IAIH :: Volume #9

#842: Dark room

From the Madonna somewhat absent-minded expression, Eric these words cannot touch her as before obviously slightly. 从麦当娜依旧有些心不在焉的表情来看,艾瑞克的这番话显然丝毫没能打动她。 However, Madonna is not willing in strong that too in front of Eric displays, carried front champagne easely sips several, routinely has pulled up Eric one, brought to say with a smile: Eric, I never thought one is a smart person, therefore I am good at listening to the opinion of my side team very much. Although your just words were very reasonable, but I believe as before my manager said a while ago, this little thing, it called irelyer was right, very name of pleasant to hear. However, this product, if comes popularly, definitely will affect the entity phonograph record the sales volume, the phonograph record sale is our survivals is basic. Moreover, my manager also told me, pirating of Internet music was serious, therefore I planned that left this new domain by far. Ok, like you said a moment ago, 20 years later, this little thing can achieve the videocorder in the profession altitude of today, but at that time, I definitely already had retired.” 不过,麦当娜也不愿意在艾瑞克面前表现的太强势,端起面前的香槟悠然地抿了几口,习惯性地撩了艾瑞克一眼,带着微笑道:“艾瑞克,我从来不觉得自己是一个聪明人,所以我很善于听从我身边团队的意见。虽然你刚刚的话很有道理,但我依旧相信我经纪人前段时间说的,这个小东西,它叫irelyer对吗,很好听的名字。不过,这种产品如果流行开来,肯定会影响到实体唱片的销量,唱片销售可是我们这些人的生存根本。而且,我的经纪人还告诉我,互联网音乐的盗版情况非常严重,所以我还是打算远远地离开这个新领域。就算,像你刚才说的,20年后,这个小东西会达到录像机在今天的这种行业高度,但那时候,我肯定早就已经退休了啊。” Mentioned pirating,” Eric was not discouraged , to continue saying: Mai Qi, you knows the present Internet, regarding music industry, like what?” “说起盗版,”艾瑞克也不气馁,继续道:“麦琪,你知道现在的互联网,对于音乐产业来说,像一个什么吗?” Actually, the example of videocorder Eric just cited, has let some Madonna thoughts vacillations. Just that Duan lengthy speech, was more like she is boosting own confidence. 其实,艾瑞克刚刚列举的录像机的例子,就已经让麦当娜心思有些动摇。刚刚那段长篇大论,更像是她在坚定自己的信心。 Madonna had realized that at present this youth seems good at convincing her person, but she actually very resists this feeling, at least, she is not willing to be convinced in the situation of tonight, therefore she has even had the thought that sets out to get out of the way, but the Eric ingenious topic guidance made her have some unquenchable curiosity, asked: What?” 麦当娜已经意识到眼前这个青年似乎非常善于说服她人,但她却十分抗拒这种感觉,至少,她可不愿意在今晚的这种场合被人说服,因此她甚至已经生出了起身走开的念头,但艾瑞克巧妙的话题引导还是让她产生了一些难以抑制的好奇心,问道:“什么啊?” Eric lets go slightly, in magnetic voice has several to mislead, said: Regarding the music industry, has to surpass the Internet world of 100 million user in the world, like a dark room, an incomparably huge and broad dark room.” 艾瑞克微微摊手,磁性的嗓音中带着几丝蛊惑,道:“对于音乐产业来说,在全世界拥有超过一亿用户的互联网世界,就像一间黑屋子,一间无比庞大而广阔的黑屋子。” Madonna did not speak, leaning head, continued to do to listen respectfully to the shape slightly. 麦当娜不语,微微侧头,继续做聆听状。 Eric does not stand still, then said: In this spacious dark dark room, countless people anticipates the light, they have enough ability to gain bright payment enough price, but the light actually treats as the place of pardoned crime this space, refuses to arrive, when got rid brightly, to gain luminously, the people can only steal the fire seed, this then pirates.” 