IRAS :: Volume #17

#1620: The kelp entangles the submarine!

At this moment. 这一刻。 World dumbfounded ! 全世界都哭笑不得 ...... …… Japan. 日本 My perspiration!” “我汗!” This anything person!” “这什么人啊!” This fellow flows - bum!” “这家伙太流-氓了!” This is the world broadcasts!” “这是全球播出的啊!” ...... …… Republic of Korea. 韩国 He dares to say really!” “他真敢说啊!” This anything ****** winner!” “这什么******得主啊!” Nobel judges meeting must cry!” “诺贝尔评委会要哭了!” ...... …… India. 印度 Your Uncle!” “你大爷!” Resentment who you!” “怼谁啊你!” Spoke!” “怎么说话呢啊!” Surnamed Zhang was too shameless!” “姓张的太无耻了!” ...... …… United Kingdom. 英国 Looks at China international channel quickly!” “快看中国国际频道!” How?” “怎么了?” ****** The winner also spoke the bad language!” “******得主又说脏话了!” „?” “啊?” ...... …… China. 中国 ! Smiles to pull out!” “噗!笑抽!” This saying was too powerful!” “这话太给力了啊!” Hahahahaha!” 哈哈哈哈哈!” Said well, does!” “说得好,就是干!” Truly is the Zhang Ye style!” “确实是张烨的风格啊!” Saw that Zhang Ye so flows as before - bum, I have felt relieved, thinks this goods took Nobel ****** later is everywhere careful on discrete everything, has not thought that the face-smacking Zhang wave, said really well, anything negotiated, anything protested that resentment he! ****!” “看到张烨依旧如此流-氓,我就放心了,本来以为这货拿了诺贝尔******以后就得处处谨慎凡事小心,没想到打脸张还是这么浪啊,说得真好,什么谈判啊,什么抗议啊,怼他啊!****!” ...... …… program broadcast is hot. 节目一播就火了。 In the world network spread. 世界网络上都传开了。 The global increasing number of people hear the news to catch up, opens CCTV international channel, loves wants to have a look ****** how the winner will stun the world. Nobel in history ****** winner which isn't a country president or big organization leader? Which isn't the elegant bearing is careful in word and deed? Therefore, which their has seen this type ****** winner! In the world, not, only then the China person likes watching the fun. 全球越来越多的人闻讯赶来,打开央视国际频道,喜闻乐见地想看看******得主又会怎样语出惊人。历史上的诺贝尔******得主哪个不是一国总统或大机构负责人?哪个不是风度翩翩慎言慎行?所以,他们哪儿见过这种******得主啊!全世界,可不只有中国人喜欢看热闹的。 Quick, they know that one's own came right! 很快,他们就知道自己来对了! Because Zhang Ye ejected one words that immediately makes the global people shock! 因为张烨马上就抛出了一个让全球人民都惊呆的话! ...... …… On television. 电视上。 Yu Yingyi hurries to shift the topic. 俞颖怡赶紧转移话题。 Three people also chatted immediately the military strategy. 三人又聊起了当下军事战略。 Zhang Ye drinks water, just started not to interpose. 张烨喝着水,刚开始一直没插话。 Yu Yingyi and Chi Xue estimate does not dare to ask him easily, for fear that this goods again said the words that anything was prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements, therefore their one's own chatted. 俞颖怡迟雪估计也是不敢轻易问他了,生怕这货再说出什么语不惊人死不休的话,于是俩人就自己聊起来。 Yu Yingyi said: If starts the war, Yellow Sea can be an important place?” 俞颖怡道:“如果发起战争,黄海会是要地吗?” Chi Xue said: Naturally is, here strategic position is very important . Moreover the peripheral multi- country situation is complex, Yellow Sea can be a very essential strategic point, I had participated in a military project, the related nuclear-powered submarine data topics, has the contact to the submarine, I know that the fearfulness and threat of nuclear-powered submarine, present technique is getting more and more developed, for example United States, their nuclear-powered submarines are absolutely possible to submerge Yellow Sea.” 迟雪说道:“当然是,这里的战略地位很重要,而且周边多国形势复杂,黄海会是一个很关键的战略要地,我曾经参与过一个军事项目,有关核潜艇数据项目的,对潜艇有过接触,我知道核潜艇的可怕和威胁,现在的技术越来越发达,比如美国,他们的核潜艇完全有可能神不知鬼不觉地潜入黄海。” Yu Yingyi asked: That present does China have the weapon that what deals with?” 俞颖怡问:“那现在中国有什么应对的武器吗?” The Chi Xue forced smile, as far as I know, did not have temporarily, moreover occasionally can discover one, does not have the good means to carry out the fastest attack.” 