IAIH :: Volume #9

#858: Old friends

Along with passing of time, the weather was dim, is situated the giant RMS Titanic model northeast corner of Firefly cinema city also shines all lights, under the surrounding twilight complementing, is similar to drifts the huge ship in sea to be ordinary. 随着时间的流逝,天色已经昏暗下来,坐落在萤火虫影城东北角的巨型泰坦尼克号模型也亮起所有灯光,在周围暮色的映衬下,真的如同一艘漂泊在大海上的巨轮一般。 As after March «Vanity Fair» evening banquet Los Angeles most well-known party, «RMS Titanic» global Box Office broke through the 1.8 billion USD glee feast to collect over 700 Hollywood Star, singers as well as the public celebrities, because on this party gathered Hollywood most to have the character of power and influence most probably, many people to obtain the invitation of this party also spared no effort, Eric also saw that yesterday evening the girl received to ply the connections to beg the invitation the telephone. 作为继三月份《名利场》晚宴之后洛杉矶最受瞩目的一次派对,《泰坦尼克号全球票房突破18亿美元的庆功宴汇集了超过700位好莱坞明星、歌手以及社会名流,由于这场派对上聚集了好莱坞大半最有权势的人物,很多人为了获得这次派对的邀请也可谓不遗余力,艾瑞克昨天晚上都还看到丫头接到托关系讨要邀请函的电话。 Seven o'clock, party formally starts. 七点钟,派对正式开始。 Because everybody is not that type likes the dilatory person, does not have the long speech, Katzenberg and Cameron have made a simple speech separately, and faced officially is invited the media to announce the news of «RMS Titanic» subject display, the revelry then formally started. 由于大家都不是那种喜欢拖沓的人,也就没有冗长的致辞,卡森伯格卡梅隆分别发表了一番简单的感言,并正式面向受邀媒体公布了《泰坦尼克号》主题展览的消息,狂欢便正式开始。 Although the majority of regions of RMS Titanic model have not opened, but, as a result of the itself inherent huge volume, more than 700 people of guests as well as the bulk service personnel scatters in banquet hall, dining room, bow and top layer deck and other regions, does not appear crowded. 虽然泰坦尼克号模型的大部分区域都还没有开放,不过,由于本身固有的庞大体积,700多人的宾客以及大量服务人员散落在宴会厅、餐厅、船头和顶层甲板等区域,丝毫不显得拥挤。 Eric is bringing Drew and one group of quite important guests exchanges greetings, then goes to the dining room the plan to eat a thing, to prepare this party, Eric has also been busy at one in the afternoon, at this time has been big and hungry. 艾瑞克带着德鲁和一群比较重要的客人寒暄一番,便来到餐厅里打算吃点东西,为了准备这场派对,艾瑞克也忙了一下午,此时已经饥肠辘辘。 Took two food from the self-service dinner table, Eric and girl just found an idle table, Elizabeth and Julia then walked from the entrance. 从自助餐桌上取了两份食物,艾瑞克和丫头刚刚找到一张空余的桌子,伊丽莎白茱莉亚便从门口走了进来。 Two women do not evade in dining room the vision of other person of differences, took food, directly walked. 两个女人也丝毫不避讳餐厅内其他人异样的目光,取了食物,就径直走了过来。 Good evening, Eric,” Elizabeth in the vision of some Julia small hidden bitterness, snatches the position near Eric left hand to sit down, nodded to him, looks to the girl: You are also good, small bitch.” “晚上好,艾瑞克,”伊丽莎白茱莉亚有些小幽怨的目光中,抢在艾瑞克左手边的位置坐下,向他点了点头,又看向丫头:“你也好,小碧池。” Saw with own eyes that the girl carries the fork to play the dart, Eric holds down hastily: Was good, cannot make. Liz, apologized to Drew quickly, later cannot such speak.” 眼见丫头拎起叉子就要玩飞镖,艾瑞克连忙按住:“好了,都不许闹。