IAIH :: Volume #9

#841: Pulls up

Chapter 841 第841章 During conversations, 87-year- old age Rose actor Larry Stewart under supporting by the arm of people, marches into the backstage slowly. 交谈间,87岁高龄的老年萝丝扮演者格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特在众人的搀扶下,缓缓步入后台。 „, Mai Qi, our Vanity Fair party said goodbye,” the present definitely no longer is discussed the Yahoo music store the time, Eric greeted one to Madonna, toward Larry that side Stewart walked. “那么,麦琪,我们名利场派对再见,”眼下肯定不再是谈论雅虎音乐商店的时候,艾瑞克向麦当娜招呼了一声,就朝格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特那边走去。 The old people had been supported by the arm on sand to sit down by the people, although the presentation ceremony has carried on for two hours, Larry the Stewart state of mind is as before good, often puts out a hand to stroke by previous best male supporting actor winner Kevin sends the shanxi merchants she to hold the young metal statue in hand, smiles to mutter: Inconceivable, is really inconceivable.” 老人家已经被众人搀扶到沙上坐下,虽然颁奖典礼已经进行了两个多小时,格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特的精神状态依旧非常好,不时伸手抚摸着被上届最佳男配角得主凯文・史派西帮她托在手中的小金人,微笑着喃喃道:“不可思议,真是不可思议。” As one of the golden age stars, Larry Stewart faded out the circle in the mid-40's, therefore, this is her first time obtains the Oscar nomination, and attains the award item. 作为黄金时代的女星之一,格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特早在四十年代中期就已经淡出了圈子,因此,这还是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名,并且拿到奖项。 Eric walks, shook the hand of old person to congratulate, everybody talked lively the moment, the old person had not agreed suggestion that the daughter went back to rest ahead of time, hopes that can witness the final time, Eric then personally helps to support by the arm the old person to return to the assembly hall. 艾瑞克走过来,握着老人家的手恭喜了一番,大家热闹地交谈了片刻,老人家并没有同意女儿提前回去休息的建议,希望能够见证最后的时刻,艾瑞克便亲自帮忙搀扶着老人家重新返回礼堂内。 Just returned to own seat, on best Director winner Robert Sawayone Kiess has been on the stage, started to introduce that best Director nominated the winner. 刚刚返回自己的座位上,上一届的最佳导演得主罗伯特・泽米基斯就已经登上了舞台,开始介绍最佳导演提名获得者。 Five best Director candidate close-up 11 appear on the big silver screen. 五位最佳导演候选人特写镜头11出现在大银幕上。 Robert Sawayone Kiess opens the envelope, announced this time did not have the name of suspense: Oscar will belong, James Cameron, «RMS Titanic».” 罗伯特・泽米基斯打开信封,宣布了一个此时已经毫无悬念的名字:“奥斯卡将归于,詹姆斯卡梅隆,《泰坦尼克号》。” In the applause and cheers, the «RMS Titanic» dramatic team surrounding all people excitedly have stood, Eric sets out, applauds while looks at backward one row with Cameron that the people hug. 掌声和欢呼声中,《泰坦尼克号》剧组周围所有人都兴奋地站了起来,艾瑞克跟着起身,一边鼓掌一边望向后一排正与众人拥抱的卡梅隆 Because sits in the middle reason, sees Cameron to walk, Eric puts out a hand, wants to applaud to celebrate with Cameron, Cameron grips the hand of Eric, has not actually left, instead has sat in William of Eric surrounding Stewart and Drew, have pushed forcefully. 因为坐在中间的缘故,见卡梅隆走过来,艾瑞克只是伸手过去,想要和卡梅隆击掌庆祝一下,卡梅隆握住艾瑞克的手,却没有离开,反而趟过坐在艾瑞克外围的威廉斯图尔特德鲁,强行挤了过来。 