IAIH :: Volume #9

#866: One cent cannot be few

The Sony phonograph record and BMG, hundred generations of three companies encourage the charge that music piracy dissemination filed to be rejected by the San Francisco federal court on the grounds of Fireflyer, indicates that this model of electronic products had the official legitimate market niche. By Fireflyer player irresistible development momentum, the traditional portable music player manufacturer is almost doomed by intensely even the ruinous impact. 索尼唱片、BMG、百代三家公司以Fireflyer助长盗版音乐传播为由提起的诉讼被旧金山联邦法院驳回,也就预示着这款电子产品拥有了正式的合法市场地位。以Fireflyer播放器势不可挡的发展势头,传统便携式音乐播放器厂商几乎注定会受到强烈的甚至毁灭性的冲击。 Receives the stimulation of this news, in the morning the New York stock market just the opening price, the traditional portable music player manufacturer stock price headed by Sony then presented obvious lowering, when to the western time nine o'clock, the San Francisco federal court holds the press conference to announce that in the morning officially this news, the Sony stock price fell 2.7%, in several hours, vanishes into thin air near 1.5 billion USD market value. What coincidence is, finance and economics class newspaper «Wall Street Daily» of field authority, to Firefly electron latent estimate value 1.5 billion USD. 受到这条消息的刺激,上午纽约证券交易所刚刚开盘,以索尼为首的传统便携式音乐播放器厂商股价便出现了明显的下挫,待到西部时间上午九点钟,旧金山联邦法院正式召开新闻发布会宣布这条消息,索尼的股价已经下跌了2.7%,几个小时内,将近15亿美元的市值化为乌有。巧合的是,业界权威的财经类报纸华尔街日报》,对萤火虫电子的潜在估值正是15亿美元 Although the Firefly electron is not the listed company, but this news in disguised form has displayed on the stock market. That was the field first develops the Seagate science company of 1 inch micro hard disk. 虽然萤火虫电子并非上市公司,但这条消息还是变相地在股市上表现了出来。那便是业界首先开发出了1英寸微硬盘的希捷科技公司。 In the initial request development deal stipulated that the Firefly electron enjoyed from the company issued first after micro hard disk relevant product to a micro hard disk three years of monopoly authority, accordingly, the Firefly electron must first purchase the micro hard disk product from the Seagate science company. 当初的委托开发协议中规定,萤火虫电子享有自公司发布第一款与微硬盘相关产品之后对微硬盘三年时间的独占权力,相应的,萤火虫电子也必须优先从希捷科技公司采购微硬盘产品。 In biggest the mechanical hard disk manufacturer as the original space and time, Seagate this time strength is unable to compare with traditional the IBM, Hitachi, Toshiba and other technical giants by far. Last year a all year, mechanical hard disk quantity of delivery of Seagate also only then the 5 million block, did not arrive at mechanical hard disk overall market share 10%. 作为原时空中最大的机械硬盘厂商,希捷此时的实力远远无法与传统的IBM、日立、东芝等科技巨头相比。去年一整年,希捷的机械硬盘出货量也只有500万块,不到机械硬盘整体市场份额的10%。 Although the research and development difficulty of micro hard disk is not big, perhaps IBM and other technical inside story deep hard disk manufacturers only need six months, can put out the mature product, but because has seized the opportunity ahead of time, has with the first goods supply agreement of Firefly electron, the Seagate science company, will be doomed becomes the main supplier of Fireflyer built-in micro hard disk in then several years, but the Fireflyer sales capacity can erupt to any degree, now almost does not have anybody to determine. Although micro hard disk price be cheaper than the traditional hard disk, but relies on the numerical advantage, the micro hard disk service of Seagate science company will even achieve with the traditional hard disk well-matched scale. 