IAIH :: Volume #9

#847: Papa bias

Received Bill the microphone that Olsson handed over, Eric has not sat on that chair, this operational arrangement stemmed from his expectation completely, he also understands that this should be Bill Olsson several hope that he can stay a while on the stage. 接过比尔・奥尔森递过来的麦克风,艾瑞克并没有坐在那张椅子上,这个细节安排完全出乎他的预料,他也明白,这应该是比尔・奥尔森几个希望他能在台上多停留一会儿。 Similar to Bill Olsson such, patted the racket on that simple folding back chair chairback, Eric looked to the stage, looks at first several rows of these, regardless of previous life or character of this life incomparable ray sparkle, at this time slightly gained ground to look up to itself, associated to rebirth these years experiences, in the Eric heart gives birth to an unprecedented smugness, since recently tople days these inexplicable mood also suddenly swept away. 如同比尔・奥尔森那样,在那张简易的折叠靠背椅椅背上拍了拍,艾瑞克望向台下,看着前几排那些无论前世还是今生都无比光芒闪耀的人物,此时都微微抬头仰望着自己,联想到重生这些年的一幕幕经历,艾瑞克心中生出一股前所未有的踌躇满志,最近这些日子以来那些莫名的情绪也突然一扫而空。 When under the stage is thoroughly peaceful, Eric one is hand-held the chairback, said: I think that all people see a chair, perhaps the first response must sit, when especially you realized, this chair is your position time. However, the following several minutes, I must be restrained the thought of sitting by myself, I also hope one can restrain all similar thoughts in the future constantly. Once because sits, we will often start to pursue easily and comfortably, loses the advance the driving force.” 待台下彻底安静下来,艾瑞克一手扶着椅背,说道:“我想,所有人看到一张椅子,或许第一反应就是要坐下来,特别是当你意识到,这张椅子就是你的位置的时候。不过,接下来几分钟,我必须让自己克制住坐下来的念头,我也希望自己在未来的日子里能始终如一地克制住一切类似的念头。因为一旦坐下来,我们往往就会开始追求安逸,失去前进的动力。” In the field many people do not understand why Eric will say these words suddenly, some media reporters present will even treat as specially the show of arrangement, therefore, the Eric voice falls, in the field breaks out a not too warm smalltalk applause. 场内很多人不明白艾瑞克为什么会突然说出这番话,有些媒体记者甚至将眼前的这一幕当做特意安排的作秀,因此,艾瑞克话音落下,场内只是响起一阵并不算太热烈的客套掌声。 The smile on Eric face has not changed slightly , to continue saying: Many people definitely do not understand why I will say these suddenly, I have not arrived to everybody to instill into the life philosophy the age. Actually, this is only exploding not without reason suddenly, at present this chair should not appear in this stage, like the original plan, I now should not stand is here same. All these before the change that two hours make in a hurry, exactly had anything, several hundred media reporter friends who I want to present before today's Sun sets, can unearth all inside stories. Reason that everybody today will gather here, explained that you can definitely see irelyer as well as the peak change of Yahoo music store to entire phonograph record profession, but clearly, these have built their chair and start to enjoy the easy and comfortable people not to hope to see this change, therefore, their almost Basic Instinct does everything possible to delay even prevents this change.” 艾瑞克脸上的微笑丝毫没有变化,继续道:“很多人肯定不明白我为什么会突然说这些,我也没有到达可以向大家灌输人生哲理的年龄。其实,这只是突然之间的有感而发,眼前这张椅子本不该出现在这个舞台上,就像原计划中,我现在也不应该站在这里一样。这一切都是在两个小时以前匆匆做出的改变,到底发生了什么,我想在场的数百位媒体记者朋友们在今天太阳落山之前,就能挖掘出一切的内幕。大家今天之所以会聚集在这里,说明你们肯定能够看到irelyer以及雅虎音乐商店对整个唱片行业的巅峰性改变,但很明显,那些已经打造出了自己的椅子并开始享受安逸的人们并不希望看到这种改变,所以,他们几乎本能地想方设法拖延甚至阻止这种改变。” The Eric voice falls, in the banquet hall has resounded humming sound the discussion sound immediately, the crazy magnesium lamp shines once more, some anxious reporters even started to dial the cell phone. 