IAIH :: Volume #9

#850: additional chip

Today exactly is the Alessandra 16 th birthday, girl telephoned to Eric last month, inquired that he when the time comes has had free time New York, Eric had not given the accurate answer at that time. With Stan Li Fenbie, Eric then does not have other arrangements tonight, therefore has caught up temporarily. 今天恰好是亚历山大16岁生日,女孩上个月就打电话给艾瑞克,询问他到时候有没有空来纽约,艾瑞克当时并没有给出准确的答复。与斯坦・李分别,艾瑞克今晚便没有其他安排,于是临时赶了过来。 Rides the elevator to arrive at the top layer of this 85 building, Eric arrives at the apartment entrance, has pressed several doorbells, has not responded, wants to come to be goes out to celebrate. Eric also expected ahead of time this is the result, made the person send the false key specially, therefore opened the door. 乘坐电梯到达这栋85层大厦的顶层,艾瑞克来到公寓门口,按了几次门铃,没有回应,想来应该是外出庆祝了。艾瑞克提前也预料到了这是结果,特意让人送来了备用钥匙,于是开门走了进去。 Because in humble abode space ingrained the Basic Instinct resistance to the memory, the property of Eric purchase is basically spacious, at present this set is no exception, the double-decked compound lattice, total area close 1200 square meters, have four sets of bedrooms as well as six washrooms, the study room, kitchen, dining room, gym and personal screening hall have it all, the living room space also over 100 square meters, appear very spacious. 由于对记忆中蜗居空间根深蒂固的本能抗拒,艾瑞克购置的物业基本上都非常宽敞,眼前这套也不例外,双层的复式结构,总面积接近1200平米,有着四套卧室以及六间盥洗室,书房、厨房、餐厅、健身房和私人放映厅一应俱全,客厅空间也超过100平米,显得非常宽敞。 This set of mansion is Eric the first batch of properties during the Kuwaiti war oil shock purchasing, because at neighboring Central Park and can on the golden section of bird's eye view entire east district, is the top layer of this building, then price achieved 12 million USD, along with the return to warmer weather of recovery and real estate of these year of United States economies, this time price should approach 20 million USD, the future appreciation space will be unquantifiable. 这套豪宅是艾瑞克在科威特战争石油危机期间购置的第一批物业,由于处在紧邻中央公园并可以俯瞰整个上东区的黄金地段,又是这栋大厦的顶层,当时的价格就达到1200万美元,随着这些年美国经济的复苏和房地产的回暖,此时的价格应该已经接近2000万美元,未来的升值空间更是难以估量。 The living room south and west six giant double-decked armored glass windows are mapping brilliantly illuminated of entire Manhattan, the house decoration also is mainly the warm shallow tone, does not need to turn on the light, in the living room does not appear dim, in the air scatters the light fragrance, Eric can also distinguish Gisele they to modify to some feminization that the living room arrangement makes. 客厅南面和西面六扇巨大的双层钢化玻璃窗映射着整个曼哈顿的灯火辉煌,室内装修也主要是温暖的浅色调,不用开灯,客厅里也不显得昏暗,空气中飘散着淡淡的馨香,艾瑞克还能够分辨出吉赛尔两人对客厅布置做出的一些女性化改动。 Places the living room corner the cake and bouquet of flowers on the long table, Eric has not opened indoor light the meaning, before arrives at a window, peacefully. 将蛋糕和花束放在客厅一角的长桌上,艾瑞克也没有打开室内灯光的意思,安静地走到一扇窗前。 Around living room each window has to hold a person horizontal marble window, Eric also saw that on this window puts one to hold the pillow, wants to come Gisele or Alessandra likes by appreciating the Manhattan scenery very much here, the night field of vision is also not anything, is only bright crash star light. If daytime, stands before the window bird's eye view New York this metropolis, truly can one type be in the clouds to overlook the feeling of all living things to the person. 客厅周围的每扇窗户都有着可以容纳一个人横趟的大理石窗台,艾瑞克还看到这处窗台上放着一只抱枕,想来吉赛尔或者亚历山大很喜欢靠在这里欣赏曼哈顿的风景,夜晚的视野还不算什么,只是一片灿烂的坠落星光。如果是白天,站在窗前俯瞰纽约这座大都市,确实能够给人一种身在云端俯视众生的感觉。 Closed right up against that only to hold pillow to sit down on the window at will, looks into the scenery of a while out of the window, Eric has lifted the wrist/skill to look at a watch, the time already 9 : 30. Does not know that two girls can outside insane until the midnight, thinks that Eric pulls out the cell phone, was planning that telephones to Gisele, the door left has heard the opening the door sound. 随意地靠着那只抱枕在窗台上坐下,眺望了一会儿窗外的风景,艾瑞克抬起手腕看了眼手表,时间已经九点半。不知道两个妮子会不会在外面疯到午夜,想了想,艾瑞克还是掏出手机,正打算给吉赛尔打个电话,房门出已经传来了开门声。 