IRAS :: Volume #16

#1576: The nation surrounds!

List exposure! 名单曝光! Online all exploded! 网上全炸了! What?” “什么?” „Do 102 people of short lists, have Zhang Ye?” “102人入围名单,怎么有张烨?” Is he?” “是他吗?” Yes, the birthday is his!” “是啊,生日都是他的!” Shit, this goods add to the chaos!” 我靠,这货添什么乱啊!” What said is, this fellow has squatted four years of prison, how also to be accepted highest science technique to reward? What science technique has he done?” “说的是啊,这家伙蹲了四年大牢,怎么还入围最高科学技术奖了?他搞了哪门子的科学技术啊?” „Before is, that World Mathematical Conjecture?” “是不是以前那个世界数学猜想?” Possibly.” “可能是吧。” But that suspicion untied for four years.” “可那个猜想都解开四年了啊。” Right, why four years later is accepted?” “没错,为啥四年后才入围?” Teacher Zhang definitely goes through the motions!” 张老师肯定走后门啦!” This goods estimated that caused method, oh, I took him!” “这货估计又使招儿了,唉,我都服他了!” , such do not reach an agreement well.” “噗,不要这么说好不好。” This fellow estimated that is forced to share punishment.” “这家伙估计就是个陪绑的。” Affirmative, nobody thinks that he can win this prize.” “肯定的啊,也没人以为他能拿这个奖啊。” „Have the vacancy two years, this year been able some people to take not to know.” “都空缺两年了,今年能不能有人拿下来还不知道呢。” In the list more than 100 people, most people people did not know actually, only if on how many televisions even have attended specially class famously frequently this science Celebrity, other they are very strange, however the Zhang Ye name do they possibly neglect? Many person eyes saw him from inside, this type of list was the belt birthday, first feared the duplicate, was good to differentiate, two came is also makes everybody know that these Scientist many big ages, but in the list behind Zhang Ye that string of birthdays, clearly were that Stick Stirring Feces that they knew! 名单上100多人,其实大部分人民众都不认识,除非那几个特别出名经常上电视甚至上过课本的科学明星,其余的他们都很陌生,但是张烨的名字他们怎么可能忽略?很多人一眼就从里面看到他了,这种名单都是带生日的,一来是怕重名,好区分,二来也是让大家知道这些科学家们到底多大年龄,而名单上张烨后面的那一串生日,分明就是他们认识的那个搅屎棍啊! The people were ignorant. 众人都懵了。 Nomination of Zhang Ye, truly a little extraordinary. 张烨的提名,确实有点奇葩 What award item is this? 这是什么奖项? National science technique prize! 国家科学技术奖! The highest award item of national scientific field, does not have one! 国家科学领域的最高奖项,没有之一! That is the scientific field highest honor, lifelong honor! 那是科学领域的最高荣誉,终身荣誉! The selected condition of this award item is extremely strict: 该奖项的入选条件极其严格: 1 st, makes the great breakthrough or in the modern science technique front has the remarkable achievements in the science technique development \; 1、在当代科学技术前沿取得重大突破或者在科学技术发展中有卓越建树的\; 2 nd, in the science technique innovation and in the science technique transformation and high technique industrial production, creates the huge economic benefit or the social efficiency. 2、在科学技术创新、科学技术成果转化和高技术产业化中,创造巨大经济效益或者社会效益的。 3 rd, is only engaged in the staff of the organizing and management and auxiliary service in the scientific study and technique project, candidate who can not take the national science technique prize. 3、在科学研究、技术开发项目中仅从事组织管理和辅助服务的工作人员,不得作为国家科学技术奖的候选人。 4 th, the candidate of national highest science technique prize must love the motherland, has the good scientific morals, still and enlivened in the modern science technique front, is engaged in the scientific study or the technique development work. 4、国家最高科学技术奖的候选人应当热爱祖国,具有良好的科学道德,并仍活跃在当代科学技术前沿,从事科学研究或者技术开发工作。 