dares to hit the idea of ginger Big Sister and Xiaoxi, this/should properly teaches his.” 云雨晴听得义愤填膺,哼了一声:“谁让那个皮总管癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉,竟敢打姜姐姐小希的主意,就该好好教训他一下。” But that skin manager, since is the lord of evil spirit...... lover,” Xie Daoyun complexion slightly red, her miss family/home really thought that this type relates some are difficult, that Big Brother Zu you offended him, did not fear that the lord of evil spirit blames “可那个皮总管既然是妖魔之主的……相好,”谢道韫脸色微红,她一个姑娘家实在觉得这种关系有些难以启齿,“那祖大哥你得罪了他,不怕妖魔之主怪罪么” Other various Nvwen said also looks to worry about the color. 其他诸女闻言也面露担忧之色。 Might as well, the lord of that evil spirit also needs me to help a lord of side his planted agent slaughtering, temporarily will not move me.” Zu An replied. “无妨,那妖魔之主还需要我帮他卧底杀戮之主一方,暂时不会动我。”祖安答道。 Blames me, if not for I want to collect the herbal medicine, will not have these matter.” Ji Xiaoxi rebukes oneself, the tears are spinning, wants to be low momentarily. “都怪我,若不是我想去采集草药,也不会发生这些事情。”纪小希自责不已,眼泪都在打转,随时都要低落下来。 Several other females comfort her to get up: How this can blame you, you also want to help, moreover successfully found the medicinal herbs, in the future refines to cope with the evil spirit the medicine, can play very major role.” 其他几女纷纷安慰她起来:“这怎么能怪你呢,你也是想帮忙,而且也成功找到药草,将来炼制出对付妖魔的药,能起到很大作用的。” Zu An also comforts saying: Xiaoxi you do not need to be too many, the evil spirit world is expert is to revere, show muscle is also appropriately necessary. Also, according to the big elder's description, I guesses that skin manager is very possible to come to me, sexually harasses you to use something as a pretext.” 祖安也安慰道:“小希你不必想太多,妖魔世界本来就是强者为尊,适当地秀一下肌肉也是必要的。再说了,根据大长老的描述,我猜那个皮总管很可能是冲我来的,调戏你们只是借题发挥而已。” Was worried that you snatched him male- the position that favors Solon poem was usually intelligent, from the my humble self in the royal family, then analyzed the motive of skin manager quickly. “担心你抢了他男-宠的位置么”索伦诗素来聪慧,又从小生在王族,很快便分析出了皮总管的动机。 The people look immediately becomes extremely strange. 众人神色顿时变得极为古怪。 Zu An also feels unlucky, finally this matter has uncovered in the happy talks and laughters. 祖安也觉得晦气,最终这件事就在欢声笑语中揭过。 He changes the topic specially, tells the people the information that big elder there must come. 他特意岔开话题,将大长老那里得来的信息告诉众人。 Hearing the Monster Race ancestor is a servant of real demon clan, moreover in the big elder spoken language is completely to Monster Race the color of despising, Yun Yuqing, Solon poem complexion becomes somewhat ugly/difficult to look at. 听到妖族先祖乃是真魔一族的仆人,而且大长老言语中尽是对妖族的鄙夷之色,云雨晴、索伦诗脸色变得有些难看。 You do not need to care, this is only the statement of only one of the parties of big elder, not necessarily real.” Zu An elucidates to say. “你们不必放在心上,这只是大长老的一面之词,未必是真的。”祖安开解道。 Solon poem smiles grieved: Real demon can open our remote antiquity bloodlines, obviously compared with existence of our higher level.” 索伦诗惨然一笑:“真魔都能开启我们的远古血脉,显然是比我们更高级的存在。” The Yun Yuqing facial expression somewhat is also low-spirited, no matter how, the bloodlines of servant would a being one step below others feeling. 