IAIH :: Volume #9

#854: You want to know that has anything not to be different

Cindy somewhat is flabbergasted to sigh: Several 10 billion USD, I want for these 10 billion USD, they definitely maliciously to file the lawsuit, I saw in yesterday's that article that Sony initially was Disney also had Universal to file ten years of lawsuit for the videocorder.” 辛迪有些咋舌地感叹道:“几百亿美元啊,我想为了这几百亿美元,他们肯定会把官司狠狠打下去的,我在昨天那篇文章上就看到,索尼当初为了录像机就是和迪斯尼还有环球打了十年官司。” Eric said with a smile: You see definitely is that type likes saying things just to frighten people to seek newspaper of eyeball, they have not mentioned the most important point exactly, is the Sony videocorder case to the irelyer very advantageous result on case-law forming. Let alone, if irelyer popularizes, every year will provide the massive tax revenues and employment posts for the federation, you thought that the federal court will possibly suppress oneself latent large taxpayer for Japanese?” 艾瑞克笑道:“你看到的肯定是那种喜欢危言耸听博取眼球的报纸,他们恰恰没有提及最重要的一点,就是索尼录像机案在判例法上形成的对irelyer非常有利的结果。更何况,如果irelyer普及开来,每年都将为联邦提供大量的税收和就业岗位,你觉得联邦法院可能会替日本人打压自家潜在的纳税大户吗?” The regional protectionism exists in any countries and regions. If the portable music player core patent of tradition grasps in the United States local enterprise hand, perhaps related to will count the 10 billion USD huge benefit dispute, the Firefly electron also will meet some troublesome, but these patents will grasp exactly in the Japanese hand, even if will be the traditional player producer in United States native place, every year must to day be the enterprise payment big patent authorization expense. 地方保护主义存在于任何国家和地区。如果传统的便携式音乐播放器核心专利掌握在美国本土企业手中,涉及到数百亿美元的庞大利益纠葛,萤火虫电子或许还会遇到一些麻烦,但这些专利恰恰掌握在日本人手中,哪怕是美国本土的传统播放器生产商,每年都要向日系企业缴纳大笔专利授权费用。 In this case, the San Francisco federal court is willing to be Japanese raises one's head is damn. 这种情况下,旧金山联邦法院肯为日本人出头才算是见了鬼了。 Chris recent several times the phone call that makes from San Francisco has raised, the San Francisco federal court will have greatly will directly reject very much possibly Sony to unite another two big Record Company lawsuits, will not put on record. 克里斯最近几次从旧金山打来的电话中就提过,旧金山联邦法院有很大可能会直接驳回索尼联合另外两大唱片公司的诉讼,根本不会立案。 Cindy leans to listen attentively slightly peacefully, end have a relish pursued asks: What is case-law?” 辛迪微微侧头安静倾听着,末了还饶有兴致地追问道:“判例法是什么?” You will not be interested,” Eric shakes the head, the corners of the mouth are looking at Cindy with a smile: I am very actually curious, what did you ask these to make suddenly?” “你不会感兴趣的,”艾瑞克摇摇头,嘴角含笑地望着辛迪:“我倒是挺好奇,你突然问起这些做什么?” Actually, is this,” Cindy has not displayed to be ascertained the thoughts by Eric the awkwardness, the expression very earnestly said as before: You did not suggest that last year I do invest the hi-tech stock? Therefore I will compare to pay attention to these information.” “其实,是这样的,”辛迪没有表现出被艾瑞克窥破心思的尴尬,表情依旧挺认真地说道:“你去年不是建议我投资科技股吗?所以我才会比较关注这些信息。” Eric understands probably that said with a smile: „Did you buy really?” 艾瑞克大概明白过来,笑道:“你真的买了?” Cindy stretched out two fair slender fingers to shake shaking: 20 million USD, has all bought that four stocks that you last year and I mentioned.” 