IAIH :: Volume #9

#855: Exchange rate issue

Eric brought Cindy to return to him in the sixth main road entrance constant that apartment, the time just to pass 8 : 00 pm. happy article 艾瑞克带着辛迪回到他在第六大道入口常住的那套公寓,时间刚过夜晚八点。樂文 Follows in Eric behind, Cindy is sizing up not any living room of change, said: Why does not know, thinks that your always person lives here, the feeling somewhat is strange.” 跟在艾瑞克身后,辛迪打量着没有任何变化的客厅,说道:“不知道为什么,想到你总是一个人住在这里,就感觉有些奇怪。” Eric takes off the coat to hang on the clothes rack, under moves toward the window to place the round table of notebook to be implicated, presses down the computer starting key, asked: Strangely what has?” 艾瑞克脱掉外套挂在衣架上,走向落地窗边摆放着笔记本电脑的圆桌旁坐下,按下电脑开机键,问道:“有什么奇怪的?” Cindy also hangs the windproof coat, sits is escaping tall Tongxue on foot on the stair of profound important pass, thinks that said: „Don't you feel lonely?” 辛迪也挂好风衣,坐在玄关口的台阶上脱着脚上的高筒靴,想了想,道:“你难道就不感觉冷清吗?” Eric is knocking keyboard entry starting password, replied: If I have not remembered incorrectly, you should also be a person live?” 艾瑞克敲着键盘输入开机密码,回答说:“如果我没记错,你也应该是一个人住吧?” Probably, yes,” Cindy suddenly, is pondering over at heart as before, puts away tall Tongxue, steps on the slipper to arrive at the living room corner by the wine chest, has selected one bottle of whisky, this also said: Really is strange, I live to you with the feeling that I live in am completely different.” “好像,是呢,”辛迪恍然,心里依旧琢磨着,将高筒靴放好,踩着拖鞋走到客厅一角的酒柜旁,挑了一瓶威士忌,这才又说:“真是奇怪,我对你一个人住和我一个人住的感觉完全不一样。” Is very interesting, wants to understand told me one,” Eric felt that this topic as if somewhat seemed to have met before, was disinclined to go into seriously, landed his work mailbox, opens «RMS Titanic» Box Office data mail that side Los Angeles sent. “很有意思,想明白了告诉我一声,”艾瑞克感觉这个话题似乎有些似曾相识,也懒得深究,登陆他的工作邮箱,打开洛杉矶那边发来的《泰坦尼克号票房数据邮件。 Cindy is crooked the head, somewhat is distracted pulls open the small refrigerator, does not forget to turn head to ask: „Can you add the ice piece?” 辛迪歪着脑袋,有些走神地拉开小冰柜,不忘扭头问道:“你要加冰块吗?” Actually I do not like drinking.” “其实我不喜欢喝酒。” That may suffice to waste , the liquor in your cabinet added enough to buy one good house in Manhattan,” Cindy was saying, no longer inquired that the opinion of Eric, added the ice piece, carried two glasses of whisky to walk. Places Eric one glass of liquor on hand, Cindy pulls the chair to depend to come, asks: „Can I have a look?” “那可真够浪费的,你柜子里的酒加起来足够在曼哈顿买一套不错的房子了,”辛迪说着,不再询问艾瑞克的意见,自顾自地加了冰块,端着两杯威士忌走了过来。将一杯酒放在艾瑞克手边,辛迪拉着椅子靠过来,问道:“我可以看看吗?” The mail content will be some «RMS Titanic» recent several weeks detailed Box Office data and Box Office trend analyses, the majority will appear on the public media, will pour not to need to keep secret. 邮件内容是《泰坦尼克号》最近几周的详细票房数据和一些票房走势分析,大部分都会出现在公开媒体上,倒没有必要保密。 Eric nods, has let toward side, carried that cup of whisky sips conveniently. 艾瑞克点头,朝旁边让了让,还是随手端起那杯威士忌抿了一口。 Is under permission of Eric, Cindy was very happy, when saw that on that 12 inches notebook screen has covered entirely the dense and numerous data tables and writing, she felt immediately somewhat feels dizzy, lost all interest. 得到艾瑞克的允许,辛迪本来还挺高兴的,只不过,当看到那台12英寸笔记本电脑屏幕上布满了密密麻麻的数据表格和文字,她顿时感觉有些眼晕,失去了所有兴致。 Bore the temper to accompany Eric to look at a while, Cindy set out saying: I want to take a bath, Eric, can you come together?” 