IAIH :: Volume #9

#840: Unprecedented

Billy Chris holds with a lively song string fever, teased all nomination movies, the presentation ceremony formally started. 比利・克里斯托用一首热闹的歌曲串烧,将所有提名影片调侃了一番,颁奖典礼正式开始。 Once participated performance «Happy Full World» and «Sound of music» Hollywood established star Jolie Andrews first mounted the stage, to Hollywood Director Michael Kyd issued the Oscar honorary award, Eric did not know that this over 80-year-old established Director, remembered on an honorary award winner actually, Kirke Douglas, Michael Douglas father. 曾经参演《欢乐满人间》和《音乐之声》的好莱坞老牌女星朱莉安德鲁斯首先登台,向好莱坞导演迈克尔・基德颁发奥斯卡荣誉奖,艾瑞克并不认识这位年逾八旬的老牌导演,倒是记得上一届荣誉奖获得者,柯克・道格拉斯,迈克尔道格拉斯的父亲。 The second award item then involved «RMS Titanic», best costume design. 紧接着第二个奖项便涉及到了《泰坦尼克号》,最佳服装设计。 Julia has been on podium as the presenting guest of honor, starts to introduce the nomination list, the atmosphere in auditorium seemed also peaceful in this moment. 茱莉亚作为颁奖嘉宾登上了领奖台,开始介绍提名名单,大礼堂内的气氛在这一刻也仿佛安静了许多。 Although all people almost forecast that «RMS Titanic» becomes tonight the biggest winner, but result one minute has not settled down, the variable and suspense throughout will exist. 虽然所有人几乎都预测《泰坦尼克号》将成为今晚最大的赢家,但结果一分钟没有尘埃落定,变数和悬念就始终存在。 Obtains several movies of nomination, the fine degree in dress designing is unable compares obviously with «RMS Titanic», if «RMS Titanic» cannot attain this grand opening, then the final outcome of its following surplus 13 nomination will also be cast a shadow. 获得提名的几部影片,在服装设计方面的精致程度显然无法与《泰坦尼克号》相比,如果《泰坦尼克号》拿不到这个‘开门红’,那么它接下来剩余13个提名的最终结果也将被蒙上一层阴影。 Obtains the movie of Oscar best costume design nomination is, Soundy Paul Will, «Shakespeare in Love» \; Paul Brown, «Green Storm» \; Ruse Mel, «Emma» \; Yalishandela Blayney, «Hamlet» as well as Deborah Scott, «RMS Titanic».” “获得奥斯卡最佳服装设计提名的影片为,桑迪・鲍威尔,《莎翁情史》\;保罗・布朗,《青色风暴》\;鲁斯・梅尔斯,《艾玛》\;亚历珊德拉・布莱尼,《哈姆雷特》以及黛博拉・斯科特,《泰坦尼克号》。” On the large screen 11 flash through the magnificent clothing fragment of corresponding movie, immediately, Julia disassembles front envelope, looked at a result, immediately has not actually approached the microphone, instead looks subconsciously to Eric, on the face has is taking undeserved credit the happy expression. 大屏幕上11闪过相应电影的华丽着装片段,随即,茱莉亚拆开面前的信封,看了一眼结果,却是没有立刻凑近麦克风,反而下意识看向艾瑞克这边,脸上带着邀功似的笑意。 Eric is understanding immediately, has not swept while live transmission camera, gestured toward Julia carelessly. 艾瑞克立刻会意,趁着直播摄影机还没有扫过来,胡乱朝茱莉亚打了个手势。 Although in the field also some people note this short detail, but except for Eric, most people subconsciously will only treat as the congratulation this smiling face. 场内虽然也有人注意到这个短暂的细节,但除了艾瑞克自己,大部分人只会下意识将这个笑容当做祝贺。 Obtains the prompt of Eric, Julia also immediately calmly approaches the microphone, announced: Oscar will belong, Deborah Scott, «RMS Titanic».” 得到艾瑞克的提示,茱莉亚也立刻若无其事地凑近麦克风,宣布道:“奥斯卡将归于,黛博拉・斯科特,《泰坦尼克号》。” The expected result, in the auditorium has broken out the warm applause immediately. 意料之中的结果,大礼堂内立刻响起了热烈的掌声。 