艾瑞克话音落下,宴会厅内顿时响起了嗡嗡的议论声,疯狂的镁光灯再次亮起,一些急切的记者甚至已经开始拨通手机。 Before Eric clearly several hours , the sudden matter disclosed that will add some besides the punitive expedition of media to the opposite party, will not have any substantive effect to Sony, but this was also only a small counter-attack of irrelevanting, he continued to say quickly: Actually, in the age of this technical big eruption, all enterprise managers should have a consciousness, was substituted by others with it, was inferior one replace itself. I acknowledged that the traditional portable music player is splendid, they also gave our life to bring too many pleasure. However, this cannot become the reason that refuses to change, the progress of innovation and technology of science and technology is the general trend of entire time, now I can say very much proudly irelyer is a model of subversive innovative product, but, I was anticipating as before can replace the irelyer product to appear, what I hope to create this product is the enterprise in Firefly system. Is defending before these chair the solid step not person, I will not persuade even to implore you to make the change absolutely, I will tear down your chair completely, destroys your side all bottles of cans of while convenient, making you not have a thing in the world!” 艾瑞克清楚将几个小时前突然发生的事情透露出去,除了媒体的讨伐会给对方添一些堵外,并不会对索尼造成什么实质性影响,但这也只是一个无关痛痒的小小回击,他很快继续说道:“其实,在这个科技大爆发的年代,所有企业管理者都应该有一种觉悟,与其被别人替代,不如自己代替自己。我承认,传统的便携式音乐播放器都非常出色,它们也给我们的生活带来了太多乐趣。但是,这并不能成为拒绝改变的理由,科技的创新和技术的进步是整个时代的大趋势,现在我可以很自豪地说irelyer是一款颠覆性的创新产品,但是,我依旧期待着能够代替irelyer的产品出现,我更希望创造出这种产品的是萤火虫体系内的企业。至于那些守着自己‘椅子’固步不前的人,我绝对不会去劝说甚至祈求你们做出改变,我会把你们的‘椅子’全部拆掉,顺便打碎你们身边一切瓶瓶罐罐,让你们一无所有!” The manifesto that Eric last swift and fierce and makes widely known makes in the field all people fall into short shocking and silence, immediately, during the banquet hall has resounded the entire release conference, most warm applause and cheering. The westerners generally advocate free and make widely known, anticipated that under can break the authority, in the Eric these words exactly stamp the centers of excitation of many person, the applause and cheers continues for one minute, Eric has been able to continue a link. 艾瑞克最后一番凌厉而张扬的宣言让场内所有人都陷入短暂的震惊与沉默,随即,宴会厅内就响起了整场发布会期间最为热烈的掌声和欢呼。西方人普遍崇尚自由和张扬,期待能够打破权威,艾瑞克的这番话恰好戳中了很多人的兴奋点,掌声和欢呼声持续了一分多钟,艾瑞克才得以继续下个环节。 after the irelyer release conference had ended, started from the same day evening news, afterward several days, the media striking page layout of North America and even world presented Eric to stand the speech picture by that seat back cushion fold chair, about tearing down chair the manifesto also became at this release conference most lets the person blood boiling manifesto. irelyer发布会结束后,从当天的晚报开始,后来的几天,北美乃至世界各地的媒体醒目版面都出现了艾瑞克站在那张靠背折叠椅旁的演讲照片,关于拆掉‘椅子’的宣言也成为这场发布会上最让人热血沸腾的宣言。 However, although the media and public are generally having the intense anticipation to irelyer, but also has the person to pour cold water. 不过,虽然媒体和公众对irelyer普遍带着强烈的期待,但也不是没有人泼冷水。 The media are also similar to such that Eric said that in the release conference later same day, unearths Celine Dion to receive the Sony phonograph record the pressure to cancel temporarily in the information that the irelyer release conference performed. 媒体也如同艾瑞克说的那样,在发布会之后的当天,就挖掘出了席琳・迪翁临时受到索尼唱片的压力取消在irelyer发布会表演的信息。 