云雨晴神情也有些黯然,不管如何,仆人的血脉总会有一种低人一等的感觉。 Zu An sincere say/way: I usually opposed the bloodline-ism the view, because bloodline noble can be powerful forever most has the power and influence the nobilities rather to plant forever, individual effort is as important, you did not see historically many nobilities destruction, always had new expert to catch up, then established the new country or the family.” 祖安正色道:“我素来反对血统论的说法,就因为血统高贵就能永远强大永远最有权势么王侯将相宁有种乎,个人的努力同样重要,你们不见历史上多少王侯将相都覆灭了,总有新的强者后来居上,然后建立新的国家或者家族。” various woman nods, thinking Big Brother Zu can grow to this step, although the fortuitous encounter is very again and again important, but what is more important he has a powerful unyielding heart. 诸女不禁点头,心想祖大哥能成长到这一步,虽然奇遇连连很重要,但更重要的是他有一颗强大不屈的心。 Yun Yuqing and Solon poem really also roused the spirit: Big Brother Zu said right, was born in the world, how could also to accept fate because of these matters!” 云雨晴和索伦诗果然也振奋了精神:“祖大哥说的没错,生于天地之间,又岂能因为这些事而认命呢!” Unknowingly hit a chicken blood, each and everyone was full of the working zeal, starts secret that studied the big elder to disclose. 不知不觉打了一通鸡血,一个个充满了干劲,开始研究大长老透露的秘密。 Forehead that big elder mentioned what's the matter “大长老提到的天庭是怎么回事” Hears various woman the doubts, some intelligence sharings that Zu An will know: I have heard the legends of some foreheads, does not know real.” 听到诸女的疑惑,祖安将自己知道的一些情报共享出来:“我听过一些天庭的传说,不知道是不是真的。” At once roughly speaks some forehead various God of previous life understanding, various woman hears the exclamation again and again. 旋即就将前世了解的一些天庭诸神大致讲了一遍,诸女听得惊叹连连。 Really has so detailed forehead position, this is not the common rumor can explain that obviously, where Big Brother Zu you listen.” Yun Yuqing asked curiously. “竟然有如此详细的天庭职位,这显然不是一般的传言所能解释的,祖大哥你在哪里听来的。”云雨晴好奇问道。 Good, some gods I seem to have also listened, but majority have not listened, but is rhythmical, the detail is full, obviously is not the baseless imagination.” Some Jiang Luofu similar doubts, she law as Academy, requests the knowledge to be profound inevitably, various woman on the scene feared no one book more than she has read. “不错,有一些神我似乎也听过,不过大多数都是没听过的,但却有板有眼,细节满满,显然不是凭空想象的。”姜罗敷同样有些疑惑,她身为学院的律者,必然要求知识渊博,在场诸女恐怕没人比她看过的书更多了。 Zu An wants to compile from some Secret Realm old books saw that but is worried to hide the truth from profound Jiang Luofu, fears to mislead them, therefore replied: I have a dream frequently, meet the dream to arrive in another world, these stories are in that world.” 祖安原本想编造从一些秘境古籍上看到的,但担心瞒不过渊博的姜罗敷,更怕误导她们,于是答道:“我经常做梦,会梦到另一个世界,这些故事都是那个世界里的。” He cannot say own transmigration, can only reply. 他总不能说自己穿越的吧,只能如此回答。 Hears this saying, various woman the expression was more surprised. 听到这话,诸女表情更惊讶了。 Will have this mysterious dream unexpectedly “竟然会做这种神奇的梦” But I see the situation in this dream to be very detailed, like the common dream, don't tell me these is not Big Brother Zu previous life some memory “可我见这梦中的情形十分详实,并不像一般的梦啊,难道这些是祖大哥前世的一些记忆 Ah Zu is really uncommon, heard some can be reincarnated greatly, as the strength is increased gradually, will gradually awaken some previous life memory, I snorted contemptuously to this view, has not thought unexpectedly real!” 