IAIH :: Volume #9

#856: Who bullies whom

Eric, your meaning is, we must use these movies the release contracts to take the chip, received exchange for the Southeast Asia film executive settling accounts «RMS Titanic» Box Office ahead of time?” The Eric voice just fell, distributes department Chairman Robert Thompson then understandingly asked. 艾瑞克,你的意思是,我们要利用这些影片的发行合约作为筹码,换取东南亚片商提前结算《泰坦尼克号票房吗?”艾瑞克话音刚落,发行部门总裁罗伯特・汤普森便会意地问道。 Eric nods, but quickly shakes the head saying: Can such do, but is not only restricted in this. I mean, we need to prepare for the worst to the Southeast Asia economy, while striving to take back «RMS Titanic» is divided into as soon as possible, the distribution rights of movie to sell outright the price to sell in advance in the future directly to the Southeast Asia distributors.” 艾瑞克点点头,但又很快摇头道:“可以这么做,但不仅限于此。我的意思是,我们需要对东南亚经济做最坏的打算,在争取尽快收回《泰坦尼克号》分成的同时,将未来一段时期内影片的发行权以买断价格直接预售给东南亚各国发行商。” The Hollywood movie sells in advance the distribution rights the phenomenon to be common, especially these release ability limited 23 Film Studio, even if in the United States home, to backflow the fund as soon as possible, frequently adopts to sell in advance the distribution rights the method. 好莱坞电影预售发行权的现象非常普遍,特别是那些发行能力有限的23线电影公司,哪怕是在美国国内,为了尽快回流资金,都经常采取预售发行权的手段。 However, expands after many years of distribution circuit, because is having the formidable movie distribution network around the world, even if Firefly Group some low cost movies, little again have used this returns ratio low selling in advance release strategy, after all, the truth with farming to be the same, same land, the primitive slash-and-burn cultivation and complicated careful and intensive cultivation, the grain of harvest is definitely different. 不过,经过多年时间的发行渠道扩张,由于在世界范围内拥有着强大的电影发行网络,萤火虫集团旗下哪怕一些中低成本电影,都已经很少再采用这种收益率较低的预售发行策略,毕竟,道理就和种田一样,同样一块土地,原始的刀耕火种和繁复的精耕细作,收获的粮食肯定是不同的。 Really, the Eric voice just fell, has drawn immediately on an opposition. 果然,艾瑞克的话音刚落,立刻就招来了一片反对之声。 Robert Thompson said: Eric, «RMS Titanic» Box Office had almost determined that we try to take back ahead of time are divided, will not have anything to lose. The movie distribution rights outright sale that but if not have screened exits, we are not only very difficult to attain the too high price, but, if some movie Box Office explode greatly, the decision that the economic crisis that we at this time to dodge not to have makes, probably incurs a bigger loss for us, entire Southeast Asia occupied 30% of overseas Box Office total amount, I did not suggest such to do intensely.” 罗伯特・汤普森道:“艾瑞克,《泰坦尼克号》的票房几乎已经确定,我们设法提前收回分成,并不会有什么损失。但如果将还未上映的影片发行权卖断出去,我们不但很难拿到太高的价格,而且,万一有些影片票房大爆,我们此时为了规避不一定会发生的经济危机而做出的决定,就可能为我们带来更大的损失,整个东南亚可是占据了海外票房总额的30%,我强烈不建议这么做。” Eric recalls the «RMS Titanic» Box Office data that the next last Friday evening saw, entire Southeast Asia truly occupied movie overseas total Box Office about 30%, but, Japan nearly occupied 20%. In memory, in Southeast Asia economic crisis process Japan currency devaluation scope also only then about 20%, are much lower than the Southeast Asia country that other currency systems generally encounter cut in two at the waist. 