IAIH :: Volume #9

#867: Unstabilizing factor

The three days of time after wedding, Eric and more than ten management of Firefly system started three days of time's conferences in a farm vacant barn, the subject of conference is not too official, Eric at first has been giving the people one ‚the digitized life of age of the Internet the subject, making all people act according to oneself to govern the domain that the enterprise involves to prepare a related speech separately, then everybody discussed extemporaneously. 婚礼后的三天时间,艾瑞克萤火虫体系的十多位高管在农场一间空置的谷仓内开始了三天时间的会议,会议的主题并不算太正式,艾瑞克只是在最初给了众人一个‘互联网时代的数字化生活’的主题,让所有人根据自身掌管企业涉及的领域分别准备一篇相关的演讲,然后大家一起即兴讨论。 Firefly invested Cisco, AOL and Yahoo has formed a complete industry chain in the Internet science and technology, based on Qualcomm, Sprint and Nokia and other companies initially has completed similarly to the layout of future mobile Internet time, so long as Firefly invested these enterprises to realize the coordination cooperation perfectly, and for a long time maintained the powerful market niche at the corresponding domain, future Firefly will control one to being possible be called the terror high-tech business empire huge, this business empire is doomed to as small to have the influence in aspects to the global normal treatment economic pattern as the life style of average person in a big way. 萤火虫投资旗下的思科美国在线雅虎已经在互联网科技方面形成了一条完整的产业链,基于高通、Sprint和诺基亚等公司的对未来移动互联网时代的布局同样已经初步完成,只要萤火虫投资旗下这些企业能够完美地实现协同合作,并在相应领域长期保持强势的市场地位,那么,未来的萤火虫将控制一家庞大到堪称恐怖的高科技商业帝国,这一商业帝国注定会对大到全球正治经济格局小到普通人的生活方式产生方方面面的影响。 However, in these three days of conference processes, Eric has discovered similarly also the unstabilizing factor in Firefly system. 不过,在这三天的会议过程中,艾瑞克同样也发现了萤火虫体系内的不稳定因素。 On May 24, after this was conference ended the second day, John Chambers and Ian Gonul and the others acted according to the wedding Clinton's invitation to hurry to the White House to attend the banquet on the same day. Eric and Chris have not actually gone to collect this liveliness. 5月24日,这是会议结束后的第二天,约翰钱伯斯伊恩・格尼尔等人都根据婚礼当天克林頓的邀请赶去了白宫参加宴会。艾瑞克克里斯却没有去凑这个热闹。 In a village surrounding flake pasture, Eric and Chris depend together in the railing of pasture surrounding look to not far away. 农庄外围一小片牧场内,艾瑞克克里斯一起靠在牧场外围的围栏上看向不远处。 Jeffrey is pulling a small colt to stroll in the pasture personally, Emma rides excited on the horseback brandishes the small hand, Joanna is protecting carefully in the one side, Emily and Virginia leads another two kids to stand in the nearby chats. 杰弗里正亲自牵着一匹小马驹在草场上漫步,艾玛兴奋不已地骑在马背上挥舞着小手,乔安娜小心地护在一旁,艾米丽维吉尼娅则带着另外两个小家伙站在附近聊天。 Looked at a while warm scene peacefully, Eric has patted has clapped that volume of thick council book, this was in the beforehand three days of conferences Eric let several assistant dynamic memories the conference content, AOL CEO Steve Kyes that ‚the media developing advantage of Internet enterprise the speech, then lets the Eric worried object. 安静地望了一会儿这副温馨的场景,艾瑞克才拍了拍手中那册厚厚的会议记录,这是之前三天会议上艾瑞克让几位助理实时记录下来的会议内容,其中美国在线CEO史蒂夫・凯斯那篇‘互联网企业的传媒化发展优势’的演讲,便是让艾瑞克苦恼的对象。 