Was besieged and pursued Sony United States subsidiary company CEO Howard that blocks off by the reporter Stringer indicated that the d optical disk drive and usb connection dependence of irelyer on to p hardware is too high, North America 1996 personal computing sales volume, although achieves the astonishing 2 6 million stage, even has exceeded the year sales volume of color television type of tradition domestic electric appliances. However, because the d optical disk drives and usb connection recent two years just carried out, on the personal computing does not even have these two connections, in personal computing that the last year 2 6 million stage sold newly, simultaneously had the equipment quantity of d optical disk drive and usb connection also 5 million. Even if now, the mainstream personal computing type in market, is over half not to contain the d optical disk drive and usb connection similarly, although the irelyer 299 USD selling prices cherish the people, but majority of families impossible for a music player, renewal value several thousand USD personal computing, therefore, irelyer can only be the small numerous products a long time, at all impossible to compare with the alkman and d machine, md personal stereo and other mainstream players. 被记者围追堵截的索尼美国分公司eo霍华德斯特林格就表示,irelyer对p硬件上的d光驱和usb接口依赖性太高,北美1996年的个人电脑销售量虽然达到惊人的2600万台,甚至超过了彩电这种传统家用电器的年销量。但是,由于d光驱和usb接口最近两年才刚刚推行,很多个人电脑上甚至都没有这两种接口,去年的2600万台最新销售的个人电脑中,同时拥有d光驱和usb接口的设备数量还不到500万。哪怕是现在,市场上的主流个人电脑机型,同样有超过一半不含d光驱和usb接口,虽然irelyer的299美元售价非常亲民,但大部分家庭都不可能为了一台音乐播放器,去更新价值数千美元的个人电脑,因此,irelyer在很长一段时间内都只能算是小众产品,根本不可能与alkman、d机、md随身听等主流播放器相比。 Eric naturally also clear Howard this that Stringer said is the situation, the Firefly electron counted the detailed relevant information in the preliminary market survey. 艾瑞克当然也清楚霍华德斯特林格所说的这是情况,萤火虫电子在前期市场调研中就统计出了详细的相关信息。 However, considered that last year will add on this year's p sale, North America at least will have the 10 million stage to support the irelyer connection the personal computing, Eric regarding the sale of irelyer was very optimistic, Bill Olsson also forecast that in this year's other nine months, the Firefly electron should be able to realize the irelyer sales volume of 1 million stage. 不过,考虑到去年加上今年的p销售,北美至少将拥有1000万台支持irelyer连接的个人电脑,艾瑞克对于irelyer的销售还是非常乐观的,比尔・奥尔森也预测,在今年剩余的九个月当中,萤火虫电子应该可以实现100万台的irelyer销量。 Once occurred historical, the MP3 player appeared in day Han area first, and has used at that time the capacity also very low flash memory medium, was not only expensive, saved the song quantity to be even inferior that one box of traditional magnetic tape, was unable to compare with the micro hard disk by far, therefore a long time is unable to be popular. Apple uses IPO d that the micro hard disk makes as a result at the first Jobs platform seal strategy, similarly has not been popular, until 2005, Jobs under Apple all high-level persuasions, complied with the IPO d compatible Windows system, the MP3 player thoroughly realized to the counterattack of traditional player, and obtained the sales volume of 2 more than 2 million stage in the past years, this digit before IPO d under the Apple seal platform two times of all sales volumes were more. 曾经发生的历史上,mp3播放器最先出现在日韩地区,而且采用了当时容量还非常低的闪存存储媒介,不但价格昂贵,存储歌曲数量甚至不如一盒传统的磁带,更是远远无法与微硬盘相比,因此才在很长一段时间内都无法流行。苹果使用微硬盘制造的ipod由于最初乔布斯平台封闭策略,同样没有流行开来,直到2005年,乔布斯苹果所有高层的劝说下,答应ipod兼容indos系统,mp3播放器才彻底实现对传统播放器的逆袭,并在当年就获得了2200多万台的销量,这个数字比ipod之前苹果封闭平台下所有销量的两倍还要多。 