IAIH :: Volume #9

#852: Filed the charge

Last night indulging regarding Eric was only in the busy work a small adjustment, he did not mind that 1 million USD check that signed. After all, just like he gives that arithmetic problem that Gisele sets to be the same, to the day quantity wealth that he has now, 1 million USD regarding him with 1 USD of average person cannot miss many. 昨夜的放纵对于艾瑞克来说只是繁忙工作中一次小小的调剂,他也不介意签出的那100万美元支票。毕竟,正如他给吉赛尔出的那道算术题一样,相对于他现在拥有的天量财富,100万美元对于他来说和普通人的1美元也差不了多少。 But this check regarding the girls actually absolutely is another concept. 但这张支票对于女孩们来说却绝对又是另外一种概念。 Delivers Eric to leave the apartment, Qu Si tall Fu changes Gisele immediately, a face anticipated that is looking in her hand that check, extends the small hand saying: Gisele, is really 1 million USD, making me have a look?” 艾瑞克离开公寓,曲丝・高芙立刻转向吉赛尔,一脸期待地望着她手中那张支票,伸过小手道:“吉赛尔,真的是100万美元啊,让我看看好吗?” Gisele Qu Si the small claw that tall Fushen comes opens, said: Naturally real, Eric countersigning false check to me?” 吉赛尔将曲丝・高芙伸过来的小爪子打开,道:“当然是真的,难道艾瑞克会签假支票给我吗?” Qu Si tall Fu does not dare to snatch hardly, returns to near the window bar, but does not forget to correct Gisele saying: This gives us.” 曲丝・高芙也不敢硬抢,跟着返回窗边的吧台,但还是不忘纠正吉赛尔道:“这是给我们所有人的。” Under Gisele again in the bar is implicated, shakes the head saying: „It is not right, in which 800,000 is us, moreover 200,000 is I and ale spending money, you just heard.” 吉赛尔重新在吧台旁坐下,也摇头道:“不对,其中的80万属于我们所有人,另外20万是我和ale的零花钱,你刚刚听到的。” Qu Si tall Fu the eyeball transferred the revolutions, the probe said: You and do ale also want to divide this 800,000 with us?” 曲丝・高芙眼珠转了转,试探道:“你和ale还要和我们一起分这80万啊?” Naturally,” Gisele said: Both of us had also played game last night.” “当然,”吉赛尔道:“我们俩昨晚也玩了游戏的。” In their conversation sounds, some girls open eyes to sit up the body, when sees the check in Gisele hand, in the quick, excited squeal, all girls also one after another sober, without enough time puts on including the clothes, by the gathering bar encircles to whoop in abundance in the middle Gisele. 两人的交谈声中,又有女孩睁开眼坐起身子,当看到吉赛尔手中的支票,很快,兴奋的尖叫声中,所有女孩也都陆续清醒过来,连衣服都来不及穿,纷纷凑到吧台旁将吉赛尔围在中间议论纷纷起来。 „, 1 million.” “哇,一百万呢。” Eric exchanged the gambling to make.” 艾瑞克真的兑换赌约了。” How many can our person divide to come?” “我们一个人能分多少来着?” Probably also has the shopping to travel?” “好像还有购物旅行吧?” Private plane?” “私人飞机呢?” Stupid, private plane at the airport, cannot certainly stop in the room.” “笨,私人飞机当然在机场,总不能停在屋子里吧。” „......” “……” When looks at one crowd chirp the girl, Gisele is remembering Eric leaves the final those words suddenly. 望着身边一群叽叽喳喳的女孩,吉赛尔突然想起艾瑞克离开时的最后那句话。 Because made a debut, even if there is support of Eric, she cannot touch in the profession topest that circle now, from the fragmentary several contacts, she also realized that Cindy Crawford and Linda the supermodel circle that Ivan Green Starck these made a name for oneself is impossible to admit them. 由于刚刚出道,即使有着艾瑞克的支持,她现在也根本触及不到行业最顶尖的那个圈子里的,从零星的几次接触中,她也意识到辛迪克劳馥琳达・伊万格林斯塔那些已经功成名就的超模圈子也不可能接纳她们。 