IAIH :: Volume #9

#864: Also is a butterfly effect

They also chatted the moment, is listening to Larry the Ellison tongue Can Lianhuade described is purchasing the prospect after Apple, Eric has thought suddenly another matter, said: Larry, here as if very important issues, after you want to purchase Apple, gives Steve to handle, but did he agree?” 两人又聊了片刻,听着拉里埃里森舌灿莲花地描绘着收购苹果之后的光明前景,艾瑞克突然想到了另外一件事,道:“拉里,这里似乎有一个很重要的问题,你想要收购苹果之后交给史蒂夫打理,但他本人同意了吗?” Larry Ellison has gawked , the doubts said: Steve will certainly agree why he can not agree?” 拉里埃里森愣了下,疑惑道:“史蒂夫当然会同意,他为什么会不同意?” Eric shrugs: As the Steve good friend, you definitely compared with me with understanding his disposition, I knows exactly he at the matter of Wood Seder that house, I thought that perhaps Steve likes seeing Apple is similar to that house same vanishes into thin air.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩:“作为史蒂夫的好友,你肯定比我跟了解他的性格,我恰好知道他在伍德塞德市那栋房子的事情,我觉得,或许史蒂夫更喜欢看到苹果如同那栋房子一样烟消云散。” About Jobs at the San Francisco Wood Seder house interesting rumor is Eric accidentally heard, this matter also exactly can reflect in the Jobs disposition biased and indifferent one side. 关于乔布斯旧金山伍德塞德市的房子趣闻是艾瑞克偶然听说的,这件事也恰好能够反映乔布斯性格中的偏执和冷漠一面。 In the past after depending upon to found Apple Inc. became billionaires, Jobs in Wood Seder has bought a mansion, he in the style of villa to the mansion was very unsatisfied, wants to tear down the reconstruction, but, because that constructed at the villas of 19 century's ends by the Wood Seder mansion is recognized to have high historical value, the demolition reconstruction application of Jobs had not been authorized. Therefore, Jobs has adopted a very violent processing mode, he opened all windows and doors of that house, thorough to ignore it year to year undergoes is exposed to the sun and rain not to make any maintenance, several years later, the damaged villa is referred to as in disrepair after many years, Jobs can achieve wishes. 当年依靠创建苹果公司成为亿万富翁之后,乔布斯在伍德塞德市买了一栋豪宅,他对豪宅中别墅的样式很不满意,想要拆掉重建,不过,由于那栋建于19世纪末的别墅被伍德塞德市正府认定为拥有很高的历史价值,乔布斯的拆除重建申请没有被批准。于是,乔布斯采取了一个非常极端的处理方式,他打开了那栋房屋的所有门窗,彻底放任其常年经受日晒雨淋而不做任何保养,几年之后,破败不堪的别墅被认定为年久失修,乔布斯得以如愿。 Larry Ellison also knows obviously this matter, he shakes the head to say immediately: Eric, this completely is two matters, I understand Steve, nobody cares about Apple compared with him, so long as I buy this company, he will certainly come back.” 拉里埃里森显然也知道这件事,他立刻摇头道:“艾瑞克,这完全是两码事,我了解史蒂夫,没有人比他更在意苹果,只要我买下这家公司,他一定会回来的。” Good,” Eric said: If you can attain the definite answer from Jobs there, perhaps I can consider a sum of money.” “好吧,”艾瑞克道:“如果你能从乔布斯那里拿到确切的答复,或许我可以考虑出一笔钱。” If the Firefly electron absolutely does not have formidable enough competitor, has the idle mood is almost the inevitable matter, considers to raise the dog to nip the rabbit, in the Firefly electron occupies completely in the situation of situation, Eric also very anticipated actually Jobs can also continue to toss about some reformations of the world the thing to come out. 