IAIH :: Volume #9

#839: I am feared that they hit me

All people estimated that «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office must wait till the 14 th week weekend three days later, can break through 500 million USD, but in fact, on the morning of March 23, on North America major newspaper appeared fully breaks through the 500 million USD news about «RMS Titanic» North America Box Office. 所有人原本预计,《泰坦尼克号北美票房要等到第14周周末三天之后,才能突破5亿美元,但事实上,3月23日一大早,北美各大报纸上就出现了铺天盖地地关于《泰坦尼克号北美票房突破5亿美元的新闻。 14 th week Fridays and Saturday two days, «RMS Titanic» has obtained 5 500,000 USD and 6 800,000 USD one-day Box Office separately, at one fell swoop advanced the 500 million zero 4 million USD altitudes the «RMS Titanic» total Box Office figure, becomes in the North America history first part native place Box Office breaks through the 500 million USD movie. 第14周周五、周六两天,《泰坦尼克号》分别取得了550万美元和680万美元的单日票房,一举将《泰坦尼克号》总票房数字推到了5亿零400万美元的高度,成为北美历史上第一部本土票房突破5亿美元的影片。 Under the stimulation of this series of news, many media forecast that this year's 69 th Oscar presentation ceremony viewing ratio will achieve a figure marvelously similarly, as for this digit concrete is many, many media with teasing the expression indicated that like «RMS Titanic» Box Office such, this viewing ratio digit is unable to forecast similarly. 在这一系列新闻的刺激下,不少媒体都预测,今年的第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼收视率将同样达到一个奇迹般的数字,至于这个数字具体是多少,很多媒体都用调侃的语气表示,就像《泰坦尼克号》的票房那样,这个收视率数字同样无法预测。 In the situation of being a focus of public attention, on the afternoon of March 24, the 69 th Oscar presentation ceremony officially was held in the Los Angeles sacred citizen auditorium. 万众瞩目的情况下,3月24日下午,第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼正式在洛杉矶神圣公民大礼堂举行。 Passed a leisurely and carefree weekend, Eric did not have the sense of urgency that any will soon attend the presentation ceremony, in the morning received the Cameron call, but also brought Drew to arrive at the Firefly cinema city together. 度过了一个悠闲的周末,艾瑞克也没有任何即将参加颁奖典礼的紧迫感,上午接到卡梅隆的电话,还带着德鲁一起来到萤火虫影城。 Heard that Eric wanted «RMS Titanic» all shoots stage props moves including that steamship model to the Firefly cinema city together and establishes the subject display the news, Cameron embraces this waiter very much excitedly, but also has attained a title of chief engineer. 听说艾瑞克想要将《泰坦尼克号》所有拍摄道具包括那艘大船模型一起搬迁到萤火虫影城并设置主题展览的消息,卡梅隆很兴奋地揽下了这个伙计,还拿到了一个总工程师的头衔。 With the assistance of Firefly illusion engineer team, Cameron quick stroke southwest cinema city an open area, started the earlier plan. 萤火虫旗下梦幻工程师团队的协助下,卡梅隆很快在影城西南角划出了一块空地,开始了前期规划。 For makes a more detailed transformation to the RMS Titanic model, Cameron even applied for a 10 million USD fund. If were in the past, for this kind of project spent the 10 million USD great sum of money, the company definitely will not agree that but this time, even if were once with Katzenberg that Cameron did not cope with, has authorized without hesitation. 为了对泰坦尼克号模型内部进行更加详细的改造,卡梅隆甚至申请了一笔1000万美元的资金。如果是以往,为了这样一个项目花掉1000万美元巨款,公司肯定是不会同意的,但这次,哪怕是曾经与卡梅隆不太对付的卡森伯格,也毫不犹豫地批准了下来。 