Side these girl majority of ages are similar to her, can be said as in the profession the comparison has potential a group of new people, why this is also they can play the same place. Such being the case, why she does not establish her circle . Moreover, naturally, she must certainly make in the Eric mouth eldest sister. So long as Eric can support her, her future development will definitely not limit to merely is only a supermodel, then, side these girls, when the time comes can definitely become her boost. 身边这些女孩大部分年龄都与她类似,也可以说是行业内比较有潜力的一批新人,这也是为什么她们能够玩到一起。既然如此,她为什么不建立自己的圈子呢,而且,当然,她肯定要做艾瑞克口中的‘大姐头’。只要艾瑞克能够一直支持她,她未来的发展肯定不会局限于仅仅只是一个超模,那么,身边这些女孩,到时候肯定能够成为她的助力。 Calculated rapidly, Gisele puts out a hand to pat the racket when the bar, the vision has swept, had much usually corrects the Alessandra imposing manner, enhanced the sound saying: Ok, shuts up.” 迅速盘算一番,吉赛尔伸手在吧台上拍了拍,目光扫了一圈,很有平时调校亚历山大时的气势,提高声音道:“ok,都闭嘴。” Stop discussion that the girls expression, really was tactful. 女孩们语气顿了下,果然都很识趣的停止议论。 Gisele is very satisfied this effect, said: 800,000 USD, private plane Universal travels, Eric complied to cash, if all person passports did not have the issue, we can embark in the afternoon any place.” 吉赛尔很满意这种效果,道:“80万美元,私人飞机环球旅行,艾瑞克都答应兑现了的,如果所有人护照都没有问题,我们下午就可以出发去任何地方。” Cheers in gently, Gisele continues saying: But, you should know rule, first, last night matter no one must everywhere the big mouth. Otherwise, believes me, Eric will be only a telephone, Brokerage Firm will terminate an agreement with you immediately, your professions will also stop.” 轻轻的欢呼声中,吉赛尔继续道:“不过,你们应该知道规则,首先,昨晚的事情谁也不许到处大嘴巴。不然的话,相信我,艾瑞克只是一个电话,经纪公司立刻就会和你们解约,你们的生涯也会到此为止。” Although felt that Gisele somewhat bullies the weak by relying on powerful connections, but the girls amenable in abundance nod. 虽然感觉吉赛尔有些狐假虎威,但女孩们还是顺从地纷纷点头。 Even if is not old, but can obtain elite and contracts of img these international professional model Corporation giants, this group of girls naturally possibly are not chick that anything does not understand. Last night matter passed on, will not have any advantage to them, after all, in the circle these dare to jump to expose professional model of something, afterward basically went into hiding. 即使年龄都不算大,但能够获得elite和img这些国际模特公司巨头的合约,这群女孩当然不可能是什么都不懂的小雏儿。昨晚的事情传出去,对她们不会有任何好处,毕竟,圈子里那些敢跳出来揭破一些事情的模特,后来基本上都销声匿迹了。 However, immediately also some people raise the objection: Gisele, if what did not say that the company won't agree with our outward passage?” 不过,立刻也有人提出异议:“吉赛尔,如果什么都不说,公司是不会同意我们外出旅行的?” This truly is an issue. 这确实是一个问题。 Gisele has thought deeply about the moment, has some bold thoughts at heart, said: This, I personally and Boss of company call to chat, so long as they arrange, even if directly is responsible for our manager, cannot inquire about anything again.” 吉赛尔思索了片刻,心里生出一些大胆的念头,道:“这样,我会亲自和公司的波ss打电话聊聊,只要他们安排下来,即使是直接负责我们的经纪人,也不能再过问任何事情。” Gisele, will Boss, listen your?” 吉赛尔,波ss们,会听你的吗?” „When naturally, Eric leaves has said that if they did not agree that he will inquire about directly.” “当然,艾瑞克离开时就说过了,如果他们不同意,他会直接过问。” Gisele nods assuredly, sees girl also somewhat to hesitate, she also knows that the Brokerage Firm high level in their eyes probably is in the entire profession unattainable control, but she is also disinclined to explain. 