虽然微硬盘的研发难度并不算大,IBM等技术底蕴深厚的硬盘厂商或许只需要半年时间,就能够拿出成熟的产品来,但由于提前占领了先机,又有着与萤火虫电子的优先供货协议,希捷科技公司、注定会在接下来几年成为Fireflyer内置微硬盘的主要供货商,而Fireflyer的销售产能到底能爆发到什么程度,现在几乎没有任何人能够确定。虽然微硬盘价格要比传统硬盘便宜很多,但凭借数量优势,希捷科技公司的微硬盘业务甚至会达到与传统硬盘旗鼓相当的规模。 After same day a series of cover, while Sony and other traditional portable music equipment manufacturer stock prices lowered comprehensively, the stock price of Seagate science and technology actually amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, short morning time then rose suddenly 12%, perhaps was wants to further stimulate the stock price, Seagate science company CEO holds the release conference in that noon specially, had demonstrated to the media Seagate has researched and developed the successful 2 G capacity micro hard disk sample, and expressed that this model of product will use possibly the next generation Fireflyer player. 当天的一系列新闻发布之后,在索尼等传统便携式音乐设备厂商股价全面下挫的同时,希捷科技的股价却是一鸣惊人,短短一上午时间便暴涨了12%,或许是想要进一步刺激股价,希捷科技公司CEO在当天中午特意召开发布会,向媒体展示了希捷已经研发成功的2G容量微硬盘样品,并表示这款产品将可能使用到下一代Fireflyer播放器当中。 Receives the Fireflyer related news in the market, but when up and down fluctuating, but also had an unexpected small interlude, New York newspaper suddenly dug out initially the Firefly electron first to contact the IBM hope to entrust the opposite party to develop the news of micro hard disk, because finally the IBM Corporation arrogant and slow response, this cooperation invitation let it go finally. 在市场受到Fireflyer相关的新闻而上下起伏时,还发生了一件让人意想不到的小插曲,纽约的一份报纸竟然挖出了当初萤火虫电子首先接触IBM希望能够委托对方开发微硬盘的消息,结果由于IBM公司傲慢而迟钝的反应,这份合作邀请最终不了了之。 IBM in recent years under the new CEO Gerstner's leadership, although starts to recover, but the condition no longer in the past, currently has by initially support counter- ultra trend of Microsoft by far in the market value. Although the hard disk manufacture is only the edge service of IBM group, but this news disclosed the IBM group internal problem numerous information that actually have to let this traditional high tech giant prudently by right, IBM CEO Gerstner even personally appears before the media minor matter afterward to this argued. IBM最近几年在新任CEO郭士纳的领导下,虽然开始复苏,但境况却远远不复当年,现在更是有被当初扶持的微软在市值上反超的趋势。硬盘制造虽然只是IBM集团的边缘业务,但这条新闻透露出来的IBM集团内部问题重重的信息,却不得不让这家传统高科技巨头慎重以对,IBM的CEO郭士纳随后甚至亲自出现在媒体面前对这件‘小事’进行辩解。 Maryland, Jeffrey farm. 马里兰州,杰弗里的农场。 Various news that although will often be spread by the outside harass, but is similar to paradise little Xiaonongzhuang as before is presenting the jubilant atmosphere. 虽然不时会被外界传来的各种消息骚扰一番,但如同世外桃源般的小小农庄里依旧呈现着喜气洋洋的气氛。 The wedding will be held in Jeffrey house Dacaoping, to cater to the schedule of majority of guest, the wedding ceremony time elected at 11 : 00 am, but afternoon of alternative. The wedding scene in lawn was revolved by the fresh flower at this time, some people are still conducting the final inspection to the scene, in the air are fluttering the joyful flower fragrance. 婚礼将在杰弗里家房子后面的大草坪上举行,为了迎合大部分客人的日程安排,婚礼仪式时间选在了明天上午11点,而非传统的下午。草坪上的婚礼现场此时已经被鲜花围绕,一些人还在对现场进行最后的检查,空气中飘荡着让人愉悦的花香。 Eric and Chris are welcoming as before one after another guest of arrival together, except for in the guest who the tomorrow's same day will arrive, today will have some visitors from afar to catch up as before one after another, for example Katzenberg, Victor Maikenai, Bill Olsson, Jeff Beizuosi wait/etc.. 艾瑞克克里斯一起迎接着依旧陆续到来的宾客,除了会在明天当天到来的客人,今天依旧会有一些远客陆续赶来,比如卡森伯格,维克多・麦克奈利、比尔・奥尔森、杰夫・贝佐斯等等。 