IAIH :: Volume #9

#859: This is different

Marvel in original space and time quite had been denounced in Actor salary, this is mainly because Marvel had stingy CEO at that time, Izaak Perle Matt, the field even once spread the furniture of Marvel Entertainment office is being the secondhand goods and so on joke. 原时空中的漫威演员片酬方面一直颇受诟病,这主要是因为当时漫威有一个非常抠门的eo,艾萨克・珀尔马特,业界甚至一度流传着漫威娱乐办公室的家具都是二手货之类的笑谈。 Before Ron in the Perelman hand snatches Marvel, Izaak Perle Matt similarly is Marvel Board of Directors one. Firefly swallows Marvel completely, Board of Directors originally naturally dismisses, Eric has not extended the olive branch to Izaak Perle Matt, as Boss, Eric naturally hopes that the senior executive can tap new resources and reduce expenses for the company as far as possible creates more profits, but he thought similarly does not need to achieve the so harsh situation, that will only work just the opposite. 罗恩佩雷尔曼手中抢下漫威之前,艾萨克・珀尔马特同样是漫威董事会的一员。萤火虫完全吞下漫威,原本的董事会自然解散,艾瑞克也没有向艾萨克・珀尔马特抛出橄榄枝,作为一个老板,艾瑞克当然希望高层管理者能够尽可能开源节流为公司创造更多利润,但他同样觉得没必要做到如此苛刻的地步,那只会适得其反。 To these minor details, Eric cares about in the Marvel Films producuction process the overall cost control, this is the basis that Marvel Cinematic Universe can stabilize to continue. Therefore, in New York that two weeks, the salary plan of Marvel Films lead discussed that took the people majority of time, finally the core of plan is actually two points: The length makes, as well as the salary and Box Office link up. 相对于这些细枝末节,艾瑞克更在意漫威电影制作过程中整体的成本控制,这是漫威电影宇宙能够稳定持续下去的根本。因此,在纽约的那两周,漫威电影主角的薪酬方案讨论占据了众人大部分的时间,最终方案的核心其实就是两点:长约,以及薪酬与票房挂钩。 In the preliminary definite plan, participates performance core Actor of Marvel Superhero movie to sign at least six contracts, so long as Box Office is splendid enough, Marvel can guarantee that they attain the salary of a level star, but will not pay single unit 50 million USD absolutely and so on sky-high price. 初步确定的方案中,参演漫威超级英雄电影的核心演员必须签署至少六部的合约,只要票房足够出色,漫威可以保证他们拿到a级明星的片酬,但绝对不会支付单部5000万美元之类的天价。 With Stewart Runkle was chatting these matters at will, they mentioned past years's some past events unavoidably, somewhat sobbed. 斯图尔特・朗克尔随意聊着这些事情,两人难免说起当年的一些往事,都有些唏嘘。 The anticipation vision that the surrounding guests look at repeatedly makes Stewart realize that Eric now is not idle like the surface, chatted for more than ten minutes, indicated that can give careful consideration whether participates performance the «Spider-Man» matter, the youth then on own initiative said goodbye with Eric, walked that side not far away parents and younger sister toward. 周围宾客们频频望过来的期待目光让斯图尔特意识到艾瑞克现在并不像表面上那么清闲,聊了十多分钟,表示会慎重考虑是否参演《蜘蛛侠》的事情,少年便主动与艾瑞克告辞,朝等在不远处的父母和妹妹那边走去。 Eric relies on as before on the parapet, toward passing by the waiter gestured, just took. the champagne from the opposite party tray, a couple then walked the cup 艾瑞克依旧倚在栏杆上,朝路过的侍者打了个手势,刚刚从对方托盘里取了杯香槟,一对夫妇便走了过来。 