IAIH :: Volume #9

#868: Was careful that pulled out spatially

Enters Cliff Peak Manor once more, looks at that is being similar to the handicraft is situated the streamline villa near cliff, Larry in the Ellison vision is having obvious envying and hope as before. 再次走进尖角庄园,望着那栋如同工艺品般坐落在悬崖边的流线型别墅,拉里埃里森目光中依旧带着明显的羡慕和渴望。 Was only a pity that initially he even is willing exchanges this manor with himself in Malibu all real estate and Eric, was rejected by the opposite party, at this time the Eric net worth is almost his ten times, wants to obtain the probability of this manor to approach in zero again infinitely. 只可惜,当初他甚至愿意拿自己在马里布的所有房产与艾瑞克交换这座庄园,都被对方拒绝,此时艾瑞克的身家几乎是他的十倍,再想获得这座庄园的几率更是无限接近于零。 Eric is bringing Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs enters the villa hall, notes Larry the Ellison expression, teased: Larry, you were probably getting more and more in the Malibu real estate, but also is willing to bring to trade with me completely?” 艾瑞克带着拉里埃里森史蒂夫乔布斯走进别墅大厅,注意到拉里埃里森的表情,调侃道:“拉里,你在马里布的房产好像越来越多了,还愿意全部拿来跟我换吗?” Larry Ellison knows that Eric is cracking a joke, nods unquestioning, said with a smile: Naturally, if you want, I can call the attorney now, making them go through the handing-over procedure.” 拉里埃里森知道艾瑞克是在开玩笑,还是毫不迟疑地点头,笑道:“当然,如果你愿意,我现在就可以打电话给律师,让他们来办理交接手续。” „, Your this fellow, but also is really impolite.” “呵,你这家伙,还真是一点都不客气。” Eric was saying, leading them to arrive at the glass curtain wall receiving callers area, asked at will in Jobs that on the sofa sat down: Steve, do you think here what kind of?” 艾瑞克说着,带着两人来到玻璃幕墙边的会客区,随意问在沙发上坐下的乔布斯:“史蒂夫,你觉得这里怎么样?” The Jobs look has swept around the eye, said gratefully: „, I these at sixes and sevens the furniture will clean up completely curtain wall near.” 乔布斯眼神扫了眼四周,毫不客气地说道:“如果是我的话,我会把幕墙边这些乱七八糟的家具全部清理掉。” The glass curtain wall of villa seaside places the pattern to be divided into three parts according to furniture, the east is two hanging -type outer space chairs, the middle is a platoon leader sofa, the west side is also the place that the Eric three people of institutes sit is a receiving callers area. If this villa is public places, puts aside all furniture, faces directly the vast sea level, without doubt to person field of vision more open feeling, but will appear as individual residence spacious will be lonely. 别墅临海的玻璃幕墙按照家具摆放格局被分为三部分,最东边是两只吊挂式的太空椅,中间是一排长沙发,西侧也就是艾瑞克三人所坐的地方是一处会客区。如果这座别墅是公共场所,将所有家具移开,直面一望无际的海平面,无疑会给人视野更加开阔的感觉,但作为个人居所就会显得空旷冷清了。 Jobs will say, stems from his extremely pursue perfectionism the individuality, because it is said chooses to the furniture intense nitpicking, Jobs many residences are an empty appearance. 乔布斯会这么说,还是源于他极端追求完美主义的个性,据说由于对家具选择的强烈挑剔,乔布斯的很多寓所都是一副空荡荡的样子。 Eric smiled, said: If all moves out the furniture, we can only sit on the ground now chat.” 艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“如果把家具全部搬走,我们现在就只能坐在地上聊天了。” Jobs shrugs: That perhaps also good.” 乔布斯耸耸肩:“那或许也不错。” Was saying, clip clop footsteps sound, the twin carries the coffee to walk, carries to the good coffee three cups to three people in front of separately, another is placing the coffeepot as well as the sugar lump milk shake toward the middle tea table on, completes these, Eric nearby Natasha raises the cheek to look to him, asked in a soft voice: Master, but also needs other?” 