吉赛尔笃定地点头,见身边女孩还有些犹疑,她也知道经纪公司的高层在她们眼中大概就是整个行业内高不可攀的掌控者,但她也懒得解释。 From Eric after she and Alessandra is interested, two big Brokerage Firm to their two are almost protects response to the greatest extent, can see the Eric influence in a big way. Other did not discuss that takes became Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show of supermodel drill ground, any professional model Brokerage Firm wants to feed in Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show professional model, invisible establishes the capital city critical must pass through Eric this pass/test. 艾瑞克对她和亚历山大感兴趣之后,两大经纪公司对她们两个几乎算是呵护备至的反应中,就可以看出艾瑞克的影响力有多大。其他不谈,就拿已经成为超模练兵场的维密大秀来说,任何一家模特经纪公司想要将旗下模特送进维密大秀,无形中肯定都要经过艾瑞克这一关。 Gisele, I think that I can receive my money directly, I meant that I compared to be short of money recently, the house rent is also owing.” 吉赛尔,我想,我能直接拿到自己的那份钱吗,我是说,我最近比较缺钱,房租都还欠着。” Speech girl's voice is somewhat low, bringing a point to lack in resonance the disturbance, is actually Fernanda Tavares. 说话女孩的声音有些低,带着一点底气不足的忐忑,却是费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯。 Gisele last night on own initiative caused the performance of Eric attention to her is very discontented, hears saying: Naturally, I will give you your, but you cannot go to Universal to travel with us.” 吉赛尔本来就对她昨晚主动引起艾瑞克注意的表现很是不满,闻言道:“当然,我会把你那份给你,但你也不能和我们一起去环球旅行了。” Fernanda Tavares feels Gisele to his disaffection, but if such were kicked the small group, her loss is obviously bigger, therefore shakes the head to say decisively: consider as finished, I do not want.” 费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯感受到吉赛尔对自己的不满,但如果就这么被踢出小圈子,她的损失明显更大,于是果断摇头道:“算了,我不要了。” Gisele has gawked, immediately smiles, at the right moment has displayed under own magnanimous: Intelligent choice.” 吉赛尔愣了下,随即笑笑,适时地表现了下自己的大度:“聪明的选择。” Also has similar thoughts girl to hear their dialogs, has cancelled the thought. 原本也有着类似心思的女孩听到两人的对话,都打消了念头。 More than 50,000 USD cashes regarding present them, naturally is a great sum of money, if can take, they will be the one breath will not spend absolutely completely. But they also young, between money and opportunity, how they clearly should certainly choose. 50000多美元的现金对于现在的她们来说,当然是一笔巨款,如果能拿到手,她们是绝对不会一口气全部都花出去的。但她们都还年轻,在金钱和机会之间,她们当然清楚该怎么选择。 Saw all people not to have issue, Gisele then to pull out sniffing, shut out puts out a hand to stand upright from Fernanda scarlet bare **** on clutched several paper, took advantage of opportunity to pinch, said: You regardless of now looks like or hears that likely was one crowd just indigenous that ran from the Amazon jungle, took a bath quickly, then here sweep trace.” 见所有人都没有了问题,吉赛尔这才抽了抽鼻子,嫌弃地伸手从费尔南达赤倮挺立的****上揪下来几张纸条,顺势捏了一把,道:“你们现在无论看起来还是闻起来,都像是一群刚刚从亚马逊丛林里跑出来的土著,快去洗澡,然后把这里收拾干净。” In the western-style apartment the bathroom specially are always many, girls this time also finally realized that embarrassment, the merriment, is entering in the different bathrooms laughing quickly. 西式公寓里浴室总是特别多,女孩们此时也终于意识到身上的窘态,嘻嘻哈哈地笑闹着,很快钻进不同浴室里。 Had determined the status of oneself eldest sister head, Gisele is very satisfied, picks up the phone on bar, found the address book, starts to dial several Brokerage Firm Boss numbers. 