IRAS :: Volume #17

#1649: 【«Wolf Warriors 2» finally box office!!】

1.3 billion! 1300000000! 1.5 billion! 1500000000! 1.7 billion! 1700000000! 2 billion! 2000000000! The box office is day by day high! 票房一天比一天高! Recently, the global Film market daily box office champions have wrested away by «Wolf Warriors 2», outshone others, almost presses Hollywood not to gasp for breath. The global people think so that this China movie puts on a one-man show, everyone takes it not to have any means. 这些日子,全球电影市场每一天的票房冠军都被《战狼2》霸占了,一枝独秀,压得好莱坞几乎都喘不过气了。全球各国民众就这么看着这部中国电影唱独角戏,谁也拿它没有任何办法。 Does him? 干他? Dry! 怎么干啊! Cannot do completely! 完全干不动啊! According to the common sense, after a movie opens ten days the best golden time of being the box office grows, because these in ten days contained two weekends, in the weekend often are the view shade most crowded times, the box office slowly will weaken then, this in the movie circle is the universal law, the good movie box office is impossible to erupt. However «Wolf Warriors 2» as if broke this usual rule, ten days passed by, the tendency that but the «Wolf Warriors 2» box office had still not weakened, hit the chicken blood to be the same, the daily box office result still upward fled, every day was making the history, nobody knows that the end of this movie where, «Wolf Warriors 2» just like cannot stop! 按常理说,一部电影上映后的十天是票房增长的最佳黄金期,因为这十天内包含了两个周末,周末往往是观影最密集的时期,然后票房就会慢慢衰减,这在电影界是普遍规律,再好的电影票房也不可能一直爆发。然而《战狼2》似乎打破了这一惯有规律,十天已经过去了,可《战狼2》的票房仍然没有衰减的势头,打了鸡血一样,每一天的票房成绩仍然嗷嗷往上窜,每一天都在创造历史,没人知道这部电影的尽头在哪儿,《战狼2》俨然已经停不下来了! ... United States. 美国 Chinatown. 唐人街。 Finally had the platoon piece!” “终于有排片了!” Can look at «Wolf Warriors 2»!” “能看《战狼2》啦!” Looked that was too attractive!” “已看,太好看了!” burning with passion! Fierce my motherland!” 热血沸腾!厉害了我的祖国!” ... France. 法国 Entrance theater had «Wolf Warriors 2»!” “门口的影院有《战狼2》了!” What?” “什么?” Walks, has a look!” “走,去看看!” I am also thinking buys airplane ticket returning to homeland to look, good!” “我还想着买机票回国看呢啊,太好了!” Supports Zhang Ye!” “支持张烨!” ... Japan. 日本 Some China street. 中国街。 «Wolf Warriors 2» rows of pieces!” “《战狼2》排片了!” Hollywood could not suppress to fight the wolf!” 好莱坞也压不住战狼了啊!” Strong my China movie!” “壮哉我中国电影!” Walks, buying a ticket, does not look is not the China person!” “走,买票,不看不是中国人!” ... Overseas. 国外。 Many countries see that increased the «Wolf Warriors 2» platoon piece lead. 很多国家见状,都增加了《战狼2》的排片率。 Some added. 有的加了一场。 Some added two. 有的加了两场。 The many countries add the field. 多国加场。 The many countries show. 多国放映。 Although row piece lead and Domestic compare the difference too many were too many, although the view shade «Wolf Warriors 2» crowd 90% are the Chinese foreign students, but the mosquito again slightly is also the meat . Moreover the significance of overseas market is also different, this was also the «Wolf Warriors 2» box office has added a fire again. 虽然排片率和国内相比还是差的太多太多了,虽然观影《战狼2》的人群90都是华人留学生,可是蚊子再小也是肉,况且海外市场的意义也不同,这也为《战狼2》的票房再添了一把火。 United States. 美国 Republic of Korea. 韩国 United Kingdom. 英国 Germany. 德国。 Canada. 加拿大 Countless Chinese enter the theater in abundance. 无数华人纷纷走进影院。 The world was fought wolf this burning down. 全世界都被战狼这把火烧起来了。 ... Domestic. 国内 Many people are also unexpected. 很多人也都始料未及。 Director Zhou Dynasty office. 导演周朝办公室。 Zhou Dao.” “周导。” Um.” “嗯。” Our new movie this - “咱们新电影该——” Extends again for one week.” “再推延一周吧。” „? Also pushes?” “啊?又推?” Otherwise what to do? Do you want break off the wrist|skill at this time with «Wolf Warriors 2»?” “不然怎么办啊?