It looks like when Eric, in 2005 IPO d open platform, actually has missed the golden period of MP3 player, starts to support the music playback along with more and more phone equipment, the MP3 player rapidly is also eliminated. But at this time, irelyer it can be said that reaches one's goal instantly, it used the large capacity micro hard disk to save the medium, and from the beginning on the support Windows platform, even if the capacity and function as well as the personal computing support did not have so to be afterward rich and convenient, Eric was as before optimistic to the irelyer prospect. 艾瑞克看来,2005年ipod开放平台时,其实已经错过了mp3播放器的黄金时期,随着越来越多的手机设备开始支持音乐播放,mp3播放器也迅速被淘汰。而此时,irelyer可以说是一步到位,它使用了大容量的微硬盘存储媒介,并且从一开始就支持indos平台,即使容量和功能以及个人电脑支持还没有后来那么丰富和便捷,艾瑞克依旧对irelyer的前景非常乐观。 However, the fact showed that Eric as well as the management of Firefly electron the sales volume of 1 million stage by far is not very as before optimistic regarding irelyer this year. 不过,事实证明,艾瑞克以及萤火虫电子的管理层对于irelyer今年100万台的销售额依旧远远不够乐观。 After April 2 release conference, irelyer on April 5, formally started in North America Best Buy Chain store as well as Amazon and other platforms sold, opens sells had realized the entire 25000 sales volumes on the same day, was not this digit has coincidence how, because major sales platform 25000 preparing goods quantities, and in that afternoon less than four o'clock, entire US regional retail outlets announced is sold out, 5000 irelyer of Amazon network store were swept away before that evening similarly. 4月2日的发布会之后,irelyer在4月5日,正式开始在北美百思买连锁店以及亚马逊等平台销售,开卖当天就实现了整整25000台的销量,并不是这个数字有多么巧合,而是因为各大销售平台一个只有25000台的备货量,并且在当天下午四点钟不到,全美各地的零售点就已经宣布售罄,亚马逊网络商店的5000台irelyer同样在当天傍晚之前被一扫而空。 Is good because, considered after irelyer experienced one month of propaganda time , the earlier sale upsurge of possibly ushering, the Firefly electron has stockpiled the 100,000 stage player ahead of time, and in that night, rapidly from being located in the major warehouses of United States coast supplemented that in major chain stores, the assembly factory of Firefly electron situated in San Francisco moon/month irelyer also started to release all capacities, enhanced the monthly output to the limit of 1 50,000 stage. 好在,考虑到irelyer经历了一个多月宣传期后可能迎来的前期销售热潮,萤火虫电子提前储备了10万台播放器,并且在当天晚上,迅速从位于美国东西海岸的各大仓库补充到各大连锁店内,萤火虫电子位于旧金山月irelyer的组装工厂也开始释放所有产能,将月产量提高到15万台的极限。 Although many media opened irelyer sell the first date the selling well to treat as a result of the temporary phenomenon that the advertisement and topic effect had, when irelyer opened sells fourth day the sales volume then to break through the 100,000 stage, and one-day sales volume has not reduced the trend slightly time, all people changed the view, and held in high esteem to irelyer, some retail merchants even started to raise the irelyer selling price. 虽然很多媒体都将irelyer开卖首日的热销当做由于广告和话题效应而产生的暂时性现象,但是,当irelyer开卖第四天累计销量便突破10万台,并且单日销量丝毫没有降低趋势的时候,所有人都转变了看法,并对irelyer刮目相看起来,一些零售商甚至已经开始提高了irelyer的销售价格。 Four days of time, 100,000 stage sales volume, one-day sales volume achieves 25000. According to this trend, even if after some time, consumer's curiosity cooling to irelyer, but 1997 irelyer total sales volume will not be only the 1 million stage absolutely. 四天时间,10万台销量,单日销售量达到25000台。按照这种趋势,哪怕一段时间后,消费者对irelyer的新鲜感冷却,但1997年度irelyer的总销量也绝对不会只有100万台。 Therefore, the Sony and other tradition of the portable player manufacturers start not to be thoroughly calm, after all, even if most best-selling alkman, presently every year sales volume also be only the 15 million stage, the average every day the sales volume is less than the 50,000 stage . Moreover, but this digit the sum total sales volumes of world major consumer markets, if only calculates the North America market, the alkman one-day sales volume facing the irelyer recent several days terror sale tendency, simply does not have any superiority. 