IRAS :: Volume #17

#1668: 【Zhang Ye ate the shark!】

Next day. 第二天。 On Sunday. 周日。 Online boiled. 网上开锅了。 Oh!” “哇塞!” Today also has!” “今天还有!” Later Saturday date broadcast serially two volumes!” “以后周六日连播两集!” Was too powerful!” “太给力了!” I cannot wait!” “我等不及啦!” Yesterday that issue of his mother was too attractive!” “昨天那期太他妈好看了!” „The first issue also good!” “第一期也不错啊!” This program very difficult racket, Zhang Ye does not rest?” “这节目很难拍的吧,张烨不休息的吗?” Starts quickly, dies!” “快开始吧,死等!” I also anticipated, today how looks at face-smacking Zhang to the wave!” “我也期待死了,看今天打脸张又要怎么浪吧!” Hahahaha, this glutton will overturn a vehicle sooner or later!” 哈哈哈哈,这吃货早晚翻车!” Yes, the alligator dares to eat, I took him really!” “是啊,鳄鱼都敢吃,我真服他了!” Started to start!” “开始了开始了!” Oh! This issue is the island!” “哇哦!这一期是海岛!” Good beautiful place!” “好漂亮的地方啊!” Widely-noted. 全球瞩目。 After first two issues of huge reputation and discussions, «Man vs. Wild» further rises dramatically in the audience community of world, the increasing number of people defend in front of the television, opened CCTV international channel. This program as if there is charm to be ordinary, just began broadcasting two issues, caught the vision of global people. 经过前两期庞大的口碑和热议,《荒野求生》在全球的观众群体进一步飙升,越来越多的人守在电视机前,打开了央视国际频道。这节目仿佛有魔力一般,刚开播两期,就把全球民众的目光抓住了。 ... On television. 电视上。 Zhang Ye convention prologue. 张烨惯例的开场白。 I am Zhang Ye, some people said that I am Host, is a writer, is the movie actor, is Director, is Singer, is the Mathematics worker, is Hacker, I did not deny these, but I know, status that my also nobody knew, I was a field survival expert, today, I arrive on a desert island of West Pacific Ocean, here enchanting scenery, but was also crisis-ridden, I to everybody will demonstrate that here sought livehood the skill.” “我是张烨,有人说我是主持人,是作家,是电影演员,是导演,是歌手,是数学工作者,是黑客,我不否认这些,但我知道,我还有一个没有人知道的身份,我是一名野外生存专家,今天,我来到西太平洋的一座荒岛上,这里景色宜人,但也危机四伏,我将向大家展示在这里求生所需要的技巧。” Oh, here was too beautiful.” “噢,这里太美了。” Look, sea, blue sky, sand beach.” “看,大海,蓝天,沙滩。” I want to lie down in sand beach very much appreciate the beautiful scene, but I know that this is not good, best time that the open country seeks livehood, is not you are exhausted the time, but should be when your Stamina is abundant, therefore now, I need to make clear the landform of this island, walks.” “我很想躺在沙滩上欣赏美景,但我知道这不行,野外求生的最佳时期,不是你精疲力竭的时候,而应该是在你体力充沛的时候,所以现在,我需要将这个小岛的地貌搞清楚,走吧。” Anything does not have.” “什么都没有。” This island was too small.” “这个岛太小了。” Does not have the coconut tree, does not have the fresh water, does not have food.” “没有椰子,没有淡水,没有食物。” I was hungry, I must look for some food.” “我已经饿了,我必须要找些食物。” Look, here has any thing.” “看,这里有什么东西。” Oh, on the tree crawls is being a meat insect.” “噢,树上爬着是一只肉虫。” Good, was it, I must supplement the protein.” “好吧,就是它了,我要补充蛋白质。” Damn, this flavor is not very good.” “该死,这味道很不好。” Well, looks