Altogether four conditions, which point does Zhang Ye conform to? 一共四个条件,张烨符合哪点啊? Scientific study? 科学研究? Remarkable achievements? 卓越建树? Has the scientific morals? 有科学道德? Enlivens in the technique front? 活跃在技术前沿? Looks by the stature, this goods have also occupied actively two characters, in the active aspect, that other 101 people piles in the same place is not Zhang Ye opponent, who has him to do the matter? But your this active does not build completely, what relations do the scientific and technical circles have with you? 挨着个儿地找,这货也就占了“活跃”两个字啊,在活跃方面,那其余的101人摞在一起也不是张烨对手啊,谁有他能搞事儿啊?可你这活跃的完全不搭嘎啊,科技界跟你有什么关系啊? Medical expert. 医学专家。 Botanist. 植物学家。 Biologist. 生物学家。 Geneticist. 遗传学家。 Missile specialist. 导弹专家。 Mathematics expert. 数学专家。 Accepted 102 Scientist proliferate each domain. Everybody thinks it over , can only think that Zhang Ye 80% through the Mathematics domain acceptance, the academic circle have to acknowledge after all, Zhang Ye is Domestic most outstanding Mathematician(s), in the world Mathematician(s) honor palace also has his name. 入围的102位科学家遍布各个领域。大家想来想去,也只能想到张烨八成是通过数学领域入围的,毕竟就算学术界也不得不承认,张烨国内最优秀的数学家,世界数学家荣誉殿堂里也有他的名字。 On weibo. 微博上。 Matter that which has Teacher Zhang.” “哪儿都有张老师的事儿啊。” Saw that his I want to smile.” “看到他我就想笑。” This fellow, was too simply active, just patted drama series to come the scientific and technical circles to mix!” “这家伙,简直太活跃了,刚拍完电视剧又来科技界混了!” Yes, highest science technique rewards him also to join in the fun!” “是啊,最高科学技术奖他也来凑热闹啊!” His popularity rating has not opened, you said that if opens, he can on S-list?” “他人气评级还没开呢,你们说如果重新开启,他能上超一线吗?” Now could not have reached an agreement.” “现在还说不好啊。” No one knew him now any popularity.” “谁也不知道他现在什么人气了。” I also wait for him to reopen the list.” “我也等着他重开榜单呢。” „The national science technique highest prize was good, was too authoritative, that is president personally Awards, even if accepted to reveal a face, it is estimated that can also to Zhang Ye rising many popularity.” “国家科学技术最高奖太牛了,也太权威了,那可是主席亲自颁奖啊,就算入围上去露一个脸,估计也能给张烨涨不少人气的。” Zhang Ye was also certainly, entire China one was one, no matter were Celebrity or the scholar, no matter were the writer of fiction or teaching, Zhang Ye should be historically takes most people with the prize? Music, Crosstalk, Literature, the variety, Mathematics, Calligraphy, which has him! Now may be good, was this goods even/including his mother country science technique highest prize accepted? Does he want to win one prizes of all professions?” 张烨也是绝了,全中国有一个算一个,甭管是明星还是学者,甭管是小说家还是教授,张烨应该是历史上拿奖拿过最多的人吧?音乐的,相声的,文学的,综艺的,数学的,书法的,哪儿都有他啊!现在可好,这货连他妈国家科学技术最高奖都入围了?他是要把所有行业的奖都拿一遍吗?” This prize does not have his anything matter.” “这个奖真没他什么事。” I know, that also suffices fiercely, you looked that with Scientist that he is accepted together is who? All is the scientific academician, Academician Academy of Engineering!” “我知道,那也够厉害的啊,你看跟他一起入围的科学家们都是什么人啊?全是中科学院士,工程院院士!” ...... …… Spring Garden studio. 春天花园工作室 „Was Teacher Zhang accepted?” 张老师入围了?” , he is not idling.” “噗,他真不闲着啊。” Laughs at me!” “笑死我啦!” ...... …… Guan Zhaohua studio. 