In which man hair is gray, wears the straight western-style clothes, is bringing the eyeglasses, quite somewhat the manner of professor, if some people know that his shoots once has been called Hollywood first horror film 《Exorcist》, definitely will not have similar impression. This man is Hollywood horror film Grandmaster William Friedkin, pulls the middle-aged woman of his arm naturally is being his wife, current Paramount CEO Sherry Lansing. 其中的男人头发花白,穿着笔挺的西服,带着眼镜,颇有几分大学教授的派头,只是如果有人知道他拍摄了一度被称为好莱坞第一恐怖片的《驱魔人》的话,肯定不会产生类似印象。这男人便是好莱坞恐怖片大师威廉弗莱德金,挽着他手臂的中年女人自然是他妻子,现任派拉蒙eo雪莉兰辛 Eric also notes Sherry in the Lansing expression is having meaning of several points of sending a punitive expedition obviously. Obviously, the opposite party will present the goal on tonight's this party will not be pure . Moreover, according to common sense, now this situation, although will not reject, but Firefly will be impossible the leaders to transmit the invitation to its Paramount and other competitor on own initiative, the opposite party will be unsolicited obviously. 艾瑞克还注意到雪莉兰辛表情中明显带着几分兴师问罪的意味。显然,对方出现在今晚这场派对上的目的不会那么单纯,而且,按照常理,现在这种场合,虽然不会拒绝,但萤火虫也不可能主动向其派拉蒙等竞争对手的掌门人发送邀请函,对方显然是不请自来。 Disguises not to note Sherry Lansing expression, Eric standing body, warmly toward William Friedkin greeted: Hi, William, good evening.” 假装没有注意到雪莉兰辛的表情,艾瑞克站直身体,热情地朝威廉弗莱德金打招呼道:“嗨,威廉,晚上好。” Good evening, Eric, this is really the time that is worth celebrating,” William Friedkin as if has not come under the influence of wife mood, or has not displayed, similarly greeted with Eric warmly, said: global Box Office 1.8 billion USD, this is really a miracle, but, Eric, why I will be actually curious you to choose this digit to hold the glee feast, global 2 won't billion be?” “晚上好,艾瑞克,这真是个值得庆祝的时刻,”威廉弗莱德金似乎并没有受到妻子情绪的影响,又或者没有表现出来,同样热情地与艾瑞克打招呼,道:“全球票房18亿美元,这真是个奇迹,不过,艾瑞克,我倒是好奇你为什么会选择这个数字来举办庆功宴,全球20亿不是更好吗?” Eric found an excuse at will, said: Some matters have thought then has done, always receives the thought inertia fetter is not the good deed.” 艾瑞克随意找了个借口,道:“有些事情想到了便做了,总是受到思维惯性的束缚可不是什么好事。” William Friedkin echoed to smile. 威廉弗莱德金附和地笑了起来。 Sherry Lansing actually then Eric words: But, Eric, you did not think that at some Firefly matters has gone too far in doing?” 雪莉兰辛却接着艾瑞克的话语道:“但是,艾瑞克,你不觉得萤火虫有些事情上做得过分了一些吗?” William Friedkin has not thought that the wife so will be direct, slightly appears somewhat awkwardly, did cough reluctantly several. 威廉弗莱德金没想到妻子会这么直接,略微显得有些尴尬,无奈地干了几声。 From Sherry in the Lansing acrid smell words, the Eric almost 100% places had determined the purpose in coming of opposite party, wants to come, because Firefly and Fox to «The Lion King 2» jointly forced out the strategy, Paramount is compelled anxiously. 雪莉兰辛充满火药味的话语里,艾瑞克几乎100地确定了对方的来意,想来,由于萤火虫福克斯对《狮子王2》的联合封杀策略,派拉蒙已经被逼急了。 Although Redstone once sent out brave words «The Lion King 2» on the media kills «Finding Nemo» and «Ice Age» completely, but the summer files movie starts the final stage propaganda to start from the end of March, «The Lion King 2» are almost at the condition of going into hiding in Firefly and media network of News Corp, with Firefly Group and News Corp related Yahoo web portal as well as the paper media, little appears similarly with the «The Lion King 2» related any news. 