IAIH :: Volume #9

#861: On the present

Eric does not know Tom Cruise my manner how, but Paula Wagner hopes to facilitate this cooperation obviously. Therefore, Paula Wagner also expressed that Tom Cruise can sign three «Iron Man» pieces with Firefly one time makes, the condition retains the sequel salary the negotiated price power. 艾瑞克不知道汤姆克鲁斯本人的态度到底如何,但宝拉瓦格纳显然非常希望促成这次合作。为此,宝拉瓦格纳还表示汤姆克鲁斯可以一次性与萤火虫签署三部《钢铁侠》片约,条件只是保留续集片酬的议价权。 To Tom the Cruise position, this condition has the sincerity, exploding as a result of recent film market, Hollywood Star sale price large scale when production costs rise , prices rise too, Hollywood superstar few disposable has signed many pieces to make with Film Studio now. 相对于汤姆克鲁斯的咖位,这份条件还是非常有诚意的,由于最近几年电影市场的爆,好莱坞明星身价大幅度水涨船高,现在好莱坞一线巨星已经很少一次性与电影公司签署多部片约了。 However, this is unable to meet the requirements of Eric obviously. 不过,这显然无法达到艾瑞克的要求。 Paula, the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan is a Firefly time very important layout, to guarantee this plan implements, we choose the core level hero role the bottom line at least to sign six pieces to make, this condition is no exception regarding anybody, therefore, three definitely are incorrect.” 宝拉,漫威电影宇宙计划是萤火虫的一次非常重要的布局,为了保证这份计划实施下去,我们挑选核心级英雄角色的底线就是至少要签六部片约,这一条件对于任何人都不能例外,所以,三部肯定是不行的。” Paula Wagner said: Eric, since you such attach great importance to the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan, that is choosing the Actor aspect, Firefly should prudently be more right obviously. I think that you definitely know, the disposable six pieces make, Hollywood any superstar will not agree.” 宝拉瓦格纳道:“艾瑞克,既然你对漫威电影宇宙计划这么重视,那在挑选演员方面,萤火虫显然应该更加慎重才对。我想你肯定知道,一次性六部片约,好莱坞任何一线巨星都不会同意的。” Eric shakes the head gently, said: I think that you possibly misunderstood a point, Firefly have hoped can sign the bureau chief to make, but does not mean that we are not willing to pay a Actor richer salary. We have drawn up a detailed floating salary plan. With Cruise, if he is willing to sign, we even can adopt the floating salary mechanism from first part.” 艾瑞克轻轻摇头,道:“我想你可能误会了一点,萤火虫希望能够签署长约,但并不意味着我们不愿意支付演员更丰厚的片酬。我们已经拟定了一份详细的浮动片酬方案。就拿克鲁斯来说,如果他愿意签约,我们甚至可以从第一部就采取浮动片酬机制。” Paula Wagner looked at the eye to sit in nearby Avi calmly Arad. 宝拉瓦格纳不动声色地看了眼坐在旁边的阿维阿拉德 After she contacts Marvel, Avi Arad participates performance «Iron Man» regarding Cruise appears very earnest, everybody simply discussed that in a hurry caught up with Los Angeles, therefore, she also not from Avi in the Arad mouth heard the explanation of floating salary plan. 在她接触漫威之后,阿维阿拉德对于克鲁斯参演《钢铁侠》显得非常热切,大家只是简单讨论一番,就匆匆赶来了洛杉矶,因此,她还没有从阿维阿拉德口中听到浮动片酬方案的说明。 From this small detail, Paula Wagner guessed that Avi perhaps Arad too does not approve Eric the plan. However, this is also not difficult to imagine, Eric the bundle plan of the disposable six contract, will definitely make Hollywood over 90% superstar shrink back at the sight. But in the Hollywood traditional ideas, a big manufacture movie , if no big star to participate performance, how that possibly succeeds. 