KI :: Volume #23

#2264: Ten thousand lives the technique of change

In Yangxindian, Zu An makes Liu Ning sit down: You are injured, this/should properly training, how was upon the jump.” 养心殿中,祖安柳凝坐下:“你受了伤,本就该好好修养,怎么跑来跑去啊。” „To come to have a look at you, who made you just save others does not hate the true body to come.” Some Liu Ning hidden bitterness. “就想过来看看你,谁让你刚刚救人都舍不得真身过来。”柳凝有些幽怨。 Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan taste, wait/etc, just he said obviously in cultivation, after may come, Empress actually here, don't tell me he with Empress together cultivation. 桑倩郑旦回过味来,等等,刚刚他明明说在修炼的啊,可过来后皇后却在这里,难道他是在和皇后一起修炼么。 Zu An: Just truly a little matter, this, your properly rest, I led them to stroll Imperial Palace here.” 祖安:“刚刚确实有点事情,这样吧,你在这里好好休息,我带她们去逛皇宫。” My Empress Dowager sleeps in Yangxindian is anything, you do not want the reputation I also to want, I first went back, you do not need to deliver me, oneself lead them to stroll everywhere, others first entering the palace, do not treat coldly them.” “我一个太后夜宿养心殿算什么呀,你不要名声我还要呢,那我先回去了,你也不用送我,自己带她们四处逛逛吧,人家第一次进宫,别把她们冷落了。” Zu An really has not certainly made her go back, first delivers her to go back, then brings Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan strolls in the palace. 祖安当然没真让她一个人回去,先送她回去,然后带着桑倩郑旦在宫中闲逛。 Zhang Zitong wants to lead the person to follow, was declined by him. 张梓彤原本想带人跟着,却被他谢绝。 Made that Zhang Zitong is somewhat depressed, thought own this guard commands to seem like no opportunity, Sir cultivation base is so high...... 弄得张梓彤有些郁闷,心想自己这个侍卫统领似乎没啥用武之地啊,大人修为那么高…… Ah Zu, was just that long leg miss your mistress-” in Emperor's garden, Zheng Dan asked with a smile. 阿祖,刚刚那个长腿姑娘是不是你姘-头”御花园中,郑旦笑着问道。 A Zu An heavy line: I relate with her anything do not have, you think where went, moreover others did not call the long leg miss, she called Zhang Zitong, Zhang had the en to me, therefore appointed her in this position.” 祖安一头黑线:“我跟她什么关系都没有,你想到哪里去了,而且人家也不是叫长腿姑娘,她叫张梓彤,张家对我有恩,所以才任命她在这个位置。” Two female more or less know the Zu An life experience, some Zheng Dan apologies: Sorry.” 两女或多或少知道祖安的身世,郑旦不禁有些歉意:“对不起。” This has anything to sorry, relaxes, works as here is the family/home is the same.” Zu An is saying while is holding their hands. “这有什么对不起的,放松些,就当这里是家一样。”祖安一边说着一边牵着她们的手。 Two female simultaneously complexions one red, side the present does not have Eunuch Palace Maid luckily, otherwise two female status really somewhat are awkward. 两女齐齐脸色一红,幸好如今身边没有太监宫女,不然两女的身份还真有些尴尬。 Imperial Palace is truly attractive.” Sang Qiàn said after a sigh. 皇宫确实漂亮。”桑倩感叹道。 But regarding the people in many deep palace, this Imperial Palace is actually similar to the cage to be the same, they raised canary, is unable to obtain the freedom for a lifetime.” Zu An says with emotion. “但对于很多深宫里的人来说,这皇宫却如同牢笼一般,她们则是被豢养的金丝雀,一辈子无法得到自由。”祖安感慨道。 „The imperial concubine imperial concubine and Palace Maid in deep palace are truly pitiful.” Zheng Dan has endless emotion. “深宫中的嫔妃、宫女确实可怜。”郑旦感慨不已。 