IAIH :: Volume #9

#865: Rejecting

Because must leave Las Vegas, Eric did not feel relieved that keeps the city of evil two girls alone, simply delivered them at the airport flew to the Los Angeles airplane, this brought to accompany to take the Firefly Group gulf stream corporate aircraft to rush to Maryland. 由于要离开拉斯维加斯,艾瑞克也不放心将两个女孩单独留在罪恶之城,干脆在机场将她们送上了飞往洛杉矶的飞机,这才带着随从乘坐萤火虫集团的湾流公务机赶往马里兰州。 Last night finally went to sleep already nearly two o'clock, the airplane lifted off later Eric to start to make up thinks that woke up once more, the gulf stream corporate aircraft arrived in sky over Maryland. 昨晚最终睡下已经将近两点钟,飞机升空之后艾瑞克就开始补觉,再次醒来,湾流公务机已经到达了马里兰州上空。 Maryland situated in United States east coast neighbors the Washington special zone, the area is too not big, has tens of thousands square kilometers. Looks from the airplane porthole, can see the big piece vegetation green forest land and farmland, landform as if also closer hill, but the plain of non- vast stretch of flat land. 位于美国东海岸的马里兰州紧邻华盛顿特区,面积不算太大,只有几万平方公里。从飞机舷窗上望下去,可以看到大片草木苍翠的林地和农田,地貌似乎也更接近丘陵,而非一马平川的平原。 Although is around 8 : 00 am starts from Las Vegas, but, after four hours , when lands north Maryland Fuleidelikeshi Airport, the Eastern Time is 3 : 00 pm. 虽然是上午八点多从拉斯维加斯出发,不过,四个小时后降落在马里兰州北部的弗雷德里克市机场时,东部时间已经是下午三点。 The Fuleidelikeshi Airport scale is very small, does not have the railing, complete open style pattern, in airport the majority that only then two runways, the surroundings anchor is also only the miniature propeller-driven aircraft. 弗雷德里克市机场规模很小,没有围栏,完全的开放式格局,机场内只有两条跑道,周围停泊的大部分也都只是迷你的螺旋桨飞机。 The airplane after on the runway stop, Eric steps down from the ramp, wears a stetson to put on simple Jeffrey to lead Chris and the others to welcome, takes a quick look around, Jeffrey seemed to be thin, but the spirit is obviously healthier, if rides a horse to hang up the revolver at this time, obviously is an appearance of western senior cowboy. 飞机在跑道上停稳后,艾瑞克走下舷梯,戴着一顶牛仔帽穿着朴素的杰弗里已经带着克里斯等人迎了上来,一眼看去,杰弗里似乎清瘦了一些,不过精神明显更加矍铄,如果此时骑着马挂上左轮,明显就是一副西部老牛仔的模样。 Just approached, Jeffrey gratefully gave a Eric big bear to hug: Hey, Eric, you came finally.” 刚刚走近,杰弗里就毫不客气地给了艾瑞克一个大大的熊抱:“嘿,艾瑞克,你总算来了。” Yes, always has too many matters,” Eric explained that carried on the back to pat the racket in Jeffrey, said with a smile: Jeffrey, you looked like younger.” “是啊,总有太多事情,”艾瑞克解释了一句,在杰弗里背上拍了拍,笑道:“杰弗里,你看起来更年轻了。” Jeffrey also immodestly smiles: Haha, everybody thinks.” 杰弗里也丝毫不谦虚地笑起来:“哈哈,大家都这么认为。” Exchanged greetings simply two, Eric hugged with Chris, teased: Was The Day After Tomorrow, felt what kind of?” 简单地寒暄了两句,艾瑞克又与克里斯拥抱了下,调侃道:“就是后天了,感觉怎么样?” Was numb,” Chris has self-ridiculed one with a smile, introduced follows in him and Jeffrey behind two youth, is his cousins. “麻木了,”克里斯笑着自嘲了一句,又介绍了跟在他和杰弗里身后的两个青年,是他的表兄弟。 Eric shook hand with his same age manner actually quite cautious youth with two probably, Chris access road: Everybody is waiting for you in the farm, we walk.” 艾瑞克与两个大概与他同龄态度却颇为拘谨的青年握了握手,克里斯便道:“大家都在农场里等着你呢,我们走吧。” Eric nods, is bringing his assistant Peter Ritchie and four bodyguards, ride four car that Chris they come to leave the airport to rush to the Jeffrey farm separately. 艾瑞克点头,带着他的助理彼得・里奇和四位保镖,分别乘坐克里斯他们开来的四辆轿车离开机场赶往杰弗里的农场。 