IAIH :: Volume #9

#848: Hungry marketing

Chapter 848 第848章 Waits to hug Kevin the form of Eric and two vanishes in the staircase corner, Joanna goes forward the small hand who holds on the daughter, said with a smile: Was good, the treasure, Papa must be busy at the proper business. You with going to ask that major collection of problems, will compel him insanely. Aren't we had a look at your birthday cake to complete together good, went to a supermarket while convenient again?” 等抱着凯文艾瑞克和其他两人的身影消失在楼梯拐角,乔安娜上前拉住女儿的小手,笑道:“好了,宝贝,爸爸要忙正事呢。你跟进去问一大堆问题,会把他逼疯的。我们一起去看看你的生日蛋糕做好了没有好不好,顺便再去一趟超级市场?” The little girls as if had forgotten in an instant just by the matter that the father rejected, in the expression not slightly depressed, was actually not interested in mother's proposition, raises the small face, said: Mama, can I watch television?” 小女孩转眼间似乎就已经忘记了刚刚被父亲拒绝的事情,语气里没有丝毫沮丧,却也对母亲的提议不感兴趣,扬起小脸,道:“妈妈,我可以看电视吗?” Joanna shakes the head saying: „Not good Oh, the television can only the evening look.” 乔安娜摇头道:“不行,电视只能晚上看。” The little girls felt somewhat bored, the amenable mother's meaning, Virginia will tidy up just several people of coffee cups to walk from the kitchen, listened to the Joanna words, said: I go, you bring Xiaxia not to be convenient, you waited for that Jeff Mr. Beizuosi to come to be OK at home.” 小女孩感觉有些无聊,正要顺从母亲的意思,维吉尼娅收拾好刚刚几人的咖啡杯从厨房走出来,听了乔安娜的话,道:“还是我去吧,你带着夏夏不方便,你在家里等那位杰夫贝佐斯先生过来就可以了。” Joanna did not insist that delivers Virginia and a maid drives to leave, leading the daughter to take a walk in the lawn of front courtyard. 乔安娜也不坚持,送维吉尼娅和一个女佣开车离开,带着女儿在前院的草坪上散步。 Crossed probably for more than ten minutes, another black car drives into the manor. 大概过了十多分钟,又一辆黑色轿车驶入庄园。 Jeff Beizuosi got out, saw that an appearance quiet and refined nous woman draws a little girl to walk. 杰夫贝佐斯下了车,看到一个样貌娴静知性的女人拉着一个小女孩走过来。 Although Joanna these years live in retirement, when with shoots Twister, the appearance almost did not have any change, Jeff Beizuosi eyes to recognize her identity, and guessed that a face sized up the status of own little girl curiously. 乔安娜这些年虽然息影,但与拍摄龙卷风时,样貌几乎没有任何改变,杰夫贝佐斯一眼就认出了她的身份,并猜测出一脸好奇地打量自己的小女孩的身份。 Just right smiles is putting out a hand toward Joanna, Jeff Bezou Sidong: Hello, Ms. Pacula, I am Jeff Beizuosi, is Mr. Williams makes me come.” 恰到好处地微笑着朝乔安娜伸出手,杰夫贝佐斯道:“你好,帕库拉女士,我是杰夫贝佐斯,是威廉姆斯先生让我过来的。” Hello, called me Joan on the line,” Joanna and opposite party have grasped starting, said with a smile: Eric was discussing the matter with another two gentlemen, please come with me.” “你好,叫我就行,”乔安娜与对方握了下手,微笑道:“艾瑞克正在和另外两位先生谈事情,请跟我来吧。” Three people enter the villa living room together, Joanna help Jeff Beizuosi carry one coffee personally, said: You wait a bit, I have a look.” 三人一起走进别墅客厅,乔安娜亲自帮杰夫贝佐斯端上一杯咖啡,说道:“您稍等,我上去看看。” Oh, thanks,” sits Jeff Beizuosi on sofa sets out slightly, looks at Joanna to leave, once more sits, immediately feels the curious vision that side on the sofa in the little girl attractive eyes of shows once more. ,谢谢,”坐在沙发上的杰夫贝佐斯微微起身,看着乔安娜离开,才再次坐下来,随即再次感受到旁边沙发上小女孩漂亮的眼睛里透出的好奇目光。 With Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson these days excited and busy different, because sale of firelyer in Amazon platform attains greatly successfully, Jeff Beizuosi first thinks exploits the victory, he has not introduced other more commodities eagerly, but is the plan uses to sell firelyer this model of irritable product the opportunity, further expands Amazon in the electronic commerce domain influence. He even ambitiously to Victor Maikenai proposed for this reason cancels the entity sale to make Amazon firelyer the plan of only retail merchant, what a pity directly was rejected. 与维克多麦克奈利和比尔奥尔森这些日子的兴奋与忙碌不同,由于firelyer在亚马逊平台上的销售大获成功,杰夫贝佐斯第一时间想到的就是扩大战果,他并没有急于引进更多的其他商品,而是计划利用销售firelyer这款火爆产品的机会,进一步扩大亚马逊在电子商务领域的影响力。他为此甚至野心勃勃地向维克多麦克奈利提出取消实体销售让亚马逊成为firelyer的唯一零售商的方案,可惜被直接拒绝了。 Eric in informing him makes in the New York call what, although has not informed his so-called, but Jeff Beizuosi has not given up this thought as before, even if unable to realize the monopoly source of goods finally, he also hopes that Amazon can sell the share, because the firelyer current capacity is unable to satisfy the market demand by far, this is actually therefore and Firefly electron cooperation demand of retail merchant's. 艾瑞克在通知他来纽约的电话里虽然没有告知他所谓何事,但杰夫贝佐斯依旧没有放弃这个念头,即使最终无法实现垄断货源,他也希望亚马逊能够更多销售份额,由于firelyer目前的产能远远无法满足市场需求,这其实是所以与萤火虫电子合作的零售商的诉求。 Very much how Jeff Beizuosi wants well to ponder over then to persuade Eric to support again to Amazon, but at present this little girl that clear and bright pupil, as well as implication as if can the look that the person sees through, making him feel that is not comfortable, the thoughts are unable to concentrate. Even if before establishing Amazon, Jeff Beizuosi then at age 25 then became bank trust company youngest Vice Chairman, it may be said that was the absolute elite class, therefore, he discovered that he many years had not presented this little girl to take to his feeling at present. 杰夫贝佐斯很想再临阵好好琢磨一下接下来该如何劝说艾瑞克亚马逊更多支持,但眼前这个小女孩那清亮而明澈的眸子,以及其中蕴含的似乎能够将人看穿的眼神,让他感觉非常不自在,心思也根本无法集中。哪怕成立亚马逊之前,杰夫贝佐斯便在25岁时便成为一家银行信托公司最年轻的副总裁,可谓是绝对的精英阶层,因此,他发现自己已经很多年没有出现过眼前这个小女孩带给他的感觉了。 Jeff Beizuosi is never a custom passive person, he relaxes, will say with the little girl several words, the little girl winked the attractive eye, the driving start to talk, asked: Besides English, what language you will also speak?” 杰夫贝佐斯从来不是一个习惯被动的人,他直起腰,正要开口与小女孩说几句话,小女孩眨了眨漂亮的眼睛,却主动开口,问道:“除了英语,你还会说什么语言?” Although the voice of little girl is leading child unique light tender, the expression actually does not reveal the naivete, does not have any same age child facing timid of stranger. 小女孩的声音虽然带着孩童特有的轻嫩,语气却丝毫不显稚气,更没有任何同龄孩子面对陌生人的胆怯。 Jeff Beizuosi feels is stranger, facing the little girl waited for the look that he answered, Jeff Beizuosi even thought that if not speak other languages at this time, then definitely will be disregarded by the little girl, he subconscious does not want to be disregarded by a little girl, but this passive state was makes him feel does not adapt, therefore he decided the initiative definitely, received the expression, said: Hey, the kid, can this politeness, you not tell me really your name?” 