从这个小细节里,宝拉瓦格纳猜测阿维阿拉德或许并不是太赞成艾瑞克的这份方案。不过,这也不难想象,艾瑞克的这份一次性六部合约的捆绑方案,肯定会让好莱坞90以上的一线巨星望而却步。但在好莱坞传统观念里,一部大制作电影如果没有大明星参演,那怎么可能成功呢。 For all that Paula Wagner has not actually displayed any exceptionally , to continue to pursue asks: Eric, can say is more detailed?” 虽然如此,宝拉瓦格纳却并没有表现出任何异常,继续追问道:“艾瑞克,可以说的更详细一些吗?” Naturally,” Eric nods, has the patience to explain very much: Takes Cruise, Firefly can start out one to guarantee a minimum the salary to him, defers to 10 million USD to calculate. Then, movie global Box Office in 300 million USD, the 10 million USD basic salary is invariable. 300 million USD to 500 million USD, the salary amplification is too not big, every time increases 100 million USD, additional 1 million, because this is also in the movie in the returning home courts. global Box Office achieves and 500 million USD, takes the Box Office most significant digit to be multiplied by o ten thousand, in other words, global 500 million, Cruise can attain 15 million USD, global 800 million, Cruise can attain 24 million USD, and so on.” “当然,”艾瑞克点头,很有耐心地解释道:“就拿克鲁斯来说,萤火虫可以给他开出一个保底片酬,就按照1ooo万美元来算吧。接下来,影片全球票房3亿美元以内,1ooo万美元的底薪不变。3亿美元5亿美元之间,片酬增幅不算太大,每增加一亿美元,加1oo万,因为这还处于影片的回本区间内。全球票房达到并过5亿美元,取票房最高位数字乘以o万,也就是说,全球5亿,克鲁斯能够拿到15oo万美元,全球8亿,克鲁斯能够拿到24oo万美元,以此类推。” Paula Wagner is clear, Eric simply gives an example, the detailed rules that the concrete salary contract involves will definitely be dozens pages. 宝拉瓦格纳清楚,艾瑞克只是简单地进行举例,具体的薪酬合约涉及到的详细条条框框肯定会达到几十页之多。 However, Paula Wagner also realized that the whole of this salary plan is not favorable. In recent years, Hollywood native Box Office breaks through the 100 million USD movie quantity to approach the 2 o unit every year, this was almost the early 90's two times. However, although the Hollywood movie presents the prosperous situation in the global market whole, but global Box Office breaks through the 500 million USD movie quantity to be as before few every year. 不过,宝拉瓦格纳也意识到,这一片酬方案的整体并不算优厚。最近几年,好莱坞每年本土票房突破1亿美元的电影数量已经接近2o部,这差不多是九十年代初的两倍。不过,虽然好莱坞电影在全球市场整体呈现欣欣向荣的态势,但每年全球票房突破5亿美元的影片数量依旧屈指可数。 With last year, global Box Office five hundred million USD movies, besides «RMS Titanic» this different number, had «The Matrix» and «The Mummy 2» and «Mission: Impossible 2» these three. 就拿去年来说,全球票房过五亿美元的影片,除了《泰坦尼克号》这个异数之外,就只有《黑客帝国》、《木乃伊2》、《碟中谍2》这三部。 Sony line of «Men in Black 2» and Metro Goldwyn Mayer of «Charlie's Angels 2», although has brought the rich profit to Film Studio similarly, but global Box Office also stays in five hundred million USD. 索尼行的《黑衣人2》和米高梅的《霹雳娇娃2》虽然同样给电影公司带来了丰厚的利润,但全球票房也都停留在五亿美元以内。 Because the production cost of Hollywood mainstream business piece also maintains in 100 million USD, crosses 70 million USD few. Movie global Box Office can achieve 300 million USD, is counted the late multi-channel income, has been able to make Film Studio gain one greatly. 