确定了自己大姐头的地位,吉赛尔很是满意,拿起吧台上的电话,找到通讯录,开始拨打几位经纪公司波ss的号码。 As a result of the functional relationship, the girls basically have the multi- country passport, in the afternoon flew Tokyo, this was the city that Gisele most wants to go. 由于工作关系,女孩们基本上都有着多国护照,下午就飞去了东京,这是吉赛尔最想去的城市。 Although is relative to the average person, the opportunity that the girls go abroad must be much more, but that basically is work Catwalk of fashion season, in the arrangement next day of busy more than ten hours of company, then moistens the bed to rest, simply does not have any thoughts of traveling, this is their first time can indulge heartily. 虽然相对于普通人,女孩们出国的机会要多得多,但那基本上都是时装季的工作走秀,在公司的安排下一天忙碌十多个小时,然后沾床就睡,根本没有任何旅游的心思,这还是她们第一次可以尽情放纵。 Eric also in afterward elite CEO John Casablanca hits in the spoken language of telephone personally, approximately clearly what happened, but also smiles. 艾瑞克也是在随后elite的eo约翰・卡萨布兰卡亲自打来电话的言语中,大致明白发生了什么事情,但也只是一笑而过。 He wants to decide on the Marvel Studios specific plan with one week of time, but the fact showed that one week of time is insufficient, the matter that needs to discuss was really too many. Marvel Studios relates to Firefly in the future at least 20 years of movie layouts, Eric is not willing again at any matter to appear careless, therefore to late April, he also keeps New York. 他原本想用一周时间确定漫威影业的具体方案,但事实证明,一周时间根本不够用,需要讨论的事情实在是太多了。漫威影业关系到萤火虫未来至少20年的电影布局,艾瑞克也不愿意再任何一件事情上显得草率,于是一直到四月下旬,他都还留在纽约 On the other hand, the executions of Firefly electrons and Amazon two teams are formidable, determined that hungry marketing plan three day later, the plan then starts formally to be implemented. 另一方面,萤火虫电子和亚马逊两个团队的执行力都非常强大,确定那份饥饿营销方案的三天后,计划便开始正式实施。 As a result of the irritability of limit as well as sale of capacity, the irelyer player price of entity retail shop basically rose 329 USD, this was the Firefly electron is stopping without hesitation after the retail shop goods supply that several rose in prices recklessly, definite rule. For all that irelyer of entity retail shop as before presents the condition of falling short of demand. 由于产能的限制以及销售的火爆,实体零售店的irelyer播放器价格基本上都涨到了329美元,这是萤火虫电子在毫不犹豫地停止对几家肆意涨价的零售店供货之后,才确定的规则。虽然如此,实体零售店的irelyer依旧呈现出供不应求的状态。 In this case, Amazon according to 299 USD initial costs, introduces 5000 irelyer rushing to purchase plans every three days, immediately has brought to the attention of massive consumer. 这种情况下,亚马逊按照299美元的原价,每三天推出5000台irelyer的抢购方案,立刻就引起了大量消费者的注意。 According to the data of Yahoo statistics, at the beginning of 1997, North America had the Internet user quantity of network payment behavior to achieve 5 million, although was as before not worthy of mentioning to the total Internet users base number, but this quantity was other overseas areas is unable to compare. 根据雅虎统计的数据,1997年初,北美拥有网络支付行为的互联网用户数量就已经达到500万,虽然相对于总网民基数依旧微不足道,但这个数量也是其他所有海外地区都无法比拟的。 Therefore, Amazon holds first round rushes to purchase the activity, has used finally only for two -and-a-half hours, 5000 irelyer were then sold out. 因此,亚马逊举行的第一轮抢购活动,最终只用了两个半小时,5000台irelyer便被抢购一空。 