IAIH :: Volume #9

#862: The Fast and the Furious

Hears the request of Miranda, Eric has not flatly refused actually, but asked: Now, which goes?” 听到米兰达的这个请求,艾瑞克倒是没有一口拒绝,只是问道:“现在,去哪啊?” Miranda said excitedly: We, um, we can along No. 1 road to north, should better be able to arrive at San Francisco, I have not gone to San Francisco.” 米兰达兴奋地说道:“我们,嗯,我们可以沿着一号公路一路向北啊,最好能够开到旧金山,我还没去过旧金山呢。” You thought getting up that on that road the vehicle can run? When we arrive at San Francisco, perhaps is the midnight,” Eric shakes the head to say with a smile. “你觉得那条路上车子能跑的起来吗?等我们到旧金山,说不定已经是半夜了,”艾瑞克摇头笑道。 The road that Miranda said refers to the California Pacific Rim No. 1 road, sticks to the Pacific rim to pass through the entire California. This road name sounds the atmosphere for the first time, in fact is only small pitch of two-lane . Moreover the state of roads is also poor, let alone sports car, ordinary car runs above must press the vehicle speed, is impossible to realize sense of joy that anything catches the wind. 米兰达所说的公路是指加州环太平洋一号公路,紧贴着太平洋沿岸贯穿整个加利福尼亚。这条路名字乍听起来很大气,实际上只是一条双车道的小柏油,而且路况也并不怎么好,别说跑车,普通的轿车跑在上面都要压着车速,根本不可能体会到什么兜风的愉悦感。 That,” Miranda is crooked the small head to think that the eye has shone suddenly, hugged the neck of Eric to be tighter, said: We go to Las Vegas to be good, I listened to the schoolmate saying that drove Las Vegas from Los Angeles, only took three hours.” “那,”米兰达歪着小脑袋想了想,眼睛突然亮了起来,搂着艾瑞克的脖子紧了些,道:“我们去拉斯维加斯好不好,我听同学说过呢,从洛杉矶开车到拉斯维加斯,只需要三个多小时。” Eric felt that the Miranda soft body has pasted, is disinclined to shove open again. Miranda has replaced the morning tennis dress at this time, chooses the small T-shirt and short hot-pants of dew navel, the whole body is lending a youth invincible aura. 艾瑞克感觉到米兰达柔软的身体又贴了过来,也懒得再推开。米兰达此时已经换掉了上午的网球服,选择露脐的小t恤和短热裤,浑身散发着一股青春无敌的气息。 Feels the light body that on the young girl is transmitting to be fragrant, Eric also considers at heart. 感受着少女身上传来的淡淡体香,艾瑞克心里也斟酌起来。 Returns from New York, his connecting shaft change of scene has worked once more over half a month, receives round trip Maryland, although attended the Chris wedding, because all management in Firefly system can be assemble, when the time comes definitely not relaxed many. Then, relaxes while the present opportunity, is a good choice. Let alone, drives to catch the wind, when the previous time in New York refuses to drive Cindy that Ma Sarah, Eric realized one somewhat have even come apart with the normal life, in any event, Eric absolutely does not want to make one to set the record of the big industry actually to imprison person who cannot move. 纽约归来,他再次连轴转地工作了大半个月,接下来去马里兰州,虽然是参加克里斯的婚礼,但因为萤火虫体系内的所有高管都会齐聚一堂,到时候肯定也不会轻松多少。那么,趁现在的机会放松一下,也是个不错的选择。更何况,还是开车兜风,上次在纽约拒绝驾驶辛迪的那辆玛莎拉蒂时,艾瑞克就意识到自己甚至有些与正常生活脱节了,无论如何,艾瑞克都绝对不想做一个创下偌大产业却将自己禁锢其中动弹不得的人。 Fast made the decision, Eric puts out a hand to pat on the Miranda small buttocks, said: Good, goes to Las Vegas.” 飞快做出决定,艾瑞克伸手在米兰达小臀上拍了下,道:“好吧,去拉斯维加斯。” Wow, Eric, I loved you,” Miranda almost jumped excitedly, the bending down loquacious has kissed several on the Eric face. 哇哦,艾瑞克,我爱死你了,”米兰达兴奋地差点跳起来,俯身吧吧地在艾瑞克脸上亲了几下。 