由于好莱坞主流商业片的制作成本都还保持在1亿美元以内,过7ooo万美元的都很少。一部电影全球票房能够达到3亿美元,算上后期的多渠道收入,就已经能让电影公司大赚一笔了。 Therefore, salary condition that Eric pledges, in Paula Wagner looks like, although the surface is generous, but is more like a spatial picture pie. 因此,艾瑞克开出的片酬条件,在宝拉瓦格纳看来,虽然表面慷慨,但更像是一张空画的大饼。 According to this salary condition, Actor wants to attain the 20 million USD salary, global Box Office needs to achieve 700 million USD, like this calculates that last year can achieve this condition, only remaining «RMS Titanic» and «The Matrix» two, «The Mummy 2» and «Mission: Impossible 2» global Box Office also has more than 600 million. Paula Wagner Firefly unconsciously attempts to realize mass production the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan has achieves the global 700 million Box Office potential with ease. 按照这种片酬条件,演员想要拿到2ooo万美元片酬,全球票房就需要达到7亿美元,这样算来,去年能够达到这种条件的,就只剩下《泰坦尼克号》和《黑客帝国》两部,《木乃伊2》和《碟中谍2》的全球票房也都只有600000000多。宝拉瓦格纳更不觉的萤火虫企图实现‘量产’的漫威电影宇宙计划拥有轻松达到全球7亿票房的潜力。 Although Cruise in recent years enters the ebb tide time of enterprise, but because he simultaneously holds the post in the majority of movies jointly invests and Producer role, movie Box Office that even if participates is not quite splendid, wants to attain the 20 million USD income from each movie, is very easy. 克鲁斯最近几年虽然进入事业的低潮期,但由于他在大部分影片上都同时担任联合投资和制作人的角色,即使参与的影片票房不太出色,想要从每部影片里拿到2ooo万美元收入,还是非常容易的。 Thinking moment, Paula Wagner said: Eric, if I have not remembered incorrectly, last year a all year, Hollywood global Box Office did achieve the 500 million USD movie is about 5? In this case, you thought that global Box Office 500 million USD, the lead can only attain 15 million USD salaries, this reasonable?” 思索片刻,宝拉瓦格纳道:“艾瑞克,如果我没有记错的话,去年一整年,好莱坞全球票房达到5亿美元的电影也不过5部吧?这样的话,你觉得,全球票房5亿美元,主角只能拿到15oo万美元片酬,这合理吗?” On the Eric face is having the smile of several points of understanding clearly, looks to Paula Wagner, said: Paula, you should understand, if the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan obtains successfully, Cruise obtains not only will be only the salary, at least over the next ten years the time, he can be superstar ranks by the popularity that this movie will bring. I think that this is you presents the most primary cause here today, not?” 艾瑞克脸上带着几分了然的微笑,看向宝拉瓦格纳,道:“宝拉,你应该明白,如果漫威电影宇宙计划获得成功,克鲁斯得到的将不仅仅只是片酬,至少未来十年时间,他都将可以凭借这部影片带来的人气稳居一线巨星行列。我想,这才是你今天出现在这里的最主要原因,不是吗?” Because has missed the «Mission: Impossible» series, the Cruise popularity recent is at slides to the condition, if encounters 1-2 Box Office to be defeated again, he loses a superstar status almost divides minute's of matter. In the past had for a while sight John Travolta and Richard Jill and the others, basically such disappeared in ranks, Silvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and the others, arrived at this condition edge similarly. 由于错过了《碟中谍》系列,克鲁斯最近几年的人气都处于下滑状态,如果再遭遇一两次票房失败,他失去一线巨星的地位几乎是分分钟的事情。