In initial layout plan, what AOL information industries alliance in plan must undertake in initially that is the Network Service Provider role. The AOL future development direction should also toward AT-T such comprehensive telecom operator diligently, Eric even and Steve Kyes has discussed that hopes AOL in the next few years, can merge Verizon or one of them of Sprint these two established telecommunication companies, if possible, but can also expand to cable television operator. 最初的布局计划中,美国在线在当初那份‘信息产业联盟’计划中要承担的是网络服务提供商的角色。美国在线未来的发展方向也应该是向着AT-T这样的综合性电信运营商方面努力,艾瑞克甚至和史蒂夫・凯斯谈过,希望美国在线未来几年,能够并购Verizon或者Sprint这两家老牌电信公司的其中之一,可能的话,还可以向有线电视运营商方面扩张。 Because clear the web portal, online mailbox and other Internet services to the bubble boost function of AOL stock price, Eric initially will not have limited AOL to develop the service in this aspect in the next few years, even spare no effort has also provided many technical support. At present, pure web portal and other online service, concentrate on this domain Yahoo market share achieves 70%, follows is AOL, the market share about 10%, the successor who Microsoft , etc. late enters the stadium shares final 20%. 由于清楚门户网站、在线邮箱等互联网业务未来几年对美国在线股价的泡沫式助推作用,艾瑞克当初并没有限制美国在线发展这方面的业务,甚至还不遗余力地提供了很多技术支持。目前,单纯的门户网站等在线业务方面,专注于这一领域的雅虎市场份额达到70%,紧随其后的便是美国在线,市场份额在10%左右,微软等较晚入场的后来者分享最后的20%。 But perhaps received recent years the stimulation of Internet concept crazy eruption, from Steve Kyes's speech can see that he clearly favors letting AOL Royal Court content provider develops, even is moves toward in the original space and time to annex the Time Warner old route, making AOL a comprehensive Internet media group. 但或许是受到最近几年互联网概念疯狂爆发的刺激,从史蒂夫・凯斯的这篇演讲就可以看出,他明显更倾向于让美国在线朝内容提供商方面发展,甚至是走向原时空中吞并时代华纳的老路,让美国在线成为一家综合性的互联网传媒集团。 Although has series Hollywood thoughts, but Eric actually does not hope to see the occurrence of this aspect. 虽然有着一统好莱坞的心思,但艾瑞克却也根本就不希望看到这种局面的发生。 Nobody is clearer than him, at present the prosperous Internet industry is only a piece of grand bubble, in the memory, because deviated at the first Network Service Provider development path, after AOL can be said as the Internet bubble bursts, falls from the sky a quickest company. 没有人比他更清楚,眼下繁荣的互联网产业只是一片盛大的泡沫,记忆中,由于偏离了最初网络服务提供商的发展轨迹,美国在线可以说是互联网泡沫破裂之后,陨落最快的一家公司。 What is more important, once AOL deviates the established path, the industry chain layout that Eric these years build carefully around the middle will present one fault. 更重要的是,一旦美国在线偏离既定轨迹,艾瑞克这些年来精心打造的产业链布局就将拦腰出现一个‘断层’。 Calculates these matters, Eric first is opening the mouth saying: Closed the stock price before yesterday, the AOL market value already over 20 billion USD?” 盘算着这些事情,艾瑞克首先开口道:“根据昨天收盘前的股价,美国在线的市值已经超过200亿美元了吧?” Chris nods, said: „When yesterday the closing stock price was 138 USD, the stock quantity that total market value 20 700 million, we had was the 45 million stock, as before was 30%. Oh, should clover that side also buy in much?” 克里斯点头,道:“昨天收盘时的股价是138美元,总市值207亿,我们持有的股票数量是4500万股,依旧是30%。,三叶草那边应该也吸纳了不少吧?” Eric thinks that said: That side has the more than 3 million stock probably.” 