IAIH :: Volume #9

#845: You determined that you are normal

In the afternoon two o'clock, Eric on time rushes to the Fox square in century city 下午两点钟,艾瑞克准时赶到世纪城的福克斯片场 Just got out, saw that Elizabeth stepped on the high-heeled shoes to walk hurriedly, was also holding the young assistant of document with one. 刚刚下车,就看到伊丽莎白踩着高跟鞋风风火火地走了过来,身后还跟着一个捧着文件的小助理。 Eric and Elizabeth have held hugging, after letting loose, walks toward the parking lot outside together, does not forget to ask: You how here?” 艾瑞克伊丽莎白抱了抱,放开之后一起朝停车场外走去,不忘问道:“你怎么在这里?” Elizabeth loses a supercilious look: Here is my family, why I cannot here.” 伊丽莎白丢过来一个白眼:“这里都是我家的,我为什么不能在这里。” I meant that......” Eric wants to ask why she can meet itself, Elizabeth also is only responsible for the 20th Century Fox filmmaking department at present, «Dark Angel ******» although this project quite Fox attaches great importance, but does not turn over to her to have jurisdiction. However, Eric or the booth let go, good, in any case the entire square is her family/home: consider as finished, I do not say.” “我是说……”艾瑞克本想问她为什么会来接自己,伊丽莎白目前还只负责二十世纪福克斯的电影制作部门,《末世******》这个项目虽然颇为福克斯重视,但并不归她管辖。不过,艾瑞克还是摊摊手,好吧,反正整个片场都是她家的:“算了,我不说了。” Snort,” Elizabeth light snort|hum, actually collects to hold the hand of Eric affectionate, said: Papa lets me and you chats the matter of original sound phonograph record digital distribution......” “哼,”伊丽莎白轻哼了一声,却又凑过来亲昵地挽住艾瑞克的手,道:“爸爸让我和你谈谈原声唱片数字发行的事情……” Stops,” Eric did not wait for Elizabeth saying that broke her hastily, said: Liz, I had spent too much saliva to convince others for these days, lets my resting meeting, today doesn't discuss the music good?” “停,”艾瑞克不等伊丽莎白说下去,连忙打断她,道:“莉兹,我这几天已经花了太多口水去说服别人了,让我歇会,今天不谈音乐了好不好?” To gain more music contents as far as possible, Eric has formulated the strategy of that traditional singer digital music special edition detention entity phonograph record three months of release, this plan not only will be implemented in the Firefly system, considerably increased introduced the exterior Record Company content the possibility. 为了尽可能地获取更多音乐内容,艾瑞克制定了那份传统歌手数字音乐专辑延迟实体唱片三个月发行的策略,这份方案不但会在萤火虫体系内实施,同时也大大增加了引进外部唱片公司内容的可能性。 However, the Yahoo music store is always impossible is the old music content, to make up for this point, the film and television original sound phonograph record in Firefly system will adopt with the strategy that the entity phonograph record simultaneously distributes. 但是,雅虎音乐商店总不可能全是旧的音乐内容,为了弥补这一点,萤火虫体系内的影视原声唱片将采取与实体唱片同时发行的策略。 Outside Firefly Group, Metro Goldwyn Mayer almost approved this plan unquestioning. 萤火虫集团以外,米高梅几乎是毫不迟疑地同意了这份方案。 But Murdoch is not quite satisfied to this plan, but, 20th Century Fox is also very difficult like other Film Studio, rejects this plan directly. 默多克却对这份方案不太满意,不过,二十世纪福克斯也很难像其他电影公司那样,直接拒绝这份方案。 Must know, even if not raise Eric and Elizabeth relations in private, these year of Firefly Group and News Corp cooperation close degree, strict is even closer than Metro Goldwyn Mayer. The company that both sides own stocks directly together includes Blue Sky Studios and ffm TV Station, digital domain Australia Subsidiary company. In addition, like this time «Dark Angel ******», cooperation of two company in television service is also frequent. Beside Hollywood, the Yahoo gateway also reached the agreement with News Corp similarly, enjoys the exclusive network cover power of News Corp many media. 要知道,哪怕不提艾瑞克伊丽莎白私下的关系,这些年萤火虫集团新闻集团的合作紧密程度,严格来说甚至比米高梅还要密切。双方直接共同持股的公司就包括蓝天工作室、ffm电视台,数字领域澳洲分公司。此外,就像这次的《末世******》一样,两家公司在电视业务上的合作也非常频繁。在好莱坞之外,雅虎门户同样也已经与新闻集团达成协议,享有新闻集团旗下多家媒体的独家网络新闻发布权。 Elizabeth similarly clear this point, the music business of News Corp is even more not worthy of mentioning than Firefly, she did not think that it is necessary that anything strives. 