KI :: Volume #11

#1036: Moe younger sister voice change

left Su undergoes shock from the beginning, returns to normal gradually, looks at the opposite party saying: Eliminates a potential informant?” 左苏经过一开始的震惊,渐渐平复下来,看着对方说道:“来灭口的?” Pei You stands there, without speech, obviously default. 裴佑站在那里,没有说话,显然是默认了。 On left Su the face flashes through a flushed, a fat face vibration, is quite obviously angry at this time: for which reason, my anything had not said obviously!” 左苏脸上闪过一阵红潮,肥肥的脸一阵抖动,显然此时极为愤怒:“凭什么,我明明什么都没说!” Pei You opened the mouth finally: Sir left sat this position, why also asked this naive question? Regarding others, only has the deceased person most to keep the secret.” 裴佑终于开口了:“左大人坐到了这个位置,为何还问出这种天真的问题?对于其他人来说,唯有死人才是最能保守秘密的。” Trades to be you in our standpoints, you will also make the similar choice.” “换作你在我们的立场,你也会做出同样的选择。” left Su was silent, trading to do is he, at this time must certainly extinguish others' mouth. 左苏沉默了,换作是他,此时肯定也要灭别人的口。 Can give an opportunity?” Although knows the hope to be uncertain, the instinct that but seeks livehood makes him make the final attempt, you, since can come, can save me to go out while this opportunity......” “能不能给个机会?”尽管知道希望渺茫,但求生的本能让他还是做着最后的尝试,“你既然能进来,可以趁这个机会救我出去……” Speaking of behind his voice is getting more and more low, because opposite party as before unemotional visits him. 说到后面他声音越来越低,因为对方依旧面无表情的看着他。 I understood.” Left Su smiles mournfully, past years thousand against ten thousand guarded, finally was dragged down by your fellows, should realize the day.” “我明白了。”左苏凄然一笑,“当年千防万防,结果还是被你们这些家伙拉下了水,原本就该意识到有这一天的。” „The thing that these years you enjoy were also many enough, does not come in this world in vain one time.” Pei You said lightly. “这些年你享受的东西也够多了,也不枉来这世上一遭。”裴佑淡淡地说道。 That but actually is also, many person ten lifetime that your one pattern after another, I enjoy not necessarily can enjoy......” left Su to sigh, seemed like accepted fate, the result next second he raised the head to shout suddenly, came the person......” “那倒也是,你们花样百出,我享受到的很多人十辈子都未必享受得到……”左苏叹了一口气,似乎是认命了,结果下一秒他忽然抬头大喊,“来人……” What a pity Pei You has guarded against this, sealed up his mute hole instantaneously, the sound stopped suddenly. 可惜裴佑早已防备到这点,瞬间封住了他的哑穴,声音戛然而止。 Was ugly, Sir left.” In the Pei You eye were many meaning of the despising. “难看了,左大人。”裴佑眼中多了一丝鄙夷之意。 In this flash left Suyan is completely entreats and panic-stricken, even the tears flowed, is unable to describe complex of his look in the spoken language. 这一瞬间左苏眼中尽是哀求与惊恐,甚至还有眼泪流了出来,无法用言语来形容他眼神的复杂。 Pei You did not have the interest that and he chatted again, direct pair of eyes none bloomed, then in left Suyan also presented the similar ray. 裴佑再也没了和他聊天的兴致,直接双眼精光绽放,然后左苏眼中也出现了同样的光芒。 Focuses on all rays diverging, the head also soft dá dá hung, obviously does not have the half a point vitality/angry. 紧接着眼中所有光芒散去,头颅也软哒哒地垂了下来,显然已经没了半分生气。 Pei You inspected him truly dead, this turned around to depart. 裴佑检查了一下他确实死了,这才转身离去。 By cultivation base of left Su, must kill him is not an easy matter, but his whole body big hole was made, cultivation base is unable to assemble the defense, naturally can only become treats butchers the lamb. 原本以左苏的修为,要杀他也绝非易事,不过他浑身大穴被制,一身修为根本无法调集防御,自然只能成为待宰羔羊。 ...... …… After the 2nd day early morning, Zu An left, the red jujube came to examine, sees only Pei Mianman to rest lazy on the bed, as if finger was disinclined. 第二日清晨,祖安离开过后,红枣进来查看,只见裴绵曼慵懒地睡在床上,似乎手指头都懒得动了。 Young lady, can get out of bed?” The red jujube thought that son-in-law also is really fierce, walks young ladies one went bad the appearance each time. “小姐,要起床么?”红枣心想姑爷还真是厉害,每次走了小姐都一副坏了的模样。 Smelly girl, this is not asks something already known, do not disturb me, making me rest a while again.” Pei Mianman muttered, stands up from failure, looked for the comfortable point posture. “臭丫头,这不是明知故问么,别打扰我,让我再睡一会儿。”裴绵曼咕哝了一句,翻了个身,找了个舒服点的姿势。 The red jujube stares: Well, why is young lady your mouth swollen?” 红枣一愣:“咦,小姐你嘴巴为什么肿了?” Pei Mianman covers the lip subconsciously, the complexion slightly red, actually does intentionally to be calm: All right, possibly infected the cold.” 裴绵曼下意识捂住嘴唇,脸色微红,却故作镇定道:“没事,可能是感染了风寒。” How can infection cold the mouth swell?” A red jujube face are you when my silly appearance, she taps the head suddenly, I understood, certainly was the young lady stole food the son-in-law candy cane, finally ate ate to be swollen the mouth. Also does not hate to give me to eat, therefore compiles such words to deceive me intentionally?” Pei Mianman is bashful and anxious, grasped the pillow to pound: Dead girl, eats, a day knows to eat, in the future will have your suffering to receive.” “感染风寒怎么会嘴巴肿呢?”红枣一脸你是不是当我傻的样子,她忽然一拍脑袋,“我明白了,一定是小姐偷吃了姑爷的棒棒糖,结果吃多了才把嘴巴吃肿了。又舍不得给我吃,所以才故意编造这样的话来骗我么?”裴绵曼又羞又急,抓起枕头就砸了过去:“死丫头,吃吃吃,一天就知道吃,将来有你苦头受的。” Saw the young lady to be really angry, the red jujube spits the tongue, quickly goes downstairs smooth. 见小姐真的生气了,红枣吐了吐舌头,急忙溜下了楼。 Zu An was returned to the temporary office of president refreshing, Big Peipei was really exceptionally talented, the man long-awaited treasure. 祖安则是神清气爽地回到了行馆之中,大曼曼真是天赋异禀,男人梦寐以求的宝贝啊。 However he detected suddenly periphery atmosphere some are not right, these imperial guards court attendant each and everyone are ready in full battle array, a being critical situation appearance. 不过他忽然察觉到周围气氛有些不对劲,那些羽林郎一个个严阵以待,一副如临大敌的模样。 Zu An draws several people to inquire, the opposite party clearly what happened, but said that follows the order of Sir Sang. 祖安拉来几人询问,对方也不清楚发生了什么事,只是说遵循桑大人的命令。 In his heart thump, hurried big stride since hall. 他心中咯噔一下,急忙大跨步进入内堂。 Sees only in the room, only then Sang Hong and similar Jianren, Pei You few several people, several guards, Zu An recognizes them is the guard in prison cell. 只见房中只有桑弘、肖建仁、裴佑寥寥数人,还有几个侍卫,祖安认得出他们是牢房的守卫。 What accidental/surprised is, at this time Pei You tied up knelt in the center. 更让人意外的是,此时裴佑被绑了跪在中央。 Sang Hong paces anxiously back and forth, seems making a difficult decision to be the same. 桑弘焦躁地来回踱步,似乎在做一个艰难的决定一般。 Zu An in great surprise, oneself go out a evening, why felt that missed a century: What exactly had? Brother Pei why......” 祖安大惊,自己不过出去一晚,为什么感觉错过了一个世纪:“到底发生什么了啊?裴兄弟为何……” Heard his sound, Pei You as if found the liberator, quickly comes back to wail: Brother Zu you came back finally, Sir Sang must kill me.” 听到他的声音,裴佑仿佛找到了救星,急忙回过头来嚎啕大哭:“祖兄你终于回来了,桑大人要杀我。” Zu An is confused looks to Sang Hong. 