Although the group many people do not favor the «RMS Titanic» subject display this project, but at present, in front of the «RMS Titanic» Box Office miracle, the company will not care about again multi- flowered 10 million USD. 虽然集团内部也有很多人不太看好《泰坦尼克号》主题展览这个项目,但眼下,在《泰坦尼克号》的票房奇迹面前,公司根本不会在乎再多花这1000万美元 Even if the future subject display effect is not quite good, but this project becomes Firefly cinema city will have the cultural symbol of commemorative significance as before. 270 meters steamship model, is almost in the cinema city four times of biggest movie studio, in anybody opinion, this kind of landmark, is very powerful. 就算未来的主题展览效果不太好,但这个项目依旧会成为萤火虫影城内部的一个非常有纪念意义的文化标志。270米长的大船模型,几乎是影城内最大摄影棚的四倍,在任何人看来,这样一个标志性建筑,都是非常有震撼力的。 Eric in the morning then with girl together, in cinema city that piece did not have in any feature open area to listen to Cameron to describe own plan, the RMS Titanic modeling material ships back after Mexico, Cameron not only wants in internal establishment dining room, exhibition hall and other spaces, even also wants to return to original state the scene that in the majority of movies presents. 艾瑞克上午便和丫头一起,在影城那片还没有任何眉目的空地上听卡梅隆描绘自己的计划,泰坦尼克号的模型材料从墨西哥运回之后,卡梅隆不但想要在内部设置餐厅、展厅等空间,甚至还想要将大部分影片里出现的场景还原出来。 Very obviously, although the producuction process has burnt down 200 million multi- USD, but many tentative plans in Cameron heart cannot present as in the movie, this subject display project became he has made up for the regrettable channel. 很显然,虽然制作过程烧掉了两亿美元,但卡梅隆心中的很多设想依旧没能在电影里呈现出来,这个主题展览项目就成了他弥补遗憾的渠道。 Except for «RMS Titanic», «Red Alert» of Kathryn manufacture was accepted many Oscar nominations similarly, arranging the related Lord to create to attend the business of presentation ceremony to have the company specialist to be responsible, Eric and Messer have treated in the Firefly cinema city to afternoon five o'clock, afterward, Cameron wife Linda Hamilton since they situated in the Beverly Hills Manor family/home in catch up, Eric is leading the girl and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron together, rushes to the Los Angeles City Center sacred citizen auditorium. 除了《泰坦尼克号》,凯瑟琳制作的《红色警戒》同样入围了多项奥斯卡提名,安排相关主创参加颁奖典礼的事务自有公司专人负责,艾瑞克和卡梅塞一直在萤火虫影城待到下午五点钟,随后,卡梅隆的妻子琳达汉密尔顿从他们位于比弗利山庄的家里赶过来,艾瑞克才带着丫头和卡梅隆夫妇一起,赶往洛杉矶市中心的神圣公民大礼堂。 Sits in the luxurious saloon car, Eric lowers the head to read magazine bored, side puts on a girl of pale blue formal clothes to paste the glass to look around toward the front, then has turned around, said: Eric, you just noted, Jim and Linda almost did not have anything to exchange.” 坐在豪华的房车里,艾瑞克无聊地低头翻看着一本杂志,旁边穿着一身淡蓝色礼服的丫头贴着车窗朝前方探头探脑一番,然后转过身,道:“艾瑞克,你刚刚注意到了没有,吉姆琳达几乎没什么交流了呢。” Eric is certainly impossible not to pay attention, in fact, Cameron and Linda the Hamilton sentiment had already had problems, now lacks a divorce the turning point. 艾瑞克当然不可能注意不到,实际上,卡梅隆琳达汉密尔顿的感情早就出问题了,现在只是缺少一个离婚的契机而已。 Just, in this time «RMS Titanic» shoots process, the Cameron once fifth wife Susie Amis has not participated in shoots, Eric not to the wicked interest that others bring both sides together, therefore, Cameron and Linda Hamilton also will again perhaps assemble for several years, will divorce. 