雷石东虽然一度在媒体上发出豪言《狮子王2》会将《海底总动员》和《冰河时代》全部干掉,但从三月底暑期档影片开启最后阶段宣传开始,《狮子王2》在萤火虫新闻集团旗下的媒体网络上几乎完全处于销声匿迹的状态,与萤火虫集团新闻集团相关的雅虎门户网站以及纸质媒体,同样很少出现与《狮子王2》有关的任何新闻。 As a result of advertisement audience and other factors, the marketing of animated film propagandizes to the dependence of television advertisement be much stronger than Live-Action Film. «The Lion King 2» not only lost North America more than 50% television advertisement channel platforms, advertisement delivery that but also winds in NBC and CBS two Major TV Network encounters the joint ambush of Firefly and Fox, recent one month almost all marketing behaviors can only describe with the wasted effort. 由于广告受众等因素,动画电影的营销宣传对电视广告的依赖性要比真人电影强得多。《狮子王2》不但失去了北美一半以上的电视广告渠道平台,而且还在nbbs大电视网络的广告投放方面遭到萤火虫福克斯的联合狙击,最近一个多月来几乎所有的营销行为都只能用事倍功半来形容。 Is opposite with it, like a raging fire that «Finding Nemo» and propaganda of «Ice Age» is actually conducted, in the television, newspaper, network as well as the traditional playbill and other under the force unions of marketing way, the influences of these two animated films is similar to the virus is proliferating in the public community generally rapidly. 与之相反,《海底总动员》和《冰河时代》的宣传却进行的如火如荼,在电视、报纸、网络以及传统海报等多种营销方式的强力结合下,这两部动画电影的影响力如同病毒一般在公众群体中飞速扩散着。 Since guessed correctly Sherry the intention of Lansing these words, Eric has not played the fool, shrugs, said: Sherry, I did not think that Firefly has any excessive place. If I have not remembered incorrectly, at the end of last year, MTV TV Station had rejected the «RMS Titanic» preview similarly.” 既然猜出了雪莉兰辛这番话的意图,艾瑞克也就没有装傻,耸耸肩,道:“雪莉,我不觉得萤火虫有什么过分的地方。如果我没记错的话,去年年底,mtv电视台同样拒绝过《泰坦尼克号》的预告片。” This is different, Eric,” Sherry Lansing argued: Firefly completely is being ruthless now, this does not have the advantage to us, don't forget, Firefly was retaining «The Lion King» peripheral commodity copyright as before, if the «The Lion King 2» Box Office failure, you could not obtain any advantage similarly.” “这不一样,艾瑞克,”雪莉兰辛辩解道:“萤火虫现在完全就是在赶尽杀绝,这对我们双方都没有好处,别忘了,萤火虫依旧保留着《狮子王》的周边商品版权,如果《狮子王2》票房失败,你们同样得不到任何好处。” The Eric booth lets go: Sherry, you said these not any significance. Although Hollywood seven big always not deficient cooperation, occasionally also will work as one at something, but, we forever are the competitors, since this, our each one definitely will choose to oneself most advantageous plan.” 艾瑞克摊摊手:“雪莉,你说这些没有任何意义。虽然好莱坞七大从来都不缺乏合作,偶尔还会在一些事情上齐心协力,但本质上,我们永远都是竞争对手,既然这样,我们各自肯定都会选择对自身最有利的方案。” But TV Network should belong to the open public service area, Eric, you such do even are illegal, this is the unfair competition.” “但电视网应该属于开放性的公共服务领域,艾瑞克,你们这么做甚至是不合法的,这是不正当竞争。” You have made a mistake, Sherry, four Major TV Networks, always personal, ABC is my, o is Murdoch, CBS is Larry Tisch, NBC is General Electric, I still saw Jack on NBC last week Welch speech live transmission, seems one hour, you thought that if NBC does not belong to General Electric, Jack can Welch attain entire one hour of individual show time? Therefore, some pompous words everybody listen on the line, if takes seriously, that was too silly.” “你错了,雪莉,四大电视网,从来都是私人的,ab是我的、o是默多克的,bs拉里蒂什的,nb通用电气的,我上个星期还在nb上看到杰克韦尔奇的演讲直播,似乎长达一个小时,你觉得,如果nb不属于通用电气,杰克韦尔奇能拿到整整一个小时的个人秀时间吗?