辛迪伸出两根白皙纤细的手指晃了晃:“2000万美元,全买了你去年和我提到的那四只股票。” Eric somewhat could not have thought that , asked: Which four stocks?” 艾瑞克还真有些想不起来了,问道:“哪四只股票啊?” Is AOL, Microsoft, Cisco and Intel,” Cindy was saying, suddenly stares the big eye: oh God, you have forgotten unexpectedly, that is I saves majority.” “就是aol微软思科英特尔,”辛迪说着,突然瞪大眼睛:“天啊,你竟然忘了,那可是我大部分积蓄啊。” Eric has made under hastily the hand signal of pressure: Such do not make much ado about nothing, moreover you have definitely gained is right?” 艾瑞克连忙做了个下压的手势:“别这么大惊小怪的,而且你肯定赚了对不对?” Cindy also realized one somewhat responded excessively, as a result of their status reasons, had the guest to look repeatedly to here, at this time a big vision was looks uprightly and frank. 辛迪也意识到自己有些反应过度,由于两人的身份缘故,原本就有客人频频地望向这边,此时一大片目光更是正大光明地看过来。 Concealed carries red wine sips, some Cindy then excited geostatic pressure in a low voice tone channels: Yes, was too crazy, these stock one year all rose over one time, now my stock value in hand approached 50 million USD. I have not thought before will have these much money.” 掩饰地端起红酒抿了一口,辛迪这才有些激动地压低声音道:“是啊,太疯狂了,这几只股票一年时间全都上涨了一倍以上,现在我手中的股票价值已经接近5000万美元了。我以前可从来没想过自己会有这么多钱。” Eric actually also has similar feeling, the clover fund continuously continuously to the NASDAQ market investment fund, the current accounting income compares the small tray in Cindy appears more astonishing. 艾瑞克其实也有同样的感受,三叶草基金一直在持续不断地向纳斯达克市场投入资金,目前的账面收益相比于辛迪手里的小盘子显得更加惊人。 That then?” Eric asked with a smile, she knows that Cindy for no reason will definitely not mention these. “那然后呢?”艾瑞克笑着问道,她知道辛迪肯定不会平白无故的提及这些。 Cindy also no longer talks circuitously, is cutting the cod in tray leisurely, said: Recently my manager suggested me as soon as possible all stock clearance, but I somewhat am in doubt, therefore wants to ask your opinion first.” 辛迪也不再绕圈子,慢条斯理地切着盘子里的鳕鱼,道:“最近我的经纪人建议我尽快把所有股票清仓,但我有些拿不准,所以想先问问你的意见。” The Eric doubts said: „The opposite party has to explain that any reason, I meant why suggested suddenly you take warehouse inventory.” 艾瑞克疑惑道:“对方有解释什么理由吗,我是说,为什么突然建议你清仓。” Un,” Cindy nods, said: He said that the Southeast Asia possible economic crisis will then affect North America, creates crashing of NASDAQ market.” “嗯,”辛迪点头,道:“他说东南亚接下来可能发生的经济危机会波及北美,造成纳斯达克市场的崩盘。” The NASDAQ index approached 1500 points at present, compared almost turned one time three years ago. 纳斯达克指数目前已经接近1500点,相比于三年前几乎翻了一倍。 Therefore, in investment market already appeared looked to empty the sound of NASDAQ, in this world perhaps also only then a Eric person can the percentage hundred determine that the NASDAQ index is also far from reaching the limit. 因此,投资市场上早就出现了看空纳斯达克的声音,这世上或许也只有艾瑞克一个人敢百分百确定纳斯达克指数还远远没有达到极限。 However, if Cindy stock manager lobbies her to sell the stock with the reason of NASDAQ equivalent height, Eric will not think but actually has any accident, stock manager instigates the customer to buy up to sell the stock to earn more commissions frequently is very universal behavior, but the opposite party used the Southeast Asia economic crisis possibly to attack the reason of North America. 不过,如果辛迪的股票经纪人用纳指虚高的理由游说她卖出股票,艾瑞克倒不会觉得有什么意外,股票经纪人怂恿客户频繁买入卖出股票以赚取更多佣金是非常普遍的行为,但对方偏偏使用了东南亚经济危机可能冲击北美的理由。 