只不过,这一次的《泰坦尼克号拍摄过程中,卡梅隆曾经的第五任妻子苏茜・艾米斯并没有参与拍摄,艾瑞克也没有给别人牵线搭桥的恶趣味,因此,卡梅隆琳达汉密尔顿或许还会再凑合几年,才会离婚。 When did you start to care about this matter?” Eric does not lift speaks thoughtlessly to ask. “你什么时候开始关心起这种事情了?”艾瑞克头也不抬地随口问道。 Curious,” girl was saying, suddenly slightly sighed, somewhat the hidden bitterness, said very much: Why can't the man like a woman?” “只是好奇嘛,”丫头说着,突然小小地叹息了一下,很有几分幽怨,道:“为什么男人就不能一直喜欢一个女人呢?” Although girl's unfaithful act to Eric has shown the manner of carelessly being indifferent, but will have that woman possibly completely to feel relaxed. 虽然丫头对艾瑞克的花心行径一直表现出大大咧咧漠不关心的态度,但又有那个女人真的可能会完全释然呢。 Eric raises unavoidably several points of apology, the subconsciousness starts to make up wild stories: Volume, this was male gene Basic Instinct has decided that if you must get to the root of a matter, must trace the 3.8 billion year ago origin of life probably.” 艾瑞克不免升起几分歉然,下意识开始胡诌:“额,这个是雄性的基因本能决定了,如果你非要寻根究底,大概要追溯到38亿年前的生命起源。” Notes the Eric awkward appearance, the girl hee has smiled, held a hand of Eric to rub rubbing on the tender cheek, placed the mouth to nip gently, said: Eric, I know that you care about me very much.” 注意到艾瑞克尴尬的模样,丫头嘻嘻笑了起来,拉过艾瑞克的一只手在柔嫩的脸蛋上蹭了蹭,又放在嘴边轻轻咬了下,道:“艾瑞克,我知道你很在乎我呢。” Eric is thick the facial skin saying: Although this is the fact, but, you can look, I am very gratified.” 艾瑞克厚着脸皮道:“虽然这是事实,不过,你能看出来,我还是很欣慰的。” Hehe,” girl continues to smile, explained on own initiative: Because you never touch Natasha they.” “呵呵,”丫头继续笑着,主动解释道:“因为你从来不碰娜塔莎她们。” In turn the small hand who Eric grips the girl has pinched pinching, said with a smile: Actually, I am feared that they hit me.” 艾瑞克反过来握住丫头的小手捏了捏,笑道:“其实吧,我是怕她们打我。” You clearly know them unable.” “你明知道她们不会。” They by have been together gentle moment, the vehicle drives into the street that University of Southern California nearby sacred citizen auditorium is at quickly. 两人靠在一起温存了片刻,车子很快驶入南加大附近神圣公民大礼堂所在的街道。 Under the arrangement of Oscar organizer staff, has stopped slightly the moment, the vehicle sails to the Oscar red carpet entrance slowly, outside has heard the warm cheers faintly, should be Mr. and Mrs. Cameron appears on red carpet. 奥斯卡主办方工作人员的安排下,稍微停顿了片刻,车子缓缓驶向奥斯卡红毯入口,外面已经隐隐传来热烈的欢呼声,应该是卡梅隆夫妇出现在了红毯上。 Eric first gets out, changes to the saloon car other one side, is drawing the small hand of girl, they step red carpet together. 艾瑞克首先下车,转到房车另外一边,拉着丫头的小手,两人一起踏上红毯 The recent two years, Eric appears in public front number of times are getting fewer and fewer, dispute that but, as a result of the influence of multiple status, in addition a while ago «Forbes» magazine brought, his popularity did not have any trend of drop, just marched into red carpet, the both sides movie fans then exuded the intermittent cheers. Across the media zone time, media reporter's response is more intense, in order to shoots to the effect is better picture, even has neglected the usual rule completely, was shouting loudly Eric their name, hopes that they can stay a while. 最近两年,艾瑞克出现在公众面前的次数越来越少,不过,由于身上多重身份的影响力,再加上前段时间《福布斯杂志带来的争议,他的知名度丝毫没有任何下降的趋势,刚刚步入红毯,两侧的影迷便发出阵阵欢呼声。