Along crossing the highway in Fuleidelikeshi goes to north, looks from the ground, the hill landform of peripheral height fluctuating is more obvious, the forest land and farmland interlock, is the first month of summer season, vital sight of green makes people feel piece by piece completely relaxedly. After a half hour, several car(riage)s leave the highway, walked to east was less than five kilometers, then reached the destination, Xiaonongzhuang of probably several families, around the village were the Jeffrey farm, the area probably 2000 acres, was equal to eight square kilometers. 沿着横穿弗雷德里克市的高速公路向北行驶,从地面望去,周边高低起伏的丘陵地貌就更加明显,林地和农田交错,正是初夏时节,一片片充满生机的绿意让人感觉心旷神怡。半个小时后,几辆车离开高速公路,又向东走了不到五公里,便到达了目的地,一处大概有十几户人家的小农庄,农庄周围便是杰弗里的农场,面积大概2000英亩,相当于八平方公里。 Jeffrey excitedly was introducing all the way this farm, said is the farm, actually only then on one-fourth lands is planting the wheat and so on crops, in addition also the forest land of part of covers, other are the pastures, can see the form of many horses cattle by far, the several households in village basically are also the worker and renter in farm. 一路上杰弗里都在兴奋地介绍着这处农场,说是农场,其实只有1的土地上种植着小麦之类的农作物,除此之外还有一部分茂密的林地,其他都是牧场,远远地可以看到不少马匹牛羊的身影,农庄里的十几户居民基本上也都是农场的工人和租户。 The pitch roadside of village entrance has stood numerous more than ten individuals, after Eric gets out, can recognize the larger part probably, Joanna, Virginia and Emily and other women stood, three kids, other have certainly John Chambers and Steve Kyes, Jorma Ollila and Ian Gonul and other Firefly system high levels, several other people, it is estimated that should be Chris and relatives of Emily both sides. 农庄入口处的柏油路边林林总总地站了十多个人,艾瑞克下车后,大概能够认出一大半,乔安娜维吉尼娅艾米丽等女人站在一起,当然还有三个小家伙,其他还有约翰钱伯斯史蒂夫・凯斯、约玛奥利拉伊恩・格尼尔等萤火虫体系高层,其他几人,估计就应该是克里斯艾米丽双方的亲属。 Everybody just about to exchanges greetings, a small form was shouting Papa threw, in laughter that in the people expression varies, Eric does not evade, holds affectionate Emma, asked: Recently was mischievous?” 大家刚要寒暄,一个小小的身影就喊着爸爸扑了过来,在众人表情各异的笑声中,艾瑞克也不避讳,亲昵地将艾玛抱起来,问道:“最近调皮了没有?” Does not have Oh, Emma is very clever,” kid is hugging the neck of Eric, crisp tunnel: I also learned to ride a horse, Papa, did we ride a horse to be good together?.” “没有,艾玛很乖的,”小家伙搂着艾瑞克的脖子,脆生生地道:“我还学会了骑马呢,爸爸,我们一起去骑马好不好?。” Oh, Emma is really good, but now is not good,” Eric praised one, the kid gives Joanna, this talents and people 11 exchanged greetings, knew the Emily parents as well as the other family members of Chris Family while convenient. ,艾玛真棒,不过现在可不行,”艾瑞克夸了一句,将小家伙交给走过来的乔安娜,这才与众人11寒暄,顺便认识了艾米丽的父母以及克里斯家的其他一些亲人。 The majority of guests will catch up on the same day at the wedding, in the village this time guest were not many, chatted for more than ten minutes, everybody diverged temporarily, the Jeffrey house east the village, Eric and Jeffrey and the others walked toward the dwelling together. 大部分客人都会在婚礼当天赶来,农庄里此时的客人也不算多,聊了十多分钟,大家暂时散去,杰弗里的房子在农庄东边,艾瑞克杰弗里等人一起朝住处走去。 Holds Kevin that Virginia is filling, passed by the village center, the Eric doubts note one crowd are the person of agent in surrounding are inspecting anything obviously, looks curiously to Chris, John Chambers and the others also will definitely have some securities, but should not such make widely known absolutely is right. 一路抱着维吉尼娅塞过来的凯文,路过农庄中心,艾瑞克疑惑地注意到一群明显是特工的人正在周围检查着什么,好奇地看向克里斯,约翰钱伯斯等人肯定也会带一些安保,但绝对不应该这么张扬才对。 Eric does not need to open the mouth, Chris understood his doubts, explained: Mr. and Mrs. President when the time comes can come, these are the people of secret service.” 艾瑞克不用开口,克里斯就明白了他的疑惑,解释道:“总统夫妇到时候会过来,这些是特勤局的人。” Eric selects the eyebrow slightly: „Did you invite?” 