In the auditorium after some positions, a 40 over woman stands up excitedly, hugged with the husband, arrives at the position that the front «RMS Titanic» Lord create sits, with everybody 11 handshake hugs. Sits also stands up in Eric of third row of middle position, puts out a hand and Deborah in corridor the Scott handshake extended the congratulation. 大礼堂内靠后一些的位置,一个40出头的女人兴奋地站起身,与丈夫拥抱了一下,又走到前排《泰坦尼克号》主创们所坐的位置,和大家11握手拥抱。坐在第三排中间位置的艾瑞克也站起身,伸手过去与过道里的黛博拉・斯科特握手表示祝贺。 Along with the grand opening of best costume design, «RMS Titanic» then continuously obtained the best editing, the best sound effect and best visual effect three technology award items, short a half hour, has harvested four young metal statues. 随着最佳服装设计的开门红,《泰坦尼克号》接下来连续又获得了最佳剪辑、最佳音效、最佳视觉效果三个技术奖项,短短半个小时时间,就已经收获四个小金人。 Another after the «RMS Titanic» irrelevant best foreign language film award item issues, gentle Pierce Brosnan comes to power, introduced that Celine Dion mounts the stage to perform «RMS Titanic» theme song «My Heart Will Go On». 又一个与《泰坦尼克号》毫不相关的最佳外语片奖项颁发之后,文质彬彬的皮尔斯・布鲁斯南上台,介绍席琳・迪翁登台表演《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲《我心永恒》。 The sounds of nature music reverberation in the sacred citizen auditorium, Eric thinks that the organizer will then take advantage of opportunity to issue the best original song, has not thought that is actually Nicolas Cage mounts the stage, introduced the best Heroine nomination. 天籁般的音乐回荡在神圣公民大礼堂内,艾瑞克以为主办方接下来会顺势颁发最佳原创歌曲,没想到,却是尼古拉斯凯奇登台,介绍起了最佳女主角提名。 In this five nomination lists, has not had the overwhelming superior nominator. 这一届的五个提名名单中,并没有具有压倒性优势的提名者。 In this case, if not «RMS Titanic» appears, by the Miramax strong public relations ability, Julia may have big opportunity reaching movie queen throne. 这种情况下,如果不是《泰坦尼克号》横空出世,凭借米拉麦克斯的强势公关能力,茱莉亚或许会有很大机会登顶影后宝座。 However, under the powerful performance of «RMS Titanic», Miramax to save the fund and personal connection resources, gave up to the «Shakespeare in Love» public relations, Julia attains the possibility of movie queen also to plummet. 不过,在《泰坦尼克号》的强势表现下,米拉麦克斯为了节省资金和人脉资源,放弃了对《莎翁情史》的公关,茱莉亚拿到影后的可能性也直线下降。 As for Rachel Weisz, although she performance in movie be more outstanding than the small plum, but initially enters the Hollywood new person regarding such one, a nomination of Oscar best Heroine, is to her best reward, wants to win the award, the probability also wants uncertain many compared with Julia. 至于瑞切尔薇姿,虽然她在电影里的表现要比小李子出色很多,但对于这样一位初入好莱坞的新人来说,一个奥斯卡最佳女主角的提名,就已经是对她的最佳奖赏,想要获得奖项,几率比茱莉亚还要渺茫的多。 In public relations strategy that Firefly draws up, not to the Rachel nomination expenditure too big energy. 萤火虫拟定的公关策略中,也没有对瑞切尔的提名花费太大精力。 Finally, the best Heroine award item fell on the «Ice Blood Violent» Heroine Francis Mike Munder, this Hollywood star the movie place neodymium made «Blood Labyrinth» by Brother Cohen in the past makes a debut, many years later, once more movie that relied on Brother Cohen attained Oscar best Heroine, was an edifying anecdote. 最终,最佳女主角的奖项落到了《冰血暴》女主角弗兰西斯・麦克多蒙德身上,这位好莱坞女星当年凭借科恩兄弟电影处钕作《血迷宫》出道,多年以后,再次凭借科恩兄弟的电影拿到奥斯卡最佳女主角,也算是一桩美谈。 In the following several award items, the best art direction and best Original Script, once more were «RMS Titanic» have increased two young metal statues. 接下来的几个奖项中,最佳艺术指导和最佳原创剧本,再次为《泰坦尼克号》增添了两座小金人。 