Eric shoves open this excited girl, said: Was good, first gets down, I hit under several telephone arrangements.” 艾瑞克将这兴奋的妮子推开,道:“好了,先下来,我打几个电话安排下。” Since decides to go to Las Vegas temporarily, Eric must fly to Maryland from there tomorrow, this matter definitely needs with being responsible for arranging the assistant of his traveling schedule to communicate, in addition, although only treats one in the evening, but entertainment lodging even security and so on trivial matters definitely also need to arrange ahead of time. 既然临时决定去拉斯维加斯,艾瑞克明天就要从那里飞往马里兰州,这件事肯定需要与负责安排他行程的助理沟通一下,此外,虽然只待一晚上,但娱乐住宿甚至安保之类的琐事肯定也需要提前安排。 Fires off several to telephone continuously, Eric somewhat self-ridicules unavoidably smiled, sets out to Miranda and Christina said: Was good, we walk.” 连续打完几通电话,艾瑞克难免有些自嘲地笑了笑,起身对米兰达和克里斯蒂娜道:“好了,我们走吧。” Miranda sticks immediately, pulls the arm of Eric, Christina is also difficult to cover follows excitedly side Eric. 米兰达立刻又粘过来,挽住艾瑞克的手臂,克里斯蒂娜也难掩兴奋地跟在艾瑞克身边。 Under three people arrive at the garage together, Eric one group of bodyguards have been preparing, they will drive to go together. 三人一起来到底下车库,艾瑞克的一组保镖已经在准备,他们会开车一同前往。 The Miranda eyeful small stars have swept in dozens bold car(riage)s, then plunges a pure black Lamborghini ghost, tries to open the vehicle door clumsily, has not actually succeeded, the girl is not awkward, turns head saying: Eric, this, do we drive this car(riage) to be good?” 米兰达满眼小星星地在数十辆豪车中扫了一圈,然后扑向一辆纯黑色的兰博基尼鬼怪,笨拙地试着想要拉开车门,却没有成功,女孩也不尴尬,扭头说道:“艾瑞克,这辆,我们开这辆车好不好?” Eric shakes the head saying: This is a double seat, we may have three people.” 艾瑞克摇头道:“这是双座的,我们可有三个人。” Miranda knows that impossible to throw off Christina, looks disappointedly to other vehicles, the spacious underground garage has held at least various 30 type bold car(riage)s, but innermost row of all sports car basically are the double seats, Miranda does not want to ride these self-important Bentley Rolls-Royce and so on, the look transferred, the girl probed to refer to that side several bodyguards, said: Christina can ride their car(riage)s.” 米兰达知道不可能把克里斯蒂娜甩掉,失望地看向其他车子,宽敞的地下车库足足容纳了至少三十辆各式豪车,但最里面这一排所有跑车基本上都是双座的,米兰达可不想乘坐那些老气横秋的宾利劳斯莱斯之类,眼神转了一圈,女孩试探着指了指几位保镖那边,道:“克里斯蒂娜可以坐他们的车嘛。” Christina has been immediately driven beyond the limits of forbearance, when my stature is slightly good to bully, will say anything, suddenly lives, on the face shows the self-satisfied smiling face, pulled out a card to demonstrate to raise toward Miranda from the small satchel along, then looked to Eric, said: Eric, actually, I have attained the driving license.” 克里斯蒂娜顿时就忍无可忍了,当我个子小就好欺负么,正要说什么,突然又顿住,脸上露出得意的笑容,从随身小挎包里掏出一张卡片朝米兰达示威地扬了扬,然后才看向艾瑞克,道:“艾瑞克,其实,我已经拿到驾照了呢。” Eric received the Christina driving license to look with a smile, said: Car(riage) when you study?” 