IAIH :: Volume #9

#860: Iron Man candidate

Chapter 860 第860章 Because all only started, Marvel Entertainment situated in New York will not make any adjustment, Marvel Studios temporarily only will also establish a simple office in the Firefly cinema city, two that is responsible for start inundate to change movie «Spider-Man» and «Iron Man» rear service administration and other work. 由于一切才刚刚起步,位于纽约漫威娱乐不会进行任何调整,漫威影业也暂时只会在萤火虫影城设立一个简单的办公室,负责已经开始着手的两部漫改电影《蜘蛛侠》和《钢铁侠》的后勤行政等工作。 Although beginning shooting of two movies at least must wait till next year, but the special effect research and development effort of earlier period started. 虽然两部影片的开拍至少也都要等到明年,但前期的特效研发工作都已经启动。 CG Special Effects manufacture goal simply speaking, actually also on person, scenery and thing three types. g特效的制作目标简单来说,其实也就人、景、物三种类型。 In the past these years, the technical research and development center of gravity of digital domain only involved scenery majority and thing these two aspects, moreover more centralized in thing on, dinosaur, giant beast, alien, spaceship and other special effect scene, were this category. Hurricane, flood and digitization construction and other images of can classify to scenery above. 以往这些年,数字领域的技术研发重心大部分都只涉及‘景’和‘物’这两方面,而且更多集中在‘物’上,恐龙、巨兽、外星人、宇宙飞船等特效镜头,都属于这一类别。飓风、洪水、数字化的建筑等意象则可以归类到‘景’上面。 But this time, «Spider-Man» or «Iron Man», «Hulk» and that «Thor» will present in the future and other movies, will appear massively with person related special effect, this definitely will first involve the later generation very universal motion capture technology, in the movie Tony Stack wears the majority of scenes of Iron Man uniform to wear the motion capture clothing/taking to complete actually. 但这一次,无论是《蜘蛛侠》还是《钢铁侠》,还是未来将出现的《绿巨人》、《雷神》等影片,都将出现大量与‘人’相关的特效,这首先肯定将涉及到后世非常普遍的动作捕捉技术,电影中托尼・斯塔克身穿钢铁侠制服的大部分场景其实都只是穿着动作捕捉服完成的。 The motion capture technology appeared in the 70's, but once historical, this technology receives the attention of film and television special effect profession truly and starts to apply massively, rumble the image after «The Lord of the Rings» attains to be successful greatly. According to the plan of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, the «The Lord of the Rings» series will start similarly also in the second half of this year, will use when the time comes definitely the motion capture, therefore, Eric treats as the digital domain this technology specially weilaiyiduanshijian the technical research and development key point, and follows up personally. 动作捕捉技术早在七十年代就已经出现,但曾经的历史上,这项技术真正受到影视特效行业的关注并开始大规模应用,还是在《魔戒》中咕噜的形象大获成功之后。根据米高梅的规划,《魔戒》系列同样也将在今年下半年启动,到时候肯定还会用到动作捕捉,因此,艾瑞克特意将这项技术当做数字领域未来一段时间的技术研发重点,并亲自进行跟进。 So long as can gain in enough technology and experience in the motion capture ahead of time, without a doubt, in the next few years, even if other special effect companies have completed keeping up on traditional CG Special Effects, the figure domain as in the entire profession maintains the powerful leading position. 只要能够提前在动作捕捉上积累足够的技术和经验,毫无疑问,未来几年,哪怕其他特效公司在传统g特效上完成了跟进,数字领域依旧将会整个行业内保持强势的领先地位。 