祖安一头雾水地望向桑弘 Sang Hong at this time is also angry incomparable: Scoundrel, you also felt all right saying that you killed left Su, knows that what consequence this was?” 桑弘此时也是气恼无比:“混账,你还好意思说,你杀了左苏,知不知道这是什么后果?” „Did Pei You kill left Su?” Zu An was scared, no matter what his imagination has no way to understand why again richly this is. 裴佑杀了左苏?”祖安傻眼了,任他想象力再丰富也没法想明白这是为什么。 Undeserved, I do not have!” Pei You quickly complains of injustice. “冤枉啊,我没有!”裴佑急忙叫屈。 „Do you also dare to quibble?” Sang Hong anger pounds on the table, is pointing at several prison guards in other that side, you said, what last night exactly had?” “你还敢狡辩?”桑弘气得一拍桌子,然后指着另外那边的几个狱卒,“你们说说,昨晚到底发生了什么?” That several prison guards looked at Pei You one, said hesitant: Last night Sir Pei came to outside the prison cell to guard, latter arrived at the midnight, Sir Pei set out to enter the prison cell suddenly, but also opened our.” 那几个狱卒看了裴佑一眼,犹犹豫豫地说道:“昨晚裴大人来牢房外镇守,后来到了半夜,裴大人忽然起身要进牢房,还把我们支开了。” We have not thought, went on Sir Gempek.” “我们也没多想,就让裴大人进去了。” Finally today early morning everyone discovers Sir left has died in the prison cell.” “结果今儿一早大家发现左大人已经死在了牢房之中。” ...... …… That several people talked, the matter of will describe last night. 那几人你一言我一语,将昨晚发生的事情描述了出来。 Zu An look strange looks to Pei You, never expected that your boy is this person. 祖安神色诡异地望向裴佑,没想到你小子是这种人。 I do not have!” The Pei You hurried argument said, last night I have been sitting in meditation, simply has not left, they talked nonsense!” “我没有!”裴佑急忙辩解道,“昨晚我一直在打坐,根本没离开过,他们胡说!” Sang Hong said solemnly: Ah Zu you saw, from just started both sides then to cling to his own interpretation, saw the person who Pei You goes in has many, but said that he does not have, only then his, you said that whom I should believe?” 桑弘沉声道:“阿祖你看到了,从刚刚开始双方便各执一词,看到裴佑进去的人有不少,而说他没进去的只有他一个,你说我该信谁?” A Zu An brow wrinkle, draws Sang Hong one side: Uncle, the backgrounds of these imperial guards court attendants can you investigates passed/lived?” 祖安眉头一皱,将桑弘拉到一旁:“伯父,那些羽林郎的背景你可查过了?” investigates passed/lived, was generation of the well-born, had no happening together with Yunzhong County here person, moreover I also separated to interrogate them specially, their oral confessions did not have the issue.” The Sang Hong tone replied heavily. “查过了,都是身家清白之辈,和云中郡这边的人没有任何交集,而且我还特意将他们分开审问了,他们的口供都没问题。”桑弘语气沉重地答道。 What that has the issue was Pei You?” A Zu An brow wrinkle. “那有问题的是裴佑了?”祖安眉头一皱。 At present it seems like, that's true.” Sang Hong sighs. “目前看来,确实如此。”桑弘叹了一口气。 But he does not have the motive that does this.” So is long with Pei You, everyone has the great friendship, naturally does not hope that he has an accident. “可是他没有这样做的动机啊。”和裴佑一起这么久,大家已有不浅的交情,自然不希望他出事。 This must ask he himself.” Sang Hong looked at Pei You one, in the eye is completely the worried look, pitifully looks at him now the besotted appearance, perhaps will not speak the truth.” “这就要问他自己了。”桑弘看了裴佑一眼,眼中尽是忧色,“可惜看他如今执迷不悟的样子,恐怕不会说实话了。” In the Zu An heart moves: Relax, what I had the means to distinguish them to say was is really the false.” 祖安心中一动:“放心,我有办法辨别他们说的是真是假。” How to distinguish?” Some Sang Hong doubts. “如何辨别?”桑弘有些疑惑。 Prepares a peaceful room to me, making their each and everyone come.” In order to seek insurance, Zu An decides first to interrogate these prison guards. “给我准备一间静室,让他们一个个进来。”