这么说着,哒哒的脚步声响起,双胞胎端着咖啡走过来,一个将三杯冲好的咖啡分别端到三人面前,另外一个往中间茶几上摆放着咖啡壶以及方糖奶昔,做完这些,艾瑞克旁边的娜塔莎扬起脸蛋看向他,轻声问道:“主人,还需要其他吗?” Eric shakes the head saying: Does not use, you go busily.” 艾瑞克摇头道:“不用,你们去忙吧。” The vision tags along after the twin tall and slender form until vanishing, Larry Ellison takes back the look, to praise sighed: Eric, I envy you now, which did you in find their?” 目光一路尾随着双胞胎高挑的身影直到消失,拉里埃里森才收回眼神,赞叹道:“艾瑞克,我现在更羡慕你了,你是在哪找到她们的?” Eric cracks a joke saying: You are old man, therefore not have these ideas to well, was careful that pulled out spatially.” 艾瑞克开玩笑道:“你已经是老头子了,所以还是不要打这些主意为好,小心被掏空。” Hey, your this fellow, but also is really impolite,” Larry Ellison simply presented the Eric some time ago those words original design. “嘿,你这家伙,还真是一点都不客气,”拉里埃里森干脆将艾瑞克不久前的那句话原样奉还。 Chatted several, Eric changed Jobs, mentioned the proper business: Therefore, Steve, you have decided to re-enter Apple?” 说笑了几句,艾瑞克转向乔布斯,说起了正事:“所以,史蒂夫,你已经决定重回苹果了?” No,” Jobs shook the head, said: I was still considering.” “不,”乔布斯摇了摇头,道:“我还在考虑。” Eric carries the coffee, is not surprised, pursues asks: „Do you come today are?” 艾瑞克端起咖啡,也不惊讶,追问道:“那你们今天过来是?” Is this, Eric,” Larry Ellison said: Steve anticipates to be able very much again fingers and palm Apple, but, he also hopes that can obtain some safeguards.” “是这样的,艾瑞克,”拉里埃里森道:“史蒂夫很期待能够重新指掌苹果,不过,他还希望能够得到一些保障。” The Eric look sparkled, said: Larry, my some are not clear.” 艾瑞克眼神闪了闪,道:“拉里,我有些不明白。” This time, Jobs replied on own initiative: Eric, the Apple PC service was dangerous, after you purchase Apple, to let the company has many cushion opportunities, I hope that can obtain the patent of MP3 player, is used to develop the Apple product line.” 这次,乔布斯却主动回答道:“艾瑞克,苹果的PC业务已经非常危险了,你们收购苹果之后,为了让公司得到更多缓冲的机会,我希望能够获得MP3播放器的专利,用来拓展苹果的产品线。” Eric in the heart had produced a moment ago had had a premonition that hears the confirmation of Jobs, shakes the head to say unquestioning: Sorry, Steve, I am impossible to comply with your.” 艾瑞克刚才心中就已经产生了一些预感,听到乔布斯的确认,毫不迟疑地摇头道:“抱歉,史蒂夫,我不可能答应你这些。” Jobs acts bashful saying: If in this case, I possibly will again not return to Apple.” 乔布斯拿捏道:“如果这样的话,我可能不会再返回苹果了。” Eric has smiled, said: Steve, this does not close my matter.” 艾瑞克笑了起来,道:“史蒂夫,这可不关我的事。” No, Eric, I can look, you are interested in Apple very much, like,” Jobs, continued saying: Like initial Pixar such, otherwise, you will not give Larry to set such investment condition.” “不,艾瑞克,我能看得出来,你对苹果很感兴趣,就像,”乔布斯顿了下,继续道:“就像当初的皮克斯那样,否则的话,你也不会给拉里设置那样的投资条件。” Steve, I acknowledged that I to Apple, you am interested very much,” Eric said: But, this is also only interest. If this investment has not achieved, I will not have any loss, even can also put in that sum of money into the prospect is brighter on company.” 史蒂夫,我承认,我对苹果,还有你都很感兴趣,”艾瑞克道:“不过,这也只是兴趣而已。如果这笔投资没有达成,我不会有任何损失,甚至还能将那笔钱投入到前景更明朗一些的公司上面。” Jobs somewhat is at a loss for words for a while, even some vitalities are staring Eric. 