艾瑞克也不停歇,接着道:“在这间空旷幽暗的黑屋子里,无数人期待光明,他们也有足够的能力为了获取光明支付足够的代价,但光明却将这处空间当做原罪之地,拒绝降临,当被光明抛弃,为了获取光亮,人们就只能盗取火种,这便是盗版。” „The present situation of Internet music industry is so, it gathered a world power of consumption strongest huge crowd, this point is without a doubt. But Record Company actually because of all sorts of scruples, refuses to acknowledge that this potential giant market, they think such do, then can resist the impact of Internet to entity phonograph record profession, but actually, finally exactly opposite. Resisting of phonograph record profession, is unable to prevent Internet user's intense demand to the music, this will only cause the Internet music piracy more rampant. Because of the flaw of legal copy music sale platform, will cause the user to be accustomed to the free music piracy more and more, the strength of custom is very fearful, when all people are accustomed to anytime and anywhere downloads hundred and thousand of free songs from the network, you thought that their meeting is also willing to be 20 USD entity phonograph record payments?” “互联网音乐产业的现状便是如此,它聚集了全世界消费能力最强的一个庞大人群,这一点毋庸置疑。但唱片公司却因为种种顾忌,拒绝承认这个潜力巨大的市场,他们以为这么做,便能够抵挡互联网对实体唱片行业的冲击,但其实,结果恰好相反。唱片行业的抵制,是无法阻止互联网用户对音乐的强烈需求的,这只会造成互联网盗版音乐更加猖獗。因为正版音乐销售平台的缺失,会导致用户越来越习惯于免费的盗版音乐,习惯的力量是非常可怕的,当所有人都习惯于随时随地从网络上下载成百上千首免费歌曲时,你觉得,他们还会愿意为20美元一张的实体唱片付费吗?” The Madonna corner of the eye has selected selecting, refuted: Eric, your this supposition is untenable, nobody dares such unscrupulously to disseminate the music piracy on the Internet, the person not only meeting defendant who such is arrives to lose everything, will also be sentenced in 1000 by the federal law.” 麦当娜眼角挑了挑,反驳道:“艾瑞克,你这个假设根本不成立,没有谁敢这么肆无忌惮地在互联网上传播盗版音乐,这么做的人不但会被告到倾家荡产,甚至还会被联邦法律判上1000年。” Eric smiles, said: Mai Qi, you did not know about the Internet, wants actually right. But what you do not know, even if the person of not familiar networking, so long as flowered dozens USD, can purchase a template structure of music web site. Similarly, in addition some money, even can not spend, can any national area in the world rent a server. Then, he can establish one to save tens of thousands songs the music piracy websites. These websites want to achieve anonymous simply easy, you are unable to press for payment the responsible person. Moreover, because of Internet user's huge demand to music, even if there is 10,000 music piracy website to close down because of the legal cause every day, but in almost at the same time, will again present tens of thousands of brand-new music piracy website.” 艾瑞克笑笑,道:“麦琪,你对互联网不了解,这么想其实没错。但你不知道的是,一个哪怕不怎么熟悉网络技术的人,只要花几十美元,就可以购买一个音乐网站的模板构架。同样,再加上一些钱,甚至可以不花钱,就能在世界上任何一个国家地区租用一台服务器。然后,他就可以建立一个存储几万首歌的盗版音乐网站。这些网站想要做到匿名简直轻而易举,你根本无从追索责任人。而且,因为互联网用户对音乐的庞大需求,哪怕每天有一万个盗版音乐网站因为法律原因被关停,但在几乎同一时刻,就会再次出现成千上万全新的盗版音乐网站。” Madonna somewhat changed countenance finally. 麦当娜终于有些动容了。 