艾瑞克笑着接过克里斯蒂娜的驾照看了看,道:“你什么时候学的车啊?” Secretly started to study very much long time ago, I celebrated the 16 th birthday shortly after to test the driving license,” Christina was saying, has supplemented one: Now Mama very much had felt relieved made me open in the family/home alone that Chevrolet.” “很早就偷偷开始学了呢,我过了16岁生日没多久就考到了驾照,”克里斯蒂娜说着,又补充了一句:“现在妈妈已经很放心让我单独开家里那辆雪佛兰了。” Good,” Eric smiles, has referred to the surroundings, said: You select one to open.” “好吧,”艾瑞克笑笑,指了指周围,道:“你自己挑一辆能开的。” Christina disregards the Miranda depressed expression, intentionally but also resembles passes through from her side, arrives by purple Lamborghini, covered in the engine gently has patted the racket, said: Eric, can I open this?” 克里斯蒂娜无视米兰达郁闷的表情,还故意似的从她身边走过,来到一辆紫色兰博基尼旁边,轻轻在引擎盖上拍了拍,道:“艾瑞克,我可以开这辆吗?” Eric looks at that purple Lamborghini, after that is initially shoots ended 《Pretty Woman》, Lamborghini Corporation specially bestows to his, but these year of Eric basically again have not bumped, except for the routine maintenance, this car(riage) even little again leaves the garage. 艾瑞克看着那辆紫色兰博基尼,那还是当初拍摄《风月俏佳人》后,兰博基尼公司特意赠送给他的,只是这些年艾瑞克基本上没有再碰过,除了例行保养,这辆车甚至很少再离开车库。 Actually, in the garage majority of bold car(riage)s are so, the girl also every other day acquires some to be latest, perhaps these bold car(riage) most major functions to fill up the garage, making the person look pleasant. 其实,车库里大部分豪车都是如此,丫头还三天两头添置一些最新款,或许这些豪车最大的作用就只是为了填满车库,让人看着赏心悦目。 Eric also walks, said: Lamborghini is different from Chevrolet, selects other vehicles.” 艾瑞克也走过去,道:“兰博基尼雪佛兰可不一样,还是挑其他车子吧。” I will open,” Christina has hesitated, spits the small tongue, said: I, two years ago, Drew will have made me open.” “我会开呢,”克里斯蒂娜迟疑了下,吐了吐小舌头,道:“我,两年前就会了,德鲁让我开的。” Eric somewhat is immediately speechless, but remembers before meeting oneself, the girl 12 years old have the brilliance fact that drives to leave home, this matter as if did not have to move. 艾瑞克顿时有些无语,只是想起在遇到自己之前,丫头12岁就有着开车离家出走的光辉事迹,这件事似乎也就没那么不着调了。 Eric agreed finally, said: Good, does not pass by the road me who cannot open is quicker.” 艾瑞克最终还是同意了下来,道:“好吧,不过路上不许开的比我快。” For all that Eric did not feel relieved that Christina crosses after all 16 years old shortly, Eric lets his bodyguard team leader Carter finally sits on the Christina copilot is looking, everybody together, one line of seven people, two Lamborghini, two Land Rover takes in all the beautiful scenery, after leaving Malibu, has used for one hour, arrives to go nonstop to the Highway 15 in Las Vegas. 虽然如此,艾瑞克还是不太放心,克里斯蒂娜毕竟才过16岁没多久,最终艾瑞克让他的保镖队长卡特・摩恩坐在克里斯蒂娜副驾驶上照看着,大家才一起出发,一行七人,两辆兰博基尼,两辆路虎揽胜,离开马里布后,用了一个多小时,才到达直通拉斯维加斯的15号高速公路。 When across the Los Angeles urban district the time of spending were many, but, after on highway, the time is also less than four o'clock, from the Las Vegas only remaining 300 kilometers, people probably seven o'clock can arrive in Las Vegas. 虽然穿过洛杉矶市区时花费的时间多了一些,不过,上了高速公路之后,时间还不到四点钟,距离拉斯维加斯就只剩下300公里,众人大概七点钟就能够到达拉斯维加斯。 Highway 15 is very spacious six traffic lanes, by the path does not have the gully, but is vast Gobi Desert, therefore the security has the safeguard, if the vehicles on path can be less, that simply is the heaven of car race. 15号高速公路是非常宽敞的六车道,道路两旁也没有沟壑,而是一望无际的戈壁滩,因此安全性非常有保障,如果道路上的车辆能够再少一些,那简直就是飙车者的天堂。 