杰夫贝佐斯感觉更加诡异,面对小女孩等待他答的眼神,杰夫贝佐斯甚至觉得,如果自己此时不会说其他语言,接下来肯定会被小女孩无视,他下意识不想被一个小女孩无视,而这种被动局面更是让他感觉不适应,于是他决定夺主动权,收起表情,道:“嘿,小家伙,这可真不礼貌,你还没有告诉我你的名字呢?” Hawaii Williams,” little girl blinked, replies. 夏威夷威廉姆斯,”小女孩眨了眨眼睛,答道。 Jeff Beizuosi has pulled the corners of the mouth, actually because of Hawaii this as if some names of acting unreasonably. Rather, he actually feels from the little girl expression that the kid could see obviously he was just was being coquettish, moreover thought otherwise very much. 杰夫贝佐斯扯了扯嘴角,倒不是因为夏威夷这个似乎有些乱来的名字。而是,他竟然从小女孩表情里感觉到,小家伙明显看得出他刚刚是在故作姿态,而且很是不以为然。 Jeff Beizuosi tries hard to convince oneself is the illusion, then continues saying: Good, Hawaii, why you must ask my just question.” 杰夫贝佐斯努力说服自己一切都是幻觉,然后继续道:“好吧,夏威夷,你为什么要问我刚刚的问题。” Mama speaks Polish and Russian, Aunt Vicky speaks Spanish, Natasha and Nija can Russian, Drew be a fool, will not say except for English anything that mentioned Drew, the little girl knit the brows gently, the expression are finally many for several points to change, continued saying: Mama said that Papa speaks Chinese, that is in the world the language that is difficult to study, what a pity he is not willing to teach me. Aunt Vicky invited a French teacher to Kevin, the number syntax of French is very interesting, what a pity couple days ago she had been driven away by Papa, Papa said that Kevin does not need to study these many things, actually Kevin is not stupid, he knows, so long as depends side Papa, Aunt Vicky will not compel him to study the thing.” 妈妈会波兰语和俄语,维姬阿姨会西班牙语,娜塔莎和伊芙戈恩尼娅会俄语,德鲁是笨蛋,除了英语什么都不会说,”提到德鲁,小女孩轻轻皱了皱眉,表情终于多了几分变化,继续道:“妈妈爸爸会汉语,那是世界上最难学的语言,可惜他不愿意教我。维姬阿姨给凯文请了一个法语教师,法语的数字语法很有意思,可惜前几天她被爸爸赶走了,爸爸凯文不需要学习这么多东西,其实凯文一点都不笨,他知道只要赖在爸爸身边,维姬阿姨就不会逼他学东西了。” The little girl language is fast, the thought also quite bracelet, blah blah said that then continues to stare at Jeff Beizuosi: You?” 小女孩语速很快,思维也颇为跳脱,巴拉巴拉说完,然后继续盯着杰夫贝佐斯:“你呢?” Volume, I,” Jeff Beizuosi have hesitated, said: I can a Spanish.” “额,我,”杰夫贝佐斯迟疑了下,道:“我会一点西班牙语。” The little girls have cut the language immediately, asked in Spanish: Oh, what are you make to work?” 小女孩立刻切换了语言,用西班牙语问道:“,那你是做什么工作的?” Little girl's Spanish pronunciation is not quite standard, but the sentence is quite smooth, Jeff Beizuosi estimated that this should be the teacher himself ability issue of teacher obviously. But what makes him more surprised is, since the little girl can cut Spanish smoothly, she also does speak other how many languages that just enumerated? 小女孩的西班牙语发音不太标准,但语句颇为流畅,杰夫贝佐斯估计,这明显应该是教习的老师本身能力问题。但让他更惊讶的是,既然小女孩能够流畅地切换到西班牙语,难道,她还会自己刚刚列举的另外几种语言? Jeff Beizuosi can Spanish be to stem from the home environment, his stepfather came from Cuba, the commonly used language of that country is Spanish. But in addition, Jeff Beizuosi during college has still taken as an elective French. Therefore he probes is replying in French: I am a merchant, now is operating to sell the thing through the Internet the website.” 