IAIH :: Volume #9

#857: You can imagine

Eric was really actually curious, asked that the girl said: How you coax her?” 艾瑞克倒是真的好奇了,问丫头道:“你怎么把她哄过来的啊?” Drew hee hee said with a smile: Rachel was very insane, which uses me to roar, to the beginning of this year, we still to begin this role looks for the candidate, after «RMS Titanic» Box Office erupts, I telephone to Rachel, she is interested very much, then determined.” 德鲁嘻嘻笑着说道:“瑞切尔本来就很疯的,哪用我来哄啊,一直到今年年初,我们都还在为开头这个角色物色人选,《泰坦尼克号票房爆发之后,我打电话给瑞切尔,她很感兴趣,然后就确定下来了。” Eric also remembered Carolyn to say Rachel valiant girl who the Weisz amusing thing, such liked the huge discharge Jaguar kings, in the bone is not similar to the semblance that virtuous young woman. 艾瑞克也想起卡洛琳曾经说过的瑞切尔薇姿的趣事,这样一个喜欢开大排量捷豹君王的彪悍女孩,骨子里绝不会如同外表那么淑女。 Suddenly remembers anything, Eric also said: Rachel agreed that her was manager definitely angry?” 突然想起什么,艾瑞克又道:“瑞切尔同意了,她的经纪人肯定要气坏了吧?” Rachel just relied on «RMS Titanic» promotes a star, did not have goes a step further with enough time, actually suddenly runs to be a guest performer a horror film, did not say the sale price issue, the contrast on this image does not pay attention possibly to affect the popularity slightly. 瑞切尔刚刚凭借《泰坦尼克号》晋升一线女星,还没来得及更进一步,却突然跑去客串一部恐怖片,不说身价问题,这种形象上的反差稍不注意就可能影响到人气。 Yes, they were angry, calls including Kapoor me, making me such do not act unreasonably.” “是啊,他们都气坏了,连卡普尔都打电话给我,让我不要这么乱来。” Finally patted?” “结果还是拍了?” Un, Rachel is also angry, she said that she does not want to become puppet anything that whatever manager organizes, then patted.” “嗯,瑞切尔也很生气,她说自己不想成为任由经纪人摆布的木偶什么啦,然后就拍了。” Eric smiled, cares actually. 艾瑞克笑了笑,倒不是太在意。 This is only one time is a guest performer willfully, the «Scream 2» dramatic team definitely will not subvert the Rachel image, laughs uproariously besides one, will have the possibility of any negative impact not to be big. 这只是一次任性地客串,《惊声尖叫2》剧组也肯定不会太颠覆瑞切尔的形象,除了一个噱头外,产生什么负面影响的可能性并不会太大。 Chatted several amusing things simply, Eric then changed sits in nearby Madonna, the opposite party eventually was a guest, cannot appear too desolate: „Was Mai Qi, you, what making recently?” 简单聊了几句趣事,艾瑞克便转向坐在旁边的麦当娜,对方终究是客人,不能显得太冷落:“麦琪,你呢,最近在做什么?” Madonna lazy slanting by single-seat sofa, holds the coffee cup as if have a relish to listen to the dialog of Eric and Drew, hears word replied: I, I am very idle, therefore, Eric, you thought that Firefly does have to suit my movie?” 麦当娜慵懒地斜靠在单人沙发上,捧着咖啡杯似乎饶有兴致地听着艾瑞克德鲁的对话,闻言答道:“我啊,我很清闲的,所以,艾瑞克,你觉得萤火虫有适合我的电影吗?” Madonna is in the singer circle most likes toward one of people Hollywood collects absolutely, not only fights on despite repeated setbacks in the rotten piece that in various even/including Yuanxian cannot even enter mysteriously appears and disappears, but also regularly provokes the Hollywood film-maker. 麦当娜绝对是歌手圈子里最喜欢往好莱坞凑的人之一,不但屡败屡战地在各种甚至连院线都进不了的烂片里神出鬼没,还经常性地撩拨好莱坞电影人。 Last year «Madame Beslon» could be said as a Madonna reputation best movie, initially this project also almost fell in Firefly, but considered that Madonna the quality of work, the production unit overruled the Lord to create the budget of team 5 5 million USD in the past, finally cannot achieve the cooperation. Afterward also proved the accuracy of this decision, although «Madame Beslon» has captured on Golden Globe Award and Oscar, but its North America Box Office actually only then over 50 million, took over Warner Bros. of this project slightly to owe as before. 