IAIH :: Volume #9

#846: Suddenly rejection

Eric remembered yesterday Elizabeth to own that whisper, did not plan to explain again are too many, gave the final word saying: Next year Seagate can promote the 2G capacity probably the micro hard disk, when the time comes we can act according to the capacity, appropriately raises the different design irelyer selling price, now, after as well as, 299 USD bottom lines are unchangeable.” 艾瑞克想起昨天伊丽莎白对自己的那番耳语,不打算再解释太多,一锤定音道:“明年希捷大概已经能够推出2g容量的微硬盘,到时候我们可以根据容量,适当提高不同款式irelyer的售价,现在,以及以后,299美元的底线不能改变。” Victor Maikenai and the others saw Eric to frown slightly, in expression were also many several points of past unusual unquestionable, arguing that no longer is tactful. 维克多・麦克奈利等人见艾瑞克微微蹙眉,表情中也多了几分以往少有的不容置疑,都很识趣的不再争辩。 Has had the breakfast, everybody visits the multi- points that the Firefly electron establishes newly to touch to control the electric capacity screen laboratory together, after this was the Firefly electron acquired a small electric capacity screen development company , for the recent several months established. Compared with currently the mainstream resistance screen, the electric capacity screen without doubt has more merits, this type of screen was also shown is the main technique of future wireless handheld mobile equipment. 吃过早饭,大家一起去参观萤火虫电子最新设置的多点触控电容屏实验室,这是萤火虫电子最近几个月来收购了一家小型的电容屏幕研发公司后设置的。与目前主流的电阻屏相比,电容屏无疑拥有更多优点,这种屏幕也被证明是未来手持移动设备的主流技术。 Similar to Film Industry 3D and ima, the electric capacity screen multi- points touch to control the technology, presented many years, but had not presented the compatible mainstream electronic products, therefore develops slowly. Eric believes that so long as has been planned the pad tablet PC to promote, supports the electric capacity screen that the multi- points touch to control quickly becomes the mainstream of graphic operation terminal, at this time ahead of time the layout, the Firefly electron can also obtain more superiority in technological patent. 电影业3d和ima类似,无论是电容屏还是多点触控技术,都已经出现了很多年,只是一直没有出现与之相匹配的主流电子产品,因此才发展缓慢。艾瑞克相信,只要已经计划中的pad平板电脑推出,支持多点触控的电容屏很快将成为触摸屏的主流,此时提前布局,萤火虫电子也能在技术专利方面获得更多的优势。 Toward noon, the honored guest who the distance afternoon release conference only remaining three hours, more and more much plan to attend this release conference starts to gather to Marriott. 临近中午,距离下午的发布会只剩下三个小时,越来越多计划参加这个发布会的嘉宾开始向万豪酒店聚集。 Amazon CEO Jeff Beizuosi rushed to San Francisco in the morning, after three rounds capitals, the Firefly investment had the Amazon 30% stocks. In Jeff under Beizuosi operation, the Amazon development recent is also quite rapid, although had not been in the status that the network books sell the overlord thoroughly, but Jeff Beizuosi start has made Amazon develop in the direction of comprehensive network vendor impatiently, the network sale of irelyer is the first operations expansion attempt of Amazon. 亚马逊eo杰夫・贝佐斯上午赶到了旧金山,经过三轮注资,萤火虫投资已经拥有了亚马逊30%的股份。在杰夫・贝佐斯的运营下,亚马逊最近几年的发展也极为迅速,虽然还没有彻底占据网络图书销售霸主的地位,但杰夫・贝佐斯已经迫不及待地开始让亚马逊朝综合性的网络零售商的方向发展,irelyer的网络销售便是亚马逊的第一次业务拓展尝试。 