IAIH :: Volume #9

#851: Cannot play too insanely

Can they play the same place with Gisele, naturally cannot be these mingles among small professional model of floor again, but the professional model profession seems like attractive, the income is actually not high, them one year can gain ten ten thousand USD above also few, a gambling stake of Eric 1 o ten thousand USD in addition private plane shopping travel immediately makes the girls scream. 能和吉赛尔两人玩到一起的,自然不会再是那些混迹底层的小模特,但模特行业看似光鲜,收入其实并不高,她们当中一年能赚十万美元以上的也没几个,艾瑞克一次1o万美金外加私人飞机购物旅行的赌注立刻让女孩们尖叫起来。 But also some quick girls questioned: Eric, even if each of us has 50% probabilities to win you, the possibility that wins completely has two 14 powers of exponent 1, this type of probability is almost zero, is unfair.” 但也很快有女孩质疑道:“艾瑞克,哪怕我们每个人有一半的几率能赢你,全部获胜的可能性只有二的14次方1呢,这种几率几乎为零,太不公平了。” Eric looked at the past very much surprisedly, what speech was one has the girl of Latin lineage semblance, was too not attractive, but the stature has Latin American girl's tall and slender and hot. 艾瑞克很是惊讶地望过去,说话的是一个有着拉丁裔外表的女孩,不算太漂亮,但身材却有着拉美女孩的高挑和火辣。 Cannot think really that cannot think here also has the mathematical girl.” “真想不到,想不到这里还有数学女孩呢。” Hey, Eric, you discriminate against Oh,” by in Eric Qu Si tall Fu protests immediately discontentedly. “嘿,艾瑞克,你这是歧视,”靠在艾瑞克身上的曲丝・高芙立刻不满地抗议道。 Good, I apologize,” Eric smiles, looked to just that girl of speech, said: „Do you name?” “好吧,我道歉,”艾瑞克笑笑,又望向刚刚说话的那个女孩,道:“你叫什么名字?” Hears Eric this issue, led some voices girls to nip the syllable to reply immediately cautiously: Fernanda Tavares.” 听到艾瑞克这个问题,原本带着些口音的女孩立刻小心翼翼地咬着音节回答道:“费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯。” Eric has patted near the left hand girl's thigh, said with a smile: Girl who I like meeting mathematical, sits here.” 艾瑞克拍了拍左手边女孩的大腿,笑道:“我喜欢会数学的女孩,来坐这里。” Fernanda Tavares walked unquestioning, that girl some resigned the position grudgingly. 费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯毫不迟疑地走了过来,原本那个女孩有些不情愿地让出位置。 Was pushed in not far away Gisele and Alessandra is depressed, Fernanda Tavares came from Brazil, because is the fellow villager, Alessandra invited her today, has not thought that is small bitch of meeting mathematical, is really hateful. 被挤在不远处的吉赛尔亚历山大更是郁闷,费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯来自巴西,由于是同乡,亚历山大今天才邀请了她,没想到还是个会数学的小碧池,真可恶。 The words said that what ghost meaning two 14 powers of exponent 1 are? 话说二的14次方1是什么鬼意思? English is not good Gisele is thinking as before bitterly, cannot bear stare Alessandra, Alessandra shrinks the neck , to continue to install the small white rabbit. 英语依旧不是太好的吉赛尔恨恨地想着,又忍不住瞪了眼亚历山大,亚历山大缩缩脖子,继续装小白兔。 Eric hints to sit by the tea table the girl on rug hands over one cup of champagne, gives Fernanda Tavares, then said: Good, if I pull out a, even if I lose, like this you had 1/13 winning percentage, ten ten thousand USD Oh, , this you added the chip.” 艾瑞克示意坐在茶几旁地毯上的女孩递过来一杯香槟,交给身旁的费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯,然后道:“好吧,如果我抽到a,就算我输,这样你们就有1的胜率了,一次十万美元,,该你们加筹码了。” The surroundings silent the moment, the girls started cannot help but to think, immediately, a girl face shouts suddenly: „, I understood, Eric, you want to make us take off the clothes is right, definitely is this.” 