KI :: Volume #24

#2329: Builds the fruits of virtue

Just kissed , the Xie Daoyun whole body transmitted a receiving an electric shock feeling, at once responds immediately, oneself did anything! 刚吻上过后,谢道韫浑身都传来一阵触电的感觉,旋即立马反应过来,自己都干了些什么啊! Xie Daoyun is very flustered at this time, does not know how should explain. 谢道韫此时十分慌张,都不知道该如何解释了。 No wonder with him explained that listened to instigation of Xie Xiu for a while obsessed 难怪和他解释是一时鬼迷心窍听了谢秀的怂恿 Blames that brat, really harms me not to live...... 都怪那个臭小子,害得我真是不活了…… Big Brother Zu, I...... I not therefore......” 祖大哥,我……我不是故……” The flash five senses entangle well up mixed, she hurry withdraws, but also without saying, was embraced the waist by a pair of powerful arm, then the whole person was held in the opposite party bosom. 一瞬间五味缠杂涌上心头,她慌忙地退后,还没说完,便被一双强大的臂膀揽住了腰肢,然后整个人被抱到了对方怀中。 A burning hot kissed, Xie Daoyun head bang, the remaining innumerable words vanish into thin air. 紧接着一张炙热的唇吻了上来,谢道韫脑袋轰的一声,剩下的无数的话都不翼而飞。 From the beginning her entire body is quite stiff, even the hand does not know where should put. 一开始她整个身子都极为僵硬,甚至连手都不知道该放哪里。 However under the kiss of opposite party, her body also softened gradually. 不过在对方的亲吻下,她的身子也渐渐软化了下来。 Finally ying- warned one, as if a beach spring- The mud lay down in the sweetheart bosom. 最后嘤-咛一声,仿佛一滩春--泥躺到了情郎怀中。 Looks in the bosom the beautiful woman surface flood peach blossom, Zu An is not the wood/blockhead, how can not be excited. 看着怀中佳人面泛桃花,祖安又不是木头,如何能不心动。 Actually until now he can feel the affection of young girl, but oneself sentiment debt is encumbered, suddenly does not want to disappoint more females again. 其实一直以来他都能感受到少女的情意,只不过自己情债缠身,一时间不想再辜负更多的女子。 Who knows that Xie Daoyun is still passionately devoted, throughout implicitly and is expressing the affections firmly. 谁知道谢道韫依然一往情深,始终含蓄而又坚定地表达着爱意。 Her the look of that limpid affection to, Zu An somewhat is each time guilty. 每次对上她那清澈深情的眼神,祖安都有些内疚。 In addition just opposite party for a while bold impulsion , he if not respond, perhaps the thorough wound will pass the heart of this simple and elegant young girl. 再加上刚刚对方一时大胆的冲动,他如果再不做出回应,恐怕会彻底伤透这个清雅少女的心。 Xie Daoyun somewhat is from the beginning shy, but soon detected that the opposite party burning hot the emotion, the corner of the eye flowed out the excited tears. 谢道韫一开始还有些羞涩,但很快察觉到对方炙热的情感,眼角不由流出了激动的泪水。 This days have been swayed by personal gains and losses, now also calculate to build the fruits of virtue, she cannot bear the impulsion that wants to cry again. 这段日子一直患得患失,如今也算修成正果,她再也忍不住想哭的冲动。 How to cry Zu An to fluster suddenly immediately, he most could not look that the female cried, was thrown into confusion to help her wipe tears. “怎么突然哭了呢”祖安顿时慌了,他最看不得女子哭了,手忙脚乱帮她擦拭眼泪。 Hears his words, looks at sweetheart that tense facial expression, Xie Daoyun thinks that these days grievance, which could also say the words to come, the tears just like burst a dike common. 听到他的话,看着情郎那紧张的神情,谢道韫想到这些日子的委屈,哪还说得出话来,泪水犹如决堤一般。 Zu An hurries to clean for him, while said: Is I am not good, stirs up the spirit younger sister so sadly.” 祖安一边慌忙替他擦拭,一边说道:“都是我不好,将灵儿妹妹惹得如此伤心。” No,” Xie Daoyun shakes the head, is looking at sweetheart that familiar face infatuated, Big Brother Zu you are the world's best person.” “不,”谢道韫摇头,痴迷地望着情郎那熟悉的脸庞,“祖大哥你是世上最好的人。” The young girl simple and jerky talk between lovers actually arouses especially, Zu An cannot bear again, collected to kiss again. 少女朴素而生涩的情话却格外撩人,祖安再也忍不住,再次凑着吻了过去。 Xie Daoyun somewhat is shy slightly the leaning head, will actually be worried to be misunderstood itself by the opposite party not to want, will hesitate to be kissed again. 谢道韫有些羞涩微微侧头,却又担心会被对方误解自己不愿意,犹豫间再次被亲上。 Xie Daoyun is holding sweetheart anxiously, gently and is responding to him jerkily. 谢道韫紧张地抱着情郎,温柔而生涩地回应着他。 