耐着性子陪艾瑞克看了一会儿,辛迪就起身道:“我想去洗澡了,艾瑞克,你要一起来吗?” Eric patted Cindy to build the small hand on own shoulder: You go first, I wait a while.” 艾瑞克拍了拍辛迪搭在自己肩膀上的小手:“你先去吧,我等一会儿。” Waits for Cindy to leave, the Eric vision changes the notebook screen once more. 辛迪离开,艾瑞克的目光再次转向笔记本电脑屏幕。 «RMS Titanic» after Oscar promulgation Zhou Danzhou global total Box Office reaches an unprecedented peak starts to drop. 泰坦尼克号》在奥斯卡颁奖周单周全球票房达到一个史无前例的巅峰之后就开始回落。 The 15 th week that North America screens, because the popularity tends exhausts, single week Box Office fell below 20 million USD rapidly, achieved 18 million USD. Overseas Box Office has not continued the single week Box Office broken 200 million magnificent feat, to the two of 14 th week. 3.6 billion USD, 15 th week overseas overall Box Office falls 25%, receives 1.7 700 million USD again. 北美上映的第15周,由于人气趋于耗尽,单周票房迅速滑落到了2000万美元以下,达到1800万美元。海外票房也没有持续单周票房两亿的壮举,相对于第14周的2.36亿美元,第15周海外整体票房下跌25%,再收1.77亿美元 Afterward several weeks, the North America Box Office decline range starts to expand continually, recent one week of native total Box Office achieves 5.7 100 million USD, but single week Box Office also fell below surely the USD critical junction, only receives 9 300,000. 随后几周,北美票房跌幅开始持续扩大,最近一周本土总票房达到5.71亿美元,但单周票房也跌破了千万美元大关,仅收930万 But the Box Office decline range of overseas market actually placed quite weak 20% high and low, starts from the 13 th week overseas market eruption to a present 6 weeks of time, overseas market total Box Office raised one's head to rise suddenly terror 12.8 100 million USD from 400 million USD, this data also advanced the 1.8 billion 5 2 million USD top digits movie global total Box Office. 但海外市场的票房跌幅却保持在比较微弱的20%上下,从第13周海外市场爆发开始到现在6周时间,海外市场总票房就从4亿美元出头暴涨到了恐怖的12.81亿美元,这一数据也将影片全球票房推到了18亿5200万美元的高位。 Although North America single week Box Office falls into 1 million sectors, started to conclude, this also means that «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office will not have the too big disparity with previous life. However, because has used in completely different the overseas release strategy with the original space and time, the massive overseas ticket warehouse country screens in the «RMS Titanic» momentum most prosperous several weeks one after another, therefore also stimulated the view shades of more potential audience to want prosperously, caused «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office was once more splendid. 虽然北美单周票房跌入1000000区间,已经开始收尾,这也意味着《泰坦尼克号北美票房不会与前世发生太大差距。不过,由于采用了与原时空中完全不同的海外发行策略,大量海外票仓国家都是在《泰坦尼克号》声势最鼎盛的几周陆续上映,因此也激发了更多潜在观众的观影欲旺,使得《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房比曾经更加出色。 Although previous life «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office counter falls continuously definitely will also play the same effect, but because release side Fox to the movie deficient confidence, were doomed unable with the present to compare in movie overseas propaganda and institute line scale and other aspects, when «RMS Titanic» when North America realizes Box Office and award item double miracle, many overseas ticket warehouse country screens the rhythm to reach the last act, the «RMS Titanic» North America award item and Box Office miracle is unable again the effect of full display stimulation market. 