IAIH :: Volume #9

#844: Control in the future

Easter just passed, because is too busy, Eric chapter of New York has not accompanied the children to celebrate Easter, but before promising the women in April the 1 o number, will hurry back to Eath Hampton, two kids immediately is four years old. 复活节刚刚过去,由于太忙,艾瑞克没有回纽约陪孩子们过复活节,不过答应女人们4月1o号之前会赶回东汉普顿,两个小家伙马上就四岁了。 In a dining room in Firefly cinema city, new Monday, Eric and Katzenberg are having the breakfast together, discussed recently the topic about summer files three animated films. 萤火虫影城内的一家餐厅里,新的周一,艾瑞克卡森伯格一起吃着早餐,讨论起最近关于暑期档三部动画电影的话题。 «The Lion King 2» with the movie that Paramount last year line of «Sound of the Desert» of simultaneously initiate a project, although already past three years, but «The Lion King» influence also. Roger Allers used for three years to carve this movie, the animation quality thinks that will not compare first part to be inferior are too many, we can do only, gave the Paramount manufacture barrier in the propaganda.” “《狮子王2》是与派拉蒙去年行的《风中奇缘》同时立项的影片,虽然已经过去三年,但《狮子王》的影响力还在。罗杰爱勒斯用了三年时间精雕细琢这部电影,动画质量想必也不会比第一部逊色太多,我们唯一能做的,就是在宣传上给派拉蒙制造障碍。” Katzenberg was introducing recent situation, has drunk fruit juice , to continue saying: I with Mr. Murdoch through several telephones, in the following two months in the propaganda process, ABC TV Network, Disney Channel of Firefly and other television platforms, will not present «The Lion King 2» any preview advertisement, the audience will only see «Finding Nemo» and «Ice Age» information. That side News Corp, Fox TV Network and Fox family channel and other platforms also similarly so. We as far as possible will also compete for NBC and CBS these two TV Network preview advertisement positions. Estimated according to the propaganda department, after these deploy implements, the propaganda of Paramount investment budgets most can only achieve in the past 50% effects.” 卡森伯格介绍着最近的情况,喝了一口果汁,继续道:“我已经和默多克先生通过几次电话,接下来两个月的宣传过程中,萤火虫旗下的ab电视网迪斯尼频道等所有电视平台,都不会出现《狮子王2》的任何预告片广告,观众只会看到《海底总动员》和《冰河时代》的信息。新闻集团那边,福克斯电视网福克斯家庭频道等平台也同样如此。我们也会尽可能争夺nbbs这两家电视网的预告片广告位。根据宣传部门预计,当这些部署全部实行后,派拉蒙投入的宣传预算最多只能达到往常一半的效果。” The commercial competition is not always sentimental, at the end of last year during «RMS Titanic» propagandized, MTV TV Station of Viacom principal young people audience once on the grounds of advertisement position anxious, the rejection was the «RMS Titanic» delivery preview. As the comprehensive line of ways are getting more and more common , the importance of film promotion effort to Box Office is also more obvious, this in the total investment cost can see from the film promotion higher and higher proportion of budget. 商业竞争从来都不是温情脉脉的,去年年底《泰坦尼克号》宣传期间,维亚康姆旗下主打青少年观众的mtv电视台就一度以广告位紧张为由,拒绝为《泰坦尼克号》投放预告片。随着全面行的方式越来越普遍,电影宣传力度对票房的重要性也愈明显,这从电影宣传预算在总投资成本中越来越高的比例就可以看出。 This time, to a Viacom several months of vanguard for counter-attack, is based on the competition need, forces out «The Lion King 2» in the Firefly system comprehensively, is necessary. 这一次,无论是对维亚康姆几个月前行为的反击,还是出于竞争需要,在萤火虫体系全面封杀《狮子王2》,都非常必要。 