In order to express attaching great importance to Amazon, Eric extracts the time and Jeff at noon specially Beizuosi has the lunch, simultaneously discussed the Amazon next development direction. 为了表示对亚马逊的重视,艾瑞克中午特意抽出时间与杰夫・贝佐斯共进午餐,同时讨论亚马逊的下一步发展方向。 In selling after the Firefly 30% stockholder's rights, to avoid the domination is lost, Jeff Beizuosi did not plan that continues finances to the Firefly investment company, and starts to arrange the IPO matters concerned. Eric does not have to gain the intentions of Amazon more stock anxiously, after all, the Amazon development process is not that problem-free, in the future some Firefly investment also a lot of opportunities. 在出售给萤火虫30%股权之后,为了避免控制权旁落,杰夫・贝佐斯不打算继续向萤火虫投资公司进行融资,并且开始筹备ipo事宜。艾瑞克也没有急切地获取亚马逊更多股份的意图,毕竟,亚马逊的发展历程并不是那么一帆风顺,未来萤火虫投资还有很多机会。 They are sitting in Marriott dining room chat while eating, Firefly electron Chairman Bill the Olsson sudden footsteps entered the dining room in a hurry, walks directly toward Eric. 两人正坐在万豪酒店餐厅内边吃边聊,萤火虫电子总裁比尔・奥尔森突然脚步匆匆地走进了餐厅,直接朝艾瑞克这边走来。 Bill Olsson toward Jeff Beizuosi nodded, has not evaded, the expression somewhat anxiously said to Eric: Eric, Celine Dion's manager Reyne Angjeli just telephoned, he said Celine Dion cannot just come to attend the release conference in the evening.” 比尔・奥尔森朝杰夫・贝佐斯点了点头,没有避讳,语气有些急切地对艾瑞克说道:“艾瑞克,席琳・迪翁的经纪人雷尼・安杰利刚刚打电话过来,他表示席琳・迪翁晚上不能刚过来参加发布会了。” The Eric thought transferred the revolutions, basically understands that what happened. 艾瑞克念头转了转,基本上就已经明白发生了什么事情。 the issue of irelyer, in five big Record Company of tradition, receives attacks in a big way without doubt simultaneously produces Sony of many mainstream portable music player equipment. Celine Dion, exactly is the singer of Sony phonograph record. irelyer的发布,在传统的五大唱片公司中,受到冲击最大的无疑是同时生产多种主流便携式音乐播放器设备的索尼。席琳・迪翁,恰恰是索尼唱片旗下的歌手。 Although Celine Dion's voice may be called the sounds of nature, but actually, her music style is unitary, if no appearance of «My Heart Will Go On», Celine Dion is almost very difficult to walk to song world superstar ranks. Therefore, before «RMS Titanic», Celine Dion can only be the two singers of Sony phonograph record, although after «My Heart Will Go On» issues, Celine Dion's status when production costs rise , prices rise too, but was fettered by the contract, is absolutely impossible to obtain Michael Jackson and Madonna these emperor superstar degrees of freedom. 席琳・迪翁的嗓音虽然堪称天籁,但其实,她个人的音乐风格非常单一,如果没有《我心永恒》的横空出世,席琳・迪翁几乎很难走到歌坛一线巨星的行列。因此,在《泰坦尼克号》之前,席琳・迪翁只能算是索尼唱片旗下的二线歌手,虽然《我心永恒》发布之后,席琳・迪翁的地位水涨船高,但受到合约束缚,也绝对不可能获得迈克尔杰克逊、麦当娜这些天皇巨星的自由度。 Clearly, this time is the Sony phonograph record is exerting pressure to Celine Dion, forcing her unable to attend the irelyer product release conference. 很明显,这次是索尼唱片在向席琳・迪翁施压,迫使她无法出席irelyer的产品发布会。 Eric is only has not expected, Sony badly to choice to release conference, be only two hours of place time, exerts pressure to Celine Dion. 艾瑞克只是没有料到,索尼会恶劣到选择离发布会只有两个小时地时间,向席琳・迪翁施压。 Has not said anything with enough time, Bill Olsson's cell phone once more has made a sound. 还没来得及说什么,比尔・奥尔森的手机就再次响了起来。 Bill Olsson has not answered, but has given Eric directly, said: Ms. Dion just said that wants to look like you to be sorry personally.” 