Quick, clip clop the crowded high-heeled shoes sound transmits from the threshold to buddhism, with the excited discussion sound, sounding the population to be many. 很快,哒哒哒的密集高跟鞋声从玄关里传来,伴随着兴奋的议论声,听起来人数还不少。 Eric knits the brows slightly, the key gives Gisele them the time, person who Eric reminds them unable to bring at sixes and sevens comes back, he thinks that two girls know should obey what kind of rule. 艾瑞克微微皱眉,将钥匙交给吉赛尔两人的时候,艾瑞克就提醒过她们不能带乱七八糟的人回来,他本以为两个女孩知道该遵守怎样的规则。 The light shines quickly, one group of youth pretty girls appear in Eric at present, because New York of April night is quite chilly, jacket and jeans that the girls basically wear practices moral culture, the devil stature proportion one type takes a broad view to look to the person is the wonderful feeling of leg. Eric also noted taking the lead Gisele and Alessandra form, obviously, from these girl's standard tall and slender statures, they should be Gisele and boudoir honey in Alessandra circle. Some girl arms are also holding the beer between-meal snack and so on, seems like the preparation convenes revelry party in the apartment. 灯光很快亮起,一群青春靓丽的女孩出现在艾瑞克眼前,由于四月份的纽约夜晚还颇为清冷,女孩们基本上都穿着修身的夹克衫和牛仔裤,魔鬼般的身材比例给人一种放眼望去全是腿的美妙感觉。艾瑞克也注意到了走在前面的吉赛尔亚历山大的身影,显然,从这些女孩标准的高挑身材上来看,她们应该是吉赛尔亚历山大圈子里的闺蜜。一些女孩怀里还捧着啤酒零食之类,看起来是准备在公寓里召开狂欢派对 All girls entered the living room, Eric have swept, had not discovered that any male living thing the form, the expression relaxed. 所有女孩都走进客厅,艾瑞克扫了一圈,没有发现任何雄性生物的身影,表情才放松下来。 Because being together date and time was still short, Eric and two girl too many sentiments, both sides' relations temporarily have not been only very pure according to his need. 由于相处时日尚短,艾瑞克与两个女孩并没有太多感情,双方的关系暂时也只是很单纯的各取所需。 Although had promised to Gisele will make her second Drew, but the will of the people are always fickle, some years, if they want to leave, Eric will not have anything to yearn. Barely escapes death, in addition the promotion of these year of status and wealth, in Eric disposition were unavoidably many indifference and indifference of several points to favor humans affair. If there is other male to appear in this apartment tonight, Eric lets Gisele and Alessandra moves immediately from this apartment, later will not have any connection again. 虽然向吉赛尔许诺过会让她成为第二个德鲁,但人心总是善变的,过一些年,如果她们想要离开,艾瑞克也不会有什么留恋。两世为人,再加上这些年地位和财富的提升,艾瑞克的心性中不免多了几分对人情世事的淡然和冷漠。如果今晚有其他男性出现在这栋公寓里,艾瑞克会立刻让吉赛尔亚历山大从这栋公寓里搬出去,以后也不会再有任何关联。 Wow, big.” 哇哦,好大。” oh God, this simply is the ultimate dream of my this whole life.” 天啊,这简直是我这辈子的终极梦想。” If can live here, I am willing to handle anything.” “如果能够住在这里,我愿意做任何事情。” „......” “……” Shouted with one or excited or surprised light, the girls also noted to sit on the window size up their Eric, all people had a scare instantaneously. But immediately, Alessandra first threw, said excitedly: Eric, when do you come?” 伴随着一阵或兴奋或惊讶的轻呼,女孩们也同时注意到了坐在窗台上打量他们的艾瑞克,所有人瞬间都被吓了一跳。但随即,亚历山大首先就扑了过来,兴奋地说道:“艾瑞克,你什么时候过来的?” Just arrived at a while, wants to come to you pleasantly surprised,” Eric sits to set out, smiles to grasp to throw the arms Alessandra, has kissed on her cheek, said: Happy birthday.” “刚到一会儿,本想给你个惊喜来着,”艾瑞克坐起身,微笑着抱住扑进自己怀里的亚历山大,在她脸蛋上吻了下,道:“生日快乐。” Thank you, Eric,” Alessandra has also kissed on the Eric face, said. “谢谢你,艾瑞克,”亚历山大也在艾瑞克脸上吻了下,说道。 Gisele also walked, she keenly the disgruntledness that notes Eric just in the expression to flash through, remembers the Eric initial injunction, the mood somewhat is unavoidably disturbed. 吉赛尔也走了过来,她敏锐地注意到艾瑞克刚刚表情里闪过的不悦,想起艾瑞克最初的嘱咐,心情难免有些忐忑。 Other girls have recognized Eric at this time, surprised has various types to envy the envy, knew that Gisele and Alessandra they live after this building, they guessed that behind Gisele and Alessandra definitely have any great person, but all people have not thought that this person can be Eric Williams, this has surpassed all person before this boldest imagination absolutely. 