KI :: Volume #23

#2265: Loses the conscience

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Zu An first is one startled, subsequently the great happiness, ten thousand lived the lord of change to pretend to be Dragon King initially, is it may be said that flawless, including business the red snapper acknowledged that the opposite party and true Dragon King are exactly the same, if not some Dragon King words and deeds expose weaknesses, perhaps she will also be deceived. 祖安先是一惊,继而大喜,当初万生变化之主冒充龙王,可谓天衣无缝,连商红鱼都承认对方和真正的龙王一模一样,若非龙王一些言行露了破绽,恐怕她也会被骗过去。 At that time thought ten thousand lived lord of ability change to be very fierce, what a pity the matter got up hastily, studied radically without enough time. 当时就觉得万生变化之主这能力十分厉害,可惜事起仓促,根本来不及学。 Has not thought on this bead to record that skill unexpectedly! 万万没想到这珠子上竟然记载了那个技能! Now wants to come, ten thousand lived the lord of change to be the earlier fortuitous encounter swallowed this bead, this learned that heaven defying ability. 现在想来,万生变化之主应该是早年一次奇遇吞噬了这颗珠子,这才学会了那项逆天的能力。 Such opportunity he how could not study 这样的机会他又岂能不学 The hurried click yes, then the skill system emitted one line of characters: Studies this/should skill, needs exhaustion point Rage Points.” 急忙点击了“是”,然后技能系统又冒出了一行字:“学习该技能,需要消耗点愤怒值。” Zu An: „” 祖安:“” Many 多少 He rubs the eyes, but also thinks oneself misread. 他揉了揉眼睛,还以为自己看错了。 This skill must ascend the sky! 这技能要上天啊! However he is also clear, this skill system determines according to the rare and precious degree of skill, needs article number of this day Rage Points, showed that this ten thousand live the technique of change truly world rare ability. 不过他也清楚,想必这个技能系统是根据技能的珍稀程度来判定的,需要这天文数字的愤怒值,证明这个“万生变化之术”确实很世间罕见的能力。 He considered that must swallow down this bead, looked that can like ten thousand live the lord of change learned skill. 他都考虑要不要将这珠子吞下去,看能不能像万生变化之主那样学会这个技能了。 But he after all is not the body of evil spirit, perhaps the hope is not big. 可他毕竟不是妖魔的身体,恐怕希望不大。 Let alone he worried that this thing swallows, can transform the body, making him grotesque even demonizes. 更何况他担心这玩意吞进去,会不会改造身体,让他变得奇形怪状甚至妖魔化。 Hesitates, suddenly Keyboard System prompt: Examines you to have the prerequisite skill of this/should skill- the foundation prerequisite knowledge that thousand people at the same time as well as massive this skills need, needs Rage Points to obtain enormous reducing, recomputates......” 正犹豫间,忽然键盘系统提示:“检测到你有该技能的前置技能-千人一面以及大量此技能需要的基础前置知识,所需愤怒值可得到极大减免,重新计算中……” Presents one line of characters quickly: Studies this/should skill, needs exhaustion point Rage Points, pays 很快又出现一行字:“学习该技能,需要消耗点愤怒值,是否支付” The Zu An great happiness, he thinks before , awakening skill system time has mentioned, if oneself were quite familiar with some domain, that learn/study related skill will reduce many consumptions. 祖安不由大喜,他想起来之前觉醒技能系统的时候提到过,如果自己本来就相当熟悉某个领域,那学习相关技能就会减少很多消耗。 Although 1 million Rage Points are also many, in range that but in he can withstand. 一百万点愤怒值虽然也很多,但在他能承受的范围内。 Just he has inventoried Rage Points that this period of time accumulated, discovery enough a little Rage Points. 刚刚他已经盘点了这段时间积累的愤怒值,发现足足有点愤怒值 He rejoiced secretly this period of time casual has not spent this Rage Points, because he has a feeling faintly, now the Keyboard System open function are getting more and more, many places may use Rage Points, when used to draw purely, rather looked at the luck. 他暗暗庆幸这段时间没有随便将这笔愤怒值花掉,因为他隐隐有种感觉,如今键盘系统开放的功能越来越多,很多地方可能都会用到愤怒值,若是单纯用来抽奖,未免太看运气了。 Payment!” “支付!” Quick his Rage Points was then deducted 1 million, as if information flow spreads to the mind from that bead. 很快他的愤怒值便被扣掉了一百万,紧接着似乎有一股信息流从那珠子上传入自己脑海中。 Also has not known how long, Zu An opened the eye suddenly, looked for a mirror conveniently. 也不知道过了多久,祖安忽然睁开眼睛,随手找来了一面镜子。 His body starts fuzzily, quickly turned into Zhao Hao, old Monster Sovereign and Dragon King...... 紧接着他的身体开始模糊,很快变成了赵昊、老妖皇、龙王…… each and everyone the people in his memory appear in the mirror. 