你想在这个时候跟《战狼2》掰手腕吗?” Sweat, I knew.” “汗,我知道了。” ... Zhang Ye studio. 张烨工作室 Ha Qiqi said surprised: 11 th day, was the box office so high? 55% platoon pieces have led, booking rate also over 30%?” 哈齐齐吃惊道:“都第11天了啊,票房怎么还这么高?已经55的排片率了,上座率还超过30了?” Zhang Zuo shocks said: This is unscientific this!” 张左震撼道:“这不科学啊这!” Tong Fu stares, „was this must rush to 2.5 billion?” 童富瞪眼,“这是要奔2500000000了吗?” Little Wang called out: 2.5 billion are anything, we must rush to 3 billion!” 小王叫道:“2500000000算啥,咱们要奔3000000000!” Zhang Ye smiles, perhaps can also again the high spot.” 张烨笑笑,“或许还能再高点呢。” Ha Qiqi is shocked saying: Also can be high?” 哈齐齐惊呆道:“还能再高?” Was good, walks.” Zhang Ye has worn the clothes to pack the thing, I had just met publicity, CCTV, Old Ha, Little Wang, accompanies me to go to one.” “行了,走吧。”张烨已经穿好衣服收拾好东西了,“我刚接了一个宣传,央视的,老哈,小王,陪我去一趟吧。” Little Wang said: You do not rest?” 小王道:“您不休息的啊?” Ha Qiqi also urged: Yes, rests for day, the box office has many to be insufficient, I feared that your body cannot endure, from making the movie starts you not to rest to present these two months.” 哈齐齐也劝道:“是啊,休息一天吧,票房有多少都不够,我怕你身体吃不消,从拍电影开始到现在这两个月你就没休息过。” Zhang Ye said: Could not attend , after waiting for under the movie to reflect, some are the time rests, now box office also in rise, if now does not grasp publicity in one vigorous effort, when that does make an effort? I also gave the low-down to you, actually present box office result, but also has not achieved my psychological expectation.” 张烨说道:“顾不上了,等电影下映以后有的是时间休息,现在票房还在上升期,现在要是不抓紧宣传一鼓作气,那什么时候使劲啊?我也给你们交个底,其实现在的票房成绩,还远没达到我的心理预期呢。” Wu Yi is shocked, “Ah?” 武易愣住,“啊?” What?” Tong Fu stares the big eye. “什么?”童富瞪大眼。 Little Wang is stunned: „Hasn't this arrived anticipated?” 小王愕然:“这还没到预期?” The Ha Qiqi perspiration said: 2 billion capital!” 哈齐齐汗道:“都2000000000了啊都!” Zhang Ye said: I early said that this time we must play a ticket to be big, now we are the China shade history box office first, arrived at this position, must toward above look again went.” 张烨道:“我早说了啊,这次咱们要玩一票大的,现在咱们才是中国影史票房第一,都已经到了这个位置了,怎么也要再往上面看一眼去吧。” Again upward? 再往上? Which is that? 那是哪儿啊? Isn't global shade history box office? 不会是全球影史票房吧? ... On weibo. 微博上。 All the people are taking cell phone to brush the box office data. 全民都在拿手机刷着票房数据。 2.1 billion!” “2100000000了啊!” His mother was too fierce!” “太他妈猛了!” To!” “冲啊!” Is high!” “再高一点啊!” Walks, three outwashes!” “走,三刷去!” Mother - egg, the buddy six have brushed! Each lines in «Wolf Warriors 2», I his mother know by heart now!” “妈-蛋,哥们儿已经六刷了啊!《战狼2》里的每一句台词,我现在都他娘倒背如流了啊!” Kneels to big god who six brushed!” “给六刷的大神跪了!” , is the soldiers!” “噗,都是战士啊!” Not for other, to support the China movie!” “不为别的,就为了支持一下中国电影!” Right, said well!” “对,说得好!” „The China movie so has not raised eyebrow Exhale!” 中国电影从没如此扬眉吐气过啊!” We again give Zhang Ye to boost!” “咱们就再给张烨助一把力吧!” Agreement!” “同意!” Calculates my one!” “算我一个!” Delivers on Zhang Ye the shrine!” “送张烨上神坛!” Right, delivers on face-smacking Zhang shrine!” “对,送打脸张上神坛!” 2.2 billion! Already 2.2 billion!” “2200000000了!已经2200000000了!” Brothers and sisters are great!” “兄弟姐妹们好样的!” ... 2.3 billion! 2300000000! 2.5 billion! 2500000000! 2.9 billion! 2900000000! The following day, «Wolf Warriors 2» is continuing a performance of its person! 接下来的日子,《战狼2》继续着它一个人的表演! Vision one dumbfoundedness of world! 全世界的目光都一片目瞪口呆! ... In family|home. 家里。 Mother is scared, 3 billion?” 