其他女孩此时都已经认出了艾瑞克,惊讶中带着各种羡慕嫉妒,得知吉赛尔亚历山大两人住在这栋大厦之后,她们就猜测吉赛尔亚历山大背后肯定有什么大人物,只是所有人都没有想到,这个人会是艾瑞克威廉姆斯,这绝对超过了所有人此前最大胆的想象。 But immediately, they also feel to be natural, after all, this type of top layer mansion, these rich and powerful people usually only will take at present my residence, has Eric Williams such person, so with ease and will put out one set of Madison main road top layer multiple mansion to come out to give the sweetheart extravagantly to live. 但随即,她们也感觉理所当然起来,毕竟,眼前这种类型的顶层豪宅,那些富豪们通常都只会作为本人的居所,也只有艾瑞克威廉姆斯这样的人,才会如此轻松而阔绰地拿出一套麦迪逊大道顶层复式豪宅出来给情人居住。 Eric has hugged with Gisele, whispered several, looks up is leading the attractive outstanding person of being eager to try to front one crowd of expressions obviously, greeted with a smile: Hi, girls.” 艾瑞克又与吉赛尔抱了下,低语了几句,抬头看向面前一群表情中明显带着跃跃欲试的漂亮尤物,笑着打招呼道:“嗨,女孩们。” Eric said that the intonation of these words has imitated in 《Charlie's Angels》 spying institute secretly Boss Charlie when habitually used prologue of Townsend with three angel relations, obviously, this group of girls basically has also looked at 《Charlie's Angels》, almost responded with one voice: Hi, Eric.” 艾瑞克说这句话的语调模仿了《霹雳娇娃》中侦探所幕后波ss查理汤森德与三位天使联系时的惯用开场白,显然,这群女孩也基本上都看过《霹雳娇娃》,几乎异口同声地回应道:“嗨,艾瑞克。” Good, it seems like you have watched that movie,” Eric smiles, the slave station received one dozen of canned beers to look in the front girl hand, said: This is must open party, but these beer may be not much, I made the person send to come.” “好吧,看来你们都看过那部电影了,”艾瑞克笑笑,从站在前排的女孩手上接过一打罐装啤酒看了看,道:“这是要开派对啊,不过这些啤酒可不怎么样,我让人送来一些过来好了。” Saying, Eric was sitting on window, pulled out the cell phone to dial the telephone of assistant, looks up under the present girls, said: Peter, making the person deliver some party liquor water to come, general idea, 20 people of shares, quickly.” 说着,艾瑞克坐回窗台上,掏出手机拨通了助理的电话,又抬头看了下眼前的女孩们,才说道:“彼得,让人送一些派对酒水过来,大概,20人份,快一点。” Sees Eric to hang the power failure words, a bold girl then first said: Eric, we altogether have 15 people, 20 people of shares, do you want to get drunk us?” 艾瑞克挂掉电话,一个大胆的女孩便抢先说道:“艾瑞克,我们一共只有15个人呢,20人份,你是要把我们都灌醉吗?” Eric shows the somewhat bad expression, said: Perhaps why not, I also will do some with the excessive matter, the person of fear can leave Oh ahead of time, waited possibly on the evening.” 艾瑞克露出有些坏的表情,道:“为什么不呢,或许我还会做点跟过分的事情,害怕的人可以提前离开,等下可能就晚了。” „,” Girls exude the half real , half fake squeal, on many several girl faces shows the scruple look, nobody is actually willing to turn around to leave. “啊,”女孩们发出半真半假的尖叫声,不乏几个女孩脸上露出迟疑的神色,却没有一个人肯转身离开。 Eric has patted clapping with a smile, said: Was good, prepares, moves to the middle that set of furniture the corner, in the family/home has the good music phonograph record?” 艾瑞克笑着拍了拍手,道:“好了,去准备一下吧,把中间的那套桌椅搬到角落里去,还有,家里有不错的音乐唱片吗?” After Eric, a few words actually look to Gisele, Gisele nodded, said: „The living room in the building, Eric, we changes clothes, takes while convenient the phonograph record.” 艾瑞克后一句话却是看向吉赛尔,吉赛尔点了点头,道:“在楼上起居室呢,艾瑞克,我们去换套衣服,顺便把唱片拿下来。” Was saying, Gisele draws Alessandra to walk toward the staircase, other girls also on own initiative start to organize the furniture in living room. 这么说着,吉赛尔拉着亚历山大就朝楼梯走去,其他女孩们也自觉地开始腾挪客厅里的家具。 Was drawn by Gisele is arriving in the building, Alessandra has rubbed the grasped somewhat pain wrists/skills, complained: „Do you do, I do not want to change the clothes.” 吉赛尔拉着来到楼上,亚历山大揉了揉被抓的有些疼的手腕,抱怨道:“你干嘛啊,我可不想换衣服呢。” Gisele stared Alessandra , to continue to walk toward bedroom, be angry said: Blames you, must conduct any party at home, now was good, delivers to front of one crowd of small bitch Eric.” 吉赛尔瞪了眼亚历山大,继续朝卧室走着,生气地说道:“都怪你,非要在家里举办什么派对,现在好了,把一群小碧池送到艾瑞克面前。” Alessandra will certainly unable to pay attention to that crowd of boudoir honey to look at the Eric look, somewhat afraid shrank the neck, she just 16 years old, eventually has girl's vanity after all, wanted to show off to the boudoir honey own luxurious residence, has not thought to outsmart oneself. Is standing on tiptoes following of foot cat in Gisele behind, Alessandra slightly argued one: You, you also agreed obviously.” 