阿祖果然不凡,原本听说一些大能转世,随着实力逐步提升,会逐渐觉醒前世一些记忆,原本我对这种说法嗤之以鼻,万万没想到竟然是真的!” Does not know that what great person Big Brother Zu previous life is, is came from what world “不知道祖大哥前世是什么样的大人物,又是来自什么世界” I thought but actually Big Brother Zu is Big Brother Zu, is not others is reincarnated.” “我倒觉得祖哥哥就是祖哥哥,才不是什么别人转世呢。” ...... …… Hears various female chirp the discussion, more said is odder, Zu An quickly interrupts their discussions: Actually I have also contacted the forehead in Secret Realm.” 听到诸女叽叽喳喳地议论,越说越离谱,祖安急忙打断她们的讨论:“其实我在一个秘境中也接触过天庭。” At once the bitter experience in Monster Race imperial tomb Secret Realm will roughly say. 旋即就将在妖族皇陵秘境中的遭遇大致讲了一遍。 The females hear to turn one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily, Solon poem said excitedly: Our Monster Race really and forehead has the relations.” 众女听得目眩神驰,索伦诗激动地说道:“我们妖族果然和天庭有关系。” Jiang Luofu notices Ji Xiaoxi to look at the Zu An look to brave the star, actually far more than is she, several other young girls are also similar. 姜罗敷注意到纪小希望着祖安的眼神直冒星星,其实何止是她,其他几个少女也差不多。 The look is complex, the Ah Zu casual some time experience is more mammoth than the average person ten lifetime, perhaps was also these rich experiences accomplished his special makings, where the little miss resisted this fill mysterious man. 不禁神色复杂,阿祖随便一段时间的经历都比普通人十辈子还要波澜壮阔,恐怕也是这些丰富的经历造就了他那特殊的气质吧,小姑娘哪里抗拒得了这种充满神秘的男人。 Just my previous time saw the forehead from afar, does not have the short distance to contact, does not know that these legends and real demon big elders in my dream with the forehead that said is a matter.” “只不过我上次只是远远看到了天庭,并没有近距离接触,不知道和我梦里的那些传说以及真魔大长老所说的天庭是不是一回事。” I thought that has the connection mostly, after all that forehead in Monster Race imperial tomb Secret Realm, where is so skillful.” Jiang Luofu according to the experience judgment that reads year to year. “我觉得多半有关联,毕竟那个天庭就是在妖族皇陵秘境里的,哪有这么巧。”姜罗敷根据常年看书的经历判断。 Good, I also felt like this.” Zu An is lost in thought that this it seems like transmigration to the cultivation world perhaps is not a coincidence, after all Fengtu Great experience crossed with own eyes, behind contacts the genuine forehead should not be accidental/surprised. “不错,我也这样觉得。”祖安陷入了沉思,这样看来自己穿越修行世界恐怕并非巧合啊,毕竟酆都大帝自己都亲眼见识过了,后面再接触到真正的天庭应该也不意外吧。 The people were discussing that the matter of forehead, outside transmitted the great eagle to fan the matter of wing suddenly, then intermittent rapid sound of footsteps approached rapidly. 众人正在讨论天庭的事情,忽然外面传来了巨鹰扇动翅膀的事情,然后一阵阵急促的脚步声迅速靠近。 Donal, is not good!” “多纳尔,不好了!” Listened is the voice of big elder, in the Zu An heart moves, quickly welcomed. 听出了是大长老的声音,祖安心中一动,急忙迎了出去。 He is so anxious, obviously was what big deal. 他如此焦急,显然出了什么大事。 Big elder how “大长老怎么了” The big elder rubbish, comes straight to the point directly: Skin manager died, on the lord the thunder is angry, heard that must send people to catch you!” 大长老也没废话,直接开门见山:“皮总管死了,主上雷霆大怒,听说要派人来抓你!”
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