周围沉默了片刻,女孩们开始不由自主地思索,随即,一个女孩一脸恍然地嚷道:“啊,我明白了,艾瑞克,你想让我们脱衣服对不对,肯定是这样的。” Other girls as if also suddenly understand come, echoes the merriment to get up. 其他女孩似乎也突然‘明白’过来,纷纷应和着笑闹起来。 Eric has also smiled, said: I may cover the small physique of cup not to be interested to your a, you wear the clothes more attractive.” 艾瑞克也笑了,道:“我可对你们这些a罩杯的小身板不感兴趣,你们还是穿上衣服更好看一些。” Occupation professional model average up is not generally high, Eric initially manufactured Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, although has chosen stature best one batch specially, but afterward to achieve the best beautiful chest effect, many angels needed the pushing pad as before and so on small method. 职业模特的平均up普遍不高,艾瑞克当初制作维密大秀,虽然特意挑选了身材最好的一批,但后来为了达到最好的美胸效果,很多天使依旧需要挤垫之类的小手段。 What although Eric said is the fact, the side resounds discontented protests, Qu Si high lotus small hand has patted on Eric gently , a small appearance of vitality: What you want, Eric, do we sleep with you together?” 虽然艾瑞克说的是事实,身边还是响起一阵不满的抗议声,曲丝・高芙小手在艾瑞克身上轻轻拍了下,一副生气的小模样:“那你想要什么,艾瑞克,我们一起陪你上床吗?” Eric turns head in Qu Si on high lotus that small face has kissed , a face anticipates to nod, said: This is a good suggestion.” 艾瑞克扭头在曲丝・高芙那张小脸上亲了下,一脸期待地点点头,道:“这是个不错的建议。” „!!!” “啊!!!” In the squeal, several one pile of candies hold the pillow and so on small thing flew, Eric almost must put out a hand to cover the ear, said hastily: Stops stops from time to time, I may unable to bear your small spirits to close, was good, looked that you cannot put out any powerful chip, that pastes the paper.” 尖叫声中,几个一堆糖果抱枕之类的小物件飞了过来,艾瑞克几乎要伸手捂住耳朵了,连忙道:“停停停,我可受不了你们这些小妖精一拥而上,好了,看你们也拿不出什么有力的筹码,那就贴纸条吧。” Qu Si tall Fu said immediately: Eric, such is quite ugly, will mishandle flowers the makeup on face.” 曲丝・高芙立刻道:“艾瑞克,那样好难看啊,而且会把脸上的妆弄花的。” Eric asks for that playing cards, has washed washing, replied with a smile: Does not have the creativity, I had not said that must touch cheeks, other places are also good.” 艾瑞克伸手要过那副扑克牌,洗了洗,笑着答道:“真没创意,我可没说一定要贴脸上啊,其他地方也行。” The girls have gawked, immediately is a small scream. 女孩们愣了一下,随即又是一阵小尖叫。 My just knows, my just knows, Eric wants to make us take off the clothes.” “我就知道,我就知道,艾瑞克还是想让我们脱衣服。” Good, asked me to by your small throats shaking again deaf, now starts, drank up the position until all liquor water.” “好了好了,再叫我就要被你们的小嗓子给震聋了,现在开始喽,直到所有酒水喝完位置。” Although understood after Eric intention, girls' response is very intense, finally actually nobody retreats, has encircled in abundance. 虽然明白了艾瑞克的意图后,女孩们的反应很是‘激烈’,最终却没有一个人退却,纷纷围了过来。 Because the rule is simple, the gambling house carries on unusual is quick, finally cannot kill all liquor water, when the majority of girls bleary eyes dimly creaky, two also fire into the washroom, Eric then at the right moment announced that the game ended. 由于规则简单,赌局进行的非常快,最终还是没能干掉所有酒水,等到大部分女孩都醉眼朦胧摇摇欲坠,其中两个还冲向盥洗室,艾瑞克便适时宣布游戏结束。 Wakes up once more is the skylight is greatly bright. 再次醒来已经是天光大亮。 