IAIH :: Volume #9

#843: Three animated films

The 69 th Oscar presentation ceremony conducts that evening, watches the more than 50 million audience of presentation ceremony besides the North America native place through ABC TV Station directly. According to afterward statistics, around the world, pays attention to the «RMS Titanic» award item result audience quantity through the overseas TV Station retransmission and other Internet information live transmissions as well as ways exceeds the astonishing 1 billion people. 第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼举办当晚,除了北美本土直接通过ab电视台观看颁奖典礼的5000多万观众外。根据随后的统计,世界范围内,通过海外电视台转播、互联网新闻直播以及其他各种方式关注《泰坦尼克号》奖项结果的观众数量超过惊人的10亿人次。 Therefore, «RMS Titanic» embraces 13 award items at the 69 th Oscar presentation ceremony crazily, breaks the Oscar history prize record the news, almost drew a charge that time in that night finally, rapidly has spread over the world. 因此,《泰坦尼克号》在第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上狂揽13个奖项,打破奥斯卡历史获奖记录的消息,几乎在当天晚上结果出炉那一时刻,就迅速传遍了世界。 In this winner for the world of king, regardless of this result whether has the controversy, «RMS Titanic» creates the Oscar myth the fact to be a foregone conclusion finally. 在这个胜者为王的世界,无论这一结果是否带有争议性,《泰坦尼克号》创造奥斯卡神话的事实终成定局。 Received «RMS Titanic» in the news stimulation that at the Oscar presentation ceremony won total victories, on March 21 by March 27 in one week, «RMS Titanic» gained across the board in North America and even the world film market Box Office digit on all fronts. 受到《泰坦尼克号》在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上大获全胜的消息刺激,3月21日到3月27日一周内,《泰坦尼克号》在北美乃至全世界电影市场票房数字全线飘红。 The North America aspect, «RMS Titanic» 14 th week Box Office appears to the 13 th week again counter falls the rebound, closes 25 100,000, North America Box Office is 5. 1.7 billion USD , to continue the Box Office record that renovates itself to create. 北美方面,《泰坦尼克号》第14周票房相对于第13周再次出现逆跌反弹,报收2510万,北美累计票房达到5.17亿美元,继续刷新着本身创造的票房纪录。 An overseas Box Office performance brighter eye, this week of time, the «RMS Titanic» overseas ticket warehouse figure dramatically increased to 68 again, in the meantime, received «RMS Titanic» creates the stimulation of Oscar prize record news, the ticket warehouse country Box Office figure that many early times screened presented the obvious rebound, overseas ticket warehouse country that recent two weeks of screening, Box Office digit brighter eye. 海外票房的表现就更加亮眼,这一周时间,《泰坦尼克号》的海外票仓数字再次大幅增加到了68个,同时,受到《泰坦尼克号》创造奥斯卡获奖记录消息的刺激,很多早期上映的票仓国家票房数字都出现了明显的反弹,最近两周上映的海外票仓国家,票房数字就更加亮眼。 After the initial statistics, overseas Box Office of «RMS Titanic» in this week achieves 200 million 3 6 million, has realized the media overseas Box Office will break through the forecast of 200 million splendidly about «RMS Titanic» this week. 经过初步统计,《泰坦尼克号》在这一周内的海外票房达到2亿3600万,非常出色地实现了媒体关于《泰坦尼克号》本周海外票房将突破2亿的预测。 Meanwhile, the «RMS Titanic» global Box Office digit has also achieved astonishing 1.3 billion 3 2 million USD, enhanced 1.3 billion USD from 1 billion the global movie Box Office record directly . Moreover, no one is able to expect that the final limit digit is many. 同时,《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房数字也达到了惊人的13亿3200万美元,直接将全球电影票房纪录从10亿提高到了13亿美元,而且,谁也无法预料到最终的极限数字将会是多少。 1997 Easter was on March 31, this also means that following one week, the Western majorities of countries will welcome the Easter vacation. 1997年的复活节是3月31日,这也就意味着,接下来一周,西方大部分国家都将迎来复活节假期。 Although the Easter vacation lengths of different country vary, but, this popular running schedule, will again promote without a doubt «RMS Titanic» global Box Office. Even if North America Box Office after Oscar, will present obvious dropping, but competitive overseas Box Office, likely in following one week, pushes to the 1.5 billion USD altitude «RMS Titanic» global total Box Office. 虽然不同国家的复活节假期长短不一,但毫无疑问,这一热门档期,将会再一次促进《泰坦尼克号》的全球票房。即使北美票房奥斯卡之后,会出现明显的回落,但后劲十足的海外票房,很可能会在接下来一周,将《泰坦尼克号全球票房推向15亿美元的高度。 «RMS Titanic» continues to attract trillion people of attention at the same time, after one month of intensive propaganda, the Firefly electron on April 2 will issue that the global first MP3 player irelyer date also day after day approaches. 