迟雪苦笑,“据我所知,暂时还没有,而且就算偶尔能发现一艘,也没有太好的办法去进行最快速的打击。” Yu Yingyi said: What new-style weapon does perhaps have not to announce?” 俞颖怡说:“或许有什么新式武器没有公布?” Chi Xue shakes the head: I do not conduct weapon research, this I am not clear.” Then, she looks to Zhang Ye, Academician Zhang conducts the weapon research, possibly has a more accurate analysis.” 迟雪摇头:“我不是搞武器研究的,这个我就不清楚了。”说罢,她看向张烨,“张院士是搞武器研究的,可能有更准确的分析。” Yu Yingyi then asked: „Can Academician Zhang, analyze to us?” 俞颖怡这才问:“张院士,能给我们分析一下吗?” Zhang Ye said with a smile: „The ultimate weapon definitely has, made concrete me not to facilitate saying that but Yellow Sea.” He looked at the map, refers to finger of above, here topography is very complex, must go to war, China can definitely have other means not to make the nuclear-powered submarine of enemy come.” 张烨笑道:“最新武器肯定是有的,具体我不方便说,不过黄海嘛。”他看了看地图,指指上面,“这里的地势很复杂,真要打起仗来,中国完全可以有其他办法不让敌国的核潜艇进来。” Chi Xue said astonished: What means?” 迟雪惊愕道:“什么办法?” Zhang Ye said with a smile: „The sea area of Yellow Sea is quite shallow, the submarine is very dangerous in this range, is unable the deep submergence, to need to float to be able successfully to pass.” 张烨微笑道:“黄海的海域比较浅,潜艇在这个范围内很危险,无法深潜,需要浮上来才可以顺利通过。” Chi Xue nods, this actually.” 迟雪点头,“这倒是。” Zhang Ye smiles saying: I do not know that your has seen the township sowing seeds kelp?” 张烨笑眯眯道:“我不知道你们见没见过乡下种海带啊?” „?” Chi Xue stares. “啊?”迟雪一愣。 Yu Yingyi was also scared, kelp?” 俞颖怡也傻眼了,“海带?” Zhang Ye has gesticulated, right, does the kelp, in the Yellow Sea region, a fellow villagers type of kelp plant? Such long nylon rope throws, the kelp just planted also grips to be long, slowly is long, finally association president to several meters. If cultivation area will expand, has no need to cover completely, how many key areas only needs to plant to get down by the linear direction the kelp, which nuclear-powered submarine enters? So long as it dares to come , the nylon rope does know? Once entangling the propeller of nuclear-powered submarine, more entangles radically is tighter, the nuclear-powered submarine has abandoned, coming one to sink, which also uses any strategy weapon, in the Yellow Sea region, the kelp copes with the nuclear-powered submarine biggest strategic weapons.” 张烨比划了一下,“对,海带,在黄海区域,老乡们种海带是怎么种的?这么长的尼龙绳一片一片地投下去,海带刚种下也就一扎来长,慢慢长,最后会长到几米。如果将种植面积扩大,完全用不着全覆盖,只需要在几个重点区域把海带以线性方向种下去,哪个核潜艇进的来?只要它敢进来,尼龙绳知道吧?一旦缠上核潜艇的螺旋桨,根本是越缠越紧,核潜艇就废了,来一艘沉一艘,哪儿还用的着什么战略型武器啊,在黄海区域,海带就是对付核潜艇最大的战略武器。” Yu Yingyi visits him dull! 俞颖怡呆呆地看着他! A Chi Xue old blood almost spurts! 迟雪一口老血差点喷出来! Entire studio complete silence! 整个演播室鸦雀无声! Kelp? 海带? Strategic weapons? 战略武器? Entangles the submarine? 缠潜艇? Yu Yingyi said immediately: Good, today's program first arrived here, tomorrow same time, we will continue to listen to Academician Zhang and Academician Chi speak the military for us.” 俞颖怡马上道:“好,今天的节目就先到这里,明天同一时间,我们继续来听张院士迟院士为咱们讲军事。” The first issue ended. 第一期结束了。 However, world already cooker! 然而,全球已然炸锅了! ...... …… China. 中国 I faint!” “我晕!” When kelp became his mother strategic weapons!” “海带什么时候成他妈战略武器了!” Whoops laughed at me!” “哎呦笑死我了!” „Does kelp entangle the submarine?” “海带缠潜艇?” crap! This viewpoint also dares to say on Zhang Ye!” 我了个去!这观点也就张烨敢说啊!” Coax! Your his mother then coax!” “忽悠!你他妈接着忽悠!” „Is this military program? Military your younger sister! Kelp his mother Chengwu!” “这是军事节目?军事你妹啊!海带都他妈成武器了啊!” I have waited to listen to the military opinion of Zhang Ye! Did the kelp jump? Teacher Zhang, you must such comedy!” “我一直等着听张烨的军事见解呢啊!海带怎么蹦出来了啊?张老师,您要不要这么搞笑啊!” Knelt to face-smacking Zhang!” “给打脸张跪了!” ...... …… United States. 