所以,一些冠冕堂皇的话大家听听就行,如果当真,那就太傻了。” Sherry the Lansing finger makes an effort to shake hand the wine glass, suddenly actually has not thought of the rebuttal the words. 雪莉兰辛手指用力握着手中的酒杯,一时间竟然没有想到反驳的话语。 Stands in nearby William Friedkin saw that always the clever and eloquent wife by being dumbfounded that this youth refutes at present, mediates to say on own initiative: Eric, Sherry, everybody does not need to make such stiffly, was not inferior that our looking place seat did chat slowly what kind of? Anything will have solution.” 站在一旁的威廉弗莱德金看到一向伶牙俐齿的妻子被眼前这个青年驳的哑口无言,主动打圆场道:“艾瑞克,雪莉,大家没必要闹这么僵,不是吗,不如我们找处座位慢慢聊怎么样?任何事情都会有解决办法的。” William, this does not need, to be very happy that you can come tonight, enjoying oneself to the full that plays,” Eric toward William Friedkin has lifted raising glass, directly turns around to leave. 威廉,这就不必了,很高兴你们今晚能够过来,玩的尽兴一些,”艾瑞克威廉弗莱德金举了举杯,就径直转身离开。 If Hollywood can as before many years ago, maintains the steady pattern that seven big coexist, Eric naturally on own initiative will facilitate all parties the condition of co-existence in the competition and cooperation. 如果好莱坞依旧能够像多年以前那样,保持七大并存的平稳格局,艾瑞克自然会主动促成各方在竞争与合作当中共同生存的状态。 But now, along with rising of Firefly, the condition of this coexisting was completely broken. Eric did not think that currently also has the conciliatory necessity, after all, the reconciliation definitely means the compromise, Eric really cannot find out Firefly currently also to hold true by needs to make the compromise. 但现在,随着萤火虫的崛起,这种并存的状态已经被彻底打破。艾瑞克并不觉得现在还有和解的必要,毕竟,和解肯定就意味着妥协,艾瑞克实在是想不出萤火虫目前还有什么理由需要作出妥协。 As Firefly grows strong fast, is in inverse proportion, Film Studio and even the media of group non- Firefly system will definitely be under the severe impact, even threatens the bitter experience the survival, when the time comes, competition among all parties will even go to the life and death situation. 随着萤火虫的快速发展壮大,此消彼长,非萤火虫体系的电影公司乃至传媒集团肯定会受到强烈冲击,甚至遭遇到生存威胁,到时候,各方之间的竞争甚至会达到你死我活的地步。 In this degree of commercial competition, seeks the conciliatory even sympathy of match is very impractical, gives the competitor opportunity on own initiative similarly is not the wise action. 在这种程度的商业竞争中,寻求对手的和解甚至同情是非常不切实际的,主动给予竞争对手机会同样不是明智之举。 Perhaps is the consultation is fruitless, after «RMS Titanic» celebration party, the time just since May, Paramount then on own initiative had shouldered «The Lion King 2» encounters the topic that Firefly and Fox jointly force out on newspaper in the propaganda process. 或许是协商无果,《泰坦尼克号庆功派对后,时间刚刚进入五月份,派拉蒙便主动在报纸上挑起了《狮子王2》在宣传过程中遭遇萤火虫福克斯联合封杀的话题。 Redstone landed the NBC morning news talk show for this reason personally, accuses Firefly and Fox this improper competition act furiously, even makes a solemn pledge that to the United States Ministry of Justice file the charge. 雷石东为此亲自登陆了nb的早间新闻访谈节目,怒不可遏地指责萤火虫福克斯这种不正当的竞争行径,甚至信誓旦旦地表示要向美国司法部提起诉讼。 