In the laughter of surrounding person, William Stewart and Drew hastily with a smile let in the corridor. 周围人的笑声中,威廉斯图尔特德鲁都连忙笑着让到了过道里。 Eric withstood the Cameron bear to hug, makes an effort to pat two in his back, said with a smile: Waiter, I knows that you are very excited, comes up quickly, everybody is waiting for you.” 艾瑞克承受着卡梅隆的熊抱,用力在他后背拍了两下,笑道:“伙计,我知道你很兴奋,快上去吧,大家都等着你呢。” Thank you, Eric, in any event,” Cameron was saying again, loosens Eric, has grasped making a fist with him, this continues toward the stage walks. “谢谢你,艾瑞克,无论如何,”卡梅隆再一次说着,松开艾瑞克,又与他握了握拳,这才继续向舞台走去。 Eric has turned around, the girl was in his position, is pointing at seat originally grinningly, said: You sat here were good, under I do not want to wait to be stepped on by Jim to the formal clothes on again, was very expensive.” 艾瑞克转过身,丫头已经占据了他的位置,笑嘻嘻地指着自己原本的座位,道:“你还是坐这里好了,我可不想等下再被吉姆踩到礼服上,很贵呢。” Eric has to sit down in side, is listening to the Cameron language fast surface the award-winning words expressing feelings, asked that William Stewart, said: William, when under you must certainly come to power, feels what kind of?” 艾瑞克只好在旁边坐下,听着卡梅隆语飞快地表着获奖感言,问身旁的威廉斯图尔特,道:“威廉,等下你肯定也要上台了,感觉怎么样?” The Oscar best picture most can report that three quotas, «RMS Titanic» of original space and time has only nominated Cameron and Jon Randall two people. 奥斯卡的最佳影片最多可以申报三个名额,原时空的《泰坦尼克号》只提名了卡梅隆和乔恩・兰道两个人。 But this time, as one of the important producers, Firefly also William the Stewart name reported. Although mesozoic has not been repeatedly happy in the shoots process, Cameron has not opposed the arrangement of Firefly but actually. 但这一次,作为重要的制片人之一,萤火虫还将威廉斯图尔特的名字报了上去。虽然在拍摄过程中生过多次不愉快,卡梅隆倒也没有反对萤火虫的安排。 Is very excited,” William Stewart was saying, shakes the head, said with a smile: But, this type experienced one time to be enough, with the Jim cooperation was really too difficult.” Has stopped, William the Stewart probe said: Eric, I hope actually helps you be the producer.” “很兴奋,”威廉斯图尔特说着,又摇摇头,笑道:“不过,这种经历一次就足够了,与吉姆合作实在是太难了。”停顿了下,威廉斯图尔特试探道:“艾瑞克,我倒是希望帮你做制片人。” In the stage, Cameron expressed gratitude to Eric again, the camera sweeps, Eric was smiling the nod, waited for the scene to leave, said: This is a good attention, I also hope that can have the familiar CG Special Effects person to help me, your this affirmation gained in the substantial experiences.” 舞台上,卡梅隆再次向艾瑞克表示感谢,摄影机扫过来,艾瑞克微笑着点头,等镜头离开,道:“这是个不错的注意,我也希望能够有个熟悉g特效的人来帮我,你这次肯定积累了不少经验。” The producer of Eric movie early is Jeffrey personally has been responsible . After Jeffrey retirement, Jerry Bruckheimer takes over this position, both sides' cooperation on «Jurassic Park» is also happy. Just, for these years, Jerry the Bruckheimer energy more and more much places on own movie and television company, although these companies accommodate alongside in Firefly, but he is definitely impossible to hold the post of Eric Producer again wholeheartedly. Has completed «Casino Royale» that cooperates with Buluo brother and sister, Eric then actually needs to seek for the new producer to help him handle the movie-making business. 