IAIH :: Volume #9

#853: Why you think so me

Two weeks of time, Eric basically in passed with the frequent conference of Marvel management, in this period Katzenberg also personally caught up with New York, attended several times quite important conferences. 两周时间,艾瑞克基本上都在与漫威管理层的频繁会议中度过,期间卡森伯格也亲自赶来纽约,参加了几次比较重要的会议。 After these days relapse discussion, company has preliminarily determined the Marvel Studios primary tissue frame as well as the movie development plan. 经过这段时间的反复讨论,公司初步确定了漫威影业的基本组织框架以及电影开发计划。 Marvel Studios completely single-handedly with the film and television manufacture system of Firefly Group beyond, in future Marvel television Production Studio with plan together, is responsible for the television work development of Marvel Entertainment all Superhero roles. Meanwhile, Eric will hold the post of the Marvel first stage to inundate to change Producer of movie personally, guarantees the smooth implementation of plan. 漫威影业将完全独力与萤火虫集团的影视制作体系之外,与计划中未来的漫威电视制作公司一起,负责漫威娱乐旗下所有超级英雄角色的影视作品开发。同时,艾瑞克将亲自担任漫威第一阶段所有漫改电影的制作人,确保计划的顺利实施。 Filmmaking, Marvel Studios will imitate the Hollywood big Film Studio time to a great extent the standardized industry flow, the movie-making, Director, Actor and other Producer must comply with the Marvel overall style and will. To implement the cost control as far as possible, maintains the sustainability of cartoon serializing type movie development plan, all movie key players of Marvel Studios must sign the long-line pack contract. 电影制作方面,漫威影业将在很大程度上效仿好莱坞制片厂时代的标准化工业流程,制片、导演演员等所有制作人员都必须遵从漫威的整体风格和意志。为了尽可能地实施成本控制,保持漫画连载式电影开发计划的可持续性,漫威影业旗下的所有影片核心角色都必须签署长线打包合约。 Meanwhile, Eric also no longer pursues the radical strategy that Marvel Films blossoms on all fronts. 同时,艾瑞克也不再追求漫威电影全线开花的激进策略。 In the preliminary movie universe plan, has determined temporarily only The Avengers this story line. 初步的电影宇宙计划中,暂时只确定了复仇者联盟这一条故事线。 As for X-Men, Fantastic Four and other projects, Eric decided that after and other The Avengers planned to implement smoothly, Marvel Films obtains enough influence, starts the manufactures of other series again. 至于战警神奇四侠等项目,艾瑞克决定等复仇者联盟计划顺利实施之后,漫威电影获得足够的影响力,再开启其他系列的制作。 In original space and time, Marvel The Avengers plan attains greatly successfully, thoroughly activated all ip of Marvel, leading Marvel all Superhero brands to enter the most flourishing time. Before that except for Sony Spider-Man, other Marvel inundates to change the movie unable to be too successful. Especially the X-Men series, looks like in Eric, had massive rich role X-Men to be screwed up by Fox completely, the role mold was not centralized, the time line was disorderly, majority of sequel Box Office of entire series also achieved this. 原时空中,正是漫威复仇者联盟计划的大获成功,才彻底激活了漫威旗下的所有ip,带领漫威旗下所有超级英雄品牌进入全盛时代。在那之前,除了索尼蜘蛛侠,其他漫威漫改电影都不能算是太成功。特别是战警系列,在艾瑞克看来,拥有着大量丰富角色的战警完全被福克斯搞砸了,角色塑造不集中,时间线颠三倒四,整个系列的大部分续集票房也都只是达到回本线。 Marvel this big gold ore Firefly definitely cannot dig, Eric will adopt as before with other strategies of Film Studio cooperation. 漫威这个大金矿萤火虫一家肯定是挖不完的,艾瑞克依旧将采取与其他制片厂合作的策略。 