于是,索尼等传统的便携式播放器厂商开始彻底不淡定起来,毕竟,哪怕最畅销的alkman,当前每年的销售量也只有1500万台,平均每天销量不到5万台,而且,这个数字可是世界各大消费市场的总和销量,如果只算北美市场,alkman的单日销量面对irelyer最近几天的恐怖销售势头,根本没有任何优势。 Therefore, the irelyer sales data broke through 100,000 stage the same day of data announcement on April 8, the Sony phonograph record impatiently announced that will file the charge to the San Francisco federal court, will urge network music piracy dissemination on the grounds of irelyer, requested to forbid the production and sale of irelyer player. 因此,在4月8号irelyer销售数据突破10万台的数据公布的当天,索尼唱片就迫不及待地宣布将向旧金山联邦法院提起诉讼,以irelyer将促使网络盗版音乐传播为由,要求禁止irelyer播放器的生产和销售。 Next day, on April 9, a gulf stream v commerce passenger plane landed in the small personal airport in Long Island Eath Hampton suburb, Firefly electron CEO Victor Maikenai and Chairman Bill Olsson has alit from the airplane, mounted to greet their black Bentley car. 第二天,4月9日,一架湾流v型商务客机降落在长岛东汉普顿郊外的一处小型私人机场内,萤火虫电子eo维克多・麦克奈利和总裁比尔・奥尔森下了飞机,登上迎接他们的一辆黑色宾利轿车 For several days, two people can definitely with busy insane describe, but succeeds quickly is too too violent, they are also in the middle of an intense exhilaration, the irelyer four days of time has realized the 30 million USD sales volume, even if weilaiyiduanshijian, cools along with the consumer warmly, various data cut in half, this year the irelyer sales volume will not be less than the 3 million stage, this means 1 billion USD year sales volume. 短短几天,两个人完全可以用忙疯了来形容,但成功来的太快太猛烈,他们两个人也处于一种强烈的兴奋感当中,irelyer四天时间就实现了3000万美元的销售额,哪怕未来一段时间,随着消费者热情的冷却,各项数据减半,今年irelyer的销量也不会少于300万台,这就意味着10亿美元的年销售额。 1 billion USD, regarding the company that only started, simply is the miracle, two people will therefore also attain very rich bonus and option reward. Naturally, all these foundations, are the Firefly electron must realize the capacity expansion as soon as possible, after all, Firefly electron current San Francisco factory, monthly output, only then 1 50,000 stage, is unable to meet the need of market. 10亿美元,对于一家刚刚起步的公司来说,简直就是奇迹,两个人也将因此拿到非常丰厚的奖金和期权奖励。当然,这一切的基础,就是萤火虫电子必须尽快实现产能扩张,毕竟,萤火虫电子目前的旧金山工厂,月产量只有15万台,根本无法满足市场的需求。 For with distributing discussed various brand-new cooperation agreements in the spare part supply discussion of world, Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson originally already program row of capacity within next one week. However, Eric calls them in the morning suddenly, requesting them to fly New York to see him, even also directly sent the airplane of Firefly to meet them. Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson, although the hope has any matter through the teleconference to solve, but the Eric manner is very firm, they have to board the airplane to catch up. 为了与分布在世界各地的零部件供应商讨论各项全新的合作协议,维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森原本已经将未来一周内的日程都排的满满当当。不过,艾瑞克上午突然打电话给他们,要求两人飞来纽约见他,甚至还直接派了萤火虫旗下的飞机去接他们。维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森虽然希望有什么事情可以通过电话会议解决,但艾瑞克的态度却十分坚决,两人也只好登上飞机赶了过来。 Bentley car drives into the Eath Hampton urban district, the arrangement of Victor Maikenai not too satisfied Eric, low voice whispered: Eric could with us discuss the lawsuit issue that the Sony phonograph record will soon speak, I thought this type worries does not need completely, after all, according to similar lawsuit case that Sony the videocorder received in the past, the federal court has greatly will directly reject very much possibly the Sony phonograph record the lawsuit to request that will not put on record.” 