艾瑞克回忆了下上周五晚上看到的《泰坦尼克号票房数据,整个东南亚确实占据了影片海外总票房的30%左右,不过,这其中日本差不多就占到了20%。记忆里,东南亚经济危机过程中日本的货币贬值幅度也只有20%左右,远远低于其他货币体系普遍遭到腰斩的东南亚国家。 Moreover, Japan to other Southeast Asia countries, the speed of economic recovery will be obviously quicker, such being the case, 20% currency devaluation scope, Firefly can withstand. 而且,日本相对于其他东南亚国家,经济恢复的速度显然会更快一些,既然如此,20%的货币贬值幅度,萤火虫还是可以承受的。 As for other Southeast Asia ticket warehouses, the necessity that completely has not insisted. Can want to see, when economic crisis breaks out, only held just over 10% overseas shares Southeast Asia small note warehouses under the impact of currency devaluation, the proportion in overseas Box Office share definitely will fall to insignificantly about 5%, and in the short-term does not have the possibility that restores. 至于其他东南亚票仓,就完全没有坚持的必要了。可以想见,等到经济危机爆发,原本就只占有刚刚10%出头海外份额的东南亚小票仓在货币贬值的冲击下,海外票房份额中的比例肯定会滑落到无足轻重的5%左右,并且短期内不存在恢复的可能性。 Perhaps, in the next few years, will be in the decline trend Hong Kong to fall into thoroughly quietly, should be related with the Southeast Asia market large atrophy. 或许,未来几年,原本就处于衰落趋势的港片彻底陷入沉寂,应该就和东南亚市场大幅萎缩有关。 Thought deeply about the moment, Eric said: That this, that side Southeast Asia, Japan maintains the original release strategy to be invariable, other such as Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and other ticket warehouses, according to the plan that I just said that such decided.” 思索了片刻,艾瑞克道:“那这样吧,东南亚那边,日本维持原有的发行策略不变,其他诸如新马泰等票仓,按照我刚刚说的方案,就这么定了。” If minus the Japan market, the Southeast Asia remaining small note warehouses puts together including Latin America were inferior that a numerous high level also no longer insisted, discussed a detailed implementation detail, started the following topic. 如果刨去日本市场,东南亚剩下的小票仓加在一起连拉美都不如,一众高层也就不再坚持,讨论了一番详细的执行细节,开始了接下来的话题。 The conference convened one in the morning, Eric has had the lunch in Burbank Headquarters, starts to hurry back to Cliff Peak Manor. 会议召开了一上午,艾瑞克伯班克总部吃过午餐,就开始赶回尖角庄园 Still when New York, Madonna has made several phone calls, wants after Eric returns to Los Angeles comes to visit. 还在纽约时,麦当娜就打过几次电话,想要在艾瑞克返回洛杉矶之后前来拜访。 At this time Madonna started to bring a lawsuit on the issue of figure distribution rights with the Warner phonograph record, although the result is not quite definite, but this matter as a blasting fuse, will bring to more musician's attention to the online music sale obviously, in addition the both sides' close cooperation in Yahoo music store, Eric will not stint set aside quite a while the time and opposite party specially meet with, therefore then approximately this afternoon. 此时麦当娜已经开始与华纳唱片就数字发行权的问题打起了官司,虽然结果还不太确定,但这件事作为一个导火索,显然会引起了更多音乐人对在线音乐销售的注意,再加上双方在雅虎音乐商店方面的密切合作,艾瑞克还是不会吝惜专门腾出半天时间与对方会面的,于是便约在了今天下午。 Naturally, Eric also knows that Madonna this visiting, perhaps still exists to urge he writes the song for himself the thoughts, this was Eric has promised the opposite party one month ago. 当然,艾瑞克也知道,麦当娜这次拜访,或许还存在催促他为自己写歌的心思,这是艾瑞克在一个多月前就许诺了对方的。 Tomorrow is «RMS Titanic» Box Office breaks through 1.8 billion USD celebration party, Katzenberg must rush to the Playa Vista cinema city from Burbank Headquarters in the afternoon, then seizes the chance to ride the Eric being suitable windmill, discusses some official business while convenient opportunistically. 