艾瑞克电影的制片人早期一直是杰弗里亲自负责。杰弗里退休后,杰瑞布鲁克海默又接任这一位置,双方在《侏罗纪公园》上的合作也非常愉快。只不过,这几年,杰瑞布鲁克海默的精力越来越多放在自己的电影和电视公司上,虽然这些公司都挂靠在萤火虫旗下,但他肯定不可能再全心全意担任艾瑞克制作人。完成了与布洛柯里兄妹合作的《皇家赌场》,艾瑞克接下来倒是需要寻找新的制片人帮他打理制片事务。 William Stewart had realized obviously also this opportunity, listening to Eric saying that immediately said: That such settled.” 威廉斯图尔特显然也意识到了这个机会,听艾瑞克这么说,立刻道:“那就这么说定了。” Eric can understand that William the urgency of Stewart, smiles the compliance saying: Naturally, such decided.” 艾瑞克能够理解威廉斯图尔特的迫切,笑着应允道:“当然,就这么定了。” In the stage, Cameron shouted again that symbolic I am the king of world, leaves the stage in the applause of all people. 舞台上,卡梅隆再次喊出了那句标志性的‘我是世界之王’,在所有人的掌声中离开舞台。 Afterward, Al Pacino mounting the stage means best picture award item, naturally does not have any accident finally. 随后,阿尔帕西诺登台办法最佳影片奖项,结果自然没有任何意外。 Hurries back Cameron of seat to set out again, with Jon Randall and William Stewart moves toward the stage together. 匆匆返回座位的卡梅隆再一次起身,和乔恩・兰道威廉斯图尔特一起走向舞台。 Hence, the 69 th Oscar presentation ceremony answers a curtain call perfectly, «RMS Titanic» has attained 13 young metal statues finally, has made in the Oscar history an unprecedented award-winning record. 至此,第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼完美谢幕,《泰坦尼克号》最终拿到了13尊小金人,创造了奥斯卡历史上一个史无前例的获奖记录。 The United States east coast at this time is before dawn, but Los Angeles of West coast, the time just 9 : 00 pm, was the start of nightlife. 美国东海岸此时已经是凌晨,但西海岸的洛杉矶,时间才刚刚晚上九点,正是夜生活的开始。 After breaking up, whether or not wins an award, the majority of honored guests in abundance rush toward to scatter in Los Angeles locate respectively large and small party. 散场之后,无论是否获奖,大部分嘉宾都纷纷奔赴散落在洛杉矶各处大大小小派对 After several years of show, Condé Nast Publications the name effect that takes seriously «Vanity Fair» party brings, and to attract the Oscar core honored guest participates to pay more and more personal connections and resources. As a win-win cooperation, has more and more superstar celebrities similarly after Oscar, favors «Vanity Fair» party. 经过几年的展,康泰纳仕集团越重视《名利场派对所带来的品牌效应,并为吸引奥斯卡核心嘉宾参加付出越来越多的人脉和资源。作为一种双赢的合作,同样也有越来越多的巨星名流在奥斯卡后,倾向于《名利场派对 Firefly and Condé Nast reached the cooperation agreement before Oscar, will cancel independent celebration party, guides «Vanity Fair» party all dramatic teams, as the exchange, the media of Condé Nast needs to be the following propaganda of Firefly prize movie provides more page layout resources. 萤火虫康泰纳仕奥斯卡之前就已经达成了合作协议,将取消单独的庆功派对,将旗下所有剧组导向《名利场派对,作为交换,康泰纳仕旗下的媒体需要为萤火虫获奖影片的后续宣传提供更多的版面资源。 Therefore, after presentation ceremony ended, «RMS Titanic» and «Red Alert» two hosts of dramatic teams create in abundance rush to the «Vanity Fair» party host, the Beverly Hills Manor arts center. 因此,颁奖典礼结束后,《泰坦尼克号》和《红色警戒》两个剧组的主创都纷纷赶往《名利场派对的举办地,比弗利山庄艺术中心。 