The Viacom group the highest-quality television property is only MTV TV Station at this time, as for that with the Disney channel localization consistent Nick child stage, the subscriber and Disney channel completely is not a magnitude. Because the Internet just emerged in recent years, presently film promotion mainstream method is the television preview and paper media advertisements as well as puts up posters in the massive public advertisement positions as before, the informing widely function of television preview without doubt is most vital, regarding the animated film is so, after all, in the animated film audience some proportion considerably large that young people children will not read newspaper or magazine. 维亚康姆集团此时最优质的电视资产只有一个mtv电视台,至于那家与迪士尼频道定位一致的尼克儿童台,用户数量与迪士尼频道完全不是一个数量级。由于互联网最近几年才刚刚兴起,当前的电影宣传主流方法依旧是电视预告片、纸质媒体广告以及在大量公共广告位张贴海报,这其中电视预告片的广而告之作用无疑是最重要的,对于动画电影来说更是如此,毕竟,动画电影观众中比重相当大的那部分青少年儿童是不会阅读报纸或者杂志的。 Joint forcing out of ABC TV Network and fo TV Network, means that «The Lion King 2» at least lose North America 50% television advertisement platform, Viacom television resources are also quite limited, gains the advertisement position also similarly to have the competition of Firefly and Fox in b these exterior platforms, is in inverse proportion, Paramount Pictures must be the propaganda of «The Lion King 2» pays a higher price, but the final marketing result by far is actually not able «Finding Nemo» and «Seeks for compared with Nimmo». ab电视网和fo电视网的联合封杀,将意味着《狮子王2》至少失去北美一半的电视广告平台,维亚康姆本身的电视资源又相当有限,在b这些外部平台上获取广告位又同样有着萤火虫福克斯的竞争,此消彼长,派拉蒙影业肯定要为《狮子王2》的宣传付出更高的代价,而最终的营销结果却又将远远无法《海底总动员》和《寻找尼莫》相比。 Eric finished eating front breakfast, is drinking one cup of hot milk leisurely, listening to Katzenberg saying that asked: You have considered, does Viacom possibly provoke the «The Lion King 2» forced out matter on the media?” 艾瑞克已经吃完了面前的早餐,慢条斯理地喝着一杯热牛奶,听卡森伯格说完,问道:“你有考虑过,维亚康姆可能在媒体上挑起《狮子王2》被封杀的事情吗?” The method of naturally, dealing with is very simple, unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise we will not do to pay attention as far as possible. This can also avoid Paramount using this topic to carry on the hype. In this matter last week conference everybody had discussed that if table similar opinion of Viacom on the media, Firefly any department will not make the public response. Moreover, we such do do not have any contrary place, if some people raised the question, we can produce enough evidence, showed that our TV Station all advertisement time intervals have sold-out,” the Katzenberg booth let go, reveals somewhat is fading the bad galesaur thread chaser to smile, but also has made a very vivid analogy: „If no match to meet to incur, is hitting the person of spatial fist to the air, will only make people think very funny.” “当然,应对的方法很简单,除非必要,否则我们会尽可能地不做理会。这样也可以避免派拉蒙利用这个话题进行炒作。这件事上周的会议上大家就已经讨论过了,如果维亚康姆在媒体上表类似的言论,萤火虫的任何部门都不会做出公开回应。而且,我们这么做也没有任何违规的地方,如果有人提出质疑,我们可以拿出足够的证据,证明我们电视台的所有广告时段都已经卖完了,”卡森伯格摊摊手,露着有些蔫坏的龙猫板牙笑,还做了一个很形象的比喻:“如果没有对手接招,一个对着空气打空拳的人,只会让人觉得很滑稽。” Eric has also smiled, said: I guess after this matter, Redstone will definitely set firm resolve to approach b BSP once more \;General Electric will not sell NBC in recent years, as for CBS, according to its present market value, Viacom wants to buy now could spend above billion USD. In public TV Network received the situation that cable TV corrodes the market share unceasingly, let alone billion USD, even if this price reduces half, I also think to be unworthy. Initially we purchased metropolis / ABC and ae TV Network stock, now has appeared not definitely cost-effective comes.” 艾瑞克也笑了起来,道:“我猜这件事之后,雷石东肯定会下定决心再次向bbsp\;“通用电气最近几年根本不会出售nb,至于bs,按照它现在的市值,维亚康姆现在想要买可能要花o亿美元以上。