明天就是《泰坦尼克号票房突破18亿美元庆功派对,卡森伯格下午也要从伯班克总部赶往普雷亚维斯塔影城,便趁机搭艾瑞克的顺风车,顺便见缝插针地谈论一些公务。 Eric mentioned this matter to return to the Cliff Peak Manor intention, Katzenberg said: Mentioned the Yahoo music store, Warner phonograph record and Universal phonograph record, although has not participated in this lawsuit, but, Firefly Records that side Barry Vyse few days ago telephoned, the Warner phonograph record intended to combine the back street boy in secret from here poaches.” 艾瑞克提起此事返回尖角庄园的意图,卡森伯格道:“说起雅虎音乐商店,华纳唱片和环球唱片虽然没有参与这次诉讼,但是,萤火虫唱片那边的巴里・维斯前些日子打电话过来,华纳唱片私下里有意把后街男孩组合从我们这里挖走。” Eric asked: If I have not remembered incorrectly, they several contracts should be five years?” 艾瑞克问道:“如果我没记错,他们几个的合约应该是五年吧?” Yes, to 2000, Barry said probably their several people somewhat are excited, but the Warner phonograph record possibly does not want the sum total to pay they several penalties, therefore cannot achieve, but, if the contract expires,” Katzenberg, looked at Eric, said: Perhaps they will again not keep Firefly Records.” “是的,大概到2000年,巴里说他们几人都有些心动,只是华纳唱片可能不愿意全额支付他们几个的违约金,所以才没能达成,不过,如果合约到期,”卡森伯格顿了顿,看了眼艾瑞克,才又道:“恐怕他们就不会再留在萤火虫唱片了。” Eric is clear, Firefly Records and close cooperation stance of Yahoo music store, will definitely cause some scruples of entertainer. 艾瑞克清楚,萤火虫唱片雅虎音乐商店的密切合作姿态,肯定会引起旗下艺人的一些顾忌。 As a result of indulging in unbridled propaganda of other Record Company, the majority of singers subconsciously thought that Firefly Records and cooperation of Yahoo music store in sacrificing the foundation of their benefit was conducted, under the operations of several big phonograph record giants, the United States musical society is not even willing to acknowledge that the sales volume of digital music special edition, this will cause the phonograph record sales volume of Firefly Records singer to be low to the actual quantity without doubt. 由于其他唱片公司的大肆宣扬,大部分歌手都下意识觉得萤火虫唱片雅虎音乐商店的合作是在牺牲他们利益的基础上进行的,在几大唱片巨头的操纵下,美国音乐协会甚至都不愿意承认数字音乐专辑的销量,这无疑会造成萤火虫唱片旗下歌手的唱片销量相对于实际数量要低很多。 Eric actually does not believe that was attacked by the Internet, the entity phonograph record profession moves toward the decline almost to be inevitable. 艾瑞克却并不这么认为,受到互联网的冲击,实体唱片行业走向衰落几乎是必然的。 Firefly Records and Yahoo music store cooperation, develops the network music sales market ahead of time, instead can reduce the harm of network music piracy to Firefly Records entertainer to a great extent, in the meantime, the singer of Firefly definitely can also enjoy the media promotion resources of Yahoo web platform. 萤火虫唱片雅虎音乐商店合作,提前开拓网络音乐销售市场,反而能够在很大程度上降低网络音乐盗版对萤火虫唱片旗下艺人的损害,同时,萤火虫旗下的歌手肯定也能够享有更多雅虎网络平台的媒体推广资源。 Eric believes that along with the further promotion of Fireflyer, this superiority will appear quickly in the next few years. 艾瑞克相信,随着Fireflyer的进一步推广,这种优势在未来几年将很快显现出来。 How Universal Warner they want to do, we see to incur to open to incur on the line.” 环球华纳他们想怎么做,我们见招拆招就行。” Eric was saying, the vision looks to the glass, at this time the vehicle shuttle on the Venice main road, Eric saw exactly a «Godzilla» huge movie playbill flashes past from the side. 