亚历山大当然不会注意不到那群闺蜜看艾瑞克的眼神,有些心虚的缩了缩脖子,她毕竟才刚刚16岁,终究有着女孩子的虚荣心,本来想要向闺蜜们炫耀一下自己的豪华寓所,没想到弄巧成拙。踮着脚小猫似的跟在吉赛尔身后,亚历山大还是小小地辩解了一句:“你,你明明也同意了的。” Gisele does not return, comes to the bedroom to pull open the wardrobe, is selecting the clothes, said: If some people proposed that throws from here now you, I will also agree.” 吉赛尔头也不回,来到卧室拉开衣橱,挑着衣服,说道:“如果现在有人提议把你从这里扔下去,我也会同意的。” Alessandra does not dare to talk back again, extended the small hand inquisitively in the past, selects a skirt that oneself most liked, was planning to exchange, the bedroom gate had been knocked knocking. 亚历山大不敢再顶嘴,探头探脑地伸出小手过去,把自己最喜欢的一件裙子挑出来,正打算换上,卧室门被人敲了敲。 Gisele and Alessandra have also turned the head, several girls walked, two shine is sizing up Gisele and Alessandra wardrobe, a girl said: Gisele, can we put on taking advantage of several skirts?” 吉赛尔亚历山大同时转过头,几个女孩已经走了过来,两眼放光地打量着吉赛尔亚历山大的衣橱,其中一个女孩道:“吉赛尔,我们可以借几条裙子穿下吗?” Alessandra routinely shows the smile, will open the mouth, the feeling waist maliciously had been pinched by Gisele. 亚历山大习惯性地露出微笑,正要开口,就感觉腰间被吉赛尔狠狠掐了一下。 Warned that Alessandra shuts the small mouth, on the Gisele face is bringing smiling similarly, refuses actually slightly not to hesitate, said: Sorry, Karen, I am not familiar with others to wear my clothes.” 警告亚历山大闭上小嘴,吉赛尔脸上同样带着笑,拒绝起来却丝毫没有迟疑,道:“抱歉,凯伦,我不习惯别人穿我的衣服。” The named Karen's girl is not discouraged, changes Alessandra: That, ale, you......” 名叫凯伦的女孩也不气馁,转向亚历山大:“那,ale,你……” Alessandra shakes the head hastily: I, I am not familiar with.” 亚历山大连忙摇摇头:“我,我也不习惯。” Side Karen another girl eyeball transferred the revolutions, has drawn the companion, said with a smile cunningly: Karen, was inferior that we get down and Eric propose, perhaps he will make the Chanel exclusive agency directly deliver one dozen of skirts to come, definitely will not compare Gisele wardrobe inside difference. I want to buy Chanel for a long time.” 凯伦身边的另外一个女孩眼珠子转了转,拉了拉同伴,狡黠地笑道:“凯伦,不如我们下去和艾瑞克提一下吧,或许他会让香奈儿专卖店直接送一打裙子过来,肯定不会比吉赛尔衣橱里面的差。我可是想买香奈儿好久了呢。” Several other girls are not silly, echoes with a smile. 其他几个女孩也不傻,纷纷笑着附和。 Gisele wishes one could to pinch Alessandra again, the making way body, said reluctantly: Good, selects casually, your small bitch.” 吉赛尔恨不得再掐亚历山大一把,无奈地让开身体,道:“好吧,随便来挑吧,你们这些小碧池。” Haha.” “哈哈。” Several girls did not mind the Gisele words, are laughing and playing closing , after the moment, other girls also in abundance well up to go upstairs taking advantage of the clothes, Gisele simply did not see with own eyes that the heart is not bothersome, changed a purple long skirt rapidly, changed to the living room to choose the music phonograph record that under must use, looked at Alessandra to follow, Gisele said: Ale, waits to with the chewing gum same mount side Eric, to these fellow opportunities, don't know?” 几个女孩丝毫不介意吉赛尔的话,嬉笑着一拥而上,片刻后,其他女孩也纷纷涌上楼借衣服,吉赛尔干脆眼不见心不烦,迅速换好了一件紫色长裙,转到起居室里挑选起等下要用的音乐唱片,看亚历山大跟了过来,吉赛尔说道:“ale,等下要和口香糖一样黏在艾瑞克身边,别给那些家伙机会,知道吗?” Knew, knew,” Alessandra nods hastily, but does not forget to mumble one: Chewing gum is the same, is quite disgusting.” “知道了,知道了,”亚历山大连忙点头,但还是不忘嘟囔一句:“口香糖一样,啧,好恶心。” Gisele raises a small dish piece in hand to pat on the Alessandra head immediately under: Has not complained about you.” 吉赛尔立刻扬起手中的一张碟片在亚历山大脑袋上拍了下:“还不都怨你。” Alessandra was disinclined to revolt, whatever Gisele has hit oneself, said: I thought that you do need to be so anxious? But you now fashion rising trend most rapid new person, what this is anxious is I am right, your this two fashion weeks walked dozens top brand shows, were over. Eric will arrange the opportunity to me in the fall of this year, if he has a liking for other girls, I may be miserable.” 亚历山大都懒得反抗了,任由吉赛尔打了自己一下,道:“我就是觉得,你有必要这么紧张吗?你现在可是时尚界上升势头最迅速的新人呢,该紧张的是我才对,你这两次时装周都走了几十场顶级品牌秀,算是出头了呢。