艾瑞克想了想,道:“那边大概有300多万股。” This is 32%, but, we, although is the first major stockholder, but has not controlled stock absolutely,” Chris said: According to the AOL current market value, we were impossible to put out enough fund pursue absolute holding power.” “这就是32%,不过,我们虽然是第一大股东,但并没有绝对控股,”克里斯说道:“按照美国在线目前的市值,我们也不可能拿出足够的资金追求绝对控股权了。” Eric also reveals the forced smile, initially had not gripped tightly AOL in the hand, this is a fault. 艾瑞克也露出苦笑,当初没有将美国在线紧紧握在手中,这算是一次失误。 At first when buys stock AOL, a lot only started, Eric simply does not have now this ambition, even holds the congenial mentality to invest to a great extent, expected the opposite party when the stock price rises sharply undersells the stock arbitrage. 最初入股美国在线时,很多事情都才刚刚起步,艾瑞克根本没有现在这种野心,甚至很大程度上只是抱着投机的心态进行投资,期望对方在股价大涨时抛售股票套利。 The initial decision also strives for the AOL domination to leave the hidden troubles to the present. 当初的决定也对现在争夺美国在线的控制权埋下隐患。 At present, obviously be welcome compared with relatively traditional telecommunication service by the investor with the Internet related service, therefore, if Steve Kyes acts willfully to persist in developing the network media service, even if as the AOL first major stockholder, Eric does not dare 100% guarantees to be able Steve Kyes catches up with the CEO position. 眼下,与互联网相关的业务显然要比相对传统的电信业务更加受到投资者的欢迎,因此,如果史蒂夫・凯斯一意孤行才坚持发展网络传媒业务,即使作为美国在线的第一大股东,艾瑞克也不敢100保证能够将史蒂夫・凯斯赶下CEO的位置。 Shaking the head of self-ridicules, Eric asked that Chris said: If we now Steve Kyes expels AOL, captures the domination, can have the big assurance probably?” 自嘲的摇了摇头,艾瑞克克里斯道:“如果我们现在把史蒂夫・凯斯赶出美国在线,夺取控制权,大概能有多大把握?” Chris is knocking wooden stake, thinks that said: Is less than 40%, the AOL present development momentum is very strong, Board of Directors will not agree that we wage a war to the management.” 克里斯敲着身旁的木桩,想了想,道:“不到四成吧,美国在线现在的发展势头很强劲,董事会不会同意我们对管理层大动干戈。” A situation excellence of AOL, Eric does not want to make the news that the management and major stockholder do not gather similarly. 美国在线的形势一片大好,艾瑞克同样不想闹出管理层与大股东不合的新闻来。 However, if according to Steve Kyes's development idea, once AOL concentrates on is blown up by the bubble, but the Internet media service of too great development prospect, has not waited for the bubble burst actually, AOL stock that Firefly has also by rapid striking back prototype. Although Yahoo at present has a large part of energy to place in the Internet media content similarly, but localization of Eric to Yahoo is a science company, Yahoo in secret the search engine service of layout will be the future of this company, but AOL of survival basic web-based access is unable to reform to this aspect obviously, Eric will not allow AOL to reform to this aspect. 但是,如果按照史蒂夫・凯斯的发展思路,一旦美国在线专注于被泡沫吹胀起来但实际并没有太大发展前景的互联网传媒业务,等泡沫破裂,萤火虫持有的美国在线股票也将被迅速打回原型。雅虎目前虽然同样有很大一部分精力放在互联网媒体内容上,但艾瑞克雅虎的定位一直都是一家科技公司,雅虎一直在暗中布局的搜索引擎业务才是这家公司的未来,但生存根本基于网络接入服务的美国在线显然无法向这方面转型,艾瑞克也不会允许美国在线向这方面转型。 Hesitant a while, Eric also asked: That, if we will choose the leverage to withdraw in the next few years?” 