如果萤火虫电子完全没有足够强大的竞争对手,产生懈怠情绪几乎是必然的事情,或者,就当是养狗咬兔子吧,在萤火虫电子占尽先机的情况下,艾瑞克倒是也挺期待乔布斯还能继续折腾出一些改变世界的东西出来。 Although obtains the promise of Eric, Larry Ellison somewhat is as before impatient, pursues asks: Eric, how much money can you pay probably?” 虽然得到艾瑞克的许诺,拉里埃里森依旧有些迫不及待,追问道:“艾瑞克,你大概能出多少钱?” Firefly Group and fund of Firefly investment has planned the use actually, Eric has remembered to invest that 300 million USD of Southeast Asia foreign exchange market, said: Has such a sum of money, I will plan to buy a Boeing 777 in the near future, will meet when the time comes also the surplus part.” 萤火虫集团萤火虫投资的资金其实都已经规划好了用途,艾瑞克想起投入东南亚外汇市场的那三亿美元,道:“恰好有这么一笔钱,我打算近期买一架波音777,到时候还会剩余一部分。” Larry Ellison is obviously familiar with private plane, said hastily: Eric, you have as if made a mistake a matter, if you order now, actually only needs to pay an earnest money, when 2-3 years later when aircraft delivery needs to pay the entire funds, therefore, you should have at least 300 million USD now, right?” 拉里埃里森显然对私人飞机非常熟悉,连忙道:“艾瑞克,你似乎搞错了一件事,如果你现在下单的话,其实只需要支付一笔定金,等到两三年后飞机交付时才需要支付全款,所以,你现在应该有至少三亿美元,对吧?” Eric has forgotten this point actually, the private plane is different from the bold car(riage), can take delivery of goods at any time, but large-scale Boeing aircraft, from below order to being available, is takes several years. 艾瑞克倒是忘记了这一点,私人飞机不同于豪车,可以随时提货,而大型的波音飞机,从下订单到交付使用,更是需要几年时间。 This,” Eric clears off these , to continue saying: Perhaps, when the time comes should be have six hundred million USD.” “这样的话,”艾瑞克理清这些,继续道:“或许,到时候应该能有六亿美元。” Wow!” 哇哦!” Larry Ellison was sighing, with many years have not used looked that the vision of local tyrant up and down has sized up Eric. 拉里埃里森感叹着,用已经很多年没有使用过的看土豪的目光上下打量了艾瑞克一番。 Although he net worth 10 billion, but in the hand can the fund majority of times that actually, whatever he controls at will are only several million USD. Larry Ellison also thought this year the net worth of «Forbes» rich and powerful people list to Eric extremely overestimates, but at this time, in his heart has also cancelled question originally. Perhaps, in this world also has Eric Williams this fellow can put out six hundred million USD cashes to come casually. 他虽然身家百亿,但其实手中能够任由他随意支配的资金大部分时候都只有几千万美元拉里埃里森原本还觉得今年《福布斯》富豪榜对艾瑞克的身家太过高估,但此时,他心中也不由打消了原本的质疑。或许,这个世界上也只有艾瑞克威廉姆斯这家伙能随随便便拿出六亿美元现金来了。 Eric actually quickly gives Larry Ellison has irrigated one cold water, said: But, Larry, this sum of money I definitely all will not invest into Apple Inc. on.” 艾瑞克却很快又给拉里埃里森浇了一杯凉水,道:“但是,拉里,这笔钱我肯定是不会全部投入到苹果公司上的。” Larry Ellison nods immediately, his thought originally wants as laughing uproariously in the IT domain remarkable investment approach with the aid of Eric, so long as can from his here symbolically draw to a sum of money, will flaunt the Eric banner to be again smoother from other investment company there collection funds. Disposable to six hundred million USD, Larry Ellison will not expect this good deed. 