泰坦尼克号》继续吸引着亿万人注意力的同时,经过一个多月的密集宣传,萤火虫电子将在4月2日发布全球首款mp3播放器irelyer的日期也日渐临近。 Although is a model of completely strange brand-new music player product, but the Firefly electron great writer provides under the propaganda of 10,000 stage irelyer free, this model of MP3 player has caused the strong reaction across entire US. after irelyer test drawing had ended, wants to obtain the user of this model of player as before, issues to buy the information in the trading platform that in the network just started, some people even bid up 12 million USD a irelyer price. 虽然是一款完全陌生的全新音乐播放器产品,但萤火虫电子大手笔免费发放一万台irelyer的宣传下,这款mp3播放器已经在全美各地产生了强烈的反响。irelyer的试用抽奖活动结束后,依旧想要获得这款播放器的用户,纷纷在网络上刚刚兴起的交易平台发布求购信息,有些人甚至将一台irelyer的价格炒到了1200万美元 The traditional music player manufacturer naturally saw the irelyer player to the intense threat that alkman and d machine and other players posed, while gains the irelyer prototype conducts the dismantling research through various types of channels, under pulling strings of some traditional manufacturers, many media also starts to propagandize irelyer this type to be easy to disseminate the music piracy the threat of equipment to the phonograph record industry, even appealed that the United States phonograph record association sues the Firefly electron, forbids the production and sale of MP3 player directly. 传统的音乐播放器厂商自然看到了irelyer播放器对alkman、d机等播放器造成的强烈威胁,在通过各种渠道获取irelyer样机进行拆解研究的同时,在一些传统厂商的指使下,不少媒体也开始宣传irelyer这种容易传播盗版音乐的设备对唱片产业的威胁,甚至呼吁美国唱片协会起诉萤火虫电子,直接禁止mp3播放器的生产和销售。 In this case, United States popular song world day later Madonna Cicconi after the Oscar presentation ceremony, starts the negotiations about individual phonograph record figure distribution rights with the Warner phonograph record, attracted the attention of innumerable media instantaneously. 这种情况下,美国流行歌坛天后麦当娜・西科尼在奥斯卡颁奖典礼之后,与华纳唱片开启关于个人唱片数字发行权的谈判,瞬间吸引了无数媒体的关注。 Afterward, the Madonna's Eric with the news that contacts also quickly disseminates on «Vanity Fair» party, this also made the Warner phonograph record understand Madonna as well as hid in the intention that her secret Eric such made. 随后,麦当娜在《名利场派对上与艾瑞克接触的消息也很快传播开来,这也让华纳唱片明白了麦当娜以及躲在她幕后的艾瑞克这么做的意图。 The Yahoo music store before then, any from five big Record Company has not attained the online music power of sale. 雅虎音乐商店在此之前,没有从五大唱片公司中的任何一家拿到在线音乐销售权。 Therefore, the major phonograph record giants have a premonition, if makes Madonna prevail, many singer of their will set similar request. When the time comes, Yahoo can have the singer of digital distribution rights to adopt the strategy of defeat in detail to these alone, Record Company will fall into the extremely passive aspect. 因此,各大唱片巨头也预感到,如果让麦当娜得逞,他们旗下的很多一线歌星都将提出类似的要求。到时候,雅虎就可以对这些单独持有数字发行权的歌手采取各个击破的策略,唱片公司将陷入极其被动的局面。 The Warner phonograph record has first rejected Madonna's negotiations application about the digital distribution rights, Warner phonograph record Chairman Roger Ames at a press conference, the words stirs up row of expressions, to prevent the digital music sells this type to be extremely easy to disseminate pirating the rotten conduct, the Warner phonograph record will prevent certain singers certain behaviors that attempts to demand the digital distribution rights, the digital distribution rights of music should not exist not at any cost. 华纳唱片第一时间拒绝了麦当娜关于数字发行权的谈判申请,华纳唱片总裁罗杰・埃姆斯更是在一次新闻发布会上,言辞激列的表示,为了阻止数字音乐销售这种极易传播盗版的恶劣行径,华纳唱片会不惜一切代价阻止某些歌手企图索取数字发行权的某些行为,音乐的数字发行权本就不应该存在。 However, although in the Warner phonograph record surface the manner is strong, but situation in private actually far from so. 不过,虽然华纳唱片表面上态度非常强硬,但私下的情况却远非如此。 In 1992, Madonna's enterprise just when at the height of power, cowboy Record Company that therefore, she established in the past, although accommodated alongside as in Warner phonograph record group, she had in a big way from master control power, and simultaneously was having the distribution rights of Madonna casual several years of all phonograph records. 1992年,麦当娜的事业正值如日中天,因此,她当年成立的牛仔唱片公司,虽然依旧挂靠在华纳唱片集团旗下,却她本人却拥有很大的自主控制权,并且同时掌握着麦当娜随便几年所有唱片的发行权。 