KI :: Volume #23

#2263: Peak performing skill

The women act in a play were too lifelike, just Bi Linglong said sincere, Zu An really letter/believed. 女人演起戏来真的太逼真了,刚刚碧玲珑说得情真意切,祖安是真信了。 Who would have guessed that the opposite party is fishing, fished his true idea all of a sudden. 哪知道对方是在钓鱼,一下子就钓出了他的真实想法。 Bi Linglong is creating a disturbance there, the Zu An look is suddenly strange: First do not be noisy, others really came.” 碧玲珑正在那里打闹的时候,祖安忽然神色古怪:“先别闹了,人家真过来了。” Who came Bi Linglong to be startled, but also thinks that this was his delaying tactics. “谁过来了啊”碧玲珑一怔,还以为这是他的缓兵之计。 Zu An said awkwardly: Empress Dowager came, but also brings Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan.” 祖安尴尬道:“太后过来了,还带着桑倩郑旦。” Just his divine soul wanted to advise against another side, finally Liu Ning must say that brought Zheng Dan Sang Qiàn to tour in the palace. 刚刚他的神魂想要劝阻一下另一边,结果柳凝非要说带郑旦桑倩在宫中游览一番。 After all before Zheng Dan and Sang Qiàn, has not come Imperial Palace, is not quite familiar to the palace. 毕竟郑旦桑倩之前没来过皇宫,对宫中并不太熟悉。 Sees Zheng Dan and Sang Qiàn that hopeful look, where he is willing to reject, can only by them. 看到郑旦桑倩那充满期待的眼神,他又哪里舍得拒绝,只能由着她们了。 Who knows that Liu Ning has two female tours, walked toward Yangxindian directly. 谁知道柳凝带着两女游览游览着,径直朝养心殿走了过来。 The reason of others Liu Ning is also very right, Yangxindian is the entire Imperial Palace most important place, certainly must lead them to watch. 人家柳凝的理由也很正当,养心殿乃是整个皇宫最重要的地方,肯定要带她们过来观赏一下。 Bi Linglong: „” 碧玲珑:“” Stared at his several seconds, determined that he not after cracking a joke, Bi Linglong screamed one, quickly must get down from his body. 盯了他几秒,确定他不是在开玩笑过后,碧玲珑尖叫一声,急忙要从他身上下来。 But the waist actually closely held in the arms by Zu An, suddenly her struggling and sways from side to side as if adds to the fun for the opposite party. 只不过腰肢却被祖安紧紧搂住,一时间她的挣扎与扭动仿佛是为对方助兴似的。 Lets loose quickly!” The Bi Linglong sound is tender and bashful, soul almost did not have, which also has the mood to be angry with him “快放开呀!”碧玲珑声音又娇又羞,魂儿都差点没了,哪还有心情跟他生气 Relax, a while can come here.” Zu An smilingly looks at her, Empress that shy appearance is especially appealing. “放心,还有一会儿才能走到这里。”祖安笑眯眯地看着她,皇后那害羞的模样格外吸引人。 Is far Bi Linglong then to relax slightly, the waist coordinated sweetheart slightly. “还有多远”碧玲珑这才稍稍松了一口气,腰肢稍稍配合了一下情郎 Probably hundred zhang (3.33 m).” In the Zu An foreheads stretches slightly, expression that is infatuated with especially. “大概还有百来丈吧。”祖安眉宇间微微舒展,一副格外陶醉的表情。 Bi Linglong: „” 碧玲珑:“” Listens to his words, thinks separates far, finally be only hundred zhang (3.33 m), must arrive immediately 听他的话,原本还以为隔得远,结果只有区区百来丈,岂不是马上就要到了 This startled no small matter, she struggled again fiercely: Puts me to get down quickly, otherwise was seen me not to live by them.” 这一惊可非同小可,她再次剧烈挣扎了起来:“快放我下来,不然被她们看见我可不活了。” Wait a bit!” Zu An deeply inspires, her these struggles fiercely seriously is awfully, this evening's various accidental/surprised frequencies send, he was also hung is suspended in midair. “稍等!”祖安深吸一口气,她这一番剧烈挣扎当真是要命啊,这一晚上各种意外频发,他也被吊得不上不下。 Until now, he obtained perfection finally thoroughly. 直到现在,他终于彻底得到了圆满 Bi Linglong is also the pupil instantaneously absent-minded, by him, as soon as stirs up, the whole body trembles- shakes, can only closely tie down sweetheart. 碧玲珑也是瞳孔瞬间失神,被他一激,浑身颤-抖不已,只能紧紧将情郎缠住。 ...... …… And said that before Liu Ning is stripping Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan arrive at Yangxindian, Sang Qiàn somewhat hesitates: Concentrates Big Sister, this is not quite perhaps good, Big Brother Zu in cultivation, we did not come to disturb him.” 且说柳凝一路带着桑倩郑旦来到养心殿前,桑倩还有些犹豫:“凝姐姐,这样恐怕不太好吧,祖大哥不是在修炼么,我们过来岂不是打扰他了。” Liu Ning rolled the eyes: Silly thing, you also really letter/believes him in cultivation. Ok, you do not need to worry, his present cultivation base is very wise, few cultivation a while have no effect.” 柳凝翻了个白眼:“傻丫头,你还真信他在修炼啊。算了,你不必担心,他如今的修为十分高明,少修炼一会儿也没什么影响。” Yes, is beautiful you not to need to be worried, I also want to take a look at Yangxindian anything appearance.” Zheng Dan has guessed correctly 12 now, some, for fear that whole world is not chaotic. “就是,倩倩你不必担心,我也想去看看养心殿什么样子呢。”郑旦如今已经猜到一二,有些唯恐天下不乱。 That...... that good.” The Sang Qiàn small face is ruddy, looks at not far away that brilliantly illuminated Yangxindian, in the heart also filled curiously. “那……那好吧。”桑倩小脸红扑扑的,看着不远处那灯火通明的养心殿,心中同样充满了好奇。 Must know that this in the past was the Sovereign residence, the average person did not have the opportunity to depart to look for a lifetime short-range. 要知道这在以往是皇帝的居所,普通人一辈子都没机会近距离去看。 See Empress Dowager!” Zhang Zitong detected that three females, is hurried to salute, simultaneously the look split vision sizes up another two, in the eye is flashing through a shocking color, this is beauty where comes, in body that makings and palace these imperial concubine imperial concubines are entirely different. “参见太后!”张梓彤察觉到三女,急忙过来行礼,同时眼神余光打量着另外两位,眼中闪过一丝惊艳之色,这是哪里来的美人儿,身上那种气质和宫中那些嫔妃截然不同。 Well, now the palace former guard is you are being responsible for Liu Ning year to year in the palace, saw the opposite party present responsibility. “咦,现在殿前侍卫是你在负责么”柳凝常年在宫中,一眼就看出了对方如今的职责。 Yes, Regent trust, your humble subordinate surely doing one's best until my heart stops beating.” Zhang Zitong sincere replied. “是的,摄政王信任,卑职必当鞠躬尽瘁死而后已。”张梓彤正色答道。 The Liu Ning vision falls on her slender legs, thought that fellow perhaps thinks does not let your until my heart stops beating. 柳凝目光落在她那修长的双腿上,心想那家伙恐怕想的不是让你死而后已。 She restrains the mind, this said: 她收敛心神,这才说道: I lead two Regent friends to see him, you go to circular one.” “我带两个摄政王的朋友去见他,你去通传一下吧。” Zhang Zitong thought that these two women really have the relations with the Sir, why the Sir women are such pretty 张梓彤心想这两个女人果然和大人有关系,为什么大人身边的女人都是这么漂亮的 Quite does me to have the pressure. 搞得我好有压力。 report back to Empress Dowager, Queen Empress now also in Yangxindian.” 回禀太后,皇后娘娘如今也在养心殿中。” She decides to remind, said before , Princess Wu also, Empress Dowager also leads the person to go in probably now, that picture never have such thoughts. 她决定提醒一下,说起来之前吴王妃好像也在,如今太后又带人进去,那画面想都不敢想。 Yeah, the Sir with me does not ventilate, making me know how in private should cover for him. 哎,大人也不私下跟我通通气,让我知道该如何为他打掩护啊。 The Liu Ning eyebrow raises, thinks really so. 柳凝眉毛微扬,心想果然如此。 All right, Regent knows that we came.” “没事,摄政王知道我们过来了。” I notify.” Zhang Zitong is just about to turn around, in Yangxindian broadcast the Zu An sound: “那我去通报一下。”张梓彤正要转身,养心殿中传来了祖安的声音: Makes them come.” “让她们进来吧。” Yes!” Zhang Zitong is somewhat curious, the voice of Sir suddenly somewhat is how exhausted and weak “是!”