穿过媒体区时,媒体记者的反应更加激烈,为了能够拍到效果更好一些的照片,甚至完全忽略了通常的规则,大声喊着艾瑞克两人的名字,希望他们能够多停留一会儿。 Eric completely has not disregarded actually the enthusiasms of these people, hugs the waist of girl to stay the moment slightly, is looking at the scene with a smile, after a crazy flashing light, Eric leads the girl to continue, the ABC TV Station live transmission scene quickly have also swept. 艾瑞克倒是没有完全无视这些人的热情,搂着丫头的腰肢稍微停留片刻,含笑望着镜头,一阵疯狂的闪光灯后,艾瑞克才带着丫头继续前行,ABC电视台的直播镜头也很快扫了过来。 Eric looks that not far away is accepting the interview Cameron, asks nearby Drew: Wanted to go forward to say two?” 艾瑞克看着不远处正在接受采访的卡梅隆,笑着问旁边的德鲁:“想要上前说两句吗?” The girls said with a smile: They definitely hope that you come up, I am only join in the fun.” 丫头笑道:“他们肯定更希望你上去啊,我只是来凑热闹的。” Then front on consider as finished, we go directly,” Eric was saying, sees staff who ABC is responsible for the program director to give the hand signal of inquiry toward him, therefore shakes the head slightly. “那就算了,我们直接去前面吧,”艾瑞克说着,见ABC负责导播的一位工作人员朝他做着询问的手势,于是微微摇头。 Although wants to be accepted several interviews by own Boss very much, after all, Eric a period of time topic is high, even if chatted several immaterial matters at will, definitely will attract a wave of viewing ratio. However, since Eric rejection, does not have anybody to dare reluctantly Boss, the scene have swept in their two people, quickly seeks for the next goal. 虽然很想让自己老板上去接受几句采访,毕竟,艾瑞克最近一段时间的话题度非常高,哪怕是随意聊几句无关紧要的事情,也肯定会吸引一波收视率。不过,既然艾瑞克拒绝,也就没有任何人敢勉强自家老板,镜头在他们两人身上扫了一圈,就很快寻找起下一个目标。 Across the ABC interview area, arrives at the red carpet end the crowd collect area. 穿过ABC的采访区,来到红毯尽头的人群聚集区。 Eric and Drew just appeared in the red carpet end, the massive vision then gather, the person who some winds ripe also walks to greet. 艾瑞克德鲁刚刚出现在红毯尽头,大量目光便汇聚过来,一些熟络的人也走过来打招呼。 First what welcomed was «Shakespeare in Love» dramatic team Harvey Weinstein and Julia and the others, because of the «RMS Titanic» powerful, «Shakespeare in Love» this time attained the award item the possibility to be very small, the bilateral relations were close, Miramax was impossible to use certain special method forcefully public relations. Therefore after Golden Globe Award, attains the Oscar nomination, the Miramax aspect to avoid the senseless consumption of resources, simply agily totally gives up the award item public relations very much, as a result of this type to prize strategy, Julia this time not too possibly again like once Gwyneth Paltrow, takes best Heroine. 首先迎过来的是《莎翁情史》剧组哈维韦恩斯坦茱莉亚等人,因为《泰坦尼克号》的强势,《莎翁情史》这次拿到奖项的可能性很小,双方关系紧密,米拉麦克斯也不可能使用某些特别手段强行公关。于是在金球奖之后,拿到奥斯卡提名,米拉麦克斯方面为了避免无谓的资源消耗,很干脆利索地彻底放弃奖项公关,由于这种冲奖策略,茱莉亚这次也不太可能再像曾经的格温妮丝帕特洛那样,拿下最佳女主角 So far, «Shakespeare in Love» North America Box Office is more than 60 million USD, and did not have many staminas, achieves the previous life North America Box Office broken hundred million good achievements very much difficultly again. However, because this is an artistic film reason, what Julia signature is the salary awards marks the contract that only took the 3 million USD low salary, the cost of movie is also only 25 million finally, only depended on North America Box Office, Miramax slightly has gained one, do not say late overseas Box Office and recording tape and other incomes. 