Thinks that Eric said: Cindy, I do not know that your stock manager ability is what kind. However, I now also such will do definitely.” 想了想,艾瑞克说道:“辛迪,我不知道你的股票经纪人能力到底怎么样。不过,如果是我的话,我现在肯定也会这么做。” Cindy blinked, asked and Eric just the same issue: That then?” 辛迪眨了眨眼睛,问了个与艾瑞克刚刚相同的问题:“那然后呢?” Eric has drunk a red wine, said: Now no one is able to determine that the Southeast Asia economy can encounter the crisis, therefore, once this type forecasts real, I in your eyes definitely have become stock manager of that unique foresight, you later will trust me. In this case, if the North America stock market had not been affected, instead continues to advance triumphantly, so long as when the time comes I give a reasonable reason, you definitely also will continue to listen to my opinion, buys up, this comes, two commissions succeeded in obtaining.” 艾瑞克喝了口红酒,才道:“现在谁也无法确定东南亚经济会不会真的遭遇危机,因此,一旦这种预测成真,我在你眼里肯定就成了那种特有远见的股票经纪人,你以后会更加信任我。这种情况下,如果北美股市没有受到影响,反而继续高歌猛进,到时候我只要给出一个合理的理由,你肯定也会继续听从我的意见,重新买入,这一来一回,两笔佣金就到手了。” Cindy somewhat could not follow the Eric mentality obviously, the train of thought transferred a great-circle, waited for Eric to clean up in the tray last food, she slightly pondered over anything, said: You said that fellow does deceive intentionally my?” 辛迪明显有些跟不上艾瑞克的思路了,思绪转了一大圈,等艾瑞克清理完自己盘子里最后一点食物,她才稍微琢磨出了一些什么,道:“你是说,那家伙是故意骗我的?” Eric shrugs: Has this possibility, I did not know that perhaps your stock manager, he is really considering for the customer also perhaps, who knows.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩:“只是有这种可能,我又不认识你的股票经纪人,或许他是真的在为客户考虑也说不定,谁知道呢。” But,” the tableware in Cindy hand delimited to draw two in the thin porcelain tray, said: You just probably were saying, um, the Southeast Asia economic crisis will occur, but will not have the influence to the North America stock market, is this? But this is not quite probably reasonable, although I too do not understand these matters, but also thought that should have the influence to be right.” “但是,”辛迪手中的餐具在细瓷盘里划拉了两下,道:“你刚刚好像在说,嗯,东南亚经济危机会发生,但不会对北美股市造成影响,是这样吧?但这好像不太合理,我虽然不太了解这些事情,但也觉得,应该会产生影响才对。” Eric said: Naturally will have the influence, but affects and the condition of stock manager description is opposite. Like this said that you know that what the two world wars to the most tremendous influence that the global economic pattern does have are?” 艾瑞克道:“当然会产生影响,但影响与你那位股票经纪人描述的状况恰好相反。这样说吧,你知道两次世界大战对全球经济格局造成的最大影响是什么吗?” Cindy shakes the head: Does not know, the matter that I may to going to war and so on is not interested.” 辛迪摇头:“不知道,我可对打仗之类的事情不感兴趣。” But Eric said: „Aren't you have gone to college?” 艾瑞克无奈道:“你不是上过大学吗?” Cindy has raised attractive cheek: Naturally, Northwest University department of chemical engineering, although read-only one year, but I still remember the water now the molecular formula, h...... Un, ho2, right?” 