When Cameron grasps the young metal statue to walk into the backstage in all person warm applauses, Eric lifted the hand to look at the next table, the presentation ceremony has carried on exactly for one hour. 卡梅隆在所有人热烈的掌声中手持小金人走入后台,艾瑞克抬手看了下表,颁奖典礼恰好进行了一个小时。 It seems like that conducts the side for the viewing ratio, spent is very big regarding this time promulgation order thoughts. 看来,举办方为了收视率,对于这次的颁奖顺序还是花了很多很大一番心思的。 Eric guessed that with related that best original song award item, may hour or in two hours of this time issues in one -and-a-half. 艾瑞克不由猜测与自己有关的那个最佳原创歌曲奖项,或许会在一个半小时或者两个小时这个时间点上颁发。 Along with the Eric train of thought that in the stage, next presenting guest of honor Cortney Love, starts to announce that puts on make-up to nominate the winner best. 随着艾瑞克的思绪,舞台上,下一个颁奖嘉宾科特尼・洛夫,开始宣布最佳化妆提名获得者。 Eric also immediately spunks up. 艾瑞克也立刻打起精神。 Because of this award item, regarding «RMS Titanic» whether can break 11 Oscar records that in the past «Ben-Hur» obtained to be important. 因为这个奖项,对于《泰坦尼克号》是否能够打破当年《宾虚》获得的11项奥斯卡记录至关重要。 In a «RMS Titanic» 14 nomination, does not have anything to hope besides Rachel this best Heroine nomination basically, according to the initial appraisal, affects the movie finally the award-winning quantity whether can break the «Ben-Hur» record, another two variables, one is the best supporting actress, another, is best puts on make-up. 泰坦尼克号》@14项提名中,除了瑞切尔这个最佳女主角提名基本没什么希望外,根据最初的评估,影响到影片最终获奖数量是否能够打破《宾虚》记录的,还有另外两个变数,一个是最佳女配角,另外一个,便是最佳化妆。 «RMS Titanic» in dress designing, although has the overwhelming superiority to other nominators, but the Actor putting on make-up aspect, the superiority is not distinct, because also has another very important competitor same time, that was last year summer files Universal Pictures release «Fat man Professor», Eddy the black person actor of Murphy this standard stature, in «Fat man Professor», deducted over 200 jin (0.5 kg) big Fatty through the putting on make-up method splendidly. 泰坦尼克号》在服装设计方面虽然对其他提名者拥有压倒性优势,但演员化妆方面,优势却并不明显,因为同期还有另外一个非常重要的竞争者,那就是去年暑期档环球影业发行的《肥佬教授》,艾迪・墨菲这位标准身材的黑人男星,在《肥佬教授》中,通过化妆手段精彩地演绎出了一个超过200斤的大胖子 Obtains the movie that puts on make-up to nominate to have three best, «RMS Titanic», «Fat man Professor» as well as «Star Trek First Contact». 获得最佳化妆提名的影片却只有三部,《泰坦尼克号》,《肥佬教授》以及《星际迷航・第一次接触》。 Introduced that nomination movie, Cortney Love disassembled the envelope in hand, Eric has also grasped the small hand of girl. 介绍完提名影片,科特尼・洛夫拆开手中的信封,艾瑞克也不由地握了握身旁丫头的小手。 „, Oscar will belong,” Cortney Love smiled has been stopping, slightly has bought a climax, this read the winner's list: Tina Xiao, Grey Canon and Simon Thompson, «RMS Titanic», congratulates you.” “那么,奥斯卡将归于,”科特尼・洛夫微笑着停顿了下,小小地买了个关子,这才念出了获奖名单:“蒂娜・恩肖、格雷・卡农、西蒙・汤普森,《泰坦尼克号》,恭喜你们。” In the auditorium breaks out the applause once more, three award-winning make-up artists move toward the stage one after another. 大礼堂内再次响起掌声,三位获奖化妆师陆续走向舞台。 This is the «RMS Titanic» seventh Oscar young metal statue, the honored guests have been at some numb condition, most people do not know that this young metal statue possibly means anything regarding «RMS Titanic». 这已经是《泰坦尼克号》的第七尊奥斯卡小金人,现场嘉宾都已经处于某种麻木状态,大部分人都不知道,这尊小金人对于《泰坦尼克号》来说可能意味着什么。 