KI :: Volume #11

#1037: Unravelling

Zu An was really some stupefied, this originally wants to pull out some essence qi fruits to increase cultivation base to Daji, has not thought that also extracted the skill unexpectedly. 祖安真是有些懵逼了,这次原本只是想抽些元气果实给妲己增加修为,万万没想到竟然还抽出技能了。 He quickly looks at the explanation that the keyboard gives: 他急忙去看键盘给出的说明: Moe the younger sister voice change introduction: In some space and time, there are man to like pretending the female students and other men very much plays together, this can obtain many attendances, divides to arrive at more victories each time. Therefore he studies this voice change, pretends that is moe the younger sister, captured the hearts of large numbers of man by the delightful sound quickly. What a pity the paper cannot wrap up the fire, once his accidentally turned over finally, discovered many men who truth are angry, his pitiful fate no one knows, but this magical artifact actually spread. 萌妹变声器介绍:在某个时空之中,有个男子很喜欢装作女生和其他男人一起玩,这样能得到最多的照顾,每次分到更多的战果。于是他研究出这个变声器,假装是个萌妹子,很快凭借甜美的声音俘虏了大批男人的心。可惜纸是包不住火的,有一次他终于不小心翻车了,发现真相的众多男人愤怒无比,他凄惨的下场无人知晓,但这个法器却流传了下来。 Use effect: Uses this thing to camouflage the sound of any goal willfully, even if the most intimate person cannot branch out exceptionally. But if each time wants to use this function, must offer sacrifices one time. 使用效果:使用此物可以任意伪装成任何目标的声音,哪怕是最亲近之人也分不出异常。但每次要想使用这个功能,必须献祭一次。 Note: So-called offers sacrifices, is the user must first use this thing camouflage a sound that moe the younger sister, has deceived a male goal successfully. 注:所谓献祭,就是使用者必须先使用此物伪装成一个萌妹的声音,成功骗过一个雄性目标。 Zu An: „???” 祖安:“???” Is odd his mother opens the door simply oddly, oddly to family/home. 简直是离谱他妈给离谱开了门,离谱到家了。 He knows skill more or less a little pit that pulls out each time, but has not thought of this time to be able such pit. 他知道每次抽出来的技能或多或少都有点坑,但没想到这次会这么坑。 Looked at the use effect he somewhat to be happy, because before «Thousand People of At the same time» in how, although also has will arrive to use essence qi to change with the goal is the same, but in these record rare books has a defect, according to the current record, can only have 78 to be similar reluctantly, if bumps into the intimate person, is very difficult to conceal the truth. 原本看了使用效果他还有些高兴,因为之前《千人一面》里虽然也有将到如何利用元气改变和目标一样,但那些记载秘籍上有所缺失,按照目前的记录,只能勉强有个七八分相似而已,若是碰上亲近的人,很难瞒得过去。 Had after this voice change, coordinates one side thousand people again, he can successfully camouflage anybody not to expose weaknesses. 有了这个变声器过后,再配合千人一面,他就能成功地伪装成任何人而不露破绽了。 May see the exploitation conditions, his face quick was black. 可看到使用条件,他脸都快黑了。 So-called offering sacrifices, is not to first install the woman each time. 所谓的献祭,不就是每次要先装女人么。 Installed the woman, he looks for no one's place to install secretly also harmless, but this pit father's request must successfully deceive a male gender unexpectedly! 原本装女人也就罢了,他偷偷找个没人的地方装一下也无伤大雅,可这坑爹的要求竟然必须要成功骗过一个雄性! This means he can install the false mother before a man? 这岂不是意味着他要在一个男人面前去装伪娘? If by some chance exposed that is really the pattern society dies. 万一暴露那真是花样社死了。 The face did not have! 脸都没了啊! Also without going to try, he has felt endless was awkward. 还没去试,他就已经感受到无尽的尴尬了。 Ah Zu, ok?” Outside broadcasts the sound that Sang Hong knocked on a door, obviously sees him for a long time not to have the sound somewhat to worry. 阿祖,好了么?”外面传来了桑弘敲门的声音,显然见他这么久都没声响有些着急。 Waits a bit the moment.” Thinks that this time has a more urgent matter, Zu An can only suppress the state of mind, first moe younger sister voice change to put in Glazed Treasure Bead this, behind studied slowly. “稍等片刻。”