辛迪扬了扬好看的脸蛋:“当然,西北大学化学工程系,虽然只读了一年,但我现在还记得水的分子式呢,h……嗯,ho2,对吧?” „The water that good, you drink may suffice really specially,” Eric does not know that this spirit sells to sprout in the evil intention, decides no longer to discuss hydrogen peroxide such heavy the topic, then continues saying: Two world wars were the collapse of Europe have facilitated rising of federation to the global economy most tremendous influence. Similar to it, once the Southeast Asia currency system encounters the attack to cause the economic crisis, the influence that has is no different than a major war. Southeast Asia various countries emerging economy was destroyed, the invested capital will definitely choose to flee. Europe as a result of the universal high welfare low efficiency social system, in addition Europe various countries almost never may realize the integration, already very difficultly again to capital formation too strong attraction. In this case, North America once more becomes the best destination that the capital flees from. The massive capitals emerge, the most direct-viewing performance is the stock market bull market approaches surely. Therefore , now all also start.” “好吧,你喝的水可真够特别的,”艾瑞克不知道这妖精是不是在恶意卖萌,决定不再讨论二氧化氢这么‘沉重’的话题,转而继续道:“两次世界大战对全球经济最大的影响就是欧洲的崩溃促成了联邦的崛起。与之类似,一旦东南亚货币体系遭到攻击引发经济危机,造成的影响无异于一场大规模战争。东南亚各国新兴经济体被摧毁,原有资本肯定会选择逃离。欧洲由于普遍的高福利低效率社会体制,再加上欧洲各国几乎永远不可能实现一体化,已经很难再对资本形成太大的吸引力。这种情况下,北美就会再次成为资本逃离的最佳目的地。大量资本涌入,最直观的表现必定是股票市场牛市来临。所以说,现在一切还只是开始。” Cindy this time has understood what is heard actually, the nod said: It seems like I need to trade stock manager. However, Eric, I can also continue to buy up now, you thought when sells these stocks to be quite good?” 辛迪这次倒是听明白了,点头道:“看来我需要换一个股票经纪人了。不过,艾瑞克,我现在还可以继续买入吗,还有,你觉得什么时候卖出这些股票比较好?” Naturally, sells the opportunity,” Eric thinks that said: „The Yahoo listing definitely will lead into a high spot NASDAQ, when the time comes you start to sell, after the clearance, do not enter the arena again.” “当然可以,卖出时机嘛,”艾瑞克想了想,道:“雅虎上市肯定会将纳斯达克带入一个高点,到时候你就开始卖出吧,清仓之后就不要再进场了。” In the memory NASDAQ stock market crashed in March, 2000, but in oneself made one crowd personally big butterfly in situation, Eric determined that the NASDAQ index was impossible to follow the historical orbit originally again. 记忆里纳斯达克股市是在2000年3月崩盘的,但在自己亲手制造出了一群‘大蝴蝶’的情况下,艾瑞克确定纳斯达克指数不可能再遵循原本的历史轨迹。 Yahoo will choose 98 the end of the year to go on the market to 99 the beginning of the year that opportunity probably, as the most well-known Internet science company, the Yahoo listing will definitely drive the entire bulk lots to rise, when the time comes truly is good sale time selects, the stock in Cindy hand when the time comes also affirms already the appreciation several fold, does not need too greedily. 雅虎大概会选择98年年底到99年年初那段时机上市,作为最受瞩目的互联网科技公司,雅虎上市肯定会带动整个大盘上扬,到时候确实是一个不错的卖出时间点,辛迪手中的股票到时候也肯定已经升值数倍,没必要太贪心。 As for stock that the clover fund has, Eric has a more careful plan, but these definitely cannot disclose casually to Cindy. 至于三叶草基金持有的股票,艾瑞克有着更细致的规划,但这些肯定是不能随便透露给辛迪的。 Cindy also saw Eric the retained manner, although wants to know when very much Yahoo will go on the market, the truth that but she also clearly knows when to stop, has not continued to closely examine very much intelligently. 辛迪也看出了艾瑞克有所保留的态度,虽然很想知道雅虎会在什么时候上市,但她也明白适可而止的道理,很聪明地没有继续追问。 The meaning that similar that their food eat, the time early, Cindy has not left, has ordered the coffee, continued to chat with Eric. 两人的食物都吃的差不多,时间还早,辛迪并没有离开的意思,点了咖啡,与艾瑞克继续聊了起来。 