quickly, the opposite island, that islands had also been separated by the channel, this is a Futago-jima, another side islands seem very big, the resources should be very rich, there survival probability will be higher, has decided that I must try in that island, now I need to build a simple wooden raft.” “咦,快看,对面还有一座岛,那座岛屿被海峡隔开了,这是个双子岛,另一边的岛屿看上去很大,资源应该很丰富,那里的生存几率会更高,决定了,我要尝试到那座岛上,现在我需要搭建一艘简易的木筏。” I went to sea, wish me luck.” “我出海了,祝我好运吧。” Drew near, I saw the opposite shore.” “快到了,我已经看到对岸了。” Damn! Is the shark!” “哦该死!是鲨鱼!” He is hitting the wooden raft!” “他在撞击木筏!” Raft must sink! Damn!” “筏子要沉了!该死!” I must swim to pass!” “我要游过去了!” Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!” “快!快!快!快!” Shark scratched from my foot! He is pursuing me!” “鲨鱼从我的脚边擦过去了!他在追我!” Finally came ashore!” “终于上岸了!” I was exhausted, I need food.” “我已经精疲力竭,我需要食物。” My luck is very bad, in this island does not have food, I can see several sharks that only then appears and disappears in the epicontinental sea, they because probably pursued me to be surrounded. I am unable to go to sea to catch fish, in the island does not have food to originate, the biggest problem that I face now is the hunger.” “我的运气很糟糕,这个岛上也没有食物,我能看到的只有在浅海出没的几条鲨鱼,它们好像因为追我被困住了。我无法出海捕鱼,岛上也没有食物来源,我现在面临的最大问题就是饥饿。” What to do?” “怎么办?” It seems like I had no alternative.” “看来我别无选择了。” Walks, I must try to be able the shark to entrain come ashore!” “走,我要试试能不能把鲨鱼拽上岸!” ... Peking University. 北大 Really beautiful.” “真美呀。” I am also good to explore.” “我也好想去探险啊。” „! What is Professor Zhang eating?” “啊!张教授又在吃什么?” Is the meat insect!” “是肉虫子!” Vomits!” “呕!” I feel nauseated!” “我要吐!” I also feel nauseated!” “我也要吐!” ... Japan. 日本 His anything eats him!” “他什么都吃啊他!” „Does insect also eat to live?” “虫子也吃生的?” Was too fierce!” “太厉害了!” I take!” “我服!” ... Germany. 德国。 He must go to the opposite shore.” “他要去对岸了。” Wooden raft ties up is very good.” “木筏绑的很好啊。” This Zhang Ye really has field survival technique.” “这个张烨真是有野外生存技术的。” Is fierce.” “是厉害。” „, Shark!” “啊,鲨鱼!” Shark came!” “鲨鱼来了!” ... United Kingdom. 英国 Heavens/Days!” 天啊!” Four sharks!” “四只鲨鱼!” No, is five!” “不,是五只!” Pursued! The raft sank!” “追上来了!筏子沉了!” Zhang Ye was dangerous!” 张烨危险了!” ... India. 印度 Eats him!” “吃他!” Bites him!” “咬他!” On shark!” “上啊鲨鱼!” Does him!” “干他啊!” Pursues! Pursues!” “追呀!追呀!” ... China. 中国 Danger!” “危险!” Whoops my mother! Is the real shark!” “哎呦我的妈呀!是真鲨鱼啊!” Quick tour face-smacking Zhang!” “快游啊打脸张!” Makes you blow the ratio! Now was silly!” “让你丫吹比!现在傻了吧!” Hurries to run!” “赶紧跑啊!” Came ashore! Came ashore!” “上岸了!上岸了!” Thank God! Scared to death me!” “谢天谢地!吓死我了啊!” ... United States. 美国 Does not have food.” “没食物啊。” He did not have the means.” “他没办法了。” Ha Ha, this issue could not pat.” “哈哈,这期拍不下去了。” Did not have food only to starve to death.” “没食物就只能饿死了。” Gets what one deserves, has the skill he to eat the shark, Ha Ha!” “活该,有本事他吃鲨鱼去啊,哈哈!” Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” „Does he want to do?” “他要干什么?” Fuck! He, he must eat shark really!” 我草!他,他真要吃鲨鱼!” ... Republic of Korea. 韩国 He returned to the sand beach!” “他又回到沙滩了!” „Does he want to do?” “他要干嘛啊?” My God! He, he must catch the shark!” “我的上帝!他,他要抓鲨鱼!” This fellow was insane!” “这家伙疯了!” ... Canada. 加拿大 My God!” “我的天!” He got up really!” “他真上了!” He went to sea!” “他下海了!” „The Aaahhhhh! China person was too fierce!” 啊啊啊!中国人太猛了啊!” That, that is the shark, it did not eat you to be good! Do you also want to eat it?” “那,那是鲨鱼啊,它不吃你就不错了!你还要吃它?” ... Australia. 澳大利亚 Shark cannot hold!” “鲨鱼抓不住的!” His courage was really too big!” “他胆子真是太大了!” Shit! Looks quickly!” 我靠!快看!” Held! He held!” “抓住了!他抓住了!” ... Netherlands. 荷兰 „It is not right.” “不对。” Has let go, has not caught!” “脱手了,没抓到!” Shark ran! He stares at one!” “鲨鱼跑了一只!他又盯上一条!” Sees him to run including the shark, this fellow or person?” “连鲨鱼看见他都跑,这家伙还是人吗?” Also held!” “又抓住了!” Fuck! Entrained comes ashore!” 我草!拽上岸了!” ... China. 中国 Ate!” “吃了!” He ate the shark!” “他把鲨鱼吃了!” I faint!” “我晕啊!” Real his mother eats!” “真他妈吃啊!” Shark! His mother is the shark!” “鲨鱼啊!那他娘是鲨鱼啊!” I think before he does not dare to eat, I made a mistake!” “我之前以为他不敢吃的啊,我错了!” Zhang Ye, I knelt to you!” 张爷,我给你跪了!” My his mother also knelt!” “我他妈也跪了啊!” This he is a draft animal!” “这丫就是个牲口啊!” ... The «Man vs. Wild» third issue broadcast. 荒野求生》第三期播完了。 On this day, the world was shocked by Zhang Ye again! 这一天,全世界再一次被张烨惊呆了! World was subdued by the spirit of China glutton again! 全世界再一次被中国吃货的精神折服了! Has not seen such person! 从没有见过这样的人! Has not seen the so bold person! 从没有见过如此胆大包天的主儿! Just like the first issue, just like the second issue, the Zhang Ye place visited, the chicken dog does not remain, is infertile, he who can eat gave to eat to eat all one's food, including the shark, has not let off including the meat insect! That picture, that atmosphere, that frightened feeling, made the person shock , the global innumerable audiences looked that changed to the Zhang Ye look, they suspected under really this goods that Zhang Renpi, was actually an extraterrestrial living thing! 跟第一期一样,跟第二期一样,张烨所过之处,鸡犬不留,寸草不生,能吃的他都给吃光了,包括鲨鱼,连肉虫子也没放过!那种画面,那种氛围,那种惊悚感,真的是太让人震撼了,全球无数观众看向张烨的眼神都变了,他们真的怀疑这货那一张人皮之下,其实是一个外星生物! On the same day. 当天。 Global Viewership Ratings draws a charge once more. 全球收视率再次出炉。 All people again frightened by «Man vs. Wild» Viewership Ratings ignorant! 所有人再一次被《荒野求生》的收视率吓懵了! China: First! 中国:第一! United Kingdom: Second! 英国:第二! France: Second! 法国:第二! United States: Fourth! 美国:第四! Japan: Second! 日本:第二! Republic of Korea: Second! 韩国:第二! India: Fifth! 印度:第五! Canada: Third! 加拿大:第三! «Man vs. Wild» entered the top three name in the reception people of many country unexpectedly for the first time! 荒野求生》在很多国家的收视人次居然首次进了前三名!
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