莉兹,快给德鲁道歉,以后不许这么说话。” Elizabeth does not prefer very much, curls the lip, said: Sorry, is small...... Drew.” 伊丽莎白很是不情愿,撇撇嘴,道:“对不起啊,小……德鲁。” Snort,” girl unwilling heart shook the tableware in hand, said: „If not here person are too many, I will certainly make Natasha punch your maliciously.” “哼,”丫头不甘心地晃了晃手中的餐具,道:“如果不是这里人太多,我一定会让娜塔莎狠狠揍你一顿。” Elizabeth did not fear, has raised the small chin: Has the skill you to come.” 伊丽莎白丝毫不惧,扬了扬小下巴:“有本事你自己来啊。” I feared that gave to disfigure one's face you, was not attractive, if, Tsk Tsk, that were too miserable.” “我怕把你给毁容了,呵,本来就不怎么漂亮,万一,啧啧,那就太惨了。” Eric to these two woman routine bickering of is very helpless, has to threaten saying: You, if quarrelled again, I went to other places with Julia.” 艾瑞克对这两个女人习惯性的斗嘴很是无奈,只好威胁道:“你们俩如果再吵,我就和茱莉亚去其他地方了。” Elizabeth and Drew have not responded with enough time, Julia the whole face anticipated immediately is looking at Eric, the pupil light is graceful, nod of chicken calligraphy stroke rice: Oh.” 伊丽莎白德鲁还没来得及回应,茱莉亚立刻满脸期待地望着艾瑞克,眸光盈盈,小鸡啄米似的点头:“嗯嗯嗯。” Elizabeth is very discontented with the Julia's response: Un anything ehm, does not have the standpoint.” 伊丽莎白茱莉亚的反应很是不满:“嗯什么嗯啊,真没立场。” Liz, you, if dares to be ominous again I, I later did not help Fox pat film.” 莉兹,你要是再敢凶我,我以后就不帮福克斯片子了。” The girls seize every opportunity immediately: Right, Julia, came Metro Goldwyn Mayer to be good, I gave you 20 million salary Oh.” 丫头立刻见缝插针:“对,茱莉亚,过来米高梅好了,我给你2000万片酬。” Elizabeth ridicules saying: 20 million, has the skill you to bring the contract now, I signed for Julia.” 伊丽莎白揶揄道:“2000万,有本事你现在就把合约拿来,我替茱莉亚签了。” Eric breaks mutual flexure of two cats promptly, has selected slightly proper point topic, said: Said that this time the film, how many salaries you do give Julia to come?” 艾瑞克及时打断两只小猫的互挠,挑了个稍微正经点的话题,道:“说起来,这次的这部片子,你给茱莉亚多少片酬来着?” Because two women pester the relations as if for real, in recent years, Julia basically is giving Fox to pat film. 由于两个女人半真半假地纠缠关系,最近几年,茱莉亚基本上都在给福克斯片子 After last year «Shakespeare in Love», Julia quick on and cooperated a movie with Fox, Eric also slightly inserted starting, therefore also easily selected Julia once reputation good that «My Best Friend's Wedding», but Claudia after Schiff reconciled the dramatic team, Eric again has not paid attention to this matter, he only screened in the list to notice that at the summer files movie recently «My Best Friend's Wedding» decides the grade in mid July, with the «Ice Age» same place, belonged to Fox summer the principal movie of files. 去年的《莎翁情史》之后,茱莉亚很快就又与福克斯合作了一部爱情片,艾瑞克还稍微插了下手,因此也就轻易挑中了茱莉亚曾经口碑不错的那部《我最好朋友的婚礼》,只是将克劳迪娅・希弗撮合进剧组之后,艾瑞克就没有再理会这件事,他最近只在暑期档电影上映名单上看到《我最好朋友的婚礼》定档在七月中旬,和《冰河时代》一起,属于福克斯暑期档的主打影片。 Julia 15 million, Claudia 5 million,” Elizabeth does not conceal, said: Total cost 40 million USD, they have accounted for half, now the Actor salary was really higher and higher. I felt that later the low cost commercial film is very difficult again welcome to the A level star, especially after «RMS Titanic», everybody definitely concentrates in every year several big pieces, Actor definitely will also favor these movies, also only then these movies could invite the A level star.” 