去年的《贝隆夫人》可以说是麦当娜名声最好的一部电影,当初这个项目还差点落在萤火虫手里,只是考虑到麦当娜以往作品的质量,制作部门否决了主创团队5500万美元的预算,最后才没能达成合作。后来也证明这个决定的正确性,虽然《贝隆夫人》在金球奖奥斯卡上都有所斩获,但它的北美票房却只有5000万出头,接手这个项目的华纳兄弟依旧小亏了一把。 Eric remembers on Madonna that a series of gold/metal dark plum, immediately somewhat feels timid shakes the head: I thought that you concentrate on singing to be quite good.” 艾瑞克想起麦当娜身上那一连串金酸梅,立刻有些发怵地摇头:“我觉得你还是把精力放在唱歌上比较好。” Eric, your this saying may suffice to offend somebody,” Madonna slanting Eric, in the expression to the meaning of really not having been angry, although in her outside person eyes appears very arrogantly even the narcissism, but absolutely really did not have that person of self-knowledge. 艾瑞克,你这话可真够伤人的,”麦当娜斜了艾瑞克一眼,语气里到没有真生气的意思,她在外人眼中虽然显得很自大甚至自恋,但绝对不是真的没有自知之明的那种人。 Chatted a while, Madonna really mentioned writes the song the matter. 聊了一会儿,麦当娜果然提起写歌的事情。 Eric sets out saying: Actually I have written when New York, comes with me.” 艾瑞克起身道:“其实我在纽约时就已经写出来了,跟我来吧。” The Madonna expression somewhat excitedly has stood immediately, the girl does not have, beckoned with the hand toward Eric, the whole person lies on the sofa reluctantly, took up the remote control to turn on not far away wall hanging television. 麦当娜表情立刻有些兴奋地站了起来,丫头却没有跟着起来,朝艾瑞克摆了摆手,整个人懒懒地趴在沙发上,拿起遥控器打开了不远处的壁挂电视。 Eric led Madonna to get to the lower-level study room entrance, the footsteps has hesitated, remembered at this time on the study room writing board not the thing of need too security, this opened the door. 艾瑞克带着麦当娜走到下层书房门口,脚步迟疑了下,想起此时书房写字板上并没有需要太保密的东西,这才打开门。 With behind arrives at the study room in Eric along the staircase, visitor who Madonna and many first coming, occupied the huge writing board of entire wall to that amazed. 跟在艾瑞克身后沿着楼梯走到书房,麦当娜和很多第一次进来的访客一样,都对那占据整面墙壁的巨幅写字板惊诧了一把。 On this time writing board is sticking many Iron Man armor blueprint with magnet, side also has some annotations of Eric writing by hand. 此时的写字板上用磁石粘附着很多张钢铁侠盔甲图纸,旁边还有艾瑞克手写的一些附注。 Before Madonna arrives at the writing board unrestrainedly, glances over these to pass through colored exaggerates the metal sense of reality full Iron Man blueprint, to praise sighed: These, are Iron Man, was really too cool.” 麦当娜情不自禁地走到写字板前,浏览着那些已经经过彩色渲染金属质感十足的钢铁侠图纸,赞叹道:“这些,都是钢铁侠吗,真是太酷了。” The Iron Man cartoon image is actually very rough, therefore, even if looks at the person of cartoon often, at this time sees these lifelike blueprints, unavoidably will have the shocking feeling. 钢铁侠的漫画形象其实都很粗糙,因此,哪怕是经常看漫画的人,此时看到这些逼真的图纸,都难免会生出惊艳之感。 Eric arrives by Madonna, similarly looks at the blueprint that on the writing board is sticking, the nod said: Yes, waits for filmmaking, the effect will be cooler.” 艾瑞克走到麦当娜旁边,同样望着写字板上粘附的图纸,点头道:“是啊,等电影制作出来,效果会更酷的。” Anticipated really can see these in the movie, Eric, will this time you hold the post of Director personally?” “真期待能够在电影里看到这些,艾瑞克,这次你会亲自担任导演吗?” Not, but I will be responsible for the movie-making.” “不会,但我会负责制片。” Madonna have a relish glanced over more than ten Zhang Tuzhi, but also asked curiously east asked western, the talent and Eric arrive by the piano in corner together. 