在公共电视网不断受到有线电视侵蚀市场份额的情况下,别说o亿美元,哪怕这个价格降低一半,我也觉得不值。当初我们收购大都会/ab和ae电视网的股份,现在肯定也就已经显出不划算来了。” Eric said: But Redstone definitely does not think that his idea also stays 20 years ago, public TV Network most prosperous that time.” 艾瑞克说道:“但雷石东肯定不会这么想啊,他的观念还停留在20年前,公共电视网最鼎盛的那段时期。” In memory, once Viacom to annex CBS TV Network, has spent 46 billion USD large amounts of money finally, but after this business achieves, was under the impact of cable TV profession, CBS starts to fall into the long loss. Many years later, to avoid being implicated the group overall achievement by CBS TV Network, Viacom has to CBS and MTV and other profit rich cable TV divestitures. 记忆中,曾经的维亚康姆为了吞并bs电视网,最终花了46o亿美元巨资,但这笔生意达成后,受到有线电视行业的冲击,bs就开始陷入了漫长的亏损。很多年后,为了避免被bs电视网拖累集团整体业绩,维亚康姆不得不将bs与旗下mtv等盈利丰厚的有线电视业务剥离开来。 Person who Redstone is one has enterprise, this point is without a doubt. Perhaps just, comes under the time limitation influence, his vision missed throughout, although in the conformity tide of media group, Viacom show huge of more and more, but showed afterward, purchase to Blockbuster recording tape chain store, merged CBS TV Network, was extremely the business of failure, Viacom after the new century, reduced from a media giant gradually is two media groups. 雷石东是一个非常具有进取心的人,这一点毋庸置疑。只不过,或许是受到时代局限性影响,他的眼光始终差了一些,虽然在传媒集团的整合大潮中,维亚康姆展的越来越庞大,但事后证明,无论是对百视达录像带连锁店的收购,还是并购bs电视网,都是极其失败的生意,维亚康姆在新世纪之后,也逐渐从一线传媒巨头沦落为二线传媒集团。 They then also chatted the line of work of other summer files several movies, end, Katzenberg has hesitated, said: Eric, matter about recent digital music good power, Barry Vyse and I discussed one time, he felt that is very restless. I also thought that your digital good strategy to the Firefly Records formulation, was radical.” 两人接下来又聊了暑期档其他几部影片的行工作,末了,卡森伯格迟疑了下,还是说道:“艾瑞克,关于最近数字音乐行权的事情,巴里・维斯和我谈了一次,他感觉很不安。我也觉得,你对萤火虫唱片制定的数字行策略,是不是过于激进了一些。” Barry Vyse was initially Firefly the senior official who lures from the Sony phonograph record subsidiary company Jive music company, at present holds the post of Firefly Records Chairman. 巴里・维斯是当初萤火虫索尼唱片旗下子公司激ve音乐公司挖来的高官,目前担任萤火虫唱片总裁 In the two years, Barry the back street boy team that Vyse builds personally also rapidly advances into pop singer ranks, and created the first global sales volume to break through the 20 million special edition last year. 这两年,巴里・维斯亲自打造的后街男孩团队也迅跻身一线流行歌手行列,并在去年创造了第一张全球销量突破2ooo万的专辑。 Except for back street boy backbone, other Firefly Records singers depend on the Firefly Group rich media resources, the show is also quite stable. Christina, Britney and Justin Timberlake , etc. the former mm members, after several years of training, last year 6 continued have tried water single, and obtained the good market back coupling, Firefly Records started for the plan of their tailor special edition. 除了后街男孩这个顶梁柱,萤火虫唱片旗下其他歌手依托萤火虫集团丰富的传媒资源,展也相当稳定。克里斯蒂娜布兰妮贾斯汀汀布莱克等前mm成员,经过几年的培养,去年都6续行了试水单曲,并获得了不错的市场回馈,萤火虫唱片已经启动了为他们量身打造专辑的计划。 Eric therefore also to Barry Vyse recent two years of work successes are satisfactory. 艾瑞克因此也对巴里・维斯最近两年的工作成功非常满意。 At this time, hears rephrasing in own words of Katzenberg, Eric has not felt the accident, but said: Jeffrey, should you look at me to give Firefly Records that digital good plan?” 