IAIH :: Volume #9

#869: Forbids Xiao Li to touch the supermodel

However, Helena although Chris Teng Sen is a Victoria’s Secret supermodel, on red carpet that but in «Con Air» preview ceremony Hollywood big converges, but also is not enough to cause the tumult of media and movie fan. 不过,海伦娜・克里斯滕森虽然是维密一线超模,但在《空中监狱》首映式这种好莱坞大咖云集的红毯上,还不足以引起媒体和影迷的骚动。 Reason that so, mainly because, with Helena Chris Teng Sen appears on red carpet together, Leonardo DiCaprio. 之所以会如此,主要还是因为,和海伦娜・克里斯滕森一起出现在红毯上的,还有莱昂纳多・迪卡普里奥。 After «RMS Titanic», the small plum originally rises from the literary small fresh meat immediately is Hollywood ultra a level superstar, looks at the present scene, obviously, the small plum of soaring started to evolve to the supermodel bulldozer direction impatiently. 泰坦尼克号》之后,小李子立刻从原本的文艺咖小鲜肉蹿升为好莱坞超a级巨星,看眼前的场面,显然啊,一飞冲天的小李子已经开始迫不及待地向超模推土机方向进化了。 Looks small plum and Helena who photographed Chris Teng Sen walks hand in hand toward here, Eric the feeling is not immediately good. 看着拍完照的小李子和海伦娜・克里斯滕森手挽手朝这边走来,艾瑞克立刻就感觉不好了。 In circle golden hair longleg professional model 20 million, if other small plums and professional model associate, Eric naturally cannot manage, but involves the Victoria’s Secret angel, that is not good. Initially spent for one year to build this crowd of pretty treasure personally, Eric, although will not treat as own something for one's own exclusive use them, but as a man, in the subconscious compared the fresh flower that resisted itself to plant to take out by others, the person name that if picked flowers was called the small plum, that may be more awful. 圈子里金发长腿模特20000000,如果小李子和其他模特交往,艾瑞克自然管不着,但涉及到维密天使,那就不行了。当初花了一年时间亲手打造出了这群漂亮宝贝,艾瑞克虽然不会将她们当做自己的禁脔,但作为一个男人,潜意识里还是比较抗拒自己种下的鲜花被别人摘去的,如果摘花的人名字都叫小李子,那可就更糟糕了。 Although at present the small plum is only and Helena Chris Teng Sen is associating, but this fellow will not give up obviously in light of this, definitely also arch to other Victoria’s Secret angels. 虽然眼下小李子只是和海伦娜・克里斯滕森在交往,但这家伙显然不会就此罢休,肯定还会拱向其他维密天使。 Naturally, since was seen by oneself, this matter will not occur obviously again. 当然,既然被自己看到了,这种事情显然不会再发生了。 They come here, sees Eric, Helena Chris Teng Sen walks immediately joyfully, opens is hugging with Eric affectionate, said: Oh, Eric, really happy tonight can see you.” 两人走到这边,看到艾瑞克,海伦娜・克里斯滕森立刻欣喜地走过来,张开亲昵地与艾瑞克拥抱着,道:“,艾瑞克,真高兴今晚能见到你。” Eric and girl have hugged, said with a smile: You are also very attractive tonight.” 艾瑞克与女郎抱了下,笑道:“你今晚也很漂亮。” Thanks,” Helena Chris Teng Sen nods, warm feelings with Drew, Bruckheimer as well as Simon West and the others greeted. “谢谢,”海伦娜・克里斯滕森点着头,又热络地与德鲁布鲁克海默以及西蒙韦斯特等人打招呼。 It is estimated that is saw that the girlfriend withdraws herself to move toward here without hesitation, the small plum is not feeling well obviously similarly very much. Although also came to greet with Eric several people, but the expression obviously has actually been perfunctory. 估计是看到女友毫不犹豫地脱开自己走向这边,小李子显然同样很不爽。