麦当娜饶有兴致地将十多张图纸浏览了一遍,还好奇地问东问西一番,才和艾瑞克一起来到角落里的钢琴旁。 Eric sits down on the chair, the collection of music scores and lyrics that will write hand over: , you have a look first.” 艾瑞克在椅子上坐下,将写好的曲谱和歌词递过去:“,你先看看。” Madonna has not sat down in side, received the folder that Eric hands over, relies on impatiently opens near the piano. 麦当娜没有在旁边坐下,接过艾瑞克递过来的文件夹,倚在钢琴边就迫不及待地翻开。 «hen-e-e-alive», looks at the name actually somewhat rock and roll the flavor,” looked at the song name, Madonna is then subconscious the review to say. “《hen-e-e-alive》,看名字倒是有几分摇滚的味道呢,”只是看了眼歌曲的名字,麦当娜便下意识点评道。 This was electronic rock and roll, Eric also listened to Madonna to deliver to have strong rock and roll style Lord pulling tune «ray-o-light» similarly, has remembered this song, therefore after slightly made the revision, then took. In the future arranges the tune after the later period, the style of entire song will definitely adapt to Madonna's new special edition, but these were not the matters that Eric needs to worry about, in the Madonna hand most did not lack was the professional team. 这本来就是一首电子摇滚,艾瑞克也是听了麦当娜送过来同样有着浓烈摇滚风格的主打样曲《ray-o-light》,才想起了这首歌,于是略作修改之后便拿了出来。将来经过后期编曲,整首歌的风格肯定会更适应麦当娜的新专辑,只是这些就不是艾瑞克需要操心的事情了,麦当娜手中最不缺的就是专业团队。 Nodded, Eric replied: Yes, prepares to treat as principal that «Forever glorious» with you links, is......” 点了点头,艾瑞克答道:“是啊,和你准备当做主打的那首《光芒万丈》连起来,就是……” When we are living, forever glorious.” “当我们活着,光芒万丈。” Madonna receives immediately, in the expression were also many several points of excitement, said: This may really be ambitious, but I like.” 麦当娜立刻接了过来,表情里又多了了几分兴奋,道:“这可真是野心勃勃呢,不过我喜欢。” However, looks at the complete song, hummed approximately, Madonna very much straightforwardly looks up to Eric, said: Eric, this song, although is very good, but as if didn't have you in the past these to appear shocking Oh?” 不过,看完整首歌曲,又大致哼唱了一遍,麦当娜就很直白地抬头望向艾瑞克,说道:“艾瑞克,这首歌虽然很棒,但似乎没有你以往那些显得惊艳?” Eric did not mind that Madonna's directness, the booth lets go, explained: Mai Qi, this was the limit of your this special edition itself style, I was always impossible to rely on a square shape in the mold to make the circular biscuit.” 艾瑞克也不介意麦当娜的直接,摊摊手,解释道:“麦琪,这就是你这张专辑本身风格的限制了,我总不可能凭借一个方形的模子里做出圆形饼干来。” Special edition that Madonna built the style of principal pop music was completely different from her in the past, has filled the intense electronic music element, and unified classically, rock and roll, Bess and other many styles, the spoken lines point, is experimental mixing builds the special edition actually. When type tune that Eric in listening to Madonna sends, really has not had many feelings, impossible to collect similar style from the memory the shocking work. 麦当娜正在打造的这张专辑与她以往主打流行音乐的风格完全不同,充满了强烈的电子音乐元素,并且结合了古典、摇滚、贝斯等多种风格,说白点,其实就是一张实验性的混搭专辑。艾瑞克在听麦当娜送来的样曲时,实在是没有产生多少感觉,也就更不可能从记忆中搜罗出类似风格的惊艳作品来。 To put it bluntly, Eric felt that the whole piece special edition is very mediocre. 说白了,艾瑞克感觉整张专辑都挺平庸的。 