KI :: Volume #11

#1035: Secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator

And said that Zu An taking advantage of the dim light of night, arrives around Pei Residence. 且说祖安借着夜色,一路来到裴府附近。 City Lord mansion street lives is high official and noble persons, has the soldier to go on patrol everywhere, the public security is definitely better than other places. 城主府这条街住的都是达官贵人,到处都有兵丁巡逻,治安肯定比其他地方好很多。 Zu An does not dare to be negligent, evaded the patrol soldier several times, finally arrived at outside the Pei Residence fence. 祖安也不敢大意,一路数次躲过了巡逻兵丁,终于来到了裴府围墙外。 Chose a covert place to leap rapidly quietly, here has come several times, avoided the guard in Pei Residence familiar and easy. 选了个隐蔽地点迅速悄悄飞跃进去,这里来过几次了,轻车熟路避开了裴府的护卫。 Arrived at the Pei Mianman courtyard , will see suddenly a form surmounts from inside. 来到了裴绵曼的院子,正要进去,忽然看到一个身影从里面翻越而出。 His complexion sinks, really has the disreputable to peep here? 他脸色一沉,竟然有宵小之徒窥视这里? The foot, the whole person overran to the opposite party body side sharp instantaneously. 足尖一点,整个人瞬间攻到了对方身侧。 That person also detected obviously the difference, figure swayed from side to side like the spirit snake generally avoided his attack, simultaneously a long leg one by one angle kicked toward his lower abdomen inconceivable, this flexible simply heaven defying. 那人显然也察觉到了异样,身形有如灵蛇一般扭动躲开了他的攻击,同时长腿一一个不可思议地角度往他小腹踢了过来,这份柔韧性简直逆天 Zu An quickly returns keeps off, two people instantaneous fight several moves. 祖安急忙回挡,两人瞬间交手数招。 Well?” both sides have an inexplicable familiarity, sees opposite that two groups of trembling, Zu An quickly gives up, Big Peipei?” “咦?”双方都有种莫名的熟悉感,看到对面那两团颤巍巍,祖安急忙罢手,“大曼曼?” Ah Zu?” The black-clothed person also lagged behind the veil, visits him pleasantly surprised, the light moonlight next elegant face is beautiful, who isn't Pei Mianman is? 阿祖?”那黑衣人也拉下了面纱,惊喜地看着他,淡淡的月色下一张俏脸明媚动人,不是裴绵曼又是谁? Your how this appearance?” Zu An also takes down the face-cloth, is taking a look at the opposite party curiously. “你怎么这幅打扮?”祖安也取下面巾,好奇地打量着对方。 She also in oneself travels by night the clothes unexpectedly, has saying that this travels by night the clothes is very personal, outlined incisively the stature curve of her devil. 她在自己家中竟然还一身夜行衣,不得不说这夜行衣还挺贴身的,将她那魔鬼的身材弧度勾勒得淋漓尽致。 He somewhat is funny, regarding the familiar Big Peipei person, light/only looked that this stature can recognize her, therefore wears a mask what significance. 他不禁有些好笑,对于熟悉大曼曼的人来说,光看这身材就能认出她了,所以蒙不蒙面有什么意义。 Pei Mianman complexion slightly red, opens mouth to be just about to reply, not far away broadcast the voice of guard suddenly: That side has the sound probably, in the past had a look.” 裴绵曼脸色微红,张嘴正要回答,不远处忽然传来了侍卫的声音:“那边好像有动静,过去看看。” Goes in me quickly.” Pei Mianman holds up the hand of Zu An, quickly hid from little building. “快跟我进去。”裴绵曼拉起祖安的手,急忙躲回了小楼之中。 How young lady you came back......” maidservant red jujube to see after Pei Mianman, was stunned, but after treating sees clearly her behind Zu An, immediately stiffened. “小姐你怎么又回来了呀……”丫鬟红枣看到裴绵曼后一脸错愕,不过待看清她身后的祖安后顿时僵住了。 Ended ended, today must defend an evening outside. 完了完了,今天又要在外面守一晚上了。 Zu An somewhat is also accidental at this time, because the red jujube now is not the clothing of maidservant wears, but wears the Pei Mianman clothes, even the chignon somewhat combs is similar to her. 祖安此时也有些意外,因为红枣如今并非穿的丫鬟的服装,而是穿着裴绵曼的衣服,甚至连发髻都梳得和她有些相似。 