The side is walking arm in arm two gentle bodies, is Gisele and Alessandra, the number of times of although last night losing were not many, but was filled full one cup of champagne by the girls each time, Eric was not too relaxed, did not have the girl who the strength paid attention to one crowd of dead drunks, but held the bedroom Gisele and Alessandra, then supported heavy goes off. 身旁依偎着两具温柔的身体,是吉赛尔亚历山大,昨晚虽然输的次数不多,但每次都被女孩们灌上满满一杯香槟,艾瑞克也不算太轻松,根本没力气理会一群泥醉的女孩,只是将吉赛尔亚历山大抱进卧室,便相拥沉沉睡去。 Looked at the watch, is 8 : 30. 看了看手表,已经是八点半。 Today must continue to discuss that Marvel Studios business, Eric then spunked up to sit. 今天还要继续讨论漫威影业的事务,艾瑞克便打起精神坐了起来。 Along with the Eric setting out movement, Alessandra light snort|hum two, changed a posture also not to have the sound. Gisele actually opens eyes, twittering good morning, have rubbed to paste the body on Eric, feels the man early morning desire of prosperously suddenly, small sound track: Eric, do you want?” 随着艾瑞克的起身动作,亚历山大轻哼两声,换了个姿势又没了动静。吉赛尔却睁开眼,呢喃了一声早安,蹭过来将身子贴在艾瑞克身上,感受到男人清晨的欲旺勃,小声道:“艾瑞克,你想要吗?” Last night played to end passes early morning, Eric, although was also sobering, but did not think carelessly when two girls immersed took away their first time, therefore anything has not done. 昨晚游戏结束已经过了凌晨,艾瑞克虽然还清醒着,但也不想草率的在两个女孩沉醉时拿走她们的第一次,所以什么都没做。 Although also very much thinks, but Eric has kissed on the Gisele face, said with a smile: Now is not the good opportunity, next time. Moreover I may lose a lot of money last night, must hurry to work to make.” 虽然也很想,但艾瑞克还是在吉赛尔脸上吻了下,笑道:“现在可不是什么好时机,下次吧。而且我昨晚可输了不少钱呢,得赶紧去工作挣回来。” Coming out Eric that Gisele can certainly feel had not seized the chance to want her last night, sympathizing to man somewhat slightly is moved at heart, puts out a hand to grasp, gathers near his ear the steam to say in a low voice: We take a bath, I can help you with the mouth first.” 吉赛尔当然能感觉的出来艾瑞克昨晚没有趁机要她,心里对男人的体贴有些小感动,伸手过去抓了抓,凑到他耳边呵着热气低声道:“那我们去洗澡吧,我可以先用嘴帮你。” Feels the Gisele small tongue to select to make on his cheeks gently, Eric cannot bear this enticement finally, gets out of bed to hold Gisele, walks in girl's chuckle sound China , North Korea bathroom. 感受到吉赛尔小舌头轻轻在他脸颊上挑弄着,艾瑞克最终没能忍住这种誘惑,下床将吉赛尔抱起来,在女孩的轻笑声中朝浴室走去。 After a half hour, two talented people left the bathroom, Eric know that today was doomed to be late, although he, even if were late does not have anything, but first gave that side Marvel to make a telephone call, the talent and Gisele went downstairs together. 半个多小时后,两个人才出了浴室,艾瑞克知道今天注定要迟到了,虽然他即使迟到一些也没什么,但还是先给漫威那边挂了个电话,才和吉赛尔一起下了楼。 Because is drawing the window curtains, the sunlight of outdoors has not projected indoor, shines in the living room of wall lamp as before is appearing is very in disorder, on the sand and rug the horizontal seven vertical stroke groups are almost the entire bare girls, somewhat hugs is holding the pillow, somewhat supports in the same place, all rests just soundly. 由于拉着窗帘,户外的阳光并没有投射进室内,依旧亮着壁灯的客厅里显得很是零乱,沙和地毯上横七竖群几乎是全倮的女孩,有些搂着抱枕,有些拥在一起,全都睡得正香。 