IAIH :: Volume #9

#849: Marvel machine universe plan

To carry on the hungry marketing, usually needs some necessary conditions, either is relative to the similar product price more inexpensive, either the product demand falls short of demand scarce. 想要进行饥饿营销,通常需要一些必备的条件,要么相对于同类型产品价格更为低廉,要么产品需求紧俏供不应求。 the irelyer price cannot be inexpensive absolutely, even, as a result of recent intense falling short of demand, the retail merchant raised 300 USD the selling price in abundance above. Strict, the terminal retail merchant raises the selling price not to bring any advantage to the irelyer brand recklessly, therefore, Eric and in the Firefly electron two heads' discussions, had determined that will limit the rising in prices scope of retail merchant to be most cannot over 30 USD, will otherwise stop supplying goods. irelyer的价格绝对不能算是低廉,甚至,由于近期强烈的供不应求,零售商已经纷纷将售价提高到了300美元以上。严格来说,终端零售商肆意提高售价并不会对irelyer品牌带来什么好处,因此,艾瑞克萤火虫电子两位负责人的讨论中,就已经确定将限制零售商的涨价幅度最多不能超过30美元,否则将停止供货。 Meanwhile, the rising in prices behavior of entity retail merchant is also Amazon implements the hungry marketing to provide a more advantageous turning point. 但同时,实体零售商的涨价行为也为亚马逊实施饥饿营销提供更有利的契机。 In plan that draws up, Amazon will obtain irelyer 50,000 source of goods supplies, the selling price maintains 299 USD to be invariable every month, and defers to for three days a time frequency to carry on the network to rush to purchase, every month can carry on exactly ten times, the entire hungry marketing cycle is three months. 拟定的方案中,亚马逊将获得irelyer每个月50000台的货源供给,销售价格维持299美元不变,并按照三天一次的频率进行网络抢购,每个月恰好能够进行十次,整个饥饿营销周期为三个月。 irelyer has done very splendidly in the traditional marketing plan, this is also opens sells the later sales irritable reason. irelyer在传统的营销方案上已经做得非常出色,这也是开卖之后销售火爆的原因。 But irelyer after all is only model of brand-new electronic products, the portable music player users of many tradition are also at wait and see the condition. 但irelyer毕竟只是一款全新的电子产品,很多传统的便携式音乐播放器用户都还处于观望状态。 The implementation of hungry marketing, not only can long time maintain irelyer intense topic, making in this brand-new brand short-term intrinsic people hearts form the ingrained concept. Meanwhile, it can also stimulate all latent to wait and see the purchase desire of user thoroughly. In addition, the Amazon platform can also through this marketing plan, gain more current capacities and users in a short time, and opens the electricity business market outside books sale. Therefore, this plan it can be said that played the effect of answering multiple purpose. 饥饿营销的实施,不但可以长时间维持irelyer的强烈话题度,让这个全新的品牌短期内在人们心中形成根深蒂固的概念。同时,它也可以彻底激发所有潜在观望用户的购买欲。此外,亚马逊平台也可以通过这次营销方案,短时间内获取更多的流量和用户,并且打开图书销售以外的电商市场。因此,这份方案可以说是起到了一举多得的效果。 Throughout the afternoon, four people were discussing the detailed implementation of plan detail. End, Jeff Beizuosi suggested: Eric, I thought that three months were too as if short. In my opinion, even if three months later, irelyer as before will be at very long time the falling short of demand condition, why don't we lengthen this plan?” 整个下午,四个人都在讨论详细的方案实施细节。末了,杰夫・贝佐斯建议道:“艾瑞克,我觉得,三个月时间似乎太短了。在我看来,哪怕是三个月之后,irelyer依旧将处于很长一段时期的供不应求状态,我们为什么不延长这份方案呢?” Eric decisive shaking the head, he does not hope how live company the Firefly electron turned into one to leave the hungry marketing not to know should: This marketing plan, although effect is tangible, but cannot be the say|way of legitimate marketing, if has done such, definitely will cause the strong resentment of user. Therefore, our energy should place better producer research and development as well as the brand build. Even, if has not met at present this very advantageous turning point of exactly to irelyer and Amazon, I will not draw up this plan to come out.” 