Eric has not actually stopped , to continue saying: Therefore, the attack pirates the most effective method, is establishes the legal copy the online music sale platform, lets all user legitimate gain legal copy music the channel, just started to develop from this industry, the custom of training public buying legal copy music. A moment ago said like me, if in a dark room had the light, although it is unable to shine eventually all dark corners, but at least, really most people do not need to steal fire seed again, some people will not steal fire seed this matter to treat as naturally, therefore, Mai Qi, you do think?” 艾瑞克却没有停止,继续道:“因此,打击盗版最有效的方法,就是建立正版的在线音乐销售平台,让所有用户都有一个合法获取正版音乐的渠道,并且,从这个产业刚刚开始发展,就培养公众购买正版音乐的习惯。就像我刚才所说,一间黑屋子里如果有了光,虽然它终究无法照耀所有阴暗角落,但至少,很大部分人都不需要再去盗取‘火种’,更不会有人将盗取‘火种’这种事情当做理所当然,所以,麦琪,你觉得呢?” Madonna the moment, has gotten back one's composure, in the vision is having the interest of not mincing matter, is looking at Eric, said: Listened to you to say these many, I suddenly thought that if the Internet did not exist, that was better.” 麦当娜顿了片刻,才回过神,目光中带着毫不掩饰的兴趣,望着艾瑞克,道:“听你说这么多,我突然觉得,如果互联网不存在,那就更好了。” Eric lets go, on the face is bringing smiling, said: Actually, I also thought that if this society can return to the 10,000 year ago suddenly but actually, that definitely will be also wonderful.” 艾瑞克摊手,脸上带着笑,道:“其实,我也觉得,这个社会如果能够突然倒回到一万年前,那也肯定会非常美妙。” Madonna thinks that Eric was ridiculing her just viewpoint, curls the lip, said: „Did you think so really?” 麦当娜以为艾瑞克是在嘲笑她刚刚的观点,撇撇嘴,道:“你真的这么觉得?” Naturally,” Eric nods assuredly, the line of sight crosses the glass several, high and low takes a look at Madonna who one has worn the black low chest formal clothes, a face is charmed saying: Standard according to 10,000 year ago, the people should not wear the clothes.” “当然,”艾瑞克笃定地点头,视线越过玻璃几,上下打量了一番身穿黑色低胸礼服的麦当娜,一脸神往道:“按照一万年前的标准,人们都应该还是不穿衣服的。” Madonna has gawked staring, immediately has laughed elatedly, a moment later, her body leans forward, almost lies in the glass slightly several on, the facial features such as the silk looks, said: Eric, you want to look at my 10,000 year ago appearance, was inferior that we do find a room now?” 麦当娜愣了愣,随即乐不可支地大笑了起来,片刻之后,她身体微微前倾,几乎趴在玻璃几上,眉眼如丝地望过来,说道:“艾瑞克,你想看我一万年前的样子吗,不如我们现在去找个房间?” Eric wants to slap a oneself face, is digging a pit from burying this is. 艾瑞克真想抽自己一巴掌,挖坑自埋啊这是。 Did cough two, Eric has recovered consciousness, said: Mai Qi, we chatted the matter of music. Even if you impossible to place in the web platform to sell your new special edition temporarily, the music that but distributed in the past, I thought that can try, special edition that these once released, now affirmed that was unable to sell many entity phonograph records again, but I believe that places in the web platform, every year can bring very considerable income for you as before.” 了两声,艾瑞克才缓过来,说道:“麦琪,我们还是谈谈音乐的事情吧。就算你暂时不可能把自己的新专辑放在网络平台上销售,但往年发行的音乐,我觉得还是可以尝试一下的,这些曾经发行的专辑,现在肯定已经无法再卖出多少实体唱片,但我相信,放在网络平台上,每年依旧能够为你带来非常可观的收入。” Madonna not, because Eric avoid oneself just topic to be angry, by the sofa after turning round on, said: But, Eric, the distribution rights of my majority of music not in own, therefore, you should go to discuss with Warner.” 