Also has not known how long, among Xie Daoyun unclear Huhu felt the big hand of opposite party searched into the own clothes, her surface red like blood, somewhat was suddenly vacant, oneself thought kiss from the beginning, was some is too quick...... 也不知道过了多久,谢道韫迷迷糊糊间感觉到对方的大手探入了自己的衣裳,她不禁面红如血,一时间有些茫然,自己一开始只是想亲亲而已,这样是不是有些太快了…… But this thought flashed past, where the young girl who fell into the snares of love rejects, wished one could to give to the loved one own all. 但这个念头只是一闪而过,陷入情网的少女又哪里拒绝得了,恨不得将自己的一切都献给意中人。 The women's clothing just like the butterfly to scatter generally on the bed, revealed tenderly that- softened- person tender- body, the Xie Daoyun eyelash trembled lightly, suddenly called out in alarm one, pointed on the ceiling saying: Big Brother Zu you look quickly!” 衣裙犹如蝴蝶一般散落在了床上,露出了那娇-柔动-人的娇-躯,谢道韫睫毛轻颤,忽然惊呼一声,指着天花板上道:“祖大哥你快看!” Zu An has turned head, discovered that above has a mirror, is casting light upon all on bed clearly. 祖安回过头,发现上面有一块镜子,正清晰地照映着床上的一切。 Actually far more than is on the ceiling, around the bedside actually also has various types of mirrors, each angle is casting light upon. 其实何止是天花板上,床边四周其实也有各种镜子,各个角度照映着。 The Zu An look is strange: That Donal really studied some strange- obscene skill......” 祖安神色古怪:“那个多纳尔真的是研究了一些奇-淫技巧……” Is good to feel ashamed......” looks at the picture in mirror, as if observes sweetheart to love itself at a God angle of view, Xie Daoyun was embarrassed to the extreme immediately. “好羞人……”看着镜中的画面,仿佛以一个上帝视角观察着情郎宠爱自己,谢道韫顿时窘迫到了极点。 Zu An kisses her cheek: Might as well, is only some mirrors, it is estimated that before is, Donal ate to the full was all right stays behind dry/does.” 祖安亲了亲她的面颊:“无妨,只是一些镜子而已,估计是之前多纳尔吃饱了没事干留下的。” Xie Daoyun somewhat worried: Can be seen.” 谢道韫有些担忧:“会不会被人看见。” Zu An shakes the head slightly: This is some ordinary mirrors, does not have any formation rune, except for us, no one will see.” 祖安微微摇头:“这就是一些普通的镜子,没有什么阵法符文,除了我们自己,没有人会看到。” But......” Xie Daoyun also wants to say anything again, the lip of quick burning hot has pasted. “可是……”谢道韫还想再说什么,很快一张炙热的唇已经贴了上来。 Her body trembles, because the mirror produces shy and embarrassed is gradually pale, immerses in heat with sweetheart quickly- in kiss. 她身子一颤,因为镜子产生的羞涩与窘迫渐渐淡去,很快重新沉醉在与情郎的热-吻之中。 Feels the gentleness of sweetheart, she let loose the heart thoroughly, closely grasps sweetheart loving. 感受到情郎的温柔,她彻底放开了心扉,充满爱意地将情郎紧紧抱住。 When the beloved person and combine, her corner of the eye reveals the clear teardrops, full- has the happy pain and greatest happiness. 当心爱之人与自己合二为一之时,她眼角流露出晶莹的泪珠,饱-含着甜蜜的痛楚与莫大的幸福。 Finally can practice successfully the fruits of virtue with Big Brother Zu...... 终于能和祖大哥修成正果了…… Although Xie Daoyun body pain, but in the heart is pleasantly sweet, when just she sees the picture in mirror, looks that sweetheart holds itself repeatedly, her whole person shyly to the extreme. 谢道韫身子虽痛,但心中却是甜丝丝的,只不过当她无意间看到镜中的画面,看着情郎一遍遍占有自己,她整个人羞涩到了极点。 Zu An is startled, he does not understand that the opposite party why body shivers suddenly so fiercely, but looks following the opposite party line of sight, responded immediately. 祖安一怔,他不明白对方为何忽然间身子颤抖得如此厉害,只不过顺着对方视线望去,立马反应过来。 This Donal, an outstanding person, this bed goes back also to make several to try actually. 这个多纳尔,倒是个妙人,这种床自己回去也弄几个来试试。 ...... …… Also has not known how long, Xie Daoyun rolled up like cat generally in the sweetheart bosom, she thought that at this moment is this life happiest time. 也不知道过了多久,谢道韫如同猫儿一般蜷缩在情郎怀中,她觉得此刻是这一生最幸福的时刻。 However suddenly thought of anything, called out in alarm was haunching the body, revealed- wonderful charming snow- Myo-: Bad! I have not learned «Correlation in space Mystery»!” 不过忽然想到了什么,惊呼着撑起了身子,露出了曼-妙迷人的雪--肌:“糟了!