However, he remembers exactly that «Forever glorious» this special edition once was evaluated in Madonna individual music profession in the original space and time one of the best special editions, this could suddenly make a table of Sichuan cuisine to give people unavoidably the curiosity like a top Cantonese cuisine chef the reason. 不过,他恰好记得,《光芒万丈》这张专辑在原时空中一度被评为麦当娜个人音乐生涯中最好的专辑之一,这或许可以就像一个顶级的粤菜厨子突然做出一桌川菜难免给人新鲜感的缘故吧。 Actor or singer, after long-term irrevocable, suddenly changes the style, often can obtain the good appraisal. 无论是演员还是歌手,长时间的一成不变之后突然改变风格,往往都能获得不错的评价。 Because transformed the past style suddenly, the Madonna moral nature did not report anything to expect to this special edition actually, but her road originally has arrived at the impasse, this has to change. 由于突然转变了以往的风格,麦当娜心底其实也对这张专辑不报什么期望,只是她原本的路已经走到了死胡同,这才不得不改变。 Listened to Eric saying that Madonna also thinks he did not favor this special edition similarly. 艾瑞克这么说,麦当娜也以为他同样不太看好这张专辑。 However, Madonna had an anticipation to ask: Eric, you thought that this special edition is what kind of?” 不过,麦当娜还是抱着一丝期待问了出来:“艾瑞克,你觉得这张专辑怎么样?” Eric said with a smile: „Do you want to listen to the truth?” 艾瑞克笑道:“你要听实话?” Madonna white his eyes: consider as finished, you said that a lie made me happy one on the line.” 麦当娜白了他一眼:“算了,你说点假话让我高兴一下就行了。” Good, does not crack a joke,” Eric said properly: Although your this special edition fully does not conform to my individual taste, but, the successful possibility is very big, even, this may become another peak in your music profession.” “好吧,不开玩笑,”艾瑞克正经道:“虽然你这张专辑完全不符合我的个人口味,不过,成功的可能性还是很大的,甚至,这或许会成为你音乐生涯中的又一个巅峰。” Madonna is excited and anticipation raised the eyebrow: You are earnest?” 麦当娜兴奋而又期待地挑了挑眉:“你是认真的吗?” Naturally,” Eric nods: First, the human spirits of these many year of accumulations are very formidable, this is this special edition obtains the successful biggest foundation. Next, the people always to changing will feel the curiosity, this special edition has catered exactly to the fondness of public. Finally, in addition I give your song, I think that you will definitely not let off such propaganda to laugh uproariously, right? Therefore, I will make a bet, this special edition global sales volume at least can achieve 15 million, as for can attack 20 million, that looked at your luck.” “当然,”艾瑞克点头:“首先,你这么多年积累的人气还是非常强大的,这是这张专辑获得成功的最大基础。其次,人们总是会对改变充满新鲜感,这张专辑恰好就迎合了公众的这种喜好。最后,再加上我给你的这首歌,我想你肯定不会放过这样的宣传噱头的,对吧?所以,我敢打赌,这张专辑全球销量至少能够达到1500万张,至于能不能冲击2000万,那就看你的运气了。” 15 million, 20 million, said, these regarding Madonna were very remote matters. 1500万张,2000万张,说真的,这些对于麦当娜来说都是很遥远的事情了。 On her a global sales volume breaks through the 10 million special edition is seven years ago, recently year special edition sales volume several million, although such digit as before appears unattainable regarding these 23 young singers, but regarding her, can only describe with the failure. 她上一张全球销量突破1000万的专辑都已经是七年前,最近一些年的专辑销量都只有几百万而已,虽然这样的数字对于那些23线小歌手来说依旧显得可望不可即,但对于她来说,就只能用失败来形容了。 If just that words were other people said that perhaps Madonna treated as to think highly happy. But was said by Eric, she has almost believed immediately several points, therefore the whole person appeared somewhat excited, as an ambitious woman, she was not always willingly so to be quiet. 