艾瑞克微微挑眉:“你邀请的?” Chris shakes the head, said: I three days ago receives the call of White House, that side said that Mr. and Mrs. President has free time on the 20 th exactly, Washington is also very near to here, therefore, you understand that I am always impossible to reject.” 克里斯摇头,道:“我三天前接到白宫的电话,那边说总统夫妇20号恰好有空,华盛顿离这里又很近,所以,你明白的,我总不可能拒绝。” Eric smiles, has not been saying anything. 艾瑞克笑笑,没在说什么。 John that except that has caught up with Chambers and other enterprise management, as a result of Chris recently the personal connections of these year of management, the wedding on the same day, definitely also will have Warren Buffett and other heavyweight business big catches up to attend the Chris wedding. When the time comes, gathers the enterprise management in this little Xiaonongzhuang, merely is only the Firefly system, controls the total assets to surpass 200 billion USD enterprises, so long as that two in White House even contribute a normal treatment to make cash contributions can attend others' event, naturally cannot let off this time exerts own influence the opportunity. 除了已经赶过来的约翰钱伯斯等企业高管,由于克里斯最近这些年经营的人脉,婚礼当天,肯定还会有沃伦巴菲特等重量级的商界大咖赶来参加克里斯的婚礼。到时候,聚集在这处小小农庄里的企业高管,仅仅只是萤火虫体系,就控制着总资产超过2000亿美元的企业,白宫里的那两位甚至只要捐一笔正治献金就可以出席别人的活动,自然不会放过这次施加自身影响力的机会。 Although Eric will not disengage with political circle completely, but too will not become friends with the mansion high level on own initiative. But the opposite party collects on own initiative, similarly will not reject, hits to relate with President, does not have the fault to Firefly. 艾瑞克虽然不会完全与政界脱离接触,但也不会太主动地与正府高层结交。但对方主动凑上来,同样也不会拒绝,与总统打好关系,对萤火虫也并没有坏处。 Many United States rich and powerful people have purchase land to work as the custom of farm operator, in media profession CNN major stockholder Theder Turner is one of the United States maximum personal farm operators, has several thousand square kilometers private land. Jeffrey the farm receives from a merchant hand similarly, the opposite party took it as the summer vacation leisure the destination, therefore, this is used in the housing in the village having a very fine bricks and stones villa, not only the appearance is attractive, but also the most major characteristics are the room specially are many, the calm several 20 guests have more than enough to spare. 很多美国富豪都有购买土地当农场主的习惯,传媒行业中CNN的大股东特德・特纳就是美国最大的私人农场主之一,拥有数万平方公里的私人土地。杰弗里的这处农场同样是从一个商人手中接过来的,对方原本只是将其作为避暑休闲的去处,因此,这处用于居住的农庄里有着一栋非常精致的砖石别墅,不但外貌漂亮,而且最大的特点就是房间特别多,安顿十几20个客人绰绰有余。 However, at this time in the villa is mainly occupying Chris and relatives of Emily both sides, John Chambers and the others were arranged in several other houses. 不过,此时别墅里主要居住着克里斯艾米丽双方的亲属,约翰钱伯斯等人被安排在另外几处住宅里。 Eric naturally also belongs to the relative rank, therefore same house Jeffrey. 艾瑞克自然也属于亲属级别,因此同样住宅杰弗里家。 After calmly is completely good, the time is in the evening. 完全安顿好之后,时间已经是傍晚。 The Day After Tomorrow is the wedding, tomorrow also many trivial matters need to prepare, in the evening everybody simply gathered, then early rests. 后天就是婚礼,明天还有很多琐事需要准备,晚上大家只是简单地聚了一下,便都早早休息。 Although wants to get rid of busy official business temporarily, but this eventually is not the too easy matter. 虽然想要暂时摆脱繁忙的公务,但这终究不是太容易的事情。 Next morning, was the new week, Eric just got out of bed exactly, the breakfast with enough time has not eaten, Peter Ritchie together with specially labelled good several newspaper to deliver a document. 第二天一大早,恰好是新的一周,艾瑞克刚刚起床,早饭都还没来得及吃,彼得・里奇就将一份文件连同特意标注好的几份报纸送了过来。 