乔布斯一时有些语塞,甚至有些生气地瞪着艾瑞克 Larry the disposition of Ellison clear this good friend, was worried that he will say any excessive words to come, said hastily: Eric, but you should also know, if the Firefly electron defends strictly the MP3 player patent not to put, in the future single hegemony, definitely will encounter the federal anti- monopoly investigation. Like Intel, it was authorized own X86 chip structure to AMD and other companies.” 拉里埃里森清楚自己这位好友的性格,担心他会说出什么过分的话来,连忙道:“艾瑞克,但你也应该知道,如果萤火虫电子紧守MP3播放器专利不放,将来一家独大,肯定会遭到联邦反垄断调查的。就像Intel,它就将自身的X86芯片构架授权给了AMD等公司。” „The Firefly electron present scale is very small, even if the anti- monopoly investigation, that also definitely was very long later matter,” Eric shook the head as before with a smile, sipped coffee, said: Moreover, the Intel X86 structure, was initially is forced to request to be authorized by IBM to other companies, was not it is voluntary.” 萤火虫电子现在的规模还很小,即使是反垄断调查,那也肯定是很久以后的事情了,”艾瑞克依旧笑着摇头,啜了一口咖啡,又道:“而且,Intel的X86构架,是当初被IBM强制要求授权给其他公司的,并不是它本身自愿。” Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs such easily has not given up, but also wants to say anything, Eric has wielded starting, said to Jobs: Reason that Steve, I to Larry proposed that such entering capital condition, lies in I thought that perhaps you can save Apple. Therefore, you need to do, after Larry completes purchases Apple, making this company bring back to life, but is not the present is busy looking for other outlets. If you have not rallied the Apple confidence, instead needs certainly certain safeguards to be willing to go back, then, I take back the past few days investment commitment now.” 拉里埃里森史蒂夫乔布斯并没有这么轻易放弃,还想说什么,艾瑞克挥了下手,对乔布斯道:“史蒂夫,我之所以向拉里提出那样的入资条件,就在于我觉得或许你能拯救苹果。所以,你需要做的,就是在拉里完成收购苹果之后,让这家公司起死回生,而不是现在就忙着寻找其他出路。如果你自己都没有重振苹果的信心,反而一定需要某些保障才肯回去,那么,我现在就收回前些天的投资承诺。” Jobs stared at Eric to look at a while, suddenly set out saying: „, Good, I think that I should leave.” 乔布斯盯着艾瑞克看了一会儿,突然起身道:“那么,好吧,我想我应该离开了。” These words said that Jobs directly outward walks. 这句话说完,乔布斯就径直朝外走去。 Eric sits on the sofa has not moved, the smile looks at Jobs to leave. 艾瑞克坐在沙发上没有动,微笑地看着乔布斯离开。 Larry Ellison actually reluctantly sets out, shouts: Hey, halts, your this fellow, why cannot be a little patient.” 拉里埃里森却无奈地起身,喊道:“嘿,站住啊,你这家伙,为什么不能有点耐心呢。” Jobs does not pay attention to Larry completely the Ellison words, continue to walk toward the villa outside. 乔布斯完全不理会拉里埃里森的话,继续朝别墅外走去。 Looks at Larry a Ellison appearance in a dilemma, Eric puts down the coffee cup, sets out in Larry on the Ellison shoulder has patted, said: Was good, Larry, he agreed that therefore, you go back to continue to raise the fund.” 看着拉里埃里森一副进退两难的模样,艾瑞克放下咖啡杯,起身在拉里埃里森肩膀上拍了下,道:“好了,拉里,他同意了,所以,你还是回去继续筹集资金吧。” Larry Ellison knows certainly that Jobs is prouder , after Eric that many people imagine just words of that prodding, Jobs will again definitely not put down to act with constraint to request to obtain the patent authorization of MP3 player. 拉里埃里森当然知道乔布斯比很多人想象的都要骄傲,艾瑞克刚刚那番激将的话语之后,乔布斯肯定不会再放下矜持要求获得MP3播放器的专利授权。 Steve cares about Apple compared with anybody, my early just knows he will go back, but,” shook the head to smile bitterly, Larry Ellison also said: Eric, Steve very much bears a grudge, you later definitely will again not obtain any good complexion from his here.” 