This master and servant are doing? 这主仆俩在干什么? Role exchange? 角色互换? Pei Mianman quickly closes, took off the clothes rapidly. 裴绵曼急忙关上了门,迅速地脱起了衣裳来。 Zu An look one stiff: „, Does not need such anxiously, the red jujube also here.” 祖安神色一僵:“呃,没必要这么急吧,红枣还在这里呢。” Pei Mianman white his eyes, has not replied him. 裴绵曼白了他一眼,并没有回答他。 Those who see the opposite party to travel by night under the clothes to put on is the clothes in ordinary day, Zu An also realized immediately oneself thought the branch. 看到对方夜行衣之下穿着的是平日里的衣裳,祖安马上也意识到自己想岔了。 Young lady, just here seemed like some sounds, are you all right?” Outside broadcast the voice of guard. “小姐,刚刚这边似乎有些动静,您没事么?”外面传来了侍卫的声音。 I am all right,” Pei Mianman opened the window to reveal half body to go out slightly, I had not meant, was all right do not approach my courtyard.” “我没事,”裴绵曼微微打开窗户露了半个身子出去,“我不是说过了么,没事不要靠近我这院子。” Is Master is worried about the young lady safety, recently additionally appointed the manpower to go on patrol in the nearby.” That several guards quickly lower the head to reply, although is only the graceful glance, in the heart still sighs with emotion the young lady quite beautifully. “是老爷担心小姐安危,最近才加派人手在附近巡逻的。”那几个侍卫急忙低头答道,虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,心中依然感慨小姐是真的好美。 Your cultivation base might as well I, is who protects,” Pei Mianman cold snort/hum, do not disturb me to rest.” “你们的修为还不如我,到底是谁保护谁啊,”裴绵曼冷哼一声,“别打扰我休息。” Said that bang closed the window door. 说完砰的一声关上了窗门。 That several guards have not been angry but actually, the entire your family place also several people have such good fortune and Eldest Young Lady speech. 那几个侍卫倒也没有生气,整个府上又有几个人有这样的福气和大小姐说话呢。 Yeah, Eldest Young Lady is really big. 哎,大小姐是真大啊。 Searches to the , must make what bad man alarm Eldest Young Lady not.” Several guards do not dare to have anything improper ambition but actually, but the subconsciousness wants to work for her much, protects her safety. “到附近搜查一下,莫要让什么歹人惊扰了大小姐。”几个侍卫倒也不敢有什么非分之想,只是下意识想为她多做点事,保护她的安危。 At this time side leapt up suddenly two stray cats, is calling fiercely. 这时旁边忽然蹿出两只野猫,龇牙咧嘴地叫着。 Originally is the cat fights.” Several guards relax, to little building direction good a ritual, then departs quietly. “原来是猫打架啊。”几个侍卫松了一口气,向小楼方向行了一礼,便悄然离去。 Zu An took back controlled the hand of stray cat with jade badge, looked with a smile to Pei Mianman: They also care about you, are you so how impolite to them?” 祖安收回了用玉琮控制野猫的手,笑着望向裴绵曼:“他们也是关心你,你咋对他们这么不客气?” Pei Mianman rolled the eyes: Also not because of you, if I am polite to them, here these fellows come to beam with joy once for a while, what to do if hits you.” 裴绵曼翻了个白眼:“还不是因为你,要是我对他们客客气气的,这些家伙时不时来这边露脸,万一撞到你怎么办。” Also yes.” Zu An cannot help laughing, then showed one bag of desserts to give the red jujube, „, taking, previous time was saying that must give the dessert that you brought.” “也是。”祖安哑然失笑,然后拿出一袋点心递给了红枣,“喏,拿着,上次说要给你带的点心。” „, Is the slow record hottest that several types of desserts, usually in lines up unable to buy.” The red jujube received looked, then can not help swallow the saliva, thanks son-in-law.” “呀,都是徐记最火的那几种点心,平日里排队都买不到的呢。”红枣接过一看,便情不自禁直咽口水,“谢谢姑爷。” Red jujube is clever.” Hears her to shout son-in-law, Zu An the mood is comfortable immediately. “红枣乖。”听到她喊姑爷,祖安顿时心情舒坦。 