美国 This anything military program!” “这什么军事节目啊!” Kelp?” “海带?” How he does not die!” “他怎么不去死啊!” This fellow too can Blow fucking awesome!” “这家伙太能吹-牛-逼了啊!” ...... …… Japan. 日本 I took him!” “我服了他了!” I also took!” “我也服了!” „Can kelp entangle the submarine really?” “海带真能缠潜艇?” Can! Do you believe him?” “能个屁啊!你信他?” ...... …… Republic of Korea. 韩国 Damn!” “见了鬼了!” His how anything dares to say!” “他怎么什么都敢说啊!” Zhang Ye don't you know? His words, a punctuation mark cannot believe!” 张烨你不知道吗?他的话,连一个标点符号都不能信啊!” Smiles to pull out!” “笑抽!” ...... …… United Kingdom. 英国 This, this anything military expert this!” “这,这什么军事专家啊这!” „Does kelp entangle the submarine? How he does not die!” “海带缠潜艇?他怎么不去死啊!” Blows fucking awesome blew the world!” “吹-牛-逼吹到全世界了啊!” „The China kelp could turn into the strategic resources!” 中国的海带可能要变成战略物资了!” ...... …… The world is shocked! 全球惊呆! The kelp entangled the submarine one hot word! 海带缠潜艇一下成了热词! Various countries' media reported! 各国媒体都争相报道! But no one has thought that in the ridicule sound of global people, the matter presented the startled day to reverse unexpectedly! 可是谁也没想到,在全球人民的嘲笑声中,事情竟然出现了惊天反转! United States: «China ultimate weapon: Kelp 美国:《中国最新武器:海带?》 Russia: Does the «kelp entangle the submarine to be feasible 俄国:《海带缠潜艇是否可行?》 Canada: «China international channel program causes the dispute 加拿大:《中国国际频道节目引争议!》 China: «historically has entangled the case of submarine similarly 中国:《历史上有过类似缠潜艇的案例!》 Germany: The «kelp entangles the submarine to have the historical case unexpectedly 德国:《海带缠潜艇竟有历史案例!》 Global many people smile to pull out, many people faint , many people were scolding, they thought that this matter was talks nonsense purely, however who thinks that various countries' media dug, suddenly really found the related submarine to exist by the case that the fishing net tied down in the historic information, the kelp entangled the submarine feasible unexpectedly really! 全球很多人笑抽,很多人晕倒,也有很多人在骂,他们都觉得这件事纯粹是扯淡的,然而谁想各国媒体挖来挖去,竟然真的在历史资料中找到了有关潜艇被渔网缠住的案例存在,海带缠潜艇竟然真的可行! Countless people spit blood! 无数人吐血! Can really like this? 真可以这样的吗? Shit! Really is good!? 我靠!还真行啊!? The people of the world thought that one's own was insane! 世界人民都觉得自己要疯了! ...... …… Same carves. 同一刻。 In family|home. 家里。 The Zhang Ye telephone was also hit to explode. 张烨的电话也被打爆了。 Yao Jiancai smiled to hoodwink that side the telephone, „does your boy want to tease me?” 姚建才在电话那边笑蒙了,“你小子想逗死我啊?” Zhang Ye said with a smile: I said is proper, what is teases.” 张烨笑道:“我说的都是正经的,什么叫逗啊。” Before long, the telephone of General Li also came. 不一会儿,李将军的电话也来了。 General Li speechless [say / way]: „Do you coax really?” 李将军无语道:“你真忽悠啊?” Zhang Ye asked back: „It is not you make me coax suitably the foreigner?” 张烨反问:“不是你让我适当忽悠一下老外的吗?” General Li faints: I am make you suitable, has not made you such coax!” 李将军晕倒:“我是让你适当,没让你这么忽悠啊!” Actually does not flicker.” Zhang Ye said with a smile: Well-founded.” “其实也不是忽悠。”张烨笑道:“都有根据的嘛。” The person on this Earth has not certainly heard, however in Zhang Ye that world, many people knows that this fire spreads the word kelp of nation to entangle the submarine! 这个地球上的人当然没听说过,但是在张烨那个世界上,很多人都知道这个火遍全国的词海带缠潜艇! On Zhang Ye program time is also thinking that this military program he is first participation, what said? Said that what selects to arouse everybody's interest? Thereupon, he suddenly has thought he once in the world that kindly was called by the common people for strategy tricks game of bureau place Zhang Zhaozhong, this moved his famous saying! 张烨节目的时候也在想,这种军事节目他是第一次参加,说点什么呢?说点什么能引起大家的兴趣呢?于是乎,他才突然想到了他曾经世界上那位被老百姓亲切称呼为“战略忽悠局局座”的张召忠,这才把他的名言搬了出来!
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