Eric and movie several core hosts create after three make-up artists extended the congratulation, once more sits down, including Cameron, as well as two producer Jon Randall and William Stewart looked toward him that several people were exchanging the meaningful glance excitedly. 艾瑞克和影片几位核心主创向三位化妆师表示祝贺以后,再次坐下,包括卡梅隆在内,以及两位制片人乔恩・兰道威廉斯图尔特都朝他看过来,几人兴奋地交换着眼色。 Six young metal statues before best putting on make-up award item, explained thoroughly the Oscar appraisal committee already makes the compromise to the great success on «RMS Titanic» commercial. Most suspense of «RMS Titanic» at this presentation ceremony, then whether can break 11 Oscar prize records that «Ben-Hur» once created. 在最佳化妆奖项之前的六尊小金人,彻底说明奥斯卡评委会已经向《泰坦尼克号》商业上的巨大成功做出妥协。《泰坦尼克号》在这次颁奖典礼上的最大悬念,便是是否能够打破《宾虚》曾经创造的11项奥斯卡获奖记录。 After best puts on make-up this uncertainty very big young metal statue to succeed in obtaining, before perhaps majority of honored guests as well as television, on the scene the audience of earnest waiting final outcome has not understood that this award item means anything, but creates after the «RMS Titanic» Lord of innumerable result deduction in the public relations stage with the public relations team, is clear to the significance of this award item representative. 当最佳化妆这个不确定性很大的小金人到手之后,或许在场大部分嘉宾以及电视机前热切等待最终结果的观众还不明白这个奖项到底意味着什么,但在公关阶段就经过无数次结果推演的《泰坦尼克号》主创和公关团队,却对这个奖项代表的意义非常清楚。 Attains the best award item, almost means that «RMS Titanic» very probably will obtain finally 12 young metal statues, makes in the Oscar history a brand-new record. 拿到最佳奖项,几乎就意味着,《泰坦尼克号》最终将很可能获得12尊小金人,创造奥斯卡历史上一个全新的记录。 Similar to the Eric guess like that the presentation ceremony carries on to two hours of time, Hollywood established star Goldie Hawn mounts the stage, issues the best original song award item. 如同艾瑞克猜测的那般,颁奖典礼进行到两个小时的时候,好莱坞老牌女星歌蒂・韩登台,颁发最佳原创歌曲奖项。 Eric hopes at first Cameron and James Horner and his three people sign together this award item. 艾瑞克最初希望卡梅隆詹姆斯霍纳和他三个人一起署名这个奖项。 After all, initially he had written the lyrics and collection of music scores, song arranging Qu He records the work, completely is Cameron and James Horner they complete. To the Eric present status, he was impossible to care whether monopolizes a Oscar young metal statue, but, reported award item time, Cameron and James Horner turned down the signature of this award item, the public relations team also thought that Eric signed alone, to the public relations and late propaganda of award item was more advantageous, list that therefore, reported finally only then he. 毕竟,当初他只是写出了歌词和曲谱,歌曲的编曲和录制工作,完全是卡梅隆詹姆斯霍纳两人完成的。到了艾瑞克现在的地位,他也不可能在乎是否独享一个奥斯卡小金人,不过,申报奖项的时候,卡梅隆詹姆斯霍纳都婉拒了这个奖项的署名,公关团队也觉得艾瑞克单独署名,对奖项的公关和后期的宣传都更加有利,因此,最终申报的名单就只有他一个人。 Before this award item, Madonna just performed on stage movie «Madame Beslon» in «Must Love My to « My Heart Will Go On» most threatening that You », obviously, such is Oscar conducts to make suspense, desirably link of creation, but result not any suspense. 这个奖项之前,麦当娜刚刚上台表演了电影《贝隆夫人》中对《我心永恒》最具威胁的那首《你必须爱我》,显然,这么是奥斯卡举办方为了制造悬念,刻意创造的环节,但结果并没有任何悬念。 Goldie Hawn disassembles the envelope quickly, announced the result: Oscar will belong, Eric Williams, «My Heart Will Go On».” 