茱莉亚1500万,克劳迪娅500万,”伊丽莎白也不隐瞒,道:“总成本才4000万美元,她们俩就占了一半,现在演员的片酬真是越来越高了。我感觉以后中低成本商业片很难再请到A级明星,特别是《泰坦尼克号》之后,大家肯定都把精力集中在每年的几部大片上,一线演员也肯定会倾向于这些电影,或者,也只有这些电影才请得起A级明星了。” „, Also on these years, I heard that Germany started to discuss the revision tax law prevented the capital outflow the topic.” “呵,也就这几年,我听说德国已经开始讨论修改税法防止资本外流的话题了。” Since gold/metal Kerry first obtains the first 20 million USD salary after Sony Film Industry there, for these years majority of A level superstar largely raised own sale price. However, Eric is also clear, this phenomenon mainly because massive avoiding taxes fund inflow Hollywood from world causes, especially Germany, flows in the Hollywood fund in recent years every year already over 3 billion USD, has almost accounted for entire Hollywood all filmmaking budget one-fourth. 自从金・凯瑞首先从索尼影业那里获得第一个2000万美元片酬之后,这几年大部分A级巨星都纷纷将自己的身价大幅调高。不过,艾瑞克也清楚,这种现象主要还是因为大量来自世界各地的避税资金流入好莱坞导致的,特别是德国,最近几年流入好莱坞的资金每年已经超过30亿美元,几乎占了整个好莱坞所有电影制作预算的1。 However, Hollywood superstar auspicious day actually also this final several years. 不过,好莱坞巨星的好日子其实也就这最后几年了。 Waits for in the next few years new technical tide bubble burst, some important movie capital exporting countries tighten the investment, the Hollywood superstar salary will also return to the rationality, even if labelling the 20 million sale price as before, but can attain 20 million USD and few actually truly. 等未来几年新科技浪潮泡沫破裂,一些重要的电影资本输出国纷纷收紧投资,好莱坞巨星片酬也将重新回归理性,即使依旧标注着2000万的身价,但其实真正能够拿到2000万美元的并没有几个。 Eric just and three females were chatting at will, Cameron walked from the dining room entrance in a hurry, nodded to greet to three women, then said to Eric: Eric, with me comes, leading you to see individual.” 艾瑞克正和三女随意聊着,卡梅隆从餐厅门口匆匆走了过来,向三个女人点头打了声招呼,便对艾瑞克道:“艾瑞克,跟我来,带你去见个人。” Eric sets out, asked curiously: Who?” 艾瑞克起身,好奇地问道:“谁啊?” Cameron smiles, said mystically: Peter Parker.” 卡梅隆笑笑,神秘道:“彼得・帕克。” Eric understands immediately that Cameron recently started is «Spider-Man» looks for the actor, Eric does not have what feeling to previous life consecutively several Spider-Man actors, therefore has not meddled this matter, whatever Cameron toss about. 艾瑞克立刻明白过来,卡梅隆最近一段时间已经开始为《蜘蛛侠》物色男主角,艾瑞克前世连续几任蜘蛛侠扮演者都没有什么感觉,因此也就没有插手这件事,任由卡梅隆自己折腾。 Gestured toward three females, Eric then very much felt relieved that leaves with Cameron together. Actually, without him in situation, Elizabeth and Drew instead can be more harmonious, two females are very both intelligent, will not have anything to conflict really in the presence of everyone to look at the joke. 只是朝三女打了个手势,艾瑞克便很放心地跟着卡梅隆一起离开。其实,没有他在的情况下,伊丽莎白德鲁反而能更和睦一些,两女都很聪明,并不会真的当众起什么冲突让人看笑话。 Cameron is all the way mystical, Eric is also disinclined to get to the bottom of the matter immediately, they arrive in the top layer deck together, following the direction of Cameron, Eric looks to arrive immediately in the same place family of four. 