Eric brings Drew to get out in the parking lot, Peter Ritchie brings the bodyguard team to separate outside crazy reporter group, escorts them to enter in the arts center. 艾瑞克带着德鲁在停车场下车,彼得・里奇带着保镖团队隔开等在外面的疯狂记者群,护送着他们两个进入艺术中心内。 Just stepped into the hall, Eric then saw that a forehead somewhat bare middle-aged man welcomed warmly. 刚刚踏入大厅,艾瑞克便看到一个额头有些秃的中年男子热情地迎了上来。 Who is this?” The girls have doubts by ask on Eric. “这是谁呀?”丫头疑惑地靠在艾瑞克身上问道。 Peter Ritchie followed at this time, said near the Eric ear in a low voice: Louise Horwitz, Director of this presentation ceremony.” 彼得・里奇此时已经跟了过来,低声在艾瑞克耳边道:“路易斯・霍维茨,这一届颁奖典礼的导演。” Nearby the middle-aged people arrive at this time, has not noted Peter likely Ritchie to the Eric whisper, puts out a hand warmly: Eric, congratulates you, 13 award items, this simply is a miracle.” 中年人此时走到跟前,像是并没有注意到彼得・里奇对艾瑞克的耳语,热情地伸手过来:“艾瑞克,恭喜你们,13个奖项,这简直就是一个奇迹。” Thanks, Mr. Horwitz, „ Eric put out a hand to grasp with the opposite party, said: „ This presentation ceremony is also good.” “谢谢,霍维茨先生,“艾瑞克伸手与对方握了一下,道:“这届颁奖典礼也非常棒。” Haha, was very happy that you can like,” Louise Horwitz over the face red light with the Eric smalltalk, is entering the party hall until both sides, Louise Horwitz said goodbye to leave. “哈哈,很高兴你能喜欢,”路易斯・霍维茨满面红光地与艾瑞克客套着,直到双方进入派对大厅,路易斯・霍维茨才告辞离开。 The girls see the form that the opposite party leaves, said: Really is the interesting fellow, is so excited, probably he also won an award was the same.” 丫头看着对方离开的身影,道:“真是有趣的家伙,这么兴奋,好像他也获奖了一样。” He affirmed to win an award,” Eric said with a smile that turned head to ask followed after behind Peter Ritchie: „Should the viewing ratio of this presentation ceremony count?” “他肯定获奖了,”艾瑞克笑着说道,扭头问跟在身后的彼得・里奇:“这次颁奖典礼的收视率应该统计出来了吧?” Yes, Mr. Williams,” Peter Ritchie said: Initial statistics that that side ABC transmits, average reception population 51 million, have been higher than 12 million people compared with last year. Highest reception data appears in the final ten minutes, 555 o ten thousand. According to this data, this Oscar second of advertisement price should in 950,000 USD about, be higher than compared with the old times %. Mr. Louise Horwitz as Director, should be able to receive certain bonus to deduct a percentage.” “是的,威廉姆斯先生,”彼得・里奇道:“ab那边传来的初步统计,平均收视人数51oo万,比去年高出了12oo万人次。最高收视数据出现在最后十分钟,555o万。按照这种数据,这届奥斯卡秒广告价格应该在95万美元左右,比往年高出%。路易斯・霍维茨先生作为导演,应该能够拿到一定的奖金提成。” The Eric hear, said with a smile: Look, he truly won an award.” 艾瑞克听完,笑道:“看吧,他确实获奖了。” The girls said with a smile: Hehe, that surely does not have the award item that we attain to be valuable.” 丫头笑道:“呵呵,那也肯定没有我们拿到的奖项值钱。” Was saying, Eric has remembered a matter, asked that Peter Ritchie said: „Should Madonna be able to come?” 这么说着,艾瑞克又想起了一件事,问彼得・里奇道:“麦当娜应该会过来吧?” Peter Ritchie said: Miss Cicconi should , was invited in the list, needs me to ask?” 彼得・里奇道:“西科尼小姐应该在受邀名单上,需要我去问一下吗?” Eric nods, said: If determined that she can come, your telephoning makes the person deliver several fire1yer samples, I under and others must use.” 