Although entered the summer, but the weather in village does not have any burning hot meaning. 虽然已经入夏,但农庄里的天气丝毫没有任何炎热的意思。 Has bustled about to afternoon two o'clock, has eaten a thing simply, in Eric is busy loafs arrives at behind in the villa lawn, here is carrying on the simple dress rehearsal to the wedding ceremony, naturally, is mainly to spending Tong Jietong the dress rehearsal. 一直忙碌到下午两点钟,简单吃了点东西,艾瑞克忙里偷闲地来到别墅后面的草坪上,这里正在对婚礼仪式进行简单的彩排,当然,主要是对花童戒童的彩排。 Although relates to be better with Emily, but Joanna and Virginia are not suitable to hold the post of the bridesmaid again, actually Joanna younger sister Eva Pacula will collect this liveliness. 虽然与艾米丽关系要好,但乔安娜维吉尼娅都不适合再担任伴娘,倒是乔安娜的妹妹爱娃・帕库拉会凑一下这个热闹。 Eric is two women considered, declined the role of Chris chief best man, has given a Chris younger male cousin it. However, three kids will hold the post of the colored child and abstention child in wedding. 艾瑞克为两个女人考虑,也推辞了克里斯首席伴郎的角色,将其让给了克里斯的一个表弟。不过,三个小家伙都会担任婚礼上的花童和戒童。 In lawn, except for Joanna and Virginia several people, Jeffrey and Emily parental Jack Brighton and Melissa Brighton at the scene, the other relatives of some surroundings also both sides, the people with a face all smiles is also surrounding the performances of 56 kids. 草坪上,除了乔安娜维吉尼娅几人,杰弗里艾米丽的父母杰克布莱顿梅丽莎布莱顿也都在现场,周围还有一些双方的其他亲属,众人都笑容满面地围观着56个小家伙的表演。 Eric and Jeffrey several people greeted, arrives at side Virginia and Joanna sits down, looks in the central gangway, the wedding master is coaxing one group of not law-abiding kids exhaustively, asks Virginia: Spent Tong Jietong not to be good with one pair, won't these many kids, go wrong tomorrow?” 艾瑞克杰弗里几人打了声招呼,走到维吉尼娅乔安娜身边坐下,看着中间过道里,婚礼司仪绞尽脑汁地哄着一群不安分的小家伙,笑着问维吉尼娅:“用一对花童戒童不就好了吗,这么多小家伙,明天不会出乱子吧?” This matter, even if a small calamity, everybody also smiles on the past,” Virginia explained the sentence, adds in a low voice: These many relatives and friends, only use two children, is not good to arrange.” “这种事情,就算出点小乱子,大家也都笑笑就过去了,”维吉尼娅解释了句,又低声补充道:“这么多亲朋,只用两个孩子,不好安排的。” Eric nodded, while people attention on the kids, put out a hand to hug the waist of Virginia, asked with a smile: Envies?” 艾瑞克点了点头,趁着众人注意力都在小家伙们身上,伸手搂了搂维吉尼娅的腰肢,笑着问道:“羡慕吗?” Virginia has turned head, stares at Eric, the corners of the mouth is having the smile, said: Envied, what to do did you plan?” 维吉尼娅扭过头来,盯着艾瑞克,嘴角带着微笑,道:“羡慕死了,你打算怎么办?” Or we also hold a wedding, I have not taken the wedding pictures of three people, you and Joan together.” “要不我们也办一场婚礼,我还没有拍过三个人的结婚照呢,你和一起。” Bah, your this bastard, is disinclined to toss about with you,” Virginia spat one lowly, has relied on relying on to Eric, lifted the left hand to shake on the ring finger that only to mount the rose gold ring of ruby, said: I and Joan reached an agreement, if you will not be good to several of us in the future, both of us were bringing Kevin and Xiaxia go to Europe, forever no longer saw you.” “呸,你这个混蛋,懒得跟你折腾,”维吉尼娅低低啐了一口,又向艾瑞克身上倚了倚,抬起左手晃了晃无名指上那只镶嵌着红宝石的玫瑰金戒指,道:“我和商量好了呢,如果将来你对我们几个不好,我们俩就带着凯文夏夏欧洲,永远都不再见你。” Eric said with a smile: „Do you also secretly conspire this matter?” 艾瑞克笑道:“你们俩还偷偷密谋这种事情?” Yes,” Virginia white Eric, said: Moreover, the maintenance allowance you must pay, one year of 1 billion USD, one cent cannot be few.” “是啊,”维吉尼娅白了艾瑞克一眼,道:“而且,赡养费你还是要付的,一年十亿美金,一美分都不能少。” Wow,” the Eric whole face shock, expression shivering said: How this digit do you calculate?” 