宾利轿车驶入东汉普顿市区,维克多・麦克奈利还是不太满意艾瑞克的安排,小声嘀咕道:“艾瑞克可能是要和我们讨论索尼唱片即将提起的诉讼问题吧,我觉得这种担忧完全没有必要,毕竟,按照索尼当年录像机受到的类似诉讼案例,联邦法院有很大可能会直接驳回索尼唱片的诉讼请求,根本不会立案。” In the United States law has one case-law system, formed according to the ruling case of past court to afterward the determination basis of similar case. 美国法律中有着一种判例法制度,就是根据以往法院的判决案例形成对后来类似案件的判定依据。 In the past the Sony videocorder received Disney and Universal continues ten years of possible film and television copyright lawsuit, finally came to an end by the Sony victory. But lawsuit that this time, irelyer possibly faces, was almost exactly the same as the Sony videocorder past case, according to the case-law principle, the federal court will directly basically reject the lawsuit request of this Sony phonograph record. Does not know that the Sony high level realized this lawsuit rejected basis was the company once spent the authority that the long ten years striving came exactly, will have anything to feel at heart. 当年索尼的录像机受到迪斯尼环球持续十年可能影视版权的诉讼,最后以索尼的胜出而告终。而这一次,irelyer可能面临的诉讼,几乎与索尼录像机当年的案例一模一样,按照判例法原则,联邦法院基本上会直接驳回这次索尼唱片的诉讼请求。就是不知道索尼高层意识到这次诉讼被驳回的依据恰恰是自家公司曾经花费了漫长的十年时间才‘争取’来的权力,心里会有什么感受。 Bill Olsson looks at the driver who front drove, he in worldly wise, or concentrates on Victor Maikenai of technical research and development are too adeptly many, therefore has not sought vengeance along with the opposite party together, but is echoing smiling, looked at the block outside glass, suddenly remembers anything, said to the driver of driving: Mr., what good gift shop does the nearby have?” 比尔・奥尔森看了看前排开车的司机,他在人情世故方面要不专注于技术研发的维克多・麦克奈利娴熟太多,因此并没有随着对方一起报怨,只是附和着笑了笑,看了看车窗外的街区,突然想起什么,对开车的司机道:“摩恩先生,附近有什么不错的礼品店吗?” Carter looked at Bill by rear view mirror Olsson, said: Naturally, is not far in front.” 卡特・摩恩透过后视镜看了眼比尔・奥尔森,道:“当然,就在前面不远。” Bill Olsson said: That when the time comes troubles to stop.” 比尔・奥尔森道:“那到时候麻烦停一下。” Does not have the issue,” Carter is smiling nod. “没问题,”卡特・摩恩微笑着点点头。 Victor Maikenai has doubts asks: „Do we go to the gift shop to do?” 维克多・麦克奈利却疑惑地问道:“我们去礼品店干什么?” Bill Olsson to this disposition is frank, but discusses a request the low partner somewhat to be slightly helpless, must lift the foot to kick on his leg, signals with the eyes to hint him to shut up. Eric few days ago when San Francisco, accidentally raised to catch up with Eath Hampton two children to celebrate a birthday to oneself, Eric did not evade itself to have child's matter to them, this explained that he to two children was very intimate. Although does not know whether two children's birthdays passed by, but since catch up, are penniless always do not gather the courtesy. 比尔・奥尔森对这个性格直爽但情商略低的合作伙伴有些无奈,只得抬脚在他腿上踢了一下,使着眼色示意他闭嘴。艾瑞克前些日子在旧金山时,偶然提过自己要赶来东汉普顿给自己两个孩子过生日,艾瑞克对他们两个都不避讳自己已经有了孩子的事情,这说明他对两个孩子还是非常亲近的。虽然不知道两个孩子的生日是否已经过去了,但既然赶来,两手空空总是不合礼数的。 Carter stops car quickly outside a Eath Hampton City Center high-quality goods store, Bill Orr Sen Lat Victor Maikenai was getting out to choose two good birthday presents together, the vehicle then sailed to Eric in the Eath Hampton purchase seaside manor. 卡特・摩恩很快将轿车停在东汉普顿市中心一家精品商店外,比尔・奥尔森拉着维克多・麦克奈利一起下车挑选了两份不错的生日礼物,车子这才驶向艾瑞克东汉普顿购置的临海庄园。 The vehicle drives into the manor, Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson along with greeting their Virginia enters the villa together, they have discovered the facts of this manor unexpectedly two hostesses quickly, because helped they carried the coffee was actually once in «Twister» plays Heroine Joanna Pacula. 