However, all these premises are Marvel Studios must have enough domination to the project development as before as well as more gain sharing. 不过,这一切的前提是漫威影业依旧必须对项目开发拥有足够的控制权以及更多的利润分成。 But even if Firefly and Fox and Metro Goldwyn Mayer relate closely, if cannot show that Marvel Superhero great potential, all parties will cooperate not to be smooth, therefore, the success of The Avengers or not also has become the key of influence entire Marvel Cinematic Universe development plan. 但即使萤火虫福克斯米高梅关系密切,如果不能证明漫威超级英雄的巨大潜力,各方合作起来也不会那么顺畅,因此,复仇者联盟的成功与否也就成了影响整个漫威电影宇宙开发计划的关键。 Firefly has signed the «Spider-Man» piece with Cameron makes, because «RMS Titanic» attains greatly successfully, uses Cameron to hold the post of «Spider-Man» Director, as if runs counter to various manufacture principles that Marvel Studios just established. But is in effect it is not so, Cameron is that type technical commercial film Director that pays great attention to the film visual feeling view, the movie that he directs always pays great attention is only narrative, but the non- artistry, the localization of Marvel Films depends on at Superhero ip and popcorn movie of movie special effect similarly, both sides almost happen to hold the same view. 萤火虫已经与卡梅隆签署了《蜘蛛侠》的片约,由于《泰坦尼克号》的大获成功,使用卡梅隆担任《蜘蛛侠》的导演,似乎有悖于漫威影业刚刚确定的各项制作原则。但其实不然,卡梅隆属于那种注重电影视觉感观的技术型商业片导演,他执导的影片从来注重的都只是故事性而非艺术性,漫威电影的定位同样是依托于超级英雄ip和电影特效的爆米花电影,双方几乎是不谋而合。 Naturally, begins using Cameron, the cost control of «Spider-Man» definitely is out of the question, but directs the profit that the movie probably brings to Cameron, these are similarly acceptable. However, the fault also has, that will be the future people definitely gives credit to Cameron the success of «Spider-Man». 当然,启用卡梅隆,《蜘蛛侠》的成本控制肯定无从谈起,但相对于卡梅隆执导影片可能带来的利润,这些同样可以接受的。不过,坏处也有一些,那就是将来人们肯定会将《蜘蛛侠》的成功归功到卡梅隆身上。 Therefore, to prove the Marvel Superhero business potential, Marvel Studios must while shoots «Spider-Man», produces a standard Marvel Superhero movie according to the established plan. 因此,为了证明漫威超级英雄的商业潜力,漫威影业就必须在拍摄蜘蛛侠》的同时,按照既定的规划制作一部标准的漫威超级英雄电影。 Which Superhero as for should choose, naturally does not need to Eric any hesitant. 至于该选哪位超级英雄,对艾瑞克来说自然不需要任何犹豫。 Tony Stack is unusual counter- mainstream Superhero, his disposition is proud, arrogant and crazy, in the meantime, he also has the talents, inventors, trillion rich and powerful people, playboy and other status. This is a plastic very strong role, so long as acts bashful appropriately, he absolutely will appear on the big silver screen charming.” 托尼・斯塔克是一位非常反主流的超级英雄,他性格自负、傲慢而又疯狂,同时,他也有着天才、发明家、亿万富豪、花花公子等多重身份。这是一个可塑性非常强的角色,只要拿捏得当,他在大银幕上绝对会显得魅力十足。” When Marvel Headquarters conference, Eric summarizes own viewpoint, the vision leaves front memorandum, looks up to the people , to continue saying: Moreover, Iron Man is two heroes, if the movie obtains successfully, that had proven without doubt Marvel Superhero role great value, I to this project am very confident. Moreover, even if the accident were defeated, will not have the too fatal influence regarding the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe system, we have many role to attempt as before......” 