老妈吓呆,“3000000000了?” Father said: Real 3 billion!” 老爸怔怔道:“真3000000000了!” Mother said: This, this has surpassed the beforehand China box office record nearly three times!” 老妈道:“这,这已经超出之前中国票房纪录快三倍了啊!” Father said: Little Ye this time held the hornet's nest!” 老爸道:“小烨这次捅马蜂窝了!” ... Several Days Later. 几天后 Ning Lan. 宁兰家。 Several female Celebrity meetings. 几个女明星聚会。 Saw?” “看到了吗?” Looked.” “看了。” paralysis, already quick 3.5 billion!” 麻痹,已经快3500000000了!” „It is not quick, before one minute, crosses 3.5 billion.” “不是快,一分钟前已经过3500000000了。” ... Several Days Later. 几天后 Some Director gets together. 导演聚会。 4 billion!” “4000000000了!” Then gets together a silence. 然后聚会一阵沉默。 Old Zhou, hasn't your movie opened?” 老周,你电影还没上映吗?” Does not have.” “没呢。” „When?” “什么时候上?” Undetermined, you?” “待定,你呢?” I also again wait.” “我也再等等吧。” Oh, at this time basic his mother had no way to screen.” “唉,这个时候根本他妈没法上映啊。” ... Also several day. 又过了几日。 Some media. 某媒体。 4.3 billion!” “4300000000了!” His mother was insane!” “都他妈疯了啊!” Yes, the whole nations were insane! I quickly was also insane!” “是的,全国人民都疯了!我也快疯了!” „The «Wolf Warriors 2» box office started to be slow.” “《战狼2》票房已经开始慢下来了。” Um, quick under reflected.” “嗯,也快下映了。” Does not know that finally can arrive at many.” “不知道最后能到多少啊。” ... Before next reflects, final several days. 下映前最后几天。 An online shout piece. 网上喊声一片。 Was poor!” “就差一点了!” 4.6 billion!” “4600000000了!” First 100 was getting more and more near to the global shade history box office!” “离全球影史票房前100越来越近了啊!” Really hopeful!” “真的有希望!” Yes, missed one really!” “是啊,真的就差一步了!” Heavens/Days, our perhaps must witness the history!” 天啊,咱们或许要见证历史了!” keep it up Zhang Ye!” 加油张烨!” keep it up «Wolf Warriors 2»!” 加油啊《战狼2》!” Looked your!” “看你们的了!” Missed one!” “就差一步了!” ... On this day. 这一天。 Under «Wolf Warriors 2» reflected. 战狼2》下映了。 Has not lengthened screens time, the «Wolf Warriors 2» box office of this world is different from Zhang Ye that world, the exchange rate also has the difference, Zhang Ye understands at heart that two Earth many things both have the change, naturally impossible exactly the same, this box office result, Zhang Ye has satisfied, even to him, to entire China, is a huge pleasant surprise. To United States, to Hollywood, to people of the world, is huge frightening! 没有延长上映时间,这个世界的《战狼2》票房也和张烨那个世界并不一样,汇率也有区别,张烨心里明白,两个地球很多事物都有变化,当然不可能一模一样,这个票房成绩,张烨已经十分满意了,甚至对他而言,对整个中国而言,都是一个天大的惊喜。对美国而言,对好莱坞而言,对世界人民而言,则是一个天大的惊吓! The total box office counted! 总票房统计出来了! The «Wolf Warriors 2» finally box office frames: More than 4.8 billion! 战狼2最终票房定格:4800000000多! At that moment exchange rate dollar equivalent computation, box office 738 million dollars! 当下汇率折合美元计算,票房738000000美金! On this day. 这一天。 Global people shocking discovery, in the global shade history box office ranking 100 movies, towering presents the movie that has been on the list newly, is in the global shade history box office an only non- Hollywood movie, this is in history first time has the non- Hollywood movie to be in global shade Shi Bang! 全球各国民众都震惊的发现,全球影史票房排行榜100部电影里,突兀地出现了一部新上榜的电影,也是全球影史票房中唯一的一部非好莱坞电影,这是史上第一次有非好莱坞电影登上全球影史榜! It called «Wolf Warriors 2». 它叫《战狼2》。 Global shade history box office ranks: 96 th! 全球影史票房排名:第96位! -- «Wolf Warriors 2» god! ——@《战狼2》封神了! God! ——张烨封神了! On this day. 这一天。 The world shocks. 世界震撼。 Hollywood has remembered this name! 好莱坞记住了这个名字! The world has remembered this name! 全世界记住了这个名字!
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