Although she somewhat cannot follow the Eric train of thought every so often, but Cindy also understands that the information that is together obtains when with Eric at will compared with the fellow who on these can only line of gab 100 times, others may be infatuated with her beautiful appearance, but this move to Eric actually no matter almost uses, later thinks that important contract man will come out to be only getting more and more difficult, she very much will treasure this opportunity. 虽然她很多时候都有些跟不上艾瑞克的思绪,但辛迪也明白,与艾瑞克相处时随意获得的信息都要比那些只会夸夸其谈的家伙上100倍,别人或许会迷恋她的美貌,但这招对艾瑞克却几乎不管用,以后想要约这个男人出来只会越来越困难,她可是很珍惜这种机会的。 A sugar lump has been stirring to hot coffee Riga gently, Cindy remembers a matter, asked: Said that Eric, you at the beginning of next month also in New York?” 向热咖啡里加了一块方糖轻轻搅拌着,辛迪想起一件事,问道:“说起来,艾瑞克,你下个月初还会在纽约吗?” Today is on April 25, on Friday, the Eric plan returns to Eath Hampton in the weekend, next week will directly fly back to Los Angeles from there, therefore shakes the head saying: „, I will not cross for two days to leave, how?” 今天已经是4月25号,周五,艾瑞克计划周末返回东汉普顿,下周就直接从那里飞回洛杉矶,于是摇头道:“不会,我过两天就离开,怎么了?” Some Cindy regrets said: Next month 5 th the met-ball dance party, wants to invite you to work as the escort.” 辛迪有些遗憾道:“下个月5号met-ball舞会啊,本来还想邀请你当男伴呢。” Eric has also thought - 艾瑞克也想了起来- the ball dance party, the full title is the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art charity dance, this is Anna Wintour is responsible for charitable party that to resist West coast «Vanity Fair» party builds personally, will only invite popularity highest a number of celebrities superstar to participate every year. Last weekend when he attended the cocktail party that the Hearst family held, Anna that presented exactly Wintour also asked that he was interested. ball舞会,全称是纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会,这是安娜温图尔亲自负责为了对抗西海岸《名利场派对而打造的慈善派对,只会邀请每年人气最高的一批名流巨星参加。上周末他参加赫斯特家族举办的酒会时,恰好在场的安娜温图尔还问他感不感兴趣。 Smiled, Eric said: I have the time , the affirmation could not work as your escort, Drew definitely will when the time comes run to join in the fun.” 笑了笑,艾瑞克道:“就算我有时间,也肯定当不了你的男伴啊,德鲁到时候肯定会跑来凑热闹的。” All people know that Eric and Drew exceptionally close relations, Cindy and Drew have contacted several times, she does not dare to struggle anything with Drew absolutely, because she always felt that behind that childish face will be hiding a possibility to the crazy factor that the person will get angry instantaneously. If she and Drew had conflict, Cindy determined that Eric is impossible to help itself. 所有人都知道艾瑞克德鲁异常亲密的关系,辛迪德鲁接触过几次,她是绝对不敢与德鲁争什么的,因为她总感觉那张娃娃脸背后隐藏着一种可能会对人瞬间翻脸的疯狂因子。如果她和德鲁起了冲突,辛迪确定艾瑞克不可能会帮着自己。 Thinks of these, Cindy somewhat is curious: Eric, you and Drew, um, what is relates?” 想到这些,辛迪不免有些好奇:“艾瑞克,你和德鲁,嗯,到底是一种什么关系啊?” Eric does not evade this issue, replied with a smile: Is that relations that you imagine, a tree cane, pulls around entangling to pull, no one can leave.” 艾瑞克也不避讳这个问题,笑着答道:“就是你们想象的那种关系啊,一棵树一株藤,牵绕着缠扯着,谁也离不开谁了。” Why does not know, Cindy felt that picture that the Eric simple several words outlined, let have an intense envy feeling unexpectedly. 不知为何,辛迪感觉艾瑞克简单几个单词勾勒出的那副画面,竟然让不由地生出一股强烈的嫉妒感。 