拉里埃里森立刻点头,他原本的念头就只是想要借助艾瑞克在IT领域的卓越投资眼光作为噱头,只要能够从他这里象征性地拉到一笔钱,打着艾瑞克的旗号再从其他投资公司那里筹集资金将会顺利很多。一次性拉到六亿美元,拉里埃里森根本就不会奢望这种好事。 That, Eric, so long as you are willing to put out 300 million USD, I guarantee for three months to raise the complete all funds.” Larry what Ellison hoped is 50 million USD, are less, the Eric influence does not come out on the display. But at this time naturally enhanced the amount, the fund proportion of Eric investment is bigger, the possibility that other investment companies follow up is also definitely higher. “那么,艾瑞克,只要你愿意拿出3亿美元,我保证三个月之内筹齐所有资金。”拉里埃里森本来希望的是5000万美元,再少一些,艾瑞克的影响力也就发挥不出来了。但此时自然提高了金额,艾瑞克投入的资金比重越大,其他投资公司跟进的可能性肯定也就越高。 Since decides to participate in this matter, Eric naturally is not willing only to be an immaterial young shareholder. The Apple current market value is 2 billion USD, if initiates the capitalization purchase, certainly must pay certain premium, but 300 million USD can actually guarantee the Eric ownership percentage over 10%. 既然决定参与这件事,艾瑞克自然不愿意只做一个无关紧要的小股东。苹果目前的市值是20亿美元,如果发起全资收购,肯定要支付一定的溢价,但3亿美元却可以保证艾瑞克的持股比例在10%以上。 Good, on 300 million USD,” nodded, Eric adds: „, Don't the premise that forgets me just saying that if Jobs is not willing to return, this matter on consider as finished.” “好吧,就3亿美元,”点了点头,艾瑞克又补充道:“还有,别忘了我刚刚说的前提,如果乔布斯不愿意回归,这件事就算了。” Naturally,” Larry Ellison grins toward Eric has lifted raising glass, said: „, Wish all our smooth ahead of time.” “当然,”拉里埃里森咧着嘴朝艾瑞克举了举杯,道:“那么,提前祝我们一切顺利。” Eric also with a smile with Larry Ellison has bumped under the cup, looked that the opposite party raises head to toss down, but the coordination has drunk a small mouth. 艾瑞克也笑着与拉里埃里森碰了下杯子,看对方仰头一饮而尽,只是配合地喝了一小口。 Puts down the spatial cup, Larry Ellison also no longer continues to discuss the Apple matter, then said: „Can Eric, go to the gambling establishment to play several?” 放下空杯子,拉里埃里森也不再继续谈苹果事情,转而道:“艾瑞克,要不要去赌场玩几把?” Two girls of Eric in toward dance floor has referred, said: This time on consider as finished.” 艾瑞克朝舞池中的两个女孩指了指,道:“这次就算了。” Larry Ellison turned head to see the eye two girls, said: Has not related, takes them together, I guess that definitely some people will not keep off your this world's richest in out of the door.” 拉里埃里森扭头看了眼两个女孩,道:“没关系的,带上她们一起,我猜肯定不会有人把你这位世界首富挡在门外的。” Notes the Eric hand signal, Miranda and Christina think that Eric in summoning them, gives up dancing immediately, Larry the Ellison that female companion also appeared side him. 注意到艾瑞克的手势,米兰达和克里斯蒂娜以为艾瑞克在召唤她们,立刻放弃了跳舞走了过来,拉里埃里森刚才的那个女伴也紧接着出现在他身边。 Eric is hugging the small waist of Christina, half jokingly said: Actually, Larry, I am a person who is afraid of losing very much, therefore I will avoid the gambling establishment as far as possible and so on place.” 