艾瑞克果断的摇头,他可不希望萤火虫电子变成一家离了饥饿营销就不知道该怎么活的公司:“这种营销方案虽然效果非常明显,但并不能算是正统的营销之道,如果一直这么做,肯定会引起用户的强烈反感。所以,我们的精力还是应该放在更好的产品研发以及品牌打造上。甚至,如果不是恰好遇到了眼前这个对irelyer和亚马逊都非常有利的契机,我根本不会拿出这份方案出来。” Discussed that all matters, the time is in the evening, but the Victor Maikenai three people too much have not stayed, hastily leaves Eath Hampton. 讨论完所有事情,时间已经是傍晚,但维克多・麦克奈利三人都没有过多停留,就匆匆离开东汉普顿 After kids lively birthday party, Eric also rushes to New York the next day, starts to establish the Marvel Studios detailed plan with the team discussion of Marvel Entertainment. 小家伙们热闹的生日派对之后,艾瑞克也在第二天赶往纽约,开始与漫威娱乐的团队讨论成立漫威影业的详细方案。 In Manhattan city, in Marvel Headquarters big conference room. 曼哈顿中城区,漫威总部的大会议室里。 All high-level today of Marvel Entertainment each department is assemble, even including founder Stan Li has caught up. 漫威娱乐各个部门的所有高层今天都齐聚一堂,甚至连创始人斯坦・李都赶了过来。 Marvel Entertainment CEO Avi Arad stands before the slide projector, was explaining the Marvel creativity department the Marvel Cinematic Universe story line that personally used for more than one year to form in one's mind. Eric has provided a simple draft according to the previous life memory at first, then carries on the content to fill by the Marvel creativity department, finally had today's result. 漫威娱乐eo阿维阿拉德站在幻灯机前,亲自讲解着漫威创意部门用了一年多时间构思的漫威电影宇宙故事线。艾瑞克最初根据前世的记忆提供了一份简单的草案,然后由漫威的创意部门进行内容填补,最终才有了今天的结果。 Because this time Marvel basically has taken back copyright of all core heroes, Captain America that even once refused to compromise continually at first also took carry back, therefore, the brand-new Marvel Cinematic Universe plan, be greater than the original space and time , the role will be also richer. 由于此时的漫威基本上已经收回了所有核心英雄的版权,甚至连最初一度僵持的美国队长也拿了回来,因此,全新的漫威电影宇宙计划,要比原时空中更加宏大,角色也将更加丰富。 The brand-new Marvel Cinematic Universe plan story line starts in The Avengers similarly, the entire universe that but the domain of story will expand afterward, takes various big events as the master line, uses six infinite gems as the concealed wiring, draws out the Milky Way convoy guard in turn as well as is similar to the infinite towerman teams of d seven lamp regiments finally. 全新的漫威电影宇宙计划故事线同样开始于复仇者联盟,但随后故事的版图将扩张的全宇宙,以各种大事件为主线,以六颗无限宝石为暗线,依次引出银河护卫队以及最终类似于d七灯军团的无限守望者团队。 Avi Arad has used for enough one -and-a-half hours, approximately spoke the overall idea. 阿维阿拉德用了足足一个半小时,才将整体构思大致讲完。 Sits in Eric nearby Stan Mr. Li in Avi in Arad illustration process, the expression has been excited, moves the big silver screen Superhero of Marvel almost can be said as in his life one of the most important desires. 坐在艾瑞克旁边的斯坦・李老爷子在阿维阿拉德的解说过程中,表情一直颇为激动,将漫威旗下的超级英雄搬上大银幕几乎可以说是他人生中最重要的愿望之一。 However, Avi Arad lecture, Stan Li Haishi has replied some calmly, some do not lack decide asked that Eric said: Eric, this plan is actually rousing, but, you did not think that wants to implement truly, was really too difficult? According to me the understanding Hollywood, whom Hollywood never has to guarantee the success of movie, let alone this related to the huge plans of dozens movies, so long as in the process presents 12 Box Office disastrous defeats the works, the entire plan will possibly be scrapped.” 不过,阿维阿拉德讲完,斯坦・李还是回复了些许冷静,有些不缺定地问艾瑞克道:“艾瑞克,这份方案却是让人兴奋,但是,你不觉得,想要真正实施,实在是太难了一些吗?根据我对好莱坞的了解,好莱坞可从来没有谁能够一直保证电影的成功,更何况这个涉及到几十部影片的庞大计划,只要过程中出现12部票房惨败的作品,整个计划很可能就会泡汤了。” The people heard Stan obviously Li's issue, peacefully looks to Eric, although they feel blood boiling to the huge idea of Marvel Cinematic Universe plan, but has similar worry similarly, after all, the wishes are usually good, the reality often exceptionally is also brutal. 众人显然都听到了斯坦・李的问题,也都安静地看向艾瑞克,他们虽然对漫威电影宇宙计划的庞大构思感到热血沸腾,但同样有着类似的担忧,毕竟,愿望通常都是美好的,现实也往往异常残酷。 