That, she does not mind you...... With our appointment?” “那,她难道就不介意你……和我们约会吗?” Naturally minded that the philosophy of girl is not quite same as others,” Eric thinks, looks with a smile to Cindy: You want to know that what has not to be different?” “当然介意啊,不过丫头的人生观和别人不太一样,”艾瑞克想了想,又笑着看向辛迪:“你想知道有什么不一样吗?” Cindy nearly Basic Instinct shakes the head: Does not think.” 辛迪近乎本能地摇头:“不想。” „,” Eric smiles, will say anything, felt that the cell phone in pocket vibrates, pulled out to hint toward Cindy, set out to arrive at not far away in the corridor, answered the telephone. “呵,”艾瑞克笑笑,正要说什么,感觉口袋里的手机震动起来,掏出来朝辛迪示意了下,起身走到不远处的走廊里,接起了电话。 The telephone is Katzenberg hits personally from Los Angeles, they talked for probably ten minutes, Eric returned to the seat, looked at the watch, said to Cindy: We could leave ahead of time.” 电话是卡森伯格亲自从洛杉矶打来的,两人交谈了大概十分钟,艾瑞克返回座位,看了看手表,对辛迪道:“我们可能要提前离开了。” Cindy had forgotten automatically just that the topic that made her somewhat regret, asked kindly: Had an accident?” 辛迪自动忘记了刚刚那个让她有些后悔的话题,关切地问道:“出什么事了吗?” Eric called the attendant, handed over the credit card, this said to Cindy: Any important matter, today has not been Friday, the global total Box Office data of «RMS Titanic» 18 th week came out, the detailed material assistant has delivered, I want to go back to look.” 艾瑞克召来侍应生,将信用卡递过去,这才对辛迪道:“没什么大事,今天不是周五嘛,《泰坦尼克号》第18周的全球票房数据出来了,详细的资料助理已经送过来了,我想回去看一下。” Wow, the 18 th week,” Cindy has had the interest immediately, said: I remember that last week probably was, um, 1.7 billion 75 million USD, this simply was the miracle, now how many?” 哇哦,已经第18周了啊,”辛迪立刻产生了兴趣,道:“我记得上周好像是,嗯,17亿7500万美元,这简直就是奇迹呢,现在多少了?” 1.8 billion 5 2 million.” 18亿5200万。” Eric sent out a digit, mood similarly was not that tranquil, because this digit means that «RMS Titanic» broke previous life first round to show the 1.8 billion 40 million USD record successfully, and continued is sprinting to 2 billion USD this brand-new record. 艾瑞克报出一个数字,心情同样不是那么平静,因为这个数字意味着《泰坦尼克号》已经成功打破了前世第一轮放映18亿4000万美元的记录,并且继续向20亿美元这个全新的记录冲刺着。 Katzenberg just indicated in telephone that according to the «RMS Titanic» present Box Office curve, global total Box Office sprints 2 billion USD already not any suspense, is only unascertainable, which step is the final potential arrives. 卡森伯格刚刚在电话里表示,按照《泰坦尼克号》现在的票房曲线,全球票房冲刺20亿美元已经没有任何悬念,唯一不能确定的,就是最终的潜力到底走到哪一步。 One month ago, when «RMS Titanic» global Box Office breaks through 1.5 billion USD, the company high level suggested to hold a time grand glee feast, but was overruled by Eric, he hopes to be able after total Box Office overfulfiled 1.8 billion this significance more special goal to achieve celebrated again. 一个月前,《泰坦尼克号全球票房突破15亿美元时,公司高层就建议举办一次盛大的庆功宴,但被艾瑞克否决了,他更希望能够在总票房突破18亿这个意义更加特殊的目标达成之后再行庆祝。 In just telephone, Eric and Katzenberg have decided that next Wednesday initially will build in the good RMS Titanic model to hold the grand celebration party in the Firefly cinema city, formally to the public will announce also the RMS Titanic subject display project.( To be continued.) 刚刚的电话中,艾瑞克卡森伯格已经商定下周三将在萤火虫影城内初步搭建好的泰坦尼克号模型内举办盛大的庆祝晚会,同时也将正式对外公布泰坦尼克号主题展览项目。(未完待续。)
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