Except for the motion capture technology, completely digitized large-scale urban scene and has the real sense of reality machine armor distortion special effect, similarly was included the digital domain technical research and development table of contents. 除了动作捕捉技术,完全数字化的大规模城市场景和拥有真实质感的机甲变形特效,同样被列入数字领域的技术研发目录。 Can want to see, once these two special effect technologies obtain perfect realization, not only can apply «Spider-Man» and «Iron Man " in and other Marvel movies, Firefly even can also in the situation of hardware exaggeration condition permission, start the manufacture of « Transformers» ahead of time. 可以想见,一旦这两种特效技术得到完美的实现,不但可以应用到《蜘蛛侠》和《钢铁侠》等漫威影片中,萤火虫甚至还可以在硬件渲染条件许可的情况下,提前启动《变形金刚》的制作。 At «RMS Titanic» glee feast that time again, Cameron specially is Stewart Runkle has arranged several detailed screen tests, finally is satisfying, Stewart has splendid performance talent, in addition these years experiences, control Peter that some words discussed the Parker image, had more than enough to spare completely. 泰坦尼克号》庆功宴上的那次再遇之后,卡梅隆特意为斯图尔特・朗克尔安排了几次详细的试镜,结果都非常令人满意,斯图尔特本就有着非常出色的演艺天赋,再加上这些年的历练,驾驭一个有些话唠的彼得・帕克形象,完全绰绰有余。 Just, the process of signing is doomed not to be smooth. 只不过,签约的过程注定不会那么顺利。 The Stewart broker contract as in aa, that side manager directly the pack contracts of six movies refuses Firefly to propose, most is only willing to sign three, and expressed that each must negotiate the salary, this is Firefly is obviously impossible to agree that both sides temporarily have then refused to budge. 斯图尔特的经纪合约依旧在aa,那边的经纪人直接拒绝了萤火虫提出的六部影片的打包合约,最多只愿意签署三部,并表示每一部都必须重新谈判片酬,这显然是萤火虫不可能同意的,双方便暂时僵持了起来。 Eric in detail has told the signing strategy of Stewart Marvel super movie on that party, he knows, if Stewart does not want, definitely will again not move unnecessarily participates in the Cameron screen test. Perhaps the present situation, such as he at that time said that hopes can celebrate the 16 th birthday to say other again. 艾瑞克在那次派对上就详细告诉过斯图尔特漫威超级影片的签约策略,他知道,如果斯图尔特不愿意,肯定不会再多此一举地参与卡梅隆的试镜。眼前的情况,或许也如他当时所说,希望能够度过16岁生日再说其他。 According to the Cameron temper, after beginning shooting of «Spider-Man» may even tow to «Iron Man», therefore, Eric does not have eagerly personally to inquire about this matter, whatever the Marvel Studios head and Stewart manager is rubbing slowly. 按照卡梅隆的性子,《蜘蛛侠》的开拍甚至可能会拖到《钢铁侠》之后,因此,艾瑞克也没有急于亲自过问这件事,任由漫威影业负责人与斯图尔特经纪人慢慢磨着。 On the other hand, Eric same started to build the «Iron Man» personnel frame. 另一方面,艾瑞克自己同样已经开始搭建《钢铁侠》的主创人员框架。 original «Iron Man» Director Jon Confucian is also a guest performer the small role in various single-handedly movies now, although is somewhat regrettable, Eric is impossible to spoil things by excessive enthusiasm, direct commission has not traced the new person of guide sleeve to hold the post of «Iron Man» Director completely, but, substitutes the candidate also to be easy to choose, that side is Joss Wei Deng. 原版钢铁侠》的导演乔恩・费儒现在还只是在各种独力电影中客串着小角色,虽然有些遗憾,艾瑞克却也不可能揠苗助长,直接任命一位完全没有摸过导筒的新人担任《钢铁侠导演,不过,替代人选却也非常容易挑选,那边是乔斯・韦登。 