艾瑞克今年秋天才会给我安排机会,万一他看上其他女孩,我可就惨了。” Originally your what understands?” “原来你什么都明白啊?” I am not a fool,” Alessandra curls the lip, felt the form that girl shakes, the subconsciousness turned head to look at one, took back the look, said: I thought that since like this, the regret were also useless at present.” “我又不是傻子,”亚历山大撇撇嘴,感觉门外一个女孩的身影晃过去,下意识扭头看了一眼,又收回眼神,道:“我只是觉得,既然都眼前这样了,后悔又没什么用。” Gisele white Alessandra, has not said anything again, but she does not have Alessandra to be so relaxed. 吉赛尔白了亚历山大一眼,没有再说什么,但她心里却没有亚历山大那么轻松。 Although Eric has used for one year, advances the position that her many professional model have not been possible to achieve for a lifetime, but actually, she also can only be at present just the making a debut potential good new person, due to age limit and other factor limits, she has not attained any brand to represent, is unable to compare with that batch of supermodels of profession Pyramid peak. 虽然艾瑞克用了一年时间,就将她推到了很多模特一辈子都不一定能够达到的位置,但其实,她目前也只能算是一个刚刚出道潜力不错的新人,由于年龄限制等因素限制,她还没有拿到任何一个品牌代言,与行业金字塔顶端的那批超模更是无法比拟。 In recent years, because in Victoria’s Secret according to market share from initial 10% rose 40%, Limited also spared no effort regarding building of Victoria’s Secret angel brand, in addition media resource support of Firefly Group, the dozens supermodels of Victoria’s Secret angel regiment was not only having in the profession the highest exposure lead and most top income, but also has almost it can be said that monopolized the fashion majority of high-end brand resources. 最近几年,由于维密内依市场占有率从当初的10%上升到了40%,ltd对于维密天使品牌的打造也更加不遗余力,再加上萤火虫集团的媒体资源支持,维密天使军团的数十位超模不但拥有着行业内最高的曝光率和最顶级的收入,而且几乎可以说是垄断了时尚界大部分的高端品牌资源。 Fashion has been popular a viewpoint at present, if you cannot mount Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Catwalk, you do not match to obtain the title of supermodel, similarly, is unable to push in that circle of profession most peak. The population of Victoria’s Secret angel regiment has maintained at about 40 people, but the entire profession actually several hundred thousand practitioners, can want to see the competition are the how violent rows, if no Eric this Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show founder's support support, even if obtains the Victoria’s Secret Catwalk qualifications by luck, wants further is also difficult, the Victoria’s Secret regiment is the social stratum distinct competition is similarly intense. 时尚界目前已经流行着一种观点,如果你不能登上维密大秀t台,那你也就不配获得超模的称号,同样,也无法挤入行业最顶端的那个圈子。维密天使军团的人数一直维持在40人左右,而整个行业却有几十万从业者,可以想见竞争是多么激列,如果没有艾瑞克这位维密大秀创始人的支持支持,哪怕侥幸获得维密走秀资格,想要更进一步也是难上加难,维密军团内部同样是阶层分明竞争激烈的。 Gisele has been very clear to be not very attractive, she still does not understand why Eric initially will select itself, but she takes seriously this opportunity compared with anybody absolutely, she once pledged that this whole life do not experience that type again, because lost 50 USD to feel that the sky collapsed same uptight to feel. If because of today's fault, helping the surrounding other girls obtain the favor of Eric, even replaces her and Alessandra status, she estimated that she will find a place to cry loudly. 吉赛尔一直很清楚自己不够漂亮,她至今也不明白艾瑞克当初为什么会挑中自己,但她绝对比任何人都更加重视这种机遇,她曾经发誓这辈子都不要再经历那种因为丢失了50美元就感觉天塌下来一样的拮据感了。如果因为今天的这次失误,让周围的其他女孩获得艾瑞克的青睐,甚至顶替她和亚历山大的地位,那她估计自己真的会找个地方大哭一场。 Gisele selected several Zhang Changpian to bring Alessandra to go downstairs, at this time the daylight lamp in living room has switched off, the remaining several faint yellow wall lamps were only shining, a long table last this time has chocked up various liquor molasses sugar fruits and cakes hearts, even also had one bunch of dazzling party toys. 吉赛尔挑了几张唱片带着亚历山大下了楼,此时客厅里的日光灯已经关掉,只剩下几盏淡黄色的壁灯亮着,一张长桌上此时已经摆满了各种酒水糖果点心,甚至还有一堆琳琅满目的派对玩具。 