艾瑞克说着,目光望向车窗外,此时车子穿梭在威尼斯大道上,艾瑞克恰好看到一副《哥斯拉》的巨幅电影海报从身边一闪而过。 If did not consider completely the information in memory, the forthcoming summer files appear the heavy pound huddle together as before. 如果完全不考虑记忆中的信息,即将到来的暑期档依旧显得重磅扎堆。 Besides «Finding Nemo» and «The Lion King 2» and outside the «Ice Age» three animation big movies, this summer files have three super honorable person writings similarly. 除了《海底总动员》、《狮子王2》和《冰河时代》三部动画大电影外,这个暑期档同样还有三部超级真人大作。 «Casino Royale» that Eric directs personally, Warner Bros. product «Batman And Robin», as well as Sony Film Industry «Godzilla». 艾瑞克亲自执导的《007之皇家赌场》,华纳兄弟出品的《蝙蝠侠罗宾》,以及索尼影业的《哥斯拉》。 The costs of these three honorable person heavy case bomb movies in 100 million USD above, the «Casino Royale» production cost eventually achieve 110 million USD, but also is in three movies is lowest, «Batman And Robin» spent 120 million, the «Godzilla» production cost eventually even achieves 150 million. 这三部真人重磅炸弹影片的成本都在一亿美元以上,《007之皇家赌场》的制作成本最终达到1.1亿美元,还算是三部影片中最低的,《蝙蝠侠罗宾》花去了1.2亿,《哥斯拉》的制作成本最终甚至达到1.5亿 Meanwhile, perhaps as the big piece of this summer files only principal CG special effect, was receives just greatly attained the stimulation of successful «RMS Titanic», Sony also appeared to «Godzilla» confident, although the production cost has achieved 150 million, but Sony without hesitation put into the propaganda budget of 70 million USD, raised 220 million the «Godzilla» total cost, like this calculated that this monster big piece needs to take back 600 million USD in the global range, can recoup the cost on Box Office. 同时,作为今年暑期档唯一一部主打CG特效的大片,或许是受到刚刚大获成功的《泰坦尼克号》的刺激,索尼对《哥斯拉》也显得信心十足,虽然制作成本已经达到1.5亿,但索尼还是毫不犹豫地投入了7000万美元的宣传预算,将《哥斯拉》的总成本抬高到了2.2亿,这样算来,这部怪兽大片需要在全球范围内收回6亿美元,才能在票房上收回成本。 Eric does not remember that previous life «Godzilla» global Box Office is many, but deferred to that to be scolded more than ten years of awful reputation continuously, definitely was far from 600 million USD that many. 艾瑞克不记得前世《哥斯拉》的全球票房是多少,但按照那被连续骂了十多年的糟糕口碑,肯定远远没有6亿美元那么多。 Although the «Godzilla» constructor is Sony, but because the special effect is responsible for by the digital domain completely, Eric wants to see this movie the source material is very easy. Is only the Tyrannosaurus Rex modeling that this edition of Godzilla and previous life are almost the same, Eric did not think that this movie has many successful possibilities. 虽然《哥斯拉》的制作方是索尼,但由于特效完全由数字领域负责,艾瑞克想要看到这部影片的素材还是非常容易的。仅仅只是这一版哥斯拉与前世相差无几的霸王龙造型,艾瑞克就不觉得这部影片有多少成功的可能性。 As for «Batman And Robin», does not raise. 至于《蝙蝠侠罗宾》,不提也罢。 However, perhaps Warner and Sony obviously are confident, are note Firefly this summer files any special effect big piece not to screen, therefore was studying the strategy of last year Universal Corporation, similarly the release date will decide in Firefly regularly in June . Moreover the obvious thoughts were not quite pure. 不过,华纳索尼却显然信心十足,或许是注意到萤火虫今年暑期档没有任何一部特效大片上映,于是学着去年环球公司的策略,同样将上映日期定在了萤火虫惯常的六月份,而且明显心思不太单纯。 This point can look from the specific running schedules of two big pieces. 这一点从两部大片的具体档期就可以看出来。 