虽然前世的《泰坦尼克号北美票房连续逆跌也肯定会起到相同的效果,但由于发行方福克斯对影片缺乏信心,在影片海外宣传和院线规模等方面注定无法与现在相比,当《泰坦尼克号》在北美实现票房和奖项双奇迹时,很多海外票仓国家的上映节奏已经进入尾声,《泰坦尼克号北美的奖项和票房奇迹也无法再充分发挥刺激市场的效果。 Meanwhile, Eric also discovered that in the situation of as a result of release strategy different reasons, in majority of overseas market already thoroughly stimulated, the overseas Box Office recycling cycle obviously is also more centralized. As a result of «RMS Titanic» at the height of power, once screens, the majority will choose to screen in the overseas audience who «RMS Titanic» will be interested in first goes to the movie theater view shade, this also will be 14 th week «RMS Titanic» sets the record of the single week marvelously 2. Most primary cause of 3.6 billion USD overseas Box Office record. 同时,艾瑞克也发现,由于发行策略不同的缘故,在大部分海外市场都已经被彻底激发的情况下,海外票房的回收周期也明显更加集中。由于《泰坦尼克号》的如日中天,一旦上映,大部分对《泰坦尼克号》感兴趣的海外观众都会选择上映第一时间前往电影院观影,这也是第14周《泰坦尼克号》奇迹般地创下单周2.36亿美元海外票房记录的最主要原因。 Moreover, this factor causes the «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office decline range similarly is bigger than North America obviously, the 15 th phase also causes «RMS Titanic» regarding the North America high 25% decline ranges cannot continue to realize the single week 200 million pioneering work. 而且,这一因素同样使得《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房跌幅明显大于北美,第15周相对于北美较高的25%跌幅也导致《泰坦尼克号》没能继续实现单周两亿的创举。 However, although recent one week of «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office dropped 6 8 million USD, but the single week Box Office decline range of overseas market also obviously started to squeeze in 20%, this means the movie through several weeks of time, after casting aside the ordinary passer-by audience who came under the Box Office award item corona influence purely this moisture content, the overseas were catching up to the North America huger core movie fan community as before, it is expected that the next two months, «RMS Titanic» overseas Box Office can receive about 300 million USD as before again, in addition the North America Box Office ample force, this also means «RMS Titanic» global total Box Office likely finally. Touches the 2.2 billion USD top digit. 不过,虽然最近一周《泰坦尼克号》的海外票房已经跌落到了6800万美元,但海外市场的单周票房跌幅也明显开始收窄到了20%以内,这意味着影片通过几周时间,挤掉纯粹只是受到票房奖项光环影响的普通路人观众这一‘水分’之后,海外相对于北美更为庞大的核心影迷群体依旧在发力,预计未来两个月,《泰坦尼克号》海外票房依旧能够再收3亿美元左右,加上北美票房余力,这也意味着《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房很可能最终。触及22亿美元的高位。 The recollection at the end of last year, received the media massive singing fading opinions as well as all people lacks the influence of confidence, Eric once hopes the movie, so long as can recoup the cost on is well with everything. 回想去年年底,受到媒体大量的唱衰言论以及身边所有人都缺乏信心的影响,艾瑞克一度只是希望影片只要能够收回成本就万事大吉。 Afterward, «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office starts to erupt, Eric puts down disturbedly, starts to anticipate that the movie can achieve the previous life Box Office data. 随后,《泰坦尼克号》的北美票房开始爆发,艾瑞克才放下忐忑,开始期待影片能够达到前世票房数据。 Around Oscar presentation ceremony, the movie accumulated the several months popularity, starts to screen massively, and has created the overseas single week 2. The 3.6 billion USD Box Office miracle, Eric thought that perhaps this movie global total Box Office can break through 2 billion USD also perhaps. 