漫威总部的会议时里,艾瑞克简述完自己的观点,目光离开面前的备忘录,抬头看向众人,继续道:“而且,钢铁侠还是一个二线英雄,如果电影获得成功,那无疑证明了漫威超级英雄角色的巨大价值,我对这个项目是非常有信心的。而且,哪怕真的意外失败了,对于整个漫威电影宇宙体系也不会造成太致命的影响,我们依旧有很多一线角色可以尝试……” Was saying was saying, Eric actually felt that all people looked is somewhat unusual to own look, especially Stan Li, old man smiles is very dreadful. 这么说着说着,艾瑞克却感觉所有人看向自己的眼神有些异样,特别是身边的斯坦・李,老头笑的很是猥琐。 The subconsciousness touched under the cheeks, the Eric doubts said: Why do you think so me?” 下意识摸了下自己脸颊,艾瑞克疑惑道:“你们这么看着我干吗?” On the people face shows the bewildered smile, Stan Li Kaikou said: Eric, according to the Marvel Cinematic Universe setting, Tony Stack was born in 1969.” 众人脸上都露出莫名其妙的微笑,斯坦・李开口道:“艾瑞克,按照漫威电影宇宙设定,托尼・斯塔克出生于1969年。” According to the original cartoon, Tony Stack was born in the 40's, according to the movie the principle of time line and reality superposition, should over 50 years old, this be definitely invalid approximately now, must therefore carry on setting again. In other words, Iron Man of update will be younger than the previous life Downey version, in around 2000 the release date according to the plan calculates that brand-new Tony Stack exactly is about 30 years old, this without doubt is a masculine most attractive stage. 根据原版漫画,托尼・斯塔克出生于四十年代,按照电影时间线与现实大致重合的原则,现在应该已经50多岁了,这样肯定是行不通的,所以必须进行重新的设定。也就是说,新版的钢铁侠将比前世唐尼版年轻很多,按照计划中2000年前后的上映日期来算,全新的托尼・斯塔克恰好是30岁左右,这无疑是男性最有魅力的一个阶段。 The Eric doubts nodded, he read the movie universe plan that many Marvel creativity department has drawn up in detail, but also has provided many corrections according to the memory, naturally clear this point. 艾瑞克疑惑地点了点头,他详细阅读了很多遍漫威创意部门拟定的电影宇宙方案,还根据记忆提供了很多修改意见,当然清楚这一点。 Stan Li Jian Eric nods , to continue smilingly to teach with skill and patience: Therefore, Eric, you looked that you were in 1970 were born, could not miss for several days, right?” 斯坦・李见艾瑞克点头,继续笑眯眯地循循善诱:“所以,艾瑞克,你看,你是1970年出生的,差不了几天,对吧?” Eric understood immediately Stan Li's intention, shakes the head to say without hesitation: Stan, you want do not think.” 艾瑞克立刻明白了斯坦・李的意图,毫不犹豫地摇头道:“斯坦,你想都不要想。” Stan Li is actually not willing easily to give up, said: Eric, such anxiously the rejection. As we all know, I create Tony Stack's inspiration came from Howard Hughes, you and he are simply exactly the same, you are less splendid than him, therefore, why does not try this role, this is simply tailor for you.” 斯坦・李却不愿意那么轻易放弃,道:“艾瑞克,你不要这么急着拒绝啊。大家都知道,我创作托尼・斯塔克的灵感来自于霍华德休斯,你和他简直一模一样,不不不,你比他更出色,所以,为什么不试试这个角色呢,这简直就是为你量身打造的。” Resulted, Stan, my salary now is one minute 6 ten thousand USD, I could not pay, do not think.” “得了吧,斯坦,我的片酬现在是一分钟6万美元,我自己都支付不起,你们就更不要想了。” Hey, look, is proud, arrogant, but also is a little crazy,” Stan Li actually smiles dreadfully, like only timber wolf: Therefore, Eric, you are Tony Stack, otherwise you first will not choose this Superhero to come shoots.” “嘿,看吧,自负,傲慢,还有点疯狂,”斯坦・李却笑得更猥琐,像只大灰狼:“所以,艾瑞克,你就是托尼・斯塔克,要不然你也不会首先挑选这位超级英雄拍摄。” , this,” Eric did not plan that talking incessantly of zaili society old man, closes front folder, said: In the future propagandizes time, you can with Eric Williams once intended to play Iron Man personally, encounters Stan Li Qiang lie opposition laughs uproariously as the propaganda.” ,这样,”艾瑞克不打算在理会老头子的唠叨,合上面前的文件夹,道:“将来宣传的时候,你们可以用‘艾瑞克威廉姆斯曾有意亲自出演钢铁侠,遭到斯坦・李强烈反对’作为宣传噱头。” Everybody has smiled. 