如果刚刚那番话是其他人说出来的,麦当娜或许只是当做恭维高兴一下。但由艾瑞克说出,她几乎立刻就信了几分,因此整个人都显得有些激动,作为一个野心勃勃的女人,她从来都不甘心就这么沉寂下来的。 When excited, Madonna natural disposition reveals completely, collects both hands to build on the Eric shoulder starts to pull up: That, Eric, what do you want to bet?” 激动之余,麦当娜‘本性’毕露,凑过来双手搭在艾瑞克肩膀上开始强撩:“那,艾瑞克,你想赌点什么?” Eric pedalled the swivel chair to move backward, avoid Madonna to want cross to sit on the body to his leg, shook the head saying: Stops, Mai Qi, I may anything not want to bet.” 艾瑞克蹬着转椅向后挪动了些,躲开麦当娜想要跨坐到他腿上的身躯,摇头道:“停,麦琪,我可什么都不想赌。” I admitted defeat directly,” Madonna was saying, approached, both hands also up and down slipped into his chest from the Eric shoulder, as if wanted to untie the knot of his shirt. “那我直接认输好了,”麦当娜说着,又凑近一些,双手还从艾瑞克肩膀上下滑到他胸口,似乎想要解开他衬衫的扣子。 Eric sees the spoken language not to blow this spirit, will put out a hand to grip the two wrists/skills of opposite party, the body will have drawn back again in the future, Madonna both hands were trigged by Eric, the body will lose the support, will immediately fall down in front of Eric. 艾瑞克见言语镇不住这妖精,伸手握住对方的两只手腕,身体再往后退了一些,麦当娜双手被艾瑞克制住,身体失去支撑,顿时扑倒在艾瑞克面前。 Loosens Madonna's both hands, Eric holds down the woman who struggles is wanting to set out, has pinched that maintenance good cheek, the expression is to very shut out coldly said: Since this, you use mouth, I can accept reluctantly.” 松开麦当娜的双手,艾瑞克按住挣扎着想要起身的女人,捏了捏那张保养不错的脸蛋,语气很是嫌弃地冷冷道:“既然这样,你用嘴吧,我勉强可以接受。” Madonna gains ground to see vision that Eric occupies a commanding position, is feeling on the cheeks that pair of big hand strength, the opposite party said a word the shame not only has not made her raise any anger, instead the feeling whole body became tender, almost shivered twittering was saying: Oh, Eric Williams, you may really be mix the ball.” 麦当娜抬头望见艾瑞克居高临下的目光,感受着脸颊上那双大手的力道,对方言语中的羞辱不但没有让她升起什么怒意,反而感觉浑身发软,几乎是颤抖着呢喃道:“,艾瑞克威廉姆斯,你可真是个混球。” ...... …… After one month of busy, was located in Mexican Rosarito’s RMS Titanic model to be shipped back completely, and builds to complete in the Firefly cinema city. 经过一个多月的忙碌,原本位于墨西哥罗萨里托的泰坦尼克号模型已经被完整运回,并且在萤火虫影城内搭建完成。 Because Cameron initially consumed the large amount of money almost to duplicate RMS Titanic massive furniture, rug and window curtains even tableware and other things completely, arranges exceptionally to be also quick. At this time, the first-class cabin banquet hall in RMS Titanic model had been repaired. «RMS Titanic» global Box Office breaks through the 1.8 billion USD glee feast then to elect in the banquet hall of steamship to hold. 由于卡梅隆当初耗费巨资几乎是完全复制了泰坦尼克号内部的大量家具、地毯、窗帘甚至餐具等用品,重新布置起来也异常快捷。此时,泰坦尼克号模型内的头等舱宴会厅已经被重新装修完毕。《泰坦尼克号全球票房突破18亿美元的庆功宴便选在大船的宴会厅内举行。 The time is in the evening, participates in the celebration party guest to catch up one after another. 时间已经是傍晚,参加庆功派对的宾客正在陆续赶来。 Eric and Cameron and Katzenberg they stand in the observation deck outside steamship cab shoulder to shoulder, is the position that in the movie Captain RMS Titanic once was. 艾瑞克卡梅隆卡森伯格两人并肩站在大船驾驶室外的瞭望甲板上,也就是影片中泰坦尼克号船长曾经占据的位置。 