艾瑞克搂着克里斯蒂娜的小腰,半开玩笑道:“其实吧,拉里,我是一个很怕输的人,所以我会尽可能地避开赌场之类的地方。” Haha, good, since this, I and Anouk first play,” Larry Ellison has given a hand signal of telephone, embraces the female companion, said: Has any matter, momentarily calls me.” “哈哈,好吧,既然这样,我和阿努克就先去玩儿,”拉里埃里森又做了一个电话的手势,揽住女伴,道:“有什么事情,随时打电话给我。” Both sides already have mutual contact method, Eric are smiling nod. Gazes after Larry Ellison leaves, Eric takes back the line of sight, Miyone Landa sits on the bar high footstool, gestures skilled to the wineshop attendant wants one glass of cocktails, the opposite party to glance her one eyes, the line of sight has swept Eric, has not said anything, fast adjusted one glass of liquor to deliver peacefully. 双方早就有着相互的联系方式,艾瑞克微笑着点了点头。目送拉里埃里森离开,艾瑞克收回视线,见米兰达坐在吧台旁边的高脚凳上,熟练地打着手势向酒保要了一杯鸡尾酒,对方只是瞟了她一眼,视线扫过艾瑞克,没说什么,安静地飞快调好一杯酒送了过来。 Miranda sees Eric to stare at to look that carried the cup slightly to sip one, has sucked the small mouth, this has pushed the cup, said grinningly: Eric, actually, I am help you select.” 米兰达见艾瑞克盯着自己看,端起杯子小小地啜了一口,咂了咂小嘴,这才将杯子推了过来,笑嘻嘻地说道:“艾瑞克,其实,我是帮你点的啦。” Eric does not pay attention to the argument of Miranda, this girl entire cheek is ruddy, obviously has drunk one cup incessantly. Looked up the watch, the magic performance ended is ten o'clock, with Larry Ellison chatted was so long, the time approached 11 points. 艾瑞克不理会米兰达的辩解,这妮子整个脸蛋都红扑扑的,显然已经不止喝了一杯。抬头看了看手表,魔术表演结束的时候已经是十点钟,又与拉里埃里森聊了这么久,时间已经接近11点。 Immediately on 11 o'clock, is tired, or goes back to rest?” “马上就11点钟了,累不累,要不回去休息?” Christina is somewhat indifferent, Miranda said: Eric, I want to go to gambling establishment to have a look.” The girl also heard just Eric and Larry obviously dialog of Ellison, adds: We have a look, does not gamble, is good?” 克里斯蒂娜有些无所谓,米兰达却道:“艾瑞克,我想去赌场看看呢。”女孩显然也听到了刚刚艾瑞克拉里埃里森的对话,又补充道:“我们只是看看,不赌钱,好不好?” Eric shakes the head directly, the manner is firm: „It is not good.” 艾瑞克直接摇头,态度坚决:“一点都不好。” Miranda honk mouth, quick eye one bright, the thief collects, is shaking the arm of Eric: Eric, we looked that late at night the show is good, I just heard them to discuss.” 米兰达嘟了嘟嘴,很快又眼睛一亮,贼兮兮地凑过来,晃着艾瑞克的手臂:“艾瑞克,我们去看深夜秀好不好,我刚刚听到他们谈论呢。” What night show?” Eric asked one subconsciously, but quickly understands that has knocked on the Miranda head with a smile under: „Is that the thing that you can look at?” “什么深夜秀?”艾瑞克下意识问了一句,但又很快明白过来,笑着在米兰达脑袋上敲了下:“那是你能看的东西吗?” Miranda shakes the head hastily: No, I did not listen to them saying that was the living theater performs, probably called, to call......” 米兰达连忙摇头:“不,不是呢,我听他们说,是舞台剧表演,好像叫,叫……” Miranda is crooked the head, suddenly somewhat forgets the word, moreover Christina at the same time meets saying: «Helen's-Face», is in the war of Troy that Helen's story.” 米兰达歪着脑袋,一时间有些忘词,另外一边的克里斯蒂娜接道:“《Helen’s-Face》,就是特洛伊之战里那个海伦的故事。” Eric had not heard actually also has such a living theater, thought perhaps is Caesars Palace appropriation, after all, the characteristics of this hotel were the Rome style. Sees the appearance that two girls one curious anticipate, Eric also no longer refuses, to give him the personal steward in anteroom to dial a telephone in the past. 艾瑞克倒是没有听说过还有这么一出舞台剧,心想或许是凯撒宫专有的吧,毕竟,这家酒店的特色就是古希腊罗马风格。见两个女孩都一副好奇又期待的模样,艾瑞克也不再拒绝,给他套房的私人管家拨了一个电话过去。 