歌蒂・韩很快拆开信封,宣布了结果:“奥斯卡将归于,艾瑞克威廉姆斯,《我心永恒》。” The surroundings resound the presentation ceremony to begin to the present most warm applause, even also cheering of some people. 周围响起了颁奖典礼开场到现在最热烈的掌声,甚至还有一些人的欢呼。 Eric is smiling setting out, hugged with the side girl, leaves the seat, separately with Cameron and Jon Randall and William Stewart, Rachel and the others 11 greeted, this footsteps lithely stepped the stage. 艾瑞克微笑着起身,与身旁的丫头拥抱了下,离开座位,分别与卡梅隆、乔恩・兰道威廉斯图尔特瑞切尔等人11打招呼,这才脚步轻盈地踏上舞台。 Received young metal statue who Goldie Hawn handed over, Eric as before hugged with this character and style first generation United States sweetheart , before arriving at the microphone. 接过歌蒂・韩递过来的小金人,艾瑞克与这位风情依旧的第一代美国甜心拥抱了下,走到麦克风前。 As before Eric stands the microphone, the applause that dropped once more becomes warm. 随着艾瑞克站到麦克风前,原本回落的掌声再次变得热烈起来。 Thanks, thank you,” the Eric politeness was expressing thanks, waited for the applause idle time patiently, has hefted the young metal statue in hand, cracked a joke saying: I thought that I should state ahead of time, actually, I am Director.” “谢谢,谢谢大家,”艾瑞克礼貌地表达着感谢,耐心地等待掌声停歇,才掂了掂手中的小金人,开玩笑道:“我觉得我应该提前声明一下,其实吧,我是一个导演。” After short silence, honored guest understood quickly teasing in Eric words, has smiled. 短暂的沉默后,现场嘉宾很快明白了艾瑞克话中的自我调侃,纷纷笑了起来。 Eric is Director, moreover nobody suspected that he absolutely is one of the Hollywood most splendid Director. 艾瑞克是一个导演,而且没有人怀疑,他绝对是好莱坞最出色的导演之一。 However, in addition now, twice stands on the Oscar podium, the award that Eric wins, completely has not related with best Director, this has saying that is a very interesting matter. 不过,加上现在,两次站在奥斯卡领奖台上,艾瑞克获得的奖项,都与最佳导演完全没有关系,这不得不说是一件很有意思的事情。 Publication prize words expressing feelings at the same time, when Eric remember couple of days ago tried the clothes with that joke that the girl played, can oneself really the Oscar corner award item with previous, although the award item in performance, Eric surely did not have too to hope greatly, he was not interested in these award items, but besides best screenwriter and best dubbing in music, best editing and so on technical award item, he had the confidence to attack. 发表获奖感言的同时,艾瑞克自己都不由想起前两天试衣服时与丫头开的那个玩笑,自己会不会真的将奥斯卡边边角角的奖项拿上一遍,虽然表演方面的奖项,艾瑞克肯定是没有太大希望了,他也对这些奖项不太感兴趣,但除了最佳编剧、最佳配乐外,最佳剪辑之类的技术奖项,他还是有信心冲击一下的。 After simple speech, Eric walks toward the backstage along with Goldie Hawn together. 简单的致辞后,艾瑞克随着歌蒂・韩一起朝后台走去。 Sat in the assembly hall continuously for two hours, that taste does not feel better to anybody, Eric going back, has not been subscribing the data plate for the young metal statue anxiously, accepted the short photograph interview, Eric then came to the restroom. 在礼堂内连续坐了两个小时,那滋味对任何人来说都不太好受,艾瑞克没有急着回去,为小金人订完铭牌,接受了短暂的拍照采访,艾瑞克便来到休息室。 In the restroom many honored guests are also loaf have not rushed to the assembly hall, Oscar have special filling in place, is when the honored guest leaves occupies seat originally, does not make the vacancy appear towering, therefore, so long as does not pay attention specially, the audience will not discover situation that some honored guest halfway sneaks away. 