比尔・奥尔森并没有接听,而是直接递给了艾瑞克,道:“迪翁女士刚刚说想要亲自像你表示歉意。” The behind-the-scenes force of this matter is Sony, Eric, although vitality, will not have the spirit to venting anger Celine Dion, connects the call, chatted several with the opposite party. 这件事的幕后推手是索尼,艾瑞克虽然生气,也不会没气量到迁怒席琳・迪翁,接通电话,与对方聊了几句。 Celine Dion very clear «My Heart Will Go On» regarding the importance that promoting her enterprise develops, therefore, to the Eric expression is also quite respectful in the telephone, was sorry again and again, and explained own difficulties vaguely. 席琳・迪翁很清楚《我心永恒》对于推动她事业发展的重要性,因此,在电话里对艾瑞克的语气也颇为恭敬,连连表示歉意,并隐晦地解释了自己的苦衷。 Chatted several, Eric hangs up the telephone, at this time, heard the news Chris and Victor Maikenai and the others also to appear in the dining room. 聊了几句,艾瑞克挂断电话,此时,听到消息的克里斯、维克多・麦克奈利等人也出现在了餐厅里。 Because this release conference simultaneously announced that the «RMS Titanic» original sound special edition lands the Yahoo music store, Celine Dion can be said as tonight the most important performance honored guest, Bill when Olsson also specially she places the release conference enters the stage close to the ending, and announced official selling of «RMS Titanic» original sound special edition on behalf of the Yahoo music store. 由于这场发布会将同时宣布《泰坦尼克号》原声专辑登陆雅虎音乐商店,席琳・迪翁可以说是今晚最重要的表演嘉宾,比尔・奥尔森还特意将她放在发布会临近结尾时出场,并代表雅虎音乐商店宣布《泰坦尼克号》原声专辑的正式发售。 Everybody talked hastily several, leaves the dining room together, arrives at Marriott is conference room of Firefly electron preparation discusses the countermeasure specially. 大家匆匆交谈了几句,又一起离开餐厅,来到万豪酒店特意为萤火虫电子准备的一间会议室里讨论对策。 Bill Olsson looked at people, said: Now consults with Madonna definitely is without enough time, but, making the back street boy praise a song not too to be difficult, but, making them come to power, the link must be disrupted.” 比尔・奥尔森看了看众人,道:“现在与麦当娜磋商肯定是来不及的,不过,让后街男孩多表扬一首歌并不算太困难,只是,让他们上台,紧接着的环节就要被打乱了。” In the afternoon the established praise honored guest original altogether has three. Madonna Cicconi, back street boy as well as Celine Dion. 下午既定的表扬嘉宾原定一共有三个。麦当娜・西科尼,后街男孩以及席琳・迪翁。 Madonna naturally cannot receive with Celine Dion such fetter, in addition she openly expressed with the intention of Yahoo music store cooperation, therefore, after receiving the invitation, very much joyfully complied. The back street boy is the Firefly Records pillar, the release conference of Firefly electron, naturally cannot drop them. Celine Dion also long time ago determines, but, everybody has not thought that she will receive the Sony pressure at the last minute, gives up this performance. 麦当娜自然不会受到与席琳・迪翁那样的束缚,再加上她已经公开表示了与雅虎音乐商店合作的意向,因此,接到邀请之后,就很欣然地答应了下来。后街男孩是萤火虫唱片的台柱子,萤火虫电子的发布会,自然不会落下他们。席琳・迪翁也是早早就确定下来,只是,大家都没有想到,她会在最后一刻受到索尼的压力,放弃这次表演。 The people watched last night release conference to preview, the nature was clear, if replaces other people temporarily, then announced that the «RMS Titanic» original sound special edition lands the detail of Yahoo music store to make many changes temporarily. 众人都看过昨晚的发布会预演,自然清楚,如果临时替换他人,接下来宣布《泰坦尼克号》原声专辑登陆雅虎音乐商店的细节就不得不临时做出很多更改。 