虽然也跟着走了过来与艾瑞克几人打招呼,但表情却明显敷衍了许多。 Under normal conditions, the star of Hollywood ultra a rank, for example Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson and Harrison Ford and the others, basically are the objects who the Film Studio high level gathers to boss around vigorously, the small plum at this time the faint arrogance, it is estimated that is recently by the result that the major Film Studio high levels roar. 通常情况下,好莱坞超a级别的明星,比如汤姆克鲁斯梅尔吉布森哈里森福特等人,基本上都是制片厂高层大力招揽笼络的对象,小李子此时隐隐的傲慢,估计就是最近一段时间被各大制片厂高层哄出来的结果。 Firefly since the establishment starts not to be used to any Hollywood superstar, later obviously cannot. 萤火虫自从成立开始就不会惯着任何一个好莱坞巨星,以后显然也不会。 Has grasped starting with the small plum, Eric then to Helena Chris Teng Sendao: Under on party comes to look for me, has the matter and you discussed.” 与小李子握了下手,艾瑞克便对海伦娜・克里斯滕森道:“等下派对上过来找我,有事和你谈。” The Eric sound is not loud, but all people hear clear, Bruckheimer and Simon the West expression somewhat is unusual, the girl is pulling the Eric arm as before grinningly, not being feeling well on small plum face was more obvious. 艾瑞克声音不大,但所有人都听得一清二楚,布鲁克海默西蒙韦斯特表情都有些异样,丫头依旧笑嘻嘻地挽着艾瑞克手臂,小李子脸上的不爽更加明显了一些。 Helena Chris Teng Senleng, glanced the eye small plum, is obedient nods. 海伦娜・克里斯滕森愣了下,瞟了眼小李子,还是听话地点点头。 Eric spoke these words, will walk toward the theater. 艾瑞克说完这句话,正要向剧院内走去。 After lively red carpet ceremony, first showing formally starts. 热热闹闹的红毯仪式之后,首映正式开始。 In screening hall, because more than once had watched the preview before this, Eric and sits by him Jerry the Bruckheimer thoughts have not placed on the silver screen, looks at Cage with the picture that a prisoner displays their wisdom and bravery, the Bruckheimer body is collecting some, asked: Eric, you thought how many global Box Office this movie can attain probably?” 放映厅内,由于此前都已经不止一次地看过样片,艾瑞克和坐在他旁边杰瑞布鲁克海默心思都没有放在银幕上,望着凯奇与一众囚犯斗智斗勇的画面,布鲁克海默身体凑过来些,问道:“艾瑞克,你觉得这部影片大概能拿到多少全球票房?” „Haven't you read the Box Office estimate report of release department?” Eric said with a smile: I and their opinions are similar, above North America 100 million USD, global 300 million.” “你不是看过发行部门的票房预测报告了吗?”艾瑞克笑道:“我和他们的意见差不多,北美一亿美元以上,全球三亿。” Bruckheimer said: I thought that after «RMS Titanic», should be able to be higher?” 布鲁克海默道:“我只是觉得,在《泰坦尼克号》之后,应该能够更高一些吧?” Jerry, «RMS Titanic» completely is an accident, I dare saying that hits is duplicating the movie of «RMS Titanic» miracle, basically will not have any good result.” 杰瑞,《泰坦尼克号》完全是一次意外,我敢说,打着复制《泰坦尼克号》奇迹的电影,基本上不会有什么好结果。” Bruckheimer shakes the head saying: Hey, your this was also too absolute, weren't you good?” 布鲁克海默摇头道:“嘿,你这也太绝对了吧,难道你自己也不行吗?” Eric said with a smile: I am not good, actually you are also same, we can only be the movie merchants now. We basically can guarantee the movie that one produce obtains the success on commercial, but creates the Box Office miracle like Jim, is unlikely, the matter that because we need to consider are too many, the budget, cost, marketing and so on, Jim only purely will actually consider the movie, does not need scruples other, therefore he can the total involvement manufacture movie high-quality goods.” 