哇哦,”艾瑞克满脸‘震惊’,语气‘颤抖’地说道:“这个数字你们是怎么算出来的?” Virginia is very righteous: Naturally calculates casually.” 维吉尼娅很是理直气壮:“当然是随便算出来的。” I, if doesn't give?” “我要是不给呢?” I and Joan together give Xiaxia and Kevin look for new Papa.” “我和就一起给夏夏凯文找个新爸爸。” Eric raises hand to surrender immediately: Good, I admit defeat.” 艾瑞克立刻举手投降:“好吧,我认输。” Has listened to Joanna that they were talking in a soft voice to put out a hand to hit, the gentle voice said with a smile: Do not talk nonsense.” 一直听着两人轻声对话的乔安娜伸手打了过来,柔声笑道:“你们不要胡说八道了。” Virginia smiled, puts out a hand to pull Eric, the look favors to drown looks to Baby in field, said: Is having a matter to with you discuss that Kevin and Xiaxia should go to school, Hampton does not have the appropriate school.” 维吉尼娅笑了笑,伸手挽住艾瑞克,眼神宠溺地看向场内的宝贝儿子,道:“正有件事要和你商量呢,凯文夏夏都该上学了,汉普顿都没有合适的学校。” Eric thinks that said: Or you move to Manhattan to go, there private school are quite many.” 艾瑞克想了想,道:“要不你们搬到曼哈顿去,那里的私立学校比较多。” Virginia actually shakes the head, said: I and Joan was familiar in Hampton, Manhattan was too noisy.” 维吉尼娅却摇头,道:“我和都习惯住在汉普顿了,曼哈顿太闹。” „Can't we give two kids to run a school alone?” “那我们总不能单独给两个小家伙办一所学校吧?” The words that Eric has no intention actually exactly poked Virginia at heart, the woman said: Why cannot, Rockefeller specially run a school for own several children in the past, is the Manhattan Brown rather private school, how many didn't your present net worth miss compared with past Rockefeller Family?” 艾瑞克无意的话语却恰好戳到了维吉尼娅心里,女人道:“为什么不能,当年洛克菲勒就专门为自己的几个孩子办了一所学校,就是曼哈顿布朗宁私立学校,你现在的身家也不比当年洛克菲勒家族差多少吧?” Eric shakes the head saying: Runs a school to be possible, not only the issue of money.” 艾瑞克摇头道:“办一所学校可不只是钱的问题啊。” Virginia persists in saying: In any case, you disburse money on line, remaining I and Joan do.” 维吉尼娅坚持道:“反正,你出钱就行,剩下的我和自己来做。” Eric must compromise, he knows that in the education Virginia in pair of children and Joanna attaches great importance, therefore also has nothing to be worried that said: Good, I take out money, how you want to make good.” 艾瑞克只得妥协,他知道在一对儿女的教育上维吉尼娅乔安娜都比自己更加重视,因此也没什么可担心的,道:“好吧,我掏钱,你们想怎么弄都行。” Has prepared busily for day, that night many people had not rested, next day the weather just shone, in the village then once more lives it up. 忙碌地准备了一天,当天晚上很多人也都没有休息,第二天天色刚刚亮起,农庄里便再次热闹起来。 After breakfast time, because village space can only be occupied by the guest in Frederick urban district limitedly starts to catch up one after another. Although this wedding was inferior so-called that many rich and powerful people frequently boasted century wedding was so grand, but the guest added also 200-300 people, before the wedding started three hours, in the village a babel of voices. 早餐时间过后,由于农庄空间有限只能居住在弗雷德里克市区的宾客开始陆续赶来。虽然这场婚礼不如很多富豪动辄吹嘘的所谓‘世纪婚礼’那么盛大,但宾客加起来也有两三百人,婚礼开始前的三个小时,农庄里已经是人声鼎沸。 Fuleidelikeshi from the Washington special zone, only then more than 60 kilometers distances, nine o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton took the helicopter to rush to the farm. 弗雷德里克市距离华盛顿特区只有60多公里的距离,九点钟,克林頓夫妇就乘坐直升机赶到了农场。 Although Chris cannot be public figure, but because recent years prominence in the North America business circle, in addition the massive heavyweight honored guests of this appearance, his wedding as before attracted the attention of massive media. 克里斯虽然不能算是公众人物,但由于最近几年在北美商界声名鹊起,再加上这次到场的大量重量级嘉宾,他的婚礼依旧吸引了大量媒体的关注。 