一个个记忆中的人都在镜中出现。 Suddenly in his heart moves, in the quick mirror presented the Chu Chuyan appearance, good makings chilly ice-berg beauty. 忽然他心中一动,很快镜中出现了楚初颜的模样,好一个气质清冷的冰山美人 Seeing only on that beautiful face flashes through one to be shocking and vacant, then both hands subconscious request in bosom...... 只见那美人脸上闪过一丝震惊与茫然,然后双手下意识托在胸前…… Appearance that the next second restores Zu An, his facial expression is quite strange. 下一秒恢复成祖安的模样,他的神情极为古怪。 It is not good, cannot turn into the woman casually, said that the women's wear one time with are innumerable, long did the mentality is not right. 不行,不能随便变成女人,都说女装有一次和无数次,久了都把心态搞得不对劲了。 Separated a while he suddenly to think of anything, a body fuzziness, in the mirror presented a variegated fierce tiger suddenly. 隔了一会儿他忽然有想到了什么,身体忽然一阵模糊,镜中出现了一头斑斓猛虎。 The fierce tiger around the mirror revolutions, flung before once for a while the claw, as if supports is not familiar with the present appearance. 那猛虎绕着镜子转,时不时甩了甩前爪,似乎挺不习惯如今的样子。 The fierce tiger starts to change, huge figure changed to a bird. 紧接着猛虎又开始变化,巨大的身形化作了一只小鸟。 The bird kicks the wing to fly round before the mirror, as if feels especially novel. 小鸟扑腾着翅膀在镜子前飞来飞去,似乎觉得格外新奇。 Separated a while bird as if to fly to stand on the mirror tired vanished does not see. 隔了一会儿小鸟似乎飞累了站在了镜子上消失不见。 Examines carefully will discover that there presented a tiny mosquito. 细看才会发现那里出现了一只细小的蚊子。 All kinds of animals basically changed, suddenly one group of smog dispersing, Zu An figure suddenly appears before the mirror again. 各式各样的动物基本都变了一遍,忽然一团烟雾散开,祖安身形突然再次在镜子前出现。 His facial expression is strange, just changed too happily, basically changed the animal in own memory. 他的神情古怪无比,刚刚变化得太欢乐,基本是把自己记忆中的动物都变了一遍。 An excitement, almost turned into a maggot...... 一个激动,差点变成一条蛆了…… The critical moment responded luckily. 幸好关键时刻反应过来。 This ten thousand live the technique of change really heaven defying, gets also wants compared with Sun Wukong's 72 awesome. 这“万生变化之术”果然逆天啊,比孙悟空的七十二变还要牛逼 Sun Wukong's the technique of change also has a flaw, no matter turns into anything, is very difficult to hide the tail of monkey, but this ten thousand live the technique of change not to have the shortcoming. 孙悟空的变化之术还有个破绽,不管变成什么,很难掩藏猴子的尾巴,但这“万生变化之术”却没有缺点。 various Tianwan, so long as is the life, can change exactly the same. 诸天万界,只要是生灵,都能变化得一模一样。 Not is only only the contour same camouflage, but was the true body structure and even the gene level is the same. 不仅仅只是外形一样的障眼法,而是真正的身体构造乃至基因层面都一样了。 Even will have the ability of its bloodlines innate talent bringing! 甚至还会拥有其血脉天赋自带的能力! Rage Points that no wonder learn/study this skill needs is the astronomical figures! 难怪学习这个技能需要的愤怒值是天文数字! If not oneself accident of sorts obtained thousand people from Keyboard System at the same time, perhaps cannot learn this skill for a lifetime. 若非自己机缘巧合从键盘系统里得到了“千人一面”,恐怕一辈子都学不会这个技能。 Now wants to come, initially can strike to kill ten thousand to live the lord of reality change is lucky, if not catches off guard, when he really shows the might of this technique, but also is not really easy to hit. 现在想来,当初能击杀万生变化之主实乃侥幸,若非攻其不备,待他真的施展此术的威力,还真不好打。 He thought of anything suddenly, that evil spirit can also change 他忽然想到了什么,那岂不是妖魔也能变化 A quick figure fuzziness, before the mirror, presented an ox head person. 很快身形一阵模糊,镜子前出现了一个牛头人。 Zu An: „” 祖安:“” How to turn into this thing 咋会变成这个玩意 Quickly starts ten thousand to live the technique of change again, the whole person turned into the plague demon Mr.'s appearance, turned into the end to be resentful. 急忙再次发动万生变化之术,整个人变成了瘟疫魔君的模样,紧接着又变成了末日怨灵。 Before the frightened shadow demon and bloodthirsty alligator ancestor and flame demon sea-nymph appeared before the mirror one after another. 还有之前的恐惧影魔、嗜血鳄祖、焰魔海妖相继出现在了镜子前。 Evil spirit really can also change......” “妖魔果然也是能变化的……” He is wanting the lord of slaughtering turns into the place of that side seal to run into, the system backstage to jump one line of numbers to have a scare him, quickly cancelled this thought. 