伊丽莎白同样清楚这一点,新闻集团旗下的音乐业务甚至比萤火虫还要微不足道,她也不觉得有什么争取的必要。 Therefore, although obeys the instruction of oneself old man, but she has not thought must convince Eric, looked at man slightly exhausted profile, Elizabeth nods, actually disguised the unwilling heart to say intentionally: Good, we tomorrow will discuss.” 因此,虽然听从自家老头子的吩咐,但她本来就没想过要说服艾瑞克,看了看身旁男人略显疲惫的侧脸,伊丽莎白点点头,却又假装不甘心地故意道:“好吧,那我们明天谈。” Eric has not cared about the Elizabeth routine strive to excel temper, smiled, they enter the administrative building in square together. 艾瑞克没有在意伊丽莎白习惯性的好强性子,笑了笑,两人一起走进片场内的行政楼。 Although Eric initially «Dark Angel ******» gives Fox, for meeting files «X-Files», but all walk the regular business process. This science fiction play jointly is invested by Firefly TV Department and Fox TV Department, in addition includes a Cameron shell company, TV series copyright belongs to Fox, Firefly only defers to investment ratio gain corresponding share .pbtt. 艾瑞克当初虽然将《末世******》交给福克斯,用于接档《x档案》,但一切还是走正规的商业流程。这部科幻剧由萤火虫电视部门福克斯电视部门共同投资,另外还包括卡梅隆的一家壳公司,电视剧版权福克斯所有,萤火虫只按照投资比例获取相应的分成.pbtt. As a result of the «RMS Titanic» success marvelously, although is only Cameron idea TV series, but the competition of role is as before fierce. 由于《泰坦尼克号》奇迹般的成功,虽然只是卡梅隆构思的电视剧,但角色的竞争依旧非常激烈。 The manufacture team was the Heroine Max's screen test has set very strict condition from the beginning, the age limit was 1 to 22 years old, the height in the 1 an same price, somewhat was truly somewhat low. By firelyer already the popularity of displaying, I thought that will fix a price to enhance to 359 USD, even 399 USD, are not. ” 制作团队从一开始就为女主角麦克斯的试镜设置了非常严格的条件,年龄限制为1到22岁,身高在1an相同的价格,确实有些偏低了。以firelyer已经表现出来的受欢迎程度,我觉得将定价提高到359美元,甚至399美元,都不是不可以。” But, this issue we had discussed was inferior,” the Eric booth lets go, said: We are clear, the technical level of firelyer implication is not too high, even if we applied for the entire series patent of MP3 player, so long as the competitor wants to catch up toward this aspect, they can build the substitution product as before, therefore, we must do, as soon as possible makes firelyer be popular, making it an industrial criterion, but is not from the beginning on the chase profit, let alone, firelyer complete manufacturing cost, only then 15 USD, along with the development of promotion as well as technology of output, the integration cost continuously will also drop, we had enough profit space.” “可是,这个问题我们已经讨论过很多次了,”艾瑞克摊摊手,道:“我们都清楚,firelyer蕴含的技术水平并不算太高,即使我们已经申请了mp3播放器的全系列专利,但只要竞争对手想要朝这方面发力,他们依旧能够打造出替代产品,所以,我们要做的,就是尽快让firelyer流行起来,让它成为一个行业标准,而不是是一开始就追逐利润,更何况,firelyer的全部制造成本只有15美元,随着产量的提升以及技术的发展,综合成本也会持续下降,我们已经拥有足够的利润空间了。” But, this issue we had discussed was inferior,” the Eric booth lets go, said: We are clear, the technical level of firelyer implication is not too high, even if we applied for the entire series patent of MP3 player, so long as the competitor wants to catch up toward this aspect, they can build the substitution product as before, therefore, we must do, as soon as possible makes firelyer be popular, making it an industrial criterion, but is not from the beginning on the chase profit, let alone, firelyer complete manufacturing cost, only then 15 USD, along with the development of promotion as well as technology of output, the integration cost continuously will also drop, we had enough profit space.”( To be continued.) “可是,这个问题我们已经讨论过很多次了,”艾瑞克摊摊手,道:“我们都清楚,firelyer蕴含的技术水平并不算太高,即使我们已经申请了mp3播放器的全系列专利,但只要竞争对手想要朝这方面发力,他们依旧能够打造出替代产品,所以,我们要做的,就是尽快让firelyer流行起来,让它成为一个行业标准,而不是是一开始就追逐利润,更何况,firelyer的全部制造成本只有15美元,随着产量的提升以及技术的发展,综合成本也会持续下降,我们已经拥有足够的利润空间了。”(未完待续。)
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