Firefly summer the files as before are trilogy strategy, but, was different from the past, as a result of the absence of «Jurassic Park 3», Firefly in June only then two movies screened, separately was «Con Air» and Pixar that newest animated film «Finding Nemo» Cage acted the leading role, another was Disney Film Industry product «George of the Jungle», but, the animation of this medium cost reorganized Live-Action Film, for not direct and end of June's «Casino Royale» resistance, running schedule determination in mid July. 萤火虫暑期档依旧是‘三部曲’策略,不过,与以往不同,由于《侏罗纪公园3》的缺席,萤火虫六月份只有两部影片上映,分别是凯奇主演的《空中监狱》和皮克斯的最新动画电影《海底总动员》,另外一部是迪斯尼影业出品的《泰山森林》,不过,这部中等成本的动画改编真人电影为了不直接和六月底的《007之皇家赌场》对抗,档期确定在7月中旬。 Another two movies, the «Con Air» running schedule were on May 30, the «Finding Nemo» running schedule are on June 13. 另外两部电影,《空中监狱》的档期是5月30日,《海底总动员》的档期是6月13日。 Perhaps, Sony and Warner to Jerry Bruckheimer supervised manufacture and Nicolas «Con Air» that Cage acts the leading role in has some scruples, therefore presumptuously the running schedule determination of «Godzilla» on June 6, «Batman And the running schedule determination of Robin» on June 20, separately was «Finding Nemo» previous week and the latter week, obviously, Sony and Warner this was wants while the big piece swept away Box Office, bullied «Finding Nemo» by the rudely physique while convenient. 或许,索尼华纳杰瑞布鲁克海默监制、尼古拉斯凯奇主演的《空中监狱》还是存在一些顾忌的,于是自作聪明地将《哥斯拉》的档期确定在6月6日,《蝙蝠侠罗宾》的档期确定在6月20日,分别是《海底总动员》的前一周和后一周,显然,索尼华纳这是想要在自家大片‘横扫票房’的同时,凭借势大力沉的块头顺便欺负一下《海底总动员》。 Eric first time sees this summer the files detailed running schedule form, has almost one type for the impulsion that two colleagues pay silent tribute. 艾瑞克第一次看到今年暑期档详细的档期表格,几乎生出一种替两家同行默哀的冲动。 Two throw the street to provoke a 1 billion Box Office seed greatly. 两个大扑街撩拨一个十亿票房种子。 Perhaps when the time comes who bullies. 到时候说不定谁欺负谁呢。 Besides this several big Film Studio, new line Film Industry will show two movies in this summer files similarly, separately was July 4 «Bad Boys 2» and July 18 «Final Destination 2», this also summer the total movie quantity of files enhanced 5 Firefly Group. 除了本部几大制片厂外,新线影业同样将在这个暑期档上映两部影片,分别是7月4日的《绝地战警2》和7月18日的《死神来了2》,这也将萤火虫集团暑期档的总影片数量提高到了5部。 In the past, to centralize the announcement resources as far as possible, the new line too on a grand scale will usually not collect summer files lively. But after last year eruption, the new line also started to catch up officially, obviously, can see from the running schedules of two movies, the new line the key management summer the files the running schedule, will realize the seamless engagement with this unit June in the future in July. 往年,为了尽可能地集中宣发资源,新线通常是不会太大张旗鼓地凑暑期档这个热闹的。但经过去年的爆发,新线也开始正式发力,显然,从两部影片的档期就可以看出,新线未来将会重点经营暑期档七月份档期,实现与本部六月份的无缝衔接。 Firefly at this time single hegemony fact, since the beginning of the year «Forbes» magazine used oligarch this glossary to start, thoroughly had been pricked. 萤火虫此时一家独大的事实自从年初《福布斯杂志使用了‘寡头’这个词汇开始,就已经被彻底挑破。 Therefore, Eric also no longer minded that makes Firefly appear makes a great show of one's talents. 因此,艾瑞克也不再介意让萤火虫显得更锋芒毕露一些。 At this time the Firefly Film Industry service has been wresting away every year about 30% Box Office shares steadily, but if can raise this proportion to 40%, Eric will not keep any ample force absolutely again. 