此时,听到卡森伯格的转述,艾瑞克没有感觉意外,只是道:“杰弗瑞,你应该看过我交给萤火虫唱片的那份数字行方案了吧?” Katzenberg nods, said: Feeling and movie the line of step by step looks like very much. Three months of entity record shop cycles, three months later ascends 6 Yahoo music stores, carries on the digital special edition line. Although three months of window times were shorter, but also calculate that can accept. But then, special edition line of six months later, will be analyzed as single sells alone, Barry said that the achievement attack of this point to phonograph record sale is biggest.” 卡森伯格点头,道:“感觉与电影的分阶段行很像。三个月的实体唱片行周期,三个月之后登6雅虎音乐商店,进行数字专辑行。三个月的窗口期虽然短了一些,但还算可以接受。但接下来,专辑行六个月后,将被拆分为单曲进行单独销售,巴里说,这一点对唱片销售的业绩打击才是最大的。” Regarding many special editions, only if the hardcore music lover, otherwise most people only will often like most 12 songs of pleasant to hear. 对于很多专辑来说,除非是铁杆乐迷,否则大部分人往往只会喜欢其中最好听的12歌。 Actually, this is also Record Company to save the resources and pursues the maximization of profit, but for it, manufactures a mediocre song certainly compared with building classical music easy many desirably, can devote less funds and energy invests. If analyzes the phonograph record, that will cause directly the massive mediocre songs to be abegging, this will definitely threaten Record Company to form many years of livelihood. 其实,这也是唱片公司为了节省资源并追求利润最大化而刻意为之,制作一平庸的歌曲肯定要比打造一经典音乐容易的多,也可以付出更少的资金和精力投入。如果对唱片进行拆分,那将直接导致大量平庸歌曲无人问津,这肯定会威胁唱片公司形成多年的生存之道。 Jeffrey, does not put forward this plan temporarily the fit and unfit quality,” Eric was saying, pulls out fire1yer that recently carried frequently from the pocket, said: You definitely have known about this model of player, therefore, we come up with a hypothesis, if this player is the company of your grinds completely, but you do not have any benefit dispute with the phonograph record profession, then, to promote this machine as far as possible, how you will do?” 杰弗瑞,暂时不提这个方案的优劣,”艾瑞克说着,从口袋里掏出最近经常携带的一台fire1yer,说道:“你肯定对这款播放器已经非常了解了,所以,我们来做一个假设,如果这台播放器完全是你个人旗下的公司研出来的,而你与唱片行业也没有任何利益纠葛,那么,为了尽可能推广这台机器,你会怎么做?” Katzenberg recently, similarly realized recently fire1yer has the possibility of substitution tradition portable music player market. 卡森伯格最近这些日子,同样意识到fire1yer拥有替代传统便携式音乐播放器市场的可能性。 Presently portable music player market, Sony a1kman takes up the mainstream as before, the year sales volume in 15 million stages about, other d players, md personal stereos and other equipment, sell the digit probably also in this magnitude. In other words, the portable music player every year market absorption capacity is at about the million stage. If can occupy this market completely, according to the electronic installation usual about 15% net profit rates, fixes a price 299 USD fire1yer net profit probably is 45 USD. Sales volume of one year of million stage, will bring 1 350 million USD net profit, this figure enough pushed in global business profit list first hundred. 当前的便携式音乐播放器市场,索尼的a1kman依旧占据主流,年销量在15oo万台左右,其他d播放器、md随身听等设备,销售数字大概也在这个数量级上。也就是说,便携式音乐播放器每年的市场容量在oo万台左右。如果能够完全占据这个市场,按照电子设备通常15%左右的净利润率,定价299美元的fire1yer的净利润大概为45美元。一年oo万台的销量,将带来13.5亿美元的净利润,这个数字已经足够挤入全球企业盈利榜单前百名了。 Katzenberg similarly is not a moral intention specially intense person, sees things in others'shoes in the situation, considered the terrifying opportunity that in this player contains, he naturally can not hesitate at all costs, chooses to oneself most advantageous promotion sale way, even tolerates the dissemination of network music piracy secretly desirably, as for the Record Company life, has any relations with him. 