Discussed a while, Chris looks suddenly to Eric, said: Eric, since Celine Dion cannot mount the stage, you personally come. You are the «My Heart Will Go On» song and poem author, watched last night release conference to preview, should not have what issue.” 讨论了一会儿,克里斯突然看向艾瑞克,道:“艾瑞克,既然席琳・迪翁不能登台,那你就亲自来吧。你是《我心永恒》的词曲作者,又看过昨晚的发布会预演,应该没有什么问题。” The Chris voice falls, Eric has not shaken the head with enough time, everybody together excitedly creates a disturbance saying: Right, Eric, you come personally. Your position may Celine Dion tall Duo.” 克里斯话音落下,艾瑞克还没来得及摇头,大家就一起兴奋地起哄道:“对,艾瑞克,你亲自来。你的咖位可比席琳・迪翁高多了。” Actually, in the idea stage of product release conference, Bill Olsson hopes that Eric can mount the stage to give a speech, but was rejected by Eric. At this time, Chris proposed suddenly that they especially are naturally excited. As the soul of Firefly system, a series of corona that the Eric body revolves, is doomed he, so long as mounts the stage, in influence that on the media creates, will go far beyond Celine Dion's performance absolutely. 其实,在产品发布会的构思阶段,比尔・奥尔森就希望艾瑞克能够登台发表一番演讲,只是被艾瑞克拒绝了。此时,克里斯突然提出,他们自然格外兴奋。作为萤火虫体系的灵魂,艾瑞克身上围绕的一连串光环,注定他只要登台,在媒体上造成的影响力,绝对会远远超过席琳・迪翁的表演。 Eric puts out a hand the people who presses to talk at once, but said with a smile: You will not make me sing «My Heart Will Go On», does this make sense?” 艾瑞克伸手压了压七嘴八舌的众人,无奈笑道:“你们不会让我上去唱《我心永恒》吧,这像话吗?” Bill Olsson said: Naturally, Eric, you do not want to say that anything said anything, wants to make anything to make anything, then helps to announce that the «My Heart Will Go On» digit special edition top carriage sale was OK.” 比尔・奥尔森道:“当然不,艾瑞克,你想说什么就说什么,想做什么就做什么,然后帮忙宣布一下《我心永恒》数字专辑上架销售就可以了。” Victor Maikenai who is always not good at the words actually also quite excitedly echoes to say at this time: Right, this.” 一向不太善于言辞的维克多・麦克奈利此时却也颇为兴奋地附和道:“对对对,就这样。” Ian Gonul also smiles is playing the sentimental sign: Eric, I think that you definitely do not hope this release conference was screwed up . Moreover, this is your responsibility, entire Firefly is your.” 伊恩・格尼尔也微笑着打感情牌:“艾瑞克,我想你肯定也不会希望这次发布会被搞砸吧,而且,这本来就是你的责任,整个萤火虫都是你的。” Facing everybody earnest vision, Eric has hesitated the moment, then slight bow, said: Good, then, we discuss now, when the time comes I should say anything.” 面对大家殷切的目光,艾瑞克迟疑了片刻,便微微点了点头,道:“好吧,那么,我们现在讨论一下,到时候我该说什么。” Bill Olsson shakes the head to say with a smile: Oh, Eric, this is your matter, we do not participate, I should greet the honored guest who attended the meeting.” 比尔・奥尔森摇头笑道:“,艾瑞克,这是你的事情,我们就不参与了,我该去迎接参会的嘉宾了。” Victor Maikenai simply directly stands up: That, Vice Chairman of Best Buy is still waiting for me in downstairs.” 维克多・麦克奈利干脆直接站起身:“那个,百思买的副总裁还在楼下等着我。” Haha, Jeff just said that wants me and discussed Amazon at the matter of Yahoo delivery advertisement, I got down first.” “哈哈,杰夫刚刚说想要我和讨论一下亚马逊雅虎投放广告的事情,我先下去了。” Looks that Bill Olsson, Victor Maikenai as well as Ian Gonul leaves the conference room in abundance, Eric changes Chris. 看着比尔・奥尔森、维克多・麦克奈利以及伊恩・格尼尔纷纷离开会议室,艾瑞克转向克里斯 Chris smiles the booth to let go: I, have not thought that gave a pretext.” 