奥斯卡颁奖典礼前后,影片累计了数月人气,开始大规模上映,并且创造了海外单周2.36亿美元票房奇迹,艾瑞克不由觉得,或许这部电影全球票房可以突破20亿美元也说不定。 Now, looks that the Firefly release department to the 2.2 billion USD ultimate prediction that the movie Box Office made finally, Eric did not have any thought at heart. 现在,看着萤火虫发行部门对电影最终票房做出的22亿美元终极预测,艾瑞克心里已经没有了任何念头。 Perhaps, the miracle should be breaks through all person imagination limits the thing. 或许,奇迹本就应该是突破所有人想象力极限的东西吧。 In the mail page, behind the global Box Office predict that distributes department's multi-analysis to several big important overseas ticket warehouse countries. 邮件页面中,全球票房预测后面,是发行部门对几大重要海外票仓国家的详细分析。 Eric has not been interested in these information, below is drawing the page, the plan glanced over the mail fast the remainders. However, when sees the Japan Box Office analysis part, Eric suddenly by a digit is actually attracted the vision. 艾瑞克对这些信息已经不太感兴趣,下拉着页面,本打算快速浏览完邮件的剩余部分。不过,当看到日本票房分析部分的时候,艾瑞克却突然被一个数字吸引住了目光。 30 billion Japanese Yen. 300亿日元。 This is distributes the department anticipated to «RMS Titanic» Japan total Box Office. 这是发行部门对《泰坦尼克号日本票房预期。 Reason that Eric notes this digit, and because, not only it in that Box Office digit compared with original space and time has been higher than 80 million USD fully. 艾瑞克之所以注意到这个数字,并不只是因为它比原时空中的那个票房数字整整高出了8000万美元 Because, in this digit and original space and time Japan shade history Box Office first «Spirited Away» is almost the same, but, after exchange rate transformation, these 30 billion Japanese Yen convert into the USD figure are 280 million, but he remembers exactly, once historical, «Spirited Away» native Box Office converts into USD is 250 million. 更因为,这个数字与原时空中日本影史票房第一名的《千与千寻》相差无几,不过,汇率转换之后,这300亿日元折合美元数字为2.8亿,但他恰好记得,曾经的历史上,《千与千寻》的本土票房折合美元2.5亿 Which other 30 million did USD go? 另外的3000万美元去哪了? Also has swept a page, Eric searches for one group of digit quickly, 107 : 1, this Japanese Yen exchanges the USD exchange rate at present. 又扫了眼页面,艾瑞克很快搜寻到一组数字,107:1,这是目前日元兑美元的汇率。 In a flash, Eric then understood a lot. 转瞬间,艾瑞克便明白了很多事情。 In the original space and time, «RMS Titanic» North America screened at the end of 1997, the show time of Southeast Asia various countries was also probably almost the same. 原时空中,《泰坦尼克号北美上映于1997年年底,东南亚各国的上映时间大概也相差无几。 At the end of 1997, when that was selects! 1997年年底,那是什么时间点! The financial crisis wreaks havoc in entire Southeast Asia just ominously. 金融危机在整个东南亚肆虐正凶。 In the Eric memory, the Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and other Southeast Asia country of the currencies have almost encountered cutting in two at the waist. Even if Japan, comes under the influence of general economy situation, the currency devaluation scope also achieves about 20%, these encounter in the currency system impossible short-term that the destructiveness devastates to return to obviously normal. 艾瑞克的记忆中,泰国、印尼、菲律宾等东南亚国家的货币几乎都遭到了腰斩。哪怕是日本,受到整体经济形势的影响,货币贬值幅度也达到20%左右,这些遭到破坏性摧残的货币体系显然不可能短期内就恢复正常。 Then, converts according to this series of information, once historical, in 1998, the Japanese Yen exchanged the USD exchange rate should about 133 : 1, but at that time «RMS Titanic» Japan converted into 200 million USD Box Office, according to the words of present 107 : 1 exchange rate computation, should be 250 million USD probably. 