杰夫贝佐斯会西班牙语是源于家庭环境,他的继父来自古巴,那个国家的通用语是西班牙语。但此外,杰夫贝佐斯还在大学时选修过法语。于是他试探着用法语答道:“我是一个商人,现在正在运营一家通过互联网卖东西的网站。” Oh, I have seen the introduction on the television, what a pity Papa does not make me touch the computer before 12 years old, I and he bargained back and forth 6 years old,” little girl has really understood, even cut French without a hitch, moreover pronounced was obviously standard than just that Spanish, then also asked: That, sells thing through the network, what has with the supermarket not same?” ,我在电视上看到过介绍呢,可惜爸爸不让我在12岁之前碰电脑,我和他讨价还价到了6岁,”小女孩果然听懂了,甚至毫无障碍地切换到了法语,而且发音明显比刚刚那句西班牙语标准许多,然后又问道:“那,通过网络卖东西,和超级市场有什么不一样的吗?” This issue was a little obviously big . Moreover, Jeff Beizuosi knew that by oneself that French foundation of basic skills, cannot explain. In his subconscious already no longer present little girl, when the tiny tot treats, had not realized that the little girl unknowingly has been controlling this dialog initiative. 这个问题明显有点大了,而且,杰夫贝佐斯自知以自己那点法语功底,更是解释不上来。他潜意识里已经不再将眼前的小女孩当小不点对待,更没有意识到小女孩一直不知不觉地控制着这场对话的主动权。 Frowns slightly, Jeff Beizuosi weak how ponders over should express, Joanna from the building, noted here situation, immediately understood anything, in the expression is bringing some reluctantly, has obvious favoring to drown, walks to touch daughter's small head, is sorry to say to Jeff Beizuosi: Sorry, did Mr. Beizuosi, Xiaxia disturb you?” 微微蹙眉,杰夫贝佐斯正犹豫不定的琢磨着该怎么措辞,乔安娜已经从楼上下来,注意到这边的情形,立刻就明白了什么,表情中带着些许无奈,又有着明显的宠溺,走过来摸了摸女儿的小脑袋,对杰夫贝佐斯抱歉道:“对不起,贝佐斯先生,夏夏是不是打扰到你了?” The appearance of Joanna, breaks some that little girl unknowingly has built to control the field atmosphere, Jeff Beizuosi also immediately sobers, somewhat surprisedly has sized up Hawaii several, he does not have to think one one day will look like by one most will have five -year-old little girl to control the dialog rhythm, he does not know that he has overestimated the age of little girl. 乔安娜的出现,打破了小女孩不知不觉地营造出的某种控场氛围,杰夫贝佐斯也立刻清醒过来,有些惊疑地打量了夏威夷几眼,他没想到自己有一天会被一个看起来最多只有五岁的小女孩掌控了对话节奏,他更不知道,自己还是高估了小女孩的年龄。 Although feels somewhat strangely, Jeff Beizuosi quickly shakes the head, said with a smile: Naturally, Ms. Pacula, the Xiaxia summer is not very intelligent.” 虽然感觉有些怪异,杰夫贝佐斯还是很快摇头,微笑道:“当然不,帕库拉女士,夏夏夏很聪明。” Joanna smiles, said: Eric with was similar, he who two gentlemen discussed said that you can come up, the study room the corridor end that turned right in the building.” 乔安娜笑笑,道:“艾瑞克已经与两位先生谈的差不多了,他说您可以上去,书房就在楼上右转的走廊尽头。” Jeff Beizuosi nods, sets out to move toward staircase, the halfway cannot bear the place look at a living room. Hawaii has gathered near the Joanna ear, mother and daughter were whispering affectionate anything, Jeff Beizuosi subconscious some want to know that the little girl to her appraisal was anything, but quick self-ridiculed shakes the head, how secret passage today this was. 