麦当娜并没有因为艾瑞克躲开自己刚刚的话题而生气,又靠回身后的沙发上,道:“可是,艾瑞克,我个人大部分音乐的发行权都不在自己手里,所以,你应该去和华纳谈。” „, I do not believe that at this matter, you have enough distribution rights.” “不不,我还是相信,在这件事上,你拥有足够的发行权的。” Eric shakes the head, Madonna in the status of music world, although is unable to achieve Michael Jackson altitude, but the way and Jackson of she and Warner phonograph record cooperation are the same, is both sides together establishes a music subsidiary company, is responsible for the manufacture and release of her own music. 艾瑞克摇头,麦当娜在音乐界的地位虽然无法达到迈克尔杰克逊的高度,但她与华纳唱片合作的方式与杰克逊相同,都是双方共同成立一家音乐子公司,负责她自身音乐的制作和发行。 This also means that Madonna's release to own music has very big right to independence. Internet digital music release that let alone, just started at present, this almost can be said as a brand-new concept, by Madonna in the status of music world, she can definitely discuss the related supplement contract with Time Warner. Because of so, Eric tonight has made such big effort, if other 23 young singers, Eric will not say these many to the opposite party. 这也意味着,麦当娜对自己音乐的发行方面拥有很大的自主权。更何况,眼下还是刚刚兴起的互联网数字音乐发行,这几乎可以说是一个全新的概念,以麦当娜在音乐界的地位,她完全可以与时代华纳重新讨论相关的补充合约。正是因为如此,艾瑞克今晚才花了这么大力气,如果是其他23线小歌星,艾瑞克根本不会向对方说这么多。 Madonna sees Eric to see through her excuse, is not awkward, said: But, Eric, if I such do, what advantage I can obtain?” 麦当娜见艾瑞克识破自己的借口,也不尴尬,道:“可是,艾瑞克,如果我这么做,我能得到什么好处呢?” Oh, this,” Eric said with a smile: The share pattern that Yahoo online music store adopts is 37, the platform takes 30%, the copyright side takes 70%. If you have the digital distribution rights of own music completely, I think that you should not need to carry on two times to be divided with Time Warner again, at least, you do not need to apportion them to be too many again, not?” ,这个啊,”艾瑞克笑道:“雅虎在线音乐商店采取的分成模式是37分,平台拿三成,版权方拿七成。如果你完全拥有自身音乐的数字发行权的话,我想,你应该就不需要再与时代华纳进行二次分成了,至少,你不需要再分给他们太多,不是吗?” The Madonna eyes have shone, simultaneously she also keenly caught some brand-new glossary in Eric words: Digital distribution rights?” 麦当娜眼睛亮了下,同时她也敏锐地捕捉到了艾瑞克话中的某个全新词汇:“数字发行权?” Eric nods, said: This should be a brand-new concept, refers to being separated from the magnetic tape, d, film and other entity medium the music releases, currently speaking, refers to the Internet music release, I think, in contract that you and Time Warner signed, should not involve the provision in this aspect, right?” 艾瑞克点头,道:“这应该是一个全新的概念,是指脱离了磁带、d、胶片等实体介质的音乐发行,目前来说,就是指互联网音乐发行,我想,你和时代华纳签署的合约中,应该没有涉及到这方面的条款,对吧?” Madonna nodded subconsciously. 麦当娜下意识点了点头。 Therefore,” Eric misleads to say immediately once more: I thought that you following, should with Time Warner discuss as soon as possible a subsidiary agreement, decides the ownership of digital distribution rights.” “所以,”艾瑞克立刻再次蛊惑道:“我觉得,你接下来,应该尽快与时代华纳重新讨论一份补充协议,商定数字发行权的归属。” Madonna winked several eyes, suddenly has smiled, said: Eric, this is your tonight's ultimate goal. If I take back oneself phonograph record from Time Warner the digital distribution rights, that definitely will cause imitations of major Record Company some singers. Yahoo cannot attain the digital power of sale from five big Record Company there, but if these rights disperse to the singer hand, you can defeat in detail.” 麦当娜眨了几下眼睛,突然笑了起来,道:“艾瑞克,这才是你今晚的最终目的吧。如果我从时代华纳收回自己唱片的数字发行权,那肯定会引起各大唱片公司一些歌手的效仿。