休息室内也有不少嘉宾偷懒没有赶往礼堂,奥斯卡有专门的填座员,就是在嘉宾离开的时候占据原本的座位,不让空位显得突兀,因此,只要不是特别注意,观众并不会发现某个嘉宾半途溜号的情形。 After Eric appears, the people earnestly gather to greet, after all, the Eric present status solely is not only Director, even if mixes a face to be ripe before him, in the future will gain the unexpected advantage. 艾瑞克出现后,众人都纷纷热切地聚拢过来打招呼,毕竟,艾瑞克现在的身份不单单只是一个导演,哪怕在他面前混个脸熟,将来都将获得意想不到的好处。 Eric just with Al Pacino has chatted several, has then remembered a gentle female voice. 艾瑞克刚与阿尔帕西诺聊过几句,身后便想起了一个柔和的女声。 Hey, Eric, congratulates you.” “嘿,艾瑞克,恭喜你。” Eric has turned around, saw that just still performed «You To probably Love My» Madonna in the stage such in a short time, has changed another facile formal clothes, is smiling is standing in him behind. 艾瑞克转过身,看到刚刚还在舞台上表演《你必须爱我》的麦当娜这么短时间内,就已经换上了另外一套轻便礼服,正微笑着站在他身后。 The Eric politeness puts out a hand toward Madonna, said: Thank you, Miss Cicconi, you just performed is also splendid.” 艾瑞克礼貌地朝麦当娜伸出手,道:“谢谢你,西科尼小姐,你刚刚的表演也非常精彩。” Madonna grips the hand of Eric, as if some said discontentedly: Oh, Eric, you can call my Mai Qi.” 麦当娜握住艾瑞克的手,似乎有些不满地说道:“,艾瑞克,你可以叫我麦琪的。” Mai Qi...... 麦琪…… In the Eric heart the micro perspiration, this nickname, was called the queen Sir to be much good directly. 艾瑞克心中微汗,这昵称,直接叫女王大人多好。 Felt the control by flexure several, Eric is realized gently immediately one have been distracted bewilderedly, noted Madonna to look at him smilingly, slightly awkwardly loosened the hand of opposite party, shrugged saying: Sorry, wheat...... Volume, Mai Qi.” 感受到手心被轻轻挠了几下,艾瑞克顿时意识到自己莫名其妙地走神了,注意到麦当娜正笑盈盈地望着他,略显尴尬地松开对方的手,耸肩道:“抱歉,麦……额,麦琪。” Regardless of previous life or now, the cognition of Eric to Madonna is only restricted in aunt we well the clothes put on and so on spitting trough, therefore he to this star not special feeling. 无论前世还是现在,艾瑞克对麦当娜的认知都仅限于‘阿姨咱们好好把衣服穿上吗’之类的吐槽,因此他对这位女星并没有特别的感觉。 Madonna is quite clearly interested to him, has referred to sofa in the rest area corner, said: „Does Eric, sit what kind to that side?” 麦当娜显然对他颇有兴趣,指了指休息区角落里的沙发,道:“艾瑞克,到那边坐坐怎么样?” Eric must reject subconsciously, suddenly remembers the matter of Yahoo music store, then has nodded assent. 艾瑞克下意识就要拒绝,突然想起雅虎音乐商店的事情,便点头同意了下来。 Did not say other, at present this actually absolutely with Michael a Jackson status equally matched Europe and America song world elder sister, if the Yahoo music store can attain the Madonna music online sales copyright, can enable the development of music online sales platform to go forward absolutely a stride. 不说其他,眼前这位却绝对是与迈克尔杰克逊地位不相上下的欧美歌坛一姐,如果雅虎音乐商店能够拿到麦当娜音乐的在线销售版权,绝对能够使音乐在线销售平台的发展前进一大步。 They sit down on the sofa in corner, Madonna incites assistant to go to but actually the coffee, immediately have a relish sizes up Eric once more, looks appearance that he is penniless, said with a smile: Eric, your young metal statue?” 两人在角落里的沙发上坐下,麦当娜指使身边的助理去倒咖啡,随即再次饶有兴致地打量起艾瑞克,看着他两手空空的模样,笑道:“艾瑞克,你的小金人呢?” Oh, the assistant helped me receive,” Eric referred to standing in not far away Peter Ritchie. ,助理帮我收起来了,”艾瑞克指了指站在不远处的彼得・里奇。 Madonna cracks a joke saying: Hehe, if I if won an award, I meet grasp the young metal statue not to let go throughout entire evening.” 