When Eric across the Los Angeles urban district gradually restored the feel, after driving into the highway, starts to unshackle, in some vehicles few sections, even got up 200 kilometers speed whirlwind, when that extremely fast hurricane the exhilaration that the adrenalin increases sharply also makes him understand why that many people will like car race. 艾瑞克穿过洛杉矶市区时逐渐恢复了手感,驶入高速公路后,也开始放开手脚,在一些车辆较少的地段,甚至将速度飚上了200公里,那种极速狂飙时肾上腺素激增的兴奋感也让他明白为什么那么多人会喜欢飙车。 Let the Eric accident, Christina is opening that purple Lamborghini, regardless of can follow blindly near the Eric vehicles, occasionally parallel, will also press down the glass, mischievously toward sitting a face Miranda on the copilot spits the small tongue depressed, obviously, if not the Eric limit, this girl vehicle speed absolutely incessantly a little. This makes Eric realize girl in secret adjusts the rank to surpass own imagination absolutely, the clever girl, taught the speeding car female. 艾瑞克意外的时,克里斯蒂娜开着那辆紫色兰博基尼无论什么时候都能亦步亦趋地跟在艾瑞克车辆附近,偶尔并行,还会按下车窗,调皮地朝坐在副驾驶上一脸郁闷地米兰达吐吐小舌头,显然,如果不是艾瑞克限制,这妮子车速绝对不止这么一点。这让艾瑞克意识到丫头私下里的不着调级别绝对远超自己的想象,原本多乖巧的女孩啊,教成了飞车女。 Dashes about wildly, just passed six o'clock, the group then arrived at the small town of Nevada boundary. 一路狂奔,刚过六点钟,一行人便已经到了内华达州边界的一个小镇。 Everybody stops to refuel makes the short rest while convenient, Eric has not gotten out, whatever the bodyguards manage outside, sat Miranda on copilot actually gets out to shake, came back again, started to draw the arm of Eric to act like a spoiled brat: Eric, is not far from Las Vegas, waits to make me also open a while to be good? I looked to meet.” 大家停下来加油顺便做短暂的休息,艾瑞克并没有下车,任由保镖们在外面操持,坐在副驾驶上的米兰达却下车晃悠了一圈,再回来,就开始拉着艾瑞克的手臂撒娇:“艾瑞克,离拉斯维加斯不远了呢,等下让我也开一会儿好不好?我都看会了。” Eric makes a telephone call, shakes the head with a smile: This is not good, you want do not think.” 艾瑞克挂掉一个电话,笑着摇头:“这可不行,你想都不要想。” But, Christina obviously two years ago will drive, at that time she also and I was equally big.” “可是,克里斯蒂娜明明两年前就会开车了啊,那时候她也才和我一样大。” If I knew this matter, she definitely, Eric once more will not shake the head now, smiles comforting saying: Was good, should not be noisy, I just received the call, tonight David Copperfield in Caesar imperial palace perform magic Oh, the assistant will have helped us order the theater box.” “如果我知道了这件事,她现在肯定就不会了,”艾瑞克再次摇头,笑着安抚道:“好了,不要闹,我刚刚接到电话,今晚大卫・科波菲尔会在凯撒皇宫表演魔术,助理已经帮我们预订了包厢。” Miranda had not replied that on Eric nearby glass, Christina searches the small head to lie, said excitedly: David Copperfield, is, is that changes no fellow the airplane?” 米兰达还没有回答,艾瑞克旁边车窗上,克里斯蒂娜就探着小脑袋趴过来,兴奋地说道:“大卫・科波菲尔,就是,就是那个把飞机变没的家伙吗?” Yes,” Eric cannot bear, in Christina, because car race appears on the ruddy cheek has pinched, said: Had not said your matter, Lamborghini opens is so smooth, before definitely little had not violated the traffic regulations.” “是啊,”艾瑞克忍不住在克里斯蒂娜因为一路飙车而显得红润的脸蛋上捏了下,道:“还没有说你的事呢,兰博基尼开的这么溜,以前肯定没少违反交通规则。” Hehe,” the Christina cheek is pasting the Eric palm, flattered has rubbed rubbing: That, Eric, you punished me to be good in the evening.” “呵呵,”克里斯蒂娜脸蛋贴着艾瑞克手掌,讨好地蹭了蹭:“那,艾瑞克,你晚上惩罚我好了。” Eric said with a smile: Naturally, you run cannot run away.” 