一路上卡梅隆都神神秘秘的,艾瑞克也懒得立刻穷根究底,两人一起来到顶层甲板上,顺着卡梅隆的指引,艾瑞克立刻就看到了站在一起的一家四口。 A couple, a 16-17 years old youth, a 5 or 6-year-old little girl. 一对夫妇,一个十六七岁的少年,一个五六岁的小女孩。 , Eric has recognized them, went forward two steps also to bring on some shy youth shoulders to pat the racket on that face, embraced to hug conveniently, somewhat just liked separates the world feeling very much, say|way „, Stuart, did not see for a long time.” 只是一眼,艾瑞克就认出了他们,上前两步在那脸庞上还带着些许青涩的少年肩膀上拍了拍,又随手揽过来拥抱了下,很有些恍如隔世地感慨,道“嘿,斯图,好久不见。” At present when the family, was Eric was at the northern Hollywood housing neighbor impressively in the past, Runkle one. 眼前这一家子,赫然是艾瑞克当年在北好莱坞居住时的邻居,朗克尔一家。 Eric with the youth who it hugs, naturally was once the «Home Alone» actor, Stewart Runkle. 艾瑞克与之拥抱的少年,自然是曾经《小鬼当家》的男主角,斯图尔特・朗克尔。 In the past after patting «Home Alone 3», due to age reason, Stewart Runkle was not suitable to continue the road of child star again, these years also then quiet. Eric afterward was only indistinctly heard that their moved New York, poured has not said goodbye. 当年拍完《小鬼当家3》之后,由于年龄原因,斯图尔特・朗克尔已经不适合再继续童星之路,这些年也便沉寂了下来。艾瑞克后来只是隐约听说他们一家搬去了纽约,倒也没有再见过。 Actually, the Eric comparison rejoiced that is Stewart Runkle has not stepped onto in the original space and time Macaulay Culkin old route. 其实,艾瑞克比较庆幸的,就是斯图尔特・朗克尔没有走上原时空中麦考利卡尔金的老路。 Eric, sees you really happily,” Stewart Runkle also somewhat is obviously excited, after the hug, the youth turns around immediately, draws that 5 or 6-year-old little girl, introduced: Eric, this is my younger sister, Linda.” 艾瑞克,真高兴又见到你,”斯图尔特・朗克尔明显也有些兴奋,拥抱之后,少年立刻转身,将那个五六岁的小女孩拉过来,介绍道:“艾瑞克,这是我妹妹,琳达。” Hello, the kid,” Eric puts out a hand. “你好,小家伙,”艾瑞克伸手过去。 The little girls had been taught obviously carefully, put out a hand to grasp with Eric cleverly , the expression said immaturely: Hello, Mr. Williams, I like your movie very much.” 小女孩明显是被仔细教过的,乖巧地伸手与艾瑞克握了下,语气稚嫩地说道:“你好,威廉姆斯先生,我很喜欢你的电影呢。” Eric teased with a smile: Has in the movie sees your elder brother?” 艾瑞克笑着打趣:“有没有在电影里看到你哥哥?” Little girl nod: Saw, the elder brother was quite fierce at that time, I also imagined him to be the same.” 小女孩点头:“看到了呢,哥哥那时候好厉害,我也想像他一样呢。” Oh, your Papa Mama may probably have a headache,” Eric played a joke, then greeted with Mr. and Mrs. Runkle. ,那你爸爸妈妈可就要头疼了,”艾瑞克开了句玩笑,然后才与朗克尔夫妇打招呼。 Although in afterward cooperation some were not happy in the past, but at this time is the aging past events, Eric will again certainly not haggle over these. 虽然当年后来的合作中有些不愉快,但此时都已经是陈年往事,艾瑞克当然不会再计较这些。 Mr. and Mrs. Runkle's manner compared pair of children to want humble and suave, cautiously was saying words of thinking highly, during the spoken languages has not forgotten to mention past years's some past events. 朗克尔夫妇的态度比一对儿女要谦卑和世故很多,小心翼翼地说着恭维的话语,言语间还不忘提及当年的一些旧事。 Chatted simply for several minutes, Eric urgently had not been asking that Cameron this what's the matter, after all, all was clear. 简单聊了几分钟,艾瑞克并没有急着问卡梅隆这到底是怎么回事,毕竟,一切都已经再明白不过。 