艾瑞克笑道:“我也不行啊,其实你也一样,我们现在只能算是电影商人。我们基本上可以保证自己制作的电影获得商业上的成功,但像吉姆那样创造票房奇迹,则不太可能,因为我们需要考虑的事情太多,预算啊、成本啊、营销啊之类,吉姆却只会单纯地去考虑电影,不用顾忌其他,所以他能够全身心地去制作一部电影精品。” Bruckheimer looking pensive nods. 布鲁克海默若有所思地点点头。 Sits actually lies in other Eric one side Drew, asked: That, Eric, you thought how many Box Office Paramount that side «The Lion King 2» can attain?” 坐在艾瑞克另外一边的德鲁却趴过来,问道:“那,艾瑞克,你觉得派拉蒙那边的《狮子王2》能拿到多少票房?” Eric shakes the head saying: This I really do not know that but, «The Lion King 2» have the inferiority.” 艾瑞克摇头道:“这我就真的不知道了,不过,《狮子王2》也不是没有劣势的。” Girl connection said grinningly: You say the marketing?” 丫头笑嘻嘻地接口道:“你是说营销吗?” This is also very important one factor, but also has another point.” “这也是很重要的一种因素,但还有另外一点。” Girls crooked head, starts to jam. 丫头歪了歪脑袋,开始卡壳。 Bruckheimer smiles is exposing saying: I thought that should be the cost?” 布鲁克海默微笑着点破道:“我觉得应该是成本吧?” Eric nods with a smile: Un, the salary contract that initially Paramount and Hand-Drawn Animation Master Men signed basically realized turned time, the «The Lion King 2» manufacture cycle grew for nearly one year compared with last year «Sound of the Desert», although Paramount has not announced the manufacture budget of «The Lion King 2», but speculated according to us, the production cost of this animated film should in 120 million USD about. Compares, our «Finding Nemo» production cost is only 90 million, the Blue Sky Studios «Ice Age» production cost is lower, is only 59 million, «The Lion King 2» half. Therefore, «The Lion King 2» need probably, in global takes back about 360 million USD Box Office, can realize the balanced revenues and expenditures. Compares, «Finding Nemo» returns to this is 270 million, «Ice Age» returns to this line is to have 170 million.” 艾瑞克笑着点头:“嗯,当初派拉蒙手绘动画师们签署的薪酬合约基本上都实现了翻倍,《狮子王2》的制作周期又比去年的《风中奇缘》长了将近一年时间,虽然派拉蒙没有公布《狮子王2》的制作预算,但根据我们推测,这部动画电影的制作成本应该在1.2亿美元左右。相比起来,我们的《海底总动员》制作成本只有9000万,蓝天工作室的《冰河时代》制作成本更低,只有5900万,还不到《狮子王2》的一半。所以,《狮子王2》大概需要在全球收回3.6亿美元左右的票房,才能实现收支平衡。相比起来,《海底总动员》的回本线是2.7亿,《冰河时代》的回本线更是只有1.7亿。” The girls have thought, said: «The Lion King» first part global Box Office surpasses 900 million USD, the sequel achieves 360 million USD, should not be difficult?” 丫头想了下,说道:“《狮子王第一部全球票房可是超过9亿美元呢,续集达到3.6亿美元,应该不难吧?” Naturally is not difficult, even, in the situation of even if in encountering us on the marketing jointly forcing out, by this animated film first part influence, can make Paramount gain one as before greatly,” Eric nods, said: But do not forget, Viacom initially bought Disney's Hand-Drawn Animation Department, but also has spent 2.5 billion USD. Even if each animated film of Paramount animation operates after the entire channel, can be Paramount gains to exceed the 300 million USD net profit, but wants to recoup some costs, needs them to produce 78 animated films to be good, let alone, I did not think in situation that in 3D Animation rises on all fronts, in the next few years 2D Animation can also maintain the present popularity.” “当然不难,甚至,即使在遭到我们在营销上联合封杀的情况下,以这部动画电影第一部的影响力,依旧可以让派拉蒙大赚一笔,”艾瑞克点头,道:“但你不要忘了,维亚康姆当初买下迪斯尼的手绘动画部门,还花了25亿美元。