In original space and time, Joss Wei Deng Director «The Avengers», although has Marvel Superhero big building up corona in addition to hold, but movie's quality is similarly splendid. 原时空中,乔斯・韦登导演的《复仇者联盟》,虽然有着漫威超级英雄大集结的光环加持,但影片本身的质量同样非常出色。 These years, Joss Wei Deng is not only responsible for the «Buffy the Vampire Slayer» movie-making, Director and screenwriter work as before, similarly has also directed two low costs the movies of single-handedly, in addition Joss Wei Deng is a super cartoon fan, controls «Iron Man» this movie the ability was also enough. 这些年,乔斯・韦登不但依旧负责着《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》的制片、导演编剧工作,同样也已经执导了两部低成本的独力电影,再加上乔斯・韦登本人就是一个超级漫画迷,驾驭《钢铁侠》这部影片的能力也已经足够。 Beside Director, is most important, without doubt was the actor. 导演之外,最重要的,无疑便是男主角了。 This aspect, small Robert Downey definitely is the ridge that cannot circle, after all, original «Iron Man», the performance of Downey was really too successful, it can be said that in Marvel Cinematic Universe realized the role that the person has played to unite perfectly. 这方面,小罗伯特唐尼肯定是一个绕不过去的坎,毕竟,原版的《钢铁侠》,唐尼的表演实在是太成功了,可以说是漫威电影宇宙中最完美地实现了人戏合一的角色。 Although the «Iron Man» actor age of update has adjusted, but Downey echoes this condition as before. 虽然新版的《钢铁侠》男主角年龄进行了调整,但唐尼依旧附和这种条件。 When just, Eric lets the assistant relates the opposite party, the news that obtains was he just shut in the prison in this year's second time, and has been set for six weeks to serve a prison sentence the place to give up drug taking treatment after expiration. In assistant acquired material, Downey whole person also because completely indulges the drug dependence to cause to put on weight for a long time, did not remember completely plays Tony when Stack that returning to the fold -type vicissitudes feeling. 只不过,当艾瑞克让助理联系对方时,得到的消息是他刚刚在今年第二次被关进了监狱,并且已经预定了六周服刑期满之后的戒毒所治疗。助理收集到的资料中,唐尼整个人也完全因为长期沉溺毒瘾而导致发福,完全没有记忆中饰演托尼・斯塔克时的那种浪子回头式的沧桑感。 Although somewhat sobbed, Eric was impossible to wait for that the opposite party awakened greatly again, but made the person start to look for the new role candidate, after all, Hollywood most lacked, was the opportunity, but most did not lack, was Actor. 虽然有些唏嘘,艾瑞克却不可能等待对方再一次地大彻大悟,而是让人开始物色新的角色人选,毕竟,好莱坞最缺的,是机会,而最不缺的,就是演员 In the weekend, the time is on May 17. 恰好是周末,时间已经是5月17日。 The Chris wedding will be held three days later, Eric the plan flies to Maryland today, but receives Marvel Entertainment CEO Avi temporarily the telephone that Arad hopes to come to visit, then has to postpone one day the traveling schedule. 克里斯的婚礼在三天后就将举行,艾瑞克本打算今天就飞往马里兰州,但临时接到漫威娱乐eo阿维阿拉德希望前来拜访的电话,便只好将行程延后了一天。 Avi goal that Arad comes to visit, similarly chooses the corner/horn for the «Iron Man» actor the matter. 阿维阿拉德前来拜访的目的,同样是为《钢铁侠》男主角选角的事情。 Meanwhile, catches up together with him, lets the Eric unexpected person, Paula Wagner, Tom Cruise Producer, this obviously is also Avi Arad seriously personally the reason that flies from New York. 同时,与他一同赶来的,还有一个让艾瑞克意想不到的人,宝拉瓦格纳,汤姆克鲁斯制作人,这显然也是阿维阿拉德郑重其事地亲自从纽约飞过来的原因。 