大家都笑了起来。 Stan Li somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry: Eric, you distort the facts.” 斯坦・李也有些哭笑不得:“艾瑞克,你这是颠倒黑白。” Naturally must distort the facts, the normal news who will be interested, such decided. I will return to Los Angeles to start the earlier preparatory work of movie next week, gives you one month, takes first edition of script, this, breaks up.” “当然要颠倒黑白,正常的新闻谁会感兴趣啊,就这么定了。我下周就会返回洛杉矶开始电影的前期筹备工作,给你们一个月时间,把第一版剧本拿出来,就这样,散会。” Eric gives the final word, the people were also clear the matter that they discussed in secret definitely to be hopeless. Led all people of several points of anticipation to exude the disappointed sighing sound , can only set out to leave the conference room one after another. 艾瑞克一锤定音,众人也清楚他们暗中讨论的这件事肯定没戏了。原本带着几分期待的所有人都发出失望的叹气声,也只能陆续起身离开会议室。 Eric actually in playing Iron Man is not interested completely, but, once such does, this Superhero movie likely has become in the audience his work of working as a volunteer, this absolutely is not the good deed, is also disadvantageous regarding the layout of entire The Avengers plan. 艾瑞克倒不是对饰演钢铁侠完全不感兴趣,只不过,一旦这么做,这部超级英雄电影在观众心里很可能就成了他的玩票之作,这绝对不是什么好事,对于整个复仇者联盟计划的布局也非常不利。 Has consoled a whole face disappointed Stan Mr. Li, Eric stays in Marvel Headquarters to the rush hour, with Avi Arad leaves the office together. 劝慰了一番满脸失望的斯坦・李老爷子,艾瑞克漫威总部呆到下班时间,才与阿维阿拉德一起离开办公室。 Arrives at the underground parking garage in office building, Eric then sees by own private car that magnificent flame Ma Sarah, as well as relies on by the car(riage) to Cindy that he beckons to smile Crawford. Perhaps is recent the enterprise gives full play to vitality once more, this just full 30 year supermodel appeared even more brilliant. 来到办公楼的地下停车场,艾瑞克一眼便看到自己座驾旁边那辆华丽的火红色玛莎拉蒂,以及倚在车旁向他招手而笑的辛迪克劳馥。或许是最近几年事业再次焕发生机,这位刚满三十岁的超级名模显得愈发光彩照人。 Avi Arad looked at Cindy Crawford, in the vision brings to admire that is tactful very much dodges the person on own initiative. 阿维阿拉德看了眼辛迪克劳馥,目光中带着艳羡,很是识趣地主动闪人。 Eric walks, is stroking Ma the Sarah bonnet, said with a smile: Good car(riage).” 艾瑞克走过去,抚摸着玛莎拉蒂的引擎盖,笑道:“不错的车。” Cindy wears the black windproof coat of beam, on the foot is stepping on tall Tongxue, among the fair napes of the neck is a tinted silk handkerchief, has suspended the po color calmly, asked: That person?” 辛迪穿着束腰的黑色风衣,脚上踩着高筒靴,白皙的脖颈间系着一条浅色丝巾,不动声色地摆了个po色,问道:“那人呢?” Is more attractive,” Eric hugged with Cindy with a smile, does not have on own black Bentley, but sneaked in Ma the Sarah copilot. “更漂亮,”艾瑞克笑着与辛迪拥抱了下,没有上自己的黑色宾利,而是钻进了玛莎拉蒂副驾驶。 