史蒂夫比任何人都在乎苹果,我早就知道他会回去的,只是,”摇头苦笑了下,拉里埃里森又道:“艾瑞克,史蒂夫可是很记仇的,你以后肯定不会再从他这里得到什么好脸色了。” This, I do not matter actually, want to obtain the good complexion from this fellow there is very difficult,” Eric shook the head, said: You, can the movie premiere, collect the liveliness tonight exactly?” “这个啊,我倒是真的无所谓,想要从这个家伙那里得到好脸色本来就很难,”艾瑞克摇了摇头,道:“你呢,今晚恰好有一场电影首映礼,要不要来凑一下热闹?” consider as finished, will eat meal next time again together,” Larry Ellison shakes the head, said: I return to San Francisco with Steve.” 算了,下次再一起吃饭,”拉里埃里森摇摇头,道:“我还是和史蒂夫一起回旧金山吧。” Eric nods, no longer detains, delivers Larry personally Ellison arrived at the parking lot in manor, Jobs got in the car(riage), has not opened the mouth to say goodbye, likely spiteful child. Eric did not mind that delivers them to leave, turns around to walk toward the villa, happen to meets twin to hold a box to walk from the manor entrance. 艾瑞克点点头,不再挽留,亲自送拉里埃里森到庄园的停车场,乔布斯已经钻进了车里,也没有开口道别,像个赌气的小孩子。艾瑞克也不介意,送两人离开,转身朝别墅走去,正好遇到双胞胎一人捧着一个盒子从庄园门口那边走来。 Sees the twin to arrive at the near, Eric asks at will: Clothes that you buy newly?” 看双胞胎走到近前,艾瑞克随意问道:“你们新买的衣服吗?” Left Natasha opened the box in hand to demonstrate toward Eric, said: Was the master and Boss evening's formal clothes, That side Ji Fanxi just delivered.” 左边的娜塔莎掀开手中的盒子朝艾瑞克展示了下,道:“是主人和老板晚上的礼服,纪梵希那边刚刚送过来的。” In Eric sees is one black western-style clothes, nodded, said: With, Oh, Drew awoke?” 艾瑞克看到里面是一套黑色西服,点了点头,道:“拿进去吧,,德鲁醒了没有?” Does not know, when we come out with the clothes, Boss is still falling asleep.” “不知道,我们出来拿衣服时,老板还在睡着。” Eric looked at the watch, time just passed afternoon two o'clock, few days ago, when Eric attended the Chris wedding in Maryland, the girl also flies Europe to deploy that distribution of «Casino Royale», is only earlier than for day to return to Los Angeles Eric, for these days was also at the time difference confused stage, every noon will rest several hours of afternoon nap. 艾瑞克看了看手表,时间才刚刚过了下午两点钟,前些日子,艾瑞克在马里兰州参加克里斯婚礼时,丫头也飞去了欧洲部署《007之皇家赌场》的发行工作,只比艾瑞克早一天回到洛杉矶,这几天还处于时差错乱的阶段,每天中午都会睡几个小时午觉。 This thinks that this will spend in the afternoon in entertaining Larry Ellison and Steve on Jobs, has not thought that Jobs will have thrown the carrying pole in an instant. 本以为这个下午都会花费在招待拉里埃里森史蒂夫乔布斯上,没想到乔布斯会转眼就撂了挑子。 Leads the twin to enter the villa, Eric has not gone to the sleep that disturbs the girl, but entered the study room to read «Iron Man» script that Marvel had just completed. 带着双胞胎走进别墅,艾瑞克并没有去打扰丫头的睡眠,而是钻进了书房读起了漫威刚刚完成的《钢铁侠剧本 So to afternoon four o'clock, after the girl gets out of bed, they change the formal clothes, embarks to rush to the Hollywood walk of fame together. 如此一只到下午四点钟,丫头起床后,两人换上礼服,一起出发赶往好莱坞星光大道。 Tonight will be Firefly summer the files first part big piece «Con Air» premiere, the movie also screens in The Day After Tomorrow and Paramount animation «The Lion King 2». 今晚是萤火虫暑期档第一部大片《空中监狱》的首映礼,影片将在后天派拉蒙动画的《狮子王2》同时上映。 «Con Air» simple, the story that is one shuts in the veteran in prison to be loaded into after the manslaughter carried the airplane of unpardonably wicked murderer has. However, story idea, although is ingenious, but the core has imitated «Die Hard» this kind of dauntless man acting movie as before. 