Under several company common adding fuel to the flames, the North America massive media have reported. 在几家公司共同的推波助澜下,北美大量媒体纷纷对此进行了报道。 Afterward, second round rushing to purchase, the time reduced half. 随后,第二轮抢购,时间缩短了一半。 Third round turned for 10 minutes. 第三轮更是变成了10分钟。 The hungry marketing is not the novel marketing means that but this is first time is placed in the floor absolutely massively forms the social topic. 饥饿营销并不是什么新颖的营销手段,但这绝对是第一次大规模地被摆在台面上形成社会话题。 Boosted by this topic heat degree, more and more public, whether or not to be interested in irelyer, inevitably noted this model of epoch-making music player product, was at the latent customer segment that waited and saw the condition also in abundance invested this to rush to purchase in the upsurge. 在这种话题热度的助力下,越来越多的公众,无论是否对irelyer感兴趣,都不可避免地注意到了这款划时代的音乐播放器产品,原本还处在观望状态的潜在消费群体也纷纷投入到了这场抢购热潮中。 When irelyer fourth round rushes to purchase opening, entire process only remaining one minutes. The Amazon network store page even because of emerging of too many customer, had Kartun phenomenon. 当irelyer的第四轮抢购开启,整个过程就只剩下一分钟。亚马逊的网络商店页面甚至因为太多顾客的涌入,出现了卡顿现象。 Network sale irritable stimulated the entity sale similarly, although the price is higher than 30 USD compared with the Amazon store, but because the product is scarce, the majority of retail shops almost just recently irelyer will display the frame, quickly sold, did not have to grow the massive ox guests accidentally. 网络销售的火爆同样刺激了实体销售,虽然价格比亚马逊商店高出30美元,但由于产品奇缺,大部分零售店几乎是刚刚将新进的irelyer摆上架,就很快销售一空,并毫无意外地衍生出了大量黄牛客。 Immediately, starts some media question this is the joint hype that Amazon and Firefly electron carries on, that many that the network store irelyer sales volume has not announced to the public. 随即,也开始有一些媒体质疑这是亚马逊萤火虫电子进行的联合炒作,网络商店irelyer销售量远没有对外公布的那么多。 Amazon has carried on clarification quickly, in did not disclose that customer ** in situation, prints the deal record that has rushed to purchase each time in the website main page directly. 亚马逊很快进行了澄清,在不透露客户**的情况下,在网站主页上直接晒出了每次抢购的成交记录。 situation that irelyer is always at the out-of-stock condition also inevitable causes the repugnance of some users, Firefly electron public relations regarding this also appear spare no effort, not only explained the cause and effect of irelyer capacity limit on Yahoo web portal in detail, even has also cleared the special product main page, real-time reports the construction progress of irelyer new factory to the user and other types with the product related recent news, often and carries on with the bean noodles some interesting has the prize interaction. irelyer总是处于断货状态的情况也不可避免的引起一些用户的反感,萤火虫电子对此的公关也显得不遗余力,不但在雅虎门户网站上详细解释了irelyer产能限制的前因后果,甚至还开通了专门的产品主页,实时向用户汇报irelyer新厂的筹建进度等各种与产品有关的新闻消息,并不时与粉丝进行一些趣味十足的有奖互动。 Under this close and tacit cooperation, the irelyer brand image step by step becomes in the consumer heart ingrained, Amazon also has become in this process the biggest exterior beneficiary, as a result of the irritability of hungry marketing, a Amazon one-day current capacity short two weeks of time rose 50%, Jeff Beizuosi changed plan originally decisively, starts to introduce more product types while this opportunity. 