Is looking at the situation in living room, remembered to be held the matter of bedroom by Eric last night alone, Gisele has a light superiority feeling, vigilance originally also dissipated much, since Eric had not made any action out of the ordinary last night, today naturally will again not make anything, let alone, she just had helped Eric satisfy under. 望着客厅里的情形,想起昨晚单独被艾瑞克抱到卧室的事情,吉赛尔生出一股淡淡的优越感,原本的警惕性也消散了不少,既然昨晚艾瑞克没有做什么出格的举动,今天自然也不会再做什么了,更何况,她刚刚已经帮艾瑞克满足了下。 Puts down to guard, Gisele has also sympathized, softly and Eric passes through the living room together, arrives in the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. 放下提防,吉赛尔也体贴了很多,轻手轻脚地和艾瑞克一起穿过客厅,来到厨房里准备早餐。 However, just admitted in the bread the toasted bread machine, Gisele has remembered anything, said: Eric, you may lose eight times last night, you want really......” 不过,刚刚将面包放进吐司机里,吉赛尔又想起了什么,道:“艾瑞克,你昨晚可输了八次呢,你真的要……” Eric grasps the flat-bottomed pan to turn the omelette carefully, said with a smile: „Do you want to make me repudiate a debt?” 艾瑞克握着平底锅小心地翻着煎蛋,笑道:“你想让我赖账啊?” That is, 8 o ten thousand USD, private plane.” “那可是,8o万美元呢,还有私人飞机。” Gisele thinks to think some anxiety, as a result of the strong support of Eric, this more than half a year has gained ten ten thousand USD actually, but deducts various manager to deduct a percentage with the tax money, in addition she and Alessandra expense, does not have the remaining anything. Did not say that flight expenses similarly expensive private plane, 8 o ten thousand USD, the past or now, regarding her is an unattainable great sum of money. 吉赛尔想想都觉得有些肉疼,由于艾瑞克的强力支持,她这大半年倒是赚了十多万美元,但扣去各种经纪人提成和税金,再加上她和亚历山大两人的花销,根本就没剩下什么。不说飞行开销同样昂贵的私人飞机,8o万美元,无论是过去还是现在,对于她来说都是一笔可望不可即的巨款。 Eric will fry the good egg to put and fill in the tray, has knocked two , to continue saying: , gives you to set the mathematics problems, 987 subtract 677, finally divides 365, calculates that is how many?” 艾瑞克将煎好的鸡蛋盛进盘子里,又磕了两个,继续道:“,给你出个数学题,987减去677,结果除以365,算算是多少?” Gisele remembered last night Fernanda Tavares, transferred the small head, did not have the clue, her mathematical was not that good. But girl some are actually not willing to concede, therefore puts down the carton in hand, arrives by the refrigerator to take up to hang counts consider as finished in nearby short note paper and pen, has turned head quickly, said: Probably, is o.85?” 吉赛尔想起昨晚的费尔南达・塔瓦雷斯,转了转小脑瓜,却是没有头绪,她数学可不是那么好。但女孩却有些不愿意服输,于是放下手中的牛奶盒,走到冰箱旁拿起挂在旁边的便签纸和水笔计算了一番,很快扭过头,道:“大概,是o.85吧?” Eric has the smile to gaze at the Gisele movement, said: Right, my year before last net worth was 67 700 million USD, last year is 98 700 million USD, one year 365 days, was the result that therefore, you figured out what?” 艾瑞克带着微笑注视着吉赛尔的动作,道:“没错,我前年的身家是677亿美元,去年是987亿美元,一年365天,所以,你算出的结果是什么?” Gisele immediately surprisedly growing up mouth: Also, in other words, your day can gain 85 million USD.” 吉赛尔立刻惊讶地长大嘴巴:“也,也就是说,你一天就能赚85oo万美元。” Yes, a day 85 million USD, one hour of 35 o ten thousand USD, one minute 6 ten thousand USD, um, I calculate that gains suffices this 8 o ten thousand USD, takes 13 minutes probably, therefore I can pay the gambling stake.” “是啊,一天85oo万美元,一个小时35o万美元,一分钟6万美元,嗯,我算算,赚够这8o万美元,大概需要13分钟,所以我还是支付得起赌注的。” Gisele felt that the head starts some corona: This, too exaggerated.” 