Originally, after nearly one month of verification, the California San Francisco federal court will make to reject Sony, hundred generation and BMG three companies to request officially to ban the request of MP3 audio format player. The official press conference the time today nine o'clock west United States officially convenes, but, the news disclosed ahead of time, and landed the United States major mainstream newspaper important page layouts. 原来,经过将近一个月时间的审核,加州旧金山联邦法院正式做出驳回索尼、百代、BMG三家公司要求禁售MP3音频格式播放器的请求。正式的新闻发布会将在美国西部时间今天九点钟正式召开,不过,消息却已经提前透露了出来,并且登陆了美国各大主流报纸的重要版面。 The listing was less than two months, Firefly electron Fireflyer fast has sold the 250,000 stage, went far beyond initially Walkman and MD personal stereo and other promoted speeds of portable player, moreover this was in situation that because the Fireflyer capacity was restricted. 上市不到两个月,萤火虫电子的Fireflyer就已经飞快销售出了25万台,远远超过当初Walkman、MD随身听等便携式播放器的推广速度,而且这还是因为Fireflyer产能受到限制的情况下。 The wide scope social influence that hungry marketing that and other ways because the Fireflyer sale as well as uses formed, all people had realized the great potential of possible substitution mainstream portable player the Fireflyer player has, therefore, jointly filed the charge to start from Sony several, the entire music industry was paying close attention to the response that the San Francisco federal court was possibly making. 由于Fireflyer的热卖以及采用的饥饿营销等方式形成的大范围社会影响力,所有人都意识到了Fireflyer播放器拥有的可能替代主流便携式播放器的巨大潜力,因此,从索尼几家联合提起诉讼开始,整个音乐产业都在密切关注着旧金山联邦法院可能做出的反应。 Chris also gets up early similarly, and obtained this news. 克里斯同样也是早起,并且得到了这条消息。 The time just passed seven o'clock, Eric and Chris takes a walk on the village alley, reads the San Francisco federal court about rejecting the lawsuit documents of Sony three companies together. 时间才刚刚过七点钟,艾瑞克克里斯在农庄周围的小路上散着步,一起翻看着旧金山联邦法院关于驳回索尼三家公司的诉讼文件。 The light several pages of documents will look that Chris curls that the paper in the hand, said to Eric: Sony will definitely not be resigned, although after this case was rejected, they will not submit the similar lawsuit to do to the federal court of higher rank again not studiously, but they definitely also will seek for other breaches.” 将薄薄的几页文件看完,克里斯将纸张卷起来那在手中,对艾瑞克道:“索尼肯定不会甘心的,虽然这桩案子被驳回之后,他们不会再向更高级别的联邦法院递交同样的诉讼做无用功,但他们肯定还会寻找其他的突破口。” The Sony group at present over 50 billion USD market values, are support most probably by the portable music player as well as the related attached industry, wants to make Sony such easily give up containing Fireflyer, naturally is impossible. 索尼集团目前超过500亿美元的市值,大半都是由便携式音乐播放器以及相关附属产业撑起来的,想让索尼这么轻易地放弃遏制Fireflyer,当然不可能。 Eric was too not worried that can look from this lawsuit, United States is the Firefly home game, Sony, even if found any breach , the away game inferiority weakens the most striking power. 艾瑞克也不是太担心,从这次诉讼就可以看得出来,美国萤火虫的主场,索尼即使找到什么突破口,也会被本身的客场劣势削弱大半攻击力。 Actually, if I am Idei Nobuyuki, I immediately the senseless action that gives up this being doomed being able to be defeated, will promote the research and development of digital music player decisively. Although we have had very big superiority, but Sony, if some enough determinations, can pose the threat to us.” “其实,如果我是出井伸之,我会立刻放弃这种注定会失败的无谓之举,果断推动数字音乐播放器的研发。虽然我们已经占了很大的优势,但索尼如果有足够的决心,还是能够对我们产生威胁的。” Chris said: Perhaps Idei Nobuyuki has this idea also perhaps, but he wants to promote the specific plan to implement is actually difficult. The Sony enterprise structure was too scattered, the hardware department has the benefit of hardware department, the entertainment department had the benefit of entertainment department, Idei Nobuyuki wants to sacrifice any side the benefit to promote the industrial upgrading, only will encounter the strong reaction of internal conservative, therefore, this matter was basically impossible.” 