卡森伯格同样不是一个道德感特别强烈的人,换位思考的情况下,考虑到这台播放器中蕴含的恐怖商机,他自然会不惜一切代价,挑选对自己最有利的推广销售方式,甚至暗地里刻意纵容网络盗版音乐的传播,至于唱片公司的死活,跟他又有什么关系。 According to this mentality, if makes him be responsible for the Firefly Electronic Co. now, he will abandon the Firefly Records benefit without hesitation thoroughly, although Firefly Records the show is good in recent years, profit that but it provides for the group every year also 100 million USD, even if it unfolds to five big Record Company scales, is not enough to compare the fire1yer possibly creation as before the profit. After all, the output value of music industry is unable to compare with the movie by far, in world five big Record Company does not have any year profit to be able 1 billion. 按照这种思路,如果让他现在去负责萤火虫电子公司,那么,他会毫不犹豫地彻底抛弃掉萤火虫唱片的利益,虽然萤火虫唱片最近几年展不错,但它每年为集团提供的利润都还不到一亿美元,哪怕它展到五大唱片公司的规模,依旧不足以比拟fire1yer可能创造的利润。毕竟,音乐产业的产值远远无法与电影相比,世界五大唱片公司中没有任何一家的年盈利能够过1o亿 Works together as colleagues such for a long time, the disposition of Eric to Katzenberg knows from A to Z, after seeing his short thinking expression, is only grinning, without the speech, Eric can guess that approximately he is thinking anything, said: In this world many smart people, the MP3 audio format initially has always promoted five years ago, during these five years, I can definitely guess very much that the traditional music equipment manufacturer definitely also produces is excessively similar to the idea of fire1yer player. However, to protect themselves had the player product as well as d, magnetic tape and other huge vested interests of peripheral industry, they definitely meet Basic Instinct to prevent this project. But this result is also not worst, like such that I just supposed, the electronics manufacturer that if similar player product was not connected with the phonograph record profession produces, to gain more benefits, they definitely as far as possible will neglect the Record Company benefit, do not say that like me now, draws with all mental efforts Record Company. They only need a pompous excuse, compared with the player can only the copy music from legal copy d, then be able to produce and promote this product wantonly, where gains the music as for the user, you thought that they will care?” 共事这么久,艾瑞克卡森伯格的性格了如指掌,看到他短暂的思索表情之后,就只是咧了咧嘴,没有说话,艾瑞克大致就能猜测出他在想什么,又说道:“这个世界上从来都不乏聪明人的,mp3音频格式在五年前就已经初步推出,在这五年期间,我可以很肯定地猜测,传统的音乐设备厂商肯定也产生过类似于fire1yer播放器的想法。但是,为了保护他们自身已有播放器产品以及d、磁带等周边产业的庞大既得利益,他们肯定会本能地阻止这种项目。但这种结果还不是最坏的,就像我刚刚假设的那样,如果类似的播放器产品被与唱片行业毫无关联的电子厂商生产出来,为了获取更多利益,他们肯定会尽可能地忽略唱片公司的利益,更不要说像我现在这样,费尽心思地把唱片公司拉进来。他们只需要一个冠冕堂皇的借口,比播放器只能从正版d中拷贝音乐,然后就可以大肆生产并推广这种产品,至于用户到底从哪里获取音乐,你觉得他们会在乎吗?” You,” Katzenberg asked suddenly: Eric, do you care?” “那你呢,”卡森伯格突然问道:“艾瑞克,你在乎吗?” Eric smiles, relaxes by the chairback, said honestly: No, I do not care.” 艾瑞克笑笑,放松地靠在椅背上,诚实地说道:“不,我也不在乎。” Katzenberg said: „Do you, why also want to make these?” 卡森伯格道:“那你,为什么还要做这些?” Eric thinks that said: Because I hope that wins initiative to be whiter, I hope that can become the decision maker of rule. But is not conservative and complacent, waited for that was formulated the rule by others, even was eliminated. Therefore, Jeffrey, if you are many some attention to Yahoo Internet company, you should presently, based on MP3 audio format, Yahoo further open the MP4 video format. IT Industry gets down according to the Moore's Law show, in less than ten years, Hollywood will face at this time and phonograph record profession similar aspect. At that time, wanted a better survival, the simplest way was to become the decision maker of rule, but was not the futile effort accuses other people or blindly resists the emerging technology.” 