犹豫了一会儿,艾瑞克又问道:“那,如果我们未来几年选择套现退出呢?” If cannot control the AOL development direction finally, when the stock price is in the top digit chooses the leverage to withdraw, without doubt is the best result. 如果最终不能控制美国在线的发展方向,在股价处于高位时选择套现退出,无疑是最好的结果。 „The stock total value in our hands having surpasses 6 billion USD, this stock wants to get rid, will undersell in the circulation market will directly have very big impact on the stock price, the best method will be the selecting mechanism takes over a business, but will involve to 6 billion USD enormous capitals, this similarly will not be an easy matter.” Chris shakes the head to smile, then also said: Let alone, according to the current situation, the AOL stock price is also far from reaching the peak, the next 1-2 years, this 30% stock values will be the sky-high prices.” “我们手中持有的股票总价值超过60亿美元,这笔股票想要出手,直接在流通市场抛售会对股价造成很大的冲击,最好的方法就是选择机构接盘,但涉及到60亿美元的庞大资金,这同样不是一件容易的事情。”克里斯摇头笑了笑,接着又道:“更何况,根据目前的形势,美国在线的股价还远远没有达到巅峰,未来一两年时间,这30%的股票市值将更是天价。” In the memory, the market value of AOL peak surpasses 160 billion USD, looks like in Eric, bubble degree even over 80%. Therefore, even if can leverage 10% stocks when the top digit, Eric is also content. If can leverage 16 billion USD huge funds, after the Internet bubble bursts, Eric can make up for the AOL deviation track by this sum of money as before to the harm that the Firefly information industries alliance plan causes. 记忆中,美国在线巅峰时期的市值超过1600亿美元,在艾瑞克看来,这其中的泡沫程度甚至超过80%。因此,哪怕在高位时能够套现10%的股票,艾瑞克也就知足了。如果能够套现出160亿美元的巨额资金,互联网泡沫破裂之后,艾瑞克依旧可以凭借这笔钱弥补美国在线偏离轨道对萤火虫信息产业联盟计划造成的损害。 Naturally, if AOL can according to the Firefly system established track development, even if will encounter the impact that the Internet bubble bursts in the future as before, Eric will not choose the leverage. 当然,如果美国在线能够按照萤火虫体系既定的轨道发展,即使将来依旧会遭到互联网泡沫破裂的冲击,艾瑞克也不会选择套现。 However, these definitely were the 1-2 years later matters. 不过,这些肯定都将是一两年之后的事情了。 consider as finished, how Steve will do did not have the conclusion eventually, we should better be us to be able now to do.” 算了,史蒂夫到底会怎么做终究还没有定论,我们现在最好做我们能做的。” The Chris nod said: I will then take some measures to win over in Board of Directors other shareholder representatives' support, when necessary, we will strive for Steve as far as possible Kyes replaces. Moreover, cooperation of AOL and Yahoo in many aspect are close, you thought that needs to carry on the limit in this aspect to it?” 克里斯点头道:“我接下来会采取一些措施拉拢董事会里其他股东代表的支持,如果有必要,我们会尽可能争取将史蒂夫・凯斯撤换掉。另外,美国在线雅虎在很多方面的合作都非常紧密,你觉得需要在这方面对其进行限制吗?” Does not use, AOL cannot pose the threat to Yahoo,” Eric shakes the head, said: Limits AOL, will only affect our interests, will also give other competitors to create the opportunity.” “不用,美国在线雅虎构不成威胁,”艾瑞克摇头,道:“限制美国在线,只会影响到我们本身的利益,还会给其他竞争对手制造机会。” Good, that temporarily this.” “好吧,那暂时就这样。” Although has 30% voting rights in AOL Board of Directors, but finally, Eric decided whatever temporarily AOL barbaric growth, must look that Steve Kyes will make what choice finally. If the enemy persists in developing network media service, Firefly will attempt to replace the opposite party. If replaces the management failure, Firefly will choose to withdraw before the bubble burst as far as possible. 