为求保险,祖安决定先审问那些狱卒。 Passed by side Pei You time, he asked in a low voice: Your cultivation base said precisely is several several steps, this is relating your life, do not lie.” 路过裴佑身边的时候,他低声问道:“你的修为精确地说是几品几阶,这关系着你的性命,可不要说谎。” Pei You by the present aspect was also made somewhat frightened, if cannot prove one's innocence, he probably probably explain today here, which also dares to conceal: Sixth Rank Eighth Grade.” 裴佑也被如今的局面弄得有些吓到了,如果不能自证清白,他今天说不定要交待在这里了,哪还敢有隐瞒:“六品八阶。” Zu An relaxes, that's good, but also in control area. 祖安松了一口气,那还好,还在控制范围之内。 In advance therefore returns to the room, making these prison guards come in turn. 于是先行回屋,让那些狱卒依次进来。 Although Sang Hong is puzzled, but also believes him, had not asked. 桑弘虽然不解,但是也相信他,并没有多问。 After these prison guard each and everyone go, sees in the room also the white skirt female, lovely enough to cause the fall of a city, will be clear and beguile to unify one perfectly. 待那些狱卒一个个进去后,看到房间中还有一个白裙女子,倾国倾城,将清纯和狐媚完美地结合到了一起。 In the mission will have such beautiful woman? 使团中怎么会有这么美的女人? Prison guards this thought just raised, the quick look fell into confusedly. 狱卒们这个念头刚升起,很快眼神陷入了迷茫。 Zu An made Daji display the Bewitching the World skill to control these people with ease, asked about last night the matter of again. 祖安妲己施展狐媚天下的技能轻松控制了这些人,再次询问昨夜发生的事情。 Before their replies, is in no way different. 他们的回答和之前并无二致。 In the Zu An heart sinks, it seems like yesterday Pei You really went. 祖安心中一沉,看来昨天裴佑果然进去了。 After letting these prison guards go out, he immediately has not shouted Pei You to come, but summons the keyboard. 让这些狱卒出去后,他并没有马上喊裴佑进来,而是召唤出了键盘。 Daji now Sixth Rank fifth-order, the rank of Bewitching the World is second-level, happen to can control and her cultivation base equal goal. 妲己如今才六品五阶,狐媚天下的等级是二级,正好可以控制和她修为相等的目标。 But Pei You cultivation base is Sixth Rank Eighth Grade, present Daji was unable to control him obviously, must promote realm. 裴佑修为六品八阶,如今的妲己显然还不能控制他,必须要提升境界 The Rage Points a total of 338795 points that these days accumulate, enough he has received in exchange for the essence qi fruit giving Daji to promote cultivation base. 这段时间积累的愤怒值总共338795点,已经足够他换取元气果实来给妲己提升修为了。 But in the store 1000 points trade a proportion of essence qi fruit too to be really fair, Zu An voluntarily is not an African, the decision draws to try the luck at games of chance. 只不过商店里1000点换一枚元气果实的比例实在太中规中矩,祖安自觉地不是非洲人,还是决定抽奖来试试手气。 After starting to draw, saw fast the screen flashes through Thanks for Participation, Zu An does not have the mighty waves, experienced so many time drew, these have been used. 开始抽奖之后,看到屏幕快速闪过的“谢谢参与”,祖安毫无波澜,经历了这么多次抽奖,这些已经习惯了。 If pulls out to extract a skill every time one time, he must be worried own lifespan. 要是每抽一次就抽出一个技能,他都要担心自己阳寿了。 Altogether extracted 340 essence qi fruits to come out quickly. 很快总共抽取了340颗元气果实出来。 Zu An is just about to give under the Daji clothing/taking, suddenly the vision concentrates, because he discovered that the last time drawing cursor stayed in letter S on. 祖安正要给妲己服下,忽然目光一凝,因为他发现最后一次抽奖光标停留在了字母“S”上。 Congratulates to pull out to moe younger sister voice change! 恭喜抽到“萌妹变声器”! Zu An: „???” 祖安:“???”
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