当年都有过一时风光的约翰特拉沃尔塔理查吉尔等人,基本上就是这么消失在一线行列中的,西尔维斯特・史泰龙、阿诺・施瓦辛格、布鲁斯・威利斯等人,同样也到了这种境况的边缘。 In order to maintain popularity, Arnold Schwarzenegger had held over «Batman And the anxious frozen person role in Robin» last year, attempts through playing the villain tries another method, including obtains Mel of good result at the Director enterprise Gibson also starts to seek to restart the «Lethal Weapon» series, therefore, Tom Cruise seeks to play «Iron Man» at this time, matter that the goal of deeper level is not hard to guess. 为了维持人气,阿诺・施瓦辛格去年就接演了《蝙蝠侠罗宾》中的急冻人角色,企图通过饰演反派另辟蹊径,连在导演事业上取得不错成绩的梅尔吉布森也都开始寻求重启《致命武器》系列,因此,汤姆克鲁斯此时寻求出演《钢铁侠》,更深层次的目的也并不是那么难以猜测的事情。 Paula Wagner not, because was exposed these to feel awkward by Eric, on the face is having the appropriate smile as before, said: Eric, I thought that this is a win-win matter, so long as you can relax the contract limit, everybody can gain very big advantage. Let alone, if the «Iron Man» series obtain successfully, even if three contracts expire, Tommy definitely is also glad to renew a contract.” 宝拉瓦格纳并没有因为被艾瑞克点破这些而感到尴尬,脸上依旧带着得体的微笑,道:“艾瑞克,我觉得这是一件双赢的事情,只要你能够将合约限制放宽一些,大家都能获得很大的好处。更何况,如果《钢铁侠》系列获得成功,哪怕三部合约到期,汤米肯定也非常乐意续约的。” The Eric heart said that by the Cruise shouting out the price style, when the time comes Firefly may not be glad. 艾瑞克心说以克鲁斯的叫价风格,到时候萤火虫可就非常不乐意了。 Shook the head gently, Eric said: Paula, I think that we should be very difficult to achieve consistently, but, except for «Iron Man», if Cruise wants with the Firefly cooperation, we welcome.” 轻轻摇了摇头,艾瑞克道:“宝拉,我想我们应该很难达成一致了,不过,除了《钢铁侠》,如果克鲁斯想要和萤火虫合作的话,我们还是非常欢迎的。” Paula Wagner somewhat is immediately disappointed, with the Paramount, Sony and other company cooperation, Cruise can also attain the biggest manufacture and marketing resources inclines, but will have Firefly of numerous high-quality project definitely not to their this giving favored treatment, therefore, gathering of Eric to her not too strong attraction, Paula Wagner remembered recently Firefly and Paramount conflict, thought that Eric said that perhaps got up is attacking the Paramount thoughts, after all, Cruise / Wagner Production Studio basically accommodated alongside in Paramount. 宝拉瓦格纳顿时有些失望,与派拉蒙索尼等公司合作,克鲁斯还能够拿到最大的制作和营销资源倾斜,但旗下拥有众多优质项目的萤火虫肯定不会给他们这种优待,因此,艾瑞克的招揽对她并没有太大吸引力,宝拉瓦格纳想起最近萤火虫派拉蒙的争端,心想艾瑞克这么说,或许是起着打击派拉蒙的心思,毕竟,克鲁斯/瓦格纳制作公司基本上就是挂靠在派拉蒙旗下。 Because knows that Cruise is impossible to agree salary plan that Eric proposed, meaning that Arien may not yield, both sides have not continued to discuss. 由于知道克鲁斯不可能同意艾瑞克提出的薪酬方案,艾瑞可也没有丝毫让步的意思,双方也就没有继续谈下去。 Has had the lunch, Paula Wagner hastily leaves, she must fly back to New York to be responsible for Cruise in the afternoon being in the shoots new piece business once more. 吃过午餐,宝拉瓦格纳就匆匆离开,她下午还要再次飞回纽约负责克鲁斯正在拍摄的新片事务。 