克里斯道:“或许出井伸之有这种想法也说不定,但他想要推动具体方案实行却是难上加难。索尼的企业构架太分散了,硬件部门有硬件部门的利益,娱乐部门有娱乐部门的利益,出井伸之想要牺牲任何一方的利益来推动产业升级,都只会遭到内部保守势力的强烈反弹,所以,这件事基本上不可能。” Eric looks with a smile to Chris, said: You thought that my layout to the Firefly also appeared too scattered?” 艾瑞克笑着看向克里斯,道:“你是不是觉得我对萤火虫的布局也显得太分散了?” Chris does not have direct reaction this issue, but said: Victor and Bill more than once mentioned with me, want to return to the Firefly electron the online music store.” 克里斯没有直接回答这个问题,只是道:“维克多和比尔不止一次跟我提起,想要把在线音乐商店要回萤火虫电子。” Eric asked: Your meaning?” 艾瑞克问道:“你的意思呢?” Chris said: Yahoo is only the registration user in North America native place approached 50 million at present merely, the user who realizes the online payment behavior using the Yah 00 pay platform has also surpassed 5 million, this is the online music store can sell a 1 million song in 5 days the foundation, if the Firefly electron does alone, probably must waste merely for several years in user development, will want to realize the stable earning is never.” 克里斯道:“雅虎目前仅仅只是北美本土的注册用户就已经接近5000万,其中利用Yahoopay平台实现在线支付行为的用户也超过了500万,这才是在线音乐商店得以在5天内卖出100万首歌曲的基础,如果萤火虫电子单独来做,仅仅只是在用户拓展方面或许就要浪费几年时间,想要实现稳定的营收更是遥遥无期。” The Yahoo registration consumer resource almost after 1992 the IE browser and web portal issued started to accumulate, develops the 50 million user scale to use for 5 years, the huge registration user group was also the Yahoo most valuable resources. If the Firefly electron operation online music store, Yahoo also has no reason be outspoken to open own consumer resource to the Firefly electron alone again. 雅虎的注册用户资源几乎是从1992年IE浏览器和门户网站发布之后就开始积累,发展到5000万的用户规模足足用了5年时间,庞大的注册用户群也是雅虎最宝贵的资源。如果萤火虫电子单独运营在线音乐商店,雅虎也就没有理由再毫无保留地向萤火虫电子开放自身的用户资源。 Chris obviously compared with Victor Maikenai and Bill of Firefly electron Olsson looks thoroughly. Also or, Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson is also clear these, but as the superintendent of Firefly Electronic Co., they are only Basic Instinct favors gains more benefits for own wielding enterprise, even if these benefits will even hinder the integral development trend of Firefly system. 克里斯显然要比萤火虫电子的维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森看得更透彻。又或者,维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森也清楚这些,但作为萤火虫电子公司的管理者,他们只是本能地更倾向于为自身执掌的企业争取更多利益,哪怕这些利益甚至会阻碍萤火虫体系的整体发展趋势。 Said is more serious, selfish is the natural dispositions of all people, this point, even if were impossible to change to the judgment day. 说的严重一些,自私是所有人的本性,这一点哪怕到了世界末日都不可能改变。 Shook the head slightly, Eric said: Temporarily did not discuss this, Southeast Asia that side operation how?” 微微摇了摇头,艾瑞克道:“暂时不谈这个了,东南亚那边运作的怎么样了?” Chris said: Constructed the warehouse to be near the end, we can establish 3 billion USD dead end cash probably, majority was foreign exchange contracts of a half year of time.” 克里斯说道:“建仓已经接近尾声了,我们大概能够建立30亿美元的空头头寸,大部分都是半年期的外汇合约。” Now is in late May, is away from the international idle fund to initiate attack only remaining one month to the Southeast Asia currency system, in view of the dead end cash scale of entire Southeast Asia currency system perhaps already over thousand hundred million USD. 700 million USD establishes 3 billion cash, converts the general idea to have 4 times of release levers. Although has not achieved Eric at heart anticipated, but he is also clear in situation that in the group wolf observes the situation, can be this degree not to be easy. 