But let is one group of girls who Gisele minded at this time has actually changed the length dress even small hot-pants of being beautifully attired, these may majority of be her clothes, does not know that what tonight will be spoiled. She in this year the majority of income basically spent on this, after all, this was essential regarding the girl. Alessandra simply has not made money now, although this mansion nobody will receive the house rent to them, but lives in this environment, each month fragmentary expense also needs several thousand USD, their life are not ample. Gisele has certainly thought Eric, but her Basic Instinct thought that woman who the rich men will not like asking for money, she does not want to make Eric have the repugnance to herself. 但更让吉赛尔介意的却是一群女孩此时都换上了花枝招展的长短裙装甚至小热裤,这些可大部分都是她的衣服,不知道今晚会被糟蹋成什么样。她这一年来的大部分收入基本上都花在了这上面,毕竟,这对于女孩子来说是必不可少的。亚历山大现在根本没有赚什么钱,虽然这栋豪宅没有人会向她们收房租,但住在这种环境里,每个月的零碎花销也需要几千美元,她们俩的生活可一点都不宽裕。吉赛尔当然想过艾瑞克,但她本能地觉得,再有钱的男人都不会喜欢开口要钱的女人,她可不想让艾瑞克对自己产生反感。 Looks that sits in window last this time as before is actually encircled by several girls in middle Eric, Gisele fills the phonograph record in hand to Alessandra, then walked. 看着依旧坐在窗台上此时却被几个女孩围在中间的艾瑞克,吉赛尔将手里的唱片塞给亚历山大,然后走了过去。 Eric does not know that said anything, periphery several girls will tease giggle only smile, a girl even also wants softly to depend on the past, Gisele pushes, sits in the window edge not responsibly, in vision that in all girls envy surprisedly, when the slender body by in the Eric bosom, the whole person did not have just to be together with Alessandra affectionate the spirit, like only received the small stray cat of claw, was leaning the calligraphy stroke of head on the Eric cheeks , the sound asked lightly mutely: Eric, what were you chatting?” 艾瑞克不知道说了什么,将周围的几个女孩逗得咯咯只笑,一个女孩甚至还想就那么软软地靠过去,吉赛尔挤过来,当仁不让地坐在窗台边缘,在所有女孩惊讶又羡慕的目光里,纤细的身体亲昵地靠在艾瑞克怀里,整个人丝毫没有了刚刚与亚历山大相处时的锐气,像只收起了爪子的小野猫,侧着脑袋在艾瑞克脸颊上啄了下,声音轻哑地问道:“艾瑞克,你们在聊什么?” Eric also minded that the Gisele obvious small thoughts, put out a hand to embrace girl's slender waist, lowered the head has kissed on that two petal lips, said with a smile: Was chatting Hollywood, I knew many gossip inside stories.” 艾瑞克也介意吉赛尔明显的小心思,伸手揽住女孩的细腰,低头在那两瓣唇上吻了下,笑道:“在聊好莱坞呢,我可是知道不少八卦内幕呢。” Was saying, in the living room resounded the sporty music, the girls started not to wave on own initiative gently. 正说着,客厅里响起了动感十足的音乐,女孩们开始不自觉地轻轻舞动起来。 Eric sees the girls somewhat unable to let loose, says with a smile: Everybody dances, I like the appearance that look at you to dance.” 艾瑞克见女孩们都有些放不开,笑道:“大家去跳舞吧,我喜欢看你们跳舞的样子。” The Eric start to talk, the girls no longer restrict, gathers at the living room center quickly, cheers with the musical sound was screaming waves heartily, similarly also many girls boldly look to Eric, sways from side to side the body makes the bold teasing movement. Although is unable to build in night shop in a short time that frantic atmosphere, but looks at one crowd of face values is being similar to over 80 points girls with the stature the characterless mermaid same heartily waves, that visual sensory stimulation can let man blood boiling absolutely. 艾瑞克开口,女孩们都不再拘束,很快聚集在客厅中央,随着音乐声欢呼尖叫着尽情舞动起来,同样也不乏女孩大胆地望向艾瑞克,边扭动身体边做出大胆的调逗动作。虽然短时间内无法营造出夜店里那种狂热气氛,但望着一群颜值和身材都在80分以上的女孩如同无骨美人鱼一样尽情舞动,那种视觉感官刺激绝对能够让一个男人热血沸腾 Saw that Alessandra also joins in the crowd, but also beckons toward here, Gisele sets out saying: Eric, we also dance.” 看到亚历山大也加入人群中,还朝这边招手,吉赛尔起身道:“艾瑞克,我们也去跳舞吧。” I look on the line, you go,” Eric shakes the head with a smile. “我看着就行,你去吧,”艾瑞克笑着摇摇头。 Gisele is not willing to one crowd of two small female wolf opportunity of shining, to collect to take off the leather shoes on Eric foot, acts like a spoiled brat is holding his hand, persists in saying: Come, you do not dance do not have the meaning.” 吉赛尔可不愿意给一群两眼放光的小母狼可乘之机,凑过去把艾瑞克脚上的皮鞋脱了下来,撒娇地拉着他的手,坚持道:“来嘛,你不跳舞多没意思。” Eric does not have too to resist, takes off the coat, then moves toward the living room center following the Gisele strength, the girls were also quick he to encircle. 艾瑞克也没有太抗拒,脱掉外套,顺着吉赛尔的力道便走向客厅中央,女孩们也很快就他围了起来。 Hugs Gisele to beat along with the music adeptly gently, a moment later, Eric felt that the Gisele pleasantly warm body toward tightens, simultaneously has gathered his ear that on him pasted in a soft voice saying: Eric, we go to the bedroom to be good.” 