虽然在美国在线董事会有着30%的投票权,但最终,艾瑞克还是决定暂时任由美国在线‘野蛮生长’,一切都要看史蒂夫・凯斯最终会作何选择。如果对方坚持发展网络传媒业务,萤火虫会尝试将对方撤换掉。如果更换管理层失败,萤火虫将会尽可能在泡沫破裂之前选择退出。 Naturally, if Steve Kyes makes AOL develop to the established path, the result nature is happy, after all, purchases a traditional telecom operator, after the bubble burst, AOL can continue maintains oneself in the Network Service Provider domain strong status, meanwhile can develop to two-way charges for cellular phones and other aspects the service. But if the inverse image space and time such merges Time Warner, once the bubble burst, basically is unable compatible AOL to be doomed to fall from the sky the rapid trend with the Time Warner itself service. 当然,如果史蒂夫・凯斯让美国在线向既定轨迹发展,结局自然皆大欢喜,毕竟,收购一家传统的电信运营商,泡沫破裂之后,美国在线才能够继续保持自身在网络服务提供商领域的强势地位,同时还可以将业务向移动通讯等方面拓展。但如果像原时空那样并购时代华纳,一旦泡沫破裂,与时代华纳本身业务基本上无法兼容的美国在线注定将迅速走向陨落。 Also stayed for two days in Maryland, Eric returned to Los Angeles on May 27. 又在马里兰州停留了两天,艾瑞克在5月27日返回洛杉矶 At this time, 1997 North America summer files have begun. 此时,1997年度北美暑期档已经拉开序幕。 This summer the files North America introduction movie should be Luc Besson arranges many years of «Fifth Element», this science fiction big piece spends the 450 million franc, converts into USD near 90 million, is a far Europe production cost highest movie. 今年暑期档北美的开篇影片应该算是吕克贝松筹备多年的《第五元素》,这部科幻大片耗资4.5亿法郎,折合美元将近9000万,属于到目前为止欧洲制作成本最高的一部电影。 Before North America screens, «Fifth Element» one after another opened the picture in Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America and other areas, and obtained has also calculated the good Box Office result. 北美上映之前,《第五元素》就已经在欧洲东南亚、拉美等地区陆续开画,并且取得了还算不错的票房成绩。 As a result of both sides initially the cooperation in «Léon: The Professional» aspect, Gaumont Film Company hopes Firefly can continue the North America release of «Fifth Element». 由于双方当初在《这个杀手不太冷》方面的合作,高蒙电影公司原本希望萤火虫能够承接《第五元素》的北美发行。 Just, Eric does not favor this movie the business potential, in the memory the reputation of this movie is the polarization, Box Office thinks completely will not be good. Let alone, copyright of movie in the Gaumont Film Company hand, only undertakes a movie North America distributor role merely, does not serve the Firefly benefit, therefore Eric has chosen the rejection. 只不过,艾瑞克并不看好这部影片的商业潜力,记忆中这部电影的口碑完全是两极分化,票房想必不会太好。更何况,电影的版权高蒙电影公司手中,仅仅只承担一部影片北美发行商这种角色,并不符合萤火虫的利益,于是艾瑞克选择了拒绝。 Eventually is a special effect big piece, although Firefly is not interested in the distribution rights, Eric introduced it to Fox. If there is completed the announcement work, such one in recent years quite popular CG special effect movie, North America Box Office broken hundred million are very relaxed. Fox and Gaumont Film Company not, in the release is divided on achieves consistently, finally, the distribution rights fell in the Sony Film Industry hand. 终究是一部特效大片,虽然萤火虫对发行权不感兴趣,艾瑞克还是将其介绍给了福克斯。如果做好了宣发工作,这样一部最近几年颇受欢迎的CG特效电影,北美票房破亿还是非常轻松的。只是福克斯高蒙电影公司并没有在发行分成上达成一致,最终,发行权落到了索尼影业手中。 