In other words, even if the Warner phonograph record group did not agree that even did not acknowledge digital distribution rights concept, by Madonna's control ability to the cowboy, this company can be authorized the Yahoo music store to sell the phonograph record that cowboy Madonna releases in recent years as before alone. 也就是说,即使华纳唱片集团不同意甚至不承认数字发行权这个概念,以麦当娜对牛仔的掌控能力,这家公司依旧可以单独授权雅虎音乐商店销售牛仔旗下麦当娜最近几年发行的唱片。 Reason that Madonna opening and negotiations of Warner phonograph record, but wanted to bring back her from making a debut to start to 1992 this time the digital distribution rights of many phonograph records, because of copyright of these phonograph records, has not belonged to the cowboy phonograph record, but grasped as in the Warner phonograph record group hand. 麦当娜之所以开启与华纳唱片的谈判,只是想要拿回她从出道开始到1992年这一时期的多张唱片的数字发行权,因为这些唱片的版权,并没有归属牛仔唱片,而是依旧掌握在华纳唱片集团手中。 The Warner phonograph record firm crude manner, aroused this disposition stubborn irritable song world day later reverse psychology similarly. 华纳唱片坚决粗暴的态度,同样也激起了这位性格倔强火爆的歌坛天后的逆反心理。 In Warner phonograph record Chairman Roger Ames published the same day of related statement, Madonna openly said with the Yahoo music store cooperation, three special editions that the online sales cowboy phonograph record had, simultaneously claimed that will file the charge on the ownership of digital distribution rights to the Warner phonograph record. 华纳唱片总裁罗杰・埃姆斯发表相关声明的当天,麦当娜就公开表示将与雅虎音乐商店合作,在线销售牛仔唱片持有的三张专辑,同时声称将就数字发行权的归属向华纳唱片提起诉讼。 If ordinary 12 singers, perhaps Time Warner can also make them give way before difficulties with refrigeration and other threats. 如果是普通的12线歌手,时代华纳或许还可以用冷藏等威胁让他们知难而退。 But to Madonna this rank, because both sides almost completely have been in the status of coordinated cooperation, the binding energy of related contract to Madonna from is also very small, therefore, these cope with the move of ordinary singer to be very difficult to collect the effect to her. The high level of Warner phonograph record can only sing the red painted-face white face one after another, attempts to make Madonna cancel with the thought of Yahoo music store cooperation. 但到了麦当娜这种级别,因为双方几乎已经完全处在一种对等合作的地位上,相关合约对麦当娜的束缚能从也很小,因此,这些对付普通歌手的招数对她已经很难凑效。华纳唱片的高层只能轮番地唱着红脸白脸,企图让麦当娜打消与雅虎音乐商店合作的念头。 Naturally, the Firefly electron and Yahoo aspect will not be aloof, instructed by Eric, the Firefly electron and Yahoo Corporation positively has also pledged all sorts of excellent conditions to Madonna. 当然,萤火虫电子和雅虎方面也不会无动于衷,在艾瑞克的授意下,萤火虫电子和雅虎公司也非常积极地向麦当娜开出了种种优越条件。 To the music industry maintains the close attention at the same time, after Oscar, the work of Eric has bustled about once more. 对音乐行业保持密切关注的同时,奥斯卡之后,艾瑞克的工作再次忙碌了起来。 Although from summer files also two months, but summer the propaganda work of files movie actually comprehensively has launched. 虽然距离暑期档还有两个月时间,但暑期档影片的宣传工作却已经全面展开。 This year's summer files will be doomed not to be tranquil , etc. a series was the focus of attention the honorable person big piece besides «Casino Royale» and «Bad Boys 2», this summer files will have simultaneously three animated films to screen, separately will be Pixar manufacture «Finding Nemo» and Blue Sky Studios manufacture «Ice Age» as well as Paramount animation «The Lion King 2». 今年的暑期档注定不会平静,除了《007之皇家赌场》、《绝地战警2》等一系列备受关注的真人大片外,这个暑期档将同时有三部动画电影上映,分别是皮克斯制作的《海底总动员》、蓝天工作室制作的《冰河时代》以及派拉蒙动画制作的《狮子王2》。 Obviously, these three animation big movies, have very close connection with Firefly Group . Moreover, has created «The Lion King» of global 900 million USD Box Office miracle as first continues does, «The Lion King 2» without doubt are in three movies strongest that. 显然,这三部动画大电影,都与萤火虫集团有着非常密切的关联,而且,作为首部创造了全球9亿美元票房奇迹的《狮子王》续作,《狮子王2》无疑是三部影片中最强势的那一个。 After the running schedules of three animated films announced one after another, Viacom Chairman Summer Redstone even confidently openly declared that «The Lion King 2» kill «Finding Nemo» and «Ice Age» completely.( To be continued.) 当三部动画电影的档期陆续公布后,维亚康姆董事长萨默雷石东甚至信心十足地公开宣称,《狮子王2》将会把《海底总动员》和《冰河时代》全部干掉。(未完待续。)
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