Since I start this condition to change, I will follow in the palace the imperial concubine imperial concubine and Palace Maid own wish, wants to leave the palace puts them to go out.” Zu An said solemnly, oneself past years was also an average person, therefore helps the average person now in one's power. “不过从我开始这种状况就会改变,我会遵循宫中嫔妃、宫女自己的心愿,想出宫的都放她们出去。”祖安沉声道,自己当年也是个普通人,所以如今力所能及地帮普通人。 Now the imperial concubine imperial concubine in harem is actually few, first Zhao Ruizhi is a little feeble-minded, simply does not have this aspect meaning ; Secondly Zhao Hao was to also be close to Celestial Five Wanings in the past, every day in seclusion, beautiful peerless Empress defended the spatial boudoir not to know many years continually alone, which will have the thoughts to look for other imperial concubine imperial concubines. 如今后宫中的嫔妃倒是很少,一来赵睿智有点低能,根本没有这方面意思;二来赵昊当年也是接近天人五衰,每天都是在闭关,连美艳绝伦的皇后都独守空闺不知道多少年,哪还会有心思找其他嫔妃。 However Palace Maid are actually many, basically is young pretty, making them stay in the palace middle-grade the beautiful springtime is dying of old age, is really cruel. 不过宫女倒是很多,基本都是年轻靓丽的,让她们一直呆在宫中等着韶华老去,实在残忍。 Big Brother Zu has kind-heartedness, this is very difficult to see in the aristocrat.” Sang Qiàn is looking at own sweetheart, in the eye is completely the tender feelings, the world had saying that he was good- color villain, having saying that he was the shameless villain, but also some people said his cruel bloodthirsty, but she was very clear, Big Brother Zu was a good person, very good very good person. 祖大哥有一颗仁心,这在贵族中很难见到。”桑倩望着自己的情郎,眼中尽是柔情,世人有说他是个好-色的恶棍,有说他是无耻的小人,还有人说他残忍嗜杀,可她很清楚,祖大哥是个好人,很好很好的人。 Zheng Dan is also cancelling his shoulder: Worthily is the man who I settle on!” 郑旦也不禁勾着他的肩头:“不愧是我看中的男人!” Although she is Eldest Young Lady, but comes businessman's family/home, in the underground faction, was naturally clear year to year these have the right to have the fellow of potential to treat the ordinary people are what attitudes. 她虽然是大小姐,但出身商贾之家,又常年在地下帮派,自然清楚那些有权有势的家伙对待普通老百姓是什么态度。 Zu An has not thought that was sent two good person cards, laughs, supported into two people the bosom, three people sat down in a lakeside bench like this, one is appreciating the moonlight, at the same time is chatting matter that distinguished this day. 祖安没想到被发了两张好人卡,哈哈一笑,将两人拥入了怀中,三人就这样在湖边一长椅坐下,一遍欣赏着月色,一边聊着分别这段日子发生的事情。 Zheng Dan and Sang Qiàn feel especially warm, they please enter the palace by Empress Dowager today, takes away Yangxindian to look for him, but also was worried that the opposite party also set what excessive request. 郑旦桑倩都觉得格外温馨,她们今天被太后请进宫,又带去养心殿找他,还担心对方又提出什么过分的要求。 Although they are willing to accompany him to play in Sang Family secretly, but in this strange Imperial Palace, but also is staring in Empress Dowager Empress and even the countless eyes, they do not want, to be been so mean. 虽然她们在桑家愿意偷偷陪他玩,但在这个陌生的皇宫,还在太后皇后乃至无数眼睛盯着,她们可不想那样,会被人轻贱的。 Now Ah Zu sympathizes their moods unexpectedly, conducts the spiritual exchange with them like this, is really the inexplicable happiness. 如今阿祖竟然如此体贴她们的心情,就这样和她们进行精神上的交流,实在是莫名的幸福。 ...... …… Like this passed the warm night, the second Heavenly Dynasty meeting, the civil and military hundred officers basically arrived, this is also an attitude of support, was lucky the yesterday's Academy fellow gentlemen, Qin Family, Jiang Family and others visited everywhere, everyone was shocked to accept this startled day great change from the beginning gradually. 就这样度过了温馨一夜,第二天朝会,文武百官基本都到场了,这也算是一种支持的态度,多亏了昨天学院各位先生、秦家姜家等四处拜访,大家从一开始的震惊到渐渐接受了这个惊天巨变。 In addition in Eight Dukes jade auspicious takes the lead, everyone salutes to Zu An, Bi Linglong and Empress Dowager finally in abundance. 再加上八公之中玉瑞带头,大家最终纷纷向祖安碧玲珑太后行礼。 Above the deliberation hall, Bi Linglong announced new personnel order, these are also expected in the people. 朝堂之上,碧玲珑宣布了新的人事命令,这些也在众人意料之中。 Dynasty emperor courtier, since the ancient times is so. 一朝天子一朝臣,自古以来都是如此。 Is quite miserable except for that several chief culprit, naturally they do not have the qualifications to appear above this deliberation hall. 除了那几个首恶比较惨,当然他们已经没资格出现在这朝堂之上了。 Then Zu An mentioned that rises king of for Sovereign sea clan, posts with the person sovereign and Monster Sovereign officially. 接下来祖安提到升海族之王为皇帝,正式与人皇、妖皇并列。 Although in deliberation hall many antiques to this somewhat discontented, but everyone is very clear, the strength of sea clan originally and Human Race and Monster Race are equivalent, others really proclaim oneself emperor, you do not have the means that might as well makes good friends. 虽然朝堂之中不少人老古董对这个有些不满,但大家都很清楚,海族的实力本就和人族妖族相当,人家真的称帝,你也没办法,还不如结个善缘。 Really wants the anxious words is also Monster Race anxiously is, after all before the sea clan in name was the Monster Sovereign subordinate. 真要急的话也是妖族更急才是,毕竟以前海族名义上是妖皇的手下。 But now Zu An or Monster Race Regent, ruling Little Demon Empress and he is wears pants- wording meaning, will obviously not oppose the sea king proclaims oneself emperor. 可如今祖安还是妖族摄政王,执政的小妖后和他又是穿一条裤子的-字面意思,显然也不会反对海王称帝。 Many people taste suddenly, Monster Race hear of Zu An, the sea clan empresses are Zu An stand, Human Race he is also Regent, said that he is whole world in the true sense lord, in history this is no one has always achieved the achievement. 不少人忽然回过味来,妖族祖安的,海族女皇是祖安立的,人族这边他也是摄政王,说起来他才是真正意义上的天下共主,这可是有史以来从来没人达成过的成就。 Everyone originally residual ceases all activities discontentedly in abundance, Regent awesome became like this, who has not enlarged ones vision with him opposes. 大家原本残留的一点不满纷纷偃旗息鼓,摄政王牛逼成这样了,谁还不开眼和他作对啊。 Sees the people not to have the objection, Zu An to raise after a period of time, Monster Race and sea clan will have the mission to come Capital, the tripartite influence is about the union, resists the foreign enemy together. 见众人没有异议,祖安提起过段时间,妖族、海族会有使团前来京城,三方势力约为同盟,共同对抗外敌。 Everyone thought the world each other, therefore you struggle me to snatch, now discovered that outside also has the world of length and breadth, moreover that side evil spirit also covets this world, therefore had the foundation of union. 原本大家以为世界就彼此,所以你争我抢,现在发现外面还有更广袤的世界,而且那边的妖魔还觊觎这个世界,因此就有了同盟的基础。 Naturally all these establish in Zu An greatly in three clan influences above, even if otherwise has the foundation, has no way to achieve the conciliatory even union. 当然这一切还是建立在祖安在三族地影响力巨大上面,不然就算有基础,也没法达成和解甚至同盟。 