吉赛尔感觉脑袋开始有些晕乎乎的:“这也,太夸张了。” Eric puts and fill in another tray with a smile simply, said: Come, does the treasure, taste me the omelette flavor that uses for 3 minutes to make to be what kind of? Very expensive.” 艾瑞克笑着将又一份简单盛进盘子里,道:“来,宝贝,尝尝我用3分钟时间做出来的煎蛋味道怎么样?很贵的。” Eric this small joke made Gisele more sober, diligently did not go to think that by oneself that one after another let the person weak digit, walked to take up the fork to shoulder the omelette to admit the mouth to taste together, then knits the brows intentionally: Is a little salty.” 艾瑞克这个小玩笑让吉赛尔清醒了一些,努力让自己不去想那一连串让人无力的数字,走过来拿起叉子挑起一块煎蛋放进嘴里尝了尝,然后故意皱着眉道:“有点咸呢。” Or do I do again for one 6 minutes?” “要不我再做一份6分钟的?” Hehe, that affirmed burnt.” “呵呵,那肯定焦了。” Chatted to prepare the breakfast, they have not gone to the dining room, but arrived by the living room bar by the window, opened the window curtains, sat has eaten on the high footstool together. 说笑着准备好早餐,两人并没有去餐厅,而是来到客厅靠窗的吧台旁,将窗帘拉开一些,坐在高脚凳上一起吃了起来。 Perhaps was indoor were many some brights, or was the stimulation of food fragrance, lay down in leaving a girl on they quite near rug woke blurry, was actually Qu Si tall Fu. 或许是室内多了些亮光,又或者是食物香味的刺激,躺在离两人比较近的地毯上的一个女孩迷迷糊糊地醒了过来,却是曲丝・高芙。 The girl sat to set out, shakes the head, the look has looked down hazily own chest, put out a hand to uncover a paper from above, the subconsciousness admits the small mouth to suck sucking, the paper had brought the cream on cake to mount last night with Eric, was very sweet. 女孩坐起身,晃了晃脑袋,眼神迷蒙地低头看了看自己胸口,伸手从上面揭下来一张纸条,下意识放进小嘴里吮了吮,纸条是用艾瑞克昨晚带来蛋糕上的奶油黏上去的,很甜。 After the hangover, mouth unique bitter and astringent divergence, Qu Si tall Fu was more sober, has pulled out the small nose, turns head to look to the bar direction. 宿醉后嘴里特有的苦涩散去,曲丝・高芙清醒了很多,抽了抽小鼻子,扭头看向吧台方向。 Eric is sitting to the living room exactly, greeted toward her: Early, Qu does Si, want to eat a thing?” 艾瑞克恰好对着客厅而坐,朝她打了声招呼:“早啊,曲丝,要吃点东西吗?” Sleep wakes up, was eventually impossible to look like again was so crazy last night, but looked at the surrounding condition similar companion, Qu Si tall Fu is not shy. 一觉醒来,终究不可能再像昨晚那么疯狂,不过看了看周围状况类似的同伴,曲丝・高芙也没有太羞涩。 Smiled shyly, Qu Si tall Fujiang also mounted to uncover in paper completely, fished nearby skirt to put on at will, this walked to greet: Early, Eric, Gisele.” 腼腆地笑了笑,曲丝・高芙将还黏在身上的纸条全部揭了下来,随意捞起旁边一件裙子套上,这才走过来打招呼:“早,艾瑞克,吉赛尔。” Eric hints the girl to sit down by opposite Gisele, milk on hand will have pushed: „The words that does not mind, drink my this cup of milk pad pads first, hot.” 艾瑞克示意女孩在对面吉赛尔旁边坐下,将手边的牛奶推了过来:“不介意的话,先喝我这杯牛奶垫垫吧,热过的。” Receives food fragrance to be exciting, Qu Si tall Fu thought in the abdomen a piece turns emptily wells up, she will certainly not mind, expressed gratitude, then held the Eric milk small mouth to drink. 受到食物香味刺激,曲丝・高芙本就觉得小肚子里一片空荡翻涌,她当然不会介意,道了声谢,便捧起艾瑞克的牛奶小口喝了起来。 Gisele sees Eric to give Qu Si own milk tall Fu, runs to go to the kitchen to help him on own initiative prepare newly. 吉赛尔艾瑞克把自己的牛奶让给曲丝・高芙,主动跑去厨房帮他准备新的。 Qu Si tall Fu drinks up milk, felt that in the stomach felt better, gains ground smiled toward Eric, said: Eric, can I take a bath?” 