In plan originally, Eric hopes that the update «Spider-Man» starts in Peter Parker High school time. Although the high-school student in Hollywood majority of young people movie basically over 20 years old is played by Actor, but this also to maintain the helpless action of Actor standard, after all, is in the high school ages truly young people Actor, the performing skill definitely does not go through a strategic pass. 在原本的规划中,艾瑞克就希望新版的《蜘蛛侠》开始于彼得・帕克高中时期。虽然好莱坞大部分青少年电影中的高中生基本上都由20岁以上的演员饰演,但这也是为了保持演员水准的无奈之举,毕竟,真正处于高中年龄段的青少年演员,演技肯定不那么过关。 If there is an age to echo the performing skill completely Actor of meet requirement, Film Studio will definitely not reject. 如果有年龄完全附和演技又满足要求的演员,电影公司肯定不会拒绝。 But at this time, facing soon the «Spider-Man» movie of manufacture, in the past prominence by «Home Alone», at this time is Stewart of 16 -year-old youth Runkle, is exactly most appropriate. 而此时,面对即将制作的《蜘蛛侠》电影,当年凭借《小鬼当家》声名鹊起,此时已经是16岁少年的斯图尔特・朗克尔,恰恰最合适不过。 Eric is only has not thought that Cameron has not greeted with before this slightly, then brought in front of the opposite party oneself. 艾瑞克只是没有想到卡梅隆此前丝毫没有和自己打招呼,便将对方带到了自己面前。 Cameron directs here Eric, quick carried off by other guests, Eric and family exchanged greetings a while, then brings Stewart to move toward not the far parapet place. 卡梅隆艾瑞克引到这里,很快就又被其他宾客拉走,艾瑞克与这一家子寒暄了一会儿,便带着斯图尔特走向不远的栏杆处。 Relies on at will on the parapet, Eric looks that alone appears the somewhat cautious youth facing oneself, said with a smile: These year of what kind of?” 随意地倚在栏杆上,艾瑞克看着单独面对自己显得有些拘谨的少年,笑道:“这些年怎么样?” Also good, mainly goes to school, occasionally can also meet 12 plays,” Stewart has also depended toward the parapet on, said: My parents are very actually disappointed, did not have a few years ago to be so sight. I thought that this is also good, time that Cameron Director telephones, I even somewhat hesitated to return to the past life.” “还行吧,主要是上学,偶尔还能接12部戏,”斯图尔特也朝栏杆上靠了靠,道:“倒是我父母挺失望的,没有前些年那么风光了。我觉得这样也挺好,卡梅隆导演打电话过来的时候,我甚至有些迟疑要不要回到以往的生活里去。” Perhaps is the premature experience humans affair, in the Stewart expression to having several points surmounts the maturity of young fellow. 或许是过早经历世事,斯图尔特语气里到有着几分超越少年人的成熟。 The Eric slight bow, said: Finally decides to try?” 艾瑞克微微点头,道:“最后还是决定试试?” Un, you know my parents,” Stewart said: But, Eric, if can through the screen test, I hope two months sign again.” “嗯,你知道我父母的,”斯图尔特道:“不过,艾瑞克,如果能通过试镜,我希望过两个月再签约。” The Eric doubts said: Several months, why?” 艾瑞克疑惑道:“过几个月,为什么?” Stewart said very much honestly: My in July 16 th birthday.” 斯图尔特很坦诚地说道:“我七月份16岁生日。” Eric also understands that according to the federal law, the young people crossed 16 years old to have the financial right to independence single-handedly. Stewart does not hope obviously own that depends on the guardian right to toss about to have an accident to the parents again. 艾瑞克也明白过来,根据联邦法律,青少年过了16岁就已经可以拥有独力的财务自主权。斯图尔特显然不希望自己那对父母再倚仗监护人权利折腾出什么事来。 This does not have the issue, is only two months, I will greet to help you drag.” “这没问题,只是两个多月而已,我会打招呼帮你拖一下。” Stewart said with a smile: Eric, I did not have the screen test.” 