Cliff Peak Manor villa, near glass curtain wall receiving callers area. 尖角庄园别墅,玻璃幕墙边的会客区。 Avi Arad and Paula Wagner looks that two wore the tennis dress to the young girl who they carried the coffee, the look also toward stature petite Christina on much glanced several, very much tactfully has not actually expressed any viewpoint, but after the stature compared the tall and slender Miranda but the son's on but actually coffee to oneself, the politeness expressed gratitude. 阿维阿拉德宝拉瓦格纳看着两个身穿网球服给他们端咖啡的少女,眼神还不由地往身材娇小地克里斯蒂娜身上多瞟了几眼,却很知趣地没有发表任何观点,只是在身材比较高挑的米兰达・可儿给自己倒上咖啡之后,才礼貌地道了声谢。 Directly soared compared with one meter seven Miranda with the stature, only then one meter five over moreover again long Christina obviously will not be obviously easy to misunderstand the jailbait, but god knows, Christina enough compared with Miranda old three years old. 与身材已经直奔一米七的米兰达相比,只有一米五出头而且显然不会再长个的克里斯蒂娜显然很容易让人误会成未成年少女,但天知道,克里斯蒂娜足足比米兰达年长了三岁。 On some clear cheek was only having several points of small charming spirit, really makes Eric feel somewhat slightly, but. 某只清纯的脸蛋上已经带着几分小妩媚的妖精,才真是让艾瑞克感觉有几分小无奈了。 Long is so quick, long is so quick, long such quick...... 长这么快,长这么快,长这么快…… Let the person unable to give birth raises Loli’s sense of achievement! 让人丝毫生不出养萝莉的成就感啊! Looked at Miranda to bend the careful small waist to oneself one coffee, Eric hastily was saying pretentiously but actually: Plays a ball game, here did not need you to help.” 看米兰达弯着细细的小腰装模作样地给自己倒了一杯咖啡,艾瑞克就连忙道:“去打球吧,这里不用你们帮忙了。” Another side Christina puts down the coffeepot, asked: Eric, will the guests remain at noon?” 另一边的克里斯蒂娜放下咖啡壶,却问道:“艾瑞克,中午客人们会留下来吗?” Naturally, you make the chef meticulously prepare,” Eric was saying, looks to Avi Arad and Paula Wagner: Avi, Paula, what you have especially to like?” “当然,你让厨师精心准备一下,”艾瑞克说着,看向阿维阿拉德宝拉瓦格纳:“阿维,宝拉,你们有什么特别喜欢的吗?” Paula Wagner shakes the head saying: Casualness good.” 宝拉瓦格纳摇头道:“随便就好。” Avi Arad also echoes: I am also.” 阿维阿拉德也跟着附和:“我也是。” That this,” Eric then waved: You play first.” “那就这样,”艾瑞克这才又挥了挥手:“你们先去玩吧。” Waits for two girl forms to vanish, Eric first to Avi Arad said: You should already with Joss Wei Dengliao crossed, felt what kind of?” 等两个女孩身影消失,艾瑞克首先对阿维阿拉德道:“你应该已经与乔斯・韦登聊过了吧,感觉怎么样?” Has the young people of idea very much,” Avi the Arad nod said: Although his directing experienced shallowly, but I believe that had you to check personally, definitely was the mistake.” “很有想法的一个年轻人,”阿维阿拉德点头道:“虽然他的执导经验浅了一些,但我相信,有你亲自把关,肯定是出不了差错的。” Eric smiles, this changes Paula Wagner: „, Paula, was so what kind of recently, I heard that Cruise is in a New York shoots new piece?” 艾瑞克笑笑,这才转向宝拉瓦格纳:“那么,宝拉,最近怎么样,我听说克鲁斯正在纽约拍摄一部新片?” Avi Arad arrived at Los Angeles yesterday afternoon, and had discussed Paula in the telephone with him Wagner purpose in coming. 阿维阿拉德昨天下午就已经到了洛杉矶,并且已经在电话里与他讨论过宝拉瓦格纳的来意。 Although Firefly did not have formally to announce the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan to outside, but in Firefly movement situation repeatedly, this matter in Hollywood has not been considered as that any secret, some media have even launched the report of small range. 