在这种紧密而默契的合作下,irelyer的品牌形象一步步在消费者心中变得根深蒂固,亚马逊也成了这个过程中最大的外部受益者,由于饥饿营销的火爆,亚马逊的单日流量短短两周时间就上涨了50%,杰夫・贝佐斯果断地更改了原本的计划,趁着这个机会开始引进更多的产品类型。 Beside the Firefly electron and Amazon, were obtained by the Yahoo responsible network music store similarly have let the sales result that the person looked askance. 萤火虫电子和亚马逊之外,由雅虎负责的网络音乐商店同样取得了让人侧目的销售成绩。 Because Yahoo music box, even if no irelyer, the music of purchase can also broadcast on the personal computing directly, even also has the recording function, therefore, simultaneously starts the sale after the Yahoo music store and irelyer, in the «RMS Titanic» digit original sound special edition, super the boy, Madonna and other singer special edition of under leads, only used 5 days of time, the Yahoo music store to sell a 1 million song, this data went far beyond in the profession anticipated of all people, before then, even if were the boldest predict that also expressed that the Yahoo music store wanted to realize the sale of first 1 million song, at least needed two. Month, but in fact, this process has only used short 5 days. 由于雅虎音乐盒子即使没有irelyer,购买的音乐也可以直接在个人电脑上进行播放,甚至还拥有刻录功能,因此,从雅虎音乐商店与irelyer同时开启销售之后,在《泰坦尼克号》数字原声专辑,超级男孩、麦当娜等歌手专辑的带动下,只用了5天时间,雅虎音乐商店就累计销售出了100万首歌曲,这个数据远远超过行业内所有人的预期,在此之前,哪怕是最大胆的预测,也表示雅虎音乐商店想要实现第一个100万首歌曲的销售,至少需要两。个月时间,但事实上,这个过程只用了短短的5天。 According to this sales speed, the Yahoo music box at least can realize the 70 million USD above sales revenue in the first year, has saying that this data regarding promoting the overall earning of Yahoo Internet company to be very obvious. After all, before IPO, Yahoo definitely needs a time quite attractive year wealth report. 按照这种销售速度,雅虎音乐盒子在第一年至少就可以实现7000万美元以上的销售收入,不得不说,这一数据对于推动雅虎网络公司的整体营收还是非常明显的。毕竟,在ipo之前,雅虎肯定需要一次比较漂亮的年度财报。 The sales data of Yahoo music store far ultra anticipated, most anxious without doubt is major Record Company. After all, the d recording function that the Yahoo music box software provides, was almost equal to destroying phonograph record profession ecology originally directly. Before then, in market an album phonograph record, average prices in 20 USD about, but the Yahoo music store was equal to that disposable lowered half this price. Each digital special edition 7 USD about shares that even if according to being divided into the rule, products llc attains from the Yahoo music store, little are less than the profit that selling an entity product gets, but several big Record Company are critical situation as before. 雅虎音乐商店的销售数据远超预期,最紧张的无疑是各大唱片公司。毕竟,雅虎音乐盒子软件提供的d刻录功能,几乎等于直接摧毁了唱片行业原本的生态。在此之前,市场上一张音乐专辑唱片,平均价格都在20美元左右,但雅虎音乐商店等于一次性将这个价格拉低了一半。即使按照分成规则,产品公司从雅虎音乐商店拿到的每张数字专辑7美元左右的分成,并不比销售一张实体产品获得的利润少太多,但几大唱片公司依旧如临大敌。 Sony publishes early this month that stated for two weeks later, the Sony phonograph record on joint another two phonograph record giant bmg and hundred generations of same places, to the San Francisco federal court files the charge, on the grounds of disseminating the pirating request bans the production and sale of MP3 player.( To be continued.) 索尼月初发表了那份声明两周后,索尼唱片就联合另外两家唱片巨头bmg和百代一起,向旧金山联邦法院提起诉讼,以传播盗版为由要求禁制mp3播放器的生产和销售。(未完待续。)
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