想到这次有更紧急的事,祖安只能压住心绪,先将这个“萌妹变声器”放入琉璃宝珠之中,后面再慢慢研究了。 Comes.” He to Daji beckoned. “过来。”他对妲己招了招 The Daji small broken step walked actually obedient, but that expression, seems to be smiling, but carefully looks and does not seem to smile. 妲己倒是听话地小碎步走了过来,不过那表情,似乎在笑,可仔细看又似乎没笑。 Even you laugh at me.” Zu An is somewhat depressed, opens mouth!” “连你都笑我。”祖安有些郁闷,“张嘴!” Daji blinks, is raising head slightly, obedient red lip slightly. 妲己眨了眨眼睛,微微仰着头,听话地红唇微张。 Zu An forces in these essence qi fruit, luckily these essence qi fruits are the entrance, otherwise eats so many not to choke she. 祖安将那些元气果实一颗颗塞进去,幸好这些元气果实都是入口即化的,不然吃这么多还不噎死她。 In this period unavoidably finger can have the contact with the tongue, Zu An discovered accidentally/surprisingly, the opposite party for the first time has not resisted unexpectedly. 期间难免手指会和舌头有接触,祖安意外地发现,对方竟然破天荒地没有抗拒。 Unexpectedly is a glutton.” The Zu An facial expression is strange, such an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman is opening mouth to wait to throw feeds, always makes one have one type to feed her to select the impulsions of other things. “居然是个吃货啊。”祖安神情古怪,这样一个绝色美人张着嘴等着投喂,总让人有一种想喂她点其他东西的冲动。 He quickly restrains the mind, gives her the remaining essence qi fruit stoppers altogether, then sets out no longer to look at her to the one side: Finished eating refine, a while must do the proper business.” 他急忙收敛心神,将剩下的元气果实一股脑地塞给她,然后起身到一旁不再看她:“吃完了就炼化,等会儿还要干正事呢。” Daji nods slightly, as if understood after his meaning, these essence qi fruits eat, her aura starts successively to increase. 妲己微微颔首,似乎理解了他的意思,将这些元气果实都吃下去过后,她的气息开始节节攀升。 Six steps, seven steps, Eighth Grade and nine steps...... 六阶、七阶、八阶、九阶…… Finally her cultivation base stayed in the Sixth Rank nine steps. 最终她的修为停留在了六品九阶。 Arrives at the Sixth Rank peak to need 800 essence qi fruits, now she has eaten up 740, to peak only bad one pace. 到达六品巅峰需要800颗元气果实,如今她已经吃下了740颗了,离巅峰只差一步之遥。 It seems like must make the best use of the time to prepare to break through the material to her. 看来要抓紧时间给她准备突破材料了。 Zu An warned itself secretly. 祖安暗暗告诫自己。 After Daji cultivation base stabilizes, Zu An then informs outside Pei You to come. 妲己修为稳定下来后,祖安便通知外面的裴佑进来。 Brother Zu, you may probably believe me, if you do not believe me, I may on...... come to complain to Zu An on......” Pei You, but is howling is being howling, suddenly notices nearby Daji. 祖兄,你可要相信我啊,要是连你都不信我,我可就……就……”裴佑一进来就对着祖安诉苦,不过嚎着嚎着,忽然注意到一旁的妲己 In does the world really have rare beauty of so outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman? 世上竟然有如此绝色倾城的尤物 Even if Legendary Yu Yanluo, perhaps also nothing more than such as. 哪怕传说中的玉烟萝,恐怕也不外如是吧。 Good Brother Zu, you actually have a concubine......” Pei You unable to bear say with emotion. “好哇祖兄,你竟然金屋藏娇……”裴佑忍不住感慨道。 Zu An rolled the eyes, this teased compared with dies quickly was imminent, but also is thinking these. 祖安翻了个白眼,这逗比都快死都临头了,还想着这些。 He is also disinclined with the opposite party idle talk, made Daji display Bewitching the World to control the opposite party directly. 他也懒得和对方废话,直接让妲己施展狐媚天下控制了对方。 The Pei You look fell into gradually at a loss, Zu An seized the chance to ask about his last night matter. 裴佑的眼神渐渐陷入了茫然,祖安趁机询问他昨晚的事情。 Finally before opposite party's reply is still , exactly the same. 结果对方的回答依然是和之前一模一样。 Well?” Zu An was shocked, the two sides have not lied, where does that have problems? “咦?”祖安愣住了,两边都没说谎,那到底是哪里出了问题? He thought deeply about the moment, suddenly in the heart moves, asks: You sat in meditation outside the prison cell yesterday, may detect that has anything exceptionally not to have.” 