The steamship is the west east, to not far away Mary Anders Erwan, occupied the cinema city northeast corner bulk region, this naturally is the result that Cameron insists, otherwise the hull definitely needs to comply with the cinema city whole to the Northeast inclined rectangle pattern. 大船正好是东西走向,面向不远处的玛丽安德尔湾,占据了影城东北角一大块区域,这自然是卡梅隆坚持的结果,否则船身肯定需要顺应影城整体向东北方向倾斜的长方形格局。 However, this type insisted that overspreads the horizon in this time everywhere red cloud the time, leans against a railing the field of vision that looks out into the distance appears exceptionally mammoth, the cinema city reaches as high as the low construction of three meters fence and exterior domain is unable to cover the field of vision on deck, can see the Mary Anders Erwan crowded yacht as well as the distant place wave light clear sea level. 不过,也正是这种坚持,在此时正是漫天火烧云铺满天际的时刻,凭栏远眺的视野显得异常波澜壮阔,影城高达三米的围墙和外部区域的低矮建筑丝毫无法遮挡甲板上的视野,一眼就可以望见玛丽安德尔湾密集的游艇以及更远处波光粼粼的海平面。 Eric, look, I said that like this builds the field of vision to be best,” Cameron somewhat is very high-spirited, holds the parapet to size up below bow deck to imitate Jack and guest of Rose classical posture photograph , to continue saying: I also plan to build an exhibition region in boiler room in the interior, had better be able the giant drive shaft duplicate again, only needs to invest 2 million USD again, you know that we were keeping the initial stage prop similarly. However, Jeffrey actually hopes that the cabin can re-equip the warehouse, Oh, you can imagine, RMS Titanic turned into the warehouse unexpectedly.” 艾瑞克,看吧,我就说这样搭建视野才能最佳,”卡梅隆很有几分意气风发,扶着栏杆打量着下方船头甲板上模仿杰克萝丝经典姿势拍照的宾客,继续道:“我还计划在内部打造一个锅炉房的展区,最好能够再将巨大的传动轴复制出来,只需要再投入200万美元而已,你知道的,我们同样留着当初的道具。不过,杰弗瑞却希望船舱内部能够改装成仓库,,你能想象吗,泰坦尼克号竟然变成了仓库。” Eric looked at eye resigned-looking Katzenberg with a smile, said: Jeffrey is also hopes that this model can be used as far as possible, Jim, you must know, if absolutely does not have the usability, perhaps, some years, we have had to this model tearing down, it have occupied very big region after all.” 艾瑞克笑着看了眼一脸无奈的卡森伯格,道:“杰弗瑞也是希望这艘模型能够尽可能地被利用啊,吉姆,你要知道,如果完全没有实用性,或许,过一些年,我们就不得不把这艘模型给拆掉了,它毕竟占了很大一块区域。” Cameron sees Eric this time not to turn toward itself, therefore refuted: „The dining room, the banquet hall and are souvenir store these insufficient?” 卡梅隆艾瑞克这次没有向着自己,于是反驳道:“难道餐厅,宴会厅和纪念品商店这些还不够吗?” These are certainly enough, but boiler room on consider as finished, Jim, the people will not be interested in these.” “这些当然足够,但锅炉房就算了,吉姆,人们不会对这些感兴趣的。” Cameron is not as before willingly, said: Before this film screens, many people also thought that the people will not be interested in this kind of movie.” 卡梅隆依旧不甘心,道:“在这部片子上映之前,很多人也觉得人们不会对这样一部电影感兴趣。” „......” “……” Both sides bargained back and forth, Eric complies with Cameron to build a small exhibition hall finally, but bottom majority of regions as the memory warehouse in cinema city. 双方讨价还价了一番,艾瑞克最后答应卡梅隆可以搭建一个小型展厅,但底部大部分区域还是将作为影城内的存储仓库。 After all, more than 270 meters giant hulls, are almost equal in the cinema city the lengths of four movie studios, if not use, that eternal truth Eric said that later likely has to be demolished.( To be continued.) 毕竟,270多米的巨大船身,几乎相当于影城内四个摄影棚的长度,如果不利用起来,那真如艾瑞克所说,以后很可能就不得不被拆除了。(未完待续。)
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