张梓彤有些好奇,大人的声音怎么突然有些疲惫与虚弱 However she denied oneself this thought immediately, what sort of joke is this, the Sir is so powerful, matchless, who can make him weak. 不过她马上否定了自己这念头,开什么玩笑,大人如此强大,举世无敌,谁又能让他虚弱。 When the Liu Ning three people enter Yangxindian, sees Zu An to sit respectfully in the midpoint, has not actually seen the Bi Linglong trace. 柳凝三人进养心殿的时候,看到祖安正襟危坐在正中央,却没有看到碧玲珑的踪影。 Liu Ning said with a smile: Just outside person said that Linglong(exquisite), how does not have to see the person 柳凝笑道:“刚刚外面的人说玲珑也在,怎么没看到人呢” I here,” Bi Linglong walked after the screen, just accidentally overturned the tea, I reorganized, never expected that Empress Dowager also came.” “我在这里,”碧玲珑从屏风后走了出来,“刚刚不小心打翻了茶水,我整理了一下,没想到太后也来了。” Tea Liu Ning looks at her usually in white- clear such as the cheeks of jade, now is the red cloud is densely covered, thought that perhaps is other water. “茶水”柳凝看着她平日里白-皙如玉的脸颊,如今却是红云密布,心想恐怕是另外的水吧。 Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan are looking at Bi Linglong, they had also seen before from afar, but sees now, sighed the beauty of opposite party. 桑倩郑旦望着碧玲珑,她们以前也远远见过,可如今看到,还是感叹对方的美丽。 Two females who the noble makings in that bone revealing, let the family background ordinary family ponder is too difficult to learn. 还有那种骨子里流露出的高贵气质,是让出身普通家族的两女自忖学不来的。 Especially the opposite party the surface flood peach blossom, was lets the entire room now seriously bright and beautiful. 特别是对方如今面泛桃花,当真是让整个房间都亮丽了起来。 I lead Qianqian to look for Ah Zu with Dandan, should not disturb you the Liu Ning faint smile. “我带倩倩和旦旦来找阿祖,应该没有打搅你们吧”柳凝似笑非笑。 Bi Linglong only felt oneself as if were seen through general, quickly said: I and Regent am chatting the following personnel arrangements, immediately must chat.” 碧玲珑只觉得自己仿佛被看穿一般,急忙说道:“我和摄政王在聊接下来的人事安排,马上就要聊完了。” Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan are repressing laughter, never expected that Empress will also deceive oneself and others, now in this Capital who does not know her and Ah Zu relations, but must call opposite party Regent intentionally, as if to relate general to our plead innocence. 桑倩郑旦强忍着笑,没想到皇后也会这么自欺欺人,如今这京城中谁不知道她和阿祖的关系啊,还故意要称呼对方摄政王,仿佛为了向我们撇清关系一般。 Feels several people of strange looks, Bi Linglong does not dare to look at each other with it, she said toward Zu An fast: Before mentions a Army Protector duty I to look that might as well make Brightmoon Duke hold the post, he was also known as the prestige in the army past, making him come also the certain extent to keep in balance Qin Family, so as to avoid Qin Family one-party rule.” 感受到几人古怪的眼神,碧玲珑根本不敢与之对视,她快速朝祖安说道:“之前提到的中护军一职我看不如让明月公来担任吧,他昔日在军中也素有威望,让他前来也一定程度制衡秦家,免得秦家一家独大。” Murong Master when again Metropolitan Commandant, shock and awe national capital heavy.” “还有慕容老爷子重新当司隶校尉,震慑京畿重地。” Directors still holds the post by Pei Zheng, before Pei Zheng lineage/vein, does not have extremely to participate, moreover he is the Young Lady Pei sibling's grandfather.” 侍中依然由裴正担任,裴正一脉之前没有太过参与,而且他是裴小姐的亲爷爷。” Xie Xiu is talented, can make him go, when Vice Directors of the Palace Secretariat.” 谢秀才华横溢,可以让他去当中书侍郎。” „Before the imperial guards, plays the role of mainstay, happen to the palace guards the imperial palace needs the big infusion of new blood, Uncle Wang lin holds the post of Left Guarding General, Zhang Zijiang holds the post of Right Guarding General, each military officers of other imperial guards place in several other Imperial Guards.” “羽林军之前起到了中流砥柱的作用,正好宫中禁卫需要大换血,王伯林担任左卫将军,张子江担任右卫将军,其他羽林军的各个军官安插到另外几支禁军中。” Gao Ying holds the post of Knight Army to command ; Pei You holds the post to ride the army to command.” 