他思索了片刻,忽然心中一动,问道:“你昨天在牢房外打坐,可察觉到有什么异常没有。” Nothing unusual, is very from beginning to end peaceful, no one comes and goes out.” Pei You replied. “没有什么异常啊,从头到尾都挺安静的,没有什么人出入。”裴佑答道。 Zu An knits the brows, then also asked: „Did you sit in meditation to operate several sidereal revolutions last night?” 祖安皱了皱眉,然后又问道:“你昨晚打坐运行了几个周天?” Pei You replied: I first operated eight small sidereal revolutions, afterward...... and operated five Great Zhou days.” 裴佑答道:“我先运行了八个小周天,后来又……又运行了五个大周天。” Zu An asked his sidereal revolution requires how much time generally, asked he starts to exercise martial arts the today's accident respective double-hour. 祖安紧接着问了他一个周天一般要多少时间,又问了他开始练功到今天事发各自的时辰。 Finally finally discovered the issue, that is the time that Pei You exercises martial arts obviously to not on, missed some time. 最后终于发现了问题,那就是裴佑练功的时间明显对不上,差了一段时间。 No matter what but how Pei You recalls, could not remember then matter. 可任裴佑怎么回忆,也想不起当时的事情。 I saw one group of five-colors rays probably, probably fell asleep a small little while, but I should not fall asleep theoretically......” Pei You is covering the head, the expression is quite painful, obviously received anything to stimulate. “我好像看到了一团五彩的光芒,好像睡着了一小会儿,可是理论上我不该睡着的啊……”裴佑捂着脑袋,表情极为痛苦,显然是受到了什么刺激。 Zu An is worried to injure to his divine soul, quickly makes Daji cancel uses/gives technique, then while the Pei You dizzy time, raised him to walk. 祖安担心伤害到他神魂,急忙让妲己取消施术,然后趁着裴佑晕乎乎的时候,提着他走了出去。 Had the result?” Sang Hong is pacing up and down in the hall, sees two people to come out, in the look was full of the hope, simultaneously is afraid hears what not good news. “有结果了么?”桑弘正在大厅中来回走动,见到两人出来,眼神中充满了希望,同时又害怕听到什么不好的消息。 both sides have not lied.” Zu An first opens the mouth to say. “双方都没说谎。”祖安先开口道。 But this is how possible!” The Sang Hong complexion changes. “可这怎么可能!”桑弘脸色一变。 Pei You is grateful, Zu An is really the good brothers, everyone does not believe me, on he believes I. 裴佑则是感激涕零,祖安真是好兄弟啊,所有人都不信我,就他信我。 How many times mentioned come from oneself to be rescued by him? 说起来自己是被他救第几次了? Another day goes home to in the room set up a memorial arch to supply to him, daily burns incense to worship him. 改日回家一定要在屋里立个牌坊给他供起来,天天烧香祭拜他。 One side Zu An somewhat weak Pei You will put, this explained: Should have expert to invade his body temporarily, is controlling the homicide left Su.” 祖安将有些虚弱的裴佑放到一边,这才解释道:“应该是有高手临时侵入了他的身体,控制着他杀了左苏。” „?” Pei You calls out in alarm one, how could it not be thinks that murderer? “啊?”裴佑惊呼一声,心想那自己岂不还是凶手? However he realizes a serious concern immediately, that mysterious person invaded his brain, did oneself turn into the shape of opposite party? 不过他马上意识到一个更严重的问题,那神秘人侵入了他大脑,那自己岂不是变成了对方的形状了? If the beautiful woman said fortunately, if a grown man...... 要是个美女还好说,如果是个大男人…… Thinks here his complexion big change, cannot help but retches in the one side. 一想到这里他脸色大变,不由得在一旁干呕起来。 Zu An and Sang Hong doubts looked at his one eyes, does not understand that this fellow loses what temper. 祖安桑弘疑惑地看了他一眼,不明白这家伙发什么神经。 Sang Hong also being disinclined manages him, the sinking sound said: This type invades others brain, often only then some cultivates or Monster Race that the control opposite party acts evilly has this ability, moreover Pei You is not an untalented person, can control him to detect, killed left Su silently, this cultivation base perhaps also above me.” 桑弘也懒得管他,沉声说道:“这种侵入他人大脑,控制对方行动的往往只有一些邪修或者妖族才有这个能力,而且裴佑并非庸手,能控制他不让人察觉,无声无息杀了左苏,这修为恐怕还远在我之上。” At this point his eyebrow twists the Sichuan character quickly the appearance, was really difficult, solely one Jane/simple Taiding has somewhat gone beyond their areas of competence, now presents such mysterious expert, the bonus was he mental like the iron, now also somewhat backs down. 