那么,根据这一系列信息进行换算,曾经的历史上,1998年,日元兑美元的汇率应该在133:1左右,而当时《泰坦尼克号日本折合2亿美元票房,按照现在107:1的汇率计算的话,大概应该是2.5亿美元 Perhaps this time 30 million USD difference, should be because release strategy change and other factors brought the extra gain, but was not just that somewhat incredible 80 million. 这一次的3000万美元的差额,或许才应该算是由于发行策略变更等因素带来额外增益,而不是刚刚那有些让人难以置信的8000万 Realizes these, Eric operates the mouse immediately, the page slips into on the detailed overseas ticket warehouse Box Office digit. 意识到这些,艾瑞克立刻又操作鼠标,将页面上滑到详细的海外票仓票房数字上。 Except for Japan, Southeast Asia main Han, Hong Kong , Taiwan, New Zealand , Malaysia, safe, poor and other ticket warehouse countries and regions, Box Office also achieve 120 million USD presently, following does piecemeal, it is expected that can also harvest about 30 million USD again. 除了日本,东南亚主要的韩、港、台、新、马、泰、菲等票仓国家和地区,当前累计票房也达到1.2亿美元,后续零敲碎打一番,预计还能够再收获3000万美元左右。 In other words, Southeast Asia countries and regions including Japan, finally is «RMS Titanic» global Box Office contributes about 430 million USD, is divided into the proportion according to 35% overseas, Firefly can make the 150 million USD shared revenue probably. 也就是说,包括日本在内的东南亚国家和地区,最终将为《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房贡献4.3亿美元左右,按照35%的海外分成比例,萤火虫大概能够获得1.5亿美元的分成收入。 But obviously, this must in the Southeast Asia currency system maintains in the stable situation. 但显然,这必须是在东南亚货币体系保持稳定的情况下。 According to the screening progress of majority of Southeast Asia ticket warehouse, Firefly, if according to the past normal settlement step, wanted to attain to be divided, at least must wait by September, at that time, the Southeast Asia economic crisis was like a raging fire, receives the currency to affect, the 2.2 billion USD global Box Office figure that Firefly made definitely will decline, if this point were immaterial, the most direct-viewing result, is Firefly finally possibly the currency devaluation because of Southeast Asia area, lost above 50 million USD in the shared revenue. 根据大部分东南亚票仓的上映进度,萤火虫如果按照以往正常的结算步骤,想要拿到分成,至少也要等到九月份,那时候,东南亚经济危机已经如火如荼,受到汇率因素波及,萤火虫做出的22亿美元全球票房数字肯定会有所下调,这一点如果还算无关紧要的话,最直观的结果,便是萤火虫最终可能会因为东南亚地区的货币贬值,在分成收入上损失5000万美元以上。 Even if the Firefly big enterprise has lots of assets, the Eric impossible draw to give up this 50 million USD white. 即使萤火虫家大业大,艾瑞克也不可能平白放弃这5000万美元 Reorganized under the train of thought that Eric opened the rough draft box to start to write the mail, elaborated in detail his just a series of discovery, and hopes that the Firefly management can discuss and draw up the corresponding solution as soon as possible. 整理了下思绪,艾瑞克打开草稿箱开始撰写邮件,详细阐述他刚刚的一系列发现,并希望萤火虫管理层能够尽快讨论并拿出相应的解决方案。 The living room other one side, the bathroom gate opens, on Cindy is only binding a bath towel, is shaking two fair longlegs, character and style Wan Zhongdi walked. 客厅另外一边,浴室门打开,辛迪身上只裹着一条浴巾,晃悠着两条白皙的长腿,风情万种地走了出来。 Sat down in just position, Cindy was reorganizing also the somewhat wet hair, saw a Eric face to strike the appearance of keyboard dedicated, was not shaking the calf law-abidingly, stretched out the flexure of toe on the Eric leg two. 在刚刚的位置上坐下,辛迪整理着还有些湿漉漉的头发,见艾瑞克一脸专注敲打键盘的模样,不安分地晃着小腿,伸出脚趾在艾瑞克腿上挠了两下。 