麦当娜开玩笑道:“呵呵,如果我要是获奖了,我一定会整个晚上都握着小金人不撒手的。” Eric teased: Said, after your each time Grammy, holds one pile of awarding cups to go to bed?” 艾瑞克调侃道:“这么说,你每次格莱美之后都抱着一堆奖杯上床喽?” The Madonna wu demon flew Eric, adjusts the thin say|way: „Do you want to visit me to hold appearances of one pile of awarding cup on bed?” 麦当娜妩魅地飞了艾瑞克一眼,调细道:“你想看我抱着一堆奖杯在床上的样子吗?” Eric shakes the head immediately: Does not think.” 艾瑞克立刻摇头:“不想。” Madonna has gawked staring, throws to smile, said: Really is affecting, Eric, said that «My Heart Will Go On» definitely will become next year the winner of Grammy, when the time comes perhaps you also will be invited. Six years ago starts, you should receive to invite, that «New-Divide», I am preserving the past single phonograph record now. What a pity you as if did not care about these.” 麦当娜愣了愣,扑哧笑出来,道:“真是让人伤心啊,艾瑞克,说起来,《我心永恒》肯定会成为明年格莱美的大赢家,到时候或许你也会受到邀请呢。或者,从六年前开始,你就应该受到邀请了,那首《New-Divide》,我现在可是保存着当年的单曲唱片呢。可惜你似乎一直都不太在意这些。” That is your domains, I have not joined in the fun,” Eric said that he does not want to make Madonna the talk rhythm belt get down, on own initiative will mention the matter of Yahoo music store, the entrance to stage presents the slight tumult. “那可是你们的地盘,我就不去凑热闹了,”艾瑞克说道,他可不想让麦当娜一直将谈话节奏带下去,正要主动提及雅虎音乐商店的事情,通往舞台的入口处出现轻微的骚动。 Peter Ritchie footsteps walk in a hurry, said: Mr. Williams, Ms. Stewart won an award, best supporting actress.” 彼得・里奇脚步匆匆地走过来,说道:“威廉姆斯先生,斯图尔特女士获奖了,最佳女配角。” Eric surprised standing up, after attaining the best putting on make-up award item, Eric did not report to the best supporting actress too expects greatly. 艾瑞克惊讶的站起身,拿到最佳化妆奖项之后,艾瑞克对最佳女配角也就不报太大期望了。 After all, this and Larry Stewart simultaneously competes the best supporting actress, Hollywood golden age legend star Laurentian white Kaul, qualifications or fame, Larry Stewart by far is unable with Laurentian white Kaul compares. Moreover, if «RMS Titanic» can attain 12 young metal statues, breaks the historic record, all people were satisfied. 毕竟,这次与格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特同时竞争最佳女配角的,还有好莱坞黄金时代传奇女星劳伦・白考尔,无论是资历还是名气,格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特都远远无法与劳伦・白考尔比拟。而且,《泰坦尼克号》如果能够拿到12尊小金人,打破历史记录,所有人都已经非常满意了。 Has not thought that this with Rachel best Heroine nomination prize probability at the worst many best supporting actress, succeeded in obtaining unexpectedly. 没想到,这个与瑞切尔的最佳女主角提名获奖几率大不了多少的最佳女配角,竟然也到手了。 Calm, Eric asked Peter slightly Ritchie: How many award items did attain?” 稍微冷静了一下,艾瑞克彼得・里奇:“一个拿到多少个奖项了?” Ten,” Peter Ritchie was saying, adds: Then about «RMS Titanic», remaining best dubbing in music, best Director and best picture three nominations.” “十个,”彼得・里奇说着,又补充道:“接下来关于《泰坦尼克号》的,就剩下最佳配乐、最佳导演和最佳影片三个提名。” James best dubbing in music nomination of Horner, best Director nomination of Cameron, as well as ultimate best picture nomination, these three, to present this situation, what suspense but can also have? 詹姆斯霍纳的最佳配乐提名,卡梅隆的最佳导演提名,以及终极的最佳影片提名,这三个,到现在这种地步,还能有什么悬念吗? Without a doubt, this means that «RMS Titanic» obtains the quantity of young metal statue finally, will achieve unprecedented 13! 毫无疑问,这就意味着《泰坦尼克号》最终获得小金人的数量,将达到史无前例的13项!
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