搂着吉赛尔随着音乐娴熟地轻轻跳动着,片刻之后,艾瑞克感觉吉赛尔温软的身体朝他身上贴的更紧了一些,同时凑到他耳边轻声道:“艾瑞克,我们去卧室好不好。” This body has the vigor of young people after all, in the middle of a deep place woman, if no a response not to be normal. But Eric is not impatient, he has not responded to the Gisele issue, but puts out a hand to draw nearby Alessandra, Gisele and her gathering same place, said with a smile: You jump to me look.” 这具身体毕竟有着年轻人的活力,深处一片软玉温香当中,如果没有一点反应就太不正常了。但艾瑞克也没有那么迫不及待,他没有回应吉赛尔的问题,而是伸手将旁边的亚历山大拉过来,将吉赛尔和她凑到一起,笑道:“你们俩跳给我看。” The specific request of Gisele naturally clear Eric is anything, is obedient has not resisted, hugs with Alessandra in the same place, they wave at the same time very natural kisses, the surroundings have resounded a laughter and scream of creating a disturbance immediately. 吉赛尔当然清楚艾瑞克的具体要求是什么,听话地没有抗拒,与亚历山大抱在一起,两人舞动的同时很自然地亲吻起来,周围立刻响起了一阵起哄的笑声和尖叫。 Eric is looking at the performances of two girls, felt several one to collect in the girl who his side rubbed lightly intimately, put out a hand to seize a girl to hug with a smile at will in the bosom. 艾瑞克望着两个女孩的表演,感受到几个一只在他身边轻蹭的女孩更亲密地凑了过来,笑着伸手随意捉住身边的一个女孩搂在怀里。 Girl stature same tall and slender, the short golden hair, has a slightly immature childish face, the eye is very big, the cheek is very small, the bilabial filament is thin, is drawing the light smoking makeup, just likes honorable person Barbie. What is more surprising is girl's slender waist, genuine Yingying grasps, a Eric pair of big hand almost can encircle completely. 女孩个子同样高挑,短短的金发,有着一张略显稚嫩的娃娃脸,眼睛很大,脸蛋很小,双唇纤薄,画着淡淡的烟熏妆,犹如一个真人芭比。更让人惊讶的是女孩纤细的腰肢,真正的盈盈一握,艾瑞克一双大手几乎就能全部圈起来。 Your waist is really thin, I somewhat am suddenly curious, do you have 16 years old?” “你的腰真细,我突然有些好奇,你有16岁吗?” Because hugs in the same place, the girl can feel the change of Eric body similarly, the cheek micro red, has not actually broken away the bosom of Eric, instead hugs on own initiative on the Eric waist, is rubbing gently gently, hears the Eric issue, replied: Eric, I immediately 21 years old.” 由于搂在一起,女孩同样能够感受到艾瑞克身体的变化,脸蛋微红,却没有挣开艾瑞克的怀抱,反而主动搂在艾瑞克腰上,轻轻磨蹭着,听到艾瑞克的问题,回答道:“艾瑞克,我马上就21岁了呢。” Wow, really cannot look, I just also think one in crime.” 哇哦,真是看不出来,我刚刚还以为自己在犯罪呢。” Hehe,” girl smiled, said on own initiative: My name was Qu Si tall Fu.” “呵呵,”女孩笑了笑,主动道:“我叫曲丝・高芙。” In the Eric memory does not have this name, is not interested, perhaps after tonight, everybody will again not meet, but, he sympathizes to respond: tall Fu, is this German surname?” 艾瑞克记忆里没有这个名字,也不是太感兴趣,说不定今晚之后大家就不会再见面了,不过,他还是体贴地回应道:“高芙,这是德国姓氏吗?” Qu Si tall Fu shakes the head saying: Naturally, legitimate English surname Oh, is different from you.” 曲丝・高芙摇头道:“当然不,正统的英格兰姓氏,和你一样。” Eric lowers the head to size up girl's cheek, especially girl's labiate, obviously with Diane Kruger has several points to be an excellent likeness, therefore said: But I thought that you definitely have the Germanic blood relationship, is right?” 艾瑞克低头打量着女孩的脸蛋,特别是女孩的唇形,明显与黛安克鲁格有着几分神似,于是道:“但我觉得你肯定有日耳曼血统,对不对?” Qu Si tall Fu nods, said: Yes, from my mother.” 曲丝・高芙点点头,道:“是啊,来自我母亲。” She definitely is also a beauty,” Eric thinks highly to say with a smile. “那她肯定也是个大美人,”艾瑞克笑着恭维道。 I also thought so that” Qu Si high lotus hehe smiles, the vision looks gracefully to Eric. “我也这么觉得呢,”曲丝・高芙呵呵笑着,目光盈盈地望向艾瑞克 Several brief conversations let she unknowingly has put down originally not adapt, in the heart inexplicably to Eric has had several points of favorable impression, after the moment, the girl then boldly stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, has kissed to Eric. 几句简短的交谈让她不知不觉的放下了原本的不适应,心中莫名地对艾瑞克产生了几分好感,片刻后,女孩便大胆的踮起脚尖,向艾瑞克吻了过来。 Eric is not that type likes with the person who the strange girl kisses, his cleanliness is actually very serious. Although the relational development with woman is quite sometimes rapid, but that is mainly his previous life is also quite familiar with them. 