After towards will finish, Zu An saw Gao Ying, Pei You has been defending him, he has shaved cleanly the beard, the whole person essence qi gods came back. 朝会结束过后,祖安去看望了一下高英,裴佑一直守着他,他已经将胡子刮得干干净净,整个人精气神都回来了。 Can look at the Gao Ying facial expression is also getting more and more ruddy, how long could not want to be able thoroughly to restore, even possibly regained consciousness compared with Qiu Honglei quickly. 看得出来高英的气色也越来越红润,想必要不了多久就能彻底恢复过来,甚至可能比秋红泪更快苏醒。 After all Qiu Honglei is because involves a higher level the strength to turn into such. 毕竟秋红泪是因为牵扯到更高层次的力量才变成那样的。 „The Pei Family matter you should know.” Zu An looks at Pei You. 裴家的事你应该知道了吧。”祖安看着裴佑 Pei You nods: Brother Zu you kept my father life, but is sent to frontier service him, I am very grateful, latter enjoys me really not to have the face to accept facing my sealing.” 裴佑点了点头:“祖兄你留了我爹一命,只是将他发配,我已经很感激了,后面对我的封赏我实在无颜接受。” Zu An smiles lightly: I am lacking the helper now, naturally must find the trustworthy person, what a pity can be the person on one's own side are not many, you happen to are one. The real man real man, should not pass on responsibilities, moreover only by doing so, you have enough strength asylum family member, later has the opportunity to revive the Pei Family glory.” 祖安淡淡一笑:“我现在正缺帮手,自然要找信得过的人,可惜算得上自己人的并不多,你正好是一个。男子汉大丈夫,就应该当仁不让,而且只有这样,你才有足够力量庇护家人,以后才有机会重振裴家荣耀。” In the Pei You eye is completely the sense of gratitude, somewhat choked: many thanks!” 裴佑眼中尽是感激之情,有些哽咽道:“多谢!” Zu An patted his shoulder, has not said anything again. 祖安拍了拍他的肩头,没有再说什么。 Following on several th, Zu An rarely was on the contrary idle, Bi Linglong and Liu Ning were really a perfect professional manager, they can always handle methodically all things. 接下来几日,祖安反倒难得清闲下来,碧玲珑柳凝实在是个完美的职业经理人,她们总能将一切事情处理得有条不紊。 Before both sides fight fiercely, although now cannot achieve intimately, but at least can achieve does not hold back mutually. 以前双方斗得厉害,如今虽然做不到亲密无间,但至少能做到不互扯后腿。 all the ministers and generals of the imperial court sighed secretly, Regent also really has the skill, must know Zhao Hao , is unable to make two people cooperate. 满朝文武都暗暗感叹,摄政王还真是有本事,要知道赵昊在的时候,都无法让两人合作起来。 Recently only Zu An needs personally to participate is also several days later Chu Youzhao and Murong Qinghe wedding. 祖安最近唯一需要亲自参加的也就是几天后楚幼昭慕容清河的婚礼了。 When leisure, Zu An has been collecting the information in evil spirit, on this day he put out an unusual bead suddenly. 闲暇之余,祖安一直在收集妖魔方面的情报,这一日他忽然拿出了一颗奇特的珠子。 After that is killed ten thousand to live the lord of change initially, after the white lotus is really hot the frustration bone to raise the ash remaining. 那是当初杀死万生变化之主后,以白莲真火将之挫骨扬灰后剩下的。 At that time was clear this definitely is a treasure, what a pity does not know how should use, afterward also had various things to delay. 当时就清楚这肯定是个宝物,可惜一直不知道该怎么用,后来又有各种事情耽搁了。 Just this bead in hand, in keyboard skill system suddenly shone. 刚将这珠子拿在手中,键盘中的“技能系统”忽然亮了起来。 Examines on the goods to learn/study skill- ten thousand live the technique of change, studies “检测到物品上可学习技能-万生变化之术,是否学习”
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