斯图尔特笑道:“艾瑞克,我都还没有试镜啊。” „, I am very confident to you,” Eric also smiled, said: But, this role does not have good that the bystander imagines actually, Jim definitely should say with you this role requested?” “呵,我对你还是很有信心的,”艾瑞克也笑了笑,又道:“不过,其实吧,这个角色也并没有外人想象的那么好,吉姆肯定应该和你说了这个角色的一些要求了吧?” This, he has not told me.” “这个,他还没有告诉我。” Is this,”, since Cameron had not said with enough time that Eric then explained: We plan to build very huge inundation to change the movie series, therefore, this role, once determined that you at least must sign six pieces to make one time.” “是这样的,”既然卡梅隆还没有来得及说,艾瑞克便解释道:“我们计划打造一个非常庞大的漫改电影系列,所以,这个角色一旦确定,你至少要一次性签署六部片约。” Stewart has the past intelligence obviously, although Firefly openly has not announced the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan, but he can actually guess, said: Like Metro Goldwyn Mayer agent movie universe such?” 斯图尔特显然有着当年的聪慧,虽然萤火虫还没有公开宣布漫威电影宇宙计划,但他却能够猜测猜测出来,道:“就像米高梅的特工电影宇宙那样吗?” Eric nods: Yes, therefore, if you determined that participates performance, at least over the next ten years, you could tie up in this role.” 艾瑞克点头:“是啊,所以,如果你确定参演的话,至少未来十年内,你可能就要被绑在这个角色上了。” In the Stewart expression really reveals some hesitates. Somewhat ideal Actor, it is estimated that too does not hope slightly one by long-time bundle in a role. 斯图尔特表情中果然露出些许迟疑。稍微有些理想的演员,估计都不会太希望自己被长久的捆绑在一个角色上。 Eric not reluctantly anything, to guarantee the smooth implementation of Marvel Cinematic Universe, signs the pack contract to ahead of time, this point will not change because of anybody. Eric does not think each movie to in the future with various Actor crosscut saw. 艾瑞克也不会勉强什么,为了确保漫威电影宇宙的顺利实施,提前签署打包合约是必须的,这一点不会因为任何人而改变。艾瑞克可不想将来每一部影片都要与演员各种拉锯一番。 After a while, Stewart also asked: Eric, six were too many, can Hollywood pat to six tunes film basically does not have?” 过了一会儿,斯图尔特才又问道:“艾瑞克,六部是不是太多了一些,好莱坞能够拍到六部曲的片子基本上没有吧?” Our approximately plan is three single movies, three overlapping movies, like Metro Goldwyn Mayer agent movie universe such. Therefore, if delayed afterward, six even also possibly insufficient.” “我们大致的计划是三部单人电影,三部交叉电影,就像米高梅的特工电影宇宙那样。所以,如果延展到后来,六部甚至还可能不够。” Eric explained simply , when these details will not have been mentioning with Actor signing, therefore is not any secret, Eric with a smile has added: But, but also a little, our salary plans are also very rich, this will use with the floating mechanism that Box Office links up with, in guaranteeing a minimum the foundation of salary, Box Office is higher, the salary that the lead attains will be also higher. Moreover, to demonstrate fairness and parity, if contract, because the reason in Firefly aspect is unable to carry out, Actor can also obtain certain compensation.” 艾瑞克简单解释了下,这些细节在未在与演员签约时都会提到,因此并不算什么机密,顿了下,艾瑞克又笑着补充道:“不过,还有一点,我们的片酬方案也是非常丰厚的,这将会采用与票房挂钩的浮动机制,在保底片酬的基础上,票房越高,主角拿到的片酬也会越高。而且,为了显示公平性和对等性,万一合约由于萤火虫方面的原因无法执行下去,演员也可以获得一定补偿。”
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