曲丝・高芙将牛奶喝完,感觉胃里好受了许多,抬头朝艾瑞克笑了笑,道:“艾瑞克,我可以洗个澡吗?” Naturally, the bathroom in that side,” Eric has referred, Qu Si tall Fu expressed gratitude, sets out to walk toward the bathroom. “当然,浴室在那边,”艾瑞克指了指,曲丝・高芙道了声谢,起身向浴室走去。 Took a bath in a hurry, Qu Si high lotus comes out from the bathroom, saw that Eric has had the breakfast, is taking a pen to sit in the bar is filling in anything, after approaching, Qu Si tall Fucai presently that was the check, since the recollection last night matter, Qu Si high lotus heartbeat suddenly quick several points. Eric lost eight times last night, that is 8 o ten thousand USD, even if wants their 14 girls to divide equally, everyone also has 50,000 to be many. 匆匆洗了个澡,曲丝・高芙从浴室出来,看到艾瑞克已经吃过早餐,正拿着一支笔坐在吧台边填写着什么,走近之后,曲丝・高芙才现那是支票,回忆起昨晚的事情,曲丝・高芙心跳突然快了几分。艾瑞克昨晚可是输了八次呢,那就是8o万美元,哪怕要她们14个女孩平分,每个人也有5万多。 50,000 multi- USD. 5万美元啊。 Oh, the private plane, the Universal shopping travels. ,还有私人飞机,环球购物旅行。 Eric proposed when this gambling stake, she actually with majority of girls to Eric whether will cash does not report too in a big way expected, especially afterward, after Eric gradually lost eight times. In regularly thought that they did not think that some people will pull out 8 o ten thousand USD easily. 艾瑞克提出这个赌注时,她其实和大部分女孩都对艾瑞克是否会兑现不报太大期望的,特别是后来,艾瑞克逐渐输了八次之后。惯常的思维里,她们可不觉得有人会轻易掏出8o万美元 Thinks of these, Qu Si tall Fu is approaching the bar softly, appears by oneself does not exist diligently, digit that the look actually glances to Eric fill. 想到这些,曲丝・高芙轻手轻脚地在靠近吧台,努力让自己显得不存在,眼神却瞟向艾瑞克正在填写的数字。 A zero, two zero, three zero...... Well, why most starts that figure is 1, probably should be 8. 一个零,两个零,三个零……咦,最开始那个数字为什么是1呢,好像应该是8吧。 Eric fills in the check, looked up Qu Si tall Fu, smiled, ripped to give Gisele the check, said: , comes out considered you and Alessandra spending money, here also had the name card of my assistant, called him, he will help you arrange the private plane, good which wants to go.” 艾瑞克填完支票,抬头看了眼曲丝・高芙,笑了笑,将支票撕下来递给吉赛尔,道:“,多出来的就当是你和亚历山大的零花钱了,这里还有我助理的名片,打电话给他,他会帮你们安排私人飞机的,想去哪都行。” Gisele is pinching that sense of reality full check, is looking at a series of zero, in the eye is dodging the small star similarly, but has hesitated, said: But, Eric, the company should not agree that we run to travel, we must work.” 吉赛尔捏着那张质感十足的支票,望着一连串零,眼中同样闪着小星星,但迟疑了下,还是道:“可是,艾瑞克,公司应该不会同意我们跑去旅游的,我们还要工作呢。” Now is not fashion season, some where that many work. Said that I said that had a vacation, does not work. If some people did not agree that lets e1ite John who Casablanca and...... img Chairman is coming, making them call me.” Was saying, Eric receives the check book, set out to hold hugging with Gisele, has swept in a living room as before the girls of deep sleep, said with a smile: I have worked, you are the eldest sister head, favors them, which no matter goes, cannot play is too insane.”( To be continued.) 8 “现在又不是时装季,哪有那么多工作。就说我说的,放假了,不工作了。如果有人不同意,让e1ite的约翰・卡萨布兰卡和……img的总裁是谁来着,让他们打电话给我。”这么说着,艾瑞克收起支票簿,起身与吉赛尔抱了抱,又扫了眼客厅里依旧沉睡的女孩们,笑道:“那我去工作了,还有,你是大姐头,看好她们,不管去哪,都不许玩的太疯。”(未完待续。)8
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