杰夫贝佐斯点点头,起身走向楼梯,半路还是忍不住地头看了眼客厅。夏威夷已经凑到乔安娜耳边,母女俩亲昵地低语着什么,杰夫贝佐斯下意识有些想知道小女孩对自己的评价是什么,但很快又自嘲地摇摇头,暗道自己今天这是怎么了。 Knocked on a door, enters two building studios, Jeff Beizuosi and Eric shook hand separately, sits down on the sofa of study room corner, the line of sight also fell on the Eric young boy. 敲了敲门,走进二楼书房,杰夫贝佐斯与艾瑞克三人分别握了握手,就在书房角落的沙发上坐下,视线也不由地落在了艾瑞克身旁的小男孩身上。 The kids look like do not have any specially, to manipulate in the hand but actually peacefully the Lego toy, sees him to arrive, but also has depended toward the father side, this makes Jeff Beizuosi relax secretly. 小家伙看起来倒没有任何特别,安安静静地摆弄着手中乐高玩具,看到他到来,还朝父亲身边靠了靠,这让杰夫贝佐斯暗暗松了一口气。 All were also as if normal. 一切似乎又正常起来了。 Eric has not noted the Jeff Beizuosi look, from the tea table in one pack of documents picks up one, gives him saying: Jeff, you have a look at this plan first.” 艾瑞克没有注意到杰夫贝佐斯的眼神,从茶几上一叠文件中挑出一份,递给他道:“杰夫,你先看看这份方案。” Jeff Beizuosi nods, opens the folder, in the title page prints two words, hungry marketing. 杰夫贝佐斯点点头,翻开文件夹,封面上打印着两个单词,饥饿营销。 Moreover one side, in Eric is turning another document, continued just topic, said to Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson: „Like the Firefly electron, Nokia also experienced the supply chain to be on the verge of the collapse in 1995 the crisis, but they have handled this crisis splendidly, and surpassed Motorola last year, the success reaching digit cell phone sales volume first position. Your is responsible for researching and developing, a responsible marketing, does not have enough experience in supply chain. Therefore, I passed with the Jorma Ollila ditch, that side will send special purchase unit vice- Manager to hold the post of the Firefly electron Vice Chairman, specifically is responsible for the construction of supply chain. The Firefly electron expands the firelyer capacity to, the plan that but you give is actually the complete mess, blindly expands the production completely. Therefore, after the opposite party hurries to San Francisco, I give you three months, in three months, to guarantee the firelyer product quality, the monthly output only needs to maintain at 1 50,000 stage as before, but three months later, I hope that saw the firelyer capacity turns time.” 另外一边,艾瑞克手里翻着另外一份文件,继续起刚刚的话题,对维克多麦克奈利和比尔奥尔森道:“和萤火虫电子一样,诺基亚在1995年也经历了供应链濒临崩溃的危机,但他们非常出色地处理了这场危机,并且在去年超过摩托罗拉,成功登顶数字手机销量第一的位置。你们两个一个负责研发,一个负责营销,在供应链方面都没有足够的经验。所以,我已经和约玛奥利拉沟通过,那边会派一个专门的采购部副经理担任萤火虫电子的副总裁,专门负责供应链的建设。萤火虫电子扩大firelyer的产能是必须的,但是你们给出的方案其实就是一团糟,完全只是盲目地扩大生产。所以,等对方赶去旧金山之后,我给你们三个月时间,三个月内,为了保证firelyer的产品质量,月产量依旧只需要维持在15万台,但三个月后,我希望看到firelyer的产能翻倍。” Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson looked at each other one, Bill Olsson said: Eric, the firelyer capacity should be the slow promotion, is impossible to get it done in one action.” 