Avi Arad not anxiously return, he on the Los Angeles dull several days, but, Paula after Wagner leaves, Avi Arad appears exceptionally disappointed, he knows not many about Hollywood, therefore also with Hollywood surrounding investor such, is familiar with in Da to manufacture the big Director big star strategy. 阿维阿拉德并不急着返回,他会在洛杉矶呆上几天,只不过,宝拉瓦格纳离开后,阿维阿拉德显得异常失望,他对好莱坞了解不多,因此也就和好莱坞的外围投资人那样,习惯于大制作大导演大明星策略。 In the Eric memory, level hero of Marvel at first conception dream team, is Tom Cruise plays Iron Man, Brad Peter plays Thor, Edward Norton plays Hulk. Final result all people know that comprehensive rising of Marvel level hero, had proven also uses the accuracy of potential Director and 23 new person strategies. 艾瑞克的记忆中,漫威最初构想的级英雄‘梦之队’,就是汤姆克鲁斯饰演钢铁侠,布拉德・皮特饰演雷神,爱德华诺顿饰演绿巨人。最终的结果所有人都知道,漫威级英雄的全面崛起,同时也证明了采用潜力导演和23线新人策略的正确性。 If Marvel initial conception dream team achieves, that result was very difficult to expect, like recent Warner «Batman» series such, because the Lord created must , etc. pull each time in the salary, script with the movie-making side, four Batman, have changed three leads, two Director, this Lord created the intense instability of team, eventually caused Batman series one to be inferior to one. 如果漫威最初的构想的‘梦之队’达成,那结果就很难预料了,就像最近几年华纳的《蝙蝠侠》系列那样,因为主创每次都要与制片方在片酬、剧本等拉扯一番,四部蝙蝠侠,换了三个主角,两任导演,这种主创团队的强烈不稳定性,也最终导致蝙蝠侠系列一部不如一部。 Eric not again to Avi Arad explained are too many, they chatted some trivial matters of Marvel Studios construction, Eric then delivered Avi Arad left the manor. 艾瑞克并没有再向阿维阿拉德解释太多,两人聊了一些漫威影业筹建的琐事,艾瑞克便送阿维阿拉德离开庄园。 Christina today is a little depressed, she received the Eric call to spend the weekend to the manor yesterday, is only this morning, that named Miranda, but the girl is unsolicited, forces one's way in their two people of world, toward noon, also two guests arrive, Eric must leave Los Angeles tomorrow, can say that this weekend is really somewhat awful. 克里斯蒂娜今天很是有点郁闷,她昨天接到艾瑞克的电话到庄园来度周末,只是今天一大早,那个名叫米兰达・可儿的女孩就不请自来,强行闯入两人的‘二人世界’,临近中午时,又有两位客人到来,艾瑞克明天又要离开洛杉矶,可以说,这个周末真是有些糟糕。 To around 2 : 00 pm, two guests both left, Eric can be idle. 一直到下午两点多,两位客人都离开了,艾瑞克才得以空闲下来。 But at this time, looks that a Miranda being encumbered cat appearance puts on Eric, Christina is depressed, she actually one in front of Eric is cautiously, always does not dare to look like this girl so to be at present dissolute. 但此时,看着米兰达一副缠身小猫模样地扑在艾瑞克身上,克里斯蒂娜就更是郁闷,她在艾瑞克面前其实一只都是小心翼翼的,从来都不敢像眼前这个女孩那么放肆。 Christina even somewhat suspected that cross sits this cat on Eric leg does not only know one are one occupies the Hollywood lion at present, will be the too self-confident this lion definitely not her, as soon as will stutter? 克里斯蒂娜甚至有些怀疑,跨坐在艾瑞克腿上的这只‘小猫’到底是不知道自己眼前是一只盘踞好莱坞的狮子呢,还是太自信这头狮子肯定不会把她一口吃掉呢? Miranda, but the son is actually is disinclined to pay attention to the Christina intertwining depressed hidden bitterness and so on small mood, puts on Eric affectionate, hugs his neck to act like a spoiled brat saying: Eric, I on newspaper noticed that the «Casino Royale» reflecting ritual will hold in London, you definitely also will go when the time comes is right?” 