到目前为止,《莎翁情史》的北美票房6000多万美元,并且已经没有了多少后劲,很难再达到前世北美票房破亿的好成绩。不过,由于这是一部艺术片的缘故,茱莉亚签署的是片酬加分成的合约,只拿了300万美元的低薪,电影的成本最终也只有2500万,仅靠北美票房,米拉麦克斯就已经小赚了一笔,更不要说后期的海外票房和录像带等收益。 Eric has held Julia, sees her subconsciousness to the chin knock on own shoulder, on the slender waist that hastily in her black formal clothes wrap pinched pinching, Julia came soberly, somewhat embarrassed let loose Eric. 艾瑞克抱了抱茱莉亚,见她下意识要将下巴磕在自己肩膀上,连忙在她黑色礼服包裹的纤腰上捏了捏,茱莉亚清醒过来,有些不好意思地放开艾瑞克 Harvey as if completely has not seen Julia just malpractice, has grasped starting with Eric with a laugh, said: Perhaps Eric, I should congratulate you ahead of time.” 哈维似乎完全没有看到茱莉亚刚刚的失态,笑呵呵地与艾瑞克握了下手,道:“艾瑞克,或许我应该提前恭喜你了。” Eric said modestly: Always early, who knows that the Oscar appraisal committees can have other thoughts.” 艾瑞克谦虚道:“总是早了一些,谁知道奥斯卡评委们会不会动其他心思呢。” No,” Harvey does not shake the head very much assuredly, said: Perhaps the past big hot movie will present some accidents, but this time, the Oscar organization committee does not know how absolutely should choose.” “不,不不,”哈维很是笃定地摇头,道:“或许以往的大热影片会出现些许变故,但这次绝对不会,奥斯卡组委会知道该怎么选择。” Hopes so,” Eric nods, has hinted toward the nearby, said: That, after our presentation ceremony said goodbye, you should go to Vanity Fair party?” “但愿如此,”艾瑞克点头,朝附近示意了下,道:“那么,我们颁奖典礼后再见,你应该会去名利场派对的吧?” Un, about a next year movie, I under and others exactly and several Actor contacts, they came today,” Harvey nodded, knows that many people are also waiting for and Eric greet, speed way: Was right, Eric, the «hei Family» viewing ratio is getting better and better, perhaps we should find time to chat the matter of below self-made play.” “嗯,关于明年的一部影片,我等下恰好和几位演员接触一下,他们今天都过来了,”哈维点了点头,知道很多人还等着和艾瑞克打招呼,又快速道:“对了,艾瑞克,《黒道家族》的收视率越来越好,或许我们应该抽空聊聊下部自制剧的事情。” Naturally, my following several days should have free time.” “当然,我接下来几天应该都有空。” Chatted several, Eric led the girl to change other people, Firefly two movies obtained the massive nominations this year, separately was «RMS Titanic» and «Red Alert», but, many people were clear, although this splendid movie were many, but the majority can only accompany to run eventually, «RMS Titanic» almost can determine that has locked the majority of Oscar young metal statue. 聊了几句,艾瑞克带着丫头转向其他人,萤火虫今年有两部影片获得了大量提名,分别是《泰坦尼克号》和《红色警戒》,不过,很多人都非常清楚,这一届出色影片虽然不少,但大部分终究只能陪跑,《泰坦尼克号》几乎可以确定已经锁定了大部分奥斯卡小金人。 Kathryn already has attained best Director by «Saving Private Ryan», this time also appears very indifferent. The women wear one set of black fibroin beam long skirt, the stature even more appears tall and slender, stands when the feeling in the crowd quite somewhat liking a crane among chickens, Eric walks, Kathryn with «Red Alert» screenwriter Terrence Malick was chatting anything, seemed a new movie, Eric inquired about that the woman said a word as if somewhat is careless. 凯瑟琳已经凭借《拯救大兵瑞恩》拿到了最佳导演,这次也显得非常淡然。女人穿着一套黑色的丝质束腰长裙,身材愈发显得高挑,站在人群中颇有几分鹤立鸡群的感觉,艾瑞克走过来时,凯瑟琳正在和《红色警戒编剧泰伦斯马力克聊着什么,似乎是一部新电影,艾瑞克问及,女人言语间却似乎有些漫不经心。 