哪怕派拉蒙动画的每部动画电影经过全渠道运营之后,都能够为派拉蒙赚来超过3亿美元的净利润,但想要收回这部分成本,也需要他们制作78部动画电影才行,更何况,我可不觉得在3d动画全线崛起的情况下,未来几年2d动画还能够保持现在的受欢迎程度。” Like the initial Blockbuster chain store, Eric sold to the Viacom animation studio to be doomed is also only losing money goods, even, because recently Firefly and News Corp to «The Lion King 2» forcing out of on marketing, Viacom spread the intention to purchase the CBS news, this obviously is a super big hole , compared with Murdoch, the Redstone commercial vision was really bad were too many. 就像当初的百视达连锁店一样,艾瑞克卖给维亚康姆的动画工作室注定也只是一个赔钱货,甚至,由于最近萤火虫新闻集团对《狮子王2》在营销上的封杀,维亚康姆已经传出了意图收购bs的消息,这显然又是一个超级大坑,与默多克比起来,雷石东的商业眼光还真是差了太多。 After preview ceremony, holds the press conference, the majority of guests who attended the premiere change a nearby hotel to participate in premiere party. 首映式之后,召开完记者会,参加首映礼的大部分宾客都转向附近的一家酒店参加首映礼派对 Eric led the girl just to enter the party hall, by Cage and Bridget side reached them to block. 艾瑞克带着丫头刚刚走进派对大厅,就被凯奇布里吉特・方达两人拦住。 As the Hollywood established aristocratic family juniors, Eric thought that these two are really are also a match, in initial «Ghost», among them the tacit understanding was obvious. In recent years, Cage not with the previous life wife Terry summer Kwete marries, although but he and Bridget side reaches the friend relations that maintains has been being better, actually as if not to the meaning that lover develops. 作为好莱坞的老牌世家子弟,艾瑞克觉得这两人还真是非常般配,当初的《人鬼情未了》中,两人之间的默契就非常明显。最近几年,凯奇也没有与前世的妻子帕特里夏・阿奎特结婚,但虽然他与布里吉特・方达一直保持着非常要好的朋友关系,却似乎一点也没有向情侣方面发展的意思。 These years occasionally meet, Eric also likes teasing their several with this point. 这些年偶尔遇到,艾瑞克也喜欢拿这一点调侃他们几句。 Looked for a position just to sit down in the banquet hall, Eric has not said anything, Cage then impatiently said: Eric, Firefly was not launched the «Iron Man» project, why haven't I received the message?” 在宴会厅内找了一处位置刚刚坐下,艾瑞克还没开口说什么,凯奇便迫不及待道:“艾瑞克,萤火虫不是已经启动《钢铁侠》项目了吗,为什么我没有收到消息?” Eric received the red wine that the girl hands over with a smile, said: What news do you want?” 艾瑞克笑着接过丫头递过来的红酒,道:“你想要什么消息啊?” Cage the body, said: You did not think that I am very suitable to act Tony Stack, I may be the death loyal bean noodles of «Iron Man» cartoon. Hey, Eric, so long as you are willing to give me this role, salary can discuss that I also heard the plan about Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have been willing to sign the length to make.” 凯奇挺了挺身体,道:“难道你不觉得,我很适合扮演托尼・斯塔克吗,我可一直都是《钢铁侠》漫画的死忠粉丝。