艾瑞克想了想,说道:“因为我希望获得主动权白一些,我只是希望能够成为规则的制定者。而不是故步自封,等待被别人制定规则,甚至被淘汰。所以,杰弗瑞,如果你对雅虎网络公司多一些关注的话,你就应该现,在mp3音频格式的基础上,雅虎已经在进一步开mp4视频格式。it产业按照摩尔定律展下去,用不了十年,好莱坞将面临此时与唱片行业类似的局面。那时候,想要更好的生存下去,最简单的方式就是成为规则的制定者,而不是徒劳地去指责他人或者盲目地抵制新兴技术。” Katzenberg has admired oneself this young Boss in the film and television the remarkable vision in industry and investment, but he also always thought that Eric disposition lacks the control desire that superior should have, even is temperate in a lot, lacks the aggressivity. 卡森伯格一直都非常佩服自己这位年青老板在影视产业和投资方面的卓越眼光,但他也总是觉得,艾瑞克性格方面缺少一个上位者应该具有的控制欲,甚至在很多事情方面过于温和,缺乏攻击性。 But now, in Firefly cinema city small dining room, Katzenberg suddenly presently, the pattern in Eric heart be broader than many times him, he not only had the present, even also plans to control the future. 但现在,萤火虫影城这间小小的餐厅里,卡森伯格突然现,艾瑞克心中的格局要比他广阔很多倍,他不但已经拥有了现在,甚至还打算控制未来。 Katzenberg even realized that perhaps are only Eric this in a board game piece to the future ambitious layout, the board game piece cannot see clearly the entire checkerboard layout eventually, it can only observe all in own established route region, and some time begins to direct to playing chess conceitedly. 卡森伯格甚至意识到,或许自己只是艾瑞克这场对未来野心勃勃的布局中一个棋子,棋子终究是看不清整个棋盘布局的,它只能在自身既定的路线区域内观察一切,并自以为是地对下棋者某次落子指指点点。 Are one willing to work as a board game piece? 自己愿意当一枚棋子吗? Katzenberg self-examined, but the innermost feelings have given an answer quickly, why not? 卡森伯格不由自问,但内心很快给出了一个答案,为什么不呢 In this world how many people dare to say aren't one a board game piece? But has too many people, perhaps for a lifetime, the connection touches the opportunity of playing chess person not to have. But now, he not only has such opportunity, even can also have the consciousness and a playing chess person creates the future together, this these common life actually not know the person who behavior wants to be too more than luckily. 这世上又有多少人敢说自己不是棋子?但有太多人,或许一辈子,连接触到下棋人的机会都没有。而现在,他不但有这样的机会,甚至还可以有意识地和一个下棋人一起创造未来,这要比那些碌碌一生却不知所为的人要幸运太多。 Eric, I and Guffin's relations are good, perhaps, I can telephone, inviting him to attend on April 2 the San Francisco fire1yer arrange meeting, do you think what kind of?” 艾瑞克,我和格芬的关系不错,或许,我可以打个电话,邀请他参加4月2日旧金山的fire1yer布会,你觉得怎么样?” David Guffin's Record Company once was a Warner music group very important subsidiary company, music copyright that had almost with Firefly Records quite. Katzenberg and David Guffin is very good friend, initially David when Guffin was just separated from Time Warner, Katzenberg had also suggested Eric purchases David Guffin's Record Company, but Eric had not agreed. 大卫・格芬的唱片公司曾经是华纳音乐集团旗下很重要的一个分公司,旗下拥有的音乐版权几乎与萤火虫唱片相当。卡森伯格大卫・格芬一直是非常好的朋友,当初大卫・格芬刚刚脱离时代华纳时,卡森伯格还建议过艾瑞克收购大卫・格芬的唱片公司,只是艾瑞克没有同意。 Eric does not know that the Katzenberg condition in such a short time lived anything to change at heart, but he is willing to bring both sides together on own initiative, Eric naturally cannot reject. 艾瑞克不知道卡森伯格心里状态在这么短的时间内都生了什么变化,但他愿意主动牵线搭桥,艾瑞克自然不会拒绝。 Naturally, if he wants, um, when the time comes, everybody can poly.” “当然,如果他愿意的话,嗯,到时候,大家可以聚一聚。” The breakfast finished eating, chatted several at will, Katzenberg then must hurry to Burbank Headquarters to attend every week the regular meeting, they then respectively separate. 