Perhaps is feels media to rip to compel the war soon to approach, entire US massive newspaper start to follow up immediately, reported that this matter, and is anticipating the response of Firefly and Fox. 或许是感受到一场媒体撕逼大战即将来临,全美大量报纸立刻开始跟进,纷纷报道这件事,并期待着萤火虫福克斯的回应。 How regardless of Viacom provokes, how Redstone flies into a rage, Firefly and Fox high level has not made any response to this topic, on the media that two companies control has not appeared any reported about the topic that the «The Lion King 2» bitter experience forces out, as if, in Firefly and Fox heart, this matter does not exist. 只是,无论维亚康姆如何挑衅,雷石东如何暴跳如雷,萤火虫福克斯的高层都没有对这个话题做出任何回应,两家公司控制的媒体上也没有出现任何关于《狮子王2》遭遇封杀的话题报道,似乎,在萤火虫福克斯心中,这件事根本就不存在。 Finally, was besieged and pursued by massive media reporters continuously has blocked off one week later, Katzenberg finally being driven beyond the limits of forbearance opens the mouth to voice, but also merely lost a few words: You are impossible to demand McDonald's to have the advertisement for KFC. 最终,当被大量媒体记者连续围追堵截了一个多星期之后,卡森伯格终于‘忍无可忍’地开口发声,但也仅仅只是丢出了一句话:你不可能强求麦当劳为肯德基打广告。 These words were too simply formidable. 这句话简直太强大了。 Anybody knows that as two world-class fast-food chains, McDonald's and KFC is always the competitors. 任何人都知道,作为两家世界级的快餐连锁店,麦当劳和肯德基从来都是竞争对手。 Similarly, Firefly Group and Viacom group is also the indisputable competitor. 同样,萤火虫集团维亚康姆集团也属于无可争议的竞争对手。 The rejection has the advertisement in own media platform for the competitor, this matter, is not perfectly justified? 拒绝在自身媒体平台上为竞争对手打广告,这种事情,难道不是天经地义的吗? Indignantly wanted is Paramount wants justice the media because of Katzenberg these words, but calm, although also some newspaper thought that the Firefly Group extremely unfeeling, after all, «The Lion King» stems from the Firefly Disney's animation brand eventually, but, lively wind dialed, in the competitor almost does not meet in the situation of incurring, the heat degree also quickly cools. Even if the Viacom very unwilling heart agitates as before everywhere, is very difficult to arouse keeping up of media again. 原本很多义愤填膺地想要为派拉蒙讨回‘公道’的媒体都因为卡森伯格的这句话而冷静了下来,虽然也有部分报纸觉得萤火虫集团太过绝情,毕竟,《狮子王》终究是出自萤火虫旗下迪斯尼的动画品牌,但是,原本热热闹闹的一场风拨,在竞争对手几乎完全不接招的情况下,热度也很快冷却下来。即使维亚康姆依旧非常不甘心地到处煽风点火,却很难再激起媒体的跟进。 Naturally, this wind dialed naturally lets «The Lion King 2» has revealed a face in the face of the public maliciously, but, as the «The Lion King 2» main audience community, nobody will think that the 6 to 12 years old child will pay attention to this matter. 当然,这场风拨自然还是让《狮子王2》狠狠地在公众面前露了一把脸,只不过,作为《狮子王2》最主要的受众群体,没有人会觉得6到12岁的儿童会关注这种事情。 As for the young people or the grown audience community, this summer files they have the movie that too can anticipate, «Godzilla» and «Batman And Robin» and «Casino Royale» and «Scream 2» and «Bad Boys 2» wait/etc., even if the animated cartoon, even if not raise the difference of publicity, gradually influences after Pixar several 3D Animation, they are also obviously easier to accept «Finding Nemo» and «Ice Age», but is not traditional «The Lion King 2» this 2D Hand-Drawn Animation. 