嘿,艾瑞克,只要你肯把这个角色给我,片酬方面还是可以谈的,我也听说关于漫威电影宇宙的计划了,我愿意签长约的。” Eric has not paid attention to the Cage words immediately, but looks to Bridget Fang Da: Therefore, Burrie, you also did plan to play the small hot pepper?” 艾瑞克没有立刻理会凯奇的话,而是看向布里吉特・方达:“所以,布瑞吉,你这是也打算饰演小辣椒了吗?” Hehe, yes, I am very interested in this role,” Bridget Fang Da said smilingly. “呵呵,是啊,我对这个角色挺感兴趣的,”布里吉特・方达笑盈盈地说道。 , this just, you will have held the wedding tomorrow, we then sign the contract.” ,这样刚好,你们明天把婚礼办了,我们接下来就签合约。” Bridget Fang Da refuted discontentedly with a smile: Eric, you carelessly were urging others' relations, I and Nick were only good friends.” 布里吉特・方达不满地笑着反驳道:“艾瑞克,你又在胡乱撺掇别人的关系了,我和尼克一直都只是好朋友而已。” Yes, the waiter, can you proper?” “是啊,伙计,你能正经一点吗?” Good good,” Eric has lifted raising hand, said to Cage: Nick, this is not a simple matter, if your very appropriate this role, I will definitely not hesitate. But said, you are quite suitable to play, um, prodigal son who that type drifts the horizon. But I hope that Tony Stack is playboy, is somewhat crazy, is somewhat nervous, even, but also a little bastard.” “好吧好吧,”艾瑞克举了举手,对凯奇道:“尼克,这并不是一件简单的事情,如果你非常合适这个角色的话,我肯定不会犹豫。但说真的,你比较适合饰演,嗯,那种漂泊天涯的浪子。但我希望托尼・斯塔克是一个花花公子,有些疯狂,有些神经质,甚至,还有点混蛋。” The Eric voice falls, starts to make up blade in girl greasily immediately grinningly: , like Eric this.” 艾瑞克话音落下,腻在身旁的丫头立刻笑嘻嘻地开始‘补刀’:“,就像艾瑞克这样。” Since the Marvel high level hopes that Eric can play the Iron Man news to pass to the Drew ear personally, the girl quite craves to this matter, even also plans to go forth to battle to play the small hot pepper personally, then makes the Natasha sisters act Black Widow, how the original words does not need to trade the name, but can also grow some clone straight line anything. 自从漫威高层希望艾瑞克能够亲自出演钢铁侠的消息传到德鲁耳中,丫头就对这件事颇为热衷,甚至还打算亲自上阵饰演小辣椒,然后让娜塔莎姐妹扮演黑寡妇,原话是连名字都不用怎么换,还可以衍生出一些克隆人直线什么的。 The appraisal of Eric is the idea is good, acted unreasonably. 艾瑞克的评价是想法挺好的,就是太乱来了。 Present Cage and Bridget Fang Da has not treated as purely the joke the words of girl obviously, instead looks at Eric surprisedly, asked: Real?” 只是,眼前的凯奇布里吉特・方达显然没有将丫头的话当做纯粹地玩笑,反而惊奇地看着艾瑞克,问道:“真的吗?” Vacation,” Eric has pinched on the girl white and tender cheek, said: Is only they joins in the fun carelessly.” “假的,”艾瑞克在丫头白嫩的脸蛋上捏了下,道:“只是他们胡乱凑热闹而已。” Bridget side reached actually as before look nimble and resourceful to sweep sweeping on Eric, said with a smile: Eric, I suddenly thought that you are very appropriate.” 布里吉特・方达却依旧眼神灵动地在艾瑞克身上扫了扫,笑道:“艾瑞克,我突然觉得,你真的挺合适的。” Naturally, I also believe that Eric said with a smile: But is implements to be not quite realistic, was good, said at the movie, Nick, besides Iron Man, you definitely also likes other cartoon is right?” “当然,我自己也这么认为,”艾瑞克笑道:“但就是实施起来不太现实,好了,说回电影上吧,尼克,除了钢铁侠,你肯定还喜欢其他漫画对不对?” Yes, many, you know that my stage name according to Luke Cage this Superhero role must come.” “是啊,很多,你知道,我的艺名就是根据卢克凯奇这个超级英雄角色得来的。” Eric nods, said: This, Iron Man this role is definitely cannot your, but I thought that another role you definitely are also interested, but is unlikely to begin shooting in recent years, you could wait to be very long.” 