维克多麦克奈利和比尔奥尔森对视了一眼,比尔奥尔森道:“艾瑞克,firelyer的产能应该是缓慢提升的,不可能一蹴而就。” Naturally, therefore I have given you three months,” Eric said: Within three months, I do not need to see the output promotion of firelyer, because I have other arrangements, you only need to construct the new factory as well as the relation supplier relieved, even if has realized the production ahead of time, each month quantity of delivery also can only maintain at 1 50,000 stage. But three months later, I must see the result that I hope. You know why I separate firelyer and Yahoo music store, if you cannot complete, I will be authorized Nokia to produce the MP3 player.” “当然,所以我给了你们三个月时间,”艾瑞克道:“三个月之内,我不需要看到firelyer的产量提升,因为我有其他安排,你们只需要安心建造新厂以及联系供货商,即使提前实现了生产,每月的出货量也只能维持在15万台。但三个月之后,我要看到我希望的结果。你们知道我为什么会将firelyer和雅虎音乐商店分离,如果你们完不成,我会授权诺基亚生产mp3播放器。” Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson are one cold, Nokia is formidable they naturally is knows that the Firefly electron has given the complete set patent of MP3 player to the opposite party before this, but, the contractual requirement, Nokia can only research and develop and produce the MP3 cell phone, can not involve the pure MP3 player product. 维克多麦克奈利和比尔奥尔森都是一凛,诺基亚的强大他们自然是知道的,萤火虫电子此前就已经将mp3播放器的全套专利转让给了对方,只不过,合约规定,诺基亚只能研发并生产mp3手机,不得涉及单纯的mp3播放器产品。 But if Eric let loose this to limit again, the Firefly electron will be very difficult to compare with Nokia, will degenerate finally possibly into the pure technical research and development department. 但如果艾瑞克放开了这重限制,萤火虫电子将很难与诺基亚相比,甚至最终可能会沦为单纯的技术研发部门。 Eric has given Firefly electron enough support, Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson also know that Eric these words have not cracked a joke completely, if they cannot complete, all brilliance prospects in tentative plan will vanish into thin air. 艾瑞克已经给了萤火虫电子足够的支持,维克多麦克奈利和比尔奥尔森也知道,艾瑞克这番话完全没有开玩笑,如果他们做不好,原本设想中的一切光辉前景都将烟消云散。 Has not bargained back and forth again, Bill Olsson said on own initiative: Eric, we will make contribution.” 没有再讨价还价,比尔奥尔森主动道:“艾瑞克,我们会尽力的。” Victor Maikenai also nods. 维克多麦克奈利也点点头。 Eric smiled, just serious expression dissipated gradually, said: That, we now discuss and Amazon cooperation plan.” 艾瑞克笑了笑,刚刚的严肃表情逐渐消散,道:“那么,我们现在讨论一下与亚马逊的合作方案吧。” Saying, Eric will have given two people with the Jeff Beizuosi similar two documents, said: Reason that I give you three months, to advance this plan.” 说着,艾瑞克将与杰夫贝佐斯相似的两份文件递给了二人,道:“我之所以给你们三个月时间,就是为了推进这份方案。” Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson just opened shortly, looked rapidly Jeff Beizuosi who material excitedly said: Was too splendid, Eric, this simply is the conception of talent.” 维克多麦克奈利和比尔奥尔森刚刚翻开没多久,已经迅速看完资料的杰夫贝佐斯就兴奋地说道:“太精彩了,艾瑞克,这简直就是天才的构想。” Eric nods with a smile, said: Naturally, I also think.” 艾瑞克笑着点点头,道:“当然,我也这么认为。” The plan in Jeff Beizuosi hand, naturally is the previous life famous hungry marketing, this marketing plan can maximum limit stimulate the potential buyer's expense **, and long time maintains the product topic heat degree.( To be continued.) 杰夫贝佐斯手中的方案,自然是前世大名鼎鼎的饥饿营销,这种营销方案可以最大限度地刺激潜在购买者的消费**并且长时间地保持产品话题热度,。(未完待续。) : Visit website :访问网站
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