When these desserts are before left the jade mansion Yu Yanluo deliver him, this time made the favor done at little or no cost to deliver the red jujube. 这些点心都是之前离开玉府时玉烟萝送他的,这次就做顺水人情送红枣了。 First gangs up with my maid,” nearby Pei Mianman was sour immediately, what gift did that give me to bring?” “一来就勾搭我的贴身丫鬟啊,”一旁的裴绵曼顿时酸了,“那给我带了什么礼物啊?” A while please eat the candy cane.” Zu An held up her hand grinningly. “等会儿请你吃棒棒糖。”祖安笑嘻嘻地拉起了她的手。 Bah!” Pei Mianman complexion one red, quickly breaks free from his hand. “呸!”裴绵曼脸色一红,急忙甩开他的手。 The nearby red jujube hears to eat immediately cried greedily: What candy cane is, can I eat?” 边上的红枣听到吃的顿时馋哭了:“棒棒糖是什么呀,我可以吃么?” Pei Mianman was angry: Without your matter, oneself sleeps.” 裴绵曼恼了:“没你的事,自己下去睡觉。” Was saying then pushes toward downstairs the red jujube. 说着便将红枣往楼下推。 The red jujube, thought that the young lady was really mean-spirited, has the candy cane not to share to her, was son-in-law is natural, gives her to bring delicious so many. 红枣哦了一声,心想小姐真小气,有了棒棒糖也不给她分享,还是姑爷大方,给她带了这么多好吃的。 Such thinks, she beams with joy immediately. 这样一想,她顿时眉开眼笑起来。 After she goes downstairs, Pei Mianman could not bear stare Zu An one: Later works as the red jujube not to speak at a venture, she is young.” 待她下楼过后,裴绵曼忍不住瞪了祖安一眼:“以后当着红枣别乱说话,她还小。” Zu An stares: She is big.” 祖安一愣:“她不小啊。” In the mind appears the body that the opposite party is some scale, thought that is it possible that is the water that in the master and servant ordinary day drinks raises the person, otherwise each and everyone why so big. 脑海中浮现出对方颇具规模的身子,心想莫非是主仆俩平日里喝的水养人么,不然为什么一个个这么大。 Pei Mianman: „......” 裴绵曼:“……” Feels the opposite party that to eat the small look of person, Zu An then responds, smiles the shift topic awkwardly: „Does your master and servant this is do, she wears your clothes, do you trade to travel by night the clothes?” 感受到对方那吃人的小眼神,祖安这才反应过来,尴尬地笑了笑转移话题:“你们主仆俩这是干嘛呢,她穿你的衣服,你换夜行衣?” Pei Mianman replied: During the daytime in the city is not the chaos, I heard some people to lead the county soldiers to besiege your temporary office of president, was worried that you had/left the matter. But my father sealed off the entire Pei Residence, cannot anybody go out, but can only touch quietly, making the red jujube disguise as me to guard against emergency requirement here, who would have guessed that just went out to run into you.” 裴绵曼答道:“白天城中不是大乱么,我听到有人带郡兵去围攻你们行馆了,担心你出事情。可是我爹又封锁了整个裴府,不许任何人出去,无奈之下只能悄悄摸出去,让红枣在这边假扮我以防不时之需,哪知道刚出去就遇到了你。” Zu An in the heart one warmly, closely gripped her small hand immediately: Manman, you are really good to me.” „Are you all right?” Although opposite party safe and sound standing in the front, Pei Mianman still takes on the attainment to get his physical exam everywhere, for fear that he received what wound. 祖安顿时心中一暖,紧紧地握住了她的小手:“曼曼,你对我真好。”“你没事吧?”虽然对方安然无恙的站在面前,裴绵曼依然还是担心得到处检查他身体,生怕他受了什么伤。 „Before being all right......” Zu An , the matter of roughly said. “没事……”祖安将之前发生的事情大致说了一遍。 You suspected that was Jane/simple Taiding does the ghost?” Pei Mianman snuggles in his arms, amorous eyes shines, just like in the nighttime sky the brightest star. “你们怀疑是简泰定搞得鬼么?”裴绵曼依偎在他怀里,桃花眼忽闪忽闪的,犹如夜空中最亮的星。 Currently speaking he indeed most has the suspicion, but I always thought where has is not right,” Zu An is frowning, right, Zhao Zhi came your family daily.” “目前来说他的确最有嫌疑,不过我总觉得有哪里不对,”祖安皱着眉头,“对了,赵治是不是天天来你家。” Pei Mianman complexion slightly red: You leave think, I have not seen him.” 