After short conversation, Eric has dealt with several natives of Poland, then moves toward the «RMS Titanic» dramatic team, has hung in Eric girl peacefully from just started, on the face is hanging inexplicably the happy expression, is short idle while Eric, gathers near his ear to say low voice: Eric, did you coax her go to bed?” 短暂交谈后,艾瑞克又应付了几波人,然后走向《泰坦尼克号》剧组,一直安静挂在艾瑞克身旁的丫头从刚刚开始,脸上就挂着莫名地笑意,趁着艾瑞克短暂空闲下来,小声凑到他耳边道:“艾瑞克,你把她哄上床了?” Eric asked something already known: Who?” 艾瑞克明知故问:“谁啊?” Hehe, she just looked at my look is very interesting.” “呵呵,她刚刚看我的眼神可是很有意思呢。” Eric recalled, had not actually realized that Kathryn had any difference a moment ago, even had not felt that Kathryn has to look crosses to the girl, therefore asked: How I have not felt.” 艾瑞克回忆了下,却没有察觉凯瑟琳刚才有什么异样,甚至没感觉凯瑟琳有看向丫头过,于是问道:“我怎么没感觉出来。” Because you is a man, this matter, is among our women is certainly more sensitive,” girl smiles, is very assured, said: She was jealous.” “因为你是男人啊,这种事情,当然是我们女人之间更加敏感一些呢,”丫头笑着,很是笃定,道:“她吃醋了。” How possible, do not speak irresponsibly.” “怎么可能,不要乱说。” Eric interrupts the words of girl, the after fluttering flags of Australian that giving up halfway, at the end of last year, Eric also very much purely invited Kathryn to have several food, the woman disposition is too strong, Eric does not think the offensive beautiful woman, both sides' relations again have not had any substantial progress. 艾瑞克打断丫头的话,澳洲那次半途而废的旖旎之后,去年年底,艾瑞克也只是很纯粹地邀请凯瑟琳吃过几顿饭,女人性格太强势,艾瑞克也不想唐突佳人,双方的关系就没再有什么实质性进展。 Because has not attained the best actor to nominate, small plum time one such as once, very much proud refused to attend the presentation ceremony, the dramatic team has not forced, Eric has not meddled this matter, even is happy. After all, the next 20 years, have lacked the stem of small plum and Oscar, this Hollywood will lack many pleasure. 因为没有拿到最佳男主角提名,小李子这次一如曾经,很傲娇地拒绝出席颁奖典礼,剧组也没有勉强,艾瑞克更没有插手这件事,甚至乐见其成。毕竟,未来20年,缺少了小李子与奥斯卡的梗,这好莱坞将会缺少多少乐趣啊。 Although the small plum has not come, but the «RMS Titanic» dramatic team as before is in the crowd most conspicuous one group of people, everybody one exchanged greetings, the presentation ceremony approached starts, entered the assembly hall in abundance. 虽然小李子没有来,但《泰坦尼克号》剧组依旧是人群中最显眼的一拨人,大家一番寒暄,颁奖典礼临近开始,纷纷进入礼堂。 Seven o'clock, in sacred citizen auditorium, Billy the Chris request stands in the RMS Titanic model bow, appears in the stage slowly, but also studies in the movie the appearance of small plum to send out several to shout that the happy feeling is full. 七点钟,神圣公民大礼堂内,比利・克里斯托站在泰坦尼克号模型船头,缓缓出现在舞台上,还学着影片中小李子的模样发出几声喊,喜感十足。 In warm applause, Billy the Chris request moves toward the stage center, spreads out the hand to look is holding over a thousand people of auditoriums, said: Well, good evening everybody, welcome to Titanic, we are very big, is very expensive, all people hope that we can a bit faster, then, now, our start.” 热烈的掌声中,比利・克里斯托走向舞台中央,摊开手望着容纳上千人的大礼堂,道:“Well,大家晚上好,欢迎来到泰坦尼克,我们很大,很贵,所有人都希望我们能够快点,那么,现在,我们这就开始吧。” In musical sound, Billy Chris held the symbolic beginning song string fever to make a sound. 音乐声中,比利・克里斯托标志性的开场歌曲串烧响了起来。
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