Is less than five minutes, the personal steward in apartment then personally appears, having the Eric three people to leave party, rushes to another repair more luxurious small theater of Caesars Palace. 不到五分钟,公寓的私人管家便亲自出现,带着艾瑞克三人离开派对,赶往凯撒宫的另外一个装修更加豪华的小型剧场。 The performance exactly is starting from 11 o'clock, is the Eric three people arranges the theater box, has offered the dessert liquor water, that about 40 -year-old personal steward then peacefully leaves. 表演恰好是11点钟开始,为艾瑞克三人安排好包厢,送上了点心酒水,那位40岁左右的私人管家便安静地离开。 However, Eric just sat down on the sofa in theater box, but looked at light to confuse glass the stage, immediately realized, this obviously that type performance . Moreover, played absolutely not have club big many compared with the ordinary escaping clothes. 不过,艾瑞克刚刚在包厢里的沙发上坐下,只是看了一眼灯光迷璃的舞台,就顿时意识到,这明显还是‘那种’表演啊,而且,玩的绝对要比普通的脱衣無俱乐部大的多。 The light in theater quick dark under. 剧场内的灯光很快暗下。 After simple announcing, the musical sound resounds, on one team the gorgeous girl of bare color underpants is only appearing in the stage, very anticipated living theater Miranda and Christina of performance slightly call out in alarm. 简单的报幕之后,音乐声响起,当一队身上仅着倮色底褲的艳丽女郎出现在舞台上,原本还挺期待‘舞台剧’表演的米兰达和克里斯蒂娜都小小地惊呼起来。 Looked in the stage wanton and luxurious living scene, Eric suddenly has also been remembering a movie in memory, Dutch Director Paul model/pattern Huowen that was evaluated the NC-17 level «Showgirls», was only, gorgeous living theater performance in that movie, is unable to compare favorably with a Caesars Palace more wasteful performance obviously at present. 望着舞台上纸醉金迷的场景,艾瑞克也突然想起了记忆中的一部电影,荷兰导演保罗・范霍文的那部被评为NC-17级的《艳無女郎》,只是,那部影片中的艳丽舞台剧表演,显然无法与眼前凯撒宫更加奢靡的表演相媲美。 Probably, «Showgirls» in original space and time was in 1995 shoots, but now is in 1997, Eric again has not actually heard the news of this movie, it seems like, was a side effect of butterfly effect, but that almost directly caused the movie that Carlock Film Industry went bankrupt, truly did not need that anything had. 好像,原时空中的《艳無女郎》是1995年拍摄的,但现在已经是1997年,艾瑞克却没有再听到过这部影片的消息,看来,又是一个蝴蝶效应的副作用,但那部几乎是直接导致了卡洛克影业破产的影片,也确实没有什么存在的必要。 Put out a hand to cover the eye of Miranda with a smile, Eric said: Was good, then satisfied?” 笑着伸手捂了捂米兰达的眼睛,艾瑞克道:“好了,这下满意了吧?” Two girl just calling out in alarm of perhaps also stemmed from the shyness of feminine Basic Instinct, after all, this situation, if did not make anything to respond that definitely appeared insufficiently grave. 两个女孩刚刚的惊呼或许也只是出于女性本能的羞涩,毕竟,这种场合要是不作出点什么反应,那肯定就显得不够庄重。 Opens out the hand of Eric, Miranda is sizing up the performance in stage curiously, this is a palace scene, the story truly in the story reorganization of war of Troy according to Greek mythology, but, the stage coat the performer of exposition, is unable to make anybody the thoughts centralized obviously on the plot. 艾瑞克的手拨开,米兰达好奇地打量着舞台上的表演,这是一处宫廷场景,故事确实是根据希腊神话中特洛伊之战的故事改编,只不过,舞台上衣着暴露的表演者,显然无法让任何人将心思集中在剧情上面。 Watched a while peacefully, Miranda pasted the post toward Eric side finally, the look was looking at the stage as before, sighed: What's wrong, how to have these many girls to be willing to perform this type of thing, too, too......” 