Cindy thinks that on the Eric car(riage), saw him to seat own vehicle, then changed to the driving position to board, starts the engine, looked at Eric comfortably by the appearance in copilot, while the whim lasts suggested: Or do you drive?” 辛迪本想上艾瑞克的车,见他坐进了自己的车子,便又转到驾驶位上了车,发动引擎,看艾瑞克舒服地靠在副驾驶上的模样,兴之所至地建议道:“要不你来开车?” Eric said with a smile: I now am quite suitable to open fierce-tempered horse, but must military.” 艾瑞克笑道:“我现在比较适合开悍马,还得是军用的。” Why?” “为什么?” „When like this hits any thing itself will appear the comparison will have the superiority.” “这样撞到什么东西时本身会显得比较有优势。” Hehe,” Cindy smiled, understands that Eric affirmed now few drive, is out of practice that is absolute, no longer proposes this topic, starts the vehicle to drive out of the parking lot slowly, said: I in allow/let George the dining room has decided the position, first eats meal?” “呵呵,”辛迪笑了笑,也明白过来,艾瑞克现在肯定很少自己开车,手生那是绝对的,不再提这个话题,发动车子缓缓驶出停车场,才道:“我在让-乔治餐厅定了位置,先去吃饭?” Eric nods: Good, I listen to your arrangement tonight.” 艾瑞克点头:“好吧,今晚我都听你的安排。” Cindy seeks vengeance saying: Added that made your one time to be really difficult, making me wait for two weeks.” 辛迪报怨道:“还说呢,约你一次可真难,让我等了两个星期。” In New York, Eric receives various party of local bullies to invite inevitably, the majority can turn down, some are unable to postpone, recently he almost treated with courtesy every night. This was also immediately must leave, Eric leapt to obtain the time. 身在纽约,艾瑞克不可避免地接到地头蛇们的各种派对邀约,大部分能够推掉,有些还是无法推迟的,这些日子他几乎每天晚上都有应酬。这也是马上就要离开了,艾瑞克才腾得出时间。 Listens to Cindy to have the small hidden bitterness expression, Eric to say with a smile: Such anxiously is making me to come out, you did not have the new boyfriend now, this not like your style.” 听着辛迪带着小幽怨的语气,艾瑞克笑道:“这么急着约我出来,难道你现在都还没有新男友吗,这可不像你的风格。” Cindy is hitting the steering wheel, turns head to look: „Don't you hope me continuously unmarried?” 辛迪打着方向盘,扭头望过来:“你不希望我一直单身吗?” I hope actually you have now married, this is more exciting.” “我倒是希望你现在结婚了,这样更刺激。” Bah, hateful man,” Cindy white his eyes, said: Tried to associate one, thought too senseless, at the end of last year bid good-bye.” “呸,可恶的男人,”辛迪白了他一眼,才道:“试着交往了一个呢,觉得太无趣,去年底分手了。” „, It seems like was the vision enhanced,” Eric teased with a smile. “呵,看来是眼界提高了,”艾瑞克笑着打趣道。 In the memory, Cindy the peak time of oneself professional model enterprise, this time had tossed about «Fair Game» in Hollywood, has not created any spray, therefore restrained the night shop Boss marriage giving birth of thoughts and New York quickly. Has saying that is very no longer difficult to stabilize compared with the supermodel that with the majority until grace and talent, Cindy can be a life winner probably. 记忆里,辛迪过了自己模特事业的巅峰期,这段时期在好莱坞折腾了一部《公平游戏》,没有激起什么浪花,于是很快收敛心思和纽约的一位夜店老板结婚生子了。不得不说,和大部分直到风华不再都很难安定下来的超模相比,辛迪大概可以算是一个人生赢家了。 But now, as a result of the appearance of Eric, the Cindy life path deviated the previous life track completely. Victoria’s Secret angel spokesman as well as «America's Next Top Model» Producer and management and other series of status, makes her enterprise give full play to the vitality. Her present yearly income does not miss many compared with these Hollywood stars, even the still have it, accordingly, the thoughts have been doomed not to be impossible to be law-abiding. 