克里斯笑着摊摊手:“我,还没有想好借口。” consider as finished, I when the time comes at will displayed, even if has screwed up, nobody dares to say anything to my this Boss,” Eric simply shrugged very much, asked other matters: You and Emily wedding preparation how?” 算了,我到时候随意发挥好了,就算搞砸了,也没有人敢对我这个老板说什么,”艾瑞克很干脆地耸耸肩,问起了其他事情:“你和艾米丽的婚礼准备的怎么样了?” Listens to Eric to bring up this topic, Chris is sad: That appearance, my Papa and her parents are more earnest than us.” 艾瑞克提起这个话题,克里斯就是一脸苦相:“还是那个样子,我爸爸和她父母比我们热切很多。” Eric looks at the Chris appearance, almost can imagine has three elders to pursue is being busy with the work Chris and appearance of Emily discussion wedding detail, teased with a smile: I also will then go to New York to treat 1-2 weeks, could help you offer advice.” 艾瑞克看着克里斯的样子,几乎就能够想象出三个长辈追着忙于工作的克里斯艾米丽讨论婚礼细节的模样,笑着打趣道:“我接下来也会去纽约待一两个星期,或许可以帮你们出出主意啊。” Have not added to the chaos,” Chris shakes the head, asked curiously: „Do two weeks, besides Kevin and Xiaxia birthday, you have other matters?” “你就别跟着添乱了,”克里斯摇摇头,又好奇地问道:“两个星期,除了凯文夏夏的生日,你还有其他事情吗?” Eric nods, said: About establishing the Marvel Studios matter, Avi Arad they have made the tentative plan, I need to confirm personally.” 艾瑞克点头,道:“关于成立漫威影业的事情,阿维阿拉德他们已经做出了初步方案,我需要亲自确认一下。” Chris occasionally listens to Eric to raise the huge plan of Marvel Cinematic Universe, the matter that he needs to pay attention to are too many, pours has not expressed the too big interest to this matter. They chatted several at will, then together leaves the conference room. 克里斯偶尔听艾瑞克提过漫威电影宇宙的庞大计划,他需要关注的事情太多,倒也没有对这件事表示太大的兴趣。两人随意聊了几句,便一起离开会议室。 After 12 points, in the big banquet hall of Marriott, gathered over 50% honored guests at this time, the surplus honored guests one after another are also catching up. 12点过后,万豪酒店的大宴会厅内,此时已经聚集了超过一半的嘉宾,剩余的嘉宾也在陆续赶来。 Eric procrastinate has studied a specific plan of release conference, then in investment the activity of welcome guest. 艾瑞克临阵磨枪地研究了一番发布会的具体方案,便投入的迎接宾客的活动中。 From all walks of life naturally does not need Eric to entertain from the media reporter personally, but, these IT industry science and technology big shots, needs him personally to act to greet. 来自各界的媒体记者自然不用艾瑞克亲自招待,不过,那些it行业科技大佬,还是需要他亲自出面打声招呼的。 As time one minute one second of place approaches, Microsoft Bill Gates and Cisco John Chambers and Oracle Larry CEO Jill that Ellison and Apple Inc. just took office Ameiliao and other IT industry management as well as Seagate Technology and Best Buy the Electric appliance Chain store and other partner of the high levels appear one after another, including Warren Buffett specially has caught up from Omaha. Except for these technical or investment industry giant, receives the invitation the entertainment industry star who comes to support naturally unable to lack, Katzenberg starts the previous hour at the release conference, rushed to Marriott personally. 随着时间一分一秒地临近,微软比尔盖茨思科约翰钱伯斯甲骨文拉里埃里森苹果公司刚刚上任的eo吉尔・阿梅里奥等it行业高管以及希捷公司、百思买电器连锁店等合作伙伴的高层纷纷出现,连沃伦巴菲特都特意从奥马哈赶了过来。除了这些科技或者投资行业巨头,受到邀请前来捧场的娱乐行业明星自然不会缺少,卡森伯格在发布会开始前一个小时,也亲自赶到了万豪酒店。 In the afternoon two o'clock, all honored guests gathered in the banquet hall, in field the lights of other parts dark, only the remaining several bunches of brights gather in the stage. 