空中监狱》简单来讲,是一个因为过失杀人被关进监狱的退役军人被装进了满载十恶不赦凶犯的飞机之后发生的故事。不过,故事构思虽然巧妙,但核心依旧模仿了《虎胆龙威》这类硬汉动作电影。 Said, Eric does not favor this traditional Hollywood individualistic heroism movie the business potential . Moreover, since 《Charlie's Angels》 and «Mr. & Mrs. Smith» , etc. used had the sense of beauty and East of visual impact strength acts to design, the North America movie fan also gradually lost the interest to this traditional type movement movie obviously. 说真的,艾瑞克并不是太看好这种传统好莱坞个人英雄主义影片的商业潜力,而且,自从《霹雳娇娃》、《史密斯夫妇》等采用了更具美感和视觉冲击力的东方动作设计以来,北美影迷显然也对这种传统类型的动作影片逐渐失去了兴趣。 However, as the Firefly Group scale is getting bigger and bigger, Eric is impossible to have enough energy to meddle the manufactures of all movies again, transfers the movie-making authority to Film Studio suitably is the inevitable matter. This summer files Firefly this Film Studio three movies, «Con Air» and «Finding Nemo» and «George of the Jungle», as well as «Bad Boys 2» and of «Final Destination 2» new line, strict, except for the initial project verification, in detailed manufacture, Eric excessively has not meddled. 不过,随着萤火虫集团的规模越来越大,艾瑞克也不可能再有足够的精力插手所有影片的制作,适当地将制片权力下放给旗下制片厂是必然的事情。今年暑期档萤火虫本部制片厂的三部电影,《空中监狱》、《海底总动员》和《泰山森林》,以及新线的《绝地战警2》和《死神来了2》,严格来说,除了最初的项目审核,在详细的制作方面,艾瑞克都没有过多插手。 «Con Air» by the Bruckheimer movie-making, Box Office rallying point abundant Cage holds the post to act the leading role in recent years, the production cost also very well controls in 75 million USD, in addition the Firefly formidable marketing and release offensive, the movie recoups the cost on global Box Office and has the difficulty of profit not to be big. 空中监狱》由布鲁克海默制片,最近几年票房号召力正盛的凯奇担任主演,制作成本也很好地控制在7500万美元,再加上萤火虫强大的营销和发行攻势,影片在全球票房上收回成本并产生盈利的难度不大。 Because recently «Con Air» and «The Lion King 2» showdown was fried fiery by the media, although two movies, because the theme reason basically does not have many competitive relations, but Firefly and Paramount both sides actually with a sudden burst to create various topics, movie premiere important activity naturally cannot let off. 由于最近《空中监狱》和《狮子王2》的对决被媒体炒得火热,虽然两部影片由于题材缘故基本上不存在多少竞争关系,但萤火虫派拉蒙双方却都卯足了劲儿制造各种话题,电影首映礼这种重要的活动自然不会放过。 Except that «Con Air» everybody Lord to create, tonight similarly has massively relates quite intimate big star to come to support with Firefly Group, on red carpet the star light is radiant. Reason that Eric brings Drew to attend the «Con Air» premiere, similarly because of this reason. 除了《空中监狱》的各位主创,今晚同样有大量与萤火虫集团关系比较亲近的大牌明星前来捧场,红毯上可谓星光璀璨。艾瑞克之所以带着德鲁来参加《空中监狱》的首映礼,也同样是因为这种原因。 Perhaps with Michael cooperation appears very convenient, Bruckheimer this time has begun using advertising reel Director Simon West holds the post of «Con Air» Director, naturally, these have the promotion relations of Eric. After all, does not have the permission of Eric, Bruckheimer is impossible to appoint new person Director to hold the post of the 75 million USD budget big manufacture movie Director. 或许是与迈克尔・贝的合作显得非常顺手,布鲁克海默这次又启用了一名广告片导演西蒙韦斯特担任《空中监狱》的导演,当然,这其中也有艾瑞克的推动关系。