艾瑞克点头,又道:“如果确定她会过来,你打电话让人送过来几台fire1yer样品,我等下要用。” Good,” Peter Ritchie was saying, sees other Eric not instruction, then in a hurry turns around to leave. “好的,”彼得・里奇说着,见艾瑞克没有其他吩咐,便匆匆转身离开。 The girls turned head to look at Peter the form that Ritchie left, said with a smile: Very able fellow, Eric, since this, why you also do want to plan to make him go to the ffm work?” 丫头扭头看了眼彼得・里奇离开的身影,笑道:“很有能力的家伙呢,艾瑞克,既然这样,你为什么还要计划让他去ffm工作啊?” Eric has carried two glasses of liquor from the waiter hand, gives girl one cup, explained: Like Alan, these people should be able to be our direct descendant.” 艾瑞克从侍者手中端了两杯酒,递给丫头一杯,解释道:“就像艾伦一样,这些人应该可以算是我们的嫡系。” Eric initially his lets assistant Alan Fisman arranged ABC to hold the post of department Manager, after several years of disciplining, he was promoted to ABC BSP \; The success of Alan has given Eric certain opening, making him decide that chooses the elite from his assistant office unceasingly, first brings to be familiar with some time in the side, then acts according to their personal abilities to arrange to the Firefly system in the major companies to hold an office, builds a direct descendant management team by this. 艾瑞克当初将他的任助理艾伦菲斯曼安排到了ab担任部门经理,经过几年的磨练,他已经升任到了abbsp\;正是艾伦的成功给了艾瑞克一定的启,让他决定不断地从他助理办公室里挑选精英,先带在身边熟悉一段时间,然后再根据他们的个人能力安排到萤火虫体系内各大公司任职,以此打造一支嫡系的管理团队。 Naturally, Eric will not appoint people by favoritism to these person of special accommodations, only if can prove own strength, otherwise they will face the eliminated destiny as before. 当然,艾瑞克并不会任人唯亲地给这些人特殊照顾,除非能够证明自己的实力,否则他们依旧会面临被淘汰的命运。 The girls actually appear to understand but not really understand nod, the guest in party hall welcomed, she also abandons this thought that warmly and Eric the human relations in the crowd gets up together. 丫头却只是似懂非懂地点点头,派对大厅内的宾客纷纷迎了上来,她也就抛开这个念头,热情地和艾瑞克一起在人群中交际起来。 As rushes to the party person to be getting more and more, in the hall is also getting more and more lively. 随着赶到派对现场的人越来越多,大厅内也越来越热闹。 Almost concentrates tonight's all glorious «RMS Titanic» dramatic teams without doubt is the most dazzling that group of people, after party started for a long time, everybody in a series of congratulations thought highly in the sound to pass. 几乎集中了今晚所有荣耀的《泰坦尼克号》剧组无疑是最耀眼的那一群人,派对开始后很长时间,大家都在一连串的祝贺恭维声中度过。 So crossed for probably one hour, Eric alone withdrew the body, Madonna just arrived at the party scene, and also came to greet. 如此过了大概一个小时,艾瑞克才独自脱开身,麦当娜刚刚就已经到达了派对现场,并且还过来打过招呼。 Eric from Peter of ringside Ritchie there received a fire1yer player, to a booth and person in Madonna who chatted is walking. 艾瑞克从等在场边的彼得・里奇那里接过一台fire1yer播放器,向正在一处卡座里与人闲聊的麦当娜走去。 The one who sits in the Madonna opposite is a Eric not too familiar Hollywood actor, two 15-16 years old appearances, as if have appeared in recent the quite popular young people horror film. 坐在麦当娜对面的是一个艾瑞克不太熟悉的好莱坞男星,二十五六岁的模样,似乎在最近几年颇为流行的青少年恐怖片里出现过。 Eric suddenly cannot call the name of opposite party, but said: Hi, can let me and Mai Qi chats alone?” 