Movement of Eric rap has stopped, turned head to look at woman one eyes, carries that glass of whisky on hand the last liquor fluid to drink up, shook the cup toward Cindy, handed over: , holds.” 艾瑞克敲击的动作停顿了下,扭头看了女人一眼,端起手边的那杯威士忌将最后一点酒液喝完,朝辛迪晃了晃杯子,递过去:“,含着。” In drinking glass Fang Bing originally melted only remaining walnut sizes, along with Eric rocks to exude dingdong the sound clearly. 玻璃杯中原本的一块方冰已经融化的只剩下核桃大小,随着艾瑞克的晃动发出清脆的叮当声。 Cindy received the cup, the corners of the mouth is bringing smiling, in look were many several water diversion intent, expression hidden bitterness: Comes, this ice piece has soaked in the whisky, you want to burn me.” 辛迪接过杯子,嘴角带着笑,眼神中却多了几分水意,表情幽怨:“又来,这冰块在威士忌里泡过,你想辣死我啊。” I want to take a look at the appearance that you were burnt die actually,” Eric the whisky looked at the eye toward Cindy just that cup had not drunk many, said one, starts to rap the keyboard. “我倒是想看看你被辣死的模样,”艾瑞克辛迪刚刚那杯还没有喝多少的威士忌看了眼,笑着说了一句,又开始敲击键盘。 Cindy looked in own cup soaks the ice piece in whisky, shrank under the neck, takes up Eric that cup obediently, pours into the mouth the ice piece, the cheek drum drum place, an eye is also staring Eric. 辛迪看了看自己杯中浸在威士忌里的冰块,缩了下脖子,乖乖地拿起艾瑞克那只杯子,将冰块倒进嘴里,腮帮子鼓鼓地,一双眼睛还瞪着艾瑞克 Eric does not pay attention to the appearance that the woman sells to sprout intentionally, thought was finishing the email, sent duplicate to Katzenberg and Frank separately Wells and other high levels, this closed the computer. 艾瑞克不理会女人故意卖萌的模样,思索着写完电子邮件,分别抄送给了卡森伯格弗兰克威尔斯等几位高层,这才关上电脑。 Cindy looks at Eric to finish, blinked, spits the ice piece of mouth, holds in the control, ice piece edges and corners originally appear circle moistened many: Probably, but also is a little big.” 辛迪艾瑞克忙完,眨了眨眼睛,将嘴里的冰块吐出来,托在手心,冰块原本的棱角显得圆润了许多:“好像,还有点大呢。” Eric hugs the woman, moves toward the sofa, said with a smile: You have not liked in a big way?” 艾瑞克将女人抱起来,走向沙发,笑道:“你不是一直都喜欢大的吗?” „, ......” “啊呸,唔……” When Eric sends that email, Los Angeles some people have not gotten off work. 艾瑞克发送那封电子邮件时,洛杉矶的一些人都还没有下班。 In a while, Katzenberg and the others telephones have hit. 没过多久,卡森伯格等人的电话就已经打了过来。 Passed the weekend in Eath Hampton, Eric returned to Los Angeles on Monday, the first conference that attended, is formal discussion Eric that email. 东汉普顿度过了周末,艾瑞克周一返回洛杉矶,参加的第一场会议,便是正式讨论艾瑞克的那封电子邮件。 According to plan that we decide initially,” in conference room, Katzenberg was narrating the weekend several days of everybody's discussion results, said: We can use hedge method in the foreign currency trading, ahead of time leverages benefit of Southeast Asia various countries, but, this definitely will cause certain losses.” “根据我们初步商定的方案,”会议室里,卡森伯格讲述着周末几天大家的讨论结果,道:“我们可以利用外汇交易中的套期保值手段,提前将东南亚各国的受益套现出来,不过,这肯定会造成一定的损失。” Eric read Katzenberg to draw up the good document in the weekend, gained ground saying: ” Now, our «Finding Nemo» and of «Con Air» and «Bad Boys 2» these movies summer files, as well as the end of the year «Jurassic Park 3» and «Rush Hour 2», should with the Southeast Asia distributor discuss that distributed the agreement? „ 艾瑞克阅读着卡森伯格周末就已经拟定好的文件,抬头说道:”现在,我们暑期档的《海底总动员》、《空中监狱》、《绝地战警2》这几部影片,以及年底的《侏罗纪公园3》和《尖峰时刻2》,都应该已经和东南亚发行商讨论发行协议了吧?“ ( To be continued.) (未完待续。)
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