Is feeling the vision of surroundings or the question or hope, Eric smiles to explain: My naturally also clear this issue, therefore, Marvel Studios in future a long time, personally will be responsible for by me, to guarantee that plans to implement in the process not to appear any, because the high-level opinion does not unify the execution issue that causes. Next, this plan described in detail that can be a cartoon serializing -type movie plan, this also means that the movie style in plan maintains roughly highly unified, several movies that so long as the plan started obtained the trade to succeed and are accepted by the audience, so long as the following movie did not change the style towering, the possibility of failure will be also low.” 感受着周围或疑问或希冀的目光,艾瑞克微笑着解释道:“我当然也清楚这种问题,所以,漫威影业在未来很长一段时间内,都将会由我个人亲自负责,以保证计划实施过程中不会出现任何由于高层意见不统一而造成的执行力问题。其次,这份计划详细形容起来,可以算是一个漫画连载式的电影计划,这也就意味着,计划中的影片风格会保持大体的高度统一,只要计划开始的几部影片获得商业成功并被观众接受,接下来的影片只要不突兀地改变风格,失败的可能性也将非常低。” The Eric voice falls, immediately also some people inquire: Mr. Williams, the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan is so huge, definitely needs to begin using different Director, each Director individual style has the different differences, this issue seems unable to be solved.” 艾瑞克话音落下,立刻就又有人提问道:“威廉姆斯先生,漫威电影宇宙计划如此庞大,肯定需要启用很多不同的导演,每个导演的个人风格都有着不同的差异,这个问题似乎根本无法解决。” We will not reject and famous Director cooperate, but the premise is these Director must adapt to the Marvel Films style, otherwise we rather do not cooperate, leeway that this point has not bargained back and forth. On the other hand, we as far as possible will also begin using potential good new person Director, because these people will treasure the opportunity, will be therefore easier to adapt to the Marvel Films style.” “我们并不会拒绝与大牌导演合作,但是前提是这些导演必须适应漫威电影的风格,否则我们宁肯不合作,这一点没有讨价还价的余地。另一方面,我们也会尽可能地启用潜力不错的新人导演,因为这些人会更珍惜机会,也因此会更容易适应漫威电影风格。” In the conference room resounds humming sound the discussion sound immediately, Eric also approximately can guess correctly the thoughts of people, but smiles is carrying front coffee to sip. 会议室里立刻响起了嗡嗡的议论声,艾瑞克也大致能够猜出众人的心思,只是微笑着端起面前的咖啡啜饮着。 Stan Li does not have the scruples of other people, first opens the mouth to ask: Eric, if uses new person massively, I thought that perhaps, should be very difficult to lay out splendid inundation to change the movie?” 斯坦・李却没有其他人的顾忌,首先开口问道:“艾瑞克,如果大量使用新人的话,我觉得,或许,应该很难拍出出色的漫改电影吧?” Eric does not evade, the nod said: Roughly, if according to the film critic standard, should be this.” 艾瑞克也不避讳,点头道:“大致上,如果按照影评人标准的话,应该是这样。” The people are also one talk in whispers. 众人又是一阵窃窃私语。 This time, Eric has not waited for them to ask that then said: First, everybody should be clear, all movies of Marvel Studios, should pursue only, is the success on commercial, other, such as the appraisal of film critic, the impression of core cartoon fan wait/etc., is immaterial. Only by doing so, the entire plan can implement smoothly. Meanwhile, in order to lets Marvel universe plan implement, we must sacrifice the multiplicity of movie style. Director, screenwriter, Actor or the producer, they can certainly have their style, but the individual styles of this all people, absolutely cannot dominate above the Marvel Films overall style. Said straightforward or brutal, in the Marvel universe plan, all Actor, screenwriter, Director wait/etc. literary and artistic workers, will be only a screw bolt in Marvel Cinematic Universe plan, a machine will unable to leave the screw bolt absolutely, but the screw bolt cannot attain the domination of this machine absolutely.” 这一次,艾瑞克没有等他们问出来,便说道:“首先,大家应该明确一点,漫威影业旗下的所有影片,唯一应该追求的,便是商业上的成功,其他的,诸如影评人的评价,核心漫画迷的观感等等,都是无关紧要的。