车子驶入庄园,维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森随着迎接他们的维吉尼娅一起进入别墅,两人很快发现了这座庄园竟然有两位女主人的事实,因为帮他们端上咖啡的却是曾经在《龙卷风》中饰演女主角乔安娜帕库拉 Eric is puts on a home the tinted woolen sweater and leisure trousers, leading two about four -year-old children to play Lego in the corner of living room together, in the strange style is having several points of inexplicable harmony. Visits them to walk, Eric hugged the actual young boy to welcome together, Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson disguised not to think offered the gift, after the Eric expression of gratitude, introduced with a smile to them: This is my son, Kevin, this is Xiaxia, my daughter.” 艾瑞克则是穿着一身居家的浅色毛衣和休闲长裤,带着两个四岁左右的孩子在客厅的角落里一起玩乐高积木,诡异的画风中带着几分莫名的和谐。看着两人走进来,艾瑞克才抱着其实的小男孩一起迎了上来,维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森假装对此毫无所觉地送上礼物,艾瑞克道谢之后,笑着对两人介绍道:“这是我儿子,凯文,这是夏夏,我女儿。” Eric too had not introduced that officially two women, Victor Maikenai with Bill Olsson also therefore felt that with ease, immediately is similar to two strange uncles same is smiling and two kids greets, the young boy somewhat shyly changed to the father shoulder the head, has the little girl of attractive big eye is actually a face curiously takes a look at them, similarly has not responded to their greeting, this lets Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson many are somewhat awkward. 艾瑞克并没有太正式地介绍两个女人,维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森也因此感觉轻松了一些,随即如同两位怪大叔一样微笑着和两个小家伙打招呼,小男孩有些怕生地将脑袋转到了父亲肩头,有着漂亮大眼睛的小女孩却是一脸好奇地打量他们两人,同样没有回应两人的招呼,这让维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森多少有些尴尬。 Everybody exchanged greetings at will several, Eric then set out to lead them to go to the study room to discuss the matter together. 大家随意寒暄了几句,艾瑞克便起身要带着两人一起去书房谈事情。 Virginia walks, wants to meet Kevin, Eric actually shook the head, said to her: I come . Moreover, Jeff Beizuosi under and others can also come, you make him wait slightly.” 维吉尼娅走过来,想要将凯文接过去,艾瑞克却只是摇了摇头,对她说道:“我来吧,另外,杰夫・贝佐斯等下也会过来,你们让他稍微等一下。” Then, Eric holds Kevin to walk toward the staircase, sees behind a small form also to follow their several people, Eric said with a smile: Treasure, you cannot with.” 说完,艾瑞克抱着凯文向楼梯走去,见身后一个小小的身影也跟着他们几人走过来,艾瑞克笑着说道:“宝贝,你可不能跟过来。” Hawaii looks that was hugged by the father as in bosom Kevin, blinked, said: Papa bias.” 夏威夷看着依旧被父亲抱在怀里的凯文,眨了眨眼睛,说道:“爸爸偏心。” Although these words were complaining, but Victor Maikenai and Bill Olsson actually felt that the expression of little girl is somewhat strange, if described with the literary sentence, as if when the sentiment was not very full, lacks too many daughters to the father acted like a spoiled brat to have the mood that. 虽然这句话是在抱怨,但维克多・麦克奈利和比尔・奥尔森却总感觉小女孩的语气有些奇怪,如果用文学语句来形容的话,似乎感情不够饱满,缺少了太多女儿向父亲撒娇时该有的情绪。 But they do not dare to go into seriously, look at each other one, follows peacefully in Eric behind. 但他们也不敢深究,对视一眼,安静地跟在艾瑞克身后。 Eric has not heard daughter's complaint likely, but says with a smile: Stays in the living room obediently, cannot disturb.” 艾瑞克像是没有听到女儿的抱怨,只是笑着道:“乖乖地留在客厅里,不许捣乱。” In Joanna and Virginia chuckle sound, the little girl sees her words not to play the role, stops the footsteps obediently, looks eagerly the father led two guests to go to the staircase.( To be continued.) 乔安娜维吉尼娅的轻笑声中,小女孩见自己的话语没有起到作用,还是乖乖地停下脚步,眼巴巴地看着父亲带着两位客人上了楼梯。(未完待续。)
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