但现在,由于艾瑞克的出现,辛迪的人生轨迹完全偏离了前世的轨道。维密天使代言人以及《全美超模大赛制作人兼主持等一连串身份,也让她的事业重新焕发生机。她现在的年收入不比那些好莱坞一线女星差多少,甚至犹有过之,相应的,心思也注定不可能再安分下来。 They arrive at allow/let George of Fifth Avenue the dining room, after taking a seat ordered food, at will chats some recent situations. 两人来到第五大道的让-乔治餐厅,落座点菜之后,随意聊起了一些近况。 When the attendant provides the cooked food to leave, the Cindy expression said at will: I also had recently bought irelyer, assistant goods that takes from the black market directly, 400 USD, cannot think the little thing that you make can obtain the treatment of contraband goods unexpectedly.” 等侍应生送上菜肴离开,辛迪表情随意地说道:“我最近也买了一台irelyer呢,助理从黑市里直接拿的货,400美元,想不到你做出来的小东西竟然能得到违禁品的待遇了。” Eric first time hears this matter but actually, said with a smile: Early said that I make the person give you several.” 艾瑞克倒还是第一次听到这种事,笑道:“早说啊,我让人送给你几台。” Where dares to trouble you with this small matter,” Cindy smiles, said: I saw yesterday that the Firefly electron was sued?” “哪敢用这种小事情麻烦你啊,”辛迪笑笑,又道:“我昨天看到,萤火虫电子被起诉了?” Un, Chris flew San Francisco to process, the issue is not big.” “嗯,克里斯已经飞去旧金山处理了,问题不大。” I also thought so that the Cindy nod said: I read that article, above said that Record Company the share income and entity phonograph record that from the Yahoo music store yields cannot miss many. Even, as a result of convenient of network, if the network music store develops, Record Company can obtain, why them responds also such violent row?” “我也这么觉得,”辛迪点头道:“我读了那篇文章呢,上面说唱片公司雅虎音乐商店获得的分成收益与实体唱片差不了多少。甚至,由于网络的便捷性,如果网络音乐商店发展起来,唱片公司能够获得更多,那他们为什么反应还这么激列呢?” This is only the surface thing,” why Eric not clear Cindy will be interested in this matter suddenly, but explained: Pure music industry, yearly income not over 20 billion USD of global range, but music player market actually huge many. These also involve the issue of patent monopoly, the traditional portable player patent basically grasps on day is in the manufacturer hand, one set of complete player patent authorization expense, the price will not be lower than 5% of player selling price, only this one, day is the enterprise every year can obtain to exceed the 1 billion USD net income. the appearance of irelyer, was equal to completely breaking up the traditional portable music player manufacturer's patent monopoly, even, once irelyer were popular, was eliminated alkman and other equipment, day is the manufacturer value counted the patent of 10 billion USD not to be worth a red cent, therefore their responses so will be intense.”( To be continued.) “这只是表层的东西,”艾瑞克不清楚辛迪为什么会突然对这种事情感兴趣,但还是解释道:“单纯的音乐产业,全球范围的年收入也不超过200亿美元,但音乐播放器市场却庞大的多。这其中还涉及到专利垄断的问题,传统的便携式播放器专利基本上都掌握在日系厂商手中,一套完整的播放器专利授权费用,价格不会低于播放器售价的5%,仅此一项,日系企业每年都能获得超过十亿美元的净收入。irelyer的出现,等于彻底打破了传统便携式音乐播放器厂商的专利垄断,甚至,一旦irelyer流行起来,将alkman等设备淘汰出局,日系厂商原本价值数百亿美元的专利也将一文不值,所以他们的反应才会这么强烈。”(未完待续。)
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