也只有这样,整个计划才能顺利实行下去。同时,为了能够让漫威宇宙计划实行下去,我们也必须牺牲电影风格方面的多样性。无论是导演编剧演员还是制片人,他们当然都可以拥有自己的风格,但这所有人的个人风格,都绝对不能凌驾于漫威电影的整体风格之上。说得直白或者残酷一点,在漫威宇宙计划中,所有演员编剧导演等等创作人员,都将只是漫威电影宇宙计划中的一颗螺丝钉,一台机器是绝对离不开螺丝钉的,但螺丝钉也绝对不可以拿到这台机器的控制权。” When conference in silent moment, Stan Li said again: Eric, but if this......” 会议时里沉默了片刻,斯坦・李再次说道:“艾瑞克,但如果这样的话……” Eric has interrupted old gentleman's inquiry on own initiative, said: Stan, at present two choices, a choice is, to pursue the quality of movie, begins using us to think that the best manufacture team, Director Actor can display own talent heartily, we also as far as possible little limit them. In movie that but as a result, produces, part of meeting Box Office and reputation double harvest, part either obtains Box Office, either obtains the reputation, another part, Box Office and reputation disastrous defeat, this also will cause in pairs part of Superhero to be greatly popular, another part of Superhero were eliminated by the market, finally, the Marvel Cinematic Universe plan is also doomed unable the fact to get down again smoothly. But another choice, maintains the uniformity of Marvel Films overall style, perhaps we are unable to build the classical movie that can the film and television leave a good name, the possibility that but is defeated is also low, therefore can also guarantee the smooth implementation of Marvel Cinematic Universe plan. Two choices, Stan, which type will you choose?” 艾瑞克主动打断了老爷子的提问,道:“斯坦,眼前有两种选择,一种选择是,为了追求电影的品质,启用我们认为最好的制作团队,导演演员都可以尽情地发挥自己的才华,我们也尽可能少地对他们进行限制。但结果是,制作出来的影片中,一部分会票房和口碑双丰收,一部分要么获得票房,要么获得口碑,另外一部分,票房和口碑双双惨败,这也会导致一部分超级英雄大受欢迎,另外一部分超级英雄被市场淘汰,最终,漫威电影宇宙计划也注定无法再顺畅地事实下去。而另外一种选择,保持漫威电影整体风格的一致性,或许我们无法打造出可以影视留名的经典电影,但失败的可能性也非常低,因此也可以保证漫威电影宇宙计划的顺利实施。两种选择,斯坦,你会选择哪种?” Saying, Eric looks to all around all people, asked again: Which type will everybody choose?” 说着,艾瑞克又看向四周所有人,再次问道:“大家会选择哪一种?” Nobody replied, but answer also obviously. 没有人回答,但答案也不言自明。 Naturally, if some people opposed that Eric will not be naturally parsimonious leaving job compensatory payment. 当然,如果有人反对,艾瑞克自然也不会吝啬一份离职补偿金。 Discussed that this issue, Stan Li asked again: Eric, that cost what to do, as far as I know, the Hollywood sequel movie, little has the racket to over three volumes, this is mainly once because the movie obtains the success, will the Actor square be also getting higher and higher?” 讨论完这个问题,斯坦・李再次问道:“艾瑞克,那成本怎么办,据我所知,好莱坞的续集影片,很少有拍到三集以上的,这主要就是因为一旦电影取得成功,演员片场也会越来越高?” Eric realized that Stan Mr. Li has done obviously many preparatory work before this, therefore the issue is also quite accurate. 艾瑞克意识到斯坦・李老爷子显然此前就做了许多准备工作,因此问题也颇为精准。 But Eric similarly has also considered the issue in aspects, therefore replied quickly: „The Actor aspect, is similar to the selection of Director. We naturally cannot refuse to cooperate with superstar, but the premise is, they must be willing to sign the long-line contract, as for salary, so long as movie Box Office is splendid enough, we will not be parsimonious, but must decide plan that beforehand both sides can accept. However, I favor actually beginning using 23 potential Actor, Hollywood always not deficient performing skill splendid Actor, begins using the new person, we can also be easier to sign the pack contract, to superstar, Actor of signature pack contract will also reduce more uncertainty when the shoots sequel.” 艾瑞克也同样考虑过方方面面的问题,因此很快答道:“演员方面,与导演的选拔类似。我们自然不会拒绝与一线巨星合作,但前提是,他们必须愿意签署长线合约,至于片酬,只要影片票房足够出色,我们也不会吝啬,但也必须事先商定双方都能够接受的方案。不过,我其实更倾向于启用23线的潜力演员,好莱坞从来都不缺乏演技出色的演员的,启用新人,我们也可以更容易签署打包合约,相对于一线巨星,签署打包合约的演员拍摄续集时也会减少更多不确定性。” Eric said that in the people heart once more raises doubts. 艾瑞克说完,众人心中不由再次升起一阵疑惑。 Director uses the new person, Actor with 23, that does Marvel Cinematic Universe, what future have really? 