艾瑞克不是那种喜欢与陌生女孩接吻的人,他的洁癖其实还挺严重的。虽然有时候与身边女人的关系发展颇为迅速,但那也主要是他前世就对她们颇为熟悉。 Turns head the bilabial that slightly shunts the girl to collect, Eric courtesy has kissed on her white and tender cheeks gently, said with a smile: I do not think our relational development rapidness of too.” 微微扭头躲开女孩凑过来的双唇,艾瑞克礼节性的在她白嫩的脸颊上轻轻吻了下,笑道:“我可不想我们的关系发展的太快。” Qu Si high lotus is somewhat disappointed, has not actually displayed, is bringing smiling as before, said: Eric, I was tired, did we drink to be good?” 曲丝・高芙有些失望,却没有表现出来,依旧带着笑,道:“艾瑞克,我累了呢,我们去喝酒好不好?” Good, but you must be careful, I like getting drunk the woman.” “好啊,不过你要小心一点,我可是很喜欢把女人灌醉的。” Qu Si tall Fu does not fear, says with a smile: Why isn't I gets drunk you?” 曲丝・高芙丝毫不惧,笑道:“为什么不是我把你灌醉呢?” Good, we try.” “好吧,那我们去试试。” A phonograph record end of loop, girls also jumped tired, will rest, everybody discovered that Eric and several girls have crowded around on a sofa, in his hand was pinching a bottle cap, put out a hand a spatial drinking glass to discard toward not far away floor on. 一张唱片循环结束,女孩们也都跳累了,正要休息一下,大家才发现,艾瑞克和几个女孩已经簇拥在一处沙发上,他手里捏着一只瓶盖,伸手朝不远处地板上一个空玻璃杯丢去。 Ding a bell glass resounding, the bottle cap falls into the cup accurately. 叮铃一声玻璃脆响,瓶盖准确地落入杯子里。 „, Is really repugnant, lost.” “啊,真讨厌,又输了。” The several girl sweet and delicate voices of his side were complaining together, actually without hesitation tossed down the liquor water in hand, immediately was similar to one crowd played insanely the cat, said: Comes again, comes again.” 他身边的几个女孩一起娇声抱怨着,却是毫不犹豫地将手中的酒水一饮而尽,随即如同一群玩疯了的小猫,道:“再来,再来。” „Did you determine?” Eric asked with a smile. “你们确定?”艾瑞克笑着问道。 Naturally, naturally.” “当然,当然。” Good,” Eric was saying, is a bottle cap loses conveniently, bites the ting to transmit once more. “好吧,”艾瑞克说着,随手又是一个瓶盖丢出去,叮铃声再次传来。 Other girls also encircle, looked that Eric throws into the bottle cap the drinking glass continuously twice accurately, creates a disturbance saying: „, It is not right, is not right, Eric, you definitely cheated.” 其他女孩也都围过来,看艾瑞克连续两次将瓶盖准确地丢进玻璃杯里,起哄道:“哇,不对,不对,艾瑞克,你肯定作弊了。” Eric smiles, strict, he has also cheated, because previous life strolled the night shop time, he frequently played this game, should be has practiced, but the tonight's luck also especially seems to be good. 艾瑞克笑笑,严格来说,他也算是作弊了,因为前世逛夜店的时候,他就经常玩这个游戏,应该算是练过,但今晚的运气似乎也格外好。 Looks that Qu Si tall Fu is unforgiving to entrain his right hand, as to inspect on to have telescopic sights anything, whatever the girls are tossing about, Eric said with a smile: consider as finished, did not bully you, or we traded a game, you selected casually.” 看着身旁的曲丝・高芙不依不饶地将他的右手拽过去,似乎想要检查一下上面有没有瞄准镜什么的,任由女孩们折腾着,艾瑞克笑道:“算了,不欺负你们了,要不我们换个游戏,你们随便挑。” Immediately the girl raised hand playing cards: Playing cards are what kind, such didn't Eric have the means to cheat?” 立刻就有一个女孩扬了扬手中的一副扑克:“扑克牌怎么样,这样艾瑞克就没办法作弊了?” Eric nods, said: Good, let's all do it together !, plays simple, everyone pulls out one, the digit drinking that I am younger, if the sign in everybody hand compared with my big, I drinks.” 艾瑞克点头,道:“好吧,大家一起来,玩的简单点,每人抽一张,数字比我小的喝酒,如果大家手里的牌都比我的大,那我喝。” Wow, how do this we possibly win?” 哇哦,这我们怎么可能赢?” How can like this.” “怎么可以这样。” Eric, was too shameless.” 艾瑞克,太无耻了。” Also is a punitive expedition sound, Eric said with a smile: That this, a additional chip, gambles, this I compare to excel.” 又是一阵讨伐声,艾瑞克笑道:“那这样,加点筹码,赌钱吧,这个我比较擅长。” Qu Si tall Fu said with a smile: We sold unable to play with you ourselves.” 曲丝・高芙笑道:“那我们把自己卖了都跟你玩不起。” Good, you do not need to take out money, I lose one time, ten ten thousand USD, add a private plane to deliver you to any city of this world again the traveling shopping, Renton, Paris and Tokyo, good which wants to go. However, you must add a chip, what kind of?”( To be continued.) “好吧,你们不用掏钱,我输一次,十万美元,再加一架私人飞机送你们到这世界的任何一个城市去旅游购物,伦顿、巴黎东京,想去哪都行。不过,你们也要加点筹码,怎么样?”(未完待续。)
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