毕竟,没有艾瑞克的许可,布鲁克海默也不可能任命一个新人导演担任7500万美元预算的大制作影片导演 Reason that so, because Simon the West book is original «Con Air» Director. Eric enough energy again in detail has not meddled all movies of Firefly now, built former staff without doubt has become a very safe insurance. 之所以如此,还是因为西蒙韦斯特本就是原版空中监狱》的导演艾瑞克现在没有足够的精力再详细插手萤火虫旗下的所有影片,那么,打造‘原班人马’无疑就成了一道非常稳妥的保险。 Eric is bringing Drew, in six o'clock arrive in Hollywood the guo big theater, just passed through red carpet, Jerry Bruckheimer is then bringing Simon West greeted. In memory, Simon although West is not considered as that Director of high production, «Con Air» and that «Ancient grave Li Shade» and «Dare-to-die corps 2» but he directs and other movies are very high-grossing commercial films. 艾瑞克带着德鲁在六点钟到达好莱坞中囯大剧院,刚刚走过红毯,杰瑞布鲁克海默便带着西蒙韦斯特过来打招呼。记忆中,西蒙韦斯特虽然不算是高产的导演,但他执导的《空中监狱》、《古墓丽影》和《敢死队2》等电影都是非常卖座的商业片。 Everybody stood in the red carpet end chatted a while, what Eric came was quite early, was impossible to stand on red carpet, together will enter the theater, transmitted light scratching with the finger to move, turns head to look, wore the tall and slender form of red formal clothes to suspend POSE on red carpet satisfactory. 大家站在红毯尽头聊了一会儿,艾瑞克来的算是比较早,不可能一直站在红毯上,正要一起进入剧院内部,身后传来了淡淡的搔动,扭头望去,一个身穿红色礼服的高挑身影正在红毯上美美地摆着POSE。 Girl named Helena Chris Teng Sen, similarly is one of the Victoria’s Secret supermodel, in wife who in this time «Con Air» plays the Cage role. 女郎名叫海伦娜・克里斯滕森,同样是维密超模的一员,在这次的《空中监狱》里饰演凯奇角色的妻子。 Under handling of Emily, the Victoria’s Secret regiment operational mechanism recent is getting more and more mature, the quota of Victoria’s Secret supermodel also no longer frequent replace like previous life. Moreover, even if the ordinary Victoria’s Secret angel is unable to obtain the five spokesman such treatments , the resources and exposure that lead but to other professional model of field, they can obtain as before are much more, accordingly, even if participates in the Victoria’s Secret Catwalk wage not to be high, will little have the supermodel to give up the Victoria’s Secret angel status on own initiative. 艾米丽的打理下,维密军团最近几年的运作机制越来越成熟,维密超模的名额也不再像前世那样频繁替换。而且,即使普通的维密天使无法获得五位代言人那样的待遇,但相对于业界的其他模特,她们能够获得的资源和曝光率依旧多得多,相应的,即使参加维密走秀的薪水并不算高,也很少有超模会主动放弃维密天使身份。 Because the members of Victoria’s Secret regiment are quite fixed, with the coordination of Firefly, beside every year Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, LTD also starts to further enhance the influence of Victoria’s Secret regiment. 由于维密军团的成员比较固定,在萤火虫的配合下,每年的维密大秀之外,LTD也开始进一步提高维密军团的影响力。 In recent years is frequent the mirror in the Hollywood film and television play, is one of giving favored treatment the Victoria’s Secret angels can obtain. 最近几年在好莱坞影视剧中频繁出镜,便是维密天使们能够获得的优待之一。 To the audience surface very narrow fashionable circle, the influence of film and television circle is much bigger, if can beam with joy in some big pieces, even if very small role, the influence that has also landing some fashion magazine title pages is much bigger.( 相对于受众面很窄的时尚圈,影视圈的影响力要大得多,如果能够在一些大片中露脸,即使是非常小的角色,产生的影响力也比登陆一些时尚杂志封面要大得多。(
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