萤火虫虽然还没有正式对外界公布漫威电影宇宙计划,但在萤火虫动作频频的情况下,这件事在好莱坞已经并不算是什么秘密,一些媒体甚至已经展开了小范围的报道。 Perhaps was receives Warner a few years ago consecutively three «Batman» Box Office also calculates that good stimulation, Tom Cruise also has had the interest to «Iron Man». 或许是受到华纳前些年连续三部《蝙蝠侠票房还算不错的刺激,汤姆克鲁斯也对《钢铁侠》产生了兴趣。 In the previous life memory, «Iron Man» actually once became Tom Cruise it's in the bag, because the Marvel relapse delayed hesitant, in addition script is unable to make Cruise satisfy, both sides then separated from each other. 前世的记忆中,《钢铁侠》其实就一度成为汤姆克鲁斯的囊中之物,只是由于漫威的反复拖延犹豫,再加上剧本无法让克鲁斯满意,双方这才分道扬镳。 Then, as Actor, sometimes, the opportunity really appears incomparably important. 说起来,作为一个演员,有时候,机遇真的显得无比重要。 With Tom Cruise and Kevin Costner, once historical, after experiencing the «Waterworld» Box Office disastrous defeat, Kevin Costner gradually has been separated from superstar ranks. But as a result of the guards of «Mission: Impossible» series, although Tom Cruise also experienced some failures, but can stages a comeback each time by the «Mission: Impossible» sequel. 就拿汤姆克鲁斯凯文科斯特纳来说,曾经的历史上,在经历了《未来水世界》的票房惨败之后,凯文科斯特纳就逐渐脱离了一线巨星的行列。而由于《碟中谍》系列的护身,虽然汤姆克鲁斯也经历了一些失败,但每次都能凭借《碟中谍》续集东山再起。 But now, the «Mission: Impossible» series belonged to Kevin Costner, similarly this also causes him after experienced the «Waterworld» Box Office disastrous defeat, promptly has saved own enterprise. But Tom Cruise not so was lucky, although has been in ranks, for these years also followed the tidal current to try several big manufacture movies, but can only say that is the echo is average, gradually, with Tom Paramount of Cruise close cooperation is not even willing to let Tom again Cruise participates in the big manufacture movie, but locates him in the type of low cost literary film, after all, Tom although Cruise cannot obtain the approval of Oscar award item, the plot literary film that but he plays, Box Office has the safeguard. 而现在,《碟中谍》系列归属了凯文科斯特纳,这也使得他在同样经历了《未来水世界票房惨败之后,及时挽救了自己的事业。而汤姆克鲁斯就不那么幸运了,虽然一直处于一线行列,这几年也跟随潮流尝试过几部大制作电影,但都只能说是反响平平,渐渐地,与汤姆克鲁斯密切合作的派拉蒙甚至也不愿意再让汤姆克鲁斯参与大制作电影,而是将他定位在中低成本文艺片的类型上,毕竟,汤姆克鲁斯虽然一直没能获得奥斯卡奖项的认可,但他出演的剧情文艺片,票房还是非常有保障的。 Tom that Eric just mentioned Cruise in a New York shoots new piece, similarly is a cost has the 40 million USD plot literary film probably. 艾瑞克刚刚提到的汤姆克鲁斯正在纽约拍摄的一部新片,同样是一部成本大概只有4000万美元的剧情文艺片。 But obviously, Tom Cruise is not willingly this way, after all, Hollywood big manufacture commercial film, even if did not raise just created «RMS Titanic» of miracle , many movies touched the global Box Office 700 million even 1 billion thresholds repeatedly, but literary film, even if sold well, global Box Office usually also can only maintain at 300 million USD about, the interests that involved naturally are unable to compare. 但显然,汤姆克鲁斯并不甘心继续这样下去,毕竟,好莱坞的大制作商业片,哪怕不提刚刚创造奇迹的《泰坦尼克号》,也有很多影片频频触及全球票房700000000甚至十亿的门槛,而文艺片,即使卖得不错,全球票房通常也只能维持在三亿美元左右,这其中涉及到的利益自然无法相比。 Paula Wagner carried coffee slightly sips, the nod was saying: Yes, this time is a biography reorganization movie, Tom hopes that can attack Oscar again.” 