至于青少年或者成年观众群体,这个暑期档他们有太多可以期待的影片,《哥斯拉》、《蝙蝠侠罗宾》、《007之皇家赌场》、《惊声尖叫2》、《绝地战警2》等等,哪怕是动画片,即使不提宣传力度方面的差异,经过皮克斯的几部3d动画熏陶,他们显然也更容易接受《海底总动员》和《冰河时代》,而不是传统的《狮子王2》这种2d手绘动画 After celebration party, from April 25 to a May 15 three weeks of time, «RMS Titanic» one after another has harvested 1.6 300 million USD Box Office in the global market. 庆功派对之后,从4月25日到5月15日的三周时间,《泰坦尼克号》又陆续在全球市场累计收获了1.63亿美元票房 On May 16, Firefly Group formally to the outside announced that «RMS Titanic» global Box Office breaks through 2 billion USD, the total Box Office digit achieves 2 billion 15 million USD. 5月16日,萤火虫集团正式对外宣布《泰坦尼克号全球票房突破20亿美元,累计总票房数字达到20亿1500万美元 This Firefly strongly has not conducted celebration party again, but the main ticket warehouse country in global range has conducted the interaction with movie fan separately, although these activities are unable again the exciting «RMS Titanic» Box Office potential, actually directly promoted the sale of massive «RMS Titanic» peripheral product. 这一次萤火虫并没有再集中举办庆功派对,而是在全球范围内的主要票仓国家分别举办了与影迷的互动,这些活动虽然无法再刺激《泰坦尼克号》的票房潜力,却直接促进了大量《泰坦尼克号》周边产品的销售。 Since screening, the peripheral product of «RMS Titanic» synchronization top carriage, the sales volume similarly broke through the 600 million USD astonishing figure, and along with the gradual top carriage of overseas market peripheral commodity, this digit also growth. 自从上映以来,《泰坦尼克号》同步上架的周边产品,累计销售额同样已经突破6亿美元的惊人数字,并且随着海外市场周边商品的逐步上架,这个数字也将快速增长。 The Firefly peripheral product operation department estimated that merely is only a peripheral commodity of «RMS Titanic» movie, in the next few years will be Firefly will bring is not lower than the 1.5 billion USD sales volume, this digit almost achieved Firefly last year the half of peripheral customer volume. In 1996, Firefly peripheral product earning also 3.3 billion USD. 萤火虫周边产品运营部门预计,仅仅只是《泰坦尼克号》一部电影的周边商品,未来几年将为萤火虫带来不低于15亿美元的销售额,这个数字几乎达到萤火虫去年周边产品销售额的一半。1996年,萤火虫的周边产品营收也才33亿美元 This a series of huge success figures, further stimulate Hollywood almost all Film Studio to start to seek for next to compare favorably with the «RMS Titanic» project crazily. Even if Firefly oneself, Eric returns to a Los Angeles several weeks of time, continuously received 45 heavy case bomb script. 这一系列巨大的成功数字,进一步刺激着好莱坞几乎所有电影公司开始疯狂寻找下一步可以媲美《泰坦尼克号》的项目。哪怕是萤火虫自身,艾瑞克回到洛杉矶的几周时间,就已经连续接到了45个‘重磅炸弹’剧本 Obviously, the success of «RMS Titanic» has brought a false appearance to entire Hollywood, making many people think, since has the first part global Box Office 2 billion USD movie to appear, definitely also will quickly present second part, third, even are more. 显然,《泰坦尼克号》的成功给整个好莱坞带来了一种假象,让很多人认为既然有第一部全球票房20亿美元的电影出现,肯定也会快会出现第二部,第三部,甚至更多。 Eric successfully will certainly not become confused the brains by this type, but continues to place forming and of «Spider-Man» and « Iron Man " Marvel Studios the majority of energy and other project during the earlier arrangements.( To be continued.) 艾瑞克当然不会被这种成功冲昏头脑,而是继续将大部分精力都放在漫威影业的组建和《蜘蛛侠》、《钢铁侠》等项目的前期筹备当中。(未完待续。)
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