Although the entire farm is personal territory, but wants to prevent the reporters to submerge photographs surreptitiously is actually not a too easy matter. Eric only thought biggest advantage that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton arrives, is they are not necessary to take a lot of care the stop to spy on the media reporter of this wedding again, scattered the secret service agent in farm surrounding to help them do this matter on own initiative. 虽然整个农场都是私人领地,但想要阻止记者们潜入偷拍却也不是一件太容易的事情。艾瑞克只觉得克林頓夫妇到来的最大好处,就是他们可以不必再费心思阻拦想要窥探这场婚礼的媒体记者,散落在农场外围的特勤局特工主动帮他们做了这件事。 Everybody wants this wedding thorough personal, not to accept the interview of any media, but since Mr. and Mrs. Clinton catches up, the White House then hopes that can have the media reporter to present. 大家原本都想将这场婚礼彻底私人化,不接受任何媒体的采访,但既然克林頓夫妇赶来,白宫便希望能够有媒体记者在场。 After simple discussion, Eric has arranged ABC TV Station and «New York Post» and «The Washington Post» three reporters catches up with the wedding scene. ABC TV Station is the industry of Firefly Group, «New York Post» subordinates News Corp, «The Washington Post» is Warren Buffett introduced that Berkshire Hathaway is the «The Washington Post» major stockholder. 简单商议之后,艾瑞克安排了ABC电视台、《纽约邮报》和《华盛顿邮报》三家的记者赶来婚礼现场。ABC电视台萤火虫集团的产业,《纽约邮报》隶属新闻集团,《华盛顿邮报》则是沃伦巴菲特介绍的,伯克希尔哈撒韦是《华盛顿邮报》的大股东。 11 o'clock, all guests take a seat, the musical sound resounds, the best man and bridesmaid as well as spend Tong Men to enter the stage one after another, Eric sits in approaching the position of corridor, looks that own pair of children walk in the forefront, in Kevin hold are abstaining the pillow, small appearance that treating a matter seriously, this obviously is the result that Virginia taught repeatedly, Hawaii carried the small basket of flowers, the look incomparably is sizing up all around as before curiously, Hawaii behind Emma excitedly is actually tossing the flower petal, estimated evidently the red carpet end, the basket of flowers of kid must empty. 11点钟,所有宾客就坐完毕,音乐声响起,伴郎、伴娘以及花童们陆续出场,艾瑞克坐在靠近过道的位置,看着自己的一对儿女走在最前面,凯文手里捧着戒枕,一副郑重其事的小模样,这显然是维吉尼娅反复教导的结果,夏威夷拎着小花篮,眼神依旧无比好奇地打量着四周,夏威夷身后的艾玛却是兴奋地抛洒着花瓣,看样子估计到不了红毯尽头,小家伙的花篮就要空了。 Afterward, the bridegroom enters the etiquette stage, all people set out immediately, welcome bride's arrival. 随后,新郎进入礼仪台,所有人随即起身,迎接新娘的到来。 In attention of people, gave a speech and takes an oath, the exchange ring and hug kiss, a series of wedding flows were completed quickly, when all ceremonies ended, Chris and Emily temporarily left to photograph, the guests also started to leave the wedding scene, rushed to the open-air banquet location of close neighbor. 在众人的瞩目中,致辞、宣誓、交换戒指、拥抱亲吻,一连串婚礼流程很快完成,当所有仪式结束,克里斯艾米丽暂时离开去拍照,宾客们也开始离开婚礼现场,赶往紧邻的露天宴会场地。 Eric just set out, puts on the pink color to spend Tong Qun Emma then Pā Tà Pā Tà to throw, to pair of children, Emma as if sticks itself. Looks that the kid extends the arm to hug, Eric put out a hand to hug her with a smile. 艾瑞克刚刚起身,穿着粉色花童裙的艾玛便啪嗒啪嗒地扑了过来,相对于一对儿女,艾玛似乎更粘自己。看着小家伙伸着胳膊要抱抱,艾瑞克笑着伸手把她抱了起来。 Papa, I have flower petal Oh, is quite fragrant,” kid is hugging the neck of Eric, spreads out another hand, delivers to by the control flower petal the Eric nose: You smell.” 爸爸,我还有花瓣,好香呢,”小家伙一手搂着艾瑞克的脖子,摊开另外一只手,将手心的花瓣送到艾瑞克鼻子旁边:“你闻闻。” Eric heard in the small girl control , the nod said: Un, is really fragrant, Emma is also very fragrant.” 