早餐已经吃完,又随意聊了几句,卡森伯格接下来要赶去伯班克总部参加每周例会,两人便各自分开。 The Eric today's work schedule is also busy. 艾瑞克今天的工作日程也非常忙碌。 In the morning must examine «Jurassic Park 3» just the preview after thick scissors, and with Director Qiao village Milestone as well as the digital domain the team discussed the following late special effect work later. At noon has made Jerry Bruckheimer as well as Michael eats meal together, the «The Day After Tomorrow» project in discussion disaster piece series. This project cannot such drag eventually, Eric does not plan to instruct personally, the company is impossible to wait for that exactly Michael after manufactures «Bad Boys 2», does not want again shoots «Bad Boys 3», but wants to try the special effect theme, Jerry Bruckheimer then proposed that gives Michael «The Day After Tomorrow» Director. In the afternoon must hurry to the Fox square to participate in the «Dark Angel» Heroine last round screen test, Eric regarding did not even have many interest through the matter of screen test appreciation hunting beautiful woman, he wants any woman now, does not need such complex repertoire. But since initially on own initiative embraced this assignment, he also has to symbolically reveal under one. 上午要查看《侏罗纪公园3》刚刚粗剪后的样片,并与导演乔・庄斯顿以及数字领域后期团队一起讨论接下来的后期特效工作。中午约了杰瑞布鲁克海默以及迈克尔・贝一起吃饭,讨论灾难片系列中的《后天》项目。这个项目终究不能这么拖下去,艾瑞克不打算亲自指导,公司也不可能一直等待,恰好迈克尔・贝制作完《绝地战警2》之后,不想再拍摄绝地战警3》,而是想尝试一下特效题材,杰瑞布鲁克海默便提出将《后天》交给迈克尔・贝指导。下午还要赶去福克斯片场参加《末世女主角的最后一轮试镜,艾瑞克对于通过试镜欣赏甚至狩猎美女的事情已经没有了多少兴致,他现在想要什么女人,根本不需要这么复杂的套路。但既然当初主动揽下了这个差事,他也不得不象征性地露一下面。 Because the «Jurassic Park 2» Box Office result is almost equally matched with first part, although has signed the option contract ahead of time, but Qiao village Milestone proposed gains more salaries as in «Jurassic Park 3», both sides spent for three months to reach the agreement in the negotiations, the third script compilation and team formed do not have second part to be so smooth, therefore, in the plan two years of manufacture cycles, were lengthened for two -and-a-half years, «Jurassic Park 3» also can only miss summer the files, was arranged at the end of the year Christmas running schedule. 由于《侏罗纪公园的2》的票房成绩几乎与第一部不相上下,虽然提前签署了选择权合约,但乔・庄斯顿依旧提出在《侏罗纪公园3》中获取更多片酬,双方在谈判上花了三个月时间才达成协议,第三部的剧本编写和团队组建也没有第二部那么顺畅,因此,计划中两年的制作周期,被延长到了两年半,《侏罗纪公园3》也只能错过暑期档,被安排在了年底的圣诞档期。 «Jurassic Park 3» just heated bamboo strips for writing material on the eve of Oscar, Jerry Bruckheimer is the producer as before, what made is at noon, but to carry on to the special effect production process understood that in the morning Michael along with Jerry Bruckheimer arrives at the Firefly cinema city together, audits the post production plan discussions of «Jurassic Park 3». Everyone 's success is not lucky, Eric regarding Michael manner was also satisfactory, has completed the morning work, has put down to hesitate at heart, decided that gave him to manufacture «The Day After Tomorrow», at noon everybody was in the dining room, very simply direct discussion «The Day After Tomorrow» manufacture plan.( To be continued.) 8 侏罗纪公园3》在奥斯卡前夕才刚刚杀青,杰瑞布鲁克海默依旧担任制片人,原本约的是中午,但为了对特效制作流程进行一些了解,上午迈克尔・贝就随杰瑞布鲁克海默一起来到萤火虫影城,旁听《侏罗纪公园3》的后期制作方案讨论。每个人的成功都不会是侥幸,艾瑞克对于迈克尔・贝的态度也非常满意,完成了上午的工作,心里就已经放下迟疑,决定将《后天》交给他来制作,中午大家在餐厅里,很干脆地直接讨论起《后天》的制作方案。(未完待续。)8
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