艾瑞克点点头,道:“这样,钢铁侠这个角色是肯定不能给你的,但我觉得另外一个角色你肯定也非常感兴趣,只是最近几年不太可能开拍,你可能要等很久。” Although Cage is somewhat disappointed, but asked: Oh, what?” 凯奇虽然有些失望,但还是问道:“,什么?” Eric said a name with a smile: Ghost Rider.” 艾瑞克笑着说出一个名字:“恶灵骑士。” In the original space and time, Cage continuously has played two «Ghost Rider» movies, is only is too not successful, this has demonstrated without doubt also his affection to this cartoon series. 原时空中,凯奇就连续出演了两部《恶灵骑士》电影,只是不算太成功,这无疑也显示了他对这部漫画系列的喜爱。 However, Ghost Rider this role has the popularity in the Marvel Superhero sequence similarly, so long as plans, holds in in addition of entire Marvel Cinematic Universe popularity, in the future will obtain the successful possibility is very high. 不过,恶灵骑士这个角色在漫威超级英雄序列中同样非常有人气,只要重新规划一下,在整个漫威电影宇宙人气的加持下,将来获得成功的可能性还是非常高的。 As expected, Cage really once more came the interest, said: Wow, this I am certainly interested, should not say that I to this role ratio to Tony Stack is also interested, Eric, Firefly was not simultaneously started «Spider-Man» and «Iron Man», why cannot also begin shooting «Ghost Rider», was right, I am willing to sign the length to make similarly.” 不出所料,凯奇果然再次来了兴致,道:“哇哦,这个我当然很感兴趣,不不,应该说,我对这个角色比对托尼・斯塔克还感兴趣,艾瑞克,萤火虫不是已经同时启动了《蜘蛛侠》和《钢铁侠》吗,为什么不能也同时开拍《恶灵骑士》呢,对了,我同样愿意签长约的。” Because the Marvel Films manufacture plan is conducted according to the stage, this series will be arranged in the second stage, probably is ten years later.” “因为漫威电影制作计划是按阶段进行的,这个系列将被安排在第二阶段,大概是十年之后。” In the plan of Eric, the Marvel Cinematic Universe first stage, mainly places the Earth potential surface, simultaneously the theme also compares to favor Iron Man, Captain America and Hulk these science fiction series. But starts from the second stage, Marvel Cinematic Universe starts to favor singularly varied and universe theme. When the time comes, Earth potential surface the Ghost Rider, strange doctor and other series of will also be filmed big, meanwhile has universe theme the Milky Way convoy guard, infinite protector and other series. 艾瑞克的计划中,漫威电影宇宙的第一阶段,主要放在地球位面,同时题材也比较倾向于钢铁侠美国队长绿巨人这些科幻系列。但从第二阶段开始,漫威电影宇宙就开始更多倾向于奇幻和宇宙题材。到时候,地球位面的恶灵骑士、奇异博士等系列也将被搬上大银幕,同时还有宇宙题材的银河护卫队、无限守护者等系列。 Ten years, somewhat grew obviously. 十年时间,明显有些长了。 Cage apparently does not have that long patience, chatted a while with Eric, hopes that he can change some plans slightly, naturally cannot obtain to respond, must leave disappointedly, actually Bridget Fang Da hopes to play the image of small hot pepper, Eric very much seriously said that will consider carefully. 凯奇显然没有那么长的耐心,又与艾瑞克聊了一会儿,希望他能够稍微更改一些计划,自然得不到回应,只得失望地离开,倒是布里吉特・方达希望出演小辣椒的意象,艾瑞克很郑重地表示会仔细考虑一下。 Cage and Bridget after Fang Da leaves, another tall and slender red form then walked.( To be continued.) 凯奇布里吉特・方达离开之后,另外一个高挑的红色身影便走了过来。(未完待续。)
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