Then, Gaumont Film Company obviously by pit. 然后,高蒙电影公司明显就被坑了。 Because «Godzilla» will screen in this summer files similarly, Sony Film Industry almost all release resources uses at super monster movie that in this was placed the great expectations, «Fifth Element» not only cannot obtain the golden running schedules of six July, is unable compares by far with Sony one's own «Godzilla» in movie marketing scale. 由于《哥斯拉》同样将在这个暑期档上映,索尼影业几乎将所有的发行资源都用在了这部被寄予厚望的超级怪兽电影上,《第五元素》不但没能获得六七月份的黄金档期,在影片营销规模方面更是远远无法与索尼亲生的《哥斯拉》相比。 Finally, «Fifth Element» after on May 16 screens, first week Box Office only then 2 more than 2 million USD, as a result of this type congenitally deficient condition, movie next week Box Office decline range, although, only then weak 30%, but considered that in June big piece bombing of continually, «Fifth Element» North America Box Office likely stays in 60 million to 70 million, is unable to achieve anticipation of Gaumont Film Company by far. Displays the unfavorable situation in North America this most important Box Office market, Gaumont Film Company wants to recoup the 90 million USD production cost, hopes also to appear very uncertain. 最终,《第五元素》在5月16日上映之后,首周票房只有2200多万美元,由于这种‘先天不足’的状况,电影次周票房跌幅虽然只有微弱的30%,但考虑到紧接着六月份大片的连番轰炸,《第五元素》的北美票房很可能停留在6000万7000万之间,远远无法达到高蒙电影公司的预期。在北美这个最重要的票房市场上表现失利,高蒙电影公司想要收回9000万美元的制作成本,希望也显得非常渺茫。 The «Fifth Element» bitter experience actually is also one of reasons the Europe commercial movie is unable to start. 《第五元素》的遭遇其实也是欧洲商业电影无法兴起的原因之一。 Europe UK , France, virtue and other country's the film market capacities are limited, is unable to support a survival of large-scale Film Studio, Gaumont Film Company, although is French first big commercial Film Studio, but in Hollywood, the Gaumont Film Company scale can only be 23. Even if such Film Studio in the United States native place, is not enough to support the manufacture and release of «Fifth Element» this scale movie, Gaumont Film Company as an outcomer, wants to obtain successfully is difficult. 欧洲英、法、德等国家本身的电影市场容量非常有限,根本无法支撑一家大型电影公司的生存,高蒙电影公司虽然是法国第一大商业电影制作公司,但在好莱坞,高蒙电影公司的规模只能算是23线。这样的电影公司哪怕是在美国本土,都不足以支撑《第五元素》这种规模影片的制作和发行,高蒙电影公司作为一个外来者,想要获得成功更是难上加难。 Eric returned to Los Angeles, Firefly summer files first part movie «Con Air» soon officially will also screen on May 30, in the meantime, this movie also with «The Lion King 2» positive showdown of Paramount manufacture. 艾瑞克回到洛杉矶,萤火虫暑期档的第一部影片《空中监狱》也即将在5月30日正式上映,同时,这部影片还将会与派拉蒙制作的《狮子王2》正面对决。 Some media have not forgotten early this month about the «The Lion King 2» bitter experience to the information that Firefly and Fox jointly force out obviously, all people are anticipating «Con Air» and result of «The Lion King 2» confrontation. 一些媒体显然还没有忘记月初关于《狮子王2》遭遇到萤火虫福克斯联合封杀的信息,所有人都期待着《空中监狱》与《狮子王2》交锋的结果。 However, the Eric thoughts have not changed to movie thoroughly, welcomed two visitors from San Francisco, Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs. 不过,艾瑞克心思还没有彻底转到电影方面,就迎来了两位来自旧金山的访客,拉里埃里森史蒂夫乔布斯
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