他正想要变成封印之地那边遇到的杀戮之主,系统后台跳出来一行数字把他吓了一跳,急忙打消了这个念头。 It seems like naturally this skill is not a shortcoming does not have, changing existence that he is smaller and weaker, basically does not have any consumption. 看来当然这个技能也不是一点缺点也没有,变化成比他弱小的存在,基本上没有什么消耗。 Except for displaying its skill time needs to consume some Rage Points. 除了施展其技能的时候需要消耗一些愤怒值 But changes these more powerful existence, needs to consume great quantity Rage Points. 但变化成那些更强大的存在,就需要消耗掉巨量的愤怒值 Not only just started to change time needs to pay a big pen, if behind has stayed this condition, must pay Rage Points every time. 不仅刚开始变化的时候需要支付一大笔,后面若要一直保持这个状态,每时每刻都要支付愤怒值 Like this thinks also reasonably, otherwise this ten thousand lived the technique of change to be invincible. 这样想想也合理,不然这“万生变化之术”就要无敌了。 Does not need to study other skills, turns into these to exist directly powerful then. 根本不需要学习其他技能,直接变成那些最强大存在即可。 In addition, ten thousand live the technique of change also to have another shortcoming, seems like a warning that this creator of technique keeps specially. 除此之外,“万生变化之术”还有另外一个缺点,似乎是此术的创造者特意留下来的一个警告。 That changes with you are getting more and more, you will gradually wallow loses the conscience, even some day may forget own original appearance, such could not go back again. 那就是随着你变化越来越多,你会逐渐沉迷其中迷失本心,甚至有朝一日可能会忘记自己原本的模样,那样就再也回不去了。 Thinks that scene, Zu An is somewhat afraid. 想到那种场景,祖安都有些不寒而栗。 He actually just changed were many, having flash that somewhat is absent-minded, even needs to think the appearance of thing oneself must turn into can continue changes. 他其实刚刚变化多了过后,有那么一瞬间都有些恍惚,甚至需要想一想自己要变成的东西的模样才能继续变下去。 In the mind will present the innumerable faces, so long as you think, each status can be you. 脑海中会出现无数张面孔,只要你想,每个身份都可以是你。 Therefore wants to keep firmly in mind in the innumerable faces that original appearance, somewhat is truly difficult. 所以想要在无数张面孔中一直牢记那原本的面貌,确实有些困难。 No wonder initially struck killed ten thousand to live after the lord of change, his true body is a monster that did not have the face. 难怪当初击杀了万生变化之主过后,他的真身是一个没有面孔的怪物。 To come is he had forgotten the original appearance in various changes. 想来是他已经在各种变化中忘记了自己本来的样子。 Thinks of here, he did not have excitement from the beginning, but starts seclusion, consolidated own state of mind. 想到这里,他没了一开始的兴奋,而是开始闭关,巩固自己的心境。 Until after 3 rd, he sobers from that type, found in the confusion the minute/share of Islamic my means. 直到三日过后,他才从那种恍惚中清醒过来,找到了混乱中分清真我的办法。 This skill really has the demonic nature, later is certainly prudent with this, cannot abuse.” Zu An alerts itself secretly. “这个技能确实有魔性,以后用这个一定要慎重,不能滥用。”祖安暗暗警醒自己。 When he goes out of Yangxindian, on the Zhang Zitong face is completely the exciting meaning: Big...... Prince, you came out finally!” 当他走出养心殿的时候,张梓彤脸上尽是兴奋之意:“大……王爷,你终于出来了!” She decides no longer to shout the Sir, so as to avoid by the person with aspirations relates to Embroidered Garment Envoy that side, this is only then among their two people the secret, cannot make others know. 她决定不再喊大人,免得被有心人联想到绣衣使者那边,这是只有他们两人之间的秘密,可不能让别人知晓。 How Zu An looked at her one eyes, on her former face was difficult to cover the color of anxiety, but now is completely the bright smile, the change of that flash, had an astonishing beauty seriously. “怎么了”祖安多看了她一眼,她之前脸上难掩忧虑之色,可现在尽是灿烂的笑容,那一瞬间的变化,当真有一种惊人的美丽。 Prince so many days have not come out, had not been worried that you......” Zhang Zitong complexion slightly red, quickly said, these days Empress and Empress Dowager also had Princess Wu to come several times, but knew that you in seclusion, walked disappointedly. Some time ago Empress came one time, said that if after you went out, informed you to attend the wedding of Chu Family heir apparent.” 王爷这么多天都没出来,还不是担心您……”张梓彤脸色微红,急忙说道,“这些日子皇后太后还有吴王妃过来了好几次,但得知你在闭关,都失望地走了。不久前皇后又过来了一次,说如果您出关后,就通知您去参加楚家世子的婚礼。”
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