关兆华工作室 He?” “他?” How to have him?” “怎么会有他?” How which to have him!” “怎么哪儿都有他啊!” ...... …… Some Heavenly Queen/days later studio. 天后工作室 Took.” “真服了。” Has not seen such Celebrity really!” “真没见过这样的明星!” This is also a skill.” “这也是一种本事啊。” ...... …… In family|home. 家里。 What? Is our son accepted?” “啥?咱儿子入围?” This matter?” “还有这事?” Science that our son is not understanding! He blindly believes since childhood! A report college entrance examination volunteers him also to throw the shoes!” “咱儿子懂个屁的科学啊!他从小就迷信啊!报个高考志愿他还得扔鞋呢!” ...... …… Chinese Academy of Science. 中科院 „Does acceptance have Zhang Ye?” “入围还有张烨?” „?” “啊?” This who passes?” “这谁通过的啊?” Probably is he of our Chinese Academy of Science nomination.” “好像是咱们中科院提名的他。” Is impossible, he understands challenge I to believe that you said that he does understand the science? Is your his mother teasing me?” “不可能,他懂打架我信,你说他懂科学?你他妈在逗我?” Mathematics is also the scientific field.” 数学也是科学领域嘛。” ...... …… «Zhang Ye acceptance country science technique highest prize 张烨入围国家科学技术最高奖!》 «102 people of short list exposures 《102人入围名单曝光!》 The «Zhang Ye acceptance directs the attention 张烨入围引关注!》 «who is science Celebrity that this year most focuses attention on 《谁将是今年最瞩目的科学明星?》 «Zhang Ye industry was questioned 张烨遭业内质疑!》 Does the «highest science technique prize short list have the moisture content 《最高科学技术奖入围名单有水分?》 The news is unceasing. 新闻不断。 The scientific circles whoop. 科学界议论纷纷。 The people whoop. 民众议论纷纷。 ...... …… studio. 工作室 The people are very excited. 众人都很激动。 Ha Qiqi said excitedly: I prepare the clothing immediately!” 哈齐齐兴奋道:“我马上准备服装!” Zhang Zuo said: This is the important matter!” 张左道:“这可是大事啊!” Zhang Ye said: Has resulted, prepares any clothing, is not the Entertainment Circle Awards ceremony, is not being lucky blanket, do not make that makes the person laugh gaudily.” 张烨却道:“得了,准备什么服装啊,又不是娱乐圈颁奖典礼,又不是走红毯,别弄得花里胡哨地让人笑话。” Ha Qiqi said with a smile: „Haven't this I understood? You felt relieved that I contact with the designer immediately, gives you to make to order Chinese tunic suit, definitely conforms to the conference site atmosphere.” 哈齐齐笑道:“这我还不懂啊?您放心吧,我马上联系设计师,给您定做一身中山装,肯定符合会场气氛。” Zhang Ye decision, this good.” 张烨拍板,“这个好。” Xin Ya visits him in the one side, but also some, you are accepted? I read the list, Mathematician(s) of this acceptance also on five people, that five people may be Academician Chinese Academy of Science, your society idle personnel, how national science will judges make you be accepted?” 辛雅在一旁看着他,还有些云里雾里呢,“你怎么入围的啊?我看了名单,这次入围的数学家也就五个人啊,那五个人可都是中科院院士,你一个社会闲散人员,国家科学评委会怎么会让你入围?” Zhang Ye roll one's eyes, whose idle personnel?” 张烨翻白眼,“谁闲散人员啊?” You!” Xin Ya said without hesitation. “你啊!”辛雅毫不犹豫道。 Zhang Ye said: meet again/goodbye.” 张烨说:“再见。” Xin Ya said: When the time comes together goes in any case.” 辛雅道:“反正到时候一起去吧。” Zhang Ye said with a smile: „To moisten me light?” 张烨笑道:“想沾我光啊?” Xin Ya sneers, what moistens your light? Is a acceptance, you could also not win the prize, has the national cramp conferred you highest science technique prize?” 辛雅冷笑,“沾你什么光啊?就是个入围,你又拿不了奖,国家抽疯了把最高科学技术奖颁给你?” Zhang Ye he he said: That is uncertain.” 张烨呵呵道:“那可不一定。”
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