此时萤火虫电影业务已经稳稳地霸占着每年30%左右的票房份额,但如果能将这个比例提高到40%,艾瑞克绝对不会再留什么余力。 Was chatting some trivial business with Katzenberg all the way, Eric delivered to the Firefly cinema city the opposite party, then returned to Malibu. 一路上与卡森伯格聊着一些琐碎的事务,艾瑞克将对方送到萤火虫影城,然后返回马里布 Returns to Cliff Peak Manor is afternoon two o'clock. 回到尖角庄园已经是下午两点钟。 Madonna has caught up ahead of time, is sitting near the glass curtain wall on the sofa winds with Drew ripe chats, this is Eric specially arranges, he too does not want from the bottom of the heart this bold song world day later lives alone. 麦当娜已经提前赶来,正坐在玻璃幕墙边沙发上与德鲁熟络地聊着天,这是艾瑞克特意安排的,他打心底不太想与这位性格豪放的歌坛天后独处。 Sees Eric to walk, Madonna and girl simultaneously set out to welcome. 看到艾瑞克走进来,麦当娜和丫头同时起身迎了过来。 Eric has hugged with two females, with a smile asked: What did you chat again?” 艾瑞克与两女抱了下,才笑着问道:“你们再聊什么?” The girls pull the arm of Eric to sit down on the sofa affectionate, the small body pastes softly, said: Just spoke of «Scream 2», who Mai Qi is very curious this time to be massacred in the opening of movie.” 丫头亲昵地挽着艾瑞克的手臂在沙发上坐下,软软地小身子贴过来,道:“刚说到《惊声尖叫2》,麦琪很好奇这次谁会在电影的开头被杀掉呢。” «Scream 2» will screen in this summer files similarly, although few heavy case bombs are so mammoth, but was also quite paid attention. 惊声尖叫2》同样将在这个暑期档上映,虽然没有几部重磅炸弹那样声势浩大,但也颇受关注。 The girls went forth to battle to play the introduction killed girl in first part personally, as a result of her and previous life completely different influence rank, this also became the topic that many movie fans loved to talk about. According to the convention, Metro Goldwyn Mayer will definitely not let off laughing uproariously of this hype, in the sequel greatly also will invite very much possibly other strength stars to be a guest performer similar role. 丫头在第一部里亲自上阵饰演了开篇被杀死的女孩,由于她和前世完全不同的影响力级别,这也成为很多影迷津津乐道的话题。按照惯例,米高梅肯定不会放过这个炒作的噱头,续集中很大可能也会邀请其他实力明星客串类似角色。 Eric puts out a hand the coffee cup that received Natasha to hand over, said curiously: Oh, I have not known that is who?” 艾瑞克伸手接过娜塔莎递过来的咖啡杯,好奇道:“,我也还不知道呢,是谁啊?” You guess first.” “你先猜猜嘛。” Eric looked at Madonna, shakes the head with a smile: This I may unable to guess, isn't you will live then to be massacred one time in film?” 艾瑞克看了眼麦当娜,笑着摇头:“这我可猜不出来,不会是你自己在片子里活过来然后又被杀掉一次吧?” Hehe, I possibly so am how bored,” girl acted like a spoiled brat shook under the arm of Eric, said: Is Rachel.” “呵呵,我怎么可能那么无聊,”丫头撒娇地晃了下艾瑞克的手臂,道:“是瑞切尔啊。” Eric has not responded with enough time that Madonna has been surprised the different way: Rachel Weisz?” 艾瑞克还没来得及反应过来,麦当娜就已经诧异道:“瑞切尔薇姿?” Girl nod. 丫头点头。 «RMS Titanic» Box Office explodes greatly, it can be said that soars as the male & female leads small plum and Rachel, even if Julia and Nicole, recently impossible to place on a par with the Rachel formidable popularity. 泰坦尼克号票房大爆,作为男女主角的小李子和瑞切尔也可以说是一飞冲天,哪怕是茱莉亚妮可,最近一段时间都不可能与瑞切尔强大的人气相提并论。 Can want to see, if the movie fan knows that Rose suddenly in a horror film from by massacring, how startled will explode the matter of eyeball. 可以想见,如果影迷知道‘萝丝’突然在一部恐怖片从被‘杀掉’了,那将是多么惊爆眼球的一件事。 Eric was really actually curious, asked that the girl said: How you coax her?” 艾瑞克倒是真的好奇了,问丫头道:“你怎么把她哄过来的啊?”
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