我还没有学会《空间变换奥秘》呢!” Zu An cannot help laughing: You were rather diligent to be excessive, at this time you were also thinking these 祖安哑然失笑:“你未免好学过了头了,这种时候你还想着那些” Naturally, the time is so precious now, I naturally cannot waste,...... Xie Daoyun was saying let alone suddenly is sipping the lip, she is in front of numerous female to come the room study formation mystery with him, if stays a evening's anything not to have the learned, how tomorrow to explain with these people. “当然,如今时间这么宝贵,我自然不能浪费,更何况……”谢道韫说着忽然抿着嘴唇,她可是当着众女的面跟他来房间学阵法奥秘的,若是呆一晚上什么都没学会,明天怎么和那些人解释。 Let alone anything Zu An anxiously and other as follows. “更何况什么”祖安急着等下文。 It‘s nothing,” Xie Daoyun complexion slightly red, quickly acts like a spoiled brat, Big Brother Zu, you teach me quickly.” “没什么,”谢道韫脸色微红,急忙撒娇起来,“祖大哥,你快教我嘛。” Zu An has not seen he so tender gruff side, lives the sentiment of loving tenderly greatly: Good, I teach you.” 祖安还从来没见过他如此娇憨的一面,不由大生怜爱之情:“好,我教你。” Xie Daoyun received jade slip with joy, lies on the bed, points on jade slip some writing to ask: Big Brother Zu, here is what intent......, do you do.” 谢道韫喜滋滋地接过玉简,趴在床上,指着玉简上某一处文字问道:“祖大哥,这里到底是什么意……啊,你干什么呀。” The Zu An cicada is attached to her body, smilingly kisses her ear: How I am giving you demonstration space to increase personally.” 祖安蝉附在她身上,笑眯眯地亲了亲她耳朵:“我在给你亲自示范空间怎么变大啊。” Repugnant Xie Daoyun flesh as if boiled shrimp is common, but she is worried about sweetheart to be uncomfortable, was self-taught moves a body to coordinate the opposite party. “讨厌”谢道韫肌肤仿佛煮熟的虾一般,只不过她担心情郎难受,无师自通地挪动了一下身子配合对方。 Then two people teach while to study, in fluttering flags, insufficient for bystander but actually. 接下来两人一边教一边学,个中旖旎,不足为外人倒也。 ...... …… The 2nd day early morning, Zu An was drawn by Xie Daoyun early, she always somewhat has a guilty conscience, does not dare to rest too for a long time with him. 第二日清晨,祖安早早被谢道韫拉了起来,她总有些作贼心虚,不敢和他睡得太久。 Zu An cannot bear blow her nose: Why so covertly, a while I and they said that is.” 祖安忍不住刮了刮她的鼻子:“何必这般偷偷摸摸呢,等会儿我和她们说就是。” Does not want.” Xie Daoyun was anxious, obviously what I said is studies space formation, finally actually......, if makes them know how to see me.” “不要。”谢道韫却急了,“我明明说的是来学空间阵法,结果却……若是让她们知道,会如何看我。” „A your night has not rested, now has studied almost, but also fears anything.” Zu An said with a smile. “你一夜未睡,如今已经学得七七八八了,还怕什么。”祖安笑道。 Aiya, in any case temporarily do not say, later I can several Big Sister explain.” Xie Daoyun is holding his hand, in the eye is completely the color of entreaty. “哎呀,反正暂时不要说,以后我会自己和几位姐姐说明的。”谢道韫拉着他的手,眼中尽是哀求之色。 Zu An really cannot understand her brain circuit, but sees her so to care, has to promise her. 祖安实在不能理解她的脑回路,不过见她如此在意,只好答应了她。 When two people go out, various woman had waited there for some time, obviously in this environment, who has no thoughts rest. 当两人出去时,诸女早已等候多时,显然在这种环境下,谁也没什么心思休息。 Thanked the miss, how to come out quickly.” People curious say/way. “谢姑娘,怎么这么快就出来了啊。”众人好奇道。 Xie Daoyun complexion slightly red: Studied similarly, came out.” 谢道韫脸色微红:“学得差不多了,就出来了。” Thanking Big Sister is really the talent!” In the Ji Xiaoxi eye is completely the star, several other people admire, such abstrusely such as the heavenly book common thing similarly, her actually evening understood “谢姐姐真是天才!”纪小希眼中尽是星星,其他几人同样佩服不已,那样深奥如天书一般的东西,她竟然一晚上就弄懂了 As for a Zu An quicker learned, they neglected subconsciously, this fellow cannot treat as the average man to regard. 至于祖安更快学会,她们下意识就忽略了,这个家伙根本不能当做常人看待。 Thanking the miss to be how exhausted.” Yun Yuqing notices the Xie Daoyun difference, cares to say. “谢姑娘怎么如此疲惫啊。”云雨晴注意到谢道韫的异样,不禁关心道。 Possibly extremely consumed the mind.” Pei Mianman answered intimately. “可能是太过耗费心神了吧。”裴绵曼贴心地解释道。 At this time Solon poem said curiously: Well, how thanked miss your mouth somewhat to swell 这时索伦诗好奇道:“咦,谢姑娘你嘴巴怎么有些肿”
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