安静地观看了一会儿,米兰达终于朝艾瑞克身边贴了贴,眼神依旧望着舞台,感叹道:“怎么,怎么会有这么多女孩子愿意表演这种东西啊,太,太……” Too two, Miranda as before has not actually found out any appropriate adjective. 太了两下,米兰达却依旧没有想出什么合适的形容词来。 Eric has pinched on girl's cheek, said: You think anyone like you, life likely princess?” 艾瑞克在女孩的脸蛋上捏了下,道:“你以为谁都像你一样,生活的像个公主吗?” Hehe, I was not the princess Miranda quickly have smiled, on Eric greasy, said: Eric, can I be your Helen?” “呵呵,我才不是公主呢”米兰达又很快笑了起来,在艾瑞克身上腻了腻,道:“艾瑞克,我可以做你的海伦吗?” Eric nods with a smile: Naturally, but my Helen may more than one Oh.” 艾瑞克笑着点头:“当然,不过我身旁的海伦可不止一个。” Really, was too repugnant,” Miranda also honk the mouth, said: „Won't you well coax the girl?” “真是,太讨厌了,”米兰达又嘟起嘴,道:“你就不会好好哄哄女孩子吗?” I compare to be good at with practical action roaring.” “我比较擅长用实际行动来哄。” Oh,” Miranda is dragging the small sound, puts out a hand grinningly, has somewhere grasped on Eric, immediately smiles to make noise: Hehe, I have now determined a matter.” ,”米兰达拖着小声音,笑嘻嘻地伸手过来,在艾瑞克身上某处抓了下,顿时又笑出声:“呵呵,我现在确定了一件事情呢。” Eric opens out the hand of Miranda, says with a smile: Cannot make.” 艾瑞克将米兰达的手拨开,笑道:“不许闹。” Eric, others cannot see here.” 艾瑞克,别人看不到我们这里呢。” That is others' matter, I am not familiar in this situation.” “那是别人的事情,我可不太习惯在这种场合。” Good good,” Miranda cat has rubbed rubbing on Eric, but also gathers near his ear the steam enticement saying: I thought how long you can insist.” “好吧好吧,”米兰达又小猫似的在艾瑞克身上蹭了蹭,还凑到他耳边呵着热气誘惑道:“我看你能坚持多久。” Eric truly saw one hour of performance finally, makes him often have the impulsion of beast besides two not law-abiding small spirits, as a normal male, regarding this type the performance that has the sensory stimulation very much enjoys. 艾瑞克确实将一个小时的表演看到了最后,除了身旁两个不安分的小妖精让他不时产生兽化的冲动外,作为一个正常的男性,对于这种极具感官刺激的表演还是很享受的。 Leaves the theater time, the time passes early morning. 离开剧场的时候,时间已经过了凌晨。 Regarding Las Vegas this lively district, 12 : 00 am are not considered as absolutely a day of end point. However, in the afternoon had been through repeatedly four hours of driving distance eventually, insane one in the evening, Eric and two girls were very both exhausted, has not sought for other recreational activities again, but returned to the anteroom rest of imperial palace tower. 对于拉斯维加斯这个不夜城来说,凌晨12点绝对不算是一天的终点。不过,下午终究是历经了四个小时的车程,又疯了一晚上,艾瑞克和两个女孩都已经很疲惫,没有再去寻找其他娱乐活动,而是返回了皇宫塔的套房休息。 Next day is eight o'clock gets out of bed as before, actually Eric diligent, but is today must fly to the east coast Maryland, he has enough four hours to make up on the airplane thinks. 第二天依旧是八点钟起床,倒不是艾瑞克有多勤奋,而是今天要飞往东海岸的马里兰州,他在飞机上有足足四个小时可以补觉。 Miranda and Christina see Eric to wake up, is supporting getting out of bed, how actually to see looks like two lazy and exhausted cats, has had the breakfast, two girls also insisted that must deliver Eric to go to the airport. 米兰达和克里斯蒂娜艾瑞克醒来,也强撑着起床,却是怎么看都像两只慵懒而困顿的小猫,吃过早餐,两个女孩还坚持要送艾瑞克去机场。
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