高英担任虎贲军统领;裴佑担任上骑军统领。” Jiao Sigun holds the post of the imperial guards to command, the Pu Duandio Ren Yili army command. „ 焦丝棍担任羽林军统领,朴断雕则任异力军统领。“ She is planned lets Jiao Sigun and Pu Duandio becomes in the palace the general, runs the hit imperial guard, but since Zu An has appointed Zhang Zitong, then taking advantage of opportunity lets two people hold the post of commanding of two Imperial Guards, calculates that during rewarding their gallantry. 原本她是打算让焦丝棍朴断雕成为殿中将军,掌管命中虎贲的,但既然祖安已经任命了张梓彤,那么就顺势让两人担任两支禁军的统领,也算奖励他们这期间的忠勇。 If Regent does not have the objection, tomorrow I will let the Royal Court outgoing message, appoints them officially.” “如果摄政王没有异议的话,明天我就让朝廷发文,正式任命他们。” Hears Bi Linglong to chat these methodically, so many unexpectedly each arrange clearly, Sang Qiàn and in the Zheng Dan heart admired, worked as so many years Empress worthily, this skill they want to study are also too difficult to learn. 听到碧玲珑一条条有条不紊地聊着这些,那么多人竟然每个都安排得清清楚楚,桑倩郑旦心中佩服不已,不愧是当了这么多年的皇后,这本事她们想学也学不来啊。 Liu Ning could not bear looked at her one eyes, thought that is it possible that two people were just really chatting the proper business, but I thought the branch 就连柳凝也忍不住多看了她一眼,心想莫非两人刚刚真的在聊正事,只是我想岔了 Un, since is you and Empress Dowager reaches an agreement, I naturally have no objection.” Zu An also somewhat admires, the previous second a she also shattering appearance, can trick obviously finally unexpectedly in a short time Liu Ning and the others. “嗯,既然是你和太后商量好的,我自然没什么异议。”祖安也有些佩服,前一秒她明明都还一副坏掉的模样,结果竟然能短时间内将柳凝等人忽悠过去。 Since the matter said that I also said goodbye, did not disturb you.” Bi Linglong nods to several people slightly hints, then departed in a hurry. “既然事情说完了,我也告辞了,不打扰你们了。”碧玲珑冲几人微微颔首示意,然后匆匆离去了。 Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan look at each other one, essence qi sound transmission said on the quiet: Empress did not speak with us, does not know that did not like us.” 桑倩郑旦对视一眼,悄悄元气传音道:“皇后都不和我们说话,不知道是不是不喜欢我们。” Possibly thinks we are Empress Dowager, heard they usually did not cope.” Zheng Dan thinks to reply. “可能以为我们是太后这边的吧,听说她俩素来不对付。”郑旦想了想答道。 Sang Qiàn slight nod: Mostly so.” 桑倩微微点头:“多半如此。” When two people guessed secretly, Bi Linglong that Rong Mo has seen, quickly moves forward to meet somebody: Empress.” 两人暗自猜测之时,容莫已经看到出来的碧玲珑,急忙迎了上去:“娘娘。” Returns to the palace.” Bi Linglong deeply inspires, the body somewhat is tight. “回宫吧。”碧玲珑深吸一口气,身子都有些紧绷。 Some Rong Mo doubts: Empress, was difficult to be inadequate is Empress Dowager bullies you, how to feel that your voice some were not right.” 容莫有些疑惑:“娘娘,难不成是太后又欺负你了么,怎么感觉你声音有些不对。” Perhaps others cannot detect, but she takes care of the young lady daily, how also unable to feel. 也许别人察觉不出来,但她天天服侍小姐,又岂会感受不到。 It‘s nothing.” Bi Linglong is putting on a serious face , to continue to walk out. “没什么。”碧玲珑板着脸,继续往外走。 On the Rong Mo face completely worried, added no, walking posture- potential is strange. 容莫脸上尽是担忧,还说没什么,走路姿-势都怪怪的。 At this time Bi Linglong is the red clouds ascended double cheek, closely is biting the lip: How so many......” 此时碧玲珑则是霞飞双颊,紧紧咬着嘴唇:“怎么那么多……”
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