下午两点钟,所有嘉宾都已经在宴会厅内聚集完毕,场内其他部分的灯光暗了下来,只剩下几束亮光聚集在舞台上。 As Firefly electron CEO, Victor Maikenai first takes the stage, announced that the release conference starts, and to presenting all honored guests carries on the simple speech. 作为萤火虫电子eo,维克多・麦克奈利首先走上舞台,宣布发布会开始,并向在场所有嘉宾进行简单的致辞。 In the Eric initial suggestion, does not hope that this release conference is extremely long, therefore, in addition several performance interactive sessions, entire release conference anticipated, be only one -and-a-half hours, mainly include the function demonstration and Yahoo music store of synopsis as well as the sales way and channel disposition of irelyer with introduce three links. 艾瑞克当初的建议中,并不希望这场发布会太过冗长,因此,加上其中的几次表演互动环节,整场发布会预期只有一个半小时,主要包括irelyer的配置与功能展示、雅虎音乐商店简介以及销售方式和渠道介绍三个环节。 Bill Olsson for this product release conference, has prepared for two months, therefore, all carry on good order, along with Bill Olsson and the others announced one after another irelyer and Yahoo music store and other detailed information, the honored guest exudes the applause and cheers repeatedly, in the media reporter hand the camera flashing light has not stopped slightly, these days, the innumerable media have exposed the irelyer massive information, but the official final news, has the maximum newsworthy without doubt. 比尔・奥尔森为了这次产品发布会,足足准备了两个月时间,因此,一切都进行的井井有条,随着比尔・奥尔森等人陆续公布irelyer、雅虎音乐商店等详细信息,现场嘉宾频频发出掌声和欢呼声,媒体记者手中相机的闪光灯更是丝毫没有停止,这段时间,无数媒体都已经将irelyer的大量信息进行曝光,但官方的最终消息,无疑有着最大的新闻价值。 After Amazon Chairman Jeff Beizuosi came to power to introduce a Amazon irelyer tenable news, in the applause, held the post of Bill of director personally Olsson mounted the stage once more, in the hand was also carrying a chair. 亚马逊总裁杰夫・贝佐斯上台介绍了一番亚马逊irelyer成立的消息后,掌声中,亲自担任主持人的比尔・奥尔森再次登台,手里还拎着一把椅子。 The release conference atmosphere has been active, Bill Olsson's strange action has caused the chuckle sound of honored guest easily. 发布会现场的气氛一直颇为活跃,比尔・奥尔森的这个奇怪举动轻易地引起了现场嘉宾的一阵轻笑声。 Bill Olsson puts away the chair, has patted the racket on the chairback with an air of decorum, does not have such as to present such to sit, but holds up the Mike air flue that in hand all people expect, said with a smile: This chair does not prepare to me, you guess that who will sit here.” 比尔・奥尔森放好椅子,煞有介事地在椅背上拍了拍,却是没有如在场所有人预料的那样坐下来,只是举起手中的麦克风道,笑道:“这张椅子可不是给我自己准备的,你们猜猜谁会坐在这里。” Can make Firefly electron Chairman move the chair personally, in the banquet hall naturally does not have many people. 能让萤火虫电子总裁亲自搬上椅子的,宴会厅内自然没有多少人。 Some quick people shouted. 现场很快有人喊了出来。 Eric Williams!” 艾瑞克威廉姆斯!” Eric Williams!” 艾瑞克威廉姆斯!” Eric Williams!” 艾瑞克威廉姆斯!” As the voice is getting higher and higher, Bill Olsson also no longer keeps guessing, holds up the microphone in hand saying: „, Asking everybody to welcome Eric together Mr. Williams.” 随着声浪越来越高,比尔・奥尔森也不再卖关子,举起手中的话筒道:“那么,请大家一起欢迎艾瑞克威廉姆斯先生。” In the warm applause and cheers, Eric moves toward the stage from the side stair.( To be continued.) 热烈的掌声和欢呼声中,艾瑞克从侧边台阶走向舞台。(未完待续。)
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