艾瑞克笑道:“当然,你跑都跑不掉。” Hello, when you I do not exist,” Miranda looked at Christina quickly discontentedly: Or I also together punished you to be good in the evening.” “喂,你们当我不存在啊,”米兰达很快不满地看了眼克里斯蒂娜:“要不我晚上也一起惩罚你好了。” The Christina direct selection disregards the words of Miranda, in any case the opposite party in the morning is also such to her , to continue to say to Eric: Eric, I just suddenly again think why you do not make a vehicle race movie, that is very definitely cool.” 克里斯蒂娜直接选择无视米兰达的话,反正对方上午也是这么对她的,继续对艾瑞克道:“艾瑞克,我刚刚突然再想,你为什么不拍一部赛车电影呢,那肯定很酷呢。” Eric has been startled , a name of movie almost dodges into his mind immediately, «The Fast and the Furious», oneself how this classical series forgetting. Before his rebirth, «The Fast and the Furious» series already shoots to sixth . Moreover the meaning of slightly not having stopped, so tenacious vitality had also proven this series can be Film Studio brings enough profit. 艾瑞克怔了下,一部电影的名字几乎立刻就闪入了他的脑海,《速度与激情》,自己怎么把这个经典系列给忘了。在他重生之前,《速度与激情》系列就已经拍摄到了第六部,而且丝毫没有停止的意思,如此顽强的生命力也证明了这个系列能够为电影公司带来足够的利润。 Put out a hand to select the small face of Christina to kiss maliciously, Eric said: This you reminded me but actually, in the evening rewarded you.” 伸手将克里斯蒂娜的小脸挑过来狠狠亲了下,艾瑞克道:“这你倒提醒我了,晚上奖励你。” The Christina book was casual saying, has not thought that the Eric response was so big, but, this having no interest inserted the result of willow tree also to make the girl very happy, said: That, does Eric, when the time comes make me also play a role to be good?” 克里斯蒂娜本就是随便一说,没想到艾瑞克反应这么大,不过,这种无心插柳的结果也让女孩很高兴,道:“那,艾瑞克,到时候让我也演一个角色好不好?” Good,” Eric nods, said: If when the time comes has appropriate role, definitely will make you try, um, perhaps can also let you role and this movie linkage one in «Casino Royale».” “好吧,”艾瑞克点头,道:“到时候如果有合适的角色,肯定会让你试试,嗯,或许还可以让你在《皇家赌场》里的角色与这部影片联动一下呢。” «The Fast and the Furious», involves the massive agent elements similarly, Christina in the «Casino Royale» role, although does not carry out the task Yixiantian to cause, but wants with «The Fast and the Furious» has the linkage, actually also easy. 速度与激情》,同样涉及到大量特工元素,克里斯蒂娜在《皇家赌场》里的角色虽然不是执行任务的一线天使,但想要与《速度与激情》产生联动,却也轻而易举。 The thought continues to diverge, Eric has found immediately out the idea that «The Fast and the Furious» and agent movie universe unifies . Moreover, this car race series can also enrich the agent movie universe entertainment element, after all, while the top agent resists the evil forces, occasionally alternates one to let car race that rapidly the person adrenalin increases sharply, to a great extent can also alleviate the pure agent movie to bring to the person aesthetic weary. 思维继续发散,艾瑞克立刻就想出了很多将《速度与激情》与特工电影宇宙结合起来的想法,而且,这个飙车系列也可以更加丰富特工电影宇宙的娱乐元素,毕竟,在顶级特工对抗邪恶势力的同时,偶尔穿插一场让人肾上腺素激增的急速飙车,也可以很大程度上缓解单纯的特工电影给人带来的审美疲劳。 Christina sees Eric to fall into the ponder, has not disturbed cleverly again, but happily with the Miranda demonstration of look to sitting on copilot, Miranda also refuses to admit being inferior to stare, four items are exploding the small spark relatively. 克里斯蒂娜艾瑞克陷入思考,乖巧地没有再打扰,只是得意地用眼神向坐在副驾驶上的米兰达示威,米兰达也不甘示弱地瞪过来,四目相对地爆着小火花。 Until the bodyguard reminded to be ready, the group once more started off. 