雅虎没能从五大唱片公司那里拿到数字销售权,但如果这些权利分散到歌手自己手中,你们就可以各个击破了。” Has saying that Mai Qi, you are actually intelligent,” Eric praised one, said: But, you are unfair to me absolutely, did you look at me likely are that plans deep person?” “不得不说,麦琪,你其实非常聪明的,”艾瑞克夸了一句,道:“不过,你绝对是冤枉我了,你看我像是那种心机深沉的人吗?” Madonna has sized up Eric actually really again, said assuredly: Like.” 麦当娜倒是真的重新将艾瑞克打量了一番,笃定道:“像。” Good, I have been injured,” Eric has covered the chest, will place just that only irelyer on hand also to give Madonna, said: These two little things gave to you, the remaining fitting some people will hand over in your assistant hand. Also, this is my name card, if you make anything to decide that can hit at any time to me.” “好吧,我受伤了,”艾瑞克捂了捂胸口,将刚刚放在手边的那只irelyer也递给了麦当娜,道:“这两件小东西就送给你了,剩下的配件有人会交到你助理手中。还有,这是我的名片,如果你做出什么决定,可以随时打给我。” Sees Eric to hand over a name card, must set out to leave, Madonna blocks him hastily „, Eric, you have put forward these many requests to me, shouldn't compensate my point what?” 艾瑞克递过来一张名片,就要起身离开,麦当娜连忙拦住他“嘿,艾瑞克,你向我提了这么多要求,难道不该补偿我一点什么吗?” Volume, Mai Qi, I actually am a very conservative person.” “额,麦琪,我其实是一个很保守的人。” Madonna showed the whites of the eyes toward him, oneself have pulled up that many times, Eric is aloof, she will again not certainly have a joke backfire, said: Your this fellow, actually, I meant that I am preparing my new special edition now, helping me write several songs to be what kind of?” 麦当娜朝他翻了个白眼,自己撩了那么多次,艾瑞克都无动于衷,她当然也不会再自讨没趣,道:“你这个家伙,其实,我是说,我现在正在准备自己的新专辑呢,帮我写几首歌怎么样?” Eric these years, the song quantity of although manufacturing are extremely few, but almost every song achieves may be called the shocking situation. Before several hours, when the Oscar backstage, Madonna approaches to greet, actually has saved this thoughts, said, her these age industry started to go down hill. If Eric can help her write several with the song that he once the work quality matched, when release does not rub Eric individual fame completely, can help her stage a comeback absolutely. 艾瑞克这些年来,虽然制作的歌曲数量极少,但几乎每一首歌都达到堪称惊艳的地步。几个小时前在奥斯卡后台时,麦当娜主动上前打招呼,其实就存了这个这份心思,说真的,她这些年事业已经开始走下坡路。如果艾瑞克能够帮她写出几首与他曾经作品质量相匹配的歌曲,哪怕发行时完全不蹭艾瑞克的个人名气,也绝对能够帮助她东山再起。 Eric truly anticipated that Madonna can agree to move into the Yahoo music store, he is not good to flatly refuse, thinks that said: Makes the person deliver your new special edition the style material to me, should better attach several first type tunes, I give a try. Naturally, I cannot guarantee, this need inspiration.” 艾瑞克确实非常期待麦当娜能够同意入驻雅虎音乐商店,他也不好一口拒绝,想了想,道:“让人送一份你新专辑的风格资料给我吧,最好附几首样曲,我试试看。当然,我可不敢保证,这需要灵感的。” Naturally, I will make the person deliver to your there tomorrow,” Madonna nods hastily, thinks, adds: I as soon as possible will also let person and Warner negotiate the matter of branch distribution rights, actually, I also somewhat hope that can cooperate with you.” “当然,我明天就让人送到你那里去,”麦当娜连忙点头,想了想,又补充道:“我也会尽快让人与华纳谈判树枝发行权的事情,其实,我也有些希望能与你合作了呢。” „, Hopes that we will not disappoint the opposite party,” Eric puts out a hand, said with a smile. “那么,希望我们都不会让对方失望,”艾瑞克伸手过去,笑道。 Madonna and he grasped grasping, the nod said: I also hope so.”( To be continued.) 麦当娜与他握了握,点头道:“我也希望如此。”(未完待续。)
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