导演用新人,演员用23线的,那,漫威电影宇宙,真的还有什么前途吗? Eric also quick realized that from the people expression this mood, said with a smile: I know your worry, but, a success of movie, Director and Actor whether is the major suit or superstar, actually is not most important. Words that does not believe that you can recall the Hollywood movie history, did not say is too long, even if the recent ten years, Hollywood new person Director or nameless Actor create Box Office or the movie of reputation classics are too numerous to cite individually, for example «Beverly Hills Cop» and «Three Men and a Baby» and «Lethal Weapon» and «Ghostbusters» and «Bad Boys» and «The Matrix» wait/etc., these once occupied the Box Office ranking front row movie series, initial Director and Actor are actually not that famous. In turn, Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Kevin Costner these salary soaring superstar, actually repeatedly manufacture to sell the big project that Film Studio loss in recent years.” 艾瑞克也很快从众人表情中体会到了这种情绪,笑着说道:“我知道你们的担忧,但是,一部电影的成功,导演演员是否是大牌或者巨星,其实从来都不是最重要的。不信的话,你们可以回忆一下好莱坞的电影史,不说太久,哪怕是最近十年,好莱坞新人导演或者无名演员创造票房或者口碑经典的影片都不胜枚举,比如《比弗利山警探》、《三个奶爸一个娃》、《致命武器》、《捉鬼敢死队》、《绝地战警》、《黑客帝国》等等,这些曾经占据票房排行榜前列的电影系列,最初的导演演员其实都不是那么出名。反过来,施瓦辛格史泰龙凯文科斯特纳这些片酬高昂的一线巨星,最近几年却频频制作出让电影公司血本无归的大项目。” Eric said that in the conference room the expressions of many person relaxed. 艾瑞克说完,会议室里不少人的表情都放松了下来。 Eric explained doubts in people heart, sees everybody no longer to inquire, then opens front memorandum, said: Now, discussed that I make some revisions of plan to suggest regarding you, first, I had said before this, «X-Men» will strip alone, becomes small Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I saw many X-Men roles in this plan, this point must revise......” 艾瑞克解释了一番众人心中的疑惑,见大家不再提问,便翻开面前的备忘录,道:“现在,讨论一下我对于你们做出方案的一些修改建议,首先,我此前就已经说过,《战警》将单独剥离出来,成为一个小型的漫威电影宇宙,但我在这份方案中还是看到了过多的战警角色,这一点必须修改……” The conference continues, only discussed to the sun set few subjects, following one week, everybody will continue to discuss various details, therefore, Eric does not worry, after getting off work, but also invited Stan specially Li had the supper in the nearby dining room together, listened to the old gentleman to make a suggestion in big pile of movie alone. 会议继续进行,一直到日暮也只讨论了少量的议题,接下来一周,大家都会继续讨论各种细节,因此,艾瑞克也不着急,下班之后,还特意邀请斯坦・李一起在附近餐厅共进晚餐,单独听老爷子提了一大堆电影方面的建议。 In the evening nine o'clock, deliver Stan Li Likai, on Eric own private car, arrived around outside the building of Madison main road close to Central Park. 晚上九点钟,送斯坦・李离开,艾瑞克上了自己的座驾,一路来到麦迪逊大道临近中央公园附近的一栋大厦外。 Takes out the assistant to prepare a good birthday cake from the car(riage) and sets upright the fresh flower, Eric enters the building, rides the elevator to arrive at top layer one set of multiple mansion. 从车里取出助理准备好的一个生日蛋糕和一竖鲜花,艾瑞克进入大厦,乘坐电梯来到顶层的一套复式豪宅。 Here is Eric is Gisele and Alessandra arrangement dwelling, his these years purchased the massive mansion properties in New York and Los Angeles, live besides several, hand over under a mansion by name to rent the company to handle majority, store of value can also earn the rent. At this time Gisele and Alessandra live is one set, last year after they collected, Eric then conveniently gives them one bunch of keys, the mansion has been located in Madison main road building top layer, although was away from a block, but can see Central Park similarly, the field of vision was good.( To be continued.) 这里是艾瑞克吉赛尔亚历山大安排的住处,他这些年在纽约洛杉矶都购置了大量的豪宅物业,除了几处自己居住外,大部分都交由名下的一家豪宅租赁公司打理,保值的同时也可以赚取租金。吉赛尔亚历山大此时居住的便是其中一套,去年将两人收集起来后,艾瑞克便随手给了她们一串钥匙,豪宅位于麦迪逊大道这栋大厦顶层上,虽然隔着一个街区,但同样可以看到中央公园,视野非常不错。(未完待续。)
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