艾瑞克一时间叫不出对方的名字,只是道:“嗨,可以让我和麦琪单独聊聊吗?” Although the youth was pulled up somewhat self-satisfied by the queen, but sees Eric, immediately sobers, moreover obviously has misunderstood anything, humble is bringing some in a panic, said: Naturally, Mr. Williams, I, Oh, my this leave.” 那青年虽然被女王撩得有些飘飘然,但看到艾瑞克,立刻清醒过来,而且还显然误会了什么,谦卑中带着些许仓惶,道:“当然,威廉姆斯先生,我,,我这就离开。” Madonna looks at the small fresh meat that will soon be arriving in port to disappear speedily, curls the lip, saw that in Eric that oneself opposite Yi Yi however sits down, immediately hits the interest, starts to pull up: Eric, I am planning to start one brand-new romantic, now was stirred by you yellow, how do you plan to compensate me?” 麦当娜望着即将到口的小鲜肉一溜烟地消失,撇撇嘴,看到在自己对面奕奕然坐下的艾瑞克,立刻又打起了兴致,开始强撩:“艾瑞克,我正打算开始一段全新的浪漫呢,现在被你搅黄了,你打算怎么补偿我?” Eric has not met the meaning of incurring, he may the song world day that later this does not envy raw and cold does not have the interest, but pulls out that fire1yer in pocket to hand over conveniently, said: , compensated this to you are good.” 艾瑞克可没有接招的意思,他可对这位生冷不忌的歌坛天后毫无兴趣,只是随手掏出口袋里的那台fire1yer递过去,道:“,把这个赔给你好了。” Madonna took up that sky blue fire1yer to size up several, suddenly has smiled, said: I have seen . Moreover, my manager told me, this type of little thing seriously will possibly harm the sale of entity phonograph record.” 麦当娜拿起那台天蓝色的fire1yer打量了几下,突然笑了起来,道:“我见过呢,而且,我的经纪人告诉我,这种小东西可能会严重损害到实体唱片的销售。” Saying, Madonna have a relish glanced Eric one, in the vision brought some to understand clearly and tease, how as to have a look at Eric to reply. 说着,麦当娜还饶有兴致地瞟了艾瑞克一眼,目光中带着些许了然和调侃,似乎想要看看艾瑞克会怎么回答。 „In the 70's, Sony just promoted videocorder, Hollywood also produces with your present view similar viewpoint, Universal Pictures and Disney group also hits with Sony for this reason has been ten years of lawsuit,” Eric did not mind Madonna to say a word the concealed rejection, told: But 20 years later today, the Hollywood movie every year recording tape sales volume crosses 100 million USD, is more than two times of Hollywood native place Box Office data. Rising of recording tape industry, has created Hollywood today's prosperity.” “七十年代,索尼刚刚推出录像机时,好莱坞也产生了与你现在看法类似的观点,环球影业迪斯尼集团为此还和索尼打了长达十年的官司,”艾瑞克也不介意麦当娜言语中隐含的拒绝,娓娓道来:“但20年后的今天,好莱坞电影每年的录像带销售额已经过1亿美元,是好莱坞本土票房数据的两倍多。正是录像带产业的崛起,才造成了好莱坞今天的繁荣。” Was saying, Eric pulls out another white fire1yer from the pocket once more, said: However that we see now, is the future of phonograph record profession.” 这么说着,艾瑞克再次从口袋里掏出另外一台白色fire1yer,道:“而我们现在看到的这个,便是唱片行业的未来。” Is very interesting,” Madonna is holding appreciatively the player in hand, said: Eric, I am not easily am convinced.” “很有意思呢,”麦当娜把玩着手中的播放器,又道:“艾瑞克,我可不是那么容易被人说服的。” I had not planned to convince you tonight, I am giving everybody to create an opportunity.” “我本来就没有打算今晚就把你说服,我只是在给大家创造一个机会而已。” Oh, what opportunity?” ,什么机会?” Naturally is the opportunity of cooperation.”( To be continued.) 8 “当然是合作的机会。”(未完待续。)8
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