现在已经是五月下旬,距离国际游资对东南亚货币体系发起攻击就只剩下一个多月时间,针对整个东南亚货币体系的空头头寸规模或许已经超过千亿美元7亿美元建立30亿的头寸,折算下来大概只有4倍杠杆。虽然没有达到艾瑞克的心里预期,但他也清楚在群狼环视的情况下,能够达到这种程度已经非常不容易了。 Speaking of this, Eric has remembered the Apple matter, said: „A matter, I had met Larry at night the day before yesterday Ellison, he is raising the fund to purchase Apple Inc. at present, I thought that this is a good opportunity, therefore complies to invest part, um, probably 300 million USD, is the sum of money of foreign exchange market.” 提起这个,艾瑞克想起了苹果的事情,道:“还有一件事,我前天晚上遇到了拉里埃里森,他目前正在筹集资金想要收购苹果公司,我觉得这是个不错的机会,所以答应投资一部分,嗯,大概3亿美元,就是外汇市场的这笔钱。” In the Chris expression flashes through an accident, but quickly returns to normal, after all, this is not the Eric first unexpected investment action. 克里斯表情中闪过一丝意外,但很快恢复平静,毕竟,这已经不是艾瑞克第一次出人意料的投资举动了。 However, he said: About Larry Ellison wanted to purchase the Apple matter, in the circle more than once spread the news, was only opposite party continuously not too many substantive movements. He and Apple founder Steve the friend who Jobs is better, wish has let opposite party again fingers and palm company. However,” Chris shrugs with a smile, said: Eric, although does not know how you think, I did not suggest you such do. Although receives diversion that the counter- ridge settles a lawsuit, Microsoft will not utterly destroy to Apple Inc., but by the Windows system current strong status, Apple Inc., only if reverses to the Windows camp on own initiative, otherwise had too great development space very much difficultly again.” 不过,他还是说道:“关于拉里埃里森想要收购苹果的事情,圈子里已经不止一次传出消息了,只是对方一直都没有太多实质性的动作。他和苹果的创始人史蒂夫乔布斯是非常要好的朋友,一直想要让对方重新指掌这家公司。不过,”克里斯笑着耸耸肩,道:“艾瑞克,虽然不知道你是怎么想的,我还是不建议你这么做。虽然受到反垄断案的牵制,微软不会对苹果公司斩尽杀绝,但以Windows系统目前的强势地位,苹果公司除非主动倒向Windows阵营,否则很难再有太大发展空间了。” Actually I compare to favor Jobs to return, therefore complies to invest this sum of money. Perhaps you also know that Jobs is a paranoia, I had thought that the paranoia is always easier than to succeed others,” Eric explained: Moreover, Apple Inc. fixed asset scale is very considerable, even if will go bankrupt in the future, we will not lose are too many.” “其实我比较看好乔布斯回归,所以才答应投资这笔钱。或许你也知道,乔布斯是个偏执狂,我一直都觉得,偏执狂总是比别人更容易成功的,”艾瑞克解释道:“而且,苹果公司本身的固定资产规模还是非常可观的,即使将来真的破产,我们也不会损失太多。” Chris nods, said: Good, I also found time to pay attention recently this matter.” 克里斯点点头,道:“好吧,我最近也抽空留意一下这件事。” Eric teased: Said that you didn't plan and Emily are really on one's honeymoon together?” 艾瑞克调侃道:“这么说,你真不打算和艾米丽一起去度蜜月了?” Chris has hinted with the look under periphery, said with a smile: Here scenery is good, after we plan the wedding, on the dull two weeks, considered to be on one's honeymoon again here, but can also accompany Papa.” 克里斯用眼神示意了下周围,笑道:“这里风景不错啊,我们打算婚礼之后,再在这里呆上两周,就当是度蜜月了,还可以陪陪爸爸。” They such were chatting, unknowingly strolled the alley end, front was the woods of cover, inside it is said also had the wild boar, definitely cannot walk again. Just turning around round trip few cloths, Joanna younger sister Eva Pacula waved to them by far, as if must have the breakfast, Eric and Chris then stepped out to return to the village. 两人这么聊着,不知不觉已经漫步到了小路尽头,前面是茂密的树林,里面据说还有野猪,肯定是不能再走了。刚刚转身往回没几布,乔安娜的妹妹爱娃・帕库拉远远地就向他们招手,似乎要吃早餐了,艾瑞克克里斯便加快脚步回到农庄里去。
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