艾瑞克在小丫头手心里闻了下,点头道:“嗯,真香,艾玛也很香。” Hehe,” small girl smiled happily, is covering the abdomen, said: Papa, I was hungry.” “呵呵,”小丫头高兴地笑了笑,转而就捂着小肚子,道:“爸爸,我饿了。” Little darling, must eat meal immediately,” Eric was saying, sees Mr. and Mrs. Clinton to walk toward oneself, then gives to follow Emma in nearby Joanna, then moved forward to meet somebody. “乖乖的,马上就要吃饭了,”艾瑞克说着,见克林頓夫妇朝自己走过来,便将艾玛交给跟在旁边的乔安娜,然后迎了上去。 Clinton has swept the eye two women and three kids slightly, takes back the vision, on the face brings to smile as if very much at will asks: Eric, you definitely also will treat in Maryland for several days, is right?” 克林頓微微扫了眼两个女人和三个小家伙,就收回目光,脸上带着笑似乎很随意地问道:“艾瑞克,你肯定还会在马里兰州待上几天,对不对?” Firefly system Firefly Group, Nokia, Cisco, Qualcomm, AOL and Firefly electron, Amazon and other helmsmen in more than enterprises get together in Maryland, Jorma Ollila even specially flew from Northern Europe, makes such big sound, everybody naturally possibly simply does not eat and drink one respectively to leave. 萤火虫体系旗下萤火虫集团诺基亚思科高通美国在线萤火虫电子、亚马逊等十多家企业的掌舵人齐聚马里兰州,约玛奥利拉甚至是从北欧专门飞了过来,做出这么大动静,大家自然不可能简单地吃吃喝喝一顿就各自离开。 Eric naturally has the detailed plan, then the people at least will also stay in the village on for three days, the development of various collective discussion Firefly system companies as well as coordinate the issue of cooperation. 艾瑞克自然有着详细的规划,接下来众人还会在农庄里至少呆上三天,集体讨论萤火虫体系各家公司的发展以及相互之间协同合作的问题。 Does not understand that Clinton such will ask why, Eric nods, this is not considered as in any case any secret. 不明白克林頓为什么会这么问,艾瑞克还是点点头,反正这也不算是什么机密。 Clinton sees Eric to nod, then said: Is this, I was planning holds a time high-tech area entrepreneur evening banquet recently in the White House, does not know that you are interested?” 克林頓见艾瑞克点头,便说道:“是这样的,我最近正打算在白宫举办一次高科技领域企业家晚宴,不知道你们感不感兴趣?” Although is impossible to continue again, but Mr. and Mrs. Clinton is far from giving up their normal treatment ambitions obviously, this was also proven in the Eric memory. Firefly invested almost to gather in recent crest of wave most abundant a number of Internet high-tech corporations, if can gather this batch of enterprises, definitely in the future will continue to fulfil the normal treatment aspiration to form the formidable boost to them. 虽然不可能再连任,但克林頓夫妇显然远远没有放弃他们的正治野心,这在艾瑞克记忆中也得到了证明。萤火虫投资旗下几乎汇聚了最近几年风头最盛的一批互联网高科技企业,如果能够将这批企业招揽起来,肯定会对他们将来继续施展正治抱负形成强大的助力。 Eric somewhat spits the trough, you spoke this words, if we are not interested, your this evening banquet is manages or does not manage? 艾瑞克只是有些吐槽,你说这种话,我们要是不感兴趣的话,你这晚宴到底是办还是不办呢? However, he will certainly not make this type to provoke the President senseless matter intentionally, the quick nod said with a smile: Naturally, Bill, I will tell them, but we will stay probably also in Maryland the last three days of time.” 不过,他当然不会做这种故意撩拨总统的无趣事情,很快点头笑道:“当然,比尔,我会告诉他们的,不过我们大概还会在马里兰州呆上三天时间。” Oh, the time exactly,” on Clinton face reveals the light happy expression, said: Was right, you also will when the time comes come, is right?” ,时间恰好,”克林頓脸上露出淡淡的喜色,又道:“对了,你到时候也会过来的,对不对?” Eric this time is not but actually refreshed, he is really does not catch cold to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, ambiguous say|way: Perhaps, my recent matter are too many, possibly cannot find time.” 艾瑞克这次倒没有那么爽快,他实在是对克林頓夫妇不感冒,模棱两可道:“或许吧,我最近事情太多,也可能抽不出空来。” Clinton did not mind that has patted the racket on the Eric shoulder, said: When the time comes hopes that you can come.” 克林頓也不介意,在艾瑞克肩膀上拍了拍,道:“到时候希望你能来。”
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