直到保镖过来提醒一切准备就绪,一行人才再次上路。 In the evening 7.2 about ten, the setting sun just sank to the horizon, four car(riage)s drive into the Caesar imperial palace hotel underground parking garage situated in Las Vegas City Center finally in turn. 傍晚7.2十左右,夕阳刚刚沉入地平线,四辆车终于依次驶入位于拉斯维加斯市中心的凯撒皇宫酒店地下停车场。 Eric just stopped the car(riage), saw that one about 40 -year-old middle-aged person runs over attentively , helping him open the vehicle door on own initiative. 艾瑞克刚刚停好车,就看到一个40岁左右的中年人殷勤地跑过来,主动帮他拉开车门。 Mr. Williams, was very happy that you can visit the Caesar imperial palace hotel, I am here Manager, Ritchie Blake.” 威廉姆斯先生,很高兴您能光临凯撒皇宫酒店,我是这里的经理,里奇・布莱克。” Eric put out a hand to grasp with the opposite party, said with a smile: Hello, Mr. Blake.” 艾瑞克伸手与对方握了下,笑道:“你好,布莱克先生。” Ritchie Blake and other people on several vehicles get down patiently, saw that Miranda and Christina one on the left and other on the right gather side Eric, expression any change, has not put out a hand to hint, said with a smile: Please come with me, room has prepared for you.” 里奇・布莱克耐心地等其他几辆车上的人都下来,看到米兰达和克里斯蒂娜一左一右地凑到艾瑞克身边,表情并没有任何变化,伸手示意了下,微笑道:“请跟我来,房间已经为您准备好了。” Eric has not been to Ritchie Blake's attentiveness surprised, his present status and status can handle these completely, let alone he first checks into the Caesar imperial palace hotel, the opposite party naturally tactfully will appear will attach great importance. Appeared Miranda of bracelet somewhat cautious pulled the arm of Eric actually very much, in the look is short for several points not to be law-abiding, Christina very much cleverly followed side Eric. 艾瑞克并没有对里奇・布莱克的殷勤感到意外,他现在的身份和地位完全当得起这些,更何况他还是第一场入住凯撒皇宫酒店,对方自然会知趣地显得更加重视一些。倒是原本显得很跳脱的米兰达有些拘谨地挽住艾瑞克的手臂,眼神中少了几分不安分,克里斯蒂娜则很乖巧地跟在艾瑞克身边。 Since is admitted to the hotel, the bodyguards naturally do not need momentarily to follow in the side, Ritchie Blake to let follow their attendant to lead several bodyguards to go to the guest room, is directing Eric and two girls marches into the special-purpose elevator, presses down the push-button, this again calmly said: Mr. Williams, David starting from Copperfield's performance eight o'clock, do you want to dine first?” 既然住进酒店,保镖们自然不需要随时跟在身边,里奇・布莱克让跟随自己的侍应生带领几位保镖去客房,引着艾瑞克和两个女孩步入专用电梯,按下电钮,这才再次若无其事地说道:“威廉姆斯先生,大卫・科波菲尔的表演八点钟开始,您是先要用餐吗?” Un,” Eric nods, feels is pasting in oneself Miranda, smiled, said: Moreover, helping their two prepare some clothes.” “嗯,”艾瑞克点点头,感受着贴在自己身上的米兰达,笑了笑,道:“另外,帮她们两个准备一些衣服。” Is quite official the shirt slacks to compare with Eric, two girls both also wear the small T-shirt and cowboy shorts, even if with repairs the luxurious elevator within decoration to compare at present, appears is incompatible, two girls will be no wonder cautious. 艾瑞克比较正式一些的衬衫休闲裤比起来,两个女孩都还穿着小t恤和牛仔短裤,即使与眼前装修豪华的电梯间装饰比起来,都显得格格不入,也难怪两个女孩会拘谨起来。 Naturally does not have the issue,” Ritchie Blake nods, this slightly has sized up under Miranda and Christina, then told several to assistant in a low voice.( To be continued.) “当然没问题,”里奇・布莱克点点头,这才稍微打量了下米兰达和克里斯蒂娜,然后对身边的助手低声吩咐了几句。(未完待续。)
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