米兰达・可儿却是懒得理会克里斯蒂娜纠结郁闷幽怨之类的小情绪,亲昵地扑在艾瑞克身上,搂着他的脖子撒娇道:“艾瑞克,我在报纸上看到《皇家赌场》的映礼会在伦敦举行,到时候你肯定也会去对不对?” Eric double is hand-held the small waist of Miranda, does not make her paste is too near, says with a smile: Yes, but definitely cannot lead you to go, therefore do not think.” 艾瑞克双手扶着米兰达的小腰,不让她贴的太近,笑道:“是啊,不过肯定不能带你去,所以别想了。” Really repugnant, I have not said that” Miranda grabbed the Eric shirt collar to pull pulling gently, discontented say|way: You added that last year must help me celebrate a birthday, last month had not seen your shadow, , how do you plan to compensate me?” “真讨厌,我都还没提出来呢,”米兰达抓着艾瑞克的衬衫衣领轻轻扯了扯,不满道:“你去年还说要帮我过生日呢,上个月根本就没有看到你的影子,,你打算怎么补偿我?” Eric knows that Gisele will definitely not tell Miranda the matter of their Universal travel, but said with a smile: Oh, what do you want to compensate?” 艾瑞克知道吉赛尔肯定不会将她们环球旅行的事情告诉米兰达,只是笑道:“,你想要什么补偿啊?” The Miranda stiff body, has turned the waist gently, said: Disney Channel that TV series that I participate performance now passed simply bored, Eric, you looked that I can play Gwynne, Gwynne in «Spider-Man» Daisy?” 米兰达挺直身体,轻轻扭了扭腰肢,道:“我现在参演的迪斯尼频道那部电视剧简直无聊透了,艾瑞克,你看,我能演格温吗,《蜘蛛侠》里的格温・史黛西?” „, This is not good, this, when the time comes made you develop side a Gwynne female schoolmate to be good.” “呵,这可不行,这样,到时候让你演格温身边的一个女同学好了。” Did not have the sincerity, I did not want these corners small roles,” Miranda swung the small head discontentedly, the eye was transferring the revolutions, said: That, I, I and Christina just saw many vehicles in your garage, that many good vehicles, the real waste, you not to have opened several times is right?” “太没诚意了,我才不要这些边角的小角色,”米兰达不满地摇着小脑袋,眼睛转了转,道:“那,我,我和克里斯蒂娜刚刚在你车库里看到很多车子呢,唔,那么多好车子,真浪费,你根本就没有开过几次对不对?” Eric the girl toward the extrapolation pushing, grasped her small waist not to make her move heedlessly with a smile again, said: „The words that you want, at least must wait till your are 16 years old, now is not good.” 艾瑞克笑着将女孩朝外推了推,握着她的小腰不让她再乱动,道:“你想要的话,至少要等到你16岁,现在可不行。” Miranda looked at eye Christina, the eye transferred the revolutions, said: I now likely am not 16 years old, Eric, you can definitely help me manage a driving license, is right?” 米兰达看了眼身旁的克里斯蒂娜,眼睛转了转,道:“我现在难道不像是16岁吗,艾瑞克,你肯定能帮我办一张驾照的,对不对?” Yes, therefore, I cannot help you,” Eric has smiled, has pinched pinching on the girl cheek, said: „ So should not be law-abiding, now may not reach the age that you drive by far, if has had an accident, I do not have the means to give your parents to confess. „ “是啊,所以,我不能帮你啊,”艾瑞克笑了,在女孩脸蛋上捏了捏,道:“别这么不安分,现在可还远远不到你开车的年龄,万一出事了,我可没办法给你父母交代。“ Miranda also entreated one, sees Eric not to relent throughout, then has traded a condition, said: That consider as finished, your driving leads me, um, I and Christina catch the wind what kind, on the present.”( To be continued.) 8 米兰达又哀求了一阵,见艾瑞克始终不松口,便换了个条件,道:“那算了,你开车带我,嗯,我和克里斯蒂娜兜风怎么样,就现在。”(未完待续。)8
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