宝拉瓦格纳端着咖啡小小地抿了一口,点头道:“是啊,这次是一部传记改编电影,汤姆希望能够再冲击一下奥斯卡。” Eric smiled gently, has not expressed any viewpoint, said: „, This time, why will you be interested in Iron Man?” 艾瑞克轻轻笑了笑,没有对此发表什么观点,道:“那么,这次,你们为什么会对钢铁侠感兴趣呢?” Eric, you did not think that Tom is suitable this role?” Paula Wagner was saying, puts down the coffee cup, has pulled out several pictures from the hand package, has handed over. 艾瑞克,难道你不觉得,汤姆非常适合这个角色吗?”宝拉瓦格纳说着,放下咖啡杯,从手包里掏出了几张照片,递了过来。 Eric received to come to see one, unexpectedly is Tom Cruise wears the steel and iron to fight the exaggeration photo of clothes, this manufactures obviously with the assistance of Marvel. After all, Iron Man war clothes design manuscript at present also only then the Marvel high level can see. 艾瑞克接过来看了一眼,竟然是汤姆克鲁斯身穿钢铁战衣的渲染照,这显然是在漫威的协助下制作出来的。毕竟,钢铁侠的战衣设计稿目前也只有漫威高层才能看到。 Then, if not propose height, Tom Cruise is actually and Tony in cartoon Stack is similar. 说起来,如果不提身高的话,汤姆克鲁斯却是与漫画中的托尼・斯塔克非常相似。 Watches several pictures that Eric gains ground saying: Paula, since you have attained these design manuscripts, you affirmed that had heard I formed in one's mind to Iron Man this role.” 将几张照片看完,艾瑞克抬头道:“宝拉,既然你拿到了这些设计稿,那么,你肯定已经听说过我对钢铁侠这个角色构思了吧。” Naturally,” Paula the Wagner nod said: Eric, although, some peak images, but you definitely know that Tom has enough strength to control this role, you had cooperated in 《Running Out of Time》, not?” “当然,”宝拉瓦格纳点头道:“艾瑞克,虽然,有些巅峰形象,但你肯定知道,汤姆有足够的实力驾驭这个角色的,你们曾经在《暗战》中就合作过,不是吗?” Eric nods with a smile, except for Tom Cruise that makes the control of person somewhat censure want outside, Eric to other he not too many prejudices, but now, although Tom Cruise as before is Hollywood superstar, but compared with Eric, they already completely no longer on heavyweight, he naturally not again soon these small details of past. 艾瑞克笑着点点头,除了汤姆克鲁斯那让人有些非议的控制欲外,艾瑞克对他并没有太多其他的偏见,而现在,虽然汤姆克鲁斯依旧是好莱坞一线巨星,但与艾瑞克相比,两人已经完全不再一个重量级上,他自然也不会再即将以往的那些小细节。 Watches several pictures that Eric gains ground saying: Paula, since you have attained these design manuscripts, you affirmed that had heard I formed in one's mind to Iron Man this role.” 将几张照片看完,艾瑞克抬头道:“宝拉,既然你拿到了这些设计稿,那么,你肯定已经听说过我对钢铁侠这个角色构思了吧。” Naturally,” Paula the Wagner nod said: Eric, although, some peak images, but you definitely know that Tom has enough strength to control this role, you had cooperated in 《Running Out of Time》, not?” “当然,”宝拉瓦格纳点头道:“艾瑞克,虽然,有些巅峰形象,但你肯定知道,汤姆有足够的实力驾驭这个角色的,你们曾经在《暗战》中就合作过,不是吗?” Eric nods with a smile, except for Tom Cruise that makes the control of person somewhat censure want outside, Eric to other he not too many prejudices, but now, although Tom Cruise as before is Hollywood superstar, but compared with Eric, they already completely no longer on heavyweight, he naturally not again soon these small details of past.( To be continued.) 艾瑞克笑着点点头,除了汤姆克鲁斯那让人有些非议的控制欲外,艾瑞克对他并没有太多其他的偏见,而现在,虽然汤姆克鲁斯依旧是好莱坞一线巨星,但与艾瑞克相比,两人已经完全不再一个重量级上,他自然也不会再即将以往的那些小细节。(未完待续。)
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