说到这里他的眉毛都快拧成川字的模样,实在是太难了啊,单单一个简泰定已经有些超出他们的能力范围了,现在又出现这样一个神秘高手,饶是他心智如铁,现在也有些打退堂鼓了。 Hears his words, Zu An thought that the Daji skill as if is also this type, don't tell me will also be considered that will be cultivates evilly: cough cough, since left Su has with the suspicion that Monster Race colludes with, that was Monster Race eliminates a potential informant mostly.” 听到他的话,祖安心想妲己的技能似乎也是这种,难道自己也会被人认为是邪修么:“,既然左苏是有和妖族勾结的嫌疑,那多半是妖族来灭口了。” Back also has certainly others, otherwise the Monster Race person is also insufficient easily to eliminate a potential informant,” Sang Hong speculates to say immediately, don't tell me was really Jane/simple Taiding?” “背后一定还有其他人,否则妖族的人也不至于这么轻易来灭口,”桑弘立马推测道,“难道真的是简泰定么?” Entire Yunzhong County, has this strength and background, regarded Jane/simple Taiding not. 整个云中郡,有这个实力和底蕴的,首推简泰定莫属。 What a pity Jane/simple Taiding was powerful, under the hand also had the military power, they want to check have no way to check. 可惜简泰定位高权重,手底下还掌握了兵权,他们想查也没法查啊。 Urgent matter first found that mysterious Monster Race expert, after finding him, a lot were easily solved.” Zu An said. “当务之急是先找到那个神秘的妖族高手,找到他后很多事情就迎刃而解了。”祖安说道。 Good,” Sang Hong sets out, other left Su was killed the incident to keep secret, all insiders cannot leave temporary office of president half-step, everyone delivers the food patrol changing shifts as usual, builds left Su still also living false appearance.” “不错,”桑弘起身,“另外左苏被杀一事必须保密,所有知情人不能离开行馆半步,大家照常送饭巡逻换班,营造出左苏依然还活着的假象。” With great difficulty rebellion that before subsided the county soldiers, if made them know that left Su died in the temporary office of president, the people of that Imperial Envoy mission may really not can be inseparable from. 之前好不容易才平息下来郡兵的暴动,如果让他们知道左苏死在行馆中,那钦差使团的人可真是脱不了干系了。 When the time comes by a person with aspirations instigation, in the city the soldiers and horses was flushed to visit again, perhaps the entire Imperial Envoy mission must roll to extinguish. 到时候再被有心人一煽动,城中兵马再次冲上门来,恐怕整个钦差使团都要团灭。 Arranges all, Sang Hong draws Zu An to speak in detail to the room, on the face is completely the exhausted color: Your I was clear that Monster Race expert where was obtained easily?” 安排完一切过后,桑弘才拉祖安到房间详谈,脸上尽是疲惫之色:“你我都清楚,那妖族高手哪里那么容易被得到?” The opposite party now is the governor's headquarters of Jane/simple Taiding was most likely to hide, was there guard is stern, moreover Jane/simple Taiding was also Grand Master, they want to dive to check secretly cannot accomplish. 对方现在最有可能藏身的就是简泰定的都督府,可是那里守卫森严,而且简泰定本身也是宗师,他们想偷偷潜进去查都办不到。 I have means.” The Zu An sinking sound said. “我倒有个办法。”祖安沉声说道。 --- --- Today two chapters first. 今天两章先更了。 Before the sore throat class/flow nasal mucus stuffy nose, the symptom will be quite slight in two days, I also chuckled that now the physique improved, the cold can the self-recovery, the nose all stop up unexpectedly quickly finally last night harmed my around 4 : 00 to fall asleep, today changed for the better slightly, in the evening aggravated, did immediately goes to the home to look for several Lian Huaqing acute communicable disease capsules to eat, hoped the effect. 之前喉咙痛流鼻涕鼻塞,过了两天症状比较轻微,我还窃喜现在体质变好了么,感冒竟然这么快能自愈了,结果昨晚鼻子全堵了害得我四点多才睡着,今天白天稍稍有好转,晚上又加重了,搞得马上去家里找了几颗连花清瘟胶囊吃了,希望有效果。 The feeling the winter must catch cold annually, remembers vaguely at this time last year was also the similar symptom. 感觉现在每年冬天都要感冒了啊,依稀记得去年这个时候也是差不多症状。
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