裴绵曼脸色微红:“你别多想,我可没见他。” This is the issue is.” Zu An patted the thigh, Zhao Zhi that fellow, although somewhat cannot withstand, but after all is the King Qi heir apparent, is insufficient base and low becomes when like this lapdog, he also ran toward your family daily is very strange.” “这就是问题所在啊。”祖安拍了拍大腿,“赵治那家伙虽然有些不堪,但毕竟是齐王世子,也不至于卑微成这样当舔-狗,那他还天天往你们家跑就很奇怪了。” The Pei Mianman complexion changes: „Do you suspect my father?” 裴绵曼脸色一变:“你是怀疑我爹?” That is insufficient but actually,” Zu An thought deeply about a while, then asked that whom did he these days come your family to see each time?” “那倒不至于,”祖安思索了一会儿,接着问道,“他这些日子来你们家每次都见谁?” Naturally is my father and that woman,” Pei Mianman snort/hum, really would rather not shout that in secret the opposite party is a mother, sometimes right, that woman her father can also come to see the grandchild.” “当然是我爹和那个女人啊,”裴绵曼哼了一声,私底下实在不情愿喊对方为娘,“对了,有时候那个女人她爹也会过来看外孙。” Jade profound austere?” “玉玄肃?” Un.” “嗯。” The Zu An brow is pressed, the jade profound austere is Sima of governor's headquarters, the governor's headquarters besides the commanding officer, below is the long history and Sima, the long history was the Jane/simple Taiding original position, that present jade profound austere was the No. 2 character in governor's headquarters. 祖安眉头蹙起,玉玄肃是都督府的司马,都督府除了都督之外,下面就是长史、司马,长史是简泰定原本的职位,那如今玉玄肃就是都督府的二号人物了。 Is don't tell me really related with Yu Family? 难道真的和玉家有关? In the mind cannot help but appeared that beautiful the unspotted face, thought this woman, if were secretly boss, that performing skill estimated that all Oscar Movie Queen added unable to catch up with her. 脑海中不由自主浮现出了那个美得毫无瑕疵的面庞,心想这女人如果是幕后boss,那演技估计所有奥斯卡影后加起来都赶不上她了啊。 Yeah, does your hand do, good cool......” Pei Mianman to detect to be the same suddenly, lowers the head looked, the seasonal delicacies are angry. “哎,你的手干什么,好凉……”裴绵曼忽然察觉到一样,低头一看,顿时羞恼无比。 Can not help.” Zu An smiles, the movement has not actually stood still. “情不自禁。”祖安笑了笑,动作却并没有停歇。 Pei Mianman bit the lip to hold down his hand: Today is not good, I came the menses, or did I make the red jujube accompany you?” 裴绵曼咬着嘴唇按住了他的手:“今天不行,我来天癸了,要不我让红枣上来陪你?” I am not the beast,” facing this vague delivering proposition, Zu An naturally cannot be swindled, was all right, comes the menses method that had the menses.” “我又不是禽兽,”面对这种隐晦的送命题,祖安自然不会上当,“没事,来天癸了有来天癸的玩法。” Pei Mianman bewildered: „???” 裴绵曼一脸茫然:“???” Quick she thought that body one cool, had detected that the clothes fell. 很快她觉得身上一凉,已经察觉到衣裳滑落了下去。 ...... …… Oneself hold.” “自己托着。” ...... …… „...... Added oneself are not the bird...... the beast.” “呜……还说自己不是禽……兽。” ...... …… At this time in another side temporary office of president, Pei You enters the prison cell, he is here manager, outside these guards naturally cannot prevent him. 此时另一边行馆之中,裴佑走进牢房,他是这里的主管,外面那些侍卫自然不会阻止他。 left Suzheng in room sits cross-legged the training on the bed, detected that the sound opened the eye: Must interrogate me, I who should say had said that asked again is